Sunt sociabila si spontana I like to Tease in a Respectful and Caring way, Playful, I am a Giver , I love surprises.Impulsive and Adventurous, willing to try different things, I love to laugh, I am Strong with a Caring Heart. Relaxed , and Humble. Perfecta Un baiat care nu stie sa minta
I am a beautiful, smart, responsive woman who wants to build a serious relationship with a man who can win my heart and who is ready to prove to me that he is a real man. I am ready to give my man care and warmth and in return I want to receive the same. With my man, I am ready to go anywhere if my heart belongs to him. atletic cum spuneam...barbati :)
Sunt eu asa cum sunt..:) Iubitoare de calatorii, mare, carti. Imi plac prieteniile de intinsa durata, urasc multimea falasa, minciunile.Amo la vita,i viaggi , e le vere amicizie.Odio le falsità e le bugie. I love a travel ,a see,,the good music,a cooking end a books.I like a have good friend end i hait lies. Sa aprecieze altii....... Pe cineva sa ma intaleaga cu toate utopiile mele....
am par saten ochi albastri 165cm corp atletic My name is Celia Boateng,i am 33 years Old,I am Single,White,dark brown hair,blue eyes,5'8",152 lbs.Long Hair and a healthy Lady.I am self-sufficient,Beautiful,happy,secure,self-confident,psychologically aware,emotionally and financially secure. draguta barbati cu intentii serioase
. . Viata mea imi apartine . . . . . . . . . Sufletul meu imi apartine . . . . . . . . . . . .Corpul meu imi apartine. . . . . . . . . . . . . Le daruiesc cui vreau, cat vreau, cand vreau si cum vreau. . . . . . . . . Nu are nimeni dreptul sa imi ceara nimic, cu atat mai mult cand imi cere lucruri pe care el/ea insusi/insasi nu le poate darui. . . . . . . . . .Ceea ce gandesc imi apartine. . . . . . . . . Am dreptul sa gandesc cum vreau ceea ce vreau. . . . . . . . . . . Nu sunt obligata sa ma incadrez in normalitatea sociala sau in normalitatea vreunui om.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Actionez impulsiv, actionez asa cum simt, nu ma invatati si nu-mi dati sfaturi, chiar daca gresesc sunt greselile mele. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunt poate absurda, poate ilogica, poate impertinenta, poate mint, poate nu mint, poate ranesc, poate nu ranesc, sunt egoista sau extrem egoista, dar sunt EU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Raspund cand vreau, cui vreau, este alegerea mea, momentul este al meu si NU vreau sa-l pierd . . . . . . . . . . . . inutil . . . . . . . . . NU critic si nu invat pe nimeni ce sa faca, deci va roga€¦a€¦a€¦a€¦. NU ma invatati si NU-mi dati indicatii pretioase . . . . . . . NU deranjez pe nimeni, va rog NU ma deranjati. . . . .
sunt destul de directa,imi place sa dansez si sa fac de toate Sociabila, cu simtul umorului, sufletista, cu multa experienta de viata & obosita de cretini. Rog prostii sa nu ma deranjeze. Mie imi plac oamenii cu mult gust pentru viata, modesti, interesanti, educati, respectuosi. Numai bine ;) foarte sexi masculi sexosi
Vei vedea nu stiu ce sa spun ,am 63 de ani sunt vaduva,la pensie,imi place s acitesc ,sa ma plimb ,muzica clasica ,as vrea sa mai gasesc un job ,cel mai bun ar fi la domiciliu,nu mai stiu ce sa spun ,intreaba ma ce vrei sa mai sti Placut Un tip serios
prietenoasa si.....foarte draguta Sunt eu , cu calitati si defecte, ca oricare dintre noi. Ce caut aici ? Hmmmm...greu de spus, mai ales in vremurile astea pe care le traim cu totii. O discutie , o prietenie virtuala ...cine stie in ce punct se poate ajunge? Nu exclud nimic...Ma gandesc ca deocamdata sa imi alung plictiseala , atunci cand am astfel de momente. Timpul si destinul le va rezolva pe toate apoi... Deoarece m-am inscris azi, 5.11.2020, va rog sa stapaniti putina rabdare cu mine... Inca nu stiu intocmai cum functioneaza acest site. Nu am sa imi fac abonament, deci cine este cu adevarat interesat de mine, ma poate contacta prin mesaje. Multumesc! Ah...o chestiune destul de importanta ! Nu sunt interesata de sex virtual! Daca nu raspund la mesaje , reprezinta ca nu le-am putut vedea. Imi pare rau!
