simpatica.iubesc animalele iar restul las la aprecierea voastra Self Description:I consider myself to be an honest and kind person who is also friendly and warm-hearted. I have a very tender nature. I accept people in a way they are without trying to change them. I am a very romantic lady who appreciates calm moments with a beloved person. I am open and communicative and believe that sincerity in friendship and relations is vital.i am truthful and i don't lie and I hate liars Comments: My ideal man should keep healthy way of life, be attentive to me, kind,, be intelligent and educated and respectful to the other countries cultures. asa si asa sa fie sincer,sa fie din bucuresti sau giurgiu cam atat.
Este greu... Sunt o persoana joviala, sociabila si cu simtul umorului. Imi place sa calatoresc, sa cunosc locuri frumoase si oameni interesanti. Iubesc caldura soarelui si cea din interiorul sufletului. Caut un mascul educat, care ravneste sa se investeasca, responsabil si dornic de a construi o relatie serioasa, o familie. Trasaturi normale... Simpatia altora :P
Just me =) Vreau sa raman sotie M-am gandit bine. Si vreau sa raman asemenea cat sunt acum de emancipata. Nu vreau mai multa egalitate in drepturi cu nimeni. Cred ca e destul ce am capatat eu, femeie, in ultima vreme. Dreptul de a munci, daca am chef. Eu as vrea sa ma opresc aici. Se poate? Sau oare acum trebuie sa inghit, la pachet, toate drepturile, egalitatile si obligatiile care decurg din asta? Nu vreau sa fiu ca un barbat. Insist sa nu. Si mi se pare ca drepturile si le mai face si omul. Sau in cazul asta femeia. Si eu n-am simtit nicicand ca am usi inchise tronc! in fata pentru ca sunt femeie. Chiar nu-mi trece prin cap ca ma nedreptateste cineva la job sau in societate, in general. Si, cel mai important, nu vreau mai multe responsabilitati decat am in prezent. Nu vreau sa demonstrez nimic. Mi-as dori din inima sa am aproape mine un barbat care castiga mai mult. Nu vreau sa castig mai bine sau musai la fel ca el. Nu vreau o masina la fel de mare cat a lor, a barbatilor. Vreau sa mi se deschida usa cand am nevoie sa ies din taxi sau sa intru intr-o incinta. Vreau sa mi se tina paltonul cand afara e frig si vreau sa-l trag pe mine. Vreau sa mi se intinda o mana cand cobor din tren. Si sa fiu luata cu masina de acasa cand sunt invitata in oras. Bineinteles, vreau ca un mascul sa faca toate astea. A, si vreau sa mi se acorde dreptul de a plange des, in mod oficial. Asa sunt femeile. Nici nu-mi trece prin cap sa-mi car singura sacosa. Eu sunt croita sa car buchete de trandafiri de gradina, din cei care miros frumos. Ii prefer de tenta roz, in caz ca se intreaba cineva. Incarcatura maxima pe care o pot accepta este un tort de ciocolata care trebuie sa ajunga urgent in fridiger, acasa. Asta da, pot sa car. Dar de multiple ori trebuie sa mimez ca imi prieste sa ma descurc singura. Pentru ca dau peste barbati care asteapta asta de la mine. Ma cred o feminista. Pe cuvantul meu ca nu am chef sa platesc jumate-jumate cafeaua cand sunt insotita de un barbat. Dar uneori trebuie sa fac asa, ca sa arat ca sunt o iubita moderna, nu vreo retrograda. Trebuie macar sa ma prefac ca scobesc absorbita in portofel. Altfel, un barbat care a intalnit prea multe feministe o sa creada ca sunt o profitoare de cafele si alte servicii. Imi place sa fac o cafea buna dimineata si sa ma muncesc la un mic dejun pentru doua persoane chiar si trei sferturi de ora. Cand il gusta cineva, vreau sa ma laude mult. Si eu sa ma simt ca o gaina care a facut un ou de aur. Si nu doar, cum ar parea, patru oua gauri normale. Imi plac rochiile original de tare. Imi plac in special cele cu buline. Imi plac agrafele cu libelule si glossul pentru buze. Imi place sa fac cumparaturi de sutiene si pantofi. Chiar daca mai am acasa si sutiene si pantofi. Cand o sa fac copii, nu vreau sa ma intorc la serviciu dupa 2 luni de stat acasa. Ma gandesc ca vreau sa alaptez macar un an intreg. Si