Sunt o tana ambitioasa,iubitoare,doarnica de a cunoastecun partener de viata,de preferinta de origine straina! I am a woman who loves to bring beauty to this world. I like to do cute things for my loved ones and fabricate coziness and keep the family hearth. I keep a healthy lifestyle, don't have bad habits. I think It is impossible to be completely happy if there is no man with whom you can share your secrets. I am looking for an educated, intelligent man who can take care of his family. He should make right and wise decisions, organize family life and be an example to follow for children. Placut,corp bine lucrat,pentru mai numeroase detali pe CHAT! Un bardat serios dornic de a avea o relatie si de a ma intretine
imi plac oamenii sinceri............... carora sa nu le fie teama de ceia ce sunt I'm a cheerful and friendly girl. I always have a good mood and try to be optimist in every situation of life. I like nature and everything that surrounds me. I like smart and interesting people, who have the purpose and can reach it. I like reading, art, I write verses, painting and have a sport. I am fond of psychology and learn foreign languages. Here I am to meet someone who will make my life complete - the man with whom my life will turn upside down : te las sa ma descoperi cat mai multi prieteni
fff sexy nebunatica pritenoasa nu prea stiu ce sa spun despre mine decat ca ma consider perechea perfecta ptr aproape orice barbat singur i never stop being grateful to God for his mercies upon my life and all the experiences that i have been exposed to. I am a fun loving man, jovial, Kind, easy going, lovely and passionate man. I like to have fun, work, travel, Play, and smile. I think of myself as being clever but harmless fara celulita sani mari nici obeza nici slabanoaga sunt potrivita poate imi fac si un iubit
draguta.plina de viata si dornica I am a girl who has a lot of dreams in my little head! And if you really want to know better I can tell you about my dream! I am very optimistic person! I like sport! I like dance! I will be a choreographer! My favorite color is red and my favorite flower is rose! Someone tell me that I am look like a rose! Very tender and sweet! But when someone make me pain I can show my thorns! draguta foc (dupa cum vedeti):))
Sunt o persoana serioasa, putin plictisitoare, egoista , interesanta Hello! My name is Irina. It is not easy for me to write about my personality. I suppose myself as a common person with clasic values. My friends say I am a great optimist with a sense of humor. I think ita��s true. I love life as it is. And always hope for the better! I try to enjoy every clipa I live. And humor helps a lot in different situations. There are so many things Ia��ve never tried before! Ia��d like to learn photography, horse riding, biking and ball dancinga��and may be something more. I love reading. Sometimes it even doesna��t matter what to read. I cana��t poza my life without music as well. My preferences depend on my mood. It can be pop, old disco songs, swing, blues or Tchaickovskya�� I adore flowers, too. Placuta Caut o persoana care are valori morale, principii si intelect, simtul umorului, calitatea de a bine dispune, un suflet rational, si o persoana educata deasemenea.
I am a very open minded person, someone who accepts people as they are, I am a fair individual who adapts to changes in life and enjoys life to the fullest and looking to meet a man that i can spend the rest of my life with
Sunt aici pentru a gasi o relatie serioasa pe care mi-o doresc. Sunt o persoana onesta si directa si caut un barbat serios asemeni mie care sa isi doreasca o relatie bazata pe respect, dragoste si onoare.
I am honest with respect and dignity i don\'t have nothing to hide i am straight forward i say what\'s in my mind. I am not a play girl, I am a woman for just one man. I am just simply looking for the right one and not the perfect. I like to be faithful and loyal am also not rich neither i am poor but what i have to offer to my lovely man is priceless. Sint o persoana optimista imi place sa lupt si sa obtin ceia ce vreau respecto si vreau sa fiu respectata imi plac calatorile si cercu de prieteni nu suport persoanele bolnave de gelozie toate au o limita. ...diferit... ...iubire...
