Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
Buna. Ma numesc Noemi, am 20 de ani, sunt din Cluj si imi vor o relatie de durata bazata pe incredere, respect si dragoste adevarata.. I am an honest, sincere, loving woman who is looking for someone to share my never dull life with.I have had a interesting life, but too much alone. I am a loyal,honest,romantic,open minded,down to earth and having a great sense of humor. so much respects of other. I am a social person and prefer meeting people in-person, however given the evolution of technology, I think that it is interesting to try something new like this. I am a happy person with a positive outlook on life, laid-back yet energetic, drama free, and easy to talk to
Femeie, 66, Casatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
Sunt o nevasta prietenoasa si imi plac plimbarile mult. Citesc carti si ascult muzica.
Imi plac cainii si pisicile. Sunt o persoana foarte sigura pe sine, responsabila si independenta.Principiul dupa care imi guvernez intreaga viata este a€śFac cum stiu eu.a€ť. Stiu extrem clar ceea ce vreau si nu imi este teama sa-mi urmaresc propriile scopuri in viata. Singurul fapt pe care-l cer de la cei din jurul meu este onestitatea. Sunt indeajuns de intensa pentru a accepta adevaru sunt constitutie slaba Caut un mascul pentru ca ma simt singura, am fost in Canada unde m-am casatorit si masculul ala ma parasit, plecand in SUA. Vreau o relatie cu un barbat cu studii superioare si care sa locuiasca in Cluj Napoca.
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
Ce elegant ar fi ca acest virus sa dispara mai fara intarziere si odata cu el sa dispara si toata rautatea de pe acest pamint! Ar fi, dar .. Cind totul va reveni la natural sa-ti traiesti viata mai mult, mai intens, mai frumos! Viata nu trebuie irosita, ci traita picatura cu picatura. Cind ai oameni potriviti alaturi, atunii incercarile devin mai frumose, . Cind toate inainte de reveni la normal sa-ti traiesti viata mai mult, mai intens, Picatura cu picatura .Ce bine ar fi daca ne-am da seama cu adevarat de sensul cuvintului Viata si de tot ce cuprinde ea ..... a trai, a iubi, a ierta, un fi om mai buna€ž, sa ne putem aminti mai des aminte ca Suntem trecatori prin viata! Putem fi mai buni cu altii, din pacate multi uita, si cind spunem ca nu mai putem, viata ne arata ca mai putem putin. Sa fim intodeauna impacati cu viata, sa invatam din fiecare practica si nimic sa nu ne doboare, ci sa ne intareasca, sunt vremuri grele, dar omenirea nu se va sfirsi.Acum natura respira, iar omul are timp ... Timp sa-si faca ordine in ginduri, in suflet ... In viata pierdem lucruri, pierdem oameni .... important este sa nu ne pierdem pe noi, sa nu ne pierdem zanbetul, speranta si bunatatea ...., Chiar print cite incercari ne supune viata, sa avem doar puterea, spune, "va fi bine"!
Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
Salut, caut un prieten care sa ma faca sa rad... pe cineva satul de monotonia vietii care are nevoie de destindere si distratie. Nu ma deranjeaza daca e casatorit, nu vor o relatie de lunga durata... vreau doar sa traim maxim momentul... Se vede in poze... tip Pe tine ... un mascul adevarat care stie ce isi doreste o femeie!
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
Hi... I\'m very easy going, someone who like making new friends, I\'m jovial, hard working, I\'m looking for someone that can make me feel like a woman, someone I can trust, someone who don\'t care about who I am, I must have someone who is good at talking and listening. I must have a partner who is honest and strong enough to do the right thing.I must have a partner who is gentle and kind. I must have someone who isn\'t afraid to take a risk and who sees life as an adventure. I must have someone who can handle life\'s frustrations or momentary setbacks with a patient, steady, demeanor. I must have a partner who loves to socialize with lots of different people. I can\'t stand someone who takes advantage of people. I can\'t stand someone who can\'t manage their anger, who yells, or bottles it up inside. I can\'t stand someone who sees material items as a measure of success. I must end right here, I think you can ask me some more things also you want to know about me... Thanks for taking a stop in my profile.. SEXXXY BOYS......AND SMART!!!
