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Escorte Marasesti

Cele mai sexy escorte din Marasesti sunt aici pe Intra si tu!
Pavel Andreea
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

Sunt o tana ambitioasa,iubitoare,doarnica de a cunoastecun partener de viata,de preferinta de origine straina! Sunt o persoana educata,chiar daca nu am o facultate.Am creat cursuri de stil componenta interioara si am mestesiugit in ultimii 8 ani intr-un birou de arhitectura . Am lucrat in proiectare ca tehnician proiectant (proiectare constructii-civile )) Imi plac florile, natura, excursiile.Sunt o gospodina buna. Imi place sa gatesc . Imi place viata de familie.Partenerul pe care il vor langa mine as prefera sa fie vaduv, cu ganduri serioase si sa ne ajutam reciproc. Am permis de conducere auto de 34 de ani, schimbat recent.
Placut,corp bine lucrat,pentru mai numeroase detali pe CHAT!
Un bardat serios dornic de a avea o relatie si de a ma intretine
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Femeie, 20, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

imi plac oamenii sinceri............... carora sa nu le fie teama de ceia ce sunt Te rog NU trimite measaj daca locuiesti in Romania sau esti in USA fara acte. Multumesc! Attractive, romantic, no kids, outgoing, honest, low maintenance looking for similar for dancing, fun walking, boating, movies and all life can offer.
te las sa ma descoperi
cat mai multi prieteni
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Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

fff sexy nebunatica pritenoasa nu prea stiu ce sa spun despre mine decat ca ma consider perechea perfecta ptr aproape absolut orice barbat singur I have a very creative personality. I am a big dreamer but I also do a lot of things to make my dreams come true. I am very communicative, I have changed a few countries already where I have lived for a while and I think I can adapt to a new place easily. I am an active, cheerful, purposeful,responsive woman. I love life and a very positive person. I have a good sense of humor. I am a joyful person and love to bring joy into lives of people who surround me. I appreciate friendship and respect their wishes and opinions.
fara celulita sani mari nici obeza nici slabanoaga sunt potrivita
poate imi fac si un iubit
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

draguta.plina de viata si dornica Nu o sa uit ceea ce sunt.../O sa ajung ceea ce visez.../O sa iubesc ce-mi place.../O sa uit ceea ce ma doare.../Nu o sa iert ceea ce mi se greseste.../O sa fiu buna cu cine rea cu cine trebuie
draguta foc (dupa cum vedeti):))
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

Sunt o persoana serioasa, putin plictisitoare, egoista , interesanta Am intelligent, athletic, warm,sensuous woman at heart. I love the outdoors, the ocean and the change of seasons. Am a romantic to the core...finding that aparte man to get to know and share life with is what I truly seek. I'm adventurous and enjoy weekend getaways. But I also love spending time at home, relaxing by the pool, reading, cooking and listening to classical music. Am easy going, and straight forward about my feelings for the special person. A fun-loving woman who cherishes friends and family.
Caut o persoana care are valori morale, principii si intelect, simtul umorului, capacitatea de a bine dispune, un suflet rational, si o persoana educata deasemenea.
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

Ce furnizeaza dragostea? Transmite batai de inima si dureri de cap!!! Important este sa stii sa te ridici dupe ce viata te-a doborat.Dar viata uneori nu lupta perfect si te loveste cu ce are mai puternic,atunci revenirea este tare grea,dar nu imposibila.Trebuie sa ai un aliat puternic.."SPERANTA"
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Ank Shmecheritza
Poze verificate
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