pai sunt destul de admirata:)) Ich bin eine Frau Nett, ehrlich, aufrichtig, aufmerksam, treu, ich möchte echte Gefühle teilen, wendet sich an die positive, die gute Laune und die Empathie. Mit Werten des Respekts, gerechten Teilens und menschlicher Wärme. Ich möchte Menschen mit den gleichen Qualitäten kennenlernen, nicht egoistisch oder skurril, die ihre Vergangenheit gegraben haben und bereit für die Adventszeit sind Gibt es die große Liebe noch? Ich suche immer noch nach der Antwort auf diese Frage, die jeder fragt, aber ich fange an, es leider zu bezweifeln. Wie du wahrscheinlich schon verstanden hast, suche ich nach einer ernsthaften Beziehung und vor allem stabilen ... Wenn für dich Frauen Sammlerstücke sind, danke für das Unterlassen, wie jeder sexy si desfatatoare caut un mascul
Buna :* Sunt o blonda simpatica in cautare de un barbat generos cu beneficii reciproce I am Looking for the right man to share the rest of my life with, I want to be with a wonderful, loving, good-hearted man and am willing to take my time to find the right one. I want to learn all about my partner and what makes his unique, what makes him happy. And of course I desire to please him and make him happy, yet ultimately, I think happiness is each person's own responsibility. So I am willing to love, help and support my partner, but I want him to be responsible for him own well being. And I believe in getting to know each other so you know what the other is thinking & feeling. Blonda, par lung, forma placut, 1,63 inaltime Caut un barbat pentru o prietenie cu beneficii reciproce
Iubesc pictura ma fascineaza masinile de teren EU....CINE SUNT EU??Un punct minuscul in aceasta lume, o fiinta cu sentimente,un om care incearca sa-i dea vietii un rost,un suflet printre milioane de alte suflete.Imi place sinceritatea,romantismul,tot ce e elegant si pur in societatea asta!Cred ca viata reprezinta sa privesti si sa culegi florile prieteniei,atunci cand ele iti apar in cale.ALEGE SA IUBESTI SI NU SA URASTI,sa zidesti si nu sa darami,sa perseverezi si nu sa renunti,sa lauzi si sa nu barfesti,sa vindeci si nu sa ranesti,sa darui si nu sa iei,sa actionezi si nu sa amani,SA IERTI SI NU SA TE RAZBUNI!sa te rogi si nu sa disperi,ALEGE SA-TI FOLOSESTI PUTEREA DE A ALEGE!ADEVARATA BOGATIE A UNUI OM ESTE SUFLETUL SAU!!SA nu legi niciodata prietenie cu omul pe care nu-l poti respecta!Esenta prieteniei este INTEGRITATEA,GENEROZITATEA SI INCREDERA DEPLINA.FERICIREA ESTE o SITUATIE DE SPIRIT AUTOCASTIGATA DE ALEGEREA FACUTA!LA VISUL CARE IL DORESTI,E O CALE ATAT DE LUNGA,CACI VIATA TOATA DE-O TRAIESTI,TE-NTREBI DE-O SA-TI AJUNGA!!!!!!!!!!!! Un aspect fizic placut Un mascul modest plin de viata
draguta Sunt intocmai persoana din profil , am 51 de ani , o fica si 2 nepoti .Din principiu si respect pentru mine , imi vor sa cunosc pe cineva de virsta mea sau apropiat virstei mele . Imi pare rau pentru cei care isi pierd timpul cu mesaje inutile de salut cind nu au nici macar un profil sau o virsta mai mica decit al ficei mele ... placut....
HAIOASA Sant modest eu cu calitatile si defectele mele,cu momentele mele triste si momentele mele vesele,cu vointa mea de a glumi si cu vointa mea de a plange ,cu forza mea si cu fragilitatea mea sant eu,simplu eu VEZI POZE.......DA-TI CU PAREREA!
I would also like to find a like-minded male,open minded as well as down to earth who likes to enjoy life to the fullest,where we can participate in activities together and encourage each other to pursue their interests as well
Va voi spune pe concis cam ce`mi place la mine si ce nu!
[Ce Imi Place la mine] : Ca sunt unica, originala (in felul meu), cuceritoare, ambitioasa, romantica, creeativa, spontana, sociabila, onesta, sincera, confidenta, prietenoasa, dau sfaturi bune (asa zic prietenii mei). din punctul meu de vedere sunt BUNA :D acuma depinde si de gusturi nu? oricum profilul fizic nu totalitate...! byeee! Momentan nu caut nimic stau aici doar asa din oricum adevarata iubire n`o poti gasi pe un site...cel putin asta e parerea mea...! aaa si app cu mesajele alea anonime... :) lasati`va de meserie nu ma intimidati cu mesajele alea de inculti sincer :)
Sunt asa cum sunt! i am looking for a real perason who is interested in going out and love to have some who know how love and to treat a man i wish i wish you all the best and ..... to you all ... ask me what everthing you want to know and dont atingere me if you know you are not serious byeee Destul de placut! :)) Citeste in profilul meu.