sa stau acasa cat se poate de mult. Nu cred ca se darama vreo intreprindere, oricat de importanta as fi eu in ea, cat fac eu mere rase cu biscuiti. Chiar daca decid sa fac asta timp de doi ani intregi. Doar mere rase cu biscuiti. Nu vreau sa fiu egala lui, nu suntem cantitati care putem fi masurate cu acelasi instrument de masurat. Cred ca masculii si nevestele sunt diferiti si e extrem bine asa. Dar de ce tot vorbim despre asta? Despre egalitate? E chiar asa de important subiectul pentru cateva dintre noi? Vreau sa raman asa, femeie, pana in varful unghiilor mele pictate mereu in rosu aprins. Unghii care se poseda ca o declaratie de feminitate si nu de razboi. Very Good, i Think
draguta cred eu ...sincer cuminte ;) I want to open up like a flower for my man! My heart is full of love and tenderness. I would say that I am well-balanced and have optimistic and kind nature. I am soft-hearted and fair to other people. I am looking for my soulmate with a witty mind and good sense of humor, a man who is not afraid of responsibilities and who knows what he wants from life. Of course I want to see by my side a reliable and decent man. bruneta..
I search only for serious attitudes!!! I search serious for the man clever and which will love me, very strongly is strong. I do not play with feelings and I would ask that I was written only by serious men and which search only for serious attitudes instead of for game
Languages spoken: English My personality traits are:Cheerful. Very positive. Optimistic. Charming. Very creative mind. Always thinking. Quick thinking. Thoughtful & considerate of others feelings. I like these kinds of music: Jazz, pop, classical, Caribbean, country, bluegrass, everything but rap. I usually read: Business books & magazines, history, psychology, self-improvement I like to go out ... Theater, movies, dinner, travel to places..
...... "Nu ma iubi de nu-ti sunt draga nu ti-am lasat iubirea amanet, nu ti-am vandut-o la un colt de strada pe-un zambet ieftin, desuet. Nu amagi, doar cu un colt de paine un suflet palid ce il vezi flamand, de nu stii de-l hranesti si maine; Nu ma iubi de nu stii pana cand!" un baiat care sa stie sa poarte o discutie conersatie sa vorbeasca elegant dulce un baiat brunet cu ochii albastri sau verzi daca se poate
SUNT CEEA CE ITI DORESTI.... Sunt o nevasta normala din punct de vedere fizic si psihic, echilibrata,romantica, o fire vesela, gospodina zic eu, deschisa spre explorarea de noi orizonturi, cu defecte si calitati , cu pofta de a cunoaste o persoana serioasa si cu un caracter frumos , pentru a petrece restul vietii in dragoste, siguranta, respect si armonie. iubirea....:)
Sunt o fata buna calma sincera deschisa I can say that I am very tender and cheerful person. I am very kind and soft person, friendly and easy-going. I take my life positively, everything is working only for my best! I definitely know what I want and I always do what I say. Look at me. You will notice that I am very shy and sometimes I am very embarrassed when people pay me compliments I try to find happiness around me. I like to be in the circle of my friends, I hate loneliness, I adore ice cream and chocolate. I am trying to stay fit all the time, that's why I do sport a lot. I try to find a happiness around me. You should try to know me better. Par brunet drept ochi sclipitor Baiat sincer curajos nefumator ochi albastri
I am a Honest person looking for a respectable, honest, open man who is seeking a serious relationship, respects family traditions and ready to be a loving and caring partner.I want to meet an easy-going man who values family and friends more than anything and enjoy spending time with both. The man who has a great sense of humor and who loves to make people laugh. I can make you laugh for sure. Your stomach will be aching because of laughing with me. He should enjoy going out and staying home sometimes and he is always up for trying new things, especially outdoors.