Sometimes you feel you're nothing at all,and that's all you'll ever be. You study all your defects. An empty life is all you see. Instead of looking at what you haven't got.Seeing only what you like. Focus on your blessings,and get right back on track.There are many good things about being you. Count them one by one. Your life has lots of comforts. While others, they have none. Many people have it much,much worse.Yet, they have happiness. They take joy in little things They're thankful, though they have less.Lift your spirits up right now.Get out of that depression.Find your thankful self,and give it full expression. Find the joy in little things. Focus on fun and laughter. See life's blessings all around,and live happily ever after!
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania If I will describe myself like a complet woman it won't be right! But I can say, that I am optimistic person and I am realist of course. If I have a dream I always do steps to achieve this dream. I am merry and cheerful person. I like to keep everything in order and I am a bit like a perfectionist. But the wish of my MAN is the most important for me. I am full of warmth to share. Just take it!
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

pai sunt destul de admirata:)) sunt o fata simpla modesta nus materialista am o complicatie de sanatate ma tratez am epilepsie caut un baiat sincer onest si sa incerce sa ma cunoasca candva sa traga concluzi NU VREAU AVENTURA .VREAU CEVA STABIL BAZAT PE RESPECT !!! sunt o fata serioasa si hotarata.ROG SERIOZITATE CEI CU AVENTURI NU DORESC.
sexy si agreabila
caut un mascul
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

Buna :* Sunt o blonda simpatica in cautare de un barbat inimos cu beneficii reciproce SUNT O PERSOANA SINCERA, DE INCREDERE, IN CAUTAREA UNEI RELATII SERIOASE, DE LUNGA DURATA, BAZATA PE SINCERITATE, INCREDERE SI RESPECT RECIPROC, SI SENTIMENTE FRUMOASE.. Cei care doresc doar aventuri , sa nu insiste cu mesaje, nu ma intereseaza acest tip de persoane!
Blonda, par lung, aspect placut, 1,63 inaltime
Caut un barbat pentru o prietenie cu beneficii reciproce
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Ana Tode
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

Iubesc pictura ma fascineaza masinile de teren Traim intr-o lume falsa iar ipocrizia lor ne face sa fugim de lucrurile atat de frumoase si naturale care erau odata si odata tot ceea ce conta pentru noi. Rautatea lor ne face sa devenim fricosi in a cunoaste o noua persoana care poate ar putea fi persoana care o cautam de atata timp. Ajungem sa purtam zeci de masti pentru a ne feri sufletul de acele suflete "diabolice". Uitam sa mai fim noi ca sa nu mai avem de suferit! Pacat ca in loc sa ne revenim, ne scufundam sufletele in noroi!!Vreau sa cunosc un blondut cu ochii verzi sau albastrii .Daca esti tu astept sa necunoastem .Vreau o relatie serioasa...Din nu stiu ce vreau nu acept!!!Chiar vreau o relatie de aproape nu la distanta .Și stie ce vrea de la viata !Cine imi face un bebelus? ??
Un alura fizic usor
Un mascul simplu plin de viata
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

draguta As they say, everything should be beautiful in a beautiful lady. It seems to me, the real beauty consists of harmonic connection of soul richness, moral clearance and only after these ones of the physical appealing to the partner. In other words, appearance is only our outside dress. The real and natural beauty is inside of our soul - somewhere deep in the soul and it reflects in the eyes. I will not describe myself cause it seems to me that the really interesting lady will be noticed by the deeds and modesty and slight enigma, wonat she? But in a few words I can tell you that I am a person with a strong will, serious, reasonable, and reliable but at the same time I am kind-hearted, attentive and friendly.
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

HAIOASA About my hobbies. I like to sing, write poems, listening to music and dancing to the beat, swimming, playing Basketball, watching TV, Movies going to GYM and comedies. I love friends and family, I am a fun person and make friends easily. I am a person who is very real when it comes to life and it's issues. Am honest, kind caring, affectionate, good sense of humor, easy going, free thinker, trustworthy and respect the lives of other people.
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

I am really wondering how you are doing! Hello, dear gentleman, who is reading my profile right now. I want to be direct from the very beginning. I do not want to lose time in writing millions of messages. My goal is very simple and clear. I want to find soulmate and husband as soon as possible. I am busty, sexy, passionate, serious and very honest woman. Do you see me as your possible future wife? I think I can be wonderful wife in future!
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Femeie, 41, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

