Buna , ma numesc Alina si sunt din Bacau , imi place destul de mult sa ma distrez , sa ies cu prietenii prin oras , sa imi fac cati mai multi prieteni . Sunt o fire sociabila , ma integrez repede intr`n un grup nou , nu stiu ce sa mai zic , restu descoperiti`l singuri , va astept.
Buna ma numesc Ionela am 22 de ani sunt din Bacau am 2 fete si vreau sami gasesc o relatie stabila legata de iubire sinceritate si comunicare sunt divortata Oamenii simpli insa educati , ma atrag; viata simpla si cit mai aproximativ de natura are importanta pentru mine; sint vegetariana (pentru ca suferinta animalelor ma intristeaza insa respect alegerile celorlalti oameni. Religia nu ma intereseaza pentru ca separa oamenii. Celor interesati doar de succese financiare sau materiale , le recomand sa nu ma contacteze. Traiesc modest si sint multumita. Nu ma intereseaza acumularea materiala decit in limita celor necesare in mod decent. Sunt bruneta am ochi caprui am inaltimea 1.73 si kilograme Vreau sami gasesc o relatie stabila sau poate si casatorie daca se poate
Buna sunt andreea am 21 de ani sunt din judetu bacau . Draguta, plina de viata, responsabila, independenta, viguroasa fizic si psihic dar putin ,,dezechilibrata", in cautare de echilibru, 160cm, 67 kg, fumatoare de categorie medie dar zilnica, consum alcool moderat si doar ocazional, divortata, fara copii, imi plac animalele, plimbarile si imi doresc sa fac bungee jumping si sa sar cu parasuta. Caut un partener: sanatos fizic si psihic, aspect fizic placut, ingrijit, fara antecedente penale, fara vicii de sinteza, independent financiar, apolitic, nereligios dar spiritual si mai ales compatibil in mare masura. Sa fie cu noroc! Slaba cu forma atletic Partener de relatie serioasa
I am a very sincere and generous woman. I take family seriously and my study i am hard working working strong brave honest faithful caring loving trustworthy passionate romantic giver lover one woman man and God fearing... Sani mari,fund mare
Daca iti place ce mai astepti?!!!!! Soy una persona alegre, leal me gusta disfrutar de la naturaleza, ir de camping, pescar, hacer deporte, me gusta leer, la buena música, me gusta visitar los museos compartir con familiares y amistades me gusta cocinar Ce cade ;))
O persoana cu simtul umorului,pasionala, hotarata si asumata. Departe de a fi perfecta! E asa extrem cand cineva iti cunoaste defectele si te place tocmai pt.elea Pentru a fi fericita imi trebuie putine lucruri,important e sa le ama
Sunt o persoana care incredere in sine, dar extrem putin in barbati. Buna!!!! .Cei care urmariti flirt si aventura.... slabe sperante....!!! As vrea sa cred ca mai exista si masculi care stiu ce vor cu adevarat... o familie!! Sunt o iubita simpla, modesta, luxoasa si fara interes. Nu mi place ca sunt pe aici, dar uneori soarta e nedreapta.Conversatiile fara rost, dar cu alt interes, ma obosesc si nu le accept!! Supla. Caut masculi inteligenti, inalti si frumosi.
Sunt o persoana normala You have to be prepared to meet the most passionate and adventurous girl. Why be prepared? Because not every man can handle this. I will not pretend to be as everybody, because I am not, and I want to show this at once. But you won't be bored. cred ca placut diversitate
O persoana de gasca... Italian single woman , goodlooking, good sense of humour, family fond, deeply into culture, searching for similar human being ... nov 2007: is there any 50 - 55 old, single, professor (university or highschool) of romenian or italian literature or arts who wants to visit italy? only serious requests, thank you - grazie! Bruneta placuta o persoana dispusa sa experimenteze lucruri noi
Sunt o fire sensibila,sociabila,deschisa,nu-mi sunt pe plac oamenii superficiali care spun lucruri de dragul de a le spune. caut o relatie frumoasa,tandra, serioasa, pe termen lung, nu caut aventurieri...eu inca mai cred in dragoste...sper chiar sa ma indragostesc...din nou...Nu ma intereseaza decat barbati din Bucuresti, sau care au intentia sa se stabileasca in Bucuresti...Si educatia este f importanta...la fel si bunul simt...Va doresc succes la toti care cautati dragostea...!!!