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
Nu suport tigarile si alcoolul asa ca daca le consumi te rog nu ma contacta Ador sportul si imi doresc un partener sportiv sau macar sa i placa(dar si sa practice cand are timp macar ) Nu mi doresc copii caci am unul deja Vreau un partener (singur sau divortat )pe care sa ma pot baza in indiferent ce timp si cu care sa impartim o relatie de dragoste si pasiune in primul rand Barbat serios si cu simtul umorului
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
cu alta ocazie... :P First,I do not smoke,nor drink,never taken drugs in my life.I am very easy going.I have no kids.I like to do just about any thing that makes me happy.I am the kind of girl that is 100% real on all levels.I do not have time for games in the honor of love,feeling good and being happy.I have a college Degree,I do not stress nor argue with a man.I have very strong passion for a man and a lover to the bone of my soul.I believe in our GOD.I do not pass judgement on any body nor do i live in the pass that is not good in a relationship.I keep a clean house,I cook,hunt,fish,dance and enjoy happiness.I am seeking a man that is 100% honest,don't lie,.I do not cheat I am a one woman man to the end.
Femeie, 23, Casatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
sunt o iubita normala, intr-o lume anormala I love poetry, books, walks on the beach and cozy candlelight dinners. I enjoy movies, television, music, traveling, the desert, the quietness of the mountains, the ocean, sunrises and sunsets. I am comfortable in jeans or a nice English suit. A nonsmoker/drinker, not into drugs (don't need them; I live in a normal high). I believe in enjoying the good life and am high on it. I have a healthy attitude about God and the Bible. I'm a very outgoing person, who loves to dine out travel and enjoy the simple life. I'm a hopeless romantic and very affectionate. I have a good sense of humor and I like to make you laugh. sunt asa cum se vede prietenii
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
Sint o persoana optimista imi place sa lupt si sa obtin ceia ce vreau respecto si vreau sa fiu respectata imi plac calatorile si cercu de prieteni nu suport fiintele bolnave de gelozie toate au o limita.
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
im a extra sweet and fun girl .............. u have to meet me kisess I am someone who really enjoys a laugh and doesn't take things too seriously. I love checking out new restaurants, watching a good movie or addictive tv series, catching up with friends and holidaying to different places. I'm a pretty easy going person, my best memories are enjoying time with friends and family. u will see ............... but im sexy i whant a men in my life who can take care off me be sweet and funy like me
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
Sunt studenta in ultimu an la finate, imi place sa traiesc fiecare moment din viata Toti scriem,toti citim,toti ne vedem perfecti (sau cel putin pe aproape)insa nu stiu cum facem ca la capitolul dispozitie civila ,cred ca circa 90% suntem neimplicati in vreo relatie si cand sa vezi......mai toti "singuri in 2"....vai,vai,vai........oare sa-i felicit ca sunt capabili sa traiasca intr-un intocmai infern sau sa ii las sa imi faca capul patrat desi mama a avut grija la nasterea mea sa mi-l rotunjeasca?.....inca nu m-am hotarat,dar am tot momentul din lume......:) asa si asa, mai mult la va las pe voi
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
intreaba si vei afla Am invatat sa apreciez tot ceea ce primesc. Insa de multiple ori privesc in spatele a ceea ce se vede, la pretul ascuns ochilor si inimilor grabite, sa vad cat a costat cu adevarat. Fiindca tindem sa trecem de multe ori cu vederea pretul adevarat, fara sa pretuim la justa valoare ceea ce primim. Si sa nu ne dam seama ca intr-o simpla imbratisare putem primi uneori, nevazuta, chiar inima unui om.Am invatat ca, candva sa judec, sa privesc dincolo de ce se vede. La pretul perfect al gestului care-mi sta in fata, ispitindu-ma sa il judec, fara sa stiu cat a costat, de fapt, cu adevarat. Cine stie cate imbratisari simple aruncam dispretuitori la gunoi, fara sa stim ca in vreuna dintre ele statea poate asezata, cu multe jertfe, dupa multe chinuri, lacrimi si dureri, inima unui om. Si inima unui om nu are pret... recreere
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
I am here looking to find someone for a mutually enriching relationship in which we can enjoy life together and bring more to each other than we have alone. I want to co-create a relationship in which we both feel inspired, supported and enriched. Creating an environment that allows us to share our passions, stimulate each others brains and allows us to be there to support each othera€™s growth.
Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
I have a great sense of humor, A warm personality and people say I am easy to talk to and comfortable to be around. I try to learn new things daily because it keeps me enlightened about life. I believe in the old fashioned manners, kindness does matter. I am funny, passionate about things I believe In. I do believe in the golden rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Love your neighbor as thyself. Trust, Honesty and Understanding is very Important to build a good relationship and friendship. If you like to hike, fish, garden and cook. Need someone to talk to and have a good conversation with.. Please drop me a line
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
as prefera sa aflu de la altii ,nu pot sa vorbesc despre propria reflectie fire vesela, sportiva, entuziasta, comunicativa, romantica, iubitoare sport, calatorii, muzica buna. .Daca esti un suflet cu calitati asemanatoare cu mine, astept sa ne cunoastem.Nu vor sa fiu contactata de persoane mult mai tinere.si nici de masculi casatoriti.Doresc o relatie de indelunga durata nu aventuri..posibil casatorie. placut:) O Persoana iubitoare
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
simpatica. sociabila...de viata Am a very hard working woman with a pure heart of loving and caring I was born in Australia but grew up at houston texas with my mum , my dad is always away , cause he was commander in the army so I grew up as the only child with my mother and I had no siblings or cousin the world was so lonely when I lost my parents I can't tell all about myself publically on my profile so that's all I have to say. un barbat simpatic... dragut... de viata care stie sa se distreze
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
Sorry guys, this is me now, and I only respond if you are familiar with the German or English language!!! I have been testing someone and now I guess it's not worth the GAME anymore!! However, if you have a PIC' and you do not look like a PIG, then I might respond to you... Sure, it's the INSIDE of you which counts, but my eyes love beauty, so please respect that and don't waste my time! I know what I want, and it is "ALL or NOTHING!" I do not walk this Earth for the first time neither am I unconscious of the infinite Universe... LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT...You are about to meet a true HUMAN BEING and I came with the OLD CODE!!! Life is not a coincidence, it has a PAST and a FUTURE, and you are the WRITER of your own SCRIPT! Walk in PEACE and embrace the LIGHT!!! NAMASTE
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
I always win Pentru inceput nu e nevoie sa ma intalnesti, ma poti cunoaste din cuvinte... Imi doresc un suflet care sa-mi alunge cu o clipire si o contact absolut orice indoiala care mi-ar apasa gandul...care sa ma tina de mana pe parcursul vietii. Dragostea merge mana-n mana cu respectul si increderea in viata de cuplu si nu numai, in viata de zi cu zi in general. Sa iubesti din suflet reprezinta sa-ti gasesti casa in aceasta lume, sa-ti gasesti locul in aceasta viata...sa te simti la locul potrivit, sa fii acolo unde trebuie sa fii si sa nu mai cauti nimic. Nicicand nu este prea tarziu pentru un nou inceputa€¦. pe tine
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
O fire destul de sociabila si deschisa... I am a very decent person and I have consideration and respect for the men ...... I am a good listener and I do listen to the advice giving to me by man, am dear, loving ,caring , honest , energetic , friendly, Trustworthy, loyal, family, emotional , romantic , sexy and God fearing ... I love children very much and really love to play with kids and being with them makes me happy ..... I will treat all children as my own son ... I can do anything to make any happy child, because Jesus said Let the little children come to me , because it's them the kingdom of God ....I really want to meet a man who loves , caring, sincere , honest, friendly , up Heart , faithful and God-fearing , like me ... a man who is ready and serious about the relationship and ready for a serious relationship that will probably end in marriage placut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! numeroase
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
ciudata dar interesanta:) I am Hawwa Originally from Ukraine Iaa‚¬a„˘ve been living in Ukraine all my life interested in for a long time relationship . I love to learn about new places, people and cultures. Iaa‚¬a„˘m single never been married . I like to be in harmony with the world around me. but Iaa‚¬a„˘m very down to earth I like to read a lot and keep up with many thingsaa‚¬a€śpolitics, social issues, culture, travels, people. I especially value humor, being able to laugh at yourself, being able to communicate, culture in general, social issues, staying healthy, and the freedom to think out of the box. I also like Woody Allen films, swimming, hearing peopleaa‚¬a„˘s stories, and simply talking with people. Iaa‚¬a„˘m looking for a companionaa‚¬a€śsomone with his own life, with a strong personality, yet also able to make the compromises that life sometimes requires. Someone who isnaa‚¬a„˘t too thick and who is able to laugh at himself. No smokers, please. cred ca las la latitudinea pretendentilor sa spuna.... un mascul care sa ma inteleaga....
