Femeie, 53, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
Umpluta de viata. NU FUMATORILOR !!! Vor sa-mi TRAIESC VIATA cu o persoana placuta, culta, prezentabila, sportiva, iubitoare de Natura , calatorii si drumetii!! ((( Pandemia ne diminueaza miscarea,dar SCAPAM DE EA si ne revansam)))) Mult.!! SUNT O FIRE DISCIPLINATA ȘI ORDONATA !!! RESPECT NATURA ȘI INTREAGA CREATIE!!!!!!!!!! DACA REGASEȘTI !!!,,,,,,,,. Nu orbitor de eleganta O persoana sincera si cu dorinta unei relatii de lunga durata. Frumusetea exterioara nu conteaza. Cine are trebuinta de ea?
Destul de curioasa vreau sa ma marit fratilor.....daca e vreun mos pe-aici, tare-n carduri si relatii,promit ca ii fac cadou loc de veci, si coliva buna...efectuez sporturi extreme, in deosebit sticlism , bungee jumping, parasutism, si sarituri in adancime...sunt cea mai ireprosabila (ca toate femeile de pe-aici),fara noroc, dar inteligenta...de frumusete ce sa mai zic?...ravisanta....stati la rand, nu va ingramaditi....imi pun proteza-n gura si ma dau pe web, ca sa va "ucid" cu zambetul meu....o "la revedere placuta"! Atletic Distractie,fun.
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
Sociabila,carismatica,intelegatoare,prietenoasa Nu sint aici pentru a cauta sex sau aventuri. Sa se abtina barbatii ocupati... as dori sa cunosc o persoana cu capul pe umeri, care cauta o relatie serioasa, si care sta in italia si vrea un viitor in italia.. bafta la toti Mascul cu bun simt potent financiar.
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
ok Ai incredere ca esti acolo unde e locul tau, unde e nevoie de tine. Nu uita de posibilitatile infinite care se nasc din credinta in tine si in ceilalti. Te-ai saturat de lipsa banilor? Inca mai platesti datorii si rate? Acum poti sa sacapi repede de toate problemele cu banii si sa-ti asiguri cu adevarat stabilitate financiara. E adevarat,nu peste noapte,caci asta e posibil doar daca jefuiesti vre-o banca,ceea ce nu-ti recomand,ci prin munca cinstita de promovare,comform planului de marketing. In cazul in care mai ai neclaritati sau intrebari ce nu le-ai gasit raspuns aici ori in site,astept mesajul mega ok sa fie la fel de ok
Femeie, 20, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
FOTOMODEL \"imi place sa fiu eu,sa fiu iubita,imi place ciocolata,soarele,prietenii,imi place sa rad,imi place sa traiesc,sa dansez,sa ma bucur de fiecare moment de fericire,imi place sa-l astept pe Mos Craciun,imi place sa admir cum doarme,imi place viata cu tot ce e in ea,,imi place sa ma trezesc cu razele soarelui pe gene,imi place sa am suflet de copil.8-asa sunt eu SATISFACATOR BARBAT BINE
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
Sociabila, ambitioasa si dornica sa incerc indiferent ce .. I like to be happy and give everybody the chance to be happy , Ia��m the shy type , I took a while to consider the fact to come online here now , because I have had a bad relationship before and dona��t wish for it to happen again, if you text me because of some selfish reasons like just sex , I aina��t gonna reply you , I need someone who will love me and be with me and make a family , thata��s all I want You can message me , remember Ia��m here for a long term relationship, I lost my boyfriend in a car accident about some years ago , now I live alone , no kids , just some friends who come over sometimes , I sell watches , bags , shoes , sometimes part time make over artist , thata��s what I do , you can mail me if you think we gonna be good to each other , and as for the man I prefer , age is no barrier for me , age is just a number , I dona��t know where my happiness lies , could be younger or older than me , all I want is a family and be happy, Ia��m open to all Usor Un barbat dotat .. si inteligent
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