eu sunt o fire extrem deschisa imi place sa fiu directa chiar daca asta cateodata supara fiintele din jurul meu ...dra asta e asa sunt eu : I am a very sensitive, romantic and open minded woman. Where I am - real paradise and firework are. I am like real fire in all and in love too. I am a very emotional and very natural person. I love to be like "fresh air" for people who are around me. I love to open new things for myself too. I do not afraid to learn and to know something interesting. I love to travel. I was in many countries and I love to feel other cultures. I love to cook very much and hope to hear from you on lampteyruth157 at lets say gemall dot com for us to get in touch and explore together Ce pot sa spun despre fizicul meu?????????a pai nu tare stiu???prefer sa ma laude alti ,nu eu!!!!!!!! caut un om care sa ma aprecieze!!!!!!!!si sa ma poata face fericita!doar atat..................
sunt bruneta ,imi place distractia,mancarea gatita in casa,calculatorul si muzica. Un necomplicat om ce a trait o mare poveste de dragoste timp de 46 de ani de casatorie. S-a sfarsit intr-o clipa totul si am ramas sa-mi urmez singura ....destinul. Caut ceva greu de gasit.... dar nu imposibil! am 1.65 si 57 de kg caut distractie,prietenie si de ce nu poate si o relatie!
va las sa apreciati.......... ;) I am an easy-going and communicative lady. I am also confident, artistic and not shy. I am always positive and surround myself with the same kind of people. I love to laugh and smile as much as possible. I am active, talkative and joyful. I have a lot of friends with whom I am in good relationships. I know how to listen, give advice and support. I am goal-oriented, confident and I know what I want from life! placut......... persoane compatibile cu o leoaica mereu in forma si plina de viata....... :)
Greu de inteles... Sentimentala, sincera, corecta si cinstita .NU iubesc infidelitatea , violenta de chiar ce fel, nu iubesc alcoolismul. IUBESC respectul, increderea si intelegerea. Vorbele frumoase si mangaierile sunt bine venite. Sunt romantica si linistita Se putea si mai bine... nimic
O sotia sincera si in acelasi timp simpla. Doresc sa gasesc o prietena o nevasta simpla modesta curata cu caracter aparte cu suflet mare si bun si cu care pot sa-mi impart viata mea intreaga toata cu ea ! O iubita care isi doreste decat o singura relatie de lunga perioada ! 1.68,69 kg,saten,caprui. Sufletul pereche.
Nu-mi place sa ma descriu.Las la aprecierea voastra. Sunt curcubeu poarta spre stele,Sunt val inspumat plin de mistere,Sunt focul ce mistuie,apa ce stinge,sunt lacrima ce din ochiul tau se prelinge...Sunt soare,lumina,dans,incantare,sunt pe obrajii tai intaia raza de soare.Sunt dragoste,ura,o floare,un pom.Nu sunt nimic,si sunt totul,sunt doar un OM... Sunt o persoana normala,cu un aspect fizic placut. Comunicare si sa leg prietenii.
I am a kind-hearted, sympathetic, tender, sociable, active, responsible, sincere, broad-minded, soft and sweet girl. I love getting new knowledge and impressions. I lead a healthy life style. I am easy to concentrate my attention. I am a good listener. I am very cheerful and extremely optimistic. I can say I am a lively personality who loves to give positive emotions, give presents, accept guests at home and help my friends.
sunt o persoana destul de sociabila eu imi vor o relatie care sa inceapa prin comunicare si daca e posibil asfel sa se ajunga la un angajament sincer, profund, de dragoste, pas cu pas.... Comunicarea verbala si fizica sa fie fundatia unei relatii cat mai solide..Asadar daca sinceritatea, comunicarea deplina, intelegerea, atentia, afectiunea, tandreta, pasiunea sunt si punctele tale forte, eu zic ar fi pacat sa nu incercam sa ne cunoastem.Te reprezint si pe tine?Let,s play the game! foarte placut... un baiat serios...kare sa stie ce vrea de la viatza
I am an optimistic, cheerful and talkative person with different interests. I am a reliable person. I like to be involved in everything that helps to develop yourself, for example I attend different seminars, courses and so on. I am generous and kind. I like to have my own opinion.
