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Poze Baile Olanesti

Cele mai frumoase femei cu poze din Baile Olanesti sunt aici pe Intra si tu!
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

buna.... I consider myself to be very funny, cheerful, positive and optimistic. I enjoy having fun, I have positive attitude towards life and I enjoy making people smile. I do not like arguing. I believe that to solve a problem it is necessary to discuss it. I am very kind and caring. I am active and energetic. I believe that reading books helps to develop intelligence. I like cooking very much. I love pets and you will get to know me better when you come closer...Text or inbox me let' get to know each other better.....
am poze si va convingeti
ceva bun....
poze baile olanesti
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

va la pe voi sa ma descoperiti I have great sense of humor and laugh at myself all the time. i would like to meet someone who is caring, sweet and loving.... I am a very caring, friendly person open for love and serious relationship. I am also an intelligent lady with a good sense of humor. I am a joyful and have pretty emotional personality along with feelings of compassion and empathy.
placut cred
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

I am good looking young girl, full of romantic dreams and thoughts, passion and ready for everlasting love. I believe in god and in good people. I am quite optimistic and enjoy good people around me and merry companies. I donaa‚¬a„˘t like noisy parties and prefer to stay with my friends at home and to cook something distinct and tasty for them. Yes, I like cooking very much especially for the people I care. I work as a teacher of dances, but I donaa‚¬a„˘t dream about career, but for the happy friendly family and cosy house.
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

Well what can I say, I\'m just a woman who loves to just relax and enjoy life. I love to laugh and just enjoy goodtimes.I don\'t do drama or negativity. Living life to the fullest is a new habit that I\'m trying to develope and continue to maintain. Life is to short to think about what you should\'ve done in the past.It\'s all about focusing on your future and letting go of your past!! I am an ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA Sorority Woman My favorite music:Smooth, romantic R&B, Soul music Heather Headley, Tamia, Jennifer Hudson, Vivian Green, Chrisette Michele, Angie Stone, Anthony Hamilton, and Sunshine Anderson. Favorite TV shows:Cold Case Files, Special Victim Unit, Sex in the City, People\'s Court, Judge Mathis, and 48 Hours Mystery My favorite movies:Lord of the Rings Trilogy and Waiting to Exhale (greatest movie)
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

sunt nebunatica si atragatoare,simpla si cu bun simt si vreau sa-mi traiesc viata la maxim...merg dupa un singur principiu...O VIATA AM SI O GAURA IN FUND.... French woman living in South Denmark, Looking for my soulmate, a man understanding whats going on in the world right now, with the fake pandemic, and knowing About New world order, deep state, pizzagate, chemtrails, agenda 21 and so on. If you think ITS conspiracy, just go on to the next profile, thank you.
cat de poate de,sani,picioare,draguta...ce sa-ti doresti mai mult?
caut sa imi fac prieteni si sa ofer ce isi doreste fiecare...desigur daca se incadreaza criteriilor mele
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

sunt o pers de gasca si comunicativa! Serioasa, moderata, calma.Sunt copil si adult totodata,prietena candva de toate,curioasa atat cat imi permite bunul simt!Imi vor un suflet pereche impreuna de care sa ma simt implinita,fericita si caruia sa-i pot fi alaturi la bine si la greu! Sunt o familista convinsa .
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

buna ma numesc ioana am 25 de ani sunt studenta anu 2 la facultatea de finante din valcea la spiru haret....sunt roscata am ochii 50 kg nu sunt nici grasa nici slaba imiplace sa arat bine din toate punctele de vedere mai ales cand sunt in prezenta iubitului deci?cine ma vrea?
sunt o fata bun simt....imi place sa ascult la prietenul meu absolut indiferent ce arepe suflet....sunt intelegatoare,comunicativa,respectoasa,fidela,urascminciuna si infidelitatea....imi place sa spun lucrurile pe fata chiar de situatie sunt directa si la subiect numi place sa ma ascund.
mias dori un fie iubitor,grijuliu prudent sa ma inteleaga sa fie langa mine meereu cand am anevoie maxima sa fia aklo cand simt nevoia indiferent ca cu vb sau k un sfat dar conteaza ....orice gest al ma alinte si sa ma resfetela fel va fi si elkum va fi el cu mine asa voi fi si eu
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

