Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
Sunt o tana ambitioasa,iubitoare,doarnica de a cunoastecun partener de viata,de preferinta de origine straina! I love to laugh and have fun.. Life is to short, to not enjoy every moment. I love just about all kinds of music...I'm very easy going, and I'm very comfortable in whatever I do . I'm a single woman who is looking for someone who I can share my life with. I am Strong, open and honest woman (sometimes too honest) who is looking for the same in a man....I just want to find that deosebit someone. I've been alone for a while and I've enjoyed it, but I think now it's time to start looking again. I love Spontaneity and Romance. . I would Love to share the experiences with someone special!! I would love to drive around the country, finding little traveled or out of the way places.I am enjoying doing things for me, But I would love to have a lovely man to share it with. weather that be staying home and making dinner together, driving up the coast with, a nice weekend wine tasting in Nap or reading the newspaper curled up together on Sun morning. Well I guess that it for now so if you like what you read email me, I would love to hear from you. Placut,corp bine lucrat,pentru mai multe detali pe CHAT! Un bardat serios dornic de a avea o relatie si de a ma intretine
Femeie, 20, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
imi plac oamenii sinceri............... carora sa nu le fie teama de ceia ce sunt stilul clasic, elegant, imi place corectitudinea , seriozitatea si adevarul in tot ceea ce fac...doresc o relatie stabila, de durata, serioasa ,un mascul " de cursa indelunga " , iar in acest sens exclud aventurierii, parteneriatele de orice natura , barbatii casatoriti sau cei care vor amante..va rog mult de tot sa-mi respectati aceasta cerinta..multumesc..................caut un barbat care sa-mi semene , si la caracter, si la interese, si la studii... cine se aseamana, se aduna, este un proverb romanesc.... sper sa se indeplineasca , si in cazul meu... pentru o relatie sincera, frumoasa, de incredere, de viitor te las sa ma descoperi cat mai multi prieteni
Femeie, 21, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
fff sexy nebunatica pritenoasa nu prea stiu ce sa spun despre mine decat ca ma consider perechea ideala ptr aproape indiferent ce mascul singur Building a relationship based on love, trust, mutual shared values, mutual respect and perhaps appreciation is my priority. This is the type of connection which involves a blending of the energy fields of two people in a very harmonious way. I desire to feel that unique closeness with my future partner, when there will be no topics that we could not discuss, where understanding would reign and we would solve any difficulties easily, respecting each other as individuals and caring of each other's feelings. It will surely result in more fulfilling life. fara celulita sani mari nici obeza nici slabanoaga sunt potrivita poate imi fac si un iubit
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
draguta.plina de viata si dornica Ma plimb pe aici in speranta sa gasesc un mascul destept si cu bun simt si care sa vrea o singura relatie - stabila. ...................................................... "Daca zambesc inseamna ca ma bucur; Daca te caut inseamna ca mi-e dor; Daca te ajut inseamna ca imi pasa; Daca intreb reprezinta ca ma intereseaza; Daca ofer inseamna ca meriti; Daca cer inseamna ca am nevoie; Daca spun inseamna ca vreau sa stii." draguta foc (dupa cum vedeti):))
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
Sunt o persoana serioasa, putin plictisitoare, egoista , interesanta Apreciez sinceritatea, modestia, respectul de sine si fata de ceilalti, precum si flexibilitatea si pofta de a evolua.... Poate impreuna. Sunt onesta, deschisa, vesela, destul de activa, iubesc tot ce este elegant si delicat. Acasa poate fi si in natura, la mare, la munte, inclusiv cu sporturile aferente. Este bine sa stii ca daca nu te identifici cu ale mele cerinte si cu ale mele preocupari, pe alocuri, macar, din pacate, nu cred ca ne vom scrie. Multumesc pentru intelegere :) Intrucat contul a fost facut mai demult si inchis si apoi redeschis, si nu pot modifica varsta, fac mentiunea ca am 38,6 ani. Rog curiosii si neseriosii (necunoscatori de limba materna) si doritorii de flirt ... sa se abtina. Placuta Caut o persoana care are valori morale, principii si intelect, simtul umorului, taria de a bine dispune, un suflet rational, si o persoana educata deasemenea.
