Hello!!! I the simple modest girl from Russia. I very much like to prepare I love cleanliness and the order in the house. Very strongly I wish to have family but as I have not found the worthy husband and the father of my children in Russia I I address to men abroad. I wish to become the true and favourite wife. On it I shall finish the description but if I have interested you that write to me. I shall tell to you more.
Om normal ,un pic romantic?,serioas? ,singur?,caut domn asem?n?tor pt.rela?ie,nu vor aventrur? nici s? fiu dublur?.Mul?umesc c? ai citit caut?m? dac? vrei.Acum v? rog doar Caras - Severin ?i ce este m - ai circa s? m? contacteze.Mul?umesc tare mul? pentru in?elegere
nu cred ca am chiar nevoie de descriere... I'm a lovely and sweet woman with kind heart and sincere feelings. I'm sociable and positive person. My friends say that I have a good sense of humor. Well, I think that it's true. I'm very romantic and tender woman, I like to create the atmosphere of coziness and romance at home. I have a big dream, to find a real man and to share my life with him, which every day will be full of love and passion. I'm a serious woman and I'm looking for a serious and real man here. I don't play games and I'm not here for wasting my time. It's important for me to find loyal, loving, successful and generous man, who knows how to love and care and support. I want to find someone special, who will help me to build strong and happy ties for a whole life. If you are here, don't be shy to write me. My heart is open to you. placut... ceva deosebit...
Tonica,cu bun simt,gandire pozitiva,apreciez consecventa in vorbe si fapte...restul in privat.(PS...NU,pici atomici,diverse "ELE",barbati inrolati in diverse relatii....si mai nou...cei care si-au restrictionat aria sau intervalul de varsta in care nu ma incadrez si totusi imi trimiteti mesaje si asteptati raspuns).
I would say I am passionate, caring easy to get along with (at least most of the time), optimist, and a goal setter. I am not sublim but Iaa‚¬a„¢m always looking to improve my self. The glass is always half full with me, if I get lemons I will turn them into lemonade. I wear my personality; I have nothing to hide so what you see is who I am. I consider my self to be a well balance and spiritual person that knows what I want. I'm honest, trust worthy, responsible, dependable, intelligent, intellectual, friendly, family oriented, romantic, fun loving person. I would best describe my lifestyle as conservative, very involved in my church and with a stable job. I travel a lot and enjoy doing community voluntary service. Family are a very important part of my life; I look forward to build a happy family with a man of my dream and enjoy spending time together for eternity. My friends describe me as an honest, responsible and sincere person who they can rely on. I am very open, hard working person and very sensitive to other peopleaa‚¬a„¢s needs. I enjoy life's simple pleasures as well as a little excitement.
.............. I'm a woman who has a pure heart who's loyal and only one man. I'm the woman who believes that everything happens for a reason and everything happens for life's growth. I'm the kind of woman who's matured enough in continuing life to the fullest. A simple woman who always look life colorful as a rainbow in after a pouring rain. slabuta, placuta... caut ceea ce cauta toata lumea, DRAGOSTEA ADEVARATA !!!
o tipa ok...in cautare inca...;) I'm very serious about this online dating,because I hope I will find the right man for my Heart through this online dating that's why I'm Here..And i want you to know that I'm not the Types of women who usually come online Just for Playing Games or Breaking Heart..I do respect myself very well,So I will not introduces myself In doing such things like that..I will never do such harmful thing to you when we have much feelings for each other,and I will never do nothing to Hurt your feelings that you have for me,I will never do nothing to hurt you too..Never Would I, If i do something to hurt you I will also Gain It some day..so I will Never Attempt to Do that.. destul de ok, zic;) O persoana speciala...
I am well-educated and intelligent woman. I am sincere, kind, open-minded with great sense of humor. In my free time I like to go in city park, resting. For me, my family is important. Happiness, health and welfare of my family. Find a simple woman's happiness - to love and be loved, to understand and respect each other. To me it is important that I can help people and that I like my job. I would like to meet a tender and kind-hearted man if you interested let me know so that i can add you to my list and we can know more about each Other.