Sunt o persoan? agreabil?,spontan?,vesel? cu sim?ul umorului,sentimental?,imi place s? c?l?toresc. Sunt singur? de mai mul?i ani,nu am copii, sunt bogat? in idei dar nu am bani, am apartament,cas?,ma?in?,?.a. Locuiesc in Zal?u.
Tanara imi caut perechea pentru casatorie si o viata fericita! Vor ca perechea mea sa fie: Sincera,deschisa,fara viciu: Alcool!!,bun la suflet,respectos si care sa aibe calitatile unui familist!! Eu sincera,deschisa,populara,respectuoasa si cu bun simt! Daca te consideri si crezi ca esti conform cerintelor mele,atunci astept sa imi scrii sa ne cunoastem! Nu raspund la daca nu stapaniti poza de profil!!! Multumesc!!! sunt frumoasa...!!! prietenii,caterink,etc...
Sono una ragazza seria che vole una relatione seria e sensa bugie non mi piace di esere tradita.o anche una filia da 6ani , sono stata spozata adeso divortiata . I'm a woman with beautiful brown eyes like lakes. if to speak about me, i am tender, kind, enthusiastic, creative, sincere young Lady, I am romantic soft soul who will be very passionate to my beloved. I also have a wonderful dauther, she is 3 years old, and as she doesn't have father I really would like to find a man who can be a real father for her) Normale,semplice poco truco Mio ragato deve esere serio da initio deve sabere quelo che vole non deve esere alcolico e deve amare I bambini
Descopera solitar I am a sweet lady that has a sense of humor, bubbly, adventurous and open-minded person. I really love to explore new things. I like meeting new people. I am currently working. I am efficient in any way. I have a supportive and loving family. I hope this time; I will finally meet the man of my dreams I am searching for a man who will love me with all his heart. I want a man, who will be honest with me, responsible, loving and have a sense of humor. Someone who is willing for a long-term commitment. Age does not matter to me. I am sensitive, fragile, emotional, bright, kind and very optimistic woman. I am live my life on full. I am a woman who achieves a lot in this life but I miss one thing. The great love of my life. If you like adventure then I invite you to my world! I need man who will become my partner, lover, best friend. Who is active, without bad habits. Open to a new experiments! Go ahead! I am waiting Placut Barbat pentru prietenie casatorie
I am a kind communicative and open-minded woman with good welcoming personality and I have a smiling face that's why I can easily make friends with any one. Happiness is for those who wish to give and receive the rewards and challenges of relationships. . If I were to live life all over again, I would want to meeting someone that is responsible, loving, caring
Seriozitate punctualitatea si respectul sunt cartile mele de vizita...pooop I love life, and I love every moment of my existence! There are lots of wonderful things to enjoy, but the main of them is of course love! I adore sports, dancing, music, I am creative and active in everything I do, and I want everything or nothing! I am also an incurable optimist. ;-))))))))))))))))))))) I like to look attractive, and appreciate this in other people, it has nothing to do with dressing fashionably a€“ sensual and attractive looks comes from inside. It is sparkle in the eyes, smile on lips, and many other thingsa€¦. Usor ingrijit si apetisant. Un mascul cu simtul. Umorului calm discret manierat si cu bun simt.
iubesc sinceritatea si imi place respectuul.....sunt iubareata si vreau numai iubire I am kind, smart, attractive and love romance. I want to find here my future husband. Who will love me, understand, share my interests and dreams, who will never betray me, and will support me in any situation. I know that I want to have a happy family. If you isna€™t this man, please dona€™t waste my time. sunt asa cum ma creat..... caut prieten cu suflet cald, sincer, care sa ma iubeasca cu o iubire adevarata
Oamenii simpli insa educati , ma atrag; viata simpla si cit mai aproape de natura are importanta pentru mine; sint vegetariana (pentru ca suferinta animalelor ma intristeaza insa respect alegerile celorlalti oameni. Religia nu ma intereseaza pentru ca separa oamenii. Celor interesati doar de succese financiare sau materiale , le recomand sa nu ma contacteze. Traiesc modest si sint multumita. Nu ma intereseaza acumularea materiala decit in limita celor necesare in mod decent.
sunt o fire romanctica urasc minciuna I believes that wea€™re not prefect and do have flaws during our life time; we have good and bad sides (hopefully more goods than bad) within us. But importantly to embraces the good, and accept the bad with willingness to improve it defects to better our life with ourselves/loves ones. Willing to learn from yesterday, living for today with allowing preparation of tomorrow improvement to fulfill our happiness with loves ones. Materialistic is not the most important factor in life, but the inner qualities and spiritual growth are essentials to every daya€™s happiness. Beauty is skin deep. A picture is worth a 1000 words, but a 1000 words isn't enough to describe the person behind it. Therefore, I am more interested in knowing a person inside out rather outside in. communication is a life learning tool to finds/collects common vigor foundation in any relationship. Un barbat care stie ce vrea de la viata,care stie sa lupte in viata chiar daca soarta il darama.
