Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Sunt o tana ambitioasa,iubitoare,doarnica de a cunoastecun partener de viata,de preferinta de origine straina! I am open and ambitious. My character is a mystery even for myself till this moment. I am purposeful and I believe there is no limit to perfection. I love animals. Its nice to spend my spare time communicating with good people. The most important for me is family Placut,corp bine lucrat,pentru mai numeroase detali pe CHAT! Un bardat serios dornic de a avea o relatie si de a ma intretine
Femeie, 20, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
imi plac oamenii sinceri............... carora sa nu le fie teama de ceia ce sunt perfect orice dragoste care nu are la bazĂ prietenia, este ca un castel creat pe nisip;stiind sĂ asculti vei profita si de pe urma celor care vorbesc rĂ u; argumentle nu conving pe nimeni;nici-un lucru mĂ ret din lume nu a fost realizat fĂ rĂ pasiune; cele mai frumoase lucruri nu pot fi vĂ zute sau atinse trebuie sĂ le simti cu inima... printre toate florile lumii sunt si eu o flore, culege-mĂ de poti.. te las sa ma descoperi cat mai multi prieteni
Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
fff sexy nebunatica pritenoasa nu prea stiu ce sa spun despre mine decat ca ma consider perechea ideala ptr aproximativ orice mascul singur hello every one.. i'm new on here in search of my soul mate , i hate games or BS... marie is my name single never married i have been heart broken before but i'm now ready to move on, but i just need only one man who is ready for something serious not after sex hun, i am single, caring, loving, passionate, God fearing,i am an orphan i dont have family of my own but i blive i'm gonna make it in life so i'm not giving up .. if you wanna know you can message me then i'll reply you fara celulita sani mari nici obeza nici slabanoaga sunt potrivita poate imi fac si un iubit
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Sunt o persoana serioasa, putin plictisitoare, egoista , interesanta I am on here looking for a very serious relationship that will surely lead to marriage if only my partner Agrees ..I am a fun loving person. I am a very caring and sensitive person, I am a level headed, down to earth person who is totally devoted to the one I love. I tend to be shy at first, but I will open up quickly with the right person.I am confident, calm, and happy. An introvert by nature, I am quiet, structured, and organized. i think I'm a pretty easy going person. I love to be shown affection and don't have any problem whatsoever showing the right person lots of of it, i always say if its better to give than to receive. I think that i have a pretty "strange" sense of humor at times. i look at it this way I'd rather make a joke than to sit around and dwell on things i can't do much of anything about.I literally despise people who put on or lie about things and think they can get away with it where I'm concerned.I consider myself a sensitive, kind, and gentle person who enjoys being with people. I like going to the movies, listening to music, taking long walks on the beach.Favorite activities are going to the movies,taking walks the beach, being healthy. Most of all I love to be romantic for that special someone. Simpatica Caut o persoana care are valori morale, principii si intelect, simtul umorului, taria de a bine dispune, un suflet rational, si o persoana educata deasemenea.
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Muncesc mult in momentul saptamanii dar weekendul e rezervat tipilor dragi. Ma relaxez la palavre cu prietenii impreuna de un vin bun. Sunt o fire independenta in cautarea cuiva in fata caruia sa imi consimt sa fiu vulnerabila.
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
this is the best way i can describe myself I am grown up girl who wants to facute right life with right man.I already understand this despite my age. Time of thoughtless actions has passed, and that is time to make serious step in this life. That is why I am here
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
My name is Emma Fallson am 24 years of age am from Philadelphia in the united state with a kind heart looking for a lovely person who is will to be in an unforgettable relationship till marriage someone with a castle heart who will treat me like a queen in it
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
...eu... I enjoy movies and music for relaxation. A quiet night at home is also enjoyed and welcomed. I am open to try different activities and up for the challenge. I love spontaneity and being a bit impulsive. ...diferit... ...iubire...
