sunt doar eu...."...." Nu-mi place deloc sa ma caracterizez,e ca si cand m-as dezbraca in public.Tot ce pot spune e ca sunt simpla.Nu caut nimic,ma bucur de tot ce-mi da viata si-I multumesc Domnului pentru orice,fie bucurie,fie suferinta.Din perfect indiferent ce si de la oricine putem invata cate ceva. atletic relatii de prietenie sau chiar relatii de lunga perioada
sunt o fire extrem deschisa si imi place tot ce e frumos I have an active social position. I am also charming, romantic, sensual and tender. Kind, soft and appeasing in a relationship. I always listen to and hear the wishes of my partner. I am real and honest in the relationship. As all the ladies I am emotional, but I quickly calm down and do not take offense for a long time. I do not like conflicts and often choose to avoid them. I am positive and cheerful. I like to live in harmony and peace and may be this is my inspiration. I stay calm in any situation and I think it helps me to understand better situation. I am real and show my real feelings. In general I can describe myself for hours. The most important is that I have kind heart and always good intentions. Lastly, I believe in real love. I prefer to stay active. I believe that no divin person can exist because all of us have both positive and negative character features. In my opinion, I am closer to a corect modern woman because I am independent, nice looking, physically, and intellectually developed. Moreover, I am an excellent cook, along with natural creativity and desire for perfection achievement. I am sure my man will be satisfied with my lifestyle, beliefs, and communication because I am thoughtful, able to think critically, support discussion, avoid conflicts. numai buna de toate
I am an easy going professional, sincere and honest woman. I like quiet evenings at home with my dogs, watching television, listening to music, science fiction, reading a book or having lively conversation. I have a good sense of humor. Don't hesitate to ask me anything.
eu sunt eu. To begin with I wish to welcome. :) I wish all good mood. I the lonely woman. I quiet, resolute. I do not play. And I do not wish to be a toy. And I search for long-term relations. I the usual girl. There are inchis la culoare strips in a life, and happen white. But the most part of a life I stay in good mood. Always I try to optimise the work. I do not drink and I do not smoke. I choose a healthy way of life. If I speak something or I do, I can usually explain why so, instead of in another way. (Actually it is possible not always, sometimes the choice becomes on the basis of an internal voice, sometimes it appears erroneous.) I cannot long be angry with something or someone. I very seldom take offence. Very much I love the nature and animals. I like to walk on the nature. I do not understand, how people can lay all the day on a sofa and watch TV. I am always ready to listen to opinion of any person, but I agree with it only well having thought. I seldom hide from people the to them the relation. descopera! de toate
Buna sunt alina,blonda cu ochi caprui inalta astept sa ne cunoastem Hi dear, I am cheerful, open, positive and kindhearted. I am passionate in everything I do and love my life as it is). I found a recipe how to give INSPIRATION to the people I love and who love me! I am here because I am ready and I have no doubt that I WILL FIND my BELOVED MAN! I am sure that as a real woman, I can lucrate a STRONG family with HEALTHY VALUES! I do not prefer to waste goes so fast, so let's try. Sa fie inalt si sa arate bine Caut masculi care sa ma satisfaca cerintele
simpatica...cred :) I am single lady with full of surprise to give. I want to reach the world to share ideas and views with other people with love and the future dreams . u are all welcome to my world..Am kinda God fearing,honest,open minded,gud sense of humor,down to earth... natural nimik special...doar distractie
nu-mi place sa ma descriu Sunt o persoana sociabila,altruista,imi place sa am prieteni ,vechi si noi,provin dintr-o familie numeroasa,suntem cinci surori si un frate,patru nepoti si doi stranepoti,imi place extrem mult cand reusim sa ne adunam la casa parinteasca de la tara si sa-i comemoram pe parintii nostri ,care au plecat in eternitate!Sunt un om onest cu un exacerbat spirit justitiar ,pe care l-am mostenit de la tata,in schimb am mostenit rabdarea si tenacitatea mamei ,sunt in zodia Scorpion cu ascendent in Balanta,imi plac filmele si muzica buna,calatoriile,excursiile cu elevii,sunt o iubita pozitiva si optimista si incerc intotdeauna sa gasesc solutii pentru indiferent ce complicatie ,a mea,a familiei sau a prietenilor si cunostintelor mele!IUBESC OAMENII!