Sunt asa cum sunt! Iam looking for serious relationship here, as I am choosing the mate of my life! I hope to meet sweet, reliable, caring man and wonderful person in general. Knowing myself I can say that I often pay attention at a manas eyes. I hope you have kind eyes and will show me your wide smile when we meet.
Destul de placut! :))
Citeste in profilul meu.
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Femeie, 39, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

sunt o fire sociabila,imi place sa imi fac cat mai multi prieteni,nu suport minciuna si falsitatea. When I cook, I think that I am great housewife, when dressed and look at mirror, I am the most sexy and beautiful ,friends tell me I am shining of humor! So when I am with you i want be the most happiest person ! I Make friends with those who are - friends, I want make love with those who able touch my heart! consider doar simpatica!
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Femeie, 53, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

draguta,sincera...sociabila Daca ai intrat pe profilul meu si nu esti un om sincer si cu bun simt iesi in liniste si cauta in continuare ceea ce iti poftesti ,cine sunt eu? un om normal ranit ptr ca a iertat prea mult, un om care a suportat multe nedreptati din cauza bunatatii ,ce imi doresc? o relatie bazata pe respect incredere si iubire atit
....seriozitate,prietenie...respect ...
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Dya Damiela
Femeie, 40, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

Sono una ragazza dolce I like listening to music and i like swimming,camping,shopping,reading,and even dance too, because music is really part of my life and i can't do without listening to music in a day. And my kind of music is Gospel R$B with Country and Opera. I love music a lot and i have well over 1,300 cds made of RnB. i like to go running 4 miles. i like to watch Tv....go to movies. i draw a cartoon strip i began when i was 10. i like to be outside. I like shopping.I like nature,camping in tent for vacation.
Sono carina
I omini generosi pronti per divertirsi...
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Femeie, 61, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

simpla,comunicativa,cu simtul umorului It is not a lot of about itself: my name Olga, I live to Russia, my city Kirov, it not big, but very beautiful, At me light hair which you can see in a photo, I have not big growth, I have finished University, and work now in library, I love books, and very strongly I like to read, I could not find the love, here, in the homeland, to the poet I have decided to visit this site of acquaintances, To try to find love, about a bark I so a long time dream, I am very strong the lonely girl, I have not enough friends, I live with my parents, I work much to help them. I love reading books, novels, a fantezie detectives, still I love navigation, but on it at me not so It is a lot of time, still I like to walk in the street, easier to sit in park, and to read books, I have got used To loneliness, and now I want that my life has changed, I have no children, but I very strongly love them, and very strongly I wish to have the children. I search for the kind, fair person, only not mere words, Which is capable for me of the big step in the life which can understand me, and can can grow fond, for me the age does not matter, we in Russia have a saying that I love all age are obedient. Therefore I search for love, I do not smoke and I do not drink, I have no bad habits, and consequently At me good health. It is not a lot of walks along the street, and you the happiest)) if I are interesting to you, That I shall be happy to read your message. Only any games and to not offer sex. I not the girl Easy character, that dont sent to you intim photos. At me they are not present, can not ask at all. I think that it is only small part about me if you wish to know about me more write to me.
o iubita normala
un barbat sincer,comunicativ,cu simtul umorului
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dumitru mari
Femeie, 64, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

sunt gospodina,fak tot felul de mancaruri gustoase si pun si suflet,agricultura,curatenie,imi place sa ma distrez,imi place sa calatoresc pe la munte,mare imi place sa merg la statiuni cu familia. I am a woman who is full of life, honest, romantic, loving, caring, understanding, easy going, neat, hardworking, with a big heart and God Fearing.. My hobbies are, Swimming, shopping, playing chess, watching movies and reading. I am smart, charming, and sociable by nature, with good sense of humor I am a kind , decent and faithful person, I'm also tender and caring who i want to meet. I am looking for a good friend and soul mate whom is ready for a serious relationship. I poza my future life time partner as honest, sincere, responsible, interesting and share some of my interest... I want to find a good, reliable, honest man, a good company that i can be with and will never get bored. I hope he will be caring and loving... I want my perfect partner to be handsome and intelligent, caring and loving, I really aim to find a man who'd be calm and understanding, who'd be ready to fulfill my sometimes crazy ideas, be ready to get involved in their embodiment and to take me as I am... I'd like to meet a kind, purposeful, serious, affectionate, self-confident man, who wants to meet his real love
par roscat,ochi caprui inaltimea 160 cm greutate 65 kg silueta.,
caut un mascul intr-o relatie seroasa si de casatorie,sa nu le aiba cu alcolul sa fie gospodar, fara copii sau poate si cu copii
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Femeie, 61, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

