Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
caut jumatatea!! One does not have a lot to say about himself no matter how much we put into writing it can't be enough to describe oneself I'm Kelvin simplicity is my style and being optimistic is my thing I love things which lucrate a positive life placuuuuuut seriozitate
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Draguta I'm a mature woman, it is very important for me that a new heat center appears in my life - a beloved man. It is for this purpose that I came to this site. I am open to new feelings and emotions, I want to discover the world of love and hope, tenderness and frankness. I have a very economic nature. I love to lead an active life, but it is empty without love. Elegant Iubitor,intelegator
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
I am a very kind, romantic and creative girl! I lead an active lifestyle because I believe that sport is life! I am still very energetic, it can be understood because of my way of life, I try to be everywhere and always, and I manage everything thanks to my enthusiasm! Here I want to find a man to create a family! My cherished dream is to fabricate a big and happy family in a house that we will build ourselves! But unfortunately, I have never met only my beautiful man with whom I can produse a beautiful family.
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
doi ochi tristi si mereu visatori... I like listening to music and i like swimming,camping,shopping,reading,and even dance too, because music is really part of my life and i can't do without listening to music in a day. And my kind of music is Gospel R$B with Country and Opera. I love music a lot and i have well over 1,300 cds made of RnB. i like to go running 4 miles. i like to watch Tv....go to movies. i draw a cartoon strip i began when i was 10. i like to be outside. I like shopping.I like nature,camping in tent for vacation. nu fii curios... nimic special
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
BUNA!SUNT ANTONIA,O TIPA FOARTE COMUNICATIVA,CU SIMTUL UMORULUI BINE DEZVOLTAT,FOARTE DIRECTA.........ETC.......... Vrei sa afli cate ceva despre mine? O sa iti povestesc numaidecat o mica parte din ceea ce sunt, ceea ce cred, ceea ce simt. Numele meu este Mihaela. Cred ca sunt putine persoane care ma cunosc cu adevarat. Nu pot spune ca sunt un om rudimentar sau usor de inteles. Sunt o fire contradictorie, complicata. Și apreciez enorm oamenii care incearca sa ma inteleaga si nu se grabesc sa ma judece. Sunt zile in care comfortul patului meu imi aduce cea mai mare satisfactie, dar sunt si zile in care ma pun in deplasare si la sfarsitul zilei, cand trag linie, sunt uimita si eu de cate am reusit sa fac. Sunt momente cand devin egoista,cand ma gandesc doar la mine si trebuie sa recunosc ca uneori, lucrul asta m-a scutit de cateva suferinte in plus la timpul respectiv, dar m-a si dezavantajat in timp. Ma inspaimanta ideea de a fi neputinciosa. De a privi un lucru, o situatie, un clipa fara a putea face nimic pentru a-l schimba. Ma inspaimanta faptul ca deseori, realitatea te ajunge din urma si iti arata cat esti de amicaa pentru ca da, uneori, nu e vorba doar de vointa. Uneori, oricat de mult ai vrea sa fie altfel, nu iti sta in putinta sa poti schimba acel ceva. Cred in DOI, cred in prieteni desi pana si prietenia a devenit in momentul de fata un lucru relativ, cred nu-ti ajunge o viata pentru a cunoaste un om cu adevarat, cred ca printre lucrurile pe care ar necesita sa le traim de mai numeroase ori in viata se numara copilaria. Copilaria�a mi-ar placea sa vorbesc mai mult despre asta, dar devin nostalgica atunci cand o fac. Nu vreau sa devin nostalgica acum.Imi place viata. Imi place sa ma simt bine, sa fac ce-mi place, sa am in preajma oameni impreuna de care ma pot dezvolta. Imi place muzica buna, pe care nu pot sa o traiesc decat daca o cant. Imi plac concertele live si de fiecare data ma intorc de la ele fara glas, dar umpluta de viata.Nu imi plac oamenii aroganti. Oamenii care se cred superiori, desi intelectual sau spiritual, nu sunt. Nu imi plac oamenii care isi rezolva problemele intr-o maniera agresiva. Nu imi place sa fiu tratata ca pe un obiect. Urasc sa mi se impuna lucruri sau sa aflu lucruri neadevarate despre mine. Nu pot spune ca nu ma afecteaza intr-o oarecare masura, diferita, in functie de fiecare om in parte, ce vad sau ce aud. Nu pot spune ca m-am clasic cu rautatea care poate se afla in oameni si nici nu cred ca o voi face. Nu pot spune ca sunt o persoana calma care trece cu rabdare peste toate mizeriile, dar dupa ce ma aprind, imi trece. Mi-am dat insa seama ca nu trebuie sa demonstrez nimic, nimanui. Ca important este sa fiu impacata eu cu mine, sa fiu constienta de lipsuri si sa incerc sa le acopar, pentru ca chiar de situatie, sa pot spune cu mana pe inima ca nu mi-e rusine de ceea ce sunt sau ce am facut. Am invatat ca parintii sunt cea mai mare comoara pe care ne-o da Dumnezeu. Ca indiferent cat gresim, cu ce gresim, in inima si in ochii parintilor nostri vom fi mereu cei dintai si singurii care conteaza. Am invatat ca Dumnezeu iti scoate in cale oameni care sa te ghideze in momentele cheie din viata ta. De multe ori, tarziu iti dai seama care a fost scopul acelui om aparut in viata ta si de ce in momentul respectiv. Am invatat ca iubirea te face sa te simti deopotriva, cel mai puternic si cel mai vulnerabil om de pe pamant. Cam atat despre mine sper ca nu v-ati plictisit...Va doresc o viata plina de placeri 1.75........48 KG......ETC.... CAUT UN FAT FRUMOS!EXISTA OARE AICI?