un om cu cate putin din toate "Omul sadeste in lume ceea ce poarta in inima sa! " Goethe/ Fericirea o face pe iubita dichisita si dragostea o face fericita. Iubirea este adevaratul fard al femeii./ In cazul in care vreti sa comunicam, v-as ruga grozav mult sa scrieti perfect romaneste si daca s-ar putea si inteligibil. Multumesc! placut,sexy de toate
Sunt timida, deschisa, o persoana de incredere, ambitioasa, imi place sa ma distrez, serioasa, imi plac filmele si o companie usoara La un timp nu te mai atrag calitatile fizice ci OMUL. Omul bun. Bun pentru tine .Daca in trecut aveam multe cerinte , acum nu le mai avem . . Se afla doar intuitia ! Caci odata cu trecerea anilor , omul atrage lucrurile similare in viata sa ! Despre mine: sociabila, simpatica , vesela , principiala si restul...defecte probabil.Iubitoare de carte , de elegant in toate formele , de natura si calatorii. Mai cred in oameni frumosi , nobili sufleteste , delicati , intelegatori , educati , empatici ..fie chiar si pentru o conversatie de calitate . Forma fizic placut, inalta, constitutie atletica, blonda, ochii albastrii, picioarel subtiri Sunt inteligenta, ma adaptez rapid, respectuasa
Destul de ambitoasa si incapatanta .Ce doresc obtin I'm an independent, well rounded, outspoken female that loves to laugh and engage in intelligent conversation. I'm pretty girly, but will try new things, even if they're outside of my comfort zone. I love my family more than just about anything, besides God, and one of my main ambitions in life is to one day have a family of my own! I know what I've had and know what I deserve and will not settle for less! I love to shop, go to the beach, club occasionally, travel, and sometimes just lay low and chill. Baggage free and drama free people feel free to hit me up! MODEL barbatul care sa-mi indeplineasca trairile ;) si am primit un comentariu anonim din
partea unei sotii sau a unui barbat extrem interesant ca eu vreau pestisorul de aur si nu
un barbat . ce chiar nu mai exista masculi ca pestisorul de aur????
sunt o persoana simpla...nimic important.... Sunt o persoana foarte sigura pe sine, responsabila si independenta.Principiul dupa care imi guvernez intreaga viata este aFac cum stiu eu.a. Stiu exceptional clar ceea ce vreau si nu imi este teama sa-mi urmaresc propriile scopuri in viata. Singurul fapt pe care-l cer de la cei din jurul meu este onestitatea. Sunt indeajuns de puternica pentru a accepta adevaru voi decideti... nimic...prieteni
o relatie de lunga durata....sau un schimb de experiente...:)ma integrez usor in societate....imi place distractia...la maxim...am multe hobiuri....dar imi place sa si invat...sunt ft romantica.si extrem de iubareata...ce zici vrei sa fii prietnul meu....vrei sa ma cunosti??? sunt inalta slabuta....am un corp atletic cred io....sunt bruneta cu ochii caprui...:) imi doresc sa am prieteni in toata lumea....deasemenea mi-as dori sa am o relatie de lunga durata.....