Sunt putine de spus,mai multe de vazut!!! Calatoare prin viata, intr-o lume nebuna... p.s.: daca nu te incadrezi in descrierea lasata pe profil, daca nu ai poza de profil, daca esti insurat, daca ai trecut de limita de varsta(42), nu imi scrie...nu raspund sunt ok!!! cit mai mult zimbet
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
imi plac distractiile,imi place muzica,dansul si imi plac extra mult hainele -Simpl?? In cel mai complex mod -Timd?? Cu un tupeu fermecator -Energic?? Intr-o lene notorie -Z?p?cit?? La cel mai serios mod -Rea? Dar totu?i..bun?;) -Frumoas?? Pentru c? a?a m? consider si a?a sunt considerat? -Mandr?? Pentru c? am de ce! : -Dur?? Pentru c? tu m`ai f?cut a?a Copilaroas?? Doar cand vreau :x -Fericit?? Pentru c?\'mi place s?`mi tr?iesc via?a din plin : -Sincer?? Pentru c? nu suport lumea prefacut? -Dificil?? Pentru c? nu ma las u?or ca toate tarfele! -Iubit?? Pentru c? merit ;;] -Adorat?? Pentru c? sunt a?a cum sunt :x pot sa spun ca arat bine...:d
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
I am the ocean and it's turbulent flood. I am very active and cheerful. I love harmony and comfort. I am a cheerful woman and I can make your mood wonderful every day. My day always begins and ends with a smile on my face.Six Eight Two Six Two Eight Six Four Two Two, To be chatting more and get to know each other as well. The Lady In Red Be with me, i will open the gate to your love. I wait with silent passion for one gesture one glance from you.
Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
come and meet me!!! Sunt o persoana sincera si modesta. Tind sa fiu corecta, dar nu sunt "perfecta". Sunt loiala si am incredere in oameni, dar nu sunt naiva. Am multa rabdare, dar nu la infinit. Sunt sigura si stapana DOAR pe mine! sunt...normala.. ...caut barbat....frumos!:)
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
I am looking for a man who is mature enough. I am not young anymore. I wish I can look for a man who is eager to establish a family with me. What are you looking for? Are you looking for a long term relationship like me.
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
nu va pot spune acum va las sa ma cunoasteti mai intai si apoi facem schimb de opinii I am a Honest person looking for a respectable, honest, open man who is seeking a serious relationship, respects family traditions and ready to be a loving and caring partner.I want to meet an easy-going man who values family and friends more than anything and enjoy spending time with both. The man who has a great sense of humor and who loves to make people laugh. I can make you laugh for sure. Your stomach will be aching because of laughing with me. He should enjoy going out and staying home sometimes and he is always up for trying new things, especially outdoors. frumusik foc:P un barbat frumos;)
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
Imi place, sa ma plimb ,imi place distractia,imi place ca prietenul meu sa ma asculte si sa fie grijuliu cu mine si mai ales sa nu ma insele cu nimeni I am a beautiful, kind-hearted, cheerful and humourous lady. I own a sweet voice. My friends consider me to be their energizer and adversier because they all think I am a reassuring person. I am a considerate, family-oriented and will to pay all of my effort to my family. Am un aspect foarte frumos eu asa cred dar ori cum las barbati sa vad ce spun daca am un aspect bun sa nu Caut mai numeroase cum, ar fi iubire dragoste blandete
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
Romantica, umpluta de viata, sincera si de incredere. Sunt o doamna onesta si cu o inima de aur, dupa cum spun cei care ma cunosc. Iubesc binele din oameni, indragesc indiferent ce fiinta si urmaresc sa cultiv o atitudine pozitiva si optimista ocazie de clipa. Caut un partener loial, matur sufleteste si cu o gandire rafinata. Rog seriozitate. Agreabil Nimic.