sunt o persoana cu un caracter flexibil,cu bun simt,grijulie si umpluta de viata..si vreau o
persoana pe masura mea sa imi fie aproape. I am a very open minded person, someone who accepts people as they are, I am a fair individual who adapts to changes in life and enjoys life to the fullest,and looking to meet a man that i can spend the rest of my life with in goodtimes and in badtimes as well, A man that I can love and cherished with all my whole being and heart and I pray to God almighty that he will provide me with that kind of a woman someday in my life. I'm pride of myself in being honest and most trustworthy, I seek that in a mate, someone who is compassionate yet understanding who has a calm behaviour and a great personality. usor
Hey there!Im a nice,kind person,love to laugh,smile, bit crazy sometimes.. open mind enough i guess..:D O viata in care nu ai sarit in sus de bucurie, o viata in care nu te-ai poticnit in lacrimi de durere ca apoi sa plangi de fericire, e doar un drum intre nastere si moarte. Dar o viata in care ai spus cel putin o data "voiam sa inteleg societatea cu inima meaa€ , in care ai simtit emotia de a castiga si dezamagirea de a pierde, e mai mult decat un modest drum, e o aventura, e o cale presarata cu zambete si lacrimi, e emotie, iubire si pasiune a€¦e viata. Look at my pictures :) Im searching for a nice guy, positive, to complete me...
I am loyal, responsible, active, responsible, loving, caring, sharing, kindhearted,warm, accommodating,compassionate,tolerant,laid back type,outgoing,welcoming to people generally,I like to sing,write poems,listening to music,swimming,playing Basketball,watching TV
Sunt ok.....!!!!! Un modest om ce a trait o mare poveste de dragoste timp de 46 de ani de casatorie. S-a sfarsit intr-o moment totul si am ramas sa-mi urmez singura ....destinul. Caut ceva greu de gasit.... dar nu imposibil! Destul de bine la.varsta mea:))) Caut un mascul care sa stie sa respecte si sa iubeasca o prietena dar in ziua de azi cam greu se gaseste asa ceva etc....
Mai bine va las pe voi sa ma descoperiti ;) I am a beautiful, smart, responsive woman who wants to build a serious relationship with a man who can win my heart and who is ready to prove to me that he is a real man. I am ready to give my man care and warmth and in return I want to receive the same. With my man, I am ready to go anywhere if my heart belongs to him. Parerea va apartine ..
sunt o fire vulnerabila explodez destul de rapid cand ma derajeaza un cuv nepotrivit sp despre pers mea sunt ok daca nu ma calci pe coada I am a beautiful, smart, responsive woman who wants to build a serious relationship with a man who can win my heart and who is ready to prove to me that he is a real man. I am ready to give my man care and warmth and in return I want to receive the same. With my man, I am ready to go anywhere if my heart belongs to him. slabuta 1.67 bruneta ochii verzi corp lukrat la sala 42 kg am un alura destul de placut sa imi fac multi prieteni si femei
,,Caut pe cineva pe care sa il respect ca sa pot sa fiu a€œascultatoarea€. Nu pot sa fiu asa cu cineva care nu poate sa isi rezolve solitar problemele. Eu caut un barbat care se poate contribuie pe sine insusi pentru a ne faciliteaza reciproc. Caut un barbat care sa inteleaga ca s*xul are importanta lui intr-un cuplu dar ca nu determina existenta cuplului care se vrea cu adevarat fericit. Si o iubita adevarata nu va accepta nicicand alaturi ea un mascul care este extraordinara€¦dar numai o ora! Pentru simplul motiv ca ziua are 24 de ore !"
Sunt foarte placuta si senzuala, cu un ascutit simt al umorului, perfect singura de un an de zile si destul de dornica de cuvintele si mangaierile unui mascul mai ales ca imi place la nebunie sa o fac pe la spate. Cand te gandesti la mine, gandeste-te la o Pamela Anderson bruneta. Mascul placut, bun vorbitor, potent si daca se poate fara obligatii.
I am honest and sincere, not only in what I say, but also in everything I do. You can say that I am old-fashioned, but family values are most important to me. I am hardworking and purposeful, responsible, reliable and do not like to be late. I love order in everything. I am also a real lady, gentle, caring, gentle and feminine.