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Sunt o fata....cuminte intelegatoare sincera. Sunt o persoana ca oricare, cu defecte si calitati, sociabila,descurcareata,nu depind de nimeni,dar cred ca toti putem avea o a doua sansa in viata, Poate cineva gandeste la fel,poate are trebuinta de comunicare,poate gasim in doi o raza de fericire Sunt bruneta,ochii caprui,restul las la aprecierea voastra Un baiat/Barbat,intelegator sa ma respecte si ascultator si sincer.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Simpatica,comunicativa,cu simtul umorului iubitoare de calatorii si tot ce este frumos. sunt sensibila, comunicativa... sa rad, sa glumesc, sa citesc, sa dansez, sa merg la film, imi place viata in aer liber, sa calatoresc, ...asta ar fii lista a ceeace imi place sa fac in viata. Ce caut: cineva sa ma pot intelege si sa am o relatie de prietenie si sa (re)intemeiez o relatie durabila, o familie. Placut Barbat simpatic,hotarat,aspect fizic placut,stare finaciara buna,cu simtul umorului dornic sa iubeasca si sa se lase iubit.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Om natural ,un pic romantic?,serioas? ,singur?,caut domn asem?n?tor pt.rela?ie,nu doresc aventrur? nici s? fiu dublur?.Mul?umesc c? ai citit caut?m? dac? vrei.Acum v? rog doar Caras - Severin ?i ce este m - ai aproximativ s? m? contacteze.Mul?umesc tare mul? pentru in?elegere
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sunt o fata serioasa dar stiu sa ma distrez cu prietenii cand e cazul I am kind, romantic, sociable , And I am very dynamic. I am quite happy, but I realize that I need a strong and friendly family to make my life complete. As any person, I need love for happiness. I am curious in good sense and like discovering everything new. I am a very active and sociable woman, I cannot stand sitting in one and the same place. I like dancing, and I like walking around the city, I like socializing and meeting with my friends. I am an easy-going person , I love nature and I also love art. That is why I often visit museums and art exhibitions. I listen to a lot of music, it is something that I cannot live a single day without.. am looking forward to meet decent man with a good sense of humor that is generous, enjoys life, sport and traveling who is ready to share the whole life with me and appreciate my love, care and attention. I love children and want to have my own in our happy family.I respect deeply family values and hope to have a happy and healthy family filled with love and mutual understanding cred ca arat bine si ma simt bine in derma mea caut un barbat dragut, cu simtul umorului, fidel, pentru o relatie serioasa, stabila
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
numi place sa ma descriu sunto persoana spontana pasionala dar atentie,nu actionez pripit si bineinteles ma feresc de declaratii inflacarate.sinceritatea este ceea ce ma caracterizeaza iubesc adevarul si urasc minciuna,doar sinceritatea si forta interioara iti vor permite sai cuceresti pe cei din jurul tau . o relatie serioasa
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
ce pot spune despre mine , nimic interesant sunt o fiere vesela , deschisa provocarilor, sociabila , plina de umor, detest minciuna si perversitatea Salut! O imagine(...)pauza de efect- face cat o mie de cuvinte! Uneori, cateva sute de litere... fac imaginea mai clara.Un amic mi-a spus sa imi fac un cont serios- pandemi face,on line cam singura modalitate de a gasi ce cauti. In general, nu doar laptopuri sau pantofi ci si prieteni, parteneri sau soti. Asadar: asta's eu. Si caut un prieten sau partener. Am 45 de ani asa ca...nu mai am rabdare cu debusolati, saraci, idioti ori badarani. Cand/daca doriti sa stiti mai numeroase despre mine, va rog intai sa cititi descrierea si apoi sa va declarati intentiile. Nu mai am rabdare nici sa intru pe profilul fiecaruia. Dat fiind ca m-am afisat in 'toata splendoarea" mea, voi trata lucrurile deosebit serios aici. Nu ma intereseaza fiintele sub 40 de ani si nici barbatii saraci, pentru ca nu sunt ipocrita: n-am nicio intentie sa convietuiesc cu cineva intr-un apartament amarat, eventual cu rate la masina... :) Ce ofer?! Ce oglindesti: camaraderie, sinceritate,senzualitate, a doua/treia sansa - depinde doar de tine, nu sunt "strong independent woman". Sunt o nevasta normala. Good luck!- si voua si mie.PS: daca te "mananca" si ma iei la misto sau ma "certi", macar asteapta replica, nu ma dau inapoi de la o ironie buna si nici nu ma duc sa plang ca m-ai realizat proasta, aroganta sau curva... Cine zice, ala e!- oglindire ;) hm.... asta nu il pot defini eu , las la aprecierea altora pe cineva cu care sa ma pot distra , simnti bine , relaxa