asa si pe dincolo, oricum nu isi imagineaza cineva ca e real cum ne descriem noi insine pe site-urile astea Hello!!! I the simple modest girl from Russia. I very much like to prepare I love cleanliness and the order in the house. Very strongly I wish to have family but as I have not found the worthy husband and the father of my children in Russia I I address to men abroad. I wish to become the true and favourite wife. On it I shall finish the description but if I have interested you that write to me. I shall tell to you more. nici frumoasa, nici urata dar cu simtul realitatii un om, daca asta mai insemana ceva zilele astea
cu ceva calitati, morale si profund umane. cam din alete vremuri, de altfel....recunosc!
Buna ziua.Sunt o persoana cu suflet bun, sincera, cu bun simt si optimista. Urasc minciuna si mincinosii. Imi dau seama fara intarziere daca sunt mintita. Caut o persoana de genul masculin din Slatina,Bucuresti sau in apropiere de Slatina cu aceleasi calitati care sa isi doreasca o relatie serioasa care sa duca la casatorie. Grasa si scunda Niciuna
If I will describe myself like a desavarsit woman it won't be right! But I can say, that I am optimistic person and I am realist of course. If I have a dream I always do steps to achieve this dream. I am merry and cheerful person. I like to keep everything in order and I am a bit like a perfectionist. But the wish of my MAN is the most important for me. I am full of warmth to share. Just take it!
Love is a nutrient that can never be lost in life. Life is because of love, it becomes colorful; in the family, it is because of love, it becomes happy; in school, because of love, it becomes full of laughter and laughter of children; my life, it will become more exciting because of you. I look for a good man who loves children and wants a family.
sunt o fire vesela imi place muzica si dansul si cel mai mult distractia I'm a cheerful and friendly girl. I always have a good mood and try to be optimist in every situation of life. I like nature and everything that surrounds me. I like smart and interesting people, who have the purpose and can reach it. I like reading, art, I write verses, painting and have a sport. I am fond of psychology and learn foreign languages. Here I am to meet someone who will make my life complete - the man with whom my life will turn upside down : am 1\70, 51 kg ,ochii caprui , parul brunet lung un prieten cu care sa comunic si sa ma inteleg bine
I can say that I am a very, self-motivated person. I have achieved many things in my life, but I realized that I missed one important thing - family. I look for serious relations and marriage in the future. My heart is full of warmth and love, but I need someone with whom I will be able to share my affection. I want nothing more than to love and to be loved. I want to wake up and fall asleep near a man with whom I cannot poza my life. I am a very positive person. I love life being interesting and different, that is why I try to spend every day differently, adding something new and undiscovered to each moment. I am a lady with charisma and sparkle in my eyes!
sant o persoana linistita,nu-mi place aventura si aventurierii,urasc minciuna si lipsa de resposabilitate.sant statornica si loiala si cer acelas lucru.doresc o relatie bazata pe respect recipric,armonie si ma intereseaza neaparat nivelul de studii sau financiar.cer doar omenie . agradabil un barbat de varsta apropiata,care stie ce vrea,serios,statornic,sa-i placa munca si viata reala de familia,cu care sa pot intemeiea o familia,pe care momentan un o am dar mi-o doresc din tot sufletul.
sunt o persoana dinamica,sociabila foarte prietenoasa In cateva cuvinte nu se pot spune multiple lucruri.Imi place sa iubesc dar si sa fiu iubita si respectata in acelasi timp.Daca aceste conditii nu sunt indeplinite o relatie nu poate sa dureze.Stam de vorba numai daca crezi ca-mi poti indeplini cerintele...Sunt cam dura...dar asta sunt eu!... Perche sono anche i uominii italiani chi se trova qui possiamo dire poche parole.Sono una donna seria e voglio una relatione seria e vivere la vita tranquila,mi piace amare e voglio esere amata e rispetata.Non voglio aventure....Questa sono io...Se ti piace bene se no....Voglio molta seriosita! satisfacator
bruneta,ochi caprui,nu exagerat de inalta la 1, cantareatza,st distractiva,de viata,curioasa,,si imi place sa cunosc cati mai multi prieteni...bine aqm sa nu interpretati trebuie sa ma imprietenesc si cu unu mai mare d varsta k mn,apropiati atat!!!Nu cu unu care e de seama cu tataie:)):)):)) am mai spus si mai exagerat de inalta;)...stiti voi cum spun astia la masini cand vor sa le vanda:)):):))?MERITA VAZUTA...asa si eu:merita sa ma cunoasteti!!! sa ma iubeasca,sa ma nu parcurs mai vedem noi:)):)):))glumeam;)si inca ceva:URASC MINCIUNA;).........
