buna.... Im a Mexican girl living in Romania. Im an Spanish an English teacher and I love to meet new people. If you want to contact me, you have to do it in English or Spanish... (sorry)... Im not looking for someone by "money" interest, but with a medium-high cultural level ;) Thank you! am poze si va convingeti ceva bun....
va la pe voi sa ma descoperiti Cercetatorii au descoperit ca "sunt gata in cinci minute" al sotii constituie acelasi lucru cu "ajung acasa in cinci minute" al unui mascul . . . . . . . . Nu mai caut nimic, dar daca gasesc, s-ar putea sa ma razgandesc. usor cred
I am a very outgoing and social woman. I love meeting new and like minded people. I'm always up for a good time. I'm very caring, funny and cute. I have a lot of energy and am very entertaining and talkative. I would like to meet a singular man, to share my quality time with. He is gentle, caring, sincere, real, and honest, open minded and romantic. My intentions are sincere and I am serious in my search to find you. My heart and arms are open to meet.....
Sunt o fata simpla si sincera si imi plac lucrurile mai simple mai modeste. Sunt serioasa si de casa rar cand mai caut si eu o escapada ca sa uit de probleme de munca si sa ma relaxez fiind ca fac si studii in acelasi timp. De fumat fumez zilnic dar de baut pot sa zic ca beau doar ocazional asta nu insemna ca sunt bautoare inraita. Caut pe cineva serios de casa si sa fie in Franta. Rog fiintele care cauta aventuri sa se abtina.
sunt nebunatica si atragatoare,simpla si cu bun simt si vreau sa-mi traiesc viata la maxim...merg dupa un singur principiu...O VIATA AM SI O GAURA IN FUND.... I am single lady with full of surprise to give. I want to reach the world to share ideas and views with other people with love and the future dreams . u are all welcome to my world..Am kinda God fearing,honest,open minded,gud sense of humor,down to earth... cat de poate de okay...fund,sani,picioare,draguta...ce sa-ti doresti mai mult? caut sa imi fac prieteni si sa ofer ce isi doreste fiecare...desigur daca se incadreaza criteriilor mele
buna ma numesc ioana am 25 de ani sunt studenta anu 2 la facultatea de finante din valcea la spiru haret....sunt roscata am ochii verzi...am 1.65m....am 50 kg nu sunt nici grasa nici slaba imiplace sa arat bine din toate punctele de vedere mai ales cand sunt in prezenta partenerului deci?cine ma vrea? sunt o fata simpla....cu bun simt....imi place sa ascult la concubinul meu perfect indiferent ce arepe suflet....sunt intelegatoare,comunicativa,respectoasa,fidela,urascminciuna si infidelitatea....imi place sa spun lucrurile pe fata indiferent de situatie sunt directa si la subiect numi place sa ma ascund. mias dori un iubit...sa fie iubitor,grijuliu atent sa ma inteleaga sa fie aproape mine meereu cand am anevoie mare sa fia aklo cand simt nevoia indiferent ca cu vb sau k un sfat dar conteaza ....orice gest al lui....sa ma alinte si sa ma resfetela fel va fi si elkum va fi el cu mine asa voi fi si eu
sunt o pers de gasca si comunicativa! Sunt curcubeu poarta spre stele,Sunt val inspumat plin de mistere,Sunt focul ce mistuie,apa ce stinge,sunt lacrima ce din ochiul tau se prelinge...Sunt soare,lumina,dans,incantare,sunt pe obrajii tai intaia raza de soare.Sunt dragoste,ura,o floare,un pom.Nu sunt nimic,si sunt totul,sunt doar un OM... simpatika
In 2 cuvinte...sunt placuta!!:) sunt o persoana care apreciaza, bunul simt.cu un simt al umorului bine dezvoltat,sincera.deschisa in absolut orice provocare..Caut un baiat.dragut,serios,simplu,care isi vrea cu adevarat o relatie serioasa..apreciat,iubit....sau gresesc? Uita-te la poze!!!