vedeti voi Sunt o Persoana sociabila, cu simtul umorului, imi plac pisicile, caut o pers la fel sa fie sociabil, sa nu fie agresiv, alcolist pt ca urasc pers agresive si care le cam are cu alcoolul. Sa fie respectos si sa-si Doreasca cu adevarat sa-si intemeieze o familie si bineinteles copii, pt ca eu imi Vor enorm de mult sa am copii. Inca ceva sa fie independent sa nu-l comande parintii si sa fie capabil sa ia singurul deci zile intr-o relatie si sa nu intervina absolut nimeni in relatie. sport distracie prietenie inalt si placut
nice girl!! Iaa‚¬a„¢m just looking for my second half, for the Man, who will bring happiness to me, who will show me the real love in the real life. Itaa‚¬a„¢s so exhausted to be alone. I donaa‚¬a„¢t mean that I have no friends or people to spend my time with, no, I am a very sociable girl, I even can be a heart and soul of the party when I am in a good mood, but today Iaa‚¬a„¢m looking not for new acquaintances, but for the Man who will be more than just a friend for me, who will be my support, my soul mate, my beloved man. simpatic :) un barbat dragut, care stie sa vb cu mine!
Pentru cei cu mintea mai inceata , care au sarit peste citirea profilului sau nu au inteles, mai repet inca o data ca sunt casatorita. Nu caut aventuri sau iubiti , caut doar sa imi fac amici , atat si nimic mai mult, nu va mai obositi cu fel de fel de propuneri, veti primii ignore fara discutii.
imi place f mult sa ma traies viata la maxim,...imi place sa fac multimea sa se simta bine...restu..aflati voi I am a very kind, romantic and creative girl! I lead an active lifestyle because I believe that sport is life! I am still very energetic, it can be understood because of my way of life, I try to be everywhere and always, and I manage everything thanks to my enthusiasm! Here I want to find a man to create a family! My cherished dream is to lucrate a big and happy family in a house that we will build ourselves! But unfortunately, I have never met only my beautiful man with whom I can faurite a beautiful family. eu zic ca sunt ok...acum depinde ce parere aveti si voi...imi place sa merg la sala
pisiii labute moi I am an honest and good christian who loves being surrounded by family, friends and holidays. I am ready for a serious relationship and I really look forward to starting that with the right person. I am an honest,loyal, passionate, generous, giving, affectionate, sexual Super extra mega ultra smekera de smekera motanei sexy si rai
Baieti ma scuzati dar sunt interesata doar de fete... Sunt o persoan? agreabil?,spontan?,vesel? cu sim?ul umorului,sentimental?,imi place s? c?l?toresc. Sunt singur? de mai mul?i ani,nu am copii, sunt bogat? in idei dar nu am bani, am apartament,cas?,ma?in?,?.a. Locuiesc in Zal?u.
o fire f sociabila ma acomodez rapid in orice grup de prieteni de obicei vorbareatza cu simtzul umorului @Nu am nici un fel de abonament deci acele persoane care nu au Contact + nu ma pot contacta@ Sunt o persoana sincera,fidela si cred inca in valorile morale ,nu caut aventuri...mi-ar placea sa cunosc un MASCUL ADEVARAT serios,sincer,responsabil,fara raspund la masculii sub 54 de ani .....Essiste ancora un UOMO serio,sincero,responsabile,e LIBERO in questo mondo ? Mi piacerebbe conoscere una persona cosi .... agreabil un mascul sincer respectos si sa fie el insusi
sunt o fata intreaga la minte si caut ceva serios cine este curios descoperiti Well, I'm laid back and just a pretty cool person. I'm up for almost anything, and I love being spontaneous. I've been through things in my life the past few years that really make me appreciate every day, and I am thankful to have my family and caring friends around. I live for the day, and make sure tomorrow there will be no regret.I'm really caring, and some people say I'm too caring because it gets me hurt sometimes. I'm outgoing and honest. Communication is very important aspect to me..I want a strong person who knows what they want and goes out of his way to achieve it. I want breakfast in bed, tons of kisses and great conversation.. It's not just about what they can do for me. I know that when I find that special person it will make me just as happy to do the little things for them. I want to be someones everything and I want that someone to be mine.I just want to meet someone, not that I can live with, but someone I can't live without numa buna de ori ce un mascul matur intreg la minte
Nu o sa uit ceea ce sunt.../O sa ajung ceea ce visez.../O sa iubesc ce-mi place.../O sa uit ceea ce ma doare.../Nu o sa iert ceea ce mi se greseste.../O sa fiu buna cu cine rea cu cine trebuie
My interest is in a good personality and sense of humor for I need someone to lift my spirits. I generally prefer men that is older than me, because i believe age its just a number, but am open to any depending upon their sharing the intimate side of myself with someone willing to do the same. I hope to find a man that will satisfy my carnal needs and also spend enough time together hanging around and also going to the cinema together as well.