sunt o fata sociabila , dornica de noi prieteni Its me wynes,am 31years old,from knowle in bristol uk,I want u to know tht it will be ma greatest placere to meet you and know you better,because i know that..\"The purity and trueness of love through an Internet relationship far passes that of one based on physical contact,and I am glad that i have come across u ..but I have always wanted the love of my life to be understanding, loving, caring, faithful and most of all someone who would accept me for who I am..I\'m a touchy-feely type of woman...I like to kiss and hug, and cuddle, but I won\'t smother you. I\'m an honest, thoughtful, caring, clean, independant, fun, one man woman. Full of energy I like dancing to the oldies or country music, walking on the beach & boardwalk, going to the theatre, traveling, roller coasters, horseback riding, dining in or out, or just working around the house. I enjoy spending time with the man in my life but also allow him free time for himself. I\'m in a position to go anywhere, so distance is no problem. soreel me in so I don\'t get away. You\'ll have a good catch if you do.The key to my heart will be the man who wants to be close to me, holding hands, hugging, spending OUR time together doing the things we both like to do, like seeing a good movie, working out, or just sitting at home nestled in front of a tv on a cold winter nite..A man with some energy, not a couch potato. He needs to be a well groomed, thoughtful, caring, a happy with himself man, that likes to talk as well as listen, who wants a friend that leads to love, that accepts as well as gives. One who wants only one woman in his arms. I\'ll be faithfull to you, and will be there when you need an ear that listens. Kissing you when you least expect it, that kiss goodnite and another when you wake, and the big hug when needed most. satisfacator -
i love to travel. People are my passion . I am happiest when I am serving your needs and turning your fantasies into reality. Sensuality and eroticism are my key components. I am petite, all natural. I love lingerie, a good conversation, and a sense of humor.I like to go horseback riding in the summertime and skiing in the winter. Hope to make some magic with you soon. Kisses.Please i don't like italians they are fake,i love just english or german people so don't insist.Thx.Clediane.
Ce spun ceilalti despre mine...ca sunt sociabila, ambitioasa, dulce si de incredere. Ce spun eu...ca sunt de acord cu ei I am a young woman at heart and i am in the Air Force as an Airman First Class. For security reasons cannot put up more photos. I hope to find my type of man. Please write to me if interested and will also write to you when i am interested. Best of luck! "frumusetea e in ochii celui care priveste", nu? cineva ca mine
"In fiecare zi zambetul tau devine Luceafarul meu.
Ma uit la tine si atunci sentimentele mele incep sa straluceasca.
Mult indulcita este viata omului, cand se vede iubit, insa nu mai putin, cand el insusi iubeste. placut barbat care sa ma faca fericita din toate punctele de vedere!
ignore celor ce vin cu propuneri neadecvate
mmm este destul de dificil sa vorbesc despre mine Love is a nutrient that can never be lost in life. Life is because of love, it becomes colorful; in the family, it is because of love, it becomes happy; in school, because of love, it becomes full of laughter and laughter of children; my life, it will become more exciting because of you. I look for a good man who loves children and wants a family. cred ca draguta am intrat din curiozitate
Gandire pozitiva, optimista, rafinata, cu bun simt, sportiva, sensibila...etc. Pe scurt:sunt multumita asa cum sunt...dar las si pe cei din jur sa-si spuna parerea... Am fost pana acum O carte inchisa... Dar cineva A reusit sa deschida Sufletul meu Pagina cu pagina Si a descoperit Ca o poate citi Si ca intelege Chiar ce vorba,orice gand... De-al meu Dar in drumul tau In "trenul vietii" Poate sa apara Altcineva Care sa descopere Ca atunci cand deschizi Sufletul cuiva El infloreste Si trebuie udat In fiecare zi Ca sa poata da Din ce in ce mai numeroase Frunze si flori Daca nu e udat Paleste Dar nu de tot Persista cu speranta Ca cineva o sa citeasca iar... si va intelege.... Cuvinte dedicate multor prieteni ce au fost candva, dar care s-au pierdut in negura tacerii,si final dedicat celuia ce va ramane prieten pe viata... Placut. Barbat tandru, cu bun simt, sincer, corect, cu simtul umorului, care sa ma bine-dispuna si daca e capabil, sa-mi aduca si un strop de iubire.
Sant o persoana cu bun simt si respect si destul de romantica . Fiintele fara foto si care doresc aventuri exclus. Ador natura.,excursile....drumetiile ... Sa cunosc locuri noi.... Sunt usor de gasit..... in alta parte.... acelasi nume.....