Bunt vesela , fara fite , imi place sa traiesc viata din plin. If it is possible to combine passion and tenderness in one person, it is about me! At this moment of my life I feel like a tender and refined flower in a large field. I feel lonely and unprotected, but I believe there is someone who can find me in this large field, between the same beautiful flowers around. I am a very serious and responsible lady who values family values. I like active rest and keeping fit. People say that I am punctual and reliable. I like to take care of my appearance. I am a strong woman with a sensitive soul. usor Un prieten sincer.
Sunt sensibila, inteligenta, cu simtul umorului, nebunatica si vioaie, atunci cand ma simt iubita. Sunt mamica unui baietel obraznic si frumos de 6 ani. Simple and out going makes friend easily , and social too . love mixing with people with the heart of gold . love meeting people that can change one in a singular way , what I mean by one that can change me in a exceptional way is when u have a aparte way of outing me right when I know am wrong sunt o femeie frumoasa, poate cam prea plinuta si cu destul farmec personal sunt aici in cautarea unui mascul aferent cu mine, inalt, mai masiv, posedand in vedere ca nici eu nu sunt prea pirpirie, preferabil intelectual,..dar daca nu, sa dea dovada de suficienta inteligenta, nici prea frumos, dar nici urat, oricum, respectabil si in debutantul rand sa fie sufletist.
Sunt OK. Buna!!!! .Cei care urmariti flirt si aventura.... slabe sperante....!!! As vrea sa cred ca mai se afla si masculi care stiu ce vor cu adevarat... o familie!! Sunt o iubita simpla, modesta, distinsa si fara interes. Nu mi place ca sunt pe aici, dar uneori soarta e nedreapta.Conversatiile fara rost, dar cu alt interes, ma obosesc si nu le accept!! normal un mascul matur, cu simtul umorului
o femeie simpla cu calitati si defecte,cine doreste sa stie mai numeroase trebuie sa ma cunoasca nu prea stiu sa ma caracterizez Sunt optimista, plina de energie pozitiva si incerc sa vad jumatatea umpluta a paharului, lucru care ma face sa mai cred in cinste si onoare , in demnitate si adevar ,in sinceritatea si bunatatea oamenilor .Sa nu uitam totusi ca ne -am nascut dintr-o moment de iubire.Iubesc tot ce-i elegant si curat sufleteste. Nu sunt aici pentru a cauta aventuri efemere, care oricum nu-ti aduc nimic bun; caut "jumatatea" cu care sa refac intregul , acel tot unitar plin de dragoste,lumina iubire bucurie,romantism frumusete sufleteasca,caut domnul, hotarat si pregatit pt un nou inceput,il caut pe EL,simplu spontan,serios si cu principii JUPANUL care sa reuseasca sa lase balastul trecutului in urma si sa incerce sa traiasca in PREZENT .. sa "construim" ceva durabil, frumos si plin de armonie IMPREUNA. micuta si plinuta sa zic asa mascul rudimentar modest fara prejudecati
CUMINTE,DISTRACTIVA,FOARTE SOCIABILA,SEXI I'm open and honest. I love the outdoors, and staying active is an important part of my lifestyle. I love running as well as my workouts and both are a big part of my daily fitness regime. Having said that, I also like my down time and doing something like curling up and watching a movie. My friends and family are important to me, so I like to have fun and spend time with them. I have an excellent sense of humor and am quite laid back. I can be shy and quiet around people I'm meeting for the first time. I've been told that my biggest flaw is that my heart is too big. USOR BARBAT
O persoana vesela, agreabila, sufletista, darnica, genul de prietena pe care ti-o faci pe viata
Sunt din Roman, divortata, 43 ani, 2 copii majori care muncesc si locuiesc in Romania iar eu de mai bine de 2 ani si 6 luni muncesc si locuiesc in Italia cam "grasunica" mascul 43-59 ani pentru relatie stabila, casatorie
Sa fie amabil, vesel, agreabil, sufletist
cum as putea sa ma descriu oare???????????ma bucur din lucruri marunte cum putini o mai fac,sunt vesela , parolista,................ I'm not a body with a soul, I'm a soul that has a visible part called body. Iar daca esti aici sa-ti umpli timpul sau alte motive de genul, te rog ignora-mi profilul, fa-mi o favoare si nu ma face sa-mi pierd eu momentul ne vom cunoaste poate si vei afla persoane cu bun simt .