sunt o fenmeie ffffff de treaba, simpatica, draguta, de gasca, imi place sa ma distrez... My name Oksana. To me of 26 years. I the beautiful, fair girl from Russia. I search for the man for long relations that in the future to faurite a family which was based on love and trust. I wish to correspond and exchange photos. If you search for serious relations I will be glad to answer you =) sunt ...buna... masculi care stiu cum sa vb, sa se distreze sa vb si sa fie dragut si de gasca... cam atat
I am a calm and balanced person, I try to avoid conflicting situations and do not enter into disputes. I like to spend time with children.I want to be honest with you am serious in looking for a good and honest man to share my life with, i hope you have same intention. I am ready to start a relationship that will last for a lifetime.I believe that thing will workout fine between us with time as we get to know each other, am a good listener. misto
I am a girl who has a lot of dreams in my little head! And if you really want to know better I can tell you about my dream! I am very optimistic person! I like sport! I like dance! I will be a choreographer! My favorite color is red and my favorite flower is rose! Someone tell me that I am look like a rose! Very tender and sweet! But when someone make me pain I can show my thorns! placut un barbat......care sa nu mearga pe jos,sa nu stea prea mult
in aer liber,sa fie destept si capabil sa tina o familie...
Sa nu cumva sa-mi confunzi personalitatea cu atitudinea.! ...Personalitatea e cine sunt ! Atitudinea mea depinde de cine esti tu ! aViata nu iarta slabiciuneaa a cred ca am ajuns sa cred ca nu ma potrivesc in vremurile in care traim. Valori precum sinceritatea, respectul, adevarul a sunt lasate la o parte ca sa facem loc pentru lacomie, abuz, putere. Sa fiu eu insumi sau sa fiu ceea ce societatea ravneste sa fiu? Om slab sau om puternic? Ce poate fi mai pl?cut ?i mai simplu decat s? fii sincer, totdeauna lini?tit, imp?cat cu tine insu?i, neavand nici de ce te teme, nici ce inventa?... Dragostea nu poate dura ?i nici tr?i, dac? nu se afl? intr-o inim? sincer? ?i deschis?...cand inimile sunt sincere, nu trebuie numeroase cuvinte... I'm attractive, i have forms and none of my body parts are
sunt ok Visele de astazi sa devina reealitate,sperantele de maine impliniri,orice cadere un pas inainte gandul bun si fericirea sa ma insoteasca mereu.Fiecare rasarit de soare sa imi aduca o dorinta ,iar fiecare apus de soare sa o implineasca; placut
Asta veti vedea voi....:) I come out as a strong woman with a great sense of humor, loyal, humble, honest, caring, devoted & most of all understanding person. I enjoy reading good books, swimming, fishing, horseback ridding & playing Tennis & Golf most on my weekend gate. I don't seek much in qualities in whom I need to meet but someone who is ready for a long term, devoted, loving, honesty & understanding is a great spark for my search!!!