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
pai sunt destul de admirata:)) I am simple but loving lady who likes to readand watch movies. i believe in this sayings of my grandma Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end sexy si placuta caut un mascul
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Buna :* Sunt o blonda simpatica in cautare de un barbat inimos cu beneficii reciproce Nu sunt inabordabila sau mofturoasa! Doar ca vreau alaturi de mine un mascul matur si responsabil, mai ales cand vine vorba de iubire, un barbat care sa stie sa aprecieze sentimentele sincere, nu unul care sa aiba impresia ca iubirea ti-o poate oferi oricine. Asa ca pentru restul voi spune ,,Nu, multumesc!a€ť si imi voi asuma faptul ca nu stiu sa accepte un refuz. Blonda, par lung, infatisare placut, 1,63 inaltime Caut un mascul pentru o prietenie cu beneficii reciproce
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Iubesc pictura ma fascineaza masinile de teren I am a kind, open-hearted, communicative, humorous, loyal, reliable and responsible woman who is ready for love. I want my family to have a warm, cozy and joyful atmosphere. I want to inspire my man and warm him with tenderness and love. I appreciate respecting, sincerity and understanding. Un aspect fizic satisfacator Un barbat simplu plin de viata
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
draguta Viata poate fi traita intr-o maniera eleganta,poate fi savurata ca o calatorie,nu ca o cursa disperata spre destinatia finala.Incearca sa traiesti o viata de exceptie,prin felul in care gandesti ,prin ceea ce spui si prin ceea ce faci. placut....
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
HAIOASA Va rog sa nu mi-o luati in nume de rau, dar nu sunt aici in cautare de sot. In principiu caut conversatie (de calitate, spumoasa, amuzanta, daca se poate), pentru ca viata mea sociala lasa mult de dorit, dar nu exclud posibilitatea unor conexiuni reale. Ca sa nu va obositi degeaba, va spun de pe acum ca nu suport greselile de gramatica, manelele, cartile din gamele Sandra Brown si Dan Brown, filemele gen Die hard si Alien. VEZI POZE.......DA-TI CU PAREREA!
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Sunt vesela, optimista, cu respect, intelegere, am si eu ca toti oamenii momente si momente, dar cred in mine, sunt cu mult bun simt, educata si responsabila, imi place sa citesc, sa inspir aerul miresmatic al primaverii si nu numai, sa calatoresc, sa fiu o companie usoara in grupul de prieteni, sa vad un film bun si numeroase altele...imi plac mult florile..si ciocolata
Femeie, 41, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Sunt asa cum sunt! Sunt ceea ce sunt,iar ceea ce sunt e ceea ce sunt.Vreau sa fiu ceea ce sunt si ceea ce voi fi e doar ceea ce sunt.Si daca am dorinta de a fi, nu voi mai fi mai mult decat am fost. Chiar daca am fost ceea ce s-a dorit sa fiu, vor continua mereu sa se intrebe ce anume sunt sau ce am fost vreodata. Sunt ceea ce sunt si ceea ce sunt e ceea ce vei vedea. Foarte placut! :)) Citeste in profilul meu.
Femeie, 53, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
draguta,sincera...sociabila I am very cheerful and open woman. I know that my close people appreciate me for my kindness and responsiveness. I believe only in the best, because life is one, and we need to live it happily! I am a loving and very caring woman. My dream is a happy family. I am a simple person and I dream of sincere feelings, wonderful walks, tender kisses, warm embraces and the happiest time together with my man placut... ....seriozitate,prietenie...respect ...
Femeie, 39, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Femeie, 61, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
simpla,comunicativa,cu simtul umorului I am simple but loving lady who likes to readand watch movies. i believe in this sayings of my grandma Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end o femeie naturala un mascul sincer,comunicativ,cu simtul umorului
Femeie, 41, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Sono una ragazza dolce I can be a strong woman, but want to be weak and protected near my man. I can struggle, but I want better to smile. I can make my way through life, but I better want the life to be a clear way for me. I believe that I can do the best of my life, and I am trying to do this every moment of my existence! Sono carina I omini generosi pronti per divertirsi...
