I am not saint, I am not rebel. I am ordinary girl from Ukraine. But I have a very big heart. And with a help of this site I am going to full my heart with love. I havenat got any bad habits; I am very kind and tender lady. I am not stupid, but I am not too smart?. I have a lot of friends and very good family, but without love my life is not so bright. I want to find my soul-mate and to make him the happiest man in this world! I have so much warmth and tenderness for him! I do not need something very special, I just want to love and to be loved, and I think that it is great. Cause it is impossible to live without love. So I will patiently search for my half and hope I will have luck in this?
Afli solitar well im seeking for a Long term relationship man who is ready to love and take care of me and my sons, a man who we can build a family family home together and treat each other like a King and Queen .the kind of man i can spend the rest of my life with as husband and wife .and have good time to make love to each other
Deschisa, hotarata, intelegatoare, realista, capabila de sacrificii si multa dragoste, romantica, visatoare uneori, tandra, dar si un mic diavol cand sunt inselata!Apreciez siceritatea, fidelitatea, onestitatea, si mai ales bunul simt. Multumitor! Cineva care ma poate face sa ma simt iubita, fericita.Un mascul in adevaratul sens al cuvantului!Seducator, charismatic,impunator, cu bun simt, sofisticat, romantic, erotic, rafinat, stilat, dur&tandru in acelasi timp, cineva dupa care sa oftez, visez!Si daca nu exista...
I like fishing and camping watching movies and sport's go out for walks in the woods or park an if we had Beach's around here i love to watch the sun go down with my partner besides me hugging and holding each other in our arms
independenta,nu le am cu sentimentalismele,nu imi plac oamenii slabi si fara atitudine dar mai ales nu suport sa ma plictisesc si sa nu am libertate I have a very aimed personality. I have achieved many things in my life, but I realized that I missed one important thing - family. I understand clearly that the most important thing for me is to meet the right man now. I am a caring and lovely lady and I know how to make my man happy. I want to lucrate a strong family, where there is not going to be me and you, there will be only we. We are the best base for strong family in harmony. I am ready to relocate to you. I am here only with serious intentions. I want a real meeting and not a virtual relationship. I am active, optimistic, sexy, seductive, attractive, sociable and interesting lady who is always smiling and who is always ready to discover the world. I can be spontaneous, adventurous and risky but all the time I remain honest, reliable and trustful. I am definitely a one-man-woman and I am looking for sincerity in a relationship. Cheating is taboo for me. I am not a teenager and I am looking for serious attitude and not for flirting. If I see and feel that you really love me, I will show you heaven number nine and make you stay there forever! I like laughing and having fun with my friends. I like creating something new and enjoying life. I am a goal-oriented woman knowing what she wants so I also like reaching new levels and developing my abilities! Even if you are not interested in me I hope you will find your real love here. I wish everyone here to find big and mutual love. LOVE will save world. judge for yourself un tip puternic,flexibil in gandire,absolut deloc gelos sau posesiv,muncitor,fun to be with si mai ales un tip care sa ma faca sa rad.
"Suntem cu totii putin ciudati. Èi viata este putin ciudata. Iar cand intalnim pe cineva a carui ciudatenie este compatibila cu a noastra, creem cu el o conexiune si o ciudatenie mutual satisfacatoare pe care o numim dragoste. Dragoste adevarata". a Robert Fulghum
Sunt o persoana destul de atipica (nerdy), sunt medic de familie, prefer youtube comparativ cu televiziunea, imi place sa invat lucruri noi. Admir Nerdfighteria. Pasionata de filme bune, de la Deadpool si Suicide Squad pana la The shawshank redemption, Winter's tale si Bad Moms. Pasionata de carti bune, de la medicina si farmacologie la new adult, young adult si romance. Bautura mea preferata e ceaiul cald ;-)
draguta I'm not a Princess, who wants to get marriage with some King to be a Queen and to have her own country kingdom! I'm just a little simple girl, who wants to find her second half, who will be also the simple man!!! I do not need any wealth!!! The main riches is LOVE, which, as I believe, will save the World!!! va las pe voi sa decideti caut un tip bine
???? My name is vanessa evan i am a sensitive, caring, God fearing woman I am a faithful and committed person, who is very considerate of other people's feelings am retiring soon and really cannot spend the rest of my life alone because time wait for no one and we have a little time in this world for us not to enjoy and live......I will be glad if u can kindly tell me more about you as I would love to know you more..In Addition Distance doesn't matters,cos i believe people meet by a reason and not by Chance..LOVE,TRUST AND HONESTY MATTERS,as long as this exist everything will work out for good,and with LOVE anything can happen.Feel free to write me and lets get to know each other and see where it will end
Via?a este o lung? a?teptare. A?tept s? te intalnesc... Iar cand te voi intalni, voi a?tepta cu r?bdare s? te descop?r, s? risipesc v?lul de cea?? care te inconjoar? ?i distan?a dintre noi...... Apoi cand totul despre tine imi va fi limpede, o s? fiu o via?? intreag? al?turi de tine si tu alaturi de mine. Va vor tuturor sa aveti parte de o viata linistita, sa va gasiti sufletul pereche aici daca in alt loc nu l ati intalnit , sa fiti impreuna fericiti si nu uitati ;IUBITI VA MULT !!! Viata e trecatoare,,,,,,
Buna ...ma numesc Maria si as vrea sa petrecem clipe frumoase impreuna ! I'm an Italian country girl looking for a long term relationship I'm loving caring passionate honest.i live in West Virginia I love the outdoors and camping boating fourwheeling cookouts with my family and friends I love horseback riding going for drives in the country I like classic rock oldies country music bluegrass looking for my soulmate someone who likes and wants the same
"nici rau sa fii spanzurat,dar nici bland sa fii calcat" I am here to find my soulmate.I always lock in life with the confidence.I am a romantic, full passion and love. I am great sense of humor. I love :-) enjoy your life. iam looking for the man of my dreams with a kind heart. depinde de cine ma priveste...