Sono una ragazza dolce I am a very woman and I am single and looking.I am kind, but strict, beautiful, but faithful, tender and caring. I believe that life is a gift and we should appreciate every moment. I have strong values in life and want to confectionate a strong family. I easily make friends and trust people. I am a devoted friend, always ready to help. Sono carina I omini generosi pronti per divertirsi...
simpla,comunicativa,cu simtul umorului Sunt intocmai persoana din profil , am 51 de ani , o fica si 2 nepoti .Din principiu si respect pentru mine , imi doresc sa cunosc pe cineva de virsta mea sau apropiat virstei mele . Imi pare rau pentru cei care isi pierd momentul cu mesaje inutile de salut cind nu au nici macar un profil sau o virsta mai mica decit al ficei mele ... o iubita normala un mascul sincer,comunicativ,cu simtul umorului
sunt o fire sociabila,imi place sa imi fac cat mai multi prieteni,nu suport minciuna si falsitatea. EXCLUS FUMATORII!!! Roscatica, vesela si cu mult bun simt al umorului, extrem deschisa la minte,iubitoare de natura, muzica clasica, opera si arta, caut un suflet gratios pentru o relatie de durata, acel zambet care sa ma astepte in prag... Nu ma intereseaza barbatii casatoriti.. consider doar simpatica! prieteni
draguta,sincera...sociabila I am a simple girl on the first sight, but full of passion and love inside. I want to find someone who can enter my world and open my feelings. I want somebody to share everything that has been deep inside my soul for so longaa�� �I need to find my soul-mate to understand me and to spend all my life withaa�� � placut... ....seriozitate,prietenie...respect ...
sunt gospodina,fak tot felul de mancaruri gustoase si pun si suflet,agricultura,curatenie,imi place sa ma distrez,imi place sa calatoresc pe la munte,mare imi place sa merg la statiuni cu familia. I am a very responsible, reliable and serious person, but at the same time charming and easy-going lady. I know and feel the right moment to be serious and responsible as well as when I can let myself go. I like to laugh and I adore people with a sense of humor. I am a progressive and communicative person. I like to communicate with people. I have no bad habits and I care about my health. I am a very faithful and caring woman. My future man will feel my devotion and affection as well as love and support in good and not very good times of our happy life. Oh, I have so many interests that I am sure we would find something in common with my future man. I am very active and I like hiking in the mountains, skiing, swimming, but at the same time as most of ladies I also like cooking. I enjoy reading, especially, I like psychology. I like to dance and to travel. Different kinds of music like blues, jazz, rock and roll, soul please my ears. I think it is very important to have at least one common interest and then everything will be much easier. par roscat,ochi caprui inaltimea 160 cm greutate 65 kg silueta., caut un mascul intr-o relatie seroasa si de casatorie,sa nu le aiba cu alcolul sa fie gospodar, fara copii sau poate si cu copii
Sunt o persoana draguta,de incredere cu bun simt, nu imi place minciuna o detest ... cam atat despre mine deocamdata Am invatat sa apreciez tot ceea ce primesc. Insa de numeroase ori privesc in spatele a ceea ce se vede, la pretul ascuns ochilor si inimilor grabite, sa vad cat a costat cu adevarat. Fiindca tindem sa trecem de multe ori cu vederea pretul adevarat, fara sa pretuim la justa valoare ceea ce primim. Si sa nu ne dam seama ca intr-o simpla imbratisare putem primi uneori, nevazuta, chiar inima unui om.Am invatat ca, candva sa judec, sa privesc dincolo de ce se vede. La pretul perfect al gestului care-mi sta in fata, ispitindu-ma sa il judec, fara sa stiu cat a costat, de fapt, cu adevarat. Cine stie cate imbratisari simple aruncam dispretuitori la gunoi, fara sa stim ca in vreuna dintre ele statea poate asezata, cu multe jertfe, dupa multe chinuri, lacrimi si dureri, inima unui om. Si inima unui om nu are pret... se observa in poza Caut o persoana de incredere,fara vicii,cu forma placut si cu personalitate buna deocamdata ....
