Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
eu Disabled with one traffic accident when 16 years old. Cane in my hand has been along with me from Winter to Summer; from Autumn to Spring, for studying in the university; for working in the indifferent society. When you are not sure for relationship, don't atingere me. And don't exagurate your desire with so called priority, don't indulge yourself too much with others caring. Be responsible, be warm-hearted, be smart, then be cherished, be thankful, please! eleganta mascul adevarat
Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
i like me Singuratica,tacuta,rezervata,directa. Nu agreez excesele,ce-i "la moda", apucaturile si mentalitatile conationalilor. Chiar daca lucrez intr-o corporatie, nu ma imbrac distins si nici nu ma machiez, asa ca nu ne potrivim daca porti tinuta sau iti doresti o partenera fancy. In linii mari, caut rocker/ascultator de muzici rock,blues, oldies linistit si serios a�� mi s-a tot spus ca nu exista aceasta combinatie, dar inca mai sper:), partener de petrecut seri tihnite acasa, dar si de o piesa de teatru, o plimbare intr-un parc sau o excursie la munte. PS - da, sunt ingamfata, nesuferita,inabordabila, ciudata, o sa raman singura etc. Stiu si imi asum! i love sex good
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
Sa vedem ce iese! I love life, and I love every moment of my existence! There are lots of wonderful things to enjoy, but the main of them is of course love! I adore sports, dancing, music, I am creative and active in everything I do, and I want everything or nothing! I am also an incurable optimist. ;-))))))))))))))))))))) I like to look attractive, and appreciate this in other people, it has nothing to do with dressing fashionably a�� sensual and attractive looks comes from inside. It is sparkle in the eyes, smile on lips, and many other thingsa��. doua maini, doua picioare, si restul stiti nu caut nimic
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
Am looking forward to meeting my special man. I would like him to be kind, attentive, caring, reliable, well-mannered man with a good sense of humor. He should serious in his intentions to find a right lady and create a happy family. I would like him to appreciate not only my appearance but my inside world as well. He should also be goal-oriented, self-established,not greedy and narrow-minded. He should know how to treat a lady. He should love children 85-60-90 deci;;) fara prea multe pretentzii;)
Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
sunt o pesoana sincera care asteapta sa fie iubita si respectata.Am simtul umorului destul de dezvoltat si sunt o buna bucatareasa I consider myself as an attractive, and romantic highly intelligent, caring, sincere, hardworking,I'm honest, loyal, good listener well I enjoy playing golf, watching movies,cooking dinner at home and watching t.v.I enjoy my life and my situation and am looking forward to sharing my life with someone who is also content but knows that life is more full when shared with a loving partner,My perfect partner would be someone who is also caring and who is able to be open and honest in a committed relationship,I am a Christian woman who put Christ first in my life simpatica mascul fidel si intotdeauna indragostit de persoana aleasa
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
Desteapta cuminte stiu sa gatesc . Caut om serios . I am very cheerful and cheerful girl. I like to prepare very much, especially Russian delicacies, all my native and friends simply in delight from my dishes. I like to walk also on fresh air and to read. I like to spend time with the friends. I like to listen music - classical and Russian the priest music, to go to cinema on films about love. I go in for sports: tennis, I like this game very much, and also I go to fitness-hall. Placut Mascul
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
I will rather describe my self as a straight and humble human and also in God fearing,I like honesty, trust, love, caring,truth,& respect, I have all this qualities in me, i love meeting people that i haven't seen before,Am also single looking the lovely and luckiest pretty women to share my world with,Am not here to hurt someone that i love or someone i love to hurt me and my feelings for you
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
simpatica, increzatoare si f f dinamica si mai imi palce ca tot ce mi se ofera sau ce imi propun sa reusesc cu brio Sunt curcubeu poarta spre stele,Sunt val inspumat plin de mistere,Sunt focul ce mistuie,apa ce stinge,sunt lacrima ce din ochiul tau se prelinge...Sunt soare,lumina,dans,incