Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
cred ca arat o.k. Sunt de moda veche. Eu cred ca un barbat trebuie sa-mi prezinte locul in transportul public, chiar daca nu sunt insarcinata si nu am sacose grele. Da, el ar necesita sa deschida usa pentru mine si sa-mi intinda mana atunci cand cobor din autobuz, chiar daca nu ne cunoastem si nu ne vom cunoaste niciodata. Sunt femeie, aceasta inseamna ca sunt mai vulnerabila. Sunt de moda veche. Eu cred ca un barbat ar trebui sa plateasca pentru mine la restaurant sau la cinema si nu ar trebui sa apara intrebarea : "Cine plateste astazi?". Sunt de moda veche. Eu cred ca un barbat ar trebui sa aiba grija de mine-sa ma intrebe daca am pus un fular calduros si daca n-am uitat sa mananc. Consider ca a pregati masa, a spala lenjeria si a calca camasile sotului meu este datoria mea istorica, si vad in acest lucru reala fericire a femeii- a avea vigilenta de omul tau. Eu cred ca un mascul trebuie sa fie putin dur, ferm, curajos si puternic. Ca eu sa ma pot simti aproximativ el tandra si firava - femeia de care e atat de simpatic sa ai grija, s-o protejezi si s-o rasfeti. Și cat de intensa n-as fi, ar trebui sa fiu slaba. Suntem impreuna, iar aceasta reprezinta ca trebuie sa ne respectam reciproc si sa respectam alegerea noastra. Vreau sa arat bine pentru el, ca el sa aprecieze si sa fie constient de faptul ca eu, prietena lui, sunt cea mai frumoasa! Vreau sa fiu doar femela lui. Ieri, astazi si toata viata! se vede in poza ceva inedit
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
O persoana optimista, educata careia ii plac lucrurile simple, plimbarile in natura, iarba florile, muntele. Imi place sa vizitez locuri din intreaga lume. Imi place muzica, dansul si emisiunile stiintifice. Ma fascineaza universul.
Femeie, 20, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
nebunatica Ce ar fi . . . sa ne dam in leagan, pana la cer; sa admiram culorile padurii, toamna; sa ne cuibarim si sa ascultam muzica in surdina; sa scotocim in targul de vechituri dupa acomoria; sa dansam tango cand nu ne vede nimeni; sa imi plimb degetele pe buzele tale; sa mergem la teatru; sa iti port camasa; sa furam trandafiri din parc; sa imi spui care este cel mai frumos fapt creeat de Dumnezeu; sa iti spun bancuri; sa admiram ciresii infloriti; sa radem pana la lacrimi; sa ne tavalim prin zapada; sa imi armonizez respiratia cu a ta; sa imbratisam un copac; sa te strecori in visele mele; sa lingem turturi; sa privim marea in amurg; sa te mireasma in scobitura gatului, sa ascultam cum suiera vantul; sa mancam paine calda, de casa; sa inotam sub clar de luna; sa vorbim in tacere; sa ma piepteni; sa citim sinonima carte; sa mancam pepene rosu si sa ne lingem pe degete; sa ne uitam la poze vechi; sa iti colorz viata; sa lenevim la un pahar de vin si-o vorba; sa gasim capatul unui curcubeu; sa traim fara masti; sa te atatueza cu carioca; sa imi furi gandurile; sa alergam prin ploaie vara; sa bem cafea din echivalenta ceasca; sa iti ravasesc patul; sa impodobim bradul cand avem noi chef; sa imi strigi numele; sa iti sarut palma drept in mijloc; sa mergem aiurea cu masina; sa ma faci sa tremur; sa facem ce nu am mai facut niciodata; sa ma tii in brate, pur si simplu; sa imi fie dor; sa... :) asa si asa persoane cu care sa discut
despre sex
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
Nu te mai gandi la opinia iepurelui atat timp cat leii te admira ! Fara Separate nu ma intereseaza relatile pasajere caut Un Mascul Cu Capul pe Umeri care stie ce frea de la Viata Preferabil de Varsta Mea sau 6 ani maxim mai mare fara Supararare Domnilor de pe Acest Saite.
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
ar trebui sa ma cunosti...neaparat :) Positive, funny, passionate, loving, affectionate, honest, love children and helping others. Love to conversate, cook, clean, travel and live life to the fullest. Independant, reliable, honest, sensitve, hard worker, energetic, enthusiastic mmm...uita`te la poze :P cineva de viata, cineva cu care sa ma pot distra ...