I like to smile and laugh, and can be a bit goofy at times. A big kid at heart. I am playful and spontaneous. I tend to be the "caregiver" and am always making sure the people around me are happy and content. I love my kids and being a mom to them. That is one thing that I won't budge on- is my kids Call me old fashioned- I was raised a pretty "old school" household. My parents are still married after 56 years. They don't make them like my dad anymore! Or do they? I'm not into a text message relationship. I believe speaking on the phone or face to face has more meaning . It's so easy to get in Someone kind,romantic,passionate,kid loving,generous,loving,caring,respects others,God fearing and everything good a woman could be and a man could ask for
sunt o fata sensibila,finuta,draguta. I enjoy fine dining and am always looking for someone to share the appreciation of good food and fine wine. I am just as comfortable with my hair up in old jeans as with my hair down wearing my favorite little pink dress. arat f place sa ma laud.. un barbat serios, care sa-mi fac o cereti am! multumesc tuturor celor care au inteles!
Lady culta,serioasa,educata, I am a very outgoing and social woman. I love meeting new and like minded people. I'm always up for a good time. I'm very caring, funny and cute. I have a lot of energy and am very entertaining and talkative. I would like to meet a deosebit man, to share my quality time with. He is gentle, caring, sincere, real, and honest, open minded and romantic. My intentions are sincere and I am serious in my search to find you. My heart and arms are open to meet..... inalta,cu feluri bine conturate Caut prieten cu beneficiu serios,dragut,educat
ce poate face o ..... pisicuta neagra? este blinda, dar.....zgirie!!!!!!!!!! I am simple girl who is looking just for simple girlaa��a��s happiness: to have caring and loving husband, own cozy home and pretty kidsaa�� �I like traveling a lot and new meetings and sensationsaa�� �I am easy-going and sociable person. I like reading and listen to good musicaa�� �What else? Write me! asa-si-asa micuta! prieteni, oameni cu simtul am cu cine-mi pierde timpul.
Sunt o fire extrem deschisa , in cautare de noi prieteni si de ce nu a sufletului pereche Io sunt ceea ce sunt, ceea ce ALEG sa fiu, ceea ce ALEG sa manifest din mine, LUMINA sau Umbra.... dar intotdeauna , atunci cand interactionezi cu mine, prin gand, privire, fapta, gasesti RASPUNSUL. Ma numesc Thalia.Am in prezent 55 de ani.Din fericire,sunt o fiinta draguta, cum spune lumea,o fiinta sensibila, nu prea stiu sa mint, dar imi place sa tachinez anumite persoane la care tin. Toata lumea cand ma vede imi spune: a��Ce ochi frumosi ai! sincer ma uit mereu in oglinda in speranta ca o sa descopar ce e asa aparte la ei. Am numeroase pasiuni...imi depasesc limitele, sa am mai mult curaj si incredere in mine.a��Ce e mai greu, e mai usor dupaa��.Nu am reusit sa termin o facultate nu pentru ca nu am vrut ...pentru ca am avut o responsabilitate mult mai mare de dus pana la capat. Lucrez in mai multe domenii pentru ca nu am o ordine in idei..pentru singurul ratiune ca o pot face. Alte pasiuni pe care le mai am sunt...dansul , patinajul,plimbatul in natura,pictura , sculptura,styling hair, gatit,pescuit , fac multa miscare si nu sunt pretentioasa.Sunt o indragostita, o fire sensibila, iubesc oamenii.... animalele, am un motan nazdravan de care am vigilenta si cu care ma joc mereu... O catelusa si doi perusi.Am o situatie fina caci tatal meu este imobilizat la pat si nu o sa il ABANDONEZ NICIODATA PENTRU BARBATUL CARE VA FACE PARTE DIN VIATA MEA. Dupa parerea multora , arat bine
Am fost intotdeauna singura. Prietenii mei cei mai buni au fost parintii, in special mama, cateva prietene, cativa oameni buni, si bineinteles Dumnezeu. M-am imbolnavit la 33 de ani de schizofrenie paranoida si depresie pentru ca am iubit mult un mascul care nu m-a iubit. Sunt inaltuta (166 cm) si extrem grasa (136 de kg). Am parul scurt, grizonat, uneori putin vopsit blond. Am ochii verzi. Merg cam greu si putin aplecata. As vrea sa am un prieten sincer, care sa respecte si sa inteleaga suferinta fiintelor umane si a tuturor fapturilor vii, sa simta la randul lui nevoia de comunicare si de intelegere, de afectiune si armonie.