Femeie, 64, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
sunt gospodina,fak tot felul de mancaruri gustoase si pun si suflet,agricultura,curatenie,imi place sa ma distrez,imi place sa calatoresc pe la munte,mare imi place sa merg la statiuni cu familia. I'm a sweet, loyal, God fearing woman easy to talk to, friendly and kind nature. I am a quiet thinker but can be vivacious at times. I have a live and let live lifestyle { ( I do not take life too seriously, we all have a limited time on earth. However, most people would describe me as highly responsible. par roscat,ochi caprui inaltimea 160 cm greutate 65 kg silueta., caut un barbat intr-o relatie seroasa si de casatorie,sa nu le aiba cu alcolul sa fie gospodar, fara copii sau poate si cu copii
Femeie, 61, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Sunt o persoana draguta,de incredere cu bun simt, nu imi place minciuna o detest ... cam atat despre mine deocamdata Greu de vorbit cand e vorba de mine... Sunt optimista pana in ultima instanta sociala mai tot timpul. Nu-mi place niciodata rezolvarea de mijloc,tind mereu inspre o extrema sau alta.M-a ghidez mereu dupa motto-ul"Totul sau nimic". Ar mai fi atatea de spus...dar ca sa inchei intr-un mod dragut, zic asa in mare parte ,i-mi place asa cum sunt , nu sunt frustrata , am incredere in mine . Desi am fost dezamagita de numeroase ori in viata , inca mai am resurse . Acum sa vad optiunea ta ,tu cel care citesti descrierea . se observa in poza Caut o persoana de incredere,fara vicii,cu aspect placut si cu personalitate buna deocamdata ....
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Va voi spune pe scurt cam ce`mi place la mine si ce nu!
[Ce Imi Place la mine] : Ca sunt unica, originala (in felul meu), cuceritoare, ambitioasa, romantica, creeativa, spontana, sociabila, onesta, sincera, confidenta, prietenoasa, dau sfaturi bune (asa zic prietenii mei). Pai...eu din punctul meu de vedere sunt BUNA :D acuma depinde si de gusturi nu? oricum aspectul fizic nu conteaza...in totalitate...! byeee! Momentan nu caut nimic stau aici doar asa din obisnuinta...si oricum adevarata iubire n`o poti gasi pe un site...cel putin asta e parerea mea...! aaa si app cu mesajele alea anonime... :) lasati`va de meserie fratilor...ca nu ma intimidati cu mesajele alea de inculti sincer :)
Femeie, 52, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
I like to smile and laugh, and can be a bit goofy at times. A big kid at heart. I am playful and spontaneous. I tend to be the "caregiver" and am always making sure the people around me are happy and content. I love my kids and being a mom to them. That is one thing that I won't budge on- is my kids Call me old fashioned- I was raised a pretty "old school" household. My parents are still married after 56 years. They don't make them like my dad anymore! Or do they? I'm not into a text message relationship. I believe speaking on the phone or face to face has more meaning . It's so easy to get in Someone kind,romantic,passionate,kid loving,generous,loving,caring,respects others,God fearing and everything good a woman could be and a man could ask for
Femeie, 43, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
sunt o fata sensibila,finuta,draguta. I dream to meet a man, who is looking for a mutual love and respect. I just want to full our hearts of happiness and romantic atmosphere! I dream to fabricate relationships, where we can be honest with each other and should be able to rely on each other when it is needed. arat f bine..nu-mi place sa ma laud.. un barbat serios,liber..cu care sa-mi fac o familie...nu-mi cereti id..nu am! multumesc tuturor celor care au inteles!
Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Lady culta,serioasa,educata, I want a serious long term relationship and more. Someone who is responsible, respectful, can take care of his self,and who is employed.special to capture my heart and knows how to handle it with care, one who will cherish me and be willing to share life's greatest joys and sorrows. Someone who's willing to spoil, pamper and love me unconditionally, whom is kind, sincere, honest, passionate, loyal, sense of humor, loving and wants a lifetime of passion.and also knows how to have fun but can be serious when needed., so only serious inquiries will be accepted.I hope to hear from you soon I'm looking for a soul-mate....a best friend for life! Someone I could talk to about anything.........A good listener, smart and funny! I'd give the same to the ONE !! Who knows - may be you are my twin-soul inalta,cu forme bine conturate Caut prieten cu beneficiu serios,dragut,educat
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
o fire optimista,intotdeauna cu zambetul pe buze.Imi plac oamenii sinceri! Sint zodia Sagetator. O doamna obisnuita si distinsa , modesta, placuta,fara fite , omenirea se simnte bine in prezenta mea si vor sa gasesc pe cineva care sa-mi aprecieze calitatile, sa putem avea puncte comune in existenta noastra .
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
blonda sexi I am caring, honest and sincere woman. i have nice body, long hair. I enjoy reading, walking on the mountains and enjoy meeting friends. I am here for a serious relationship that will lead to marriage and not here for games or for any online FUN. Are you serious in meeting your soul mate then let meet now and see where this will take us to. placut un barbat simpatic, nu forte inalt si sincer...