Sunt sociabila, de treaba , imibplac distractiile , iesirile cu prietenii. CAUT UN MASCUL SINCER SI SERIOS CARE SA STIE CE VREA! IMI PARE RAU CA PRINTRE NOI SINT F MULTIPLE GUNOIE,,CARE TE FAC SA SUFERI..F GREU DIN PACATA SA GASESTI AICI PE CINEVA...DAR POTE UNDEVA.SI UN OM SERIOS. VAROG ELEGANT CINE ARE PRITENI PE LISTA DE PRITENI SA NU SCRIE.,,,PRIETENII AM PE FACEBOOK... Am 1,55 cm ,ochii verzi, satena, nu foarte slaba nu destul de grasa Caut sa imi fac prieteni sibsacunosc cat mai multe persoane
Sexy prietenoasa gata oricand de o conversatie EXCLUS FUMATORII!!! Roscatica, vesela si cu mult bun simt al umorului, exceptional deschisa la minte,iubitoare de natura, muzica clasica, opera si arta, caut un suflet elegant pentru o relatie de durata, acel zambet care sa ma astepte in prag... Nu ma intereseaza barbatii casatoriti.. Satisfacator
sunt Sunt o fire romantica, sincera, tandra, sensibila, timida dar si hotarata cand este cazul si am simtul umorului. Imi plac plimbarile, dansul si calatoriile. Doresc o relatie serioasa, bazata pe sentimente, respect reciproc, sinceritate si comunicare. Sunt convinsa ca o relatie nu poate rezista in timp fara o "chimie" intre cei doi parteneri. Sunt
Enigmatica, evaziva, irationala si impredictibila,
\"Functioneaz\" numai pe baza de emotii, perceptii, impresii si intuitii.Sunt atinsa de \"sidromul relativitatii\".Stiu ca realitatea nu e nicicand una singura, ci ca are foarte multe fatete. Sunt maestra in \"arta aburirii\":D.
Am fixurile mele legate de societatea misticului, fantasticului, superstitiei si magiei.Cu toate astea, sunt o persoana maleabila, compasiva si ingaduitoare, care mai degraba incearca sa-i inteleaga pe ceilalti, decat sa-i judece.Chiar daca sufar, sunt gata sa iert si am o imensa capacitate de iubire si devotament.
Cand fac urat?
Avand o viziune global-intuitiva a lucrurilor, ma enerveaz sau ma inchid in me cand mi se cer explicatii si argumente logice. pe scurt:..am 1,70m,ochi caprui,par saten.. cati mai multi prieteni...baietzi si fete fara fitze....:)
sunt tot ce iubesc si ce uras in acelasi timp ,sunt eu si atat Admir barbatii inteligenti,culti, puternici, transanti, profunzi,cu spiritul tanar, dar in acelasi timp, romantici si sensibili...Rog masculii casatoriti, sa se abtina in demersurile lor penibile de a ma contacta;nu am veleitati de amanta !!! sunt in zodia scorpion...mi se cam potriveste...si imi convine de minune.. frumoasa desteapta si modesta :)) nu ma laud cica vb lumea:)) important e ca eu caut insa nu stiu ce selectez caci am de unde sper...