Daca ar fi sa ma casatoresc vreodata, mi-as dori un sot inalt si o casatorie alba.
Caut un mascul analt, dragut,bun la suflet cu un simt al umorului destul de dezvoltat, si o situatie financiara extrem buna, care a-si ravneste sa se insoare, Daca nu va ancadrati, va rog sa nu ma deranjati. Nu voi raspunde.
i am just a simple woman yet very true and genuine,age and looks doesn't matter for me at all so long as he has that golden heart,values and attitudes which is very important to a person. One of the most valuable lessons we can learn from LIFE is this. That,try as we might,we will never have all the answers.We can wonder for the rest of our days whether we are doing the right things continuing in the best paths towards tomorrow,but no one is ever going to answer those questions for us.We have wondering of what to do and curiosities of whats to come.
frumoasa eleganta restu descopera... I'm very loyal friend, down to earth person and grounded. I have great sense of humor, and very content with who I am and what I've become and established. I like to fix things "I got tools" lol. I speak Little English, I'm working on it anyway English. destul de placuta o relatie serioasa,comunicare etc...
e greu....multe defecte.....cateva se mai si convertesc intre ele.... I love great conversation, walks on the beach, snorkeling, and a hot bath with a great book. I love to cook and experiment in the kitchen, as well as going out for a delicious meal. I like all kinds of music, movies, and art. I've been classically trained in piano, but am only playing the ukulele these days. I will go anywhere and do anything, including riding roller coasters or taking a last minute road trip. eu ma plac, ma plac si altii deci....sunt ok. ai sa zambesti sau poate nu o sa crezi caut pe EL, barbatul facut pentru mine....poate e o himera, dar sigur e o himera eleganta si mie, imi face tare bine aceasta cautare
Sunt o persoana linistita,sensibila,sincera. s they say, everything should be beautiful in a beautiful lady. It seems to me, the real beauty consists of harmonic connection of soul richness, moral clearance and only after these ones of the physical appealing to the partner. In other words, appearance is only our outside dress. The real and normal beauty is inside of our soul - somewhere deep in the soul and it reflects in the eyes. I will not describe myself cause it seems to me that the really interesting lady will be noticed by the deeds and modesty and slight enigma, wonaa��a��t she? But in a few words I can tell you that I am a person with a strong will, serious, reasonable, and reliable but at the same time I am kind-hearted, attentive and friendly. Sunt o femeie normala Vreau sa-mi fac prieteni
Muzica. I am a girl who has a lot of dreams in my little head! And if you really want to know better I can tell you about my dream! I am very optimistic person! I like sport! I like dance! I will be a choreographer! My favorite color is red and my favorite flower is rose! Someone tell me that I am look like a rose! Very tender and sweet! But when someone make me pain I can show my thorns! Placut. Socializare.
Draguta si sincera...simple&sweet!:) Caut iubire,si numai iubire!Sunt pe punctul de a ma intoarce in Romania.Caut un barbat distins,elegant,manierat cu care sa pornesc o relatzie serioasa,chiar si casatorie!Amatorii sunt rugatzi sa lase un mesaj dulce! Las la aprecierea altora... sincer si "cu capul pe umeri"....un adevarat gentleman!
O relatie serioasa sau just friends.
bruneta,ochi caprui I am a person who is very real when it comes to life and its' issues. Am honest,kind caring,affectionate,good sense of humor,easy going,free thinker,trustworthy and respect the lives of other people... placut depinde ce mi se acorda
o fire optimista,intotdeauna cu zambetul pe buze.Imi plac oamenii sinceri! Hello, dear! I am glad to tell you a bit about myself. I am family-oriented, friendly and very communicative person by nature, warm-hearted, faithful, honest and trustworthy, intelligent, loving and caring by nature. I love children and appreciate a good sense of humor, genuine in my wish to meet a man for life with whom I feel easy and who will let me be myself when we are together.