sunt o persoana vesela optimista spontana imi plac drumetiile , mi-ar placea sa cunosc o persoana de omenie cu bun simt ,necasatorita , comunicativa interesata de o relatie de lunga perioada I am Hawwa Originally from Ukraine Iaa‚¬a„¢ve been living in Ukraine all my life interested in for a long time relationship . I love to learn about new places, people and cultures. Iaa‚¬a„¢m single never been married . I like to be in harmony with the world around me. but Iaa‚¬a„¢m very down to earth I like to read a lot and keep up with many thingsaa‚¬a€œpolitics, social issues, culture, travels, people. I especially value humor, being able to laugh at yourself, being able to communicate, culture in general, social issues, staying healthy, and the freedom to think out of the box. I also like Woody Allen films, swimming, hearing peopleaa‚¬a„¢s stories, and simply talking with people. Iaa‚¬a„¢m looking for a companionaa‚¬a€œsomone with his own life, with a strong personality, yet also able to make the compromises that life sometimes requires. Someone who isnaa‚¬a„¢t too thick and who is able to laugh at himself. No smokers, please. miniona , ochi capriu par castaniu , 57 kg o persoana cu bun simt , necasatorita , INTERESATA DE O RELATIE DE INDELUNGA PERIOADA SAU CASATORIE
SUNT SERIOASA NU FUMEZ NU BEAUU.SUNT CRESTINA..HARNICA.IMI PLAc copii..sunt saraca Positive, fun, spiritual, kind, caring, tender, artistic - it's what my friend wrote about me. I live in Moscow now and going to visit my friend, she live in Brasov for new year. She is Russian too, few month ago she met her husband on this web cite and she is happier than ever. So I decided to try too. Who knows what can happend. I'm looking for kind man with sence of humor, preferable healthy life style, willing to have family in nearest future. I believe in destiny, law of attraction and true love which I ready to share with my future husband. sunt satena ochii albastrii.supla... vor sa cunosc un barbat bogat inalt brunet barbos chiar si ochi caprui sa nu fie din romania prefer din italia america..poate fii si negroman placut cu varsta 50 -55 ani
Sunt o fata stabilita in Japonia in any other world u could tell the difference. but human as i am, i smiled and tried to mean it. and my face is not sad because i never forget my story. it's as if i'm playing with fire. do i like what u like? Sunt mica de statura. Caut distractie,prietenie.
iubeste si vei fi iubit!!!invata sa treci peste obstacolele vietii impreuna de persoana pe care o iubesti...invata sa gandesti mereu pozitiv.....invata sa speri ca maine va fi ca indiferent ce s-ar intampla...totul va fi incantator si tu vei fi mereu fericit!!!....e fermecator sa iubesti si sa fii iubit!!!
ZAMBESTE!!!CINEVA TE IUBESTE!!! despre mine .....mai bine ...incearca sa ma descoperi.. persoane dragute, ,sincere ,serioase ,pentru prietenie
i never stop being grateful to God for his mercies upon my life and all the experiences that i have been exposed to. I am a fun loving man, jovial, Kind, easy going, lovely and passionate man. I like to have fun, work, travel, Play, and smile. I think of myself as being clever but harmless asa cum se vede
sunt ambitioasa pe a realiza ceva bun,sunt buna la suflet,sunt sincera,vreau sa se apropie de mine numai cine este sincer si modest The most charming and nice creation of the world that is searching for love and tenderness. maybe it is hard to believe but I am lonely but like noone else I miss your warm touches and hot kisses. Please, do not make me wait for my happiness for too long, I want to be with you and only you!!!!! am ochii caprui,culoarea parului este brunet,am 160,64 de kg, caut un om sincer,sa fie serios,sa nu consume alcool zilnic,poate sa fumeze,sa aiba maniere de om serios
draguta I enjoy fine dining and am always looking for someone to share the appreciation of good food and fine wine. I am just as comfortable with my hair up in old jeans as with my hair down wearing my favorite little black dress. normal oameni
...hei ,hei greu neica a te descrie ca narsicistii de unu solitar fire comunicativa ,glumeata ,iubesc si viata (in cuplu ...cred ca-i mai frumoasa )caut jumatatea mea !!!! the perfect woman does not exist, but I try to get closer to it !!!!!!!!!! as all women will say. It is said of me that I am a "beautiful person". Of course I have defects but I try to assume them. I am neither lying nor wrong. I like sincerity and I am looking for a beautiful and true story. I like to laugh, sociable, classy and sporty as grueling but not resentful. However, I have personality, character. In short, I am sincere and myself ..... and I wish to meet someone who will accept me as I am. agreabil o mascul care stie ce vrea ,cumunicativ ,familist ,placut la stat(aspect)... cat si la sfat!!!sa ne cunoatem mai intai si vom vedea de e ceeea ce cautam >>>