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
Am tina by name and am seeking for a serious committed relationship that can lead to marriage but friends first to see how it goes if you are interested in getting to know me let's see if this works it's like a puzzle left for you to figure it out ... hit me up via email Tynaspxatgmail
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
Caut un barbat analt, dragut,bun la suflet cu un simt al umorului destul de dezvoltat, si o situatie financiara foarte buna, care a-si vrea sa se insoare, Daca nu va ancadrati, va rog sa nu ma deranjati. Nu voi raspunde.
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
- Tender, caring...hm...difficult to tell something...i feel shy and i don't want to be a boaster, but i am really a very romanic woman, maybe a little bit naiive...modest and honest... not a little girl, but a mature woman, who wants to be happy.
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
zambitoare dragutza visatoare optimista I am very lovely and active. I love my life and enjoy every ocazie of it. I am who I am, I belive that there are no ideal people, we should take everyone for who they are. everyone deserves his piece of happiness and I am not at exception. I hope to meet my second half here and finally be bale to say that wonderful words: I love you. bruneta,dragutza,inalta,53kg barbat dragutz ,de preferinta brunet cu ochii albastrii,cu simtul umorului,inalt,constituie atletica,non-vulgar,manierat,cu studii superioare
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
Mi-a placut intodeauna sa cred ca nu am pierdut nimic niciodata,iar daca am pierdut vreodata ceva inseamna ca nu mi-a trebuit.........:-p Sunt o poveste de viata a unui om obisnuit, dar care incearca sa faca din nimicurile vietii, ceva elegant Imi plac lucrurile simple si ma bucur de viata. Nu sunt impecabila si nici nu vreau! As vrea sa fiu inteleasa si acceptata asa cum sunt. Nu privesc in urma, nu visez viitorul....sunt atenta la prezent caci totul se afla mereu aici si acum. Nu exista viata perfecta, dar exista clipe perfecte, si fiecare moment are muzica ei, clipa care nu se mai intoarce z viitorul...traiesc in prezent, caci totul este aici si acum .Nu exista viata perfecta, dar exista momente perfecte, care nu se mai intorc acceptabil prietenii
Femeie, 55, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
sunt ok Ma intreb oare unde esti. Te caut de atata amar de vreme si nu reusesc sa te gasesc. Vreau doar sa te iubesc, sa iti aduc bucurie si sa iti fiu impreuna in fiecare clipa a vietii. Am nevoie de tine ca de apa. Mai mult decat viata, atat de mult as putea sa te iubesc. Cum trebuie sa fie omul de aproape mine? Sa fie un om bun la suflet, romantic, tandru si sa-si doreasca o familia. Sa aiba peste 1.80 inaltime si studii superioare. simpatic mascul respectabil si cu simtul umorului
Femeie, 57, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
A nice person with a humore sens.I like to travell in a sonny placeses. Am new here and i wish to know you more so we can be together. Am ready to let you know me more so we can be together if you are interested. Am a free, fair and simple lady and dont get angry easily. I dont know your purpose here too but i wish to know so i can share with you together. beautiful as i am my hobbies are swimming, listening to music and watching movies of my choice. I will like to know what you like best in life so i can give you much attention just like a man deserve. I repeat this again that am very interested in a man who will be very serious about a true relationship and if possible life partner in future if our love grows. I know much about love and i can show you dear love, love that i call forever, perpetual, and eternal love. i will be glad to here from you out there and come and experience true long term relationship leading to life partner. loneliness is not suppose to be mankind\'s friend, it hurt alot and must be avoided as long as love and life is concern. I am looking good.I am not fat. A sinccerly relation.