Sunt o persoana draguta,de incredere cu bun simt, nu imi place minciuna o detest ... cam atat despre mine deocamdata i wear my huge heart and soul on my sleeve, i am funny and love to laugh and make others laugh too. i am smart, faithful and honest.probably the most compassionate person you will ever meet. my music taste is classic, big bang jazz , i sing best in the shower or in my car with the volume set high, but i have also karaoke and had fun. i like watching sports hockey and football mostly Chicago black hawk, movies, cooking and trying seeing new things am impressed that you read profile not just base on picture thanks.
se observa in poza
Caut o persoana de incredere,fara vicii,cu forma placut si cu personalitate buna deocamdata ....
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

Dragutza...Sociabila>> restu va las pe voi sa descoperiti ;)) Femela este simbolul frumusetii si a puritatii, ce ajuta inima unui mascul sa fie perfecta si impreuna cu sotul sa calauzeasca tainele iubirii spre infinit. Sotia este cea care da nastere la vise, iluzii, gelozii, drame gasite in cele mai mici lucruri, este cea care adora sa fie ascultata, sa fie iubita, sa ii poarte cineva de grija.
1.60 inaltime , par brunet, ochi albastri etc
sa-mi fac prieteni ..
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Femeie, 43, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

sunt o fata sensibila,finuta,draguta. I am what a good man deserve. I know we have lots of good men out there, but am looking for just one that would be mine and see himself as mine only. I am compassionate, loving, naughty, caring , affectionate and not scared to love again. The only unconditional love I had ever known was that of my parents. My father used to tell me that , theres a man for me out there. Honesty, trust , loyalty, faithfulness and commitment and healthy relationship is what I seek out there. I am now embarking on the journey of finding love and I have chosen to seek a partner online for the first time.
arat f place sa ma laud..
un barbat serios, care sa-mi fac o cereti am! multumesc tuturor celor care au inteles!
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Deny Denise
Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

Lady culta,serioasa,educata, apentru a nu ma mai intreba ce caut... caut celalalt fluture cu aripa franta, luna cu jumatate de chip, soarele fara o raza, lumina orbita de dragoste, un gest oprit la jumatate, un cerc imperfect, un zambet pe o margine de vis, un suflet ciobit si adunat intr-o incercare de cantec nou...a
inalta,cu configuratii bine conturate
Caut prieten cu beneficiu serios,dragut,educat
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

blonda sexi I love life and see the glass half full. I am always mesmerized by the ocean and want the person I am with to feel a connection also. I love to be fun and spontaneous and enjoy each day finding something joyful to smile about, i am seeking a long term relationship willing to relocate if things work.
un barbat simpatic, nu forte inalt si sincer...
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

Va voi spune pe simplu cam ce`mi place la mine si ce nu! [Ce Imi Place la mine] : Ca sunt unica, originala (in felul meu), cuceritoare, ambitioasa, romantica, creeativa, spontana, sociabila, onesta, sincera, confidenta, prietenoasa, dau sfaturi bune (asa zic prietenii mei). din punctul meu de vedere sunt BUNA :D acuma depinde si de gusturi nu? oricum aspectul fizic nu totalitate...! byeee!
Momentan nu caut nimic stau aici doar asa din oricum adevarata iubire n`o poti gasi pe un site...cel putin asta e parerea mea...! aaa si app cu mesajele alea anonime... :) lasati`va de meserie nu ma intimidati cu mesajele alea de inculti sincer :)
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Femeie, 52, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