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
Nu sunt eu in masura sa ma descriu Sunt o doamna matura si serioasa pentru varsta mea tanara. Dar am nevoie de mascul mai in varsta pentru a crea casnicie fericita. Cultura si traditiile mele m-au invatat sa ma ingrijesc de om! Pentru mine, omul este scopul meu in viata. Vreau sa creez o relatie iubitoare. Tu si cu mine ne vom ingriji si ne vom iubi unii pe altii. Sunt femeie veridica si de incredere si voi fi un sprijin pentru viitorul meu om in viata pana la sfarsit. Ii voi ajuta mereu pe viitorul meu sot si il voi contribuie in nevoile lui. Sunt o prietena exceptionala si am trebuinta de un astfel de barbat. Vreau sa fiu o echipa cu sotul meu si sa castig impreuna in toate situatiile de viata. Echipa iubitoare, parteneriatul si intelegerea reciproca este scopul meu in casatorie... Aspect fizic ok Caut pe cineva sa ne completam unul pe celalalt
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
ehh uita-te si vezi Sunt o persoana optimista ,onesta ,demna,,vesela care iubeste natura ,oamenii ,frumosul in general -arta ,film ,muzica buna .Urasc minciuna ,lasitatea si tradarea . Deoarece sunt o nevasta libera si fara obligatii ,caut un om"ADEVARAT ,"" SERIOS (liber ,exclus masculii casatoriti), cu care sa am o mare compatibilitate spirituala si care sa ma aprecieze si sa ma iubeasca pentru ceea ce sunt eu- ca OM !!! Am invatat ca in viata tot ce se obtine prin munca si dragoste , "tine "! -ca tot ce nu te omoara ,te face mai zdravan ! -ca increderea se castiga in timp si se pierde intr-o moment . - ca oamenii te tradeaza ,dar DUMNEZEU nicidata !!! Vreau o relatie de indelunga durata bazata pe dragoste,respect,incredere,loialitate,comunicare. In DRAGOSTE vreau totul sau nimic ! EXCLUS AVENTURILE ! Nu-mi plac oamenii falsi! mai ma gandesc
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
Mi-am deschis acest cont pentru a discuta cu cei care merita , nu vreau sa ma intalnesc sau sa ma marit , sunt deja . Asa ca va rog elegant sa imi cititi aceasta descriere si sa tineti cont de ea .
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
o persoana Unica!! I am hardworking woman and self dependent, I am loving,caring and have a great sense of humor.I love to make those around me happy all the time especially my loved ones. I look like a city girl but inside me is a woman who loves nature and the out doors. I don't mind getting my hands dirty by fetching firewood while you set the tent when we go camping or change the car oil with you. un fizic f frumos .. dar depinde de ce gusturi aveti ;) pe mine .. la masculin !
Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
Buna sunt o fata draguta,de gasca,cu simtul umorului.Daca vrei sa afli mai multe despre mine contacteaza-ma.Pupici Sunt o fire optimista, calda, comunicativa atunci cand intalnesc persoane deschise,...precocupata de ezoterie, fac totul cu daruire,iubesc muntele si plimbarile in natura... Vor un mascul cu care sa impart bucuriile si incercarile fiecarei zile, la pieptul caruia sa simt ca-mi pastrez echilibrul si pentru care sa pot fi un dar atat timp cat Dumnezeu ne va da zile! Caut sinceritate, prietenie adevarata... cam atat.
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
O femeie draguta Unusual, not like others, liked by others, yet, still unhappy in love, but not giving up anyway! Many people ask me how comes, you are so beautiful, yet you are still alone? Maybe you are picky? That makes outs a sad smile on my lipsa��for believe me, I am not picky! I simply can not be with just anyone in sake of being with somebody! I want to find my one and only one, and this is why I am searching for you here! Where are you, my Only one? Give me your hand! Ia��ve been waiting for you for so long!!! Las la aprecierea ta un barbat dragut
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
hmmm.... Girl-next-door type, loyal, kind, funny, dislikes drama, well educated, born and raised in Bucharest, now doctor in NY, loves outdoors and animals, dancing, hiking, traveling, reading, looking for a partner with similar qualities. Cannot see who added me to "favorites" or "voted". Thanks and good luck to everybody. tot aia... da....
