Femeie, 52, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
Vor sa cunosc un domn , de virsta apropiata, din oras sau apropiere, cu inaltimea intrec1,80--1,90. pentru o relatie de durata eventual casatorie. Cine este interesat , astept sa ne cunoastem. Aventurierii va rog sa va abtineti. nici eu nu mai stiu ce caut....pur si simplu am ratacit drumul in viata si caut o cale de intoarcere
Femeie, 44, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
O fata simpla, cu bun simt. Intodeauna interesata sa aflu "noutatile" lumii. Sincera, urasc minciuna, destul de glumeata dar in limita bunului simt, sensibila, extrem de romantica, uneori o mica visatoare. Ador viata si tot ceea ce ma inconjoara, iubesc natura cu toate minunile ei. Naturala, cu o privire calda. 1.70 m, 58 kg, blonda, ochi verzi. Buze pline, sanii potriviti, senzuala. Intr-o continua cautare a sufletului pereche; a unui suflet cald si intelegator impreuna de care sa pot merge pe drumul vietii.
Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
imi place sa cunosc oameni noi ...interesanti....
...."Daca in drumul tau spre fericire vei suferi ,plange muntilor,nu plange omului caci compatimirea lui e o ironie amara! " Sunt o fire impulsiva si rar zik nu distractiei, imi place viata si vreau sa o traisc la maxim, ador oameni simpatici care stiu sa faca o zi ploasa sa devina umpluta de soare doar din zambete, urasc snobismul,fitzele,vulgaritatea si mai ales minciuna. creola..scunda ...slabuta
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
De treaba.Ccomunicativa. Ia€™m looking for a partner. Distance doesna€™t really matter . I am romantic, loyal, sincere woman. I need to belong to one man in the deep blue see of love. I am loving and caring person. I am charming, have a good sense humor, I am really energetic and enthusiastic. But of course I am not perfect, but I can admit my mistakes and work to make myself better. less Fake profiles should please stay off!!! Descoperamaa. Eu ma numesc Maryna am25de ani.Caut o fata serioasa pentry o relatie de lunga durata.
Femeie, 43, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
sunt o tipa umpluta de viata si foarte vesela Am a very hard working woman with a pure heart of loving and caring I was born in Australia but grew up at houston texas with my mum , my dad is always away , cause he was commander in the army so I grew up as the only child with my mother and I had no siblings or cousin the world was so lonely when I lost my parents I can't tell all about myself publically on my profile so that's all I have to say. persista sa descoperiti voi ... caut o fata cu care sa ma imprietenesc. Fetelor va astept !!!
Rog masculii sa se abtina si le multumesc pentru intelegere.
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
this is the best way i can describe myself I am grown up girl who wants to create right life with right man.I already understand this despite my age. Time of thoughtless actions has passed, and that is time to make serious step in this life. That is why I am here
Femeie, 30, Casatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
I am a separated mother, and easy going Chrstian lady who puts God first and family next. I want someone to complete my family with, and also complete his. I am looking out for something that will be permanent. Poza e reala si cred ca spune totul...cu defectele si calitatile de rigoare.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
o nevasta interesanta Sunt EU.=I am kind, calm, loving, positive affectionate.. I am intelligence and very feminine... I like the old-fashioned values - words like loyalty, reliability and respect.Ce caut aici?-Se spune ca la inceput de tot masculul si femeia au fost pasari de padure,care se uneau la primejdie,dar zbuau singure cand aceasta trecea..Noi oamenii de acum ne atingem prin ganduri prin emotii.trebuie sa stim sa ne miscam si chiar sa ne luam zborul ca pasarile, caci atunci reusim sa scapam nemaifiind la bunul plac al imprejurarilor.Pentru a ajunge capabili sa ne depasim greutatile si sa nu ne lasam daramati de nici un necaz de nici o tragedie.-trebuie sa plutim deasupra evenimentelor si pentru asta trebuie sa iubim., Sunt sentimentala si solemna, glumeata, agitata, misteriosa, linistita, expansiva Drepta si demna in mine in fata nedreptatilor ce ma lovesc. Uneori exuberanta si tulburatoare.I ts really nice way to meet people from all the world! make friends with me just like diamonds friends are forever feel free and talk to me let us get to know each other this world is a small place you just need to discover you are not alone m looking for a Trustworthy,Caring,H onest man that`ll Love,Respect and be Faithful to me and he must have a good sense of humour!! I WANNA GET MARRIED extrem sexy stiu ce vreau