Femeie, 69, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
Buna sunt o nevasta singura in cautarea sotului mult asteptat,vreau o relatie serioasa cu un mascul amabil cu simtul umorului, cu capul pe umeri nu in norii i never stop being grateful to God for his mercies upon my life and all the experiences that i have been exposed to. I am a fun loving man, jovial, Kind, easy going, lovely and passionate man. I like to have fun, work, travel, Play, and smile. I think of myself as being clever but harmless inalt 75-90kg ochii negri sau caprui brunet-grionat atletic barbat
Femeie, 51, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
sunt o persoana ambitoasa si restul las sa ma descopere cei interesatii ? Buna sunt Andrada ! O fata draguta ,simpatica , distractiva ,educata cu bun simt si stilata . Am perioada cand sunt blonda sau roscata depinde de preferintele sotului meu Daca esti doritor sa ma cunosti scrie-mi in privat te pupaces cred ca placut? prieteni
Femeie, 38, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
vei afla dac esti interesat Building a relationship based on love, trust, mutual shared values, mutual respect and perhaps appreciation is my priority. This is the type of connection which involves a blending of the energy fields of two people in a very harmonious way. I desire to feel that unique closeness with my future partner, when there will be no topics that we could not discuss, where understanding would reign and we would solve any difficulties easily, respecting each other as individuals and caring of each other's feelings. It will surely result in more fulfilling life. placut frumosul din poveste adica pe fat frumos pe un cal alb
Femeie, 63, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
Sunt o persoana serioasa, inzestrata cu simtul umorului, cu spirit tanar. Independenta. Nu-mi place cearta, nu caut conflicte si incerc nici sa nu generez. CINE NU ARE POZA ROG SA NU SE MAI CHINUIE SA IMI SCRIE. DAU IGNORE ASA CA INCERCATI SA CITITI PROFILUL SI APOI SA INTRATI IN DISCUTII CU MINE, SUNT DIRECTA SI LA SUBIECT (CAUT DOAR FEMEI, DOAR FEMEI).VA MULTUMESC, NoMEN , NO MEN , NO MEN . VA ROG BARBATII NU MAI INCERCA?I SA MA ABORDATI NU SUNT INTERESATA PERFECT DELOC DE VOI . Pozele sunt de data recenta. Un mascul normal, fara consum exagerat de alcool, cu cine se poate discuta deschis despre multe lucruri ce le avem in comun si nu numai.
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
Sunt deschisa la absolut orice I enjoy going places, but it doesn't have to be expensive. Some of the best dates I have had has been casual and inexpensive. I do enjoy formal affairs as well, but not necessary. I am open to most places to meet as long as it is some place we could talk without screaming and where we both feel comfortable. Placut Diverse
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
I am a very simple and honest lady.My nature is very peaceful been romantic at heart l wanna share it with a very simple and honest man.I careless about distance and want a man who has a very good sense of humor towards a long term relationship leading to marriage.
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
Discreta, modesta, cu bun gust si simt, stiu ce vreau si ce nu vreau. Totusi, am un caracter puternic, sunt independenta, si nu uit incontro am pornit. Iubitul meu nu are cum sa duca lipsa de respect, fidelitate si tandrete. Nu caut aici barbati, caut viitorul meu partener de viata care stie sa iubeasca profund o femeie, sa-i fie sprijin uneori, si cunoaste rolul femeiei pe pamint. In plus este dinamic, ambitios, si cu picioarele pe pamint. P.S. Cu multa insistenta rog sa cititi profilul meu candva de a ma contacta. dulce si suava ca un fulgusor. azi ma ai maine nu!
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
I'm open and honest. I love the outdoors, and staying active is an important part of my lifestyle. I love running as well as my workouts and both are a big part of my daily fitness regime. Having said that, I also like my down time and doing something like curling up and watching a movie. My friends and family are important to me, so I like to have fun and spend time with them. I have an excellent sense of humor and am quite laid back. I can be shy and quiet around people I'm meeting for the first time. I've been told that my biggest flaw is that my heart is too big.
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
Sunt o persoana vesela,plina de viata,cominicativa,sincera,sportiva...nu mai am ideei I am a sweet lady that has a sense of humor, bubbly, adventurous and open-minded person. I really love to explore new things. I like meeting new people. I am currently working. I am efficient in any way. I have a supportive and loving family. I hope this time; I will finally meet the man of my dreams I am searching for a man who will love me with all his heart. I want a man, who will be honest with me, responsible, loving and have a sense of humor. Someone who is willing for a long-term commitment. Age does not matter to me. I am sensitive, fragile, emotional, bright, kind and very optimistic woman. I am live my life on full. I am a woman who achieves a lot in this life but I miss one thing. The great love of my life. If you like adventure then I invite you to my world! I need man who will become my partner, lover, best friend. Who is active, without bad habits. Open to a new experiments! Go ahead! I am waiting Sincer nu ma plang dar nici nu ma laud...arat binisor... O persoana inalta,vesela,sincera,careia nu ii place minciuna si sa fie cat de cat dragutza..