Dragutza...Sociabila>> restu va las pe voi sa descoperiti ;)) SUNT F....NORMALA , ECHILIBRATA, INTELEGATOARE DAR....CU LIMITA BUNULUI SIMT, NU VREA DECAT ATAT CAT DARUIESC EU SI TOTUL SA FIE ....SA FIE NORMAL, FRUMOS, RECIPROC, OARE VREAU CEVA EXAGERAT SAU ...DE PE ALTA PLANETA ??? SPER CA NU 1.60 inaltime , par brunet, ochi albastri etc sa-mi fac prieteni ..
blonda sexi Eu cred c? vor intalni o persoan? cu bun simt al umorului, care ii place s? petreac? momentul activ, de c?l?torie ?i totul interesant. De?i, aceast? persoan? ar necesita s? fie de incredere, sociabil, optimist ?i ñheerful. usor un barbat simpatic, nu forte inalt si sincer...
sunt o persoana care stie ce vrea de la viata I\'m full of life and passion. I\'m down to earth, respectful , confident and very positive. I\'m very passionate in giving and receiving back as well. I live life with a lot of joy. I appreciate the simple things in life, I believe that the little things in life are worth more then anything. I keep away from drama as much as possible. I\'m a person who doesn\'t like to plays games, so, therefore I don\'t like people who play games. I\'m very affectionate, loving, playful but very sharp. I\'m open to trying new things at anytime. I would like someone with their on interests and beliefs and that will pull me into their world and teach me what they are all about. I\'m known to be a sweet person but I do have a temper when I need to stand my ground. I believe strongly in communication so, therefore, I\'m not afraid to speak my mind but always with the respect that the person deserves. I\'m serious here I\'m looking for my best friend and my mate, please don\'t get any ideas that I\'m looking for a sugar daddy. I enjoy Psychology, dancing and photography. I\'m not religious but i do consider myself spiritual.I enjoy Foreign movies too. I\'m also into learning new languages and learning other type of cultures. There is so much i can say about myself about I\'m pretty much an open book and have no secrets. agreabil un tip frumos ,destept ca restul...
buna si nebuna O sa incerc sa ma descriu cat mai la obiect si ce astept ca sa nu ne irosim momentul de pomana . Sunt o sotie independenta, fara obligatii ( copii, sot, parinti, rate la banca etc.) A da si fara regrete sau alte handicapuri fizice ori psihice. Am cariera mea de contabila , masina mea , casa mea deci nu astept pe Fat Gratios cu palosul gros si plin de bani , caut un OM integru la fel fara obligatii si independent financiar si fara prea multiple sechele de la fostele ca de pilda si independent de parinti caci nu extind si educ adulti, EXCLUS alcoolistii, mincinosii, barbatii insurati sau in relatii cautand o aventura online si din alta parte caci daca as vrea cocosel este suficient sa merg in club si sa plec cu intaiul papusel la un hotel pt o aventura de o ora/ noapte. Profilele fara poza si cu povesti lacrimogene telenovelistice sa se abtina sa dialogam caci ma repet caut un OM pentru o relatie serioasa ( a se citi copii casatorie etc) Acum totul depinde de tine daca te ridici la marime standardelor mele . buna!!!
I think that I am very reliable and serious woman, but I am also very feminine and very sensitive. I think that women in my age already know what they want from this life and they have certain experience and goals which they want to reach. Of course, I am not the person who gives up easily.
I am a calm, balanced, reasonable girl with a great sense of humor. I am cheerful and active. I love life and it loves me. Placuta, linistita, umpluta de viata, pasionala. Imi place sa calatoresc, sa merg la spectacole si concerte, sa dansez, sa ma plimb in aer liber(parc, plaja... etc) Imi place sa rasfat omul de aproape mine, sotului adecvat nu i-ar lipsi curatenia, mancarea buna, atentia mea. Imi place linistea si intelegerea, urasc certurile si agitatia. Simple attractive woman Here to make new friends and see what happens.