I think that the way people attract each other has nothing to do with their character or appearance. We can spend many years dreaming of some excelent but then out of a sudden fall in love with perfect antipode and realise that this is whom we waited for all our life. Love is a beautiful feeling and we should tresure it once we find it. By nature I am amiable and kind person. I try to see the good side of everything. O persoana care isi vrea o familie si sa ma iubeasca
eu si numai eu :P Sunt o persoana foarte sigura pe sine, responsabila si independenta.Principiul dupa care imi guvernez intreaga viata este aFac cum stiu eu.a. Stiu destul de clar ceea ce vreau si nu imi este teama sa-mi urmaresc propriile scopuri in viata. Singurul fapt pe care-l cer de la cei din jurul meu este onestitatea. Sunt indeajuns de intensa pentru a accepta adevaru dragutza... prietenie...
sunt o fire romantica si sensibila, gata de orice pentru a-l intalni pe cel cu care sa-mi petrec restul vietii Sunt o sotie normala din punct de vedere fizic si psihic, echilibrata,romantica, o fire vesela, gospodina zic eu, deschisa spre explorarea de noi orizonturi, cu defecte si calitati , cu dorinta de a cunoaste o persoana serioasa si cu un caracter frumos , pentru a petrece restul vietii in dragoste, siguranta, respect si armonie. fiecare trage propria concluzie omul visurilor mele, romantic, sensibil si pus pe fapte
sunt distractiva, mereu bine dispusa, Buna, sunt de loc din Bihor, am trait, studiat, confectionat ca si consultant independent in ultimii ani preponderent in strainatate. Sunt multiple lucruri care imi plac, ador natura, aerul liber, calatoriile, serile in intimitatea celor dragi sau impartasind un pahar de vin si povesti in compania prietenilor. Mi-as dori sa intalnesc pe cineva compatibil, curios, pe picioarele lui atat financiar cat si caracterial, cu drag de a face lucruri, a se bucura de viata si poate a construi ceva trainic impreuna. ma vezi in poza!!! caut ceva atractiv
Serioasa, moderata, calma.Sunt copil si adult totodata,prietena candva de toate,curioasa atat cat imi ingaduie bunul simt!Imi doresc un suflet pereche alaturi de care sa ma simt implinita,fericita si caruia sa-i pot fi laolalta la bine si la greu! Sunt o familista convinsa .
pentru toti care nu stiu sunt aici pentru a socializa,vreau sa cunosc persoane din toata lumea,atat.sunt studenta. Prefer sa nu-mi fac autoportretul, ci doar sa schitez cateva linii, fiindca "eu ma vad cu alti ochi, decat cei cu care ma vezi tu". Sunt o persoana serioasa, sensibila, creativa, cu simt al umorului, imi place sa calatoresc, sa vad si sa cunosc locuri si obiceiuri noi. Caut o RELATIE SERIOASA cu un domn de varsta apropiata de a mea. Nu ma intereseaza aaventurile de o noaptea. Raspund mesajelor civilizate. Multumesc ! bruneta momentan,1.62,52 de kg
I am an easy-going and communicative lady. I am also confident, artistic and not shy. I am always positive and surround myself with the same kind of people. I love to laugh and smile as much as possible. I am active, talkative and joyful. I have a lot of friends with whom I am in good relationships. I know how to listen, give advice and support. I am goal-oriented, confident and I know what I want from life! Blonda cu sani mari :)) Sugardaddy
Buna si nebuna propriul meu stapan sunt eu ,nu ma calka nimeni in picioare,viata e dura dar trebuie sa o traim la mare asa cum este si cat de scurta,gingasie,dragoste,sinceritate ce sa ceri de la un barbat..... neverrrrrrrrr.,toti sunt o apa si un pamant ,iubesc viata si vreau s o traiesc Da-ma naibii ca-s placuta Power of mind
Imi place tot ce inseamna viata...distractie... That is hard to believe but I still have not had any relationships and never dated with a man in my life!Maybe that sounds too old fashioned but I want to belong only to one man, to have one love and one family and to be touched only with my man in my life! I got excellent education and have an intresting job, live in the lovely city Berdyansk, etc. Actually there is a video in my profile so you can watch, listen to it and know more of me! Real Video would help you to feel my energy better than many of words! simpatica...haioasa... prietenie...
Ma numesc Cosmina ,am 18 ani ... Nimic din ceas spyne nu este asa de frumos ca descoperirea ta.....cucereste...descopera si vei trage solitar concluzia Doresc sa intalnesc un om aparte din toate punctele de vedere....intre 40-50 ani!Multumesc elegant Sunt bruneta cu ochii verzi ,am 1,61 inaltime si nu nici grasa nici slaba Caut o relatie sau daca nu vreau sa imi fac prietenii..