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sunt o fata pregatita d (aproape) orice, vesela, optimista, si.......dk vrei mai mult..incearca sa ma cunosti :D I am a very sincere and generous woman. I take family seriously and my study i am hard working working strong brave honest faithful caring loving trustworthy passionate romantic giver lover one woman man and God fearing... inalta, satena, ochii verzi, zambet irezistibil , 81-55-87..... un prieten adevarat, sincer, dar totul trebuie sa fie o distractie fara obligatie....deci..cn incearka??
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
I'm a biracial person, it's been over a year since I came to Romania, I don't have many friends here, I like it here, I want to find a long-term soul mate here As a very open and sincere person I cannot lie. I value honesty and humanity. I am trying to stay optimistic in any situation. I like to learn something new all the time. I love life and I would love to share my optimism with the decent man. I am kind-hearted person, because I believe life is made of moments that should be appreciated. I hope that soon I will find my soulmate here! I consider myself a lucky girl. A very charming, friendly, polite, intelligent and very good looking person I want to meet someone who is honest and kind and we can travel together and do romantic things
Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Eu ce pot sa spun despre mine...Te las pe tine sa ma descoperi,asa cum sunt Sunt o persoana vesela si umpluta de viata dar devin usor antipatica daca cineva nu imi place. Caut un mascul pentru o relatie serioasa nu aventuri. Nu raspund la cei fara poza la profil. Sunt o persoana pozitiva si dinamica. Daca ai aceleasi calitati, am putea experimenta sa comunicam. cred ca putzin conteaza aspectul fizic,da promit ca n-o sa fi dezamagit:)) Un suflet pereche...
Daca e putin prea mult spus,atunci caut pe cineva care sa ma inteleaga,sa ma iubeasca,si sa aiba necesitate de dragoste sincera,oferindu-mi in acelasi timp certitudinea ca e numai al meu
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Sunt o fata draguta iubitoare vreau sa cunosc barbati satisfacatori si iubareti I would describe myself as areala, friendly and kind..My personality traits are: Kind, loyal, romantic, good sense of humor, good listener,caretaker, compassionate, gentle, feeling, and sensitive honest, wise, playful, very tender hearted and am a dreamer. I like to go out to/and: fine dining, theater, ballet, opera, movies, drive, photography, museums, art galleries, like these physical activities: Swimming!!!, walking, jogging,American Football,Baseball fishing, . I hate to argue. I am a lover not a fighter Sunt asa si asa bar Brunet ochii caprui sunt de 1,60 si iubesc masculii Caut masculi cu simtul umorului
Femeie, 49, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sant o persoana deschisa,intelegatoare,romantica,corecta,justitiara.imi doresc armonie in jurul meu . cuvantul cheie "armonie" I always thought that when I fall in love and start a family, that will be for life. Yes, now I know that things do not always happen as we desire, but the most important lesson I've learned is that we should never give up on our hopes, wishes and beliefs. I still believe in love, family and marriage and I am here with a hope to meet a wonderful man. When you get to know me, you'll see that I am a very devoted and trustworthy person. I have a very strong feminine side. I am caring, gentle, never raise my voice and do not like scandals. I believe in conversation and compromise. I am romantic and sensual - these are the two traits that I keep solely for my future partner. I will do everything in my power to see him smile to me every morning and every night as we fall asleep. o persoana obijnuita. un barbat romantic,intelegator,cu simtul umorului,dragut caruia sa-i placa sa traiasca in armonie cu tot ce-l inconjoara!