My character is very nice and positive. My life is really full of great amazing events. And I hope that meeting you will be a new great amazing event in my life. I am very positive person. I am a sophisticated lady. My life is bright. I want to share it with the person I love. I am adventurous. I am open for new events in my life. In general I am fun-loving person and I like doing many things.I want to be happy with a man who knows how to love and I know I will make him a happy person.
sunt o fata draguta, simpatica, haioasa, vorbareata,,, nu ma prea pricep sa vorbesc despre mine sunt f orgolioasa,corecta,sincera,loiala,f responsabila si ideal de ..pragmatica.Nu-mi place minciuna..si nu fac maine ce pot face azi.... nu mai este mult ,,timp,, si de aceea.doresc liniste si respect... dragutica dragutica dragutica ! mi-as dori sa gasesc un barbat serios, devotat cu care sa pot vorbi deschis despre orice si cu care sa incep o eleganta relatie. poate sunt prea visatoare dar merita sa incerc
simapatica, cu simtu umorului si multe alte calitati I am a kind communicative and open-minded woman with good welcoming personality and I have a smiling face that's why I can easily make friends with any one. Happiness is for those who wish to give and receive the rewards and challenges of relationships. . If I were to live life all over again, I would want to meeting someone that is responsible, loving, caring cealalta jumatate a mea
blond but not silly FLIRTUL este ceea ce il lasi tu sa fie. Asa se explica faptul ca flirtul constituie lucruri diverse pentru oameni diferiti. In timp ce pentru unii flirtul e un lucru destul de genital si pretios, fiind rezervat doar pentru ochii unora si in niciun caz ceva acceptabil in public, pentru altii e de a dreptul vulgar si rusinos, iar altii il considera un JOCULET CU TOTUL INOFENSIV, care poate fi ''jucat'' cam in orice context. Astfel, daca e sa observi zece oameni diferiti flirtand, vei descoperi nu numai moduri distincte de a o face, ci si contexte si abordari diferite.Ca perfect indiferent ce JOCULET, si FLIRTUL are niste reguli pe care e bine sa le stii dinainte. Cateva dintre ele sunt stiute, altele mai putin.Flirtul nu este un scop in sine. Daca iti propui doar sa ai o conversatie, nu mai e atat de mare presiunea, si lucrurile vor curge mai natural.Flirtul NU este o piesa cu un solitar personaj. e un JOC DE DOI si reciprocitatea este esentiala. Asa ca nu uita sa il lasi si pe el sa raspunda si sa initieze subiecte, in sinonima masura in care faci si tu asta. Pentru femei, aceasta INFIDELITATE EMOTIONALA este mult mai dureroasa, la fel cum pentru barbati este mult mai putin semnificativa decat e inselatul la un indice fizic. Pana la urma, este greu de crezut ca se afla o singura persoana care sa ne indeplineasca toate NEVOILE EMOTIONALE ; faptul ca avem nevoie sa flirtam cu altii e cat se poate de omenesc. Fireste, depinde de fiecare cuplu in parte sa stabileasca granitele comportamentului de flirt pe care le tolereaza. Dupa o astfel de negociere, ambele parti trebuie sa fie multumite si sa nu existe, pe cat se poate, senzatia de compromis!:) this u must say man to have fun
I would say I am passionate, caring easy to get along with (at least most of the time), optimist, and a goal setter. I am not absolut but Iaa‚¬a„¢m always looking to improve my self. The glass is always half full with me, if I get lemons I will turn them into lemonade. I wear my personality; I have nothing to hide so what you see is who I am. I consider my self to be a well balance and spiritual person that knows what I want. I'm honest, trust worthy, responsible, dependable, intelligent, intellectual, friendly, family oriented, romantic, fun loving person. I would best describe my lifestyle as conservative, very involved in my church and with a stable job. I travel a lot and enjoy doing community voluntary service. Family are a very important part of my life; I look forward to build a happy family with a man of my dream and enjoy spending time together for eternity. My friends describe me as an honest, responsible and sincere person who they can rely on. I am very open, hard working person and very sensitive to other peopleaa‚¬a„¢s needs. I enjoy life's simple pleasures as well as a little excitement.