fire vesela,zambitoare,nu fumez,sincera ,onestaiubesc adevarul urasc minciuna,romantica iubesc calatoriile,nu sunt bogat a in banii ci doar in un suflet bun si curat sa stiti ca nu am abonament,deci nu pot conversa cu toti favoriti multumesc pt.intelegere fire vesela zambitoare, un baiat de 32ani iubesc frumosul si calatoriile urasc minciuna respect si vreau respect,nu fumez,romantica,bogata in un suflet bun nu in banii restul mai vedem....... sa stiti ca nu am abonament deci nu pot conversa cu toti favoriti,multumesc pt.intelegere. t,
poate descoperi singur:)) I am a beautiful, smart, responsive woman who wants to build a serious relationship with a man who can win my heart and who is ready to prove to me that he is a real man. I am ready to give my man care and warmth and in return I want to receive the same. With my man, I am ready to go anywhere if my heart belongs to him. elegant cred eu
EU? Sunt o persoana obisnuita, cu defecte si calitati, cu dorinte si vise, cu idealuri marete, cu speranta ca mai se afla barbati care sa apecieze "Femeia" de langa ei, dar si dezamagirea mare ca nu mai exista masculi care sa-ti prezinte o floare. Ar mai fi multiple de o viata la dispozitie sa impartasesc cuiva toate ....Ah, uitam: momentan ma aflu pe acest site cu un scop precis...caut o persoana deosebita sa ma insoteasca la un eveniment extrem in data de 15 septembrie. Ar mai fi de specificat ca nu va pot raspunde la mesajele instant. Uzati mesageria clasica. Multumesc. elegant si cu bani restul...neinteresant
accept noi provorcari ;) I'm not perfect, as any person, but as any person I want to be happy. I have many advantages which can be attractive to those men who are looking for their soul mates. I am a real woman and I like everything that is connected with it. I know that life is hard but I always try to stay optimistic. Family is what we should live for and I am ready to do everything to complete it. I feel that I was created to keep the family fire, I want to use a chance that I will be given. I feel myself 100% ready to marry , but only if I am sure that my marriage will last forever.I am a kind, easy-going, energetic and sociable woman. But at the same time I am calm and tolerant in relations with all people. And yes, I am also a loving, passionate, caring, positive minded and optimistic person. nu caut nimic in mod special, o conversatie placuta, poate si o intalnire la o cafea :)
nu cred ca mai e nimic de spus Nu stiu exact ce caut sau pentru ce sunt aici...Caut o relatie,asa cum mi-o imaginez eu,cu cineva care probabil nici nu exista,sau sunt mici sanse sa se afle pe aici.Caut un mascul inteligent,matur si care sa-mi accepte egoismul ocazional,irascibilitatea trecatoare,,aptitudinile"de ,,copil rasfatat"si altele care nu-mi vin in minte acum.Cred ca am si parti bune si cred intr-o lege a compensatiei.Lasati sa fiu eu singura care nu se lauda pe aici........Nu am gasit ceea ce caut ,vreau sa vorbesc decat cu persoane responsabile si care considera ca imi pot face ziua mai buna decat o am fara compania lor....Sunt sociabila, nu prietenoasa. . .Si as mai vrea sa adaug ceva,in opinia mea cel mai mare atribut al unui barbat este ONOAREA!!!In alta ordine de idei as mai vrea sa spun ceva despre egalitate,ce tot ii dam in stanga si-n dreapta ca vrem sa fim egale cu barbatii?Eu nu vreau dom'le,nu vreau sa fiu egala lui!Nu ma deranjaza deloc daca el castiga mai mult decat mine si nu vreau sa-mi car singura cel mai rau caz un buchet imens de trandafiri,dar sa fie roz,neparat roz si ma mai incumet sa mai duc pana la masina un tort mare de ciocolata,atunci cand e ziua mea...astea sunt singurele lucruri grele pe care as putea sa le car....Nu vreau sa sofez,m-as simti mai bine atunci cand mi s-ar deschide usa taxi-ului sa pot cobori,nu vreau sa ma lupt cu decizii grele cu secrete arzatoare,vreau sa fiu femeie!Cred ca-mi sta mai bine asa cu unghiile mele rosii,cu sensibilitatea mea si cred ca e bine sa recunosc ca mai si plang cateodata........... raman la echivalenta parere uita-te mai sus