o corespondenta pe toate planurile
doresc sa i impartasesc toate fantasmele mele
Femeie, 47, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
sunt firul de nisip purtat de vant... Imi place tot ce se poate spune ca ~ma face fericit~....adica sportul,sa fiu mama,sa am alaturi mine un mascul pe care sa ma pot baza (care in ziua de astazi e cam greu),sa citesc,sa ma plimb,sa ma dau cu rolele..etc.... Las pe altii sa ma caracterizeze "te caut darz si fara de folos/esti visul meu, din toate cel frumos/si nu-ndraznesc sa te dobor din cer gramada"
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
SaNT O FATA CU UN SIMT DEZVOLTAT AL UMORULUI SI CU O POFTA IMENSA DE A CUNOASTE NOI LOCURI am a nice girl that is looking for a nice man if you want to know more just ask me i will tell youi will tell youi will tell youi will tell youi will tell youi will tell youi will tell youi will tell youi will tell youi will tell youi will tell youi will tell youi will tell you ELEGANT LOVELY BOYS
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
sunt foarte dornica de actiune, socializare, prietenie, iubire. I am a full time college student, going on my fifth year. When i'm not keeping busy in the college i have fun with my friends, and keeping active. I enjoy the fitness a lot and try my best to stay in shape.I like reading,listening to music,like action comedy movies,love meeting people far or near, i like to spend my free time with my friends Buna. Sunt frumoasa asa cum sunt. Prietena caut barbat.
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
i'm very pretty! :) I am a serious and funny Womanl. I am a sincere and attractive person. I know what I want in my life and Ia€™m willing to get it! I am fond of all about unusual and exotics. I love to be in comfort. I love nature and I love to make my time interesting and funny to my love one (My man). I have no bad habits and am proud of it. You need to be just mature in your mind and healthy in your body. You know what you want in this life and you sure what you need in relations. You are serious and self-confident person. But in the same time I love it if you have a great sense of humor, I search for a stable, attentive, sympathetic, giving man with good sense of humor, I would like to find attentive and caring man, who will be close person and support me, I would like to find a man who is active, not the one who is spending all his time on the sofa, but the one who wants to achieve a lot in his life placut distractie
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
sunt o fire deschisa la orice,sociabila,de treaba Calatoare prin viata, intr-o lume nebuna... p.s.: daca nu te incadrezi in descrierea lasata pe profil, daca nu ai poza de profil, daca esti insurat, daca ai trecut de limita de varsta(42), nu imi scrie...nu raspund
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
O fire extrem jucausa In omenirea actuala, se investeste de cinci ori mai mult in medicamente pentru virilitatea masculina si silicoane pentru femei, decat in vindecarea bolii Alzheimer. Din aceasta cauza, in cativa ani, vom avea batrane cu pieptul mare si batrani cu cucul tare. Dar niciunul nu-si va asigura aminte la ce servesc. (Nu raspund/vorbesc celor fara poza) Simpatic Un partener
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
asa cum sant.... Sunt EU caut pe cineva sa fie capabil in a amesteca placutul cu utilul...nu sunt adepta discutiilor seci si interminabile tip virtual...vreau obiectivitate! Despre partener: Prietenos,sociabil si de ce nu marinimos ptr o iesire din cotidian in lumea reala...exclus povestitorii virtuali care nu se regasesc in expunerea mea! se va vedea la fata locului caut un el,
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
Ik ben een vrolijke vrouw, sociaal en rustig, niet gecompliceerd en..ah een tikkeltje romantisch. Leuke jurkjes, schoenen met hakken, parfums, parels zijn mijn favoriete dingen. "Vrouwelijk" is een woord, die bij mij past. Ik houd van reizen, warme landen, zee, muziek, lekker eten en dansen. Ik ben best ontwikkeld en gesprekken met een bepaald niveau stel ik zeer op prijs. Ik zoek net als iedereen een bepaalde warmte en eerlijkheid, een matje met wie ik leuke of minder leuke dingen kan delen. Ik woon in Nederland maar ik ben Roemeens van oorsprong.Vandaar dat ik een Nederlander zoek, die ook een bepaalde band met mijn eigen land heeft.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
imi plac masculi dar si femeile, vreau sa ma distrez, vreau sa explorez toate posibilitatile Imi place tot ce se poate spune ca ~ma face fericit~....adica sportul,sa fiu mama,sa am langa mine un mascul pe care sa ma pot baza (care in ziua de astazi e cam greu),sa citesc,sa ma plimb,sa ma dau cu rolele..etc.... extra buna pasiune, inteligenta si respect.
Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
extrem sociabila, fara inhibitii Caut un mascul analt, dragut,bun la suflet cu un simt al umorului foarte dezvoltat, si o situatie financiara destul de buna, care a-si ravneste sa se insoare, Daca nu va ancadrati, va rog sa nu ma deranjati. Nu voi raspunde. nesperat de "simpatik"
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
I work with the red cross team ,i am a sanitar Doctor i specialize on traumatic injuries from bombs and missile am looking for a sincere man to spend the rest of my life with,,who can laugh one who ia motivated and ambitious ,and willing to learn new things...
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
I belive , the biggest quality of a man its the honour and the decency, its a must.. pls dont waste my time in nonsense discusions...im not depressed unhappy or dispereated..just try to find a normal person with the same moral values i think i have.by the way ,im romanian native living abroad so i have not any problem to relocate..insuratii ,disperatii,dezbracatii,ramaneti in multimea voastra ..a mea e clara!!
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
Imi plac oamenii sinceri, hotarati,inteligenti,independenti si care-si respecta semenii.Daca ai aceste calitati contacteaza-ma.Daca esti in cautare de scurte aventuri nu ai ce cauta aproape mine.Și nu experimenta sa minti ca imi dau seama si-ti pierzi timpul si al tau si al meu.
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
Bruneta I am looking for a great relationship ... body, mind and soul ... a relationship based on honesty. The honesty that we are in this relationship for the pure and simple reason that we want to be part of each other's lives. To nurture, value and priorities time to be with each other. A relationship with sustainability, substance and yet still has that special playful rapport. Sharing those qualities has us wanting to share as much of our time together as possible. Just being in each other's company makes us happier and is fun. A relationship like this will take time to build ... it will not happen overnight. And if we decide we would make better friends ... then so be it ... need to at least try for anything great to eventuate. At this time in life ... be with the one you love to be with. Un partener de viata
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
Sunt o fata care ii plac drumetiile,calatoriile si numeroase cumparaturi. Am single never married and have no kids. Well I am down to earth and also very open minded and outgoing type . Am honest and loyal. I will like to meet a man I can call my own and spend the rest of my life with Bomba :) Caut o relatie serioasa poate si o casatorie cu jupanul potrivit.
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
I'm a woman with beautiful brown eyes like lakes. if to speak about me, i am tender, kind, enthusiastic, creative, sincere young Lady, I am romantic soft soul who will be very passionate to my beloved. I also have a wonderful dauther, she is 3 years old, and as she doesn't have father I really would like to find a man who can be a real father for her)
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
Buna la totii! Va pop? I am an optimist and really love life and people. I am romantic in my heart and I like to feel inner comfort. I dream about a happy relationship and true love, which will change my life forever. I always try to develop, to become better and never stop. I like to try something new, get new experience and new emotions. Sexy si rea Va pop
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
sar de la o extrema la alta....f des Tonica,cu bun simt,gandire pozitiva,apreciez consecventa in vorbe si fapte...restul in privat.(PS...NU,pici atomici,diverse "ELE",barbati inrolati in diverse relatii....si mai nou...cei care si-au restrictionat aria sau intervalul de varsta in care nu ma incadrez si totusi imi trimiteti mesaje si asteptati raspuns). opusul meu
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
discover me... Eu lucrez in Spania -Valencia de 14 ani. Vin in RomanÃa numai in vacanta. .Sant o femeie libera si independenta .Caut un mascul asemanator. situtiei mele .Nu vreau relatii la distanta nici aventuri de-o vara .. sunt ok...inca nu am spart oglinda:D:D:D am trecut de etapa de aventuri , nebunii si etc...caut un mascul cu coloana vertebrala care sa stie ce vrea de la viata...