Buna am intrat de curiozitate I'm kind and responsible woman, seeking for good relationship, someone I can realizate a strong family with. I am a calm, life-loving, never lose my temper and I was brought up to respect men in every aspect. Placut;) Un mascul intelegator si ambitios
las la aprecierea altora :P I am told to look like a little devil, but I am an angel indeed, I just have a very playful character and I am always easy going, cheerful, outgoing, life loving and sociable girl, who likes being up to date with worlds events and catch up with everything thatas going on. But even such an active person can feel lonely, be sure, the same as anyone in this world I need a person to hold me tight and tell me I am loved. I bet you feel the same at times, donat you? va las p voi sa va spuneti parerea :) distractie
destul de cuminte ;) I'm not pretending to be perfect but I'm trying to be the best possible version of myself during every single day. I'm not one of these women who are getting lazy as I'm always moving, working hard on self development and want to be the best for my future man! i'm not a materialistic person as I'm a lot more interested in inner qualities. so I won't be impressed with some material values. but if you have a big and passionate heart this would be definitely noticed. bun (cred) o relatie
...i'm cool person..i like to make friends..and spend time with them ;)) NU RASPUND CELOR FARA POZE sau care nu corespund criteriilor mele de eligibilitate!Sunt o prietena pragmatica, realista, interesata pt inceput de o prietenie win-win, dar nu exclud ulterior indragosteala/casatoria. Am alergie la burtosi (mai ales daca sunt si scunzi), dantura neingrijita, rasi pe cap, barbosi, agramati, inculti, prosti, badarani, mincinosi, zgarciti, afemeiati.Nu ma atrag barbatii sub 1.80 m, supraponderali, supermusculosi, cu tatuaje de prost gust si lanturi de 1 kg la gat. Exclus manelisti si cocalari!NU ma intereseaza relatii la distanta, nu ma pasioneaza taurasii dotati doar fizic dar cu lipsuri grave la mansarda. Prefer barbatii mai in varsta decat mine sau de varsta apropiata, in niciun caz sub 40 ani. NU sunt posesiva si nu suport manifestarile de gelozie si control obsesiv. NU gazduiesc "turisti" care vin in Bucuresti sa-si cunoasca "dragostea vietii". Consider ca sexul nu este important intr-o relatie, deoarece, mai devreme sau mai tarziu, tot se ajunge la rutina, iar asta erodeaza relatia. Sunt o mare iubitoare de animale. Pt cei care imi dau diverse sfaturi "intelepte" am un proverb: cainele moare de drum lung si prostul de grija altuia. Pt frustratii care se baga singuri in seama cu comentarii inepte, am si pt ei un proverb: vulpea care n-ajunge la strugurii dulci zice ca sunt acri. Cui nu-i place ce am scris, sa caute bibilici, sunt destule pe aici! Fa ceea ce vrei, ce iti doresti indiferent de varsta... do what you want to do..no matter your age.. i like to make friends..and spend time with them ;))
Sunt o persoana calma si pot fi o prietena pentru tine VIATA=BUMERANG!nu raspund la cei fara foto..!neasumandu-ti varsta,fotografia si cine esti sunteti penibili!!! LUATI alaturi voi omul de la care ai ce invata ,fascineaza vorbind depasindu-si limitele !scriu exact cum gandesc eu nu altii!Intelepciunea ta= valoarea vietii tale.comoditatea,alcool,lenea ,impulsivitate sunt dusmanii tai!daca nu stii ce vrei;nu-ti asumi actiunile , nu poti iubii,TRAIEČTI IN TRECUT ČI nu faci o prioritate din relatia ta STAI solitar !!educati copilul perfect despre femei si masculi daca tu nu esti un exemplu de evolutie personala, moral si fidel nu constituie ca nu exista!azi esti respectat dupa gradul de confort oferit!!nu ma impresioneaza varsta ,banii,functia ci doar cum te comporti!!! PT FETI "FRUMOSI uita profilul!Un sfat poate inalta,dobora depinde ce interes are cine il da.Acasa=sentiment =armonie.Azi gasesti barbati,femei chiar ce calitate.,lasi, Isteti(e)naivi(e) depinde ce vrei sa traiesti., sa decorezi casa? viata?iubesti adevarat cand lupti pt iubirea construimdu-o.Stiu INTOCMAI ce vreau un partener de viata OPEN mind,harnic sincer, (*cu un par frumos) care poate iubii,familist convins ca mine!o femeie capabila sa investeasca iubire ,atentie care si-a invatat lectiile din exp de viata poate oricand lua de la inceput!doresc sa locuiesc in Sibiu!plini de virtual,principii risipim timp iar sentimente frumoase zac in noi de parca mostenim pamantul Sunt bruneta am parul lung am 90 kg 1,68inaltime ochii caprui Socializare si prietenie