sincera directa sociabila Hello to you, I am a simple and young person who embraces life despite all the hazards that life can bring us. I am young at heart and a cheerful, fulfilled and honest person. Living the present ocazie is my motto no matter where I am because this is how we value life. Always smiling even in the morning at 5 o'clock. I am someone positive, caring, sweet, always having the heart on the hand when I like a person But that's not all .... I'm faithful, honest, with a very good sense of humor. In addition, I am someone very active and open to new activities or sport I am looking for a normal man ....... for me. I'm looking for an accomplice, a best friend, a confidante, but also and especially, a lover for long-term projects and not 'one night' The man who will fulfill my expectations will have this spark that will make me vibrate, a good sense of humor because laughter is a remedy that can be taken with excess without getting sick. What love life walks with a couple and smile on the lip just like me and honest, which is essential. Let's start with exchanges and who knows what the future holds. Looking forward usor oameni interesanti, prietenii
Femeie, 41, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
Love is a nutrient that can never be lost in life. Life is because of love, it becomes colorful; in the family, it is because of love, it becomes happy; in school, because of love, it becomes full of laughter and laughter of children; my life, it will become more exciting because of you. I look for a good man who loves children and wants a family. nimic special,caut sa pierd timpu ,excludem masculi obsedati si dornici de placeri , ca si cei vulgari
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
hello love ones, am Stephani from republic of south Africa,a place called cape town province,am from mixed family back ground in south Africa seeking good lover who will care for me and love me for real till eternal,am caring, honest,loving,hard worker,trust worthy,humble down to earth girl who is willing to relocate for real,am single never married,no kids,am here to seek the best man in my life for real,and to eve a family with whom who will love me till eternal no matter what the SITUATION,a work as a nutritionist in one of the non governmental organization called thembalethu home base care as their professional nutritionist,please if you are interested in me mail me as soon as possible for real. love Stephani.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
Nu am copii Da imi doresc sa am un copii pe viitor Sunt pitica Sunt rea si periculoasa Tip foarte tare Fac curat in casa Sa spal Calc hainele Fac focul Fac mancare Am preocupare de animale Fac curat in curte Sunt cuminte Sunt timida Nu sunt fitioasa Nu sunt aroganta Imi place sa citesc carti Imi place sa ascult muzica Sa ma uit la seriale de dragoste Imi place sa fiu in centrul atentiei Sa fiu bagat in seama de toata omenirea Sa ma machez de cate ori plec undeva Sa fiu mereu imbracata elegant Nu ies afara ruj si fara sa nu fiu imparfumata
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
Ich bin eine echte Frau, die einen echten Mann sucht. Ich liebe es, mit meinen Lieben ganz allein zu sein und für den Rest meines Lebens mit ihm zusammen zu sein. Ich liebe es, mit Freunden unterwegs zu sein und manchmal ganz allein zu sein, und ich werde dazu bereit sein Sicheres Fundament und liebender Mann für den Rest meines Lebens, Alter ist nichts für mich, ich möchte einen Mann, der liebevoll, fürsorglich und aufgeschlossen ist
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
"Cine sunt!?... o sotie impresionata de descoperirile sufletului, o femeie care se mira cu sinceritate de pulsatiile unei inimi, o prietena care crede ca primeste daruri pretioase, ascunse intr-o privire sau intr-un zambet, o nevasta "agresiv de sincera si cu simtul umorului restul se intreaba, cine vrea.... despre mine... o femeie...simpla si complicata in acelasi timp...ma regasesc in numeroase lucruri pe care le vad...ma regasesc in cerul senin al primaverii, in soarele arzator al verii, pentru ca imi place vara si deseori asa sunt si eu... lumnioasa ca o zi de vara, ma regasesc in toamna melancolica, in frunzele ce cad triste pe alei pentru ca de foarte multe ori melancolica sunt si eu...iar cateodata ma regasesc in neaua alba a iernii, in cristalele mici de gheata...cateodata mi-e frig...si deseori sunt trista...momente in care singuratatea si linistea sunt lucrurile de care am nevoie...iubesc probabil asa cum face perfect orice femeie...sunt un amestec de sentimente, de trairi care de care mai contrarii...iubesc, urasc, plang, rad, sufar, cad si ma ridic de fiecare data! eu...sunt un metisaj de sentimente, un melanj de nuante calde si reci, sunt ploia ce cade din cer, sunt in picaturile care se prabusesc de asfaltul negru, cenusiu, sunt zambetul sunt adierea de vant , sunt apa .. Nu caut imposibilul, dar accept doar persoane serioase, decente , cu bun simt care pot aprecia valorile umane si tot ce fiecare clipa ne confera in mersul nostru cotidian. Multumesc.. celor care inteleg..!!!