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
I am just an ordinary girl who has a lot to share and a lot of good qualitys , such as a good heart and a good character. I am active, cheerful, optimistic, easy-going and emotional girl! I like traveling, I go to Moscow quite often, but I dream to see France, Italy, Australia and many other countries. I am always very open to new experience in my life, so I am sure life will always give a chance! I believe in Fate, but also think that person can do a lot to change his life, make it how he sees it and wants it to be. I think I don't look bad, maybe interesting... I look for quality men who know what they want from life, not just young and selfish kids.I need a man who can be there for me and stand up for me, caring, loving, honest and serious.Or maybe I am asking too much??
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
I'm single never been married with no kids, I don't smoke, I drink occasionally (wine). I'm just a normal lady a caring lovable lady that seeking for something simple and I am a lady that prefer giver than a taker. I'm seeking for someone caring, Lovable, honestly, trustworthy and a man that I can be trusted. I'm looking for a strong man with a gentle heart that I can stand by in Good time and bad.I seek a man who is willing to share, a man that is sweet, a man that would appreciate a nice kiss early in the morning, that would appreciate being dressed up for work in the morning and breakfast in the morning, a man that would respect me and understand me always be there for me.
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
Eu ma stiu foarte bine :)) daca vrei afla si vei vedea « Once, somewhere, life will surprise you so beautiful that you will forget how much it hurt you ... It will send you next to a man who will know how to heal everything that ever made you suffer, a man who, at those moments in which you would like to give up everything, will be able to help you find in your soul the power to move on » dragutza prietenie
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
Salut, dragii mei, Cum te sim?i azi, sper c? totul este bine cu tine. Ne pare r?u s? v? face?i griji cu propunerea mea pentru o rela?ie cu tine, dar eu ?tiu c? cererea mea va fi acordat intr-un mod bun ?i in?elegere, numele meu este Miss Rashida, eu sunt un foarte bun caut? fat? tan?r? care inc? mai decente unic, de asemenea, i se va dori s? ?tie mai multiple despre tine. Sper s? aud de la tine in curand, astfel incat i se va trimite mai multe detalii despre sine meu Inclusiv fotografiile mele pentru tine. Cred c? ne putem muta de aici. ?ine?i cont de faptul c? Iubirea nu are nici o bariera de culori, nu educa?ional inapoi la sol barier?, nici o barier? socio-economice, religioase, limb?, na?ionalitate sau de bariera de la distan??, singurul lucru important este dragoste, adev?r, ingrijirea ?i understanding.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
I am hardworking woman and self dependent, I am loving,caring and have a great sense of humor.I love to make those around me happy all the time especially my loved ones. I look like a city girl but inside me is a woman who loves nature and the out doors. I don't mind getting my hands dirty by fetching firewood while you set the tent when we go camping or change the car oil with you. sa ma iubeasca,romantic si in acelasi tip pervers
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
sunt buna rau Sunt o iubita simpla sunt divortata recent am 2 baietei frumosi!!! nu doresc aventuri,eu sunt o fire vesela ,optimista,si putin rebela,.eu caut un mascul adevarat pt mine,si un tata bun pt copii mei!!!! sexy, forme, tot ce vrei.. un mascul care stie ce vrea.
Femeie, 27, Casatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
Bla bla bla I myself is a fun loving lady,sweet and romantic, easy to get along with,am fairly smart and witty and i want a man that will share with me the good life and made me a woman and at night time express the most wonderful feelings that every one needs and be expressive about many things Misto :p Tipi misto.
Conversatii interesante , chiar si cu substrat ....kinky , ce sa o mai lungim :)
Femeie, 56, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
Iubitoare de frumos. I am the real woman and I have all palette of different emotions inside - beginning with tenderness and kindness and ending with wild passion! I am a woman with a good heart,I am sincere, cheerful ,with me is never boring! Where I am there is always joy, warmth and comfort! I always bring placere in life the people love! I dream about the same sincere man! I don't have enough care, tenderness! I want to always be near my beloved man, to give him a smile on his face. I am always careful to the emotions and needs of other people, so I am looking for the man who will respect my feelings and emotions too and will not try to break my character to make me act like he wants all the time. I would hope to find someone who loves to be romanced with many hugs and kisses. Believe I know how to wake you up every morning! And remember that most important to me is sincere ness, honesty, and mutual respect O persoana care sa ma faca fericita pe termen nedeterminat.
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
Sunt pregatita sa cunosc barbati! I am a calm and balanced person, I try to avoid conflicting situations and do not enter into disputes. I like to spend time with children.I want to be honest with you am serious in looking for a good and honest man to share my life with, i hope you have same intention. I am ready to start a relationship that will last for a lifetime.I believe that thing will workout fine between us with time as we get to know each other, am a good listener.
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
Simpatica, sincera, nu-mi plac fitzosii I'm intelligent and kind, serious, love to travel, looking for serious and sincere relationship, prefer family comfort., I am a person of versatile interests. My character is good, I am kind, loyal and serious in my search. I like to devote time to my man.I am looking for a nice, smart, attentive and caring man.I want to facute with him our small world full of trust, mutual understanding and of course love. I am ready to tie my life exactly with such man and to give all my love and me to such a man.
Femeie, 27, Casatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
Am invatat sa apreciez tot ceea ce primesc. Insa de multiple ori privesc in spatele a ceea ce se vede, la pretul ascuns ochilor si inimilor grabite, sa vad cat a costat cu adevarat. Fiindca tindem sa trecem de multe ori cu vederea pretul adevarat, fara sa pretuim la justa valoare ceea ce primim. Si sa nu ne dam seama ca intr-o simpla imbratisare putem primi uneori, nevazuta, chiar inima unui om.Am invatat ca, candva sa judec, sa privesc dincolo de ce se vede. La pretul corect al gestului care-mi sta in fata, ispitindu-ma sa il judec, fara sa stiu cat a costat, de fapt, cu adevarat. Cine stie cate imbratisari simple aruncam dispretuitori la gunoi, fara sa stim ca in vreuna dintre ele statea poate asezata, cu multe jertfe, dupa multe chinuri, lacrimi si dureri, inima unui om. Si inima unui om nu are pret...
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
Sunt valul si stanca, sunt zborul si caderea, sunt totul sau nimic?!...imi place sa provoc destinul...?!...atunci asa sa fie, nu voi refuza nimic, voi culege cu amandoua membrele din amarul si bucuria de a fi eu?!
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
Fire sociabila, independenta, vesela. I am not saint, I am not rebel. I am ordinary girl from Ukraine. But I have a very big heart. And with a help of this site I am going to full my heart with love. I havena€™t got any bad habits; I am very kind and tender lady. I am not stupid, but I am not too smart?. I have a lot of friends and very good family, but without love my life is not so bright. I want to find my soul-mate and to make him the happiest man in this world! I have so much warmth and tenderness for him! I do not need something very special, I just want to love and to be loved, and I think that it is great. Cause it is impossible to live without love. So I will patiently search for my half and hope I will have luck in this? Draguta.
Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
Intreaba-ma! Nu ........... mai deranjati inutil,nu sant interesata de nimeni....................Sunt ce vreau eu sa fiu,si asta doar cand vreau,,,bagatorii in seama care nu au bani in buzunare nici macar de o pizza,rog nu mai insistati degeaba......sunt satula de laudarosi.!
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
hot sunt o entitate simpla, prezentabila, activa,optimista ,sociabila,amatoare de calatorii ,arta,cultura si sport.imi place sa ma inconjor doar de potenta pozitiva,iubesc dreptatea, detest minciuna,sunt exigenta si punctuala. astept partener de convietuire pe viata cu aceleasi simple dotari, doar petru o relatie stabila. hot hot o nurca pretioasa in dulap,un jaguar stilat in garaj,un tigru salbatic in pat si un magar sa le plateasca pe toate...:)))
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Drumul Taberei, Bucuresti Romania
Hello to all SINGLE men on this site. Finally, I decided to take up my personal life. Here I am, on this one of the best dating sites. I devote a lot of time in my life to my work. I enjoy my life. Although, lately I have realized that I have a void in my heart. In addition to the work, I dream of having a soul mate. I am a generous, honest, hardworking, mentally mature girl who wants to find love. I am ready to tell more about myself in our communication.