De fapt, eu nu cred in internet dating ... Dar nu stii niciodata! Vreau doar sa spun ca doar in cautarea pentru o relatie serioasa. Deoarece ei nu vor sa suparat, dezamagit si peste si peste din nou. Sunt exact persoana din profil , am 51 de ani , o fica si 2 nepoti .Din principiu si respect pentru mine , imi vor sa cunosc pe cineva de virsta mea sau apropiat virstei mele . Imi pare rau pentru cei care isi pierd momentul cu mesaje inutile de salut cind nu au nici macar un profil sau o virsta mai mica decit al ficei mele ... Imi place sa ma uit la aspectul ei, astfel incat accesul la clubul de fitness, care ar pastra profilul lor! Prefer o bland de incredere, grijuliu,, Autoritate omul intelegere gata sa ajute in vremuri grele!
Buna sunt o fata destul de draguta I am a young and optimistic person. What I like in this life? Just simple thingsaa‚¬ ¦I like good weather, I like when good people are close, I like when my family is healthy, I like when there is no war, I like when baby smilingaa‚¬ ¦There are so many things which can make us happy in this life!!! But the main for everybody is to have love in his heart! I would like to have a person who can show me these bright feelings, who can show me how wonderful this world is! caut o relatie de indelunga durata sincer direct
.crek' as putea spune despre mine orice..absolut orice as vrea eu..tu n-ai de unde stii
daca mint sau nu...pot sa pretind ca sunt perfecta..dar nu ca nimeni nu
este...ideea e ca mai bine e sa ma cunosti...:-J.. persoane...fiintze..asta suntem caut in mod special..dar as vrea ca cei de care
dau sa fie "oameni" sa para "oameni"...
o persoana simpla Nu o sa ma descriu pe mine...o sa spun ce imi doresc... Un om deosebit, simplu. Nu modestia il aseamana mereu, ci simplitatea de a fi diferit: de a sari mereu in sustinerea altora mai nefericiti decat el, de a avea o educatie aleasa si a respecta pe ceilalti in orisice conditii, de a straluci intelectual, de a dovedi caracter si, nu in ultimul rand, de a fi om. Cam la asta se rezuma simplitatea astazi: omenie. Si, pentru ca este din ce in ce mai rara, a ajuns deosebita. Multe fiinte, putini oameni.. cred k destul de ok nu stiu ce caut,dar sunt curioasa ce anume am sa gasesc
I'm a humble person with good sense of humour. I do everything in moderation. I'm not perfect and I'm not looking for a deplin person but hoping to find someone TRUTHFUL that I can love with no limitations.
All I need is love...!!! :) Te rog NU trimite measaj daca locuiesti in Romania sau esti in USA fara acte. Multumesc! Attractive, romantic, no kids, outgoing, honest, low maintenance looking for similar for dancing, fun walking, boating, movies and all life can offer.
dragutza.. Astazi am inceput ziua cu un zambet ...zambet pe care ti-l dariesc care vreau sa-l daruiesti insilor din jurul tau ... ...iti va fi mult mai usor sa daruiesti ceva ce deja ai..!!!! DECI ZAMBESTE si totul ti se va parea mai frumos, nu se stie niciodata cine tanjeste dupa zambetul tau !!! cum ma vedeti in poze..... uit si eu pe aici...