Nu am ,din pacate pentru voi,nici una dintre urmatoarele"calitati":proasta,pitipoanca.umila".Daca se afla cineva caruia sa-i placa antiteza acestor "calitati" as vrea sa-l cunosc,daca si el vrea aceasta. In rest:desteapta,culta ,cu umor si mai ales "modesta." :))
astazi nu, poate maine! vesela si optimista,loiala si sincera,caracter puternic dar familista convinsa.sincera si iubitoare.cred in oameni si in puterea dragostei dar sunt destul de realista.nu mint ,nu insel,nu accept minciuna si tradare in viata mea.foarte alergica la ipocrizie si prostie omeneasca. stiu exact ce nu caut! :)
My name is Tamara. I from Russia. I the young, romantic woman. I very much like to travel, get acquainted With new people. I wish to get acquainted with clever and kind on To the person to connect our destinies. I hope to find real, pure Love. I hope to have pleasant acquaintance.
sunt o fire comunicativa, sociabila imi place sa glumesc si sa rad :) (atunci cand este nevoie) . Imi place sa ascult lucruri interesante pe care cineva le povesteste . Radiez de fericire absolut mereu o parte importanta ar avea.o pentru mine o persoana cu care sa fim pe aceasi marime de unda ,dar cum nu am intalnit aceasta persoana mi.as dorii tare mult sa intre in viata mea!
Sunt ambitioasa in dragoste nu credeam iar acum cand mam indragostit...mam indragostit de cine nu trebuia...trec prin clipe grele din veata mea...caut pe cineva k sa ma ajute sa alung tristetia din imima mea...nu k sa-si mai bata iar joc de ia!!!! Extrem sexy De toate
Loving to be with, God fearing and sexy. I am adventurous and i love to listen to good music. I love to travel alot to discover new places and i relate very well and easily with people. I am also a very great cook and i like clean people with very clean environment.
Sunt simpla. .urasc minciuna, si respectul e mai sus decit orice...iubesc natura....ador sa ascult muzica anilor 70,80,90...Și alte intrebari astept sa imi trimiteti voi cei care vor cu adevarat sa ma cunoasca
Caut o relatie sincera sunt o persoana buna,vesela etc EXCLUS FUMATORII!!! Roscatica, vesela si cu mult bun simt al umorului, foarte deschisa la minte,iubitoare de natura, muzica clasica, opera si arta, caut un suflet frumos pentru o relatie de durata, acel zambet care sa ma astepte in prag... Nu ma intereseaza barbatii casatoriti.. Sunt ok!!! Ami doresc un barbat care sa stie sa respecte o prietena si sa ami.ofere iubire
imi vor o relatie de lunga perioada bazata pe intelegere , armonie , echilibru si iubire.. Exclus masculii necasatoriti nicicand , casatoriti sau in relatii complicate si sub 49 ani . Pentru flirt nu ma deranja .
Sunt o fata draguta I am extremely romantic, loving and passionate woman. I am hard working and stubborn when I want to achieve my goals and dreams. I am family-oriented.. Seeking a serious true heart who is trustworthy and understanding, who is ready to have his own family. That one man i can share my thoughts and explore the world of love with.. Slab Un baiat inteligent si bogat
Sunt o iubita sigura pe mine,singura,independenta. I am a creative person. I am a pretty, honest and bright girl. I am very sensitive, talented and original,I know how to love and cherish my man, i hope there is life long love with trust, mutual understanding and respect,these are constituents of my life. I am a hairdresser by profession. Consider ca am un corp bine peoportionat Caut un barbat singur, deschis pt relatii serioase, independent , sa stie ce vrea de la viata si sigur pe el si alegerile lui!
I have very strong family values. I believe that a woman is a keeper of a home fire and I believe I can do it well. I do all house chores gladly and easy. I am tender and attentive. I believe that love can overcome all obstacles and believe that when two people stay together, it should be for good and bad times. Family for me is something close to the soul. When you have close people, you have someone, with whom you can share all that is happening to you in life, and it is worth a lot for me. sunt buna
daca vrei sa aflii mai numeroase cauta-ma... I will rather describe my self as a straight and humble human and also in God fearing,I like honesty, trust, love, caring,truth,& respect, I have all this qualities in me, i love meeting people that i haven't seen before,Am also single looking the lovely and luckiest pretty women to share my world with,Am not here to hurt someone that i love or someone i love to hurt me and my feelings for you fiecare cu gustul lui prietenie,distractie dar cateodata pierdere de timp...