va las pe voi I cana€™t respond to email or flirt but i would like talk with you.i want a man that is not too hurt and not too hard to trust again and can give himself to a woman and to be loved 813times and taken care of430moment in a day in a way that will bring joy of life and an appreciation he will look forward to every day of 4411years that we will live to love each other. There is a lifestyle of marriage in the Lord that gives life and purpose to being married and can really be enjoyed. I am looking for that quality of marriage and ready for commitment and everlasting relationship.A wise,intelligent and serious man will put the numbers together and atingere me, and i will also see this as a good woman that is interested in serious relationship foarte dragutza distractie si mult sexx
Sinceritate,corectitudine ,loialitate ! prea multa modestie ...voi spera ca viata are ceva bun pentru mine! "O carte deschisa dar niciodata citita,o mana alunecand pe un pian,intr-o sinfonie a cuvintelor nerostite"....
Sincera cu Tine I'm kind and responsible woman, seeking for good relationship, someone I can fabricate a strong family with. I am a calm, life-loving, never lose my temper and I was brought up to respect men in every aspect. Placut. Oameni capabili sa inteleaga universul feminin.
dezamagita dar cu speranta ca totul va fi bine I am honest, kind, family-oriented, faithful, sweet, affectionate, romantic one man woman. And I hope to find someone who is kind, sweet, god-fearing, serious about love and marriage to develop a strong love relationship which eventually lead into a happy marriage life together. I'm not perfect, and I promise to be your best friend, your partner in crime and your lover. Forever. agreabil un barbat bun,nu gelos si agresiv
draguta,simpatica Eu cred c? vor intalni o persoan? cu bun simt al umorului, care ii place s? petreac? timpul activ, de c?l?torie ?i totul interesant. De?i, aceast? persoan? ar necesita s? fie de incredere, sociabil, optimist ?i ñheerful. placut cred o persoana de acelasi sex k si mine,cu care sa ne simtim bine
sunt un pik mai bine ma refer la corp,sanii ii am extraordinari de mari:D,bruneta,ochii caprui,parul cret si am numesc critsina dar mi se spune kyky My self-summary i'm hijabi girl (because i always wearing hijab all day, except when i'm in the house) . I like to cook western food, chinese food, and indonesian food. I like taekwondo,painting and doing some fashion sketch. i'm a businesswoman that have small business. I'm not scammer. I'm classy, elegant,and modest woman. I always wear my design, so my look is my personality.I want to meet good guy no bad guy. If you want to meet me in my country i always with my bodyguard that are policeman (because i want to protect myself from wrong guy and bad guy who are terrorist,drug users, drug traffickers and drug dealers( because in indonesia it has death penalty for drug dealers and terrorist )). Good guy don't be afraid with me . What Ia€™m doing with my life achive my goal !!! to be successful entrepreneur!!! and activate my aseets: 1. i like to cook indonesian food, chinese food, and western food maybe i can build restaurant or food truck ( and also serving my dishes from monday-friday to my future husband) 2. i like to make abstract painting maybe i can build art gallery and sell my artworks with higher price. 3. i like doing fashion sketch and making dress, maybe i can build fashion house bigger. Ia€™m really good at art,making fashion skecthes, painting, taekwondo, and cooking Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food favourite books : rich dad poor dad by robert t kiyosaki favourite television : glee, oprah winfrey show, how i met your mother favourite music: clean bandit, jess glynne, sharna bass, the corrs favourite food : indonesian food, chinese food, sea food, italian food, french food, middle eastern food. The six things I could never do without my hijab my art stuffs my pencil my fashion skecth book my laptop my friends and my family I spend a lot of time thinking about -vacation ........, because i like vacation -making new recipes (because i'm adventurous cook) -my achievement -making peoples happy ( because i like joking with my friends ) On a typical Friday night I am hang out with my friends, making artworks or cooking dinner for my family You should message me if You are caucasian or middle eastern race. (i like american,european, australian and middle eastern guys ( because i have male friend and he