In 2 cuvinte...sunt placuta!!:) NU am FB, te rog citeste tot profilul candva de a trimite mesaje, merci mult. Daca al tau e completat si ai poza, sunt si sanse sa raspund. Esti un om normal, flexibil, glumet, disponibil, de varsta apropiata, curios, sportiv, intelegator, cu mintea la cap, vrei o relatie de intinsa durata, dar nu plictisitoare si accepti o prietena activa, independenta care stie ce vrea si care ia decizii ? Da, sunt exigenta .... in ziua de azi, stiu, dar traiesc cu speranta ca voi gasi :) Prefer raportul cu cei care sunt in Europa, chiar Asia si USA, care au un job extensibil si calatoresc destul de des. Vin in Romania pe perioada sarbatorilor de iarna in general. Stii sa dansezi populara ? Asta e pentru urmatorul Revelion :) sau pentru vreo nunta, a noastra eventual :) "Inima mea e la Bucovina". Imi plac numeroase lucruri : sportul, marea, ciocolata, filmele, aventurile, cartile, comunicarea ... dar nu-mi place sa pierd timpul. Don't just dream, DO !!! Planuri de viitor: sa ne stabilim undeva aproximativ de mare, copii... poate..., si alte idei ? ... si la pensie inapoi in Romania :) ???
Uita-te la poze!!!
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

I am a very outgoing and social woman. I love meeting new and like minded people. I'm always up for a good time. I'm very caring, funny and cute. I have a lot of energy and am very entertaining and talkative. I would like to meet a extrem man, to share my quality time with. He is gentle, caring, sincere, real, and honest, open minded and romantic. My intentions are sincere and I am serious in my search to find you. My heart and arms are open to meet.....
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Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

Se spune ca, de multiple ori, iubirea nu vine atunci cand o astepti, ci atunci cand nu te mai gandesti la ea. Dar pana o intalnim, tanjim dupa ea, speram... Pana la urma am inteles de ce o cautam. Pentru ca nu frumusetea ne face sa iubim, ci iubirea ne ajuta sa vedem frumusetea din oameni si din tot ce ne inconjoara.
un sa nu mearga pe jos,sa nu stea prea mult in aer liber,sa fie destept si capabil sa tina o familie...
poze baile olanesti
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

sunt o fenmeie ffffff de treaba, simpatica, draguta, de gasca, imi place sa ma distrez... Ich bin eine Nette, ehrliche, aufrichtige, aufmerksame, treue Frau, ich möchte echte Gefühle teilen, Wende mich positiv, gute Laune und empathie an. Mit Werten des Respekts, der Gerechten Aufteilung und der menschlichen Wärme. Ich möchte Menschen treffen, die die gleichen Qualitäten haben, nicht egoistisch oder launisch, die Ihre Vergangenheit verdauen und bereit sind, mit der Zukunft zu beginnen. Gibt es noch die große Liebe? ich Suche noch nach der Antwort auf diese Frage, die sich alle stellen, aber ich fange leider an, daran zu zweifeln. Wie Sie vielleicht verstanden haben, Suche ich nach einer ernsthaften und vor allem stabilen Beziehung... Wenn Frauen für Sie Sammlerstücke sind, bitte unterlassen Sie es, wie jeder andere auch.
sunt ...buna...
barbati care stiu cum sa vb, sa se distreze sa vb si sa fie dragut si de gasca... cam atat
poze baile olanesti
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

Salut! Sunt o persoana determinata, cu principii sanatoase, prezentabila. Nu suport minciuna. As vrea sa cunosc un barbat cu afinitati apropriate pt. o relatie serioasa. Nu pierde timpul!! N.B. - Va rog NU deranjati fara motiv, cu profilul incomplet sau in parte, persoane casatorite dar care cauta sex sau altceva,.. , persoane cu profilul ireal, etc., astfel incat ma obligati sa va blochez. Pe scurt doresc o persoana fara obligatii ca si mine, cu un grad de cultura superior mie, deci mai intelligent decat mine. Caut un barbat , nu o femeie! Nu sunt lesbica!! Multumesc! O zi buna tuturor!
I'm attractive, i have forms and none of my body parts are missing.
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

sunt ok un om traditional si cu bune si cu rele, dar cu suflet mare, pregatita sa intilneasca un om de la care sa primeasca atat cat ea poate sa daruiasca.Adevarul pentru mine constituie frumusete si frumusetea inseamna adevar.
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Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

Un mascul intelegator si ambitios
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