Desteapta,intelegatoare,iubitoare,sociabila,de gasca Sunt o persoana normala,romantica si corecta;imi place arta, natura, muzica, dansul, calatoriile si citesc destul de mult (acum ca sunt pensionara)..am simtul umorului si imi place sa rad . Hello ,welcome all subscribers to the site ! Inalta , par saten, ochii caprui, slaba Un barbat iubitor cu suflet bun si intelept
no coment I'm someone who has and appreciates a good sense of humor coupled with a healthy dose of positivity. Not that I go through life with rose colored glasses, but dwelling on the negative is not my cup of tea. I love nothing better than a glass of wine, nice scenery and a jolly good laugh with someone I can be myself with. I'm just as happy indoors as out, depending on my mood and the season. I believe it's not so much what you do as who you do it with/for/to. I have a soft spot for a good heart and a sweet smile. niceee mans
Sunt o fata ok din punctu meu de vedere sunt aici.pentru o relatie serioasa nu vreau adventuri etc.eu zic ca sunt ok dar asta persista la aprecierea voastra Ridica ochii si ma vei vedea, Intinde mina Si o vei gasi pe-a mea, Vorbeste, vreau sa te aud, Spune-mi orice, si ultimul tau gind. Cere ami chiar ce si vei avea, Fa doar un pas - te voi urma......Doresc un barbat vaduv sau divortat,placut fizic ,tandru ,afectuos,sentimental dar mai ales sincer....restul vom discuta Sunt destul de bine am 170cm.50kg sunt ok din punctul meu de vedere Caut un barbat serios care asi vrea o relatie serioasa bazata pe.incredere,dragoste iubire si care sa stie sa respecte sotia ni sunt prietentioasa la forma etc pentru mine inima omului conteaza inima si sufletul
sunt o fire rebela dar cu capul pe umeri Hello my name is Maria I'm Brazilian (Brazil) I am 26 years old I'm single Without children (I currently live in Brazil, in the state of SĆ£o Paulo). I am looking for a serious relationship to get married. I am prepared to form a family and together with a rarisim man to be happy. I am affectionate, honest and true, I am very dedicated to the family, I value a lot for the U , peace and family harmony. I like to travel, to go to the cinema, to read a good book and also to stay at home, to have happy moments for two. asta ramane la aprecierea voastra caut un barbat care sa ma inteleaga asa cum sunt
doolce I am a young and optimistic person. What I like in this life? Just simple thingsaa¬ ¦I like good weather, I like when good people are close, I like when my family is healthy, I like when there is no war, I like when baby smilingaa¬ ¦There are so many things which can make us happy in this life!!! But the main for everybody is to have love in his heart! I would like to have a person who can show me these bright feelings, who can show me how wonderful this world is! cool ceva!?
"Pentru lumea intreaga poti fi o singura persoana; dar pentru o anume persoana poti reprezenta intreaga lume!" Sunt o fire ambitioasa, putin orgolioasa, tenace, perseverenta. Ma caracterizeaza veselia si optimismul, dar sunt o persoana rationala. De asemenea, sunt destul de comunicativa, familista si am un stil de viata activ. n am timp liber continand preocupari de afaceri /caut un gentleman serios sincer si sensibil caut liniste sufleteasca . crezi ca poti fi barbatul adresat mie ?????.imi doresc un barbat de care sa mi fie dor tot momentul id meu jana_iv@yahoo.ca Ramane sa ma descoperi....