Sociabila, curioasa, energica , glumeata . Doresc sprijin financiar . Masculi cu bani. I am a woman; feminine, loving, refined, charming, but not self-centered, the one who is very caring and knows how to treat her man, surrounding him with affection which results in intimacy, satisfaction, anticipation, and joy all wrapped into one package . I have a sympathetic and exceptionally kind, gentle nature, I understand and respect others, able to listen and support. I am very good at solving other people's conflicts and easily find a compromise in any situation. I am active and hardworking, I am able to put tremendous amounts of energy into doing the task which is important to fulfilling a goal which is mutual for my partner and me. I am joyful, charged with optimism and positive energy, and it is never boring with me.I can be very creative, smart and spontaneous in order to make my soul mate happy. I enjoy spending my free time in the countryside having rest after the city fuss. I feel comfortable when I can see the open sky. I adore spending romantic evenings with my partner. Bruneta , ochi albastri, sunt slabuta , Masculi cu bani . Frumosi si maturi
simpla,iubitoare,calma. hello every one.. i'm new on here in search of my soul mate , i hate games or BS... marie is my name single never married i have been heart broken before but i'm now ready to move on, but i just need only one man who is ready for something serious not after sex hun, i am single, caring, loving, passionate, God fearing,i am an orphan i dont have family of my own but i blive i'm gonna make it in life so i'm not giving up .. if you wanna know you can message me then i'll reply you placut..cred un brabat pentru o relatie serioasa si chiar casatorie.nimic altceva
simpatik,intelegatoare Astazi am inceput ziua cu un zambet ...zambet pe care ti-l dariesc tie....pe care vreau sa-l daruiesti insilor din jurul tau ... ...iti va fi mult mai usor sa daruiesti ceva ce deja ai..!!!! DECI ZAMBESTE si totul ti se va parea mai frumos, nu se stie nicicand cine tanjeste dupa zambetul tau !!! ok
sunt de gasca,bruneta,ochii verzi,dragutza,etc las ca o sa ma cun voi mai bine....ok??????? i am a calm,lady of 30 years,full of love and romantic,never married no kids and single.finding a nice,honest,faithful and caring man is my aim or what have been looking for,i love to cook,swim.play tennis,volleyball,soccer and ride on horse as my interests. arat bine
o persoana modesta sincera cu chef de viata A kind hearted, cheeky, independent, articulate guy who is family orientated, appreciates his friends and has a similar sense of humour to mine.Laughter is sexy, so you must be able to make me laugh. I'm hopeful to meet someone who can make me laugh, thoughtful, caring, has the same passion and direction in life, chivalry and a little romantic . Someone whom understands how to treat a lady with respect and honesty. The rest will come. o imagine de tip un mascul solo sincer fara obligatii
o persoana de incredere,draguta I am a kind, tender, romantic lady, who desires to meet her exceptional someone and build a happy and strong family. My friends tell me that I can become a very good wife and mother, because I value family relations so much. I adore children! To me an active and eventful life means that I live! Also I enjoy meeting people and making friends. Communication with interesting people opens a lot of new and interesting in my life. I am a creative and intelligent person, which is very pleasant to talk to. I have a great sense of humor, but I know when to laugh and when to be serious. Iam willing to meet a man, who wants to build a serious relationship based on honesty and faithfulness. I would like my man to be strong and protective; I would like him to have a great sense of humor, so we can have fun together! I would like to live life to the fullest with my one and only! I am not interested in a manas appearance. For me, the most important thing is the soul of a person. Also, I believe in understanding between my man and me.i want to meet a man who is kind-hearted, broad-minded, serious, who is determined, knows what he wants to receive from life and succeeds in his life. I want my man to like animals and children.believe in love!! Do you feel the same? va las pe voi sa decideti:)
eu zic ca sunt normala Hi! I'm mixie from Philippines !! I am a very loving, caring, friendly,im single, sincere lady seeking nothing but happiness and a man to complete me in a way no one has. I am very hardworking, passionate and very down to earth. i am fun to be with and a family oriented lady. if you feel you want to learn about me, then drop me a note and where you could be reached via Email,skype, whatsapp or viber.. Well i also love cooking, hiking, sports, shopping, photography and traveling around the world "how I wish".. I want a serious relationship but I am not in a rush to get what I want. I want to love and be loved, I want true happiness and laughter, I want to settle down for what divin for me and understands me, cos no one is perfect, but you've got to be idilic for someone and understand someone to be in a relationship . I value commitment a lot and love to have fun. Life's too short and beautiful , I want to spend it with someone beautiful at heart and knows what they want.. A Open minded and knows what true committment is (for better or worse) they will always be there for me .. "I hate cheater & scammer please" nici prea prea nici foarte extrem chiar oare ce caut?