Asta veti vedea voi....:) Va rog nu ma stresati cu mesaje ridicole si nu am eu bun simt?????s-au tu cand scrii cuiva dar nu ai poza de profil pai ce cautati oameni buni pe un site de dating fara poze ?! Eu v-as trimite la pescuit serios
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

destul de cuminte ;) I can say in one word about me a€“ I am a joyful person! I believe that all people are created for happiness, and me and you of course , too! I cant understand why we should be sad, while we can be happy instead and enjoy life!!!! As for me, I try to make the best of any situation, and even if I have something sad, it soon passes, and I have good mood again! And I want to meet someone who, like me, treats tis life as a holiday!
bun (cred)
o relatie
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

las la aprecierea altora :P Salve mi chiamo Olimpia ho 48 anni divorziata con 2 figli il sono una persona tranquilla sincera di parola fidabile voglio trovare un uomo come me! Un abbraccio a tutti che vogliono visitare mio profilo
va las p voi sa va spuneti parerea :)
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Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

...i'm cool person..i like to make friends..and spend time with them ;)) ...Cel mai mult in viata, iubesc linistea sufleteasca, tandretea, blandetea si adevarul. Detest minciuna, barfa, bautura in exces si oamenii care isi ascund veridica personalitate. Ador oamenii cu bunul simt, oamenii adevarati, cei care stiu ce reprezinta a fi om...
Fa ceea ce vrei, ce iti ravnesti chiar de varsta... do what you want to matter your age..
i like to make friends..and spend time with them ;))
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

Sunt o persoana calma si pot fi o prietena pentru tine I am a lady that have seen enough of deceits and now wants something real with someone honest.I am not here for Jokes and Games on here.And plz don't contact me when you are not serious about a relationship.
Sunt bruneta am parul lung am 90 kg 1,68inaltime ochii caprui
Socializare si prietenie
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

Desteapta,intelegatoare,iubitoare,sociabila,de gasca youth abroad, have lived in the US for most of my life. mother of to two wonderful children - all independent and productive. Down to earth, optimistic, appreciative of my good fortune and the interesting opportunities life has presented... curious and inquisitive - smart enough to know what I know and what I don't. Kind, sensitive and considerate in my professional and personal life; comfortable being understated rather than a headline. A kind, happy, interesting, alluring, intelligent and confident man makes me smile.
Inalta , par saten, ochii caprui, slaba
Un mascul iubitor cu suflet bun si intelept
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

no coment Cautiously optimistic to find a man who is well grounded, kind, well structured mentally, intelligent, makes time for the relationship, remembers always to be a gentleman and has realistic expectations from his partner. Easy going, good sense of humour with a young heart and mindset would really match my personality. For those who dona€™t have a picture, are under 52 or over 62 there will be no reply. Thank you.
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Ioana draguta
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

Sunt o fata ok din punctu meu de vedere sunt aici.pentru o relatie serioasa nu vreau adventuri zic ca sunt ok dar asta persista la aprecierea voastra I am an honest, sincere, loving woman who is looking for someone to share my never dull life with.I have had a interesting life, but too much alone. I am a loyal,honest,romantic,open minded,down to earth and having a great sense of humor. so much respects of other. I am a social person and prefer meeting people in-person, however given the evolution of technology, I think that it is interesting to try something new like this. I am a happy person with a positive outlook on life, laid-back yet energetic, drama free, and easy to talk to
Sunt destul de bine am 170cm.50kg sunt ok din punctul meu de vedere
Caut un barbat serios care asi ravneste o relatie serioasa bazata pe.incredere,dragoste iubire si care sa stie sa respecte femeia ni sunt prietentioasa la forma etc pentru mine inima omului conteaza inima si sufletul
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

doolce nu stiu ce sa spun ,am 63 de ani sunt vaduva,la pensie,imi place s acitesc ,sa ma plimb ,muzica clasica ,as vrea sa mai gasesc un job ,cel mai bun ar fi la domiciliu,nu mai stiu ce sa spun ,intreaba ma ce vrei sa mai sti
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

sunt o fire rebela dar cu capul pe umeri I am sweet, thoughtful, kind, intelligent woman, and have a great sense of humor. Text me on: eight five zero seven four five four one five five, I am very easy going and laid back. I am often told that I am very easy to talk with. I am not an angry person, I am happy with myself, and my life, and I like to think it shows. I have held on tightly to the hope that this blessing will be bestowed upon me to find that one distinct man or i should say beloved partner in life with whom I can share everything unite my heart, body and soul
asta ramane la aprecierea voastra
caut un mascul care sa ma inteleaga asa cum sunt
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

sexi I am a giver. I am loyal, faithful, affectionate, passionate, honest, respectful, tolerant, forgiving, thoughtful, and optimistic with a great sense of humor. I like to learn something new every day and improve myself. I am ready to start a new chapter in my life full of love, happiness and laughter. I want to get married and have a happy family. My interests contine exercise, art, reading, travel, nature, gardening, music and movies.
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Femeie, 90, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