is american and he's such a fun guy)), indonesian guys are not unic for me because maybe i just talk to him with indonesian language so i can't improve my english skill but also same culture with me, and i can't have international networking . I'm looking for middle esatern guy or caucasian guy because we can talk about different culture, i also can speak english with him, i can improve my english skill, and having international networking. Having business degree or economic degree.Having halal business not haram business ( haram business like drugs and alcohol) ( maybe i can be your business partner too ).Want to chat with me and friend with me, good guy no bad guy. I don't want to meet peoples who are drug users, drug dealers, gay, terrorist, drunk people, smoke person....:P please go away drug users, drug dealers, gay, terrorist, drunk people, smoke person :P. (but ocasionally drink it's OK for me) about smoke person.... i have asthma by the way so... i don't like smoke person. because the smoke can make my asthma relapse, sorry.... :(. You can talk with me about anything, discussing with me about anything, because i'm very open minded person :) . I'm looking a guy that wants to support me (i will support you too) , share some experience with me, making future plan together, joking with me. un barbat bine facut si din punc de vedere si aspecut si cardul:D
O sotie care iubeste frumosul,imi place literatura,matematica,imi place ceea ce fac,sunt asistent medical.Am un baiat de 14 ani si il iubesc f.f.f.mult. I'm a cheerful and friendly girl. I always have a good mood and try to be optimist in every situation of life. I like nature and everything that surrounds me. I like smart and interesting people, who have the purpose and can reach it. I like reading, art, I write verses, painting and have a sport. I am fond of psychology and learn foreign languages. Here I am to meet someone who will make my life complete - the man with whom my life will turn upside down : Placut Cand vin acasa si sunt singura doresc sa am cu cine comunica.
Buna dragilor sunt aici pentru voi daca stiti deja despre ce este vorba , ma puteti contacta I am sweet girl that is full energy and ideas how to facute perfect relations with a man, just haven\'t found a decent man for that yet. But i am all in my searchings. I believe in love with a first sight and even with the first letter. I am quite cheerful, intellectual and pretty, that is why i am looking for respectful and smart man. 50kg 1m55 miniona slim cu tipare perfecte
Hello ..sunt in cautare de noi prietenii sunt o fire vesela,iubitoare si foarte sincera.Astept sa ma descoprei chiar TU:P I'm wise and understanding. I love and value close people, I try to look at any conflict situation from all sides, to understand and to accept somebody else's point of view. I know that people who match us perfectly don't exist, but those with who it's good even simply to keep silence exist. I respect men. For my beloved man I'll become an interesting interlocutor, a reliable partner and a loving caring wife. I'll share my zest for live with him, an interest to new things, I'll lucrate the warmth and a coziness in our house, I'll be a source of the strength and inspiration, of passion and tenderness. Nu chiar inalta dar nici pitica formele trupului bine conturate,bruneta era si normal:)si ff sexy...pfff:))) Caut baiat frumos,inteligent si cu simtul umorului extrem bine dezvoltat;)
i don't like speak about myself because usually there are so many emotions, memories and thoughts that i have in my mind that it's so hard to chose only a few words to describe this. And i would prefer much more if there was a chance to look into my eyes because the whole world is reflected into them. what exactly? there is happiness because i am surrounded by marvelous people who i love and who loves me. there is excitement because waking up every day, there was no a day when i wasn't surprised with the clouds on the sky, with the tree that changes its colors every day, with passers-by who i meet on my way somewhere. there is love not only to people but also to things, to nature, to life. There is joy because i know that each situation in my life both pleasant or not really is teaching me something and i am trying to learn. but there is also some sadness sometimes because i miss one very important person in my life whom i can wait as long as it is necessary but i will better go towards him. maybe here i'll meet who I need and who needs me...