o fire distractiva I can say in one word about me a I am a joyful person! I believe that all people are created for happiness, and me and you of course , too! I cant understand why we should be sad, while we can be happy instead and enjoy life!!!! As for me, I try to make the best of any situation, and even if I have something sad, it soon passes, and I have good mood again! And I want to meet someone who, like me, treats tis life as a holiday! binisor:))) DISTRACTIE
draguta, serioasa, deosebita, sentimentala I am someone of simple to discover I would like to meet sincere respectful people having the head on the shoulders and to be here for a familiar objective to mine the one of research the soulmate or to be friends sexy ceea ce cautam cu totii in definitiv
va las p voi Does anyone really know what to do these days? We're all struggling through this process so let's take a chance and connect. Thank you for taking the time to look at my profile. I love to have fun, I'm happy, optimistic, and I avoid drama. While I'm well educated and intelligent, I especially like my more creative side (photography, floral designing, decorating, cooking). I love my dance workouts which have kept me healthy and in great shape. I like long walks , hikes, traveling, and exploring new places with someone special. nu stiu c sa zic mie imi place!!! nimic special,doar prieteni.
I am here for the right purpose; to meet a serious man; to have a relationship and to live happily. I am an open girl, very friendly and faithful! By the way I cook very well and I need somebody rarisim to test my dishes!
sunt o persoana cu simtul umorului ,glumeata , simcera , I want to feel a special care and love from a man who is very dear for me. I am feminine, gentle and charming, sensual and passionate. I set goals and achieve them. Today my goal is to find a person who will overcome all hardships with me and live happy days. I am ready to try all new beginnings. I am very family-oriented and I can bring love into the air because of my deep inner world and my attitude to this life! I am very educated and its interesting to be with me because I can express my thoughts and opinions and I would always respect the thoughts of other people and don't humiliate them, because I stay a human inside and try to be very tolerant and patient and I promise that for my man I would stay very caring and very patient and I would always! sunt atleta si imi place sportul inclusiv fotbalul un mascul sincer si serios pentru o relatie serioasa de intinsa durata ..
sunt din zodia ,,fecioara ,,asa ca ..... Simpatica, comunicativa,sincera.Imi place sa fac sport si sa imi petrec timpul liber in natura. Iubesc marea si tot ce este frumos. Nu sunt o fire complicata si nu cer mai mult decat pot sa ofer! Imi vor un partener cu calitati circa similare ptr o viata implinita si placuta! Cauta-ma! dragutza .....cred oameni simpli ....cu suflet mare
un fel de cameleon I can be an angel, a witch, a lady, a crazy girl, a child, a lady, in one word a a WOMAN, this all is me. I donat have much to add to this. I am here not for friends, and not to write mails to a mysterious stranger on another side of the world. Letas leave this romantics to teenagers. I want to get acquainted with a man, and meet with him in real life to continue. If you are not ready for this, or if you want only a pen-pal, letas not waste time. placut nimic deosebit,fun
Glumeatza...comunicativa.. I am clever and serious girl with the broad audience of interests and hobbies, I have good sense of humour. The main features of the character I think independence and ambition. Adequately I treat criticism of other people. try to be the good professional of the trade. I very much love children and to me would like to have the child from the beloved person. eee...descoperii u:P un barbat de treaba ,glumetz cu simtul umorului ..:*
Sunt o persoana tonica, dinamica, cu simtul umorului , optimista, draguta si inteligenta (deloc modesta) . Caut un mascul normal, sa ne plimbam in parc , sa mergem la munte, sa comentam un film bun, o carte, sa bem o cana de ceai sau vin....., depinde de situatie caut un barbat care sa ma faca fericita
Loialitate, tenacitate, stabilitate si rabdare, fara fite. Chiar daca as sti ca maine multimea ar pieri, marul eu tot mi l-as sadi... OPTIMISM. have come to terms with the simple fact that those right and aparte ones we seek and desire are most times not as close as we want them to be and till we are willing to accept that fact and look beyond our search region we might never find that soul mate and live that happy and desired life.I am new to this online thing and here in search of my lover and best friend, Recently came across an old friend that wants me to give this a try cos she met her husband via this online world, which she relocated to his home country and have been happily married for years.I am slightly impaired but fortunately i hear clearly at a close range and use the help of a hearing aid from a distance.I am originally from England and here on more study on my field of work "Special Kids & There Communication".I do not have a problem with what ever region, city, state or country i find him as i know that together we both can make it work.If you out there leave me a note and we will start off as friends. Placut. Nu caut casatoritul ideal ci pe acela care poate fi pe aceleasi coordonate cu mine. Un prieten credincios, care sa fie zilnic in debutantul si ultimul meu gand...