Pasiunea mea este cublul si sexul Ich bin eine echte Frau, die einen echten Mann sucht. Ich liebe es, mit meinen Lieben ganz allein zu sein und für den Rest meines Lebens mit ihm zusammen zu sein. Ich liebe es, mit Freunden unterwegs zu sein und manchmal ganz allein zu sein, und ich werde dazu bereit sein Sicheres Fundament und liebender Mann für den Rest meines Lebens, Alter ist nichts für mich, ich möchte einen Mann, der liebevoll, fürsorglich und aufgeschlossen ist Am sanii mari, fundul mare di sunt frumi Un baiat intre 18-30 de ani
o fata cu bun simt I consider myself a person quite tactile and diplomatic, respectful and loyal to others and opinions of others. With good manners, educated and open for new knowledge and new learning. My personality is even-tempered, without any hysteria, believe in compromise and dialogue, in conversation and reasonableness. My heart is kind and caring, I value the same in others. I know how it is important to enjoy life even if days are not so easy and there are difficulties, I am a cheerful person, don't like sitting without any actions, I am purposeful and I want some changes, I make steps towards this. eu si nu alta un barbat decis hotarat pentru o relatie serioasa
Serioasa, moderata, calma.Sunt copil si adult totodata,prietena candva de toate,curioasa atat cat imi ingaduie bunul simt!Imi vor un suflet pereche impreuna de care sa ma simt implinita,fericita si caruia sa-i pot fi alaturi la bine si la greu! Sunt o familista convinsa .
mi don't like the liar I am a respectful, kind, sweet, caring, and loving person. I am the eldest among seven siblings. As the eldest, I have a lot of responsibilities as my father already passed away. My family is very important to me and I'm willing to do whatever I can to love and support them. search u:)) a good man...ho want something serious
Mi'e cam lene sa scriu ..Alta data Hello ... and let me tell you what I am NOT looking for: \"given\" men, \"promised\", men involved (more or less) in all kind of relationships, liars, jealous people (oh, God!), men that would miss me only when ... it rains:) Dear, are you sure you want to know me better?? :) ....Uitate pe poze si ai sa vezi ..:)) Nu caut nimik special ...Distractie si Prietenie ..
-Simpl?? In cel mai complex mod -Timd?? Cu un tupeu extravagant -Energic?? Intr-o lene notorie -Z?p?cit?? La cel mai serios mod -Rea? Dar totu?i..bun?;) -Frumoas?? Pentru c? a?a m? consider si a?a sunt considerat? -Mandr?? Pentru c? am de ce! : -Dur?? Pentru c? tu m`ai f?cut a?a Copilaroas?? Doar cand vreau :x -Fericit?? Pentru c?\'mi place s?`mi tr?iesc via?a din plin : -Sincer?? Pentru c? nu suport societatea prefacut? -Dificil?? Pentru c? nu ma las u?or ca toate tarfele! -Iubit?? Pentru c? merit ;;] -Adorat?? Pentru c? sunt a?a cum sunt :x
Orice fata se poate face eleganta :) Si eu pot fi :) In rest, apreciez sinceritatea, in initialul rand, si deschiderea persoanei de langa mine. Imi place sa spun ca am simtul umorului, iar daca iti pasa de cel de langa tine, totul vine de la sine. Simpatic Un barbat sincer si deschis. Daca e si placut si cu simtul umorului, e si mai bine. Si daca ii place si linistea in natura si diminetile cu soare, e perfect :)
tipa sinpatica si comunicativa plina de viata... Am un spirit ludic, ma ispitesc calatoriile si sunt adesea surprinsa de frumusetea lumii pe care incerc s-o "tin captiva" in imagini; ador verdele crud, albastrul sticlos, dansul frenetic al frunzelor, curcubeul din suflet, lumina din ochii de copil, vibratia unui gand din departari, zambetul din pragul diminetii, soaptele din coama noptii. hahaha....aspect fizic? asta ar trebuie sami ziceti voi.... norma o relatie dar nu cu orcine....