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
My equal will be honest, warm, self-aware, a good conversationalist and trusted companion. A good sense of humour never goes astray, though I'd settle for someone who laughs at my jokes :) Most importantly I need a man with an open heart, who knows how to truly value and connect with others. A man who makes me feel like I just got home. Does that sound like you? Don't just sail on by. Drop me a line. As Ernest Hemingway once wrote, "My big fish must be somewhere." - The Old Man and the Sea
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
I love great conversation, walks on the beach, snorkeling, and a hot bath with a great book. I love to cook and experiment in the kitchen, as well as going out for a delicious meal. I like all kinds of music, movies, and art. I've been classically trained in piano, but am only playing the ukulele these days. I will go anywhere and do anything, including riding roller coasters or taking a last minute road trip.
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
...eu... in dragoste nu credeam iar acum cand mam indragostit...mam indragostit de cine nu trebuia...trec prin clipe grele din veata mea...caut pe cineva k sa ma ajute sa alung tristetia din imima mea...nu k sa-si mai bata iar joc de ia!!!! ...diferit... ...iubire...
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
pai sunt destul de admirata:)) am un temperament coleric , imi place sa cant sa dansez cu prietenii sa mananc inghetata ... nu mi plac oamenii care incearca sa para ceea ce nu sunt , lingusitorii si introvertitii ........ exista in viata ocazii cand realizezi ca ai avut circa de tine oameni minunati, oameni ... atat de frumosi pe dinauntru , incat iti lumineaza ziua ori de cate ori ii intalnesti... si exista clipe cand realizezi ca nu ai stiut sa te apropii de ei cand ai avut ocazia , sa i cunosti , sa i iubesti inca din intaia clipa , sa creezi alaturi de ei viata printr un zambet , printr o imbratisare , printr o surpriza imortalizata in amintiri... dar, pana la urma, ceea ce conteaza e miracolul ca i ai intalnit ... chiar daca nu i putem avea laolalta de noi mereu , in inima ne raman mereu aproape ... imi place sa visez si sa traiesc , sa fac cu pofta ceea ce iubesc , sa caut scantei in oameni , in imagini, in povesti , in atingeri , in potriviri ... imi place sa ma cred speciala dar prea indolenta pentru a mi demonstra valoarea si imi tolerez cu desfatare lipsa de initiativa pe lista celorlalte defecte asumate ... imi place ideea ca mai pot face inca ceea ce vreau, urasc criticile , stiu ca e usor sa ma placi si foarte greu sa ma cunosti ...dar ador sa fiu "citita", din cand in cand ... am invatat recent sa iubesc inceputurile...si ideea ca e timp, e timp pentru absolut orice ... doar sa nu uiti sa te joci .... nu mult ... atat cat trebuie pentru a ti garanteaza visele in viata ... sexy si simpatica caut un barbat
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
Buna :* Sunt o blonda placuta in cautare de un mascul generos cu beneficii reciproce sunt o doamna f serioasa si mi vor deasemeni sa fie la fel persoana respectivafara minciuni alcool si dezamagiri doresc ceva real si concret multumesc de antelegere as mai putea integrala sa stie limba engleza minim dc nu mare sa poata lucra an uk,sa avem preocupare reciproca MULTAM ! Blonda, par lung, forma placut, 1,63 inaltime Caut un barbat pentru o prietenie cu beneficii reciproce
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
Iubesc pictura ma fascineaza masinile de teren I am a very sincere, patient and tactful woman. At the same time I have a wonderful sense of humor. I am positive and cheerful in the company of my friends. I do have a positive outlook on life and love. I appreciate kindness and respect. I dream to visit with my beloved man some beautiful and unbelievable places, which will bring us unforgettable emotions and memories. I believe laughter and happiness are good medicine to change any mood. Un infatisare fizic placut Un mascul modest plin de viata
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
draguta I would describe myself as a��reala��, friendly and kind..My personality traits are: Kind, loyal, romantic, good sense of humor, good listener,caretaker, compassionate, gentle, feeling, and sensitive honest, wise, playful, very tender hearted and am a dreamer. I like to go out to/and: fine dining, theater, ballet, opera, movies, drive, photography, museums, art galleries, like these physical activities: Swimming!!!, walking, jogging,American Football,Baseball fishing, . I hate to argue. I am a lover not a fighter placut....