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
o sa vezi daca o sa ma cunosti:) a man that is hardworking. A man that has love in abundance and is Ready to give it out. A man that needs care and support in Life. A man that will be there for me In The Good and Bad time of my life. A man that we will live together and Bear children and a man that will Love our Kids and take Good care of them and a man that we will like happily, hope to read back from you telling me the kind of woman you seek for... nu vreau sa ma laud, de vede :) ceva ce nu prea mai se afla
Femeie, 26, Casatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
:d intreaba si vei afla :P Ich bin 178cm für 60 kg. Und ich bin ein Einzelkind meiner Eltern Mein Vater ist Österreicher, meine Mutter ist Französin. Ich wurde in Österreich geboren Ich komme aus der österreichischen Gemeinde Sankt Johann im Pongau im Bundesland Salzburg. Aber ich habe meine ganze Kindheit in Paris / Frankreich verbracht ich bin ledig Ich habe keine Kinder Hier ist ein erster Blick auf mich
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
I come out as a strong woman with a great sense of humor, loyal, humble, honest, caring, devoted & most of all understanding person. I enjoy reading good books, swimming, fishing, horseback ridding & playing Tennis & Golf most on my weekend gate. I don't seek much in qualities in whom I need to meet but someone who is ready for a long term, devoted, loving, honesty & understanding is a great spark for my search!!!
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
Sunt ce A mai perfecta I am sweet, thoughtful, kind, intelligent woman, and have a great sense of humor. Text me on: eight five zero seven four five four one five five, I am very easy going and laid back. I am often told that I am very easy to talk with. I am not an angry person, I am happy with myself, and my life, and I like to think it shows. I have held on tightly to the hope that this blessing will be bestowed upon me to find that one extrem man or i should say beloved partner in life with whom I can share everything unite my heart, body and soul Sunt cea mai Caut mascul cu bani
Femeie, 39, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
sunt o persoana care apreciaza, bunul simt.cu un simt al umorului bine dezvoltat,sincera.deschisa in indiferent ce provocare..Caut un baiat.dragut,serios,simplu,care isi ravneste cu adevarat o relatie serioasa..apreciat,iubit....sau gresesc?
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
I am a very honest and sincere woman and expect the same thing from people that surround me. And I do so much want to find my soul mate live a very wonderful life with. Family means everything to me. Family is the circle in which you can enjoy every clipa of happiness. I want to build a good life with someone I love and we take care of each other. To walk on the beach hand in hand or just sitting next to each other. To support each other through the good and hard times. I want to build a good life with someone I love and we take care of each other. I do so much want to find my soul mate to live a very wonderful life with. Family is the circle in which you can enjoy every moment of happiness. I love kids, nature, and pets. I like reading and music very much. I am very friendly and have many friends. My biggest dream is to travel all over the world. I really want to enjoy all the beauty of the world, to see other countries. I am very curious to learn things about other people, their life, their culture, and their traditions. I am very romantic. I love to have a lot of flowers around me. I like to fabricate autentic bunch of flowers. And I adore when men present me flowers for no reason at all. I enjoy cooking and I also like to go out to eat in typical restaurants. I like comfort and joy. I like very much going shopping and doing my shopping. I like little surprises and would like my husband to fulfill some my whims. Sexy si restul ai sa vezi mai numeroase ...
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
Sunt cea mai frumoasa din tara!!!!!!!!!!! Este un pamflet
Va las pe voi sa descoperiti............... Past relationships have made me realize how important sincerity, loyalty, honesty, adoration, and respect are. The most important thing is to let your faith lead the relationship - I believe Ia€™m ready for equally yoked relationship for the long haul. I am fully prepared and ready to enter into a serious relationship. I want to share everything I have and enjoy each day to its fullest in the quest we choose to embark together. So sent be shy dear one. Simpatic Un barbat care sa ma inteleaga si sa ma respecte
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
Soy morena, ojos verdess, remántica, respetuosa, risueña, culta,sociable, solidaria, alegre, me gusta viajar,caminar por el lcampo, el contacto con la naturaleza. No me gusta la soledad, por eso busco un compañero para compartir lo bueno y malo de la vida.
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
Salut Ma numesc Alina si sunt aici ca sa ne distram
Imi place sa ma joc la mare si nu vreau decat aventuri Va pup si va astept cu drag If you need someone, with whom you can discus any topics, who will be with you in happiness and in ailment, who won't tell a lie to you and will be honest with you, who will support you in any difficult situation, who won't leave you whatever will happened with you...... so, I can be this someone for you. Sunt putin plinuta, saizeci kg. Distractie, aventuri.