intreaba si vei afla.. O persoana cu bune si rele.....cu defecte si calitati....vesela si trista....si urata si frumoasa.......nimeni nu este perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ''Atunci cand nu ai ce iti ravnesti si cand iti doresti este din cand in cand o MARE SANSA!! satisfacator un om bun
sint o pers. comunicativa cu simtul umorului , dar sint singura si e grea singuratatea mai cu seama in wekeend sau de sarbatori, imi place tot ce e frumos, dansul muzica restul le descoperim impreuna. eu nu ma laud, dar nu duc lipsa de complimente ca arta bine. nici slaba nici grasa tocmai bine,vrei sa ma vezi?
ai ocazia acum caut un barbat care sa arate bine , sa fie pedant , ingrijit cu forma fizic placut, de viata nu posomorit, sa i placa dansul muzica plimbarile in aer liber, sa aiba o dispozitie materiala acceptabila ,
sint cam dificila,,,,,,, dar prietenii i-mi spun ca am o inima de aur, dar sint in acelasi timp extrem rea ??? Imi place s? cunosc oameni noi si sa ma distrez. Imi place sa merg la petreceri diferite, cu prietenii mei ?i cu so?ul meu. Imi place sa ma uit la TV (telenovele spaniole). Imi place sa-mi fac prieteni noi, dar prieteni care sunt cinsti?i, sinceri/sincere, ?i care pot fi de incredere. In ceea ce prive?te ?coala, eu nu incerc s?-mi fac griji prea mult. Oricr ar fi trebuie s? fie f?cut se va face, chiar cum. am 51 ani ,,!!! parca a mai ramas ceva din anii tineretii cunostinte noi, prieteni
Ok I'm someone who has and appreciates a good sense of humor coupled with a healthy dose of positivity. Not that I go through life with rose colored glasses, but dwelling on the negative is not my cup of tea. I love nothing better than a glass of wine, nice scenery and a jolly good laugh with someone I can be myself with. I'm just as happy indoors as out, depending on my mood and the season. I believe it's not so much what you do as who you do it with/for/to. I have a soft spot for a good heart and a sweet smile. Bine Baiat sincer si dragutz
Sunt o fata de gasca si sufletista. Someone unique, someone complex, someone accomplished. I've taken risks, worked hard and grown and prospered accordingly. I am an attractive woman who is both physical and spiritual. I have the means and ability to enjoy what I`ve accomplished and the life I desire. Sunt extrem atragatoare. Prieteni noi
Imi vor un mascul serios, fidel, fara minciuni, un barbat care sa stie sa pretuiasca si sa respecte femeia de langa, el. Nu imi plac fumatorii si alcoolicii. Sunt o doamna cu interese variate si o viata umpluta de viata. Dar stau intotdeauna pozitiv si incerc sa trec toate problemele de viata cu zambetul pe fata Sunt extrem activ si prefer modul activ de viata si de agrement. Imi place sa merg la munte si sa ma odihnesc acolo, sa stau cateva zile. Particip la cursuri de sala de gimnastica si de fitness. Dar, de asemenea, imi place sa ma hranesc si cu mintea (zambet). Am citit carti, atat literatura profesionala, cat si romane de aventura sau dragoste. Imi plac animalele, mama si cu mine avem doi caini (zambet) Am 1,65 inaltime, 70 kg, ten deschis, par saten, ochi verzi, corp atletic. Barbatul pe care mi l vor trebuie sa fie familist ca, si mine.