Femeie, 49, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
ce poate face o ..... pisicuta neagra? este blinda, dar.....zgirie!!!!!!!!!! 10 reguli simple pentru o viata fericita 1: Nu trebuie sa fii lipsit de frica a€“ pur si simplu fii curios 2: Impaca-te cu propriile frici 3: Inceteaza sa mai cauti justificari 4: Fii rabdator cu tine insuti. 5: Nu astepta o garantie 6: a€žA refuzaa€ť si a€žA renuntaa€ť a€“ nu sunt unul si acelasi fapt 7: Fii mai degraba creatorul vietii tale, decat observatorul 8: Gaseste-ti a€žtribula€ť 9: Adreseaza intrebarile corecte 10: Continua sa traiesti asa-si-asa micuta! prieteni, oameni cu simtul umorului.....sa am cu cine-mi pierde timpul.
Femeie, 57, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Am fost intotdeauna singura. Prietenii mei cei mai buni au fost parintii, in deosebit mama, cateva prietene, cativa oameni buni, si bineinteles Dumnezeu. M-am imbolnavit la 33 de ani de schizofrenie paranoida si depresie pentru ca am iubit mult un mascul care nu m-a iubit. Sunt inaltuta (166 cm) si foarte grasa (136 de kg). Am parul scurt, grizonat, uneori putin vopsit blond. Am ochii verzi. Merg cam greu si putin aplecata. As vrea sa am un prieten sincer, care sa respecte si sa inteleaga suferinta fiintelor umane si a tuturor fapturilor vii, sa simta la randul lui nevoia de comunicare si de intelegere, de afectiune si armonie.
Daca ar fi sa ma casatoresc vreodata, mi-as dori un sot inalt si o casatorie alba.
Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
I am loyal, honest, loving, understanding and caring. I am petite with attractive looks. I believe that I have the knowledge and the skills to fight despite the adversity of life. I am sincere in terms of love, and I am only a one-man-woman. To make someone happy is what I want to see always and inspires them in my own little ways. I am faithful and know how to care for a relationship.
Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Sunt o fire destul de deschisa , in cautare de noi prieteni si de ce nu a sufletului pereche I am very kind and honest girl. I have a great sense of humor. I am very purposeful and always going to the end. I love the spring and summer. I love to relax in nature and swim in the river or in the sea. Dupa parerea multora , arat bine
Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
I the woman which could not find love in a reality and have begun search of love on the Internet, whether I do not know I can find such person, but I have a hope, and it on mine the most important. I the purposeful, romantic person loving a life. If you think that I approach you, you can leave the message and I shall necessarily answer it. I wish to tell that me games do not interest.
Femeie, 46, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
frumoasa eleganta restu descopera... Ia€™m looking for serious relationship here, as I am choosing the mate of my life! I hope to meet sweet, reliable, caring man and wonderful person in general. Knowing myself I can say that I often pay attention at a mana€™s eyes. I hope you have kind eyes and will show me your wide smile when we meet. destul de simpatica o relatie serioasa,comunicare etc...
Femeie, 67, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
e greu....multe defecte.....cateva calitati.....si se mai si convertesc intre ele.... Sunt o persoana destul de atipica (nerdy), sunt medic de familie, prefer youtube comparativ cu televiziunea, imi place sa invat lucruri noi. Admir Nerdfighteria. Pasionata de filme bune, de la Deadpool si Suicide Squad pana la The shawshank redemption, Winter's tale si Bad Moms. Pasionata de carti bune, de la medicina si farmacologie la new adult, young adult si romance. Bautura mea preferata e ceaiul cald ;-) eu ma plac, ma plac si altii deci....sunt ok. ai sa zambesti sau poate nu o sa crezi dar....il caut pe EL, partenerul confectionat pentru mine....poate e o himera, dar sigur e o himera eleganta si mie, imi face tare bine aceasta cautare
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Sunt o persoana linistita,sensibila,sincera. I am an adult who is accustomed to achieving everything in this life and I know what I want. I spent a lot of time building up my career, adjusting to be and finding myself. Now that I finally feel like a full-fledged person, I want to find the same life partner. To achieve complete harmony and self-realization. Sunt o prietena normala Vreau sa-mi fac prieteni
Femeie, 47, Casatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Muzica. "Life is too short to drink a bad wine!" ...so..it's the same with men and women...life is too short to spend it with the wrong person. I am here only for the deosebit one...if there is any men like this on this site...About me...someone said this better in a famous movie : "I have a head for business and a body for pleasure" :))...I hate stupid people and lazy men. Be smart if you want to impress me!!! Placut. Socializare.