Satena ochi caprui slaba 164, intelegatoare linistita calma nu beau alcool nu fumez The very thought of you And I forget to do The little ordinary things that everyone ought to do I'm living in a kind of daydream I'm happy as a queen And foolish though it may seem to me that's everything The mere idea of you The longing here for you You never know how slow the moments go Till I'm near to you I see your face in every flower Your eyes in stars above It's just the thought of you The very thought of you My love Spun mai tarziu Un baiat linistit serios cu bun simt si cu cei 7 de acasa fidel sa nu fumeaza Sa nu consume alcool
sociabila,calma,sincera, Nu sint aici pentru a cauta sex sau aventuri. Sa se abtina barbatii ocupati... as dori sa cunosc o persoana cu capul pe umeri, care cauta o relatie serioasa, si care sta in italia si vrea un viitor in italia.. bafta la toti depinde cu ce ochi sint privita,eu sint multumita. caut un om serios,care sa stie sa aprecieze ceea ce inseamna relatia de prietenie.
Numele meu este Natalia! Am 26 de ani!
Nu fumez, nu fac droguri, imi incuviinteaza sa bea un pic de alcool pe zi speciala. Sunt singur si nu am copii. As dori, sa gaseasca o pereche suflet de pe acest site si sper ca pot sa-l fac! Stiu cum sa gateasca si eu sunt foarte economic! Farmec, frumos si sociabil! Caut un om care vrea sa inceapa o relatie serioasa. Ceea ce este important pentru viitorul sau. Aceasta persoana trebuie sa fie un sport, aceasta nu ar necesita sa aiba obiceiuri proaste.
desfatatoare Optimista,luptatoare,sincera cu simtul umorului,vulcanica uneori si cu multa pofta de viata cand o traiesc impreuna omul corespunzator mie.Domnilor fara mai va respect,va salut!!! asa si asa relatie de lunga perioada
sunt draguta,comunicativa,imi plac calatoriile si etc. I value honesty & loyalty in all my relationships, always have. It's not an effort, just who I am. I have difficulty dealing with dishonesty, whether it be a boyfriend, friend, any person in my life. I can definitely laugh at myself; a sense of humor is so important. Having fun isn't overrated! Love to travel. Weekend getaways are great too, big cities or just a quaint B&B. Also love down time - weekends at home w movies. I'm independent, secure with myself & self-aware; I value healthy relationships. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that if both people aren't relatively secure & don't have similar views of what a healthy relationship is, it doesn't work. We all have issues & insecurities, that is normal, but anything to the extreme is damaging, at least in my experiences. sunt asa si asa noi prieteni
I'm a light hearted fun loving lady. I love family cooking and Good times. I enjoy working with wood, hunting and fishing and the great outdoors. Love to dance, sing And i enjoy all type of music.if you are interested in getting to know me, you can leave me your details, thanks for reading
Sunt o prietena puternica , vreau o destindere , distractie , va astept cu drag. Ma numesc Georgiana si as dori sa imi gasesc dragostea adevarata.Sunt o fata romantica ,amabila si sincera .as vrea sa imi gasesc perechea si sa fie fidel,romantic,tandru,dragastos,sincer spt ca nu imi plac minciunile si tradarea sunt usoara ,iubareata, daca am cu cine. Relaxare , fericire mare .