Imi vor o relatie serioasa sper sa imi gasesc un baiat care isi doreste la fel It is not a lot of about itself: my name Olga, I live to Russia, my city Kirov, it not big, but very beautiful, At me light hair which you can see in a photo, I have not big growth, I have finished University, and work now in library, I love books, and very strongly I like to read, I could not find the love, here, in the homeland, to the poet I have decided to visit this site of acquaintances, To try to find love, about a bark I so a long time dream, I am very strong the lonely girl, I have not enough friends, I live with my parents, I work much to help them. I love reading books, novels, a fantezie detectives, still I love navigation, but on it at me not so It is a lot of time, still I like to walk in the street, easier to sit in park, and to read books, I have got used To loneliness, and now I want that my life has changed, I have no children, but I very strongly love them, and very strongly I wish to have the children. I search for the kind, fair person, only not mere words, Which is capable for me of the big step in the life which can understand me, and can can grow fond, for me the age does not matter, we in Russia have a saying that I love all age are obedient. Therefore I search for love, I do not smoke and I do not drink, I have no bad habits, and consequently At me good health. It is not a lot of walks along the street, and you the happiest)) if I are interesting to you, That I shall be happy to read your message. Only any games and to not offer sex. I not the girl Easy character, that dont sent to you erotic photos. At me they are not present, can not ask at all. I think that it is only small part about me if you wish to know about me more write to me. Am 1.70 .58 kg sunt blonda ochii albastri parul lung Imi doresc o relatie serioasa
poi...sunt o femeie zapacita...iubareata...petrecareata...imi place sa`mi traiesc viatza la maxim...sa traiesc clipa..si...mai numeroase aflati voi.. :p c`ya!!! Draguta, plina de viata, responsabila, independenta, viguroasa fizic si psihic dar putin ,,dezechilibrata", in cautare de echilibru, 160cm, 67 kg, fumatoare de categorie medie dar zilnica, consum alcool moderat si doar ocazional, divortata, fara copii, imi plac animalele, plimbarile si imi doresc sa fac bungee jumping si sa sar cu parasuta. Caut un partener: sanatos fizic si psihic, aspect fizic placut, ingrijit, fara antecedente penale, fara vicii de sinteza, independent financiar, apolitic, nereligios dar spiritual si mai ales compatibil in mare masura. Sa fie cu noroc! no comment..o sa vedeti voi.. ;P hmm...un mascul dragut...sincer...romantic...care stie ce vrea de la viata...fara fite sau arfe... :D restul mai vedem pe parcurs :p
M-am descris o data ! In rest sunt afurisita, alintata, rasfatata, ... . Cine reuseste sa ma cunoasca ..... I NEVER get bored!!! I adore working out and doing fitness! I go to the gym regularly! I spend a lot of time outdoors and in the nature. The best way for me to have rest is to go for a walk in the forest.... listen to the birds singing and the trees whispering... When is rains I love to wrap my body with a blanket, make a cup of raspberry tea and read a good book! Ca in poza. Frumoasa si desteapta, cel putin asa spun eu. Eu nu caut. Gasesc si iau !!!! Asta doar daca-mi place !!!
sincera, sociabila, intelegatoare, inteligenta...toate calitatile la un loc :P I the pleasant girl in dialogue you will understand it after will write to me the letter. I wait for it from you. To me 29 years, call Olga. Was born in city Omsk. Where and till now I live. I very much love music interesting films. And in general I love life. I with sense of humour, like to have fun, but when it is necessary to be serious, I become very serious. I do not like to joke of such moments. . aici nu ma pronunt eu,sa spuna altii frumos, destept si fara fize...
Imi doresc o relatie serioasa sper sa imi gasesc un baiat care stie ce vrea .Eu sunt o fire vesela comunicativa si optimista I'm single , no kids , i don't smoke but a light drinker . I'm 5'7 tall and weight 56 kg or 123.5 pounds . My body measurements are 34-24-36 and her bra size is 32B... I enjoy swimming , traveling , cooking, reading , watching movie . I also enjoy visiting the beach , cinemas and sometimes play video games quite funny right lol. Am 1.70 inaltime 58 kg O relatie serioasa