Femeie, 48, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Sunt o persoana ok. I love to have fun and have a good laugh. I am a bit cheeky, I hate to be too serious. But i do have very strong morals when it comes to relationship. I am a practicing christian and really want to meet a man who is like minded in his love for God. I am an early childhood educator and run my own business. I enjoy dressing up and dining out, movies, the theatre, ballet. I love cities at night, our Sydney is so gorgeous! I love waterfalls and fountains, best enjoyed with an ice cream. I love nature reflected in water. I have a Labradoodle. I walk most days, I do about an hour and not at a slow pace! Mmmm driving in the country, and down the coast. Picnics, bush walks. I've been on South Pacific cruises and really want to see the Eiffel tower at night, so off to Paris in the Spring time, Italy and Venice too is a dream of mine. It would be wonderful to have someone to share that with, to share life with ...nici prea bine, nici prea rau... O persoana cu care sa ma inteleg.
Femeie, 66, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
...o visatoare cu picioarele pe pamant! sunt o prietena sincera, poate putin demodata in sensul ca inca mai cred ca bogatia unei sotii e sufletul. iubesc poezia, muntele si marea, minunea unui rasarit sau apus de soare... sunt romantica, putin deceptionata de oameni si viata dar inca mai stiu visa frumos... plinuta... ..un mascul impreuna de care sa ma simt bine!
Femeie, 67, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sunt bine Sunt o persoana sincera si modesta. Tind sa fiu corecta, dar nu sunt "perfecta". Sunt loiala si am incredere in oameni, dar nu sunt naiva. Am multa rabdare, dar nu la infinit. Sunt sigura si stapana DOAR pe mine! ma plac sinceritate,coectitudine, inteligenta,
Femeie, 69, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sint o femeie simpatica,comunicativa,foarte sociabila,iubesc oamenii si ma simt bine inconjurata de prieteni,imi place sa fiu pedanta si sa ma imbrac frumos,imi plac discutiile pe orice tema....si chiar si provocarile. sint minioana,nu sint grasa,atuul meu ar fi sinii... caut un mascul care sa nu-i placa sa bea si sa fumeze,sa fie simpatic,cu bun simt,si respect,sa fie vigilent cu mine,sa nu aiba obligatii gen casatorit,si mai mult....vom vedea.
Femeie, 55, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Sincera cu bun simt Ori de cate ori iubirea se apropie bataile inimii se opresc Ori de cate ori iubirera se apropie viata devine mai uimitoare . Fara sa iubesti viata este incompleta si in aceasta lume fara iubire nu merita sa traiesti. Iubirea este cea mai mare vigoare din aceasta lume si fara iubire nu suntem nimmic. placut o persoana sincera
Femeie, 41, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Placuta Bonjour je viens de découvrir ce site, j'aimerais bien trouver un partenaire sérieux avec qui partager mes peines, mes joies et penser avenir dans une relation amoureuse solide...Je déteste le mensonge, les pervers passé votre chemin Agreabil dragostea
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
S s. S Te rog NU trimite measaj daca locuiesti in Romania sau esti in USA fara acte. Multumesc! Attractive, romantic, no kids, outgoing, honest, low maintenance looking for similar for dancing, fun walking, boating, movies and all life can offer. Enenen Nenene
Femeie, 42, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Zapacita, copilaroasa,sofisticata, iubareata Sint o persoana onesta care apreciaza luxoasa in toate formele ei , cred ca in fiecare fiinta de om se afla un inger si un demon, Natura si toate creaturile sint religia mea , prefer sa stau departe de cei care le stiu pe toate , realitatea e ca nimeni nu stie nimic , detinand indoieli esti dispus sa inveti mereu; rasistii , patriotii exagerati , inchipuitii please donat disturb. Forma placut, cu dotari fizice de vis.