I like to smile and laugh, and can be a bit goofy at times. A big kid at heart. I am playful and spontaneous. I tend to be the "caregiver" and am always making sure the people around me are happy and content. I love my kids and being a mom to them. That is one thing that I won't budge on- is my kids
Call me old fashioned- I was raised a pretty "old school" household. My parents are still married after 56 years. They don't make them like my dad anymore! Or do they? I'm not into a text message relationship. I believe speaking on the phone or face to face has more meaning . It's so easy to get in
Someone kind,romantic,passionate,kid loving,generous,loving,caring,respects others,God fearing and everything good a woman could be and a man could ask for
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neagra pisica
Femeie, 49, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

ce poate face o ..... pisicuta neagra? este blinda, dar.....zgirie!!!!!!!!!! ... nu sunt un OM dominant , dar gasesc mereu forta sa ma ridic atunci cand sunt la pamant . Nu am un chip elegant , dar am un suflet bun , iar asta ma face sa eman frumusete si sa arat bine , zic eu . Nu am un trup perfect , dar am o inima care ofera intotdeauna , iubire celor din jur , iar asta coteaza , si sper sa si primesc , in viata . Sunt prea trecuta prin viata , ca sa cred in relati la distanta , asa ca cautati-ma , numai domni din localitate
asa-si-asa micuta!
prieteni, oameni cu simtul am cu cine-mi pierde timpul.
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Femeie, 57, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

Am fost intotdeauna singura. Prietenii mei cei mai buni au fost parintii, in special mama, cateva prietene, cativa oameni buni, si bineinteles Dumnezeu. M-am imbolnavit la 33 de ani de schizofrenie paranoida si depresie pentru ca am iubit mult un barbat care nu m-a iubit.
Sunt inaltuta (166 cm) si extrem grasa (136 de kg). Am parul scurt, grizonat, uneori putin vopsit blond. Am ochii verzi. Merg cam greu si putin aplecata.
As vrea sa am un prieten sincer, care sa respecte si sa inteleaga suferinta fiintelor umane si a tuturor fapturilor vii, sa simta la randul lui nevoia de comunicare si de intelegere, de afectiune si armonie. Daca ar fi sa ma casatoresc vreodata, mi-as dori un sot inalt si o casatorie alba.
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Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

Sunt o fire vorbareata de fel,imi place sa ofer ce primesc ca asa este corect. Iubesc masculii familisti,amuzanti,si cu cei 7 ani de acasa .Daca mii se aprinde becul peste marime il sparg!a️
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Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

Sunt o fire destul de deschisa , in cautare de noi prieteni si de ce nu a sufletului pereche As always I want to thank you for your letter.You know though we stay in correspondence with you for a rather short time,but sometimes it seems to me,that I know you for ages. This is something I have in my mind for my future relationship. So, I hope you agree with me. You know, for me the most important thing in a good relationship must be RESPECT AND LOVE. I think respect is the BASE of all because if as partners we have respect every thing will be OK. For example, with respect, there is sincerity, honesty, care, trust, and love. With respect there is NO betray, not lies, mistrust, and etc. So, we need respect all the time, and everything will be the best,don't you think so?
Dupa parerea multora , arat bine
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Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

Daca iubesti frumosul,nu ma iubi,ptr ca sunt altele mult mai frumoase decat mine......daca iubesti bogatia ,nu ma iubi ,ptr ca sunt altele mult mai bogate decat mine,....daca iubesti IUBIREA, IUBESTE-MA ,ptr ca-ti voi darui toata dragostea pe care nu ai avut-o nicicand si de care ai atata trebuinta rest ..vesela,optimista...te las sa ma cunosti ...
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Femeie, 46, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