"Pentru lumea intreaga poti fi o singura persoana; dar pentru o anume persoana poti reprezenta intreaga lume!" orice dragoste care nu are la bazĂ prietenia, este ca un castel construit pe nisip;stiind sĂ asculti vei profita si de pe urma celor care vorbesc rĂ u; argumentle nu conving pe nimeni;nici-un lucru mĂ ret din lume nu a fost concretizat fĂ rĂ pasiune; cele mai frumoase lucruri nu pot fi vĂ zute sau atinse trebuie sĂ le simti cu inima... printre toate florile lumii sunt si eu o flore, culege-mĂ de poti..
Persista sa ma descoperi....
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Femeie, 54, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

Eu cred ca OK Hello, dear! I am glad to tell you a bit about myself. I am family-oriented, friendly and very communicative person by nature, warm-hearted, faithful, honest and trustworthy, intelligent, loving and caring by nature. I love children and appreciate a good sense of humor, genuine in my wish to meet a man for life with whom I feel easy and who will let me be myself when we are together.
aproape natural
Un om adevarat
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Femeie, 56, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

sunt din zodia ,,fecioara ,,asa ca ..... O persoana cu simtul umorului,pasionala, hotarata si asumata. Departe de a fi perfecta! E asa minunat cand cineva iti cunoaste defectele si te place tocmai pt.eleať¤ Pentru a fi fericita imi trebuie putine lucruri,important e sa le amať¤
dragutza .....cred
oameni simpli suflet mare
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Femeie, 63, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

sunt o persoana cu simtul umorului ,glumeata , simcera , Ich bin Single und suche nach meinem Seelenverwandten, der es wert ist, geliebt zu werden. Ich brauche einen Mann, der mich glücklich machen kann und wir können immer mehr voneinander lernen. Jemand, den wir beide zusammen alt werden können. Warum warten? Erzählen Sie mir mehr über sich selbst. Denken Sie daran, dass ich neu in diesem Bereich bin und hier kein bezahltes Mitglied bin.
sunt atleta si imi place sportul inclusiv fotbalul
un mascul sincer si serios pentru o relatie serioasa de lunga perioada ..
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Femeie, 38, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

o fire distractiva Sant o persoana cinstita,onesta, o buna gospodina ,tind mai spre idilic desii nu sunt perfecta,sunt o luptatoare a vietii nu ma las batuta de problemele vietii,pana la urma totul are o rezolvare(optimista). Urasc minciuna din tot sufletul meu. Mi as dori un partener responsabil, calm , un om bun sa fie si tata pt baietelul meu de 11 ani.
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Femeie, 59, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

intreaba si vei afla.. i don't like speak about myself because usually there are so many emotions, memories and thoughts that i have in my mind that it's so hard to chose only a few words to describe this. And i would prefer much more if there was a chance to look into my eyes because the whole world is reflected into them. what exactly? there is happiness because i am surrounded by marvelous people who i love and who loves me. there is excitement because waking up every day, there was no a day when i wasn't surprised with the clouds on the sky, with the tree that changes its colors every day, with passers-by who i meet on my way somewhere. there is love not only to people but also to things, to nature, to life. There is joy because i know that each situation in my life both pleasant or not really is teaching me something and i am trying to learn. but there is also some sadness sometimes because i miss one very important person in my life whom i can wait as long as it is necessary but i will better go towards him. maybe here i'll meet who I need and who needs me...
un om bun
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Femeie, 67, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

Glumeatza...comunicativa.. I always thought that when I fall in love and start a family, that will be for life. Yes, now I know that things do not always happen as we desire, but the most important lesson I've learned is that we should never give up on our hopes, wishes and beliefs. I still believe in love, family and marriage and I am here with a hope to meet a wonderful man. When you get to know me, you'll see that I am a very devoted and trustworthy person. I have a very strong feminine side. I am caring, gentle, never raise my voice and do not like scandals. I believe in conversation and compromise. I am romantic and sensual - these are the two traits that I keep solely for my future partner. I will do everything in my power to see him smile to me every morning and every night as we fall asleep.
eee...descoperii u:P
un mascul de treaba ,glumetz cu simtul umorului ..:*
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Femeie, 57, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