Ma numesc Roxana, am 19 ani si sunt o fire perseverenta! :) I am an honest heart that\'s looking for a stable relationship,I understand it is important to lay down lasting foundations for a lasting relationship,I am an active person who enjoys cycling and running best. I believe keeping fit is important. I am not interested in games or drama,I enjoy fine dining and am always looking for someone to share the appreciation of good food and fine wine,I amjust as comfortable with my hair up in old jeans as with my hair down wearing my favorite little negru dress,I love to dance:All styles, disco,house or swing Placut Mascul serios
eu si atat ce imi doresc ? o familie o inima un suflet aproape de mine Mi-as dori sa-l gasesc pe acel care vrea sa se uite in ochii mei cu dragoste , zilnic, sa vorbim, sa ridem sa fim sinceri unul fata de celalat ,iar atunci cind nu suntem laolalta sa sintim ca ne lipseste ...aerul pe care il respiram.. Sa ne bucuram de natura,de liniste ,de serile petrecute in familie. Micile gesturi pentru mine constituie mult. Un zambet, o imbratisare, o amintire de care sa ma bucur mereu. Nu vreau sa spun ca e prea tarziu. eu asa cum sunt un barbat sincer hotarat decis
I am a single wonderful soon to be mother looking to get to know some great gentlemen and kinda see where things go from there! I know Iam pregnant but Iam looking to someone who doesnat just measure on that Iam pregnant but will take the time to get to know me and see where things go. Conversatie inteligenta.
cand te gandesti la viitor vezi tot ce-ti convine! Azi ma vezi pe mine, asa cum sunt eu in realitate. Nu am nimic de ascuns, nu-mi place sa-mi pierd vremea cu tampenii. Daca iti place sa citesti, daca ai simtul umorului , daca iti plac seriale gen MASH sau Friends si le ai vazut de atatea ori incat stii replicile , daca ai imaginatie, ei bine ... pornim de aici. daca ma uit in oglinda vad ceva frumos, daca ma uit in gand vad ceva normal! In primul rand vreau sinceritate. Nu conteaza cat stam de vorba, despre ce, dar vreau ca oamenii pe care-i cunosc sa nu fie nesinceri sau pur si necomplicat plictisiti! ma scuzati, nu sunt mofturoasa dar daca nu ai fotografie, te rog nu ma cauta! mc f!
Sunt o persoana simpla,sincera si cu simtul umorului. Nu imi place minciuna... I think I\'m active and enthusiastic. Besides I like to mix with people and make new friends. My colleagues say I\'m responsible and reasonable. My friends say they can rely upon me. I can\'t say I\'m a too talkative person but from time to time I like to chat with my dearest and nearest. I love life and everything it can offer. I try to enjoy every minute of it. In my free time I like mixing with my friends or just staying at home , I\'m sure that we should enjoy everything that we meet in our life. In fact all depends on our attitude to it. That\'s why I always try to be optimistic.I would like to meet an honest and decent man, who has his own interests in life, determined and can reach his goals. I\'m looking for a person who is interesting to mix with. 1.70cm ochi albastrii bruneta,sunt mai plinuta Caut un mascul sincer sa nu minta si care isi vrea o relatie serioasa
Sincera, romantica, pasionala... I am young, energetic, serious and attractive girl. I am easy-going and that's why i can easily get new acquaintances and keep good friendly relations for years. I think that the best features of my character are faithfulness, kindness, sense of humor and ability to love! I don't have any bad habits and i like sport. Miniona, bruneta,corp frumos. Persoane vorbarete,inteligente,cu simtul umorului,care au si altceva in program decat intrebari 'standard' si vrajeli ieftine...
va lasi pe voi sa va facetzi o parere despre mine =)) femeie naturala in cautarea unui om natural intr-o lume anormala...nu sunt cea mai eleganta dar nici cea mai urata.atractia porneste de la prima vedere, rog cei fara poza la profil sa nu ma contacteze. timpul este pretios si nu detin suficient sa imi bat joc de el. va vor sa gasiti ceea ce cautati. Ana cet de cat bine ... nimic =))
I am a happy person, i love to smile laugh,i think am a very down to earth and easy going, i love cooking, listening to music,spending time with family.. i am a person of confidence optimistic, lovely and a simple girl..
ma simt bine cu mine. I am looking for a great relationship ... body, mind and soul ... a relationship based on honesty. The honesty that we are in this relationship for the pure and simple reason that we want to be part of each other's lives. To nurture, value and priorities time to be with each other. A relationship with sustainability, substance and yet still has that particular playful rapport. Sharing those qualities has us wanting to share as much of our time together as possible. Just being in each other's company makes us happier and is fun. A relationship like this will take time to build ... it will not happen overnight. And if we decide we would make better friends ... then so be it ... need to at least try for anything great to eventuate. At this time in life ... be with the one you love to be with. asa si asa te caut pe tine