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
nebunatica Salut! Sunt o persoana determinata, cu principii sanatoase, prezentabila. Nu suport minciuna. As vrea sa cunosc un mascul cu afinitati apropriate pt. o relatie serioasa. Nu pierde timpul!! N.B. - Va rog NU deranjati fara motiv, cu profilul incomplet sau in parte, persoane casatorite dar care cauta sex sau altceva,.. , persoane cu profilul ireal, etc., astfel incat ma obligati sa va blochez. Pe scurt doresc o persoana fara obligatii ca si mine, cu un grad de cultura superior mie, deci mai intelligent decat mine. Caut un barbat , nu o femeie! Nu sunt lesbica!! Multumesc! O zi buna tuturor! frumos prieteni
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
I prefer to smile rather than to be grumpy. And for me a glass is always half full and not half empty. I am thankful for every small nice ocazie in my everyday life. thankful to God for everything I have. Life is great, it's my motto. I am very active. Cooking is my best medicine from bad mood, so if you like to eat healthy delicious dishes, think about me
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
Sunt o persoana vesela si plina de viata .O fire misterioasa. I am optimistic and active, kind and honest person with good sense of humor. I live with smile. Somebody told me that a smile cost nothing but gives a lot. I think that life is cool stuff and I prefer to enjoy each day of my life. placut, fire simpatica si sociabila discutii interesante despre viata,prietenie.
sunt o fata vesela,deschisa in cautare d distractie si cat mai multi prieteni My character and soul are close to the ocean: wide and deep, quite and warm, sometimes is very active. I am charming lady with good sense of humor and active life style. I am very sociable and friendly that is why I have a lot of friends. My attitude to the life is philosophical and if something has happened it should be so. If we have done something we should accept it as our life experience and continue to live. The main characteristic of me is compromise. I want people know that I am a very active person. inalta,,bine proportionata si...cam atat inalt,brunet-saten,prezentabil,jovial,ku kre s nu ma plictisesc
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
iubitoare,intelegatoare,sufletista,fara prea mari pretentii,tandra,pupacioasa, in any other world u could tell the difference. but human as i am, i smiled and tried to mean it. and my face is not sad because i never forget my story. it's as if i'm playing with fire. do i like what u like? ochi verzii,roscata,1.69,66 kg, un mascul de treaba,intelegator,sufletist,iubitor,tandru
Femeie, 38, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
Sunt EU caut pe cineva sa fie capabil in a imbina placutul cu utilul...imi vor o intalnire in multimea reala,nu sunt adepta discutiilor seci si interminabile tip virtual.. Zimbitoare, comunicativa, placuta, serioasa, cu simtul umorului . Caut un OM adevarat , alaturi de care sa pot trai clipe minunate , sa construim laolalta ceva frumos ... sa ne iubim si sa ne dorim sa fim impreuna zi de zi clipa de clipa , pe tot parcursul vietii Placut,spun eu! Nu deranjati cu povesti interminabile din plictiseala,virtuale!Imi vor pe cineva spontan si hotarat,pentru o intalnire discreta,in lumea reala!
Femeie, 39, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
Im just a girl, nothing more, but nothing less. And like any other girl Im looking for love. But my love should be not as anybody has. Iam looking for the Real, the Eternal Love. Actually Iam looking for a man, who can lead me to this Love holding my hand in his, for the man who will wake the most tender, the most genuine feelings in the depth of my heart, and with the kiss of this real man Ill turn to the loving woman, who needs nothing but to love and to be loved, and always be with my beloved.