Loialitate, tenacitate, stabilitate si rabdare, fara fite. Chiar daca as sti ca maine omenirea ar pieri, marul eu tot mi l-as sadi... OPTIMISM. I am a very sincere and generous woman. I take family seriously and my study i am hard working working strong brave honest faithful caring loving trustworthy passionate romantic giver lover one woman man and God fearing...
Nu caut casatoritul perfect ci pe acela care poate fi pe aceleasi coordonate cu mine. Un prieten credincios, care sa fie zilnic in initialul si ultimul meu gand...
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Femeie, 42, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

un fel de cameleon I\'ve black hair and dark eyes, I\'m a simple soul, a faithful l besides a sweet and passionate lower. My hobbies include movies, reading, going to concerts, watching tv, fishing, listening to the music, going to the cinema, walking along the avenues, also I adore all the beauties of nature and many others things..,very social, active and confident Person. I enjoy travelling, the outdoors (cottages, boats, dh skiing) and socializing with good company. I have a soft spot for good food (all types of cuisine)and wine and I enjoy cooking. I contine regular exercise in my life be it biking, hiking/walking, down-hill skiing and working out.
nimic deosebit,fun
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o ducilk
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

va las p voi Sunt Lucy 58 ani, vaduva, miniona, copii casatoriti. Am un suflet mare, asistenta medicala-pensionata, Doresc sa cunosc un mascul pentru prietenie/casatorie cu suflet nobil de o maxima seriozitate, de preferinta din Israel sa vorbeasca limba romana. Vorbesc putin ebraica si iubesc Israelul. Astept cu nerabdare ca din departare sa rasara o stea mare, Steaua de la Jerusalim pe care toti o iubim...!!
nu stiu c sa zic mie imi place!!!
nimic special,doar prieteni.
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Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

Romantic, cute and friendly girl. A little sentimental. I do not like being lied to. I like to read books and fall asleep under the sound of rain. I want to meet a guy for whom the main value in life is the family.
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Femeie, 71, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

sint o pers. comunicativa cu simtul umorului , dar sint singura si e grea singuratatea mai cu seama in wekeend sau de sarbatori, imi place tot ce e frumos, dansul muzica restul le descoperim impreuna.
eu nu ma laud, dar nu duc lipsa de complimente ca arta bine. nici slaba nici grasa tocmai bine,vrei sa ma vezi? ai ocazia acum
caut un mascul care sa arate bine , sa fie pedant , ingrijit cu aspect fizic placut, de viata nu posomorit, sa i placa dansul muzica plimbarile in aer liber, sa aiba o stare materiala acceptabila ,
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Femeie, 66, Casatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

sint cam dificila,,,,,,, dar prietenii i-mi spun ca am o inima de aur, dar sint in acelasi timp destul de rea ??? I am cheerful, talented girl, I like to travel and get acquainted with new interesting people, sociable, I like to learn new things and discover new boundaries of myself. I'm young, very intelligent, I like to take care of myself.
am 51 ani ,,!!! parca a mai ramas ceva din anii tineretii
cunostinte noi, prieteni
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

draguta, serioasa, deosebita, sentimentala I'm someone who has a lot to offer to the right partner. I'm happy with my life, alone but not lonely. I miss sharing it all with someone special. I enjoy long conversations, experiences, and romance. I want a best friend and companion first..and let nature take its course, if it is mutual and we want to marry that's a decision to be made later.I am at a point in my life where I want to spend some quality time with a mate that will share all life has to offer. I'm independant and self reliant but would love the opportunity to have a partner again. Life is so wonderful and I know I am not meant to spend it alone. I'm easy going, never moody, open minded, witty, and intelligent. I laugh a lot and enjoy life. I think mutual respect and mutual admiration for each other is important.For me a down to earth type... someone compassionate, with good empathy; a romantic person who still believes true love to be possible; someone who is loyal and will stick by their partner no matter what. If you're after games lies and other things from me then i think i am not ready to to get on with all that . I'm quietly confident, love traveling and finding about new things. I love the country, less so the city and prefer a good restaurant,.I am a simply looking lady, easy going and caring woman. I am 5; caring, commitment, honest, humble like a child abed well educated lady,
ceea ce cautam cu totii in definitiv
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Mady 19
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Baile Olanesti, Valcea Romania

Building a relationship based on love, trust, mutual shared values, mutual respect and perhaps appreciation is my priority. This is the type of connection which involves a blending of the energy fields of two people in a very harmonious way. I desire to feel that unique closeness with my future partner, when there will be no topics that we could not discuss, where understanding would reign and we would solve any difficulties easily, respecting each other as individuals and caring of each other's feelings. It will surely result in more fulfilling life.
caut un mascul care sa ma faca fericita
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