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
crazy Hello everyone here, my name is Elina, I am a from Serbia but live in the US, I am single and ready to mingle, I am a simple young lady looking for a simple and serious man that is ready for the future, I am not here for games or joke, I have come to realize that we are nothing without a partner. I mean someone who would stand by me no matter the situation. A man who I can say, he alone has the right to be manly irritating to me (lol). A wizard who would protect me like a lioness would do her cub (lol). And I can promise to protect him beyond all vices. A man who tells me, honey, you can do it, no matter what I want to do sexy girl a strong man !
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
looking for friends or more sunt o iubita independenta,mi-as dori sa cunosc un mascul interesat de o relatie sincera si de ce nu, de indelunga durata daca se poate.Nu-mi vor aventuri de o noapte,ci sa cunosc un barbat cu care sa am o relatie fireasca si sincera
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
Sunt o fire vesela, sociabila, imi place tot ce e nou... EU? Sunt o persoana obisnuita, cu defecte si calitati, cu dorinte si vise, cu idealuri marete, cu speranta ca mai exista masculi care sa apecieze "Femeia" de aproximativ ei, dar si dezamagirea mare ca nu mai se afla barbati care sa-ti pune la dispozitie o floare. Ar mai fi multe de spus.....am o viata la dispozitie sa impartasesc cuiva toate ....Ah, uitam: momentan ma aflu pe acest site cu un scop precis...caut o persoana deosebita sa ma insoteasca la un eveniment grozav in data de 15 septembrie. Ar mai fi de specificat ca nu va pot raspunde la mesajele instant. Folositi mesageria clasica. Multumesc. Atletica Vor un barbat care stie sa aprecieze o sotie din toate punctele de vedere
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
Sunt vesela,amabila si cu bun simt,dar si impulsiva.Pot fi "Rea" sau pot fi "Buna"..depinde de u. Sunt de "moda veche "in ce prive?te modul meu de a in?elege via?a de cuplu. Sunt fidela,serioas? dar in acela?i timp cu unpronuntat simt al umorului,educata,sincer?. Imi vor un OM pentru toat? via?a ,care sa ?tie ce inseamn? a respecta SOTIA si care sa si aplice respectul. Dac? sim?i di STI ca ai aceste caracteristici caracteriale si-ti dore?ti acelea?i lucruri de la via?a ,vreau sa te cunosc si,cine ?tie ,e posibil sa ne schimbam via?a !Daca te-ai saturat de nesiguran?a emotiva si de tr?d?ri atunci caut?-ma!Dava i?i dore?ti doar aventuri si sa supravietuiesti ca un fluture,te rog sa ocole?ti acest profil ! Ma simt bine in piela mea ! Nu caut nimic anume,dar imi place sa-mi fac cat mai multi prieteni.
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
simpatica inteligenta....... I am simple but loving lady who likes to readand watch movies. i believe in this sayings of my grandma Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end satena ochii caprui un mascul excelent
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
Sunt o persoana modesta ! 5ft 10 height large build Big fem 26 plus size clothes Very attractive looking Very short dyed hair Glasses I am only big due to clinic conditions that put the weight on me under active thyroid and on steroids for my asthma Inflowmation I am physically disabled mobility and other I use a mobility Walker I was in a car accident when I was younger Atletic prietenii
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
OK. Sunt plictisita sa scriu acum ceva. Discutam! :) I'm a Laid back lady who enjoys spending time with friends and meeting new people. I have [Siblings] and my family means the world to me.A perfect night for me is getting my family together and cooking a nice dinner for everyone. I try to always remain positive and be in a good mood. I like to go out and have a good meal over stimulating conversation. In terms of going on dates, I am not very hard to please. As long as I am spending quality time with my significant other, I believe in karma and that you should always treat others how you would like to be treated. I am looking for a man that is fun loving and spontaneous. Some other characteristics I am looking for include: independence, sense of humor,career driven and trustworthy. Am toate membrele la locul lor...deocamdata :)) Vorba lui Jean COnstantin "noi urmarim sa nu fim urmariti" :))
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj Napoca, Cluj Romania
simpatikutza.... O persoana cu bune si rele.....cu defecte si calitati....vesela si trista....si urata si frumoasa.......nimeni nu este perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ''Atunci cand nu ai ce iti doresti si cand iti vrei este din cand in cand o MARE SANSA!! las pozele sa vorbeasca distractie si prieteni adevarati