sociabila...intelegatoare.... Congratulations. I search for serious attitudes to me 28, I very urgently wish to have family, but in me problems to find to me directly the young man here I have addressed in the Internet of cafe, and to me have told, that it is possible to find the person of dream here... I hope, that you will answer me.... ???????? ?? ??????? Concerning age differences, if I have written you that it already means that I am not afraid of your age, it means that I look least at age. I consider that the the man is more senior, the more it can give to the girl of life experience, will be wise in councils and will not allow to make an error. 50 kg....creata....draguta un barbat sociabil....intelegator...cu bun simt
Simpla si eleganta Sunt o persoana buna, placuta, inteligenta . Sunt pensionara . imi vor sa gasesc o persoana intocmai caracterului meu. Pentru anii care au mai ramas , imi doresc o persoana sa fim fericiti impreuna. Fiintele neserioase sa se abtina ! Usor Oameni cu o mintalitate normala
sexy si cuminte Soy una persona alegre, leal me gusta disfrutar de la naturaleza, ir de camping, pescar, hacer deporte, me gusta leer, la buena música, me gusta visitar los museos compartir con familiares y amistades me gusta cocinar agreabil un mascul cumsecade
o scumpica! Nimeni nu poate accepta o realitate . Traim intr-o bula imaginara si personalizata, in functie de visurile pe care nu ni le-am implinit. Fiti realisti in alegerile pe care faceti. Daca iti poftesti o fata de papusa, un temperament docil, masuri 90/60/90, atunci clar nu te afli pe pagina care trebuie. Continua sa cauti. admira pozele!!!!!! amici!!
Glumeata ...
...mai bine incerci sa afli.. nu sunt femela ideala.visez mult,vorbesc la fel de mult.ma indragostesc rar iar atunci cand o fac e intens.atat de intens, incat cateodata ma doare propria-mi ingragosteala.in unele clipe sunt femeie,in altele ma transform intr-un copil credibil si naiv Ok Prieteni
asa sunt eu..ciudata,diferita,nebuna...imi place sa ma distrez sa rad sa ma simt bine....imi place istoria,imi place sa ma informez..de lucruri inteligente...nu de barfe...citesc mult..imi place sa zambesc sa trec peste tot,sa fiu prieten de nadejde..... .am 1.62cm....49kg...87-62-90...satena deschis,..si restul mai tarziu...:D barbati adevarati.....:D
sunt o persoana naturala Sunt o femeie serioasa sensibila romantica dar ....pe care n o prostesti usor..ami vor o relatie serioasa cu un barbat bine,serios , fara vicii si ...sa aiba ochi doar pt mine....daca se poate....deci ! Sa ma iubeasca asa cum sunt.si sa aiba preocupare de mine....in schimb ai voi darui iubirea mea ceea ce pt un mascul ar necesita sa fie suficient. Seriozitate la maxim , si daca e seriozitate vine si Iubire la maxima tarie !....Subliniez : Fiti oameni seriosi ! placut nu stiu,dar o sa-mi dau seama daca gasesc:))))
I hate being sexy,but I am a dancer,so I can't help it! I am a tender woman, who likes to smile. I always act as a real woman and will never make you blush, because of my behavior! I think, that family should be put first and it will always be so for me. I am a woman whom you can trust! If I am with a man, I will not betray him! This is my rule! I have many principles that influence my life and will influence our relationship too! If you want to know, write me and I will share it with you with pleasure.
Sunt divortata am 2 copiii doresc o relatie de lunga perioada ? ? ?a€œFyTzE GeSTuRyY sH tUpEu AsTa E taLEntUL mEu Pe EcRaN dA FOarTE bN o PRInteSA ajEA cA mN sTyu Sa\'N vaRT toTUl pE loK doBOr pRosTY dinTR\'uN fOk sUnT FEtyta smeCHErita Hai fA paSI sH guRA mik? ? ?a€ Am 1/60/55 kg ochiii caprui vor relatie cu o pers care sa ma iub si pe mn si pe copiii Caut un barbat care sami fie alaturi la Bn si rau
Sint destul de sincera...stiu ca nu e bine...dar asa sant :) I'm I very loving person looking for someone who can bring joy in my life hope to meet that one. I love God and the outdoors. I am a very happy women with a lot of love to share.I like to swim ,fishing .cuddling and a lot more. I'm kind and reliable sometimes stubborn. I like walking and reading. I enjoy cooking and gardening also. I love music, enjoy the theater and eating out. Sp Caut un barbat care stie ce vrea de la viata..
prietenoasa,simpatica....... About myself I can say that I am honest, open, sociable, kind. I would like to find on this site man for serious relationship, as in life success is not always smiled at me :-( I hope that through this site I can find my soul mate ... Write to me and you will learn about about me: - ) placut prieteni atat.....