O roscata pasionala cu suflet mare Un mascul sincer de incredere cu simtul umorului
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
o fata plina de viata,fara fite si figuri,o prietena pa care te poti baza mereu,o fire glumeata rau de tot,dar uneori extrem serioasa.
ma atasez foarte repede de oameni,e de ajuns sa privesc o persoana in ochi,ca sa stiu ce fel de om este.........cam atat
va las pe voi sa decideti.......... aaaaaaaa ce pot spune arat binisor,.sunt o zeita:):):) si cam atat......... o persoana draguta,fara fite,si care sa stie cat de cat pe ce lume se afla:)
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
i am just a simple woman yet very true and genuine,age and looks doesn't matter for me at all so long as he has that golden heart,values and attitudes which is very important to a person. One of the most valuable lessons we can learn from LIFE is this. That,try as we might,we will never have all the answers.We can wonder for the rest of our days whether we are doing the right things continuing in the best paths towards tomorrow,but no one is ever going to answer those questions for us.We have wondering of what to do and curiosities of whats to come.
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sunt o scumpica dak n ma minti I'm single never been married with no kids, I don't smoke, I drink occasionally (wine). I'm just a natural lady a caring lovable lady that seeking for something simple and I am a lady that prefer giver than a taker. I'm seeking for someone caring, Lovable, honestly, trustworthy and a man that I can be trusted. I'm looking for a strong man with a gentle heart that I can stand by in Good time and bad.I seek a man who is willing to share, a man that is sweet, a man that would appreciate a nice kiss early in the morning, that would appreciate being dressed up for work in the morning and breakfast in the morning, a man that would respect me and understand me always be there for me. frumoasa foc un baiat sincer care sa ma iubeasca,s fie d treaba s elegant bineinteles
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
cea mai periculoasa posibila:))))) I am also a sensitive and caring person who loves being cared for too in return and right now all i need is someone to call mine.someone that listens to me and respects me and maybe we can build something strong together. placut:P un mascul adevarat nu fraieri
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
I am divorced ,i know what i want and know when i meet the right person for me. do not like game players ,man that cheat,lie,and put a women down ,,Not interested in married man or separated ,,,,,i am clean ,caring,loyal,and looking for a man that is ready to settle down ,IF YOU ARE WIDOWER ,SINGLE DAD,ONLY ONE PICTURE ON YOUR PROFILE ,,,,,KEEP LOOKING DO NOT BOTHER TO MESSAGE ME ,YOU ARE WAISTING YOUR TIME AND MINE .
Femeie, 40, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Fiinta vesela, sociabila, comunicativa, Zic eu un om in limte normalitatii si a decentei. I love to laugh until my belly aches. I'm appropiate almost all of the time, but once in a while the silly rebellious side can sneak out and do the unexpected. So, don't be surprised, just go with it and it'll be a lot of fun. I'm a mix between the East and the West, motion and rest, impulsive and reflective. I'm sincere and true to myself and try to do the right thing and be a good person. So, if you like the versatility and the range and not afraid to be a bit outside of the box, we should talk.I know that my soulmate and Prince Charming is out there, he's just a little "directionally challenged" and hasn't found me yet. He is in touch with his feelings and not afraid to communicate them. He welcomes changes but his integrity does not falter. He communicates with an intent to understand rather than dissect and analyze. Etc.. Persista la aprecierea fiecaruia. decenti, seriosi,cu bun simt.
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
I am a lady that have seen enough of deceits and now wants something real with someone honest.I am not here for Jokes and Games on here.And plz don't atingere me when you are not serious about a relationship.
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
I am a simple woman who has a good sense of humor and I am serious, respectful, generous, ambitious, affectionate, tender, sincere, frank, understanding, sentimental, caring and sensitive and I like to give affection to the one who will love me.