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
As always I want to thank you for your letter.You know though we stay in correspondence with you for a rather short time,but sometimes it seems to me,that I know you for ages. This is something I have in my mind for my future relationship. So, I hope you agree with me. You know, for me the most important thing in a good relationship must be RESPECT AND LOVE. I think respect is the BASE of all because if as partners we have respect every thing will be OK. For example, with respect, there is sincerity, honesty, care, trust, and love. With respect there is NO betray, not lies, mistrust, and etc. So, we need respect all the time, and everything will be the best,don't you think so?
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
Nu am c sa zic eu ...mai bn va las p voi... Vor sa cunosc un mascul inteligent , bun, dornic sa calatoreaaca; sa se bucure si de timpul petrecut in bucatarie , in sala de spectacol, sau impreuna se prieteni;sa iubeasca viata si Sa fie altruist.Eu sunt o provocare ,dar pot si sa ma acomodez legendar cand am intalnit omul potrivit! asa si asa
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
o persoana sincera,sociabila, caruia ii place sa cunoasca oameni adevarati. I'm searching for my match and I've decided that I have a lot of love to give and it's time to start enjoying life and knowing new people again. I enjoy dancing, going out with friends, concerts and traveling. inalta,par lung,natural,corp atletic un barbat care sa stie sa aprecieze o femeie,sa o inteleaga si sa o respecte.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
ok Vesela,sincera.Necazurile si problemele apar cand santem pe un drum gresit.Trebuie sa avem curajul sa o luam pe alt drum pana vom gasi ceea ce dorim.Ne aflam intocmai acolo unde vrem sa fim.Vrem mai mult? Trebuie sa incercam!Si odata,candva ,vom fi pe perfect fericiti! Cand sti ce VREI si iti ravnesti cu adevarat,nu ai sa spui niciodata,"nu mai pot"....si sigur ai sa reusesti! Eu am trecut prin numeroase ...bune si rele...dar nu mi-am pierdut speranta niciodata....! ASA SI ASA masculi care stiu ce vor
Femeie, 42, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
sunt o persoana plina de viata si cu extrem bun simt. "Imi place sa iau drumul la intamplare, sa calatoresc multimea si sa experimentez diverse culturi, familia si credinta mea sunt destul de importante pentru mine, caut pe cineva care poate fi dragostea mea si cel mai bun prieten nu e frumos ce e frumos e elegant ce iti place. caut un barbat manierat gata sa porneasca cu mine in calatoria vietii noastre.
Femeie, 43, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
FINUTA DELICATA COMUNICATIVA NUMI PLAC MINCIUNILE SERIOASA DISTRATIVA Sint o iubita naturala si duc o viata la fel de normala. Dupa patru ani de la divort cred totusi ca merita sa mai incerc inca o data. Aventurile de o noapte nu sint ceea ce caut asa ca nu-mi solicitati ID ul de la Yahoo sau telefonul daca asta cautati. Ce fara fotografie sa nu-mi scrie caci nu vor primi raspuns. MICA LA INALTIME DAR ARAT DESTULDE BINE UN MASCUL IUBITOR DRAGUT ROMANTICC
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
draguta..intelegatoare..mereu happy It is better to meet me one time, than to read about me thousands times! You will understand it when we meet, but for now I must say something about me. So, I am a friendly, cheerful, purposeful girl, who always tries to move ahead and become better. I always help people and never hurt them. I like to set goals and reach them. I am fond of music very much. Also I like to attract attention of my beloved man and I am looking for this man so desperately. Are you the one I need? slaba.. prietenie...
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Balan, Harghita Romania
sunt o persoana glumeata,dornica de aventura,dornica sa incerce ceva nou,sunt o fire mai nebunatica care nu prea are stare!imi place sa merg in excursii si sa fac shoping, cheltui bani pe haine. Iaaam just looking for my second half, for the Man, who will bring happiness to me, who will show me the real love in the real life. Itaaas so exhausted to be alone. I donaaat mean that I have no friends or people to spend my time with, no, I am a very sociable girl, I even can be a heart and soul of the party when I am in a good mood, but today Iaaam looking not for new acquaintances, but for the Man who will be more than just a friend for me, who will be my support, my soul mate, my beloved man. sincer mie cam lene sa ma descriu la fizic dar multe persoane mi-au zis ca arat f bine...si le cred,ca asta este si parerea mea ..nu conteaza de unde!poate o sa ne cunostem mai bine