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
bruneta,ochi caprui I am an outgoing, cheerful, friendly, confident, positive. I love watching the sunrise and sunset on the beach. I enjoy the beautiful things that God gives us (the sun, air, rain, rainbow ...). I hope to share with someone who is caring, kind, gentlemanly, thoughtful, and above all, honest. Who loves God and does not have a religion but a genuine relationship with God. Only if you are serious and real ,ready to love and beloved placut depinde ce mi se ofera
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Sunt o fire nebunatica si imi place sa traiesc fiecare clipa. I am a beautiful, smart, responsive woman who wants to build a serious relationship with a man who can win my heart and who is ready to prove to me that he is a real man. I am ready to give my man care and warmth and in return I want to receive the same. With my man, I am ready to go anywhere if my heart belongs to him. Barbatii intorc mereu capul dupa mine. Omul tandru, generos, inalt, destept si cu bani.
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Dragutza...Sociabila>> restu va las pe voi sa descoperiti ;)) stilul clasic, elegant, imi place corectitudinea , seriozitatea si adevarul in tot ceea ce fac...doresc o relatie stabila, de durata, serioasa ,un barbat " de cursa intinsa " , iar in acest sens exclud aventurierii, parteneriatele de absolut orice natura , barbatii casatoriti sau cei care doresc amante..va rog mult de tot sa-mi respectati aceasta cerinta..multumesc..................caut un barbat care sa-mi semene , si la caracter, si la interese, si la studii... cine se aseamana, se aduna, este un proverb romanesc.... sper sa se indeplineasca , si in cazul meu... pentru o relatie sincera, frumoasa, de incredere, de viitor 1.60 inaltime , par brunet, ochi albastri etc sa-mi fac prieteni ..
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
buna si nebuna Buna sunt din alexandria si imi caut o relatie bazata pe sinceritate adevar si respect, imi caut jumatatea inimi mele pentru a imparti si bune si rele, vreau ca domnul care vrea sa imi fie impreuna sa fie un suflet bun intelegator respectabil si manierat ,nu imi plac fiintele care vorbesc vulgar jignitor, eu imi caut jumatatea , partenerul pe care il caut vreau sa fie intre varstele 30 -40 de ani. Sunt o fata de treaba respectabila imi caut o iubire calda si sufletista nu imi caut frumusete exterioara eu imi caut frumusete interioara caci daca sufletul e bun iubitor si cald totul se realizaza de la sine va multumesc pentru antelegere cu mare stima si respect va urez tuturor numai bine va pwp dulce cei ce ma vor respecta va urez un mare succes in viata .iarasi persoanele care sunt castoriti va rog nu ma contactati iar cei ce vb vulgar si urit va doresc sa va cautati pe altcineva eu apreciezi persoanele cele care sint sincere si intelegatoare va urez un sucess va multumesc pt intelegere . Va urez un mare sucess va sarut dulce cu stima pt persoanele care au mare serozitate maxima va multumesc frumos pentru intelegere buna!!!
Femeie, 39, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
sunt o persoana care stie ce vrea de la viata I will be glad if we get to know each other and become friends.You never know we could become the next success story on here as good couples.I want to find someone to be in Good Relationship with that right person. Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end. A relationship is a two way street. It's never all your fault or the other persons placut un tip frumos ,destept ca restul...
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
I am a real and mature lady. I am kind, caring and I know how to treat a man. I can make our atmosphere comfortable and I can be adventurous and extraordinary. I am an extremely cheerful lady. I am a unique combination of contradictory traits that facute a harmony of my soul: I am sensitive and passionate, friendly and calm, generous in my feelings but possessive towards my love. I am caring and loving, a reliable support for my close people. I know how to make my future man happy!
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Draguta si sincera...simple&sweet!:) I am a cheerful woman with an active lifestyle. I love myself that's why I'm always trying to look beautiful and to take care of myself. The most important thing in life for me is a family and a loving man next to me. I will never betray my loved one and I want to start my life from scratch. By nature, I am very patient, but I'm not going to tolerate if I get offended often. I am looking for my like-minded friend and lover all in one person. Las la aprecierea altora... sincer si "cu capul pe umeri"....un adevarat gentleman!
O relatie serioasa sau just friends.