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
de ce sa ma descriu cand ai putea sa ma cunosti chiar tu I do my best to keep it real. People are people .we all have flaws. I am strong and independent. I am not materialistic, but I will work hard to get something that I really want. I have a strong family bond and think that family is very important. I also think that friendship is very important. Honesty is a MUST in all relationships. Without honesty and trust, you have nothing. I like to talk, but not too much on the phone. Communicaiton is important, but silence can be good sometimes. I am a thinker. I am laid back, but don't like to be bored. Most people are immediately comfortable with me (if not immediately, then usually never). I am honest, trustworthy, caring and giving. I don't put myself in the category of "most women" as I feel I don't always think like most women If you want to know more (there's lots more to learn about) all you have to do is ask. I AM NOT FULL MEMEBER YET, JUST TRYING IF IT YIELD B4 I WILL REGISTER SO WHEN CONTACTIN ME PLEASE ADD UR EMAIL doresc sa imi fac noi prieteni, pote chiar o relatie serioasa
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
vesela comunicativa si restul ramane de vazut Daca am fi pietre, nu am avea trebuinta de sentimente. Daca am fi picaturi de ploaie, nu am avea necesitate de lacrimi....insa, suntem oameni si avem nevoie de dragoste."Poate itr-adevar cea mai mare dezamagire este in iubire . DE CE ???? In iubire daruiesti TOTUL , daruiesti sufletul, inima aceluia pe care il iubesti si uneori constati ca ti-a fost tavalita , improscata cu noroi simtind cum se rupe din ea bucatica cu bucatica.O inima o reconstruiesti greu , si din punct de vedere farmaceutic vorbind, indiferet cat de priceput va fi ' medicul' care va experimenta sa o reconstruiasca
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
About myself I can say that I am honest, open, sociable, kind. I would like to find on this site man for serious relationship, as in life success is not always smiled at me :-( I hope that through this site I can find my soul mate ... Write to me and you will learn about about me: - )
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
descopera-ma Sunt polisportiva, foarte serioasa.iubesc calatoriile, drumetiile si pictura. Nu gatesc niciodata. Nu am timp. Ma ocup la treburile gospodaresti si la shopping. Nu aud asa de bine dar vorbesc bine. agreabil prietenie
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
My name is Tamara. I from Russia. I the young, romantic woman. I very much like to travel, get acquainted With new people. I wish to get acquainted with clever and kind on To the person to connect our destinies. I hope to find real, pure Love. I hope to have pleasant acquaintance.
buna nu sunt sotia ideala.visez mult,vorbesc la fel de mult.ma indragostesc rar iar atunci cand o fac e intens.atat de intens, incat cateodata ma doare propria-mi ingragosteala.in unele clipe sunt femeie,in altele ma transform intr-un copil credibil si naiv placut prieten
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sunt o tipa de distractie si prietenoasa in rest va las pe voi sa ma cunoasteti........... Am pierdut pofta de a-i multumi pe cei care nu ma plac, de a-i iubi pe cei care nu ma iubesc si de a zambi la cei care nu vor sa-mi zambeasca. Si, cel mai important , nu mai am rabdare cu cei care nu merita rabdarea mea. Sa fii sanatos, iubit si fericit , cititorule!! sexyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy un mascul cooooollllllllll
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
prietenii imi spun vrajitoaredar in sensul bun pentru ca zic ca simpatia mea se lipeste de oricine ·adevarul ca sunt simpatica si nu ma uit la persoane pentru interes sau alte porcarii ci ma uita dupa felul de a fi dupa bunatate sinceritate ce poate avea o persoana nu sunt nici slaba nici garasa sunt cum zic eu bine creata ( ha ha)din cate stiu eu nu imi lipseste nimic caut persoane care stie ce inseamna prieteni si ce valoare are ea ;sa stie sa se distreze pentru ca viata e scura si cel mai important sa fie persoane sincere
Sunt o persoana pozitiva si responsabila! Incerc in fiecare zi , sa devin ceea mai buna versiune a mea! Iubesc natura si oamenii! Il iubesc pe Dumnezeu si ma simt Binecuvantata!!! Ador mancarea de caliatate si calatoriile! Imi iubesc ,familia si prietenii!!
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
prietenoasa si deschisa Emotiva, romantica,sensibila si precauta...prefer si iubesc siguranta. Compasiva...imi place sa ajut atunci cand altii sunt in dificultate..ma face fericita. Sunt mama....iubesc copiii deci sunt o fire f protectoare. Atata timp cat se afla respect si sinceritate va exista dragoste eternaa️. agreabil un prieten care poti fi chiar tu ;)
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Stiu! Am un talent nativ,sa folosesc un zambet fin pe post de sedativ :) ! I am family-oriented, friendly and very communicative person by nature, warm-hearted, faithful, honest and trustworthy, intelligent, loving and caring by nature. I love children and appreciate a good sense of humor, genuine in my wish to meet a man for life with whom I feel easy and who will let me be myself when we are together. Placut... "Oameni cu caracter nu Animale "!