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
HAIOASA Daca aveam acum 20 de ani mintea de acum,cu certitudine altfel s-ar fi aranjat viata mea. Sunt un om cu bune si rele,poate prea sincera pentru multimea in care traim. Cred ca am ajuns in acel clipa al vietii mele,in care sa imi recunosc macar mie insami ca viata constituie mult mai mult,decat:compromisuri,renuntari si suferinta. VEZI POZE.......DA-TI CU PAREREA!
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
I am a kind, sentimental, tender, romantic, intelligent, faithful, humorous person and I love life. I like listening to good music, being in nature, reading literature, spending time with friends and interesting people. I love the nature, animals, the sea, a beach and the sun. I am engaged in aerobics and belly dance. At present I am absolutely ready for making a strong family with my loving man and charming children. I want to meet my real other half who I\'ve been lost without. I want to have a strong, loving, friendly marriage and to love and be loved. White man without children or with children. he is a kind, sensitive, fair, devoted, intellectual, romantic person. he is responsible and reliable. he wants to have a strong, friendly, happy, loving family as much as I do.he has a great sense of humor and is a fun loving person.he has not got bad habits. he likes this life in all of its manifestations. he likes listening to music, reading, walking, traveling, enjoying spending time with his family just doing different things together.
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
Va voi spune pe simplu cam ce`mi place la mine si ce nu!
[Ce Imi Place la mine] : Ca sunt unica, originala (in felul meu), cuceritoare, ambitioasa, romantica, creeativa, spontana, sociabila, onesta, sincera, confidenta, prietenoasa, dau sfaturi bune (asa zic prietenii mei). Pai...eu din punctul meu de vedere sunt BUNA :D acuma depinde si de gusturi nu? oricum profilul fizic nu conteaza...in totalitate...! byeee! Momentan nu caut nimic stau aici doar asa din obisnuinta...si oricum adevarata iubire n`o poti gasi pe un site...cel putin asta e parerea mea...! aaa si app cu mesajele alea anonime... :) lasati`va de meserie fratilor...ca nu ma intimidati cu mesajele alea de inculti sincer :)
Femeie, 41, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
Sunt asa cum sunt! Die Beschreibung selbst kann eine Herausforderung sein, aber hier ist ein wenig über mich. Ich bin ein sehr fürsorglich, rücksichtsvoll Person, die eine Menge Respekt für andere Gefühle hat. Ich genieße die Zeit mit meiner Familie, hänge mit meinen Freunden, möchte aber feststellen, dass eine spezielle Person, um mein Leben komplett. Ich glaube, dass die Chemie ist ein Muss in einer Beziehung und Sie haben ein Geben und Nehmen Verpflichtung, einander brauchen. Zu viele Male Beziehungen fallen in einen Trott und vieles ist für uns selbstverständlich! Ich gehe gern aus für ein schönes Abendessen und enden entweder auf einem Spaziergang, settlin sich mit einem guten Flasche Wein oder Champagner oder was auch immer! Ich bin ziemlich spontan und abholen können und werden für ein Wochenende weg zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt fertig! Foarte placut! :)) Citeste in profilul meu.
Femeie, 39, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
sunt o fire sociabila,imi place sa imi fac cat mai multi prieteni,nu suport minciuna si falsitatea. Bonjour je viens de découvrir ce site, j'aimerais bien trouver un partenaire sérieux avec qui partager mes peines, mes joies et penser avenir dans une relation amoureuse solide...Je déteste le mensonge, les pervers passé votre chemin placut.ma consider doar simpatica! prieteni
Femeie, 61, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
simpla,comunicativa,cu simtul umorului Am 25 de ani, sunt o nevasta sensibila si pasionala, sexi si deschisa la orice! Apropo este gresita data nasteri la profil 04.04.1995 este data Reala, sunt discreta si atenta la tot Ce misca! Cauta ma si descopera.... o femeie normala un mascul sincer,comunicativ,cu simtul umorului
Femeie, 53, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
draguta,sincera...sociabila Sunt un om normal,cel putin asa cred,caut o persoana apropiata de varsta,fara obligatii,si sa locuiasca destul de aproximativ ca sa ne putem intalni,sa petrecem timp impreuna,sa ne plimbam,sa mergem in concedii,in concluzie sa ne simtim bine. Nu vor casatorie,la anii mei implica prea numeroase complicatii. placut... ....seriozitate,prietenie...respect ...