Femeie, 50, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
pasionata de calatorii.... am single never married. am asian and here looking for someone to meet and share life with. am a good hearted and good looking lady which everyman will dream of having it in his life. am very respectful and responsible. write me if ur interested and ready for what am looking for. thanks. placut..... ceva deosebit...nu stiu...
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
ce sa va spun eu meey?va las pe voi sa dezcoperizi!!poopl voy!! fire vesela, sportiva, entuziasta, comunicativa, romantica, iubitoare sport, calatorii, muzica buna. .Daca esti un suflet cu calitati asemanatoare cu mine, astept sa ne cunoastem.Nu vor sa fiu contactata de persoane mult mai tinere.si nici de barbati casatoriti.Doresc o relatie de lunga durata nu aventuri..posibil casatorie. blonda,1,70cmh, ochii verzi. in cautare de prietni !!!
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
Lauda de sine nu miroase a bine :P I\'m full of life and passion. I\'m down to earth, respectful , confident and very positive. I\'m very passionate in giving and receiving back as well. I live life with a lot of joy. I appreciate the simple things in life, I believe that the little things in life are worth more then anything. I keep away from drama as much as possible. I\'m a person who doesn\'t like to plays games, so, therefore I don\'t like people who play games. I\'m very affectionate, loving, playful but very sharp. I\'m open to trying new things at anytime. I would like someone with their on interests and beliefs and that will pull me into their world and teach me what they are all about. I\'m known to be a sweet person but I do have a temper when I need to stand my ground. I believe strongly in communication so, therefore, I\'m not afraid to speak my mind but always with the respect that the person deserves. I\'m serious here I\'m looking for my best friend and my mate, please don\'t get any ideas that I\'m looking for a sugar daddy. I enjoy Psychology, dancing and photography. I\'m not religious but i do consider myself spiritual.I enjoy Foreign movies too. I\'m also into learning new languages and learning other type of cultures. There is so much i can say about myself about I\'m pretty much an open book and have no secrets.
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
O femeie care isi doreste sa fie cu cineva din suflet!Nu din obligatie,nu din plictiseala sau din disperarea de a nu fii singura! I'm a light hearted fun loving lady. I love family cooking and Good times. I enjoy working with wood, hunting and fishing and the great outdoors. Love to dance, sing And i enjoy all type of music.if you are interested in getting to know me, you can leave me your details, thanks for reading Placut.Tu ce zici? Un mascul dragut,placut ochiului,un barbat bland placut inimii.Prima cerinta este o bijuterie,dar cea de-a doua este o autentica comoara.