o persoana cat se poate de normala French woman living in South Denmark, Looking for my soulmate, a man understanding whats going on in the world right now, with the fake pandemic, and knowing About New world order, deep state, pizzagate, chemtrails, agenda 21 and so on. If you think ITS conspiracy, just go on to the next profile, thank you. miniona o persoana la fel
Sunt o persoana intelegatoare,iubitoare,respectabila stilul clasic, elegant, imi place corectitudinea , seriozitatea si adevarul in tot ceea ce fac...doresc o relatie stabila, de durata, serioasa ,un mascul " de cursa lunga " , iar in acest sens exclud aventurierii, parteneriatele de orice natura , masculii casatoriti sau cei care doresc rog mult de tot sa-mi respectati aceasta cerinta..multumesc..................caut un barbat care sa-mi semene , si la caracter, si la interese, si la studii... cine se aseamana, se aduna, este un proverb romanesc.... sper sa se indeplineasca , si in cazul meu... pentru o relatie sincera, frumoasa, de incredere, de viitor Sunt placuta Caut o persoana respectabila si intelegatoare
cu bune si rele in limitele legii... I am Open-minded person woman ,easygoing I love getting to know people, and having people get to know me. Itelling the Truth(Honesty) and Love is what i show.I hate somebody who is full of lies.I am the Shy type of person and this makes it am passionate, reasonably intelligent, a lover of all things creative,Obedient and Respectful type of person, hard for me to talk or Interact with friends.Friendship is what i need from you.I'd love to meet lovely and caring people who are honest in all their endeavors and are modest in every way and line of their life . I think i have said alot,I will be happy if you would'nt mind telling me who you are,the thing you like and dislike in this World ok.. 1,72cm ,67 kg...par blond....o sa-ti plac !!!! stima valoreaza mai mult decit celebritatea ; demnitatea mai mult decit renumele ; cinstea mai mult decit gloria !!!......stiu ca nu exista perfectiune, dar frumusetea izvoraste din simplitate, din bunatate...din maretia sufletului...din demnitate...cred ca am spus multe, cu aceste rinduri...
IUBESC VIATA, NATURA, SUNT VESELA ,PRIETENOASA IMI PLAC DIALOGURILE VIRTUALE - INCERCATI !!!!!!- I am down-to-earth and a family-oriented lady. I am romantic and affectionate person. I want to find my man here to have a serious relationship. As for my personality, I believe in honesty and trust. I am looking for someone that I can devote all my love and affection, and to experience life on an equal footing. I believe in strong family values and diligence. I want to meet educated and responsible person who is willing to start a family and has a strong meaning of his character. It does not matter his age or profession. I always appreciate the inner world more than appearance or income. No matter where you live, no matter what car and job you have, but if you are the person who is ready to love and to be loved, and are not afraid to have real woman next to you, write me. I am sure we will find the way to make each other happy. PLACUT - SPORTIV ADICA OK VREAU SA-MI FAC PRIETENI.....
sunt o fire vesela si cu mult bun simt I am looking for a man for life is a great love, a long-term Relationship, full of respect, love, Tenderness, affection, devotion, Loyalty. I do not want adventure or Sex for one night. I am romantic, intelligent, honest, loyal. I like Candlelight dinner, wine, Flowers, and sports. usor un mascul modest cu simtul umorului
Sexy I am an honest heart that's looking for a stable relationship. I understand it is important to lay down lasting foundations for a lasting relationship. I am an active person who enjoys cycling and running best. I believe keeping fit is important. I am not interested in games or drama. Usor Prietenie
pentru cine vrea sunt eu am Kelly by name ,new on this site i came here seeking for true love a man who will love me also take me as the only,i want you to know that am not here for game's, am here to make my own true man on here someone who i will trust also be honest with me forever and always have me as am going to be there with my own right person. have been cheat,hurt, also heart break and i don't want this to happen to me anymore usor prietenie
A clever and worthy of attention a girl looking for one guy to warm relations. About myself I can say that I am very sociable, cute and sweet. More talk about myself in a personal correspondence. I value honesty & loyalty in all my relationships, always have. It's not an effort, just who I am. I have difficulty dealing with dishonesty, whether it be a boyfriend, friend, any person in my life. I can definitely laugh at myself; a sense of humor is so important. Having fun isn't overrated! Love to travel. Weekend getaways are great too, big cities or just a quaint B&B. Also love down time - weekends at home w movies. I'm independent, secure with myself & self-aware; I value healthy relationships. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that if both people aren't relatively secure & don't have similar views of what a healthy relationship is, it doesn't work. We all have issues & insecurities, that is normal, but anything to the extreme is damaging, at least in my experiences. nice good looking man
I go through my life with a smile on my face, with desire to see and experience more. I am confident and reliable, I am all-sufficient person but my life is never full and my happiness in never complete while I have no a loving person by my side.