Femeie, 41, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
Sono una ragazza dolce i don't like speak about myself because usually there are so many emotions, memories and thoughts that i have in my mind that it's so hard to chose only a few words to describe this. And i would prefer much more if there was a chance to look into my eyes because the whole world is reflected into them. what exactly? there is happiness because i am surrounded by marvelous people who i love and who loves me. there is excitement because waking up every day, there was no a day when i wasn't surprised with the clouds on the sky, with the tree that changes its colors every day, with passers-by who i meet on my way somewhere. there is love not only to people but also to things, to nature, to life. There is joy because i know that each situation in my life both pleasant or not really is teaching me something and i am trying to learn. but there is also some sadness sometimes because i miss one very important person in my life whom i can wait as long as it is necessary but i will better go towards him. maybe here i'll meet who I need and who needs me... Sono carina I omini generosi pronti per divertirsi...
Femeie, 64, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
sunt gospodina,fak tot felul de mancaruri gustoase si pun si suflet,agricultura,curatenie,imi place sa ma distrez,imi place sa calatoresc pe la munte,mare imi place sa merg la statiuni cu familia. Sunt o fata simpla si sincera si imi plac lucrurile mai simple mai modeste. Sunt serioasa si de casa rar cand mai caut si eu o escapada ca sa uit de nereguli de munca si sa ma relaxez fiind ca fac si studii in acelasi timp. De fumat fumez zilnic dar de baut pot sa zic ca beau doar ocazional asta nu insemna ca sunt bautoare inraita. Caut pe cineva serios de casa si sa fie in Franta. Rog persoanele care cauta aventuri sa se abtina. par roscat,ochi caprui inaltimea 160 cm greutate 65 kg silueta., caut un barbat intr-o relatie seroasa si de casatorie,sa nu le aiba cu alcolul sa fie gospodar, fara copii sau poate si cu copii
Femeie, 61, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
Sunt o persoana draguta,de incredere cu bun simt, nu imi place minciuna o detest ... cam atat despre mine deocamdata I have no desire to see or swap dirty pics - really not that kind of woman. also if you haven't got a face pic, haven't filled your details in and haven't said what you are looking for - then ask me if I want to connect - expect sarcasm as a reply! In a nutshell I'm a down to earth young woman with both old school and new school values. I still believe in courting, picnics in the park, long conversations and gentlemen opening doors. se observa in poza Caut o persoana de incredere,fara vicii,cu aspect placut si cu personalitate buna deocamdata ....
Femeie, 52, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
I like to smile and laugh, and can be a bit goofy at times. A big kid at heart. I am playful and spontaneous. I tend to be the "caregiver" and am always making sure the people around me are happy and content. I love my kids and being a mom to them. That is one thing that I won't budge on- is my kids Call me old fashioned- I was raised a pretty "old school" household. My parents are still married after 56 years. They don't make them like my dad anymore! Or do they? I'm not into a text message relationship. I believe speaking on the phone or face to face has more meaning . It's so easy to get in Someone kind,romantic,passionate,kid loving,generous,loving,caring,respects others,God fearing and everything good a woman could be and a man could ask for
Femeie, 43, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
sunt o fata sensibila,finuta,draguta. aaaaaaaa,nu stiu cu ce sa incep,incercand sa scriu ceva inteligent despre mine,mi-am dat seama ca nimanui nu-i pasa de ce scriu eu pe aici asa ca am sa bat campii sa zic ca sunt atat de inteligenta ,educata si eleganta si cum mai vreti voi,intr-un cuvant "perfecta".In fine o sa zic ceva despre mine,IUBESC oamenii simpli care stiu sa-ti fie laolalta indiferent ce se intampla,muzica buna,iubesc fulgii de zapada,stropii de ploaie,iubesc aburul de cafea,fluturii,traiesc sa iubesc,iubesc viata asa cum e,pentru ca e doar una.Am o multime de defecte sunt superficiala,aroganta,egoista,narcisista,incapatanata,posesiva,lenesa,ironica,geloasa,cicalitoare,orgolioasa,dezordonata,,,,ajunge?Si acum ar necesita sa spun ca urasc aia si cealalta dar nu am s-o fac pentru ca URA este cel mai josnic sentiment pe care-l poate avea un om.ura te face sa fii un om bolnav pe dinauntru.Detest MINCIUNA mai mult decat orice.Daca ati avut rabdare sa cititi tot ce am scris eu pe aici VA MULTUMESC si cam atat. arat f bine..nu-mi place sa ma laud.. un barbat serios,liber..cu care sa-mi fac o familie...nu-mi cereti id..nu am! multumesc tuturor celor care au inteles!
Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
Lady culta,serioasa,educata, I am lonely single female, I am marriage minded, family orientate and i like to do care at al time as i don't have time for game and am not here for friendship or internet games. I am fun, honest, easy going, Romantic, Godly, light hearted, caring, loyal, obedient, and i love to be sincere and honest about my words as i am caring ,kind ,friendly very easy to get along with and social ,romantic, passionate ,smart ,intelligent, cool headed, adaptive with a big heart of caring and loving and i do believe in the truth and honesty because honesty is the only key to human success and with honesty, i believe in myself and my life is based on truth and its all about who i really am and am ready to have long term relationship and i don't really care to get relocate to any where. inalta,cu forme bine conturate Caut prieten cu beneficiu serios,dragut,educat
Femeie, 49, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
ce poate face o ..... pisicuta neagra? este blinda, dar.....zgirie!!!!!!!!!! Sunt o persoana singura ( vaduva) linistita ,imi place sa ma ocup de gradina mea ,sa privesc la TV sa merg la cumparaturi .Imi ocup momentul cu confectionarea de obiecte din materiale reciclabile. asa-si-asa micuta! prieteni, oameni cu simtul umorului.....sa am cu cine-mi pierde timpul.
Femeie, 38, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
Sunt o fire foarte deschisa , in cautare de noi prieteni si de ce nu a sufletului pereche Coucou, je suis Maria 30 ans de Comines, en France, je suis une femme simple sympas, et cool, je suis aussi prévoyante et sure de moi, je suis dans la solitude depuis maintenant 3 ans, veuve, je suis seule et malgré toutes mes tentatives de trouvé un homme bien pour une vie � deux mais hélas, ja��espère de tous cœur qu'ici je trouvais un homme sincère, honnête, simple ... Merci Dupa parerea multora , arat bine
Femeie, 57, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
Am fost intotdeauna singura. Prietenii mei cei mai buni au fost parintii, in special mama, cateva prietene, cativa oameni buni, si bineinteles Dumnezeu. M-am imbolnavit la 33 de ani de schizofrenie paranoida si depresie pentru ca am iubit mult un barbat care nu m-a iubit. Sunt inaltuta (166 cm) si foarte grasa (136 de kg). Am parul scurt, grizonat, uneori putin vopsit blond. Am ochii verzi. Merg cam greu si putin aplecata. As vrea sa am un prieten sincer, care sa respecte si sa inteleaga suferinta fiintelor umane si a tuturor fapturilor vii, sa simta la randul lui nevoia de comunicare si de intelegere, de afectiune si armonie.
Daca ar fi sa ma casatoresc vreodata, mi-as dori un sot inalt si o casatorie alba.
Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
Friends & Family Health & Fitness Travel and Holidays. Camping & 5 Star My hope of meeting someone I think is amazing inside and out. Like playful banter and all of the emotional, intellectual and physical side of a relationship. Will never see myself as too old to do anything and looking to live life to its fullest. After you get to know me you will also see me as loyal, loving and strong ethically. Hopefully the above rings true for you and you send me a KISS.
Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
I am generally an optimistic person with a sense of humor, fairly easy-going,not easily tempered or upset, and I don't think that I'm too critical about things, but I also believe that it takes two people contributing to a relationship to make it work, it needs hardworking,understanding,Loving,caring,truthfulness,faithfulness,God fearing. Royalty,no cheating and most importantly being there to help each other in terms of need,help,etc... you have to be there for each other in every situation no matter what and you should help and if you even dont have you should do all you can to help even risk your life for the sake of Love that you have for each other in this way,there is going to be an endless LOVE
Femeie, 46, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
frumoasa ingrijita restu descopera... So often when we realize that all of our existence is longing to be in a couple, to meet the right person and just enjoy the happiness we all long for, i realize that we often think of what this relationship or this person will bring into our life- passion, tenderness, a reason to wake up, yet now i believe that first you have to feel the need not to take but to give, and only now i came to the stateb in my life when i know for sure what i have to offer, i am not searching anyone to complete me, to make my life fuller, I am not looking for my other half, as i believe we all separately already whole, already complete, and relationship is a solid U of two worlds that cherish the power of interaction destul de placuta o relatie serioasa,comunicare etc...
Femeie, 67, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
e greu....multe defecte.....cateva calitati.....si se mai si convertesc intre ele.... Thank you for paying attention to my profile. I am easy-going, like to joke, but serious when it is needed. I would be better alone then with just somebody. I want to get married once and for the whole life. I am am friendly, kind, family-oriented, I never complicate things and prefer to enjoy life. eu ma plac, ma plac si altii deci....sunt ok. ai sa zambesti sau poate nu o sa crezi dar....il caut pe EL, sotul fabricat pentru mine....poate e o himera, dar sigur e o himera eleganta si mie, imi face tare bine aceasta cautare
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
Sunt o persoana linistita,sensibila,sincera. I am a professional Christian singer and songwriter/religious leader that travels internationally spreading love through song and speaking. I enjoy surrounding myself with positive energy. I am a unique man that sees the world in a unique way. Sunt o femeie naturala Vreau sa-mi fac prieteni
Muzica. I'm a humorous, caring girl who always has a lot of laughs and does not pull me to make fun comments when opportunity is given. I have a great interest in sports of all kinds and exercise myself both at the gym and go walking several times a week. To get out and breathe fresh air, maybe grilling something or just feeling calm rests warmly at my heart. The guy I'm looking for should be a caring person who knows what he wants with his life, who appreciates sports life as well as cozy home evening or a restaurant visit where you can treat yourself to really good food either by hand or in company of friends. Placut. Socializare.
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
Draguta si sincera...simple&sweet!:) Sunt eu , cu calitati si defecte, ca oricare dintre noi. Ce caut aici ? Hmmmm...greu de spus, mai ales in vremurile astea pe care le traim cu totii. O discutie , o prietenie virtuala ...cine stie in ce punct se poate ajunge? Nu exclud nimic...Ma gandesc ca deocamdata sa imi alung plictiseala , atunci cand am astfel de momente. Timpul si destinul le va rezolva pe toate apoi... Caci m-am inscris azi, 5.11.2020, va rog sa detineti putina rabdare cu mine... Inca nu stiu intocmai cum functioneaza acest site. Nu am sa imi fac abonament, deci cine este cu adevarat interesat de mine, ma poate contacta prin mesaje. Multumesc! Ah...o chestiune foarte importanta ! Nu sunt interesata de sex virtual! Daca nu raspund la mesaje , inseamna ca nu le-am putut vedea. Imi pare rau! Las la aprecierea altora... sincer si "cu capul pe umeri"....un adevarat gentleman!
O relatie serioasa sau just friends.
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
bruneta,ochi caprui I'm caring, faithful, Loyal, truthful, loving, generous, goals achiever, honest, Spiritual oriented, future driven, Confidential, Understands the ups and downs of life, Committed to relationship, reader, visionary, Conservative, Passionate, romantic, sexy and loving.I love to be fun and spontaneous and enjoy each day finding something joyful to smile about? satisfacator depinde ce mi se da
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Panciu, Vrancea Romania
o fire optimista,intotdeauna cu zambetul pe buze.Imi plac oamenii sinceri! Sunt o persoana carismatica cu un simt al umorului destul de dezvoltat.Ador sa calatoresc,sa cunosc locuri si persoane noi, Suntuoso o persoana f deschisa si sociabila.nu suport gelosia, infidelitatea , oamenii mincinosi.