frumoasa eleganta restu descopera... Daca iubesti frumosul,nu ma iubi,ptr ca sunt altele mult mai frumoase decat mine......daca iubesti bogatia ,nu ma iubi ,ptr ca sunt altele mult mai bogate decat mine,....daca iubesti IUBIREA, IUBESTE-MA ,ptr ca-ti voi oferi toata dragostea pe care nu ai avut-o nicicand si de care ai atata nevoie rest ..vesela,optimista...te las sa ma cunosti ...
destul de placuta
o relatie serioasa,comunicare etc...
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Femeie, 67, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

e greu....multe defecte.....cateva se mai si convertesc intre ele.... sint o femeie credincioasa de casa familista restul ramine de descoperit nu vreau sa cunosc barbati mai tineri nici aventurieri as dorii sa cunosc un adevarat mascul daca mai exista nu-mi plac fumatorii nici cei care consuma alcool rog seriozitate
eu ma plac, ma plac si altii deci....sunt ok.
ai sa zambesti sau poate nu o sa crezi caut pe EL, barbatul facut pentru mine....poate e o himera, dar sigur e o himera frumoasa si mie, imi face tare bine aceasta cautare
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

Sunt o persoana linistita,sensibila,sincera. Building a relationship based on love, trust, mutual shared values, mutual respect and perhaps appreciation is my priority. This is the type of connection which involves a blending of the energy fields of two people in a very harmonious way. I desire to feel that unique closeness with my future partner, when there will be no topics that we could not discuss, where understanding would reign and we would solve any difficulties easily, respecting each other as individuals and caring of each other's feelings. It will surely result in more fulfilling life.
Sunt o femeie normala
Vreau sa-mi fac prieteni
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Monica Tanase
Femeie, 47, Casatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

Muzica. i am 34 years old i can speak Good English i am honest serious hard worker . i like music dance swimming travel read Cook restaurant, i like a man who like to be with is wife in is free time i am here for serious not for those who are playing game please if you are one of them i beg you don't atingere me because i want something serious and honest .
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

o fire optimista,intotdeauna cu zambetul pe buze.Imi plac oamenii sinceri! "Life is too short to drink a bad wine!"'s the same with men and is too short to spend it with the wrong person. I am here only for the special one...if there is any men like this on this site...About me...someone said this better in a famous movie : "I have a head for business and a body for pleasure" :))...I hate stupid people and lazy men. Be smart if you want to impress me!!!
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

bruneta,ochi caprui a te indragostii e cand ea adoarme in bratele tale si se trezeste in visele tale!! Cand vezi c-apare luna si stelele lucesc... sa stii ca-ntotdeauna eu am sa te iubesc... iar daca noaptea-i aspra si nu e nici o stea... n-ai sa stii nicicand ca esti dragostea mea... tu pt mine esti viata, chiar de suntem departe.. As frange timpul, spatiul si tot ce ne desparte.. Dar asteptand lumina in seara ma scufund.. si ma ridic iar ziua doar cu tine-n gand!!! Life is greater than death.. but love is bigger than both!!!!
depinde ce mi se furnizeaza
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

Sunt o fire nebunatica si imi place sa traiesc fiecare clipa. I am a fun loving person. I love to try new things and believe that everything happens for a reason. I enjoy photography and learning about new cultures and different walks of life. Snorkeling is a passion, along with swimming.
Masculii intorc mereu capul dupa mine.
Barbatul tandru, generos, inalt, destept si cu bani.
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

buna si nebuna I'm a girl which perfectly blends beauty, nature and the creative feminine coquetry. You can experience with me pleasant moments and joy of communicating and being. For my beloved will not be barriers in the knowledge of my essence.
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Femeie, 39, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

sunt o persoana care stie ce vrea de la viata Sunt o persoana educata, inteligenta, vesela, optimista, draguta, dornica de a cunoaste un om bun la suflet, cu simtul umorului, generos, destept si politicos, un pic romantic... Pentru a petrece momente minunate impreuna si a ne bucura de viata...
un tip elegant ,destept ca restul...
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania

Sensibila, romantica, prezentabil, educata, sociabila, prietenoasa, cu simtul umorului, draguta, inteligenta. Imi place mult mult sa calatoresc in toata lumea, iubesc natura, florile in special trandafirii.
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