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
dulce;)/sweet;) I am a gracious and sincere woman with good morals and a caring personality. The best way to describe myself would be that I am a happy woman; Apart from that I work as a the make-up aryist which I enjoy very much. My work colleagues are like my second family, I guess because I am a warm and honest woman people tend to grow close to me. I am honest and I say things how they are, I am also a great believer that life is precious and needs to be lived to the fullest and this is why I am here, looking for my piece of happiness. I am ready to love and be loved back as well give my everything to the other person. What I value the most is confidence, openness and honesty in people. creola/dark-skinned un tip cu suflet.../a guy with a soul
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
Eu, cu bune si rele, ca indiferent ce tanara de varsta mea ... Barbatul ideal...femeia ideala...Idealul, in sensul strict al cuvantului, este imposibil de atins, sau, daca nu imposibil, destul de rar. Poate individul ideal, barbat/femeie, se afla doar in povesti si in cer. A fi mereu nemultumit(a) de cel de alaturi tine doar pentru ca nu intruneste condtile idealului, inseamna sa fii mereu trist(a), "ceva" va lipsi mereu. Eu nu sunt ideala, sunt mai pamanteana, cu bune si mai putin bune, dar nu-mi este rusine sa privesc in oglinda sufletului meu. Asa fiind, nu caut un mascul ideala, ci unul pe masura felului meu de a fi, cu speranta ca unul il poate perfecta pe celalalt. Imi cer scuze, varsta mea reala este, este mult mai mica. Dintr-o eroare a aparut asa. Ceea ce spun, este adevarat ! Nimic aparte
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
sensibila I have a job that I love very much. I can say also that I am a creative person with a mild character. I like to talk about different topics. I like the creativity process and I enjoy seeing the results of my work. People say that I am a good communicator. I have a non-conflict character. I have a good sense of humor. I want to realizate a strong family. cine ma place ma place asa amicitie
Femeie, 49, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
las pe altii sa aprecieze Sunt ceea ce vezi,nimic mai mult sau mai putin. Rog fiintele frustrate sa nu ma contacteze. Sunt aici pt conversatie cu persoane educate si cu bunul simt... Daca. te regasesti in aceasta categorie de persoane esti bine venit. Un salut la toti..... BETON... Iti inchipui femeia din zodia Fecioarei ca pe o creatura pura ca zapada? Iluziile tale sunt pe cale de a fi spulberate.In primul rand coloana ei vertebrala e facuta din otel inoxidabil.Are toate vicleniile si armele necesare, inclusiv hotararea de a-si cauta fericirea, peste tot s-ar afla aceasta. Daca pe acest drum se intampla sa dea peste ceva spini, nu va lesina si nici nu va striga dupa ajutor.Este singura prietena din zodiac care poate fi mortal de practica si perfect de romantica in acelasi timp.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
i`m romantic woman caring, loving lady looking for true love happens and joy, i like to go for walks in the parks and in the malls go to good movie play pool drive to the country side with my friends, go fishing,swimming, cooking, yoga, play with the computer, above going to the beach with my Lovely son. timpul pierdut..
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
This is where I get to tell you all about myself and try not to tell too many lies, lol, only kidding. If I was to use just one word to describe me it would be ?Integrity?. Your word is your bond and without it you have nothing worthwhile. My friends would tell you that I am honest, sincere, loyal, up front and don?t play games. A new term called ?WYSIWYG? is the best all around way to describe who and what I am. It stands for What You See Is What You Get.
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
sant o persoana simpla I am a warm, caring woman who knows how to share and give to others. I am passionate about many things, with both an insightful serious side and a fun-loving side that appreciates wit and loves to laugh. People with different backgrounds, ideas and interests fascinate me as well as new places waiting to be discovered slabutza un mascul sincer care sa isi doreasca acelashii fapt ca si mne,o familie.
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
Sincera, glumeata, de viata, restul e ...cancan down to earth person, have sence of humor and caring. i love to cook and gardening. i hate lies and games. i live alone and tired living alone. im ready to settle down and willing to relocate. as im tired living alone as i lost my family in typhoon last 2013. Usor Voi descoperi singura
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
plina de initiativa, dornica de aventura si fe evadare din cotidianul anost Sensibila,cu bun simt,devotata in dragoste.Principala mea misiune este de a face fericit pe cel de langa mine.Ma simt implinita doar intr-o relatie serioasa care sa-mi prezinte stabilitate.Nu cer masina,case mari sau bogatie.Vreau dragoste,una umpluta de lucruri frumoase ,care sa te faca sa zambesti la orice pas.In viata fiecaruia dintre noi va fi un ''om''care te va invata cel mai elegant lucru:sa uiti tot ce a fost pana la el. ;))) poti vedea singur din poze un barbat adevarat, punct.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
sunt o persoana dragutza...........companie placuta.........careia ii plac calatoriile..............imi place extrem mult sa am prieteni sinceri care sa ma ajute cand am nevoie.............si la randul meu ofer ajutorul tuturor celor care il cer sinceritate...........simpatie.......aspect fizic placut..........