sunt o pers simpatica,bla bla bla,dak vrei sa ma cunosti ai sa afli mai multe sunt o persoana care apreciaza, bunul un simt al umorului bine dezvoltat,sincera.deschisa in indiferent ce provocare..Caut un baiat.dragut,serios,simplu,care isi doreste cu adevarat o relatie serioasa..apreciat,iubit....sau gresesc? prieteni
afla Vor sa gasesc o prietena o nevasta simpla modesta curata cu caracter deosebit cu suflet mare si bun si cu care pot sa-mi impart viata mea intreaga toata cu ea ! O femeie care isi doreste decat o singura relatie de lunga perioada ! normal,ce credeai? baieti si fete cu un simt al umorului foarte dezvoltat
....las totul la aprecierea voastra...Da si nu caut nimik pt k am deja un prieten...sunt aici pur si modest din curiozitate...sorry Simpatica, vesela, curata, a-mi plac animalele, ordinea , dansul, plimbarile an aer liber, filme, excursii, etc. Sant vaduva si anca lucrez, stabilita an Israel cu locuinta si loc de munca si ash vrea sa cunosc un mascul cu varsta de peste 70 ani pentru relatie de prietenie de indelunga durata si vizite reciproce an ambele tari. wow...sexi...sexi...:D blonda, verzi,1,67, 51 cam atata...restul e mister...misterul mare e k am nu caut iubit sau nimik altceva...:D Nu caut k am deja un Iubit...sunt aici pur si modest din curiozitate...DECI CONCLUZIA FINALA...NU CAUT NIMIK
I love to laugh and have fun but am responsible and level-headed with good common sense. I can lead or follow depending on the situation, and am not afraid to speak up or share my opinions. I like to travel, shop, eat out, but also enjoy dinner at home, a good book, or a movie at home, especially snuggled up with someone special
sunt zapauca......handilie.....etc....k nu mai am inventii proprii:))....ador sportul:X:X:X:X si acadelele=p~=p~=p~ si ciocolata:X:X:X=p~=p~=p~....sunt dusa...stiu....ciudatenia in persoana...
Optimista,vesela,aspect destul de tinar,familist,iubesc copiii,urasc minciuna,restul se v-a vedea i am looking for a real perason who is interested in going out and love to have some who know how love and to treat a man i wish i wish you all the best and ..... to you all ... ask me what everthing you want to know and dont mangaiere me if you know you are not serious byeee Normal, Un om sincer,blind,iubeste copii,potential financiar,optimist,vesel,serios
Sunt o fata sociabila,nebunatica, dornica de a-si face noi prieteni.:* Feeling empathy, passion, and curiosity, expands my world. Having friendship, commitment, and trust keep it grounded. My interests are many, and vary widely. I am athletic, youthful and very fit, swimming, yoga, anything physical). I love to travel (near and far) and i enjoy anything creative, and love spending time in the countryside. I can be involved with the arts, but what i particularly love is good food, good wine, good company, great laughs, My pictures are recent, my age is correct. I'm looking for a partner in fun for music, film, theater, dining, conversation, wine tasting, traveling, sharing, talk about my day, etc. someone i could come home to. caut prieteni
I am a very sensitive woman but strong in mind and independent.I love and respect family background and its values.I love nature with beautiful small villages.I enjoy reading,cooking,going fishing and gardening in my free time.And traveling is one of my big dreams in my life !
Greetings from me. I am Juvita by name, and I'm here to look for friends with the aim of finding a good man.I hope you are nice and potential ... well If you are interested , we can keep in touch and get to know each other better . prieteni
SUNT O FIRE MAI IUTE UN PIC , CAM TIMIDA IUBITOARE I am looking for a responsible,Godfearing, honest, trustworthy man for long-term happy loving relationship someone who will be my best friend my equal partner in life the king of my heart and hopefully someday my handsome loving husband. I'm a woman to believe my husband should be my best friend 1.65m ,65KG PARUL LUNG SATENA ... CAUT UN BARBAT SERIOS DE PREFERINTA ITALIAN PENTRU CASATARIE ...