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
Sweet girl, charming and tender! I dona��t have any disadvantages!:-)))) Am I a boaster? No! I say only truth!:-) I have a lot of interests and vivid imagination, I dona��t like rude people, I try to find only positive points in everything, yes, I am an optimist! Although it doesna��t mean that life likes mea��.
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
o fata normal cu numeroase curiozitati I'm a sexy, charming, outgoing, lovely, sensitive, cheerful and caring lady. All my friends and families consider me a kind person. I believe you can feel the warm from my eyes. I try to live healthy and optimistic. I always dream to be with my prince live together,share our experience and daily news,we hand in hand,we laugh and we look at each other with deep love.I desire for that eyes.What a wonderful picture when the lovers stay together. I hope that day will come to me sooner. placuta spun eu oameni draguti cu care pot purta un dialog
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
sunt o fire prietenoasa ,sociabila,comunicativa I'm a very easy-going woman with an active lifestyle, positive, with a great sense of humor. I'm caring, sensitive, sometimes sentimental. I have lots of energy, my energy is enough for a lot of things: traveling, meeting friends, creating coziness in house, cooking delicious meals. I think that it is important: to listen to other person, to find compromises in relationship, to live life to the fullest, to support each other and enjoy wonderful moments together! bruneta, ochi caprui,bine creata masculi sexi
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
I love music! I sing in the shower, and dance to anything, Relief me more from stress. Music touches the soul, energizes the mind and spirit, and transports to such wonderful memories. I'm looking for someone to help make more memories together with.. I would like to meet someone nice, intelligent, and who has a great sense of humor. Someone who will make me smile, challenge me, grow with me, and ignite my passion. A partner who is interested in all of me. fericire
Femeie, 54, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
Nu supert minciuna,,ofer respect,si cer aceelasi lucru, I am a sweet and tender flower searching for the one who will make me blossom and making the surrounding world more brighter. I am so much tired of loneliness and all those cold evenings that sometimes I even think that there is no reason in my life but I hope that you will change my mind and will show me that life is really worth to live!! I truly hope that I will find that exceptional one to show me how to live and to receive real desfatare of life!!! Nu sunt eleganta ,dar cred ca mai mult conteaza frumusetea sufletului, Relatie de lunga durata
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
i am a good and a nice person who always believe in love .money or no money love is the answer. i lost my parents a long time ago. since then i have been alone trying to put things in other to live a perfect live. since everything is now well placed. i need a good and honest man to love and cherish me.
Femeie, 67, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
sunt o persoana sociabila,imi place sa comunic. 19,atleta,UnivT Brasov /FSMSS Bacau 16xcampioana nationala 4xvicecampioana nationala 1xcampioana internationala 2xcampionala balcanica Locul6 Campionat Mondial 2014J3 Locul 4 Campionat European 2018J1 nu f inalta,cu parul castaniu inchis,ochii caprui spre negrii......... in cautare de prietenii
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
eleganta ,feminina,intelectualasi cu o senzualitatede zeita.Imi place subtilitatea si intr-o discutie apreciez siceritatea si marturisirile care vin de la inima.Ma astept sa primesc de la oamani tot ceeace eu ofer si nu mi-am pierdut inca increderea,desi am intimpinat dezamagiri.Daca nu mai am incredere in oameni mi-am pierdut increderea in mine.Sper sa intilnesc oameni in acest sait, si sunt sigura ca sut. VA astept cu bratele deschise.
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Slanic, Prahova Romania
sunt o tipa normala...ma caracterizeaza in primul rand sinceritatea:D I'm not pretending to be magistral but I'm trying to be the best possible version of myself during every single day. I'm not one of these women who are getting lazy as I'm always moving, working hard on self development and want to be the best for my future man! i'm not a materialistic person as I'm a lot more interested in inner qualities. so I won't be impressed with some material values. but if you have a big and passionate heart this would be definitely noticed. placuta ....zic eu..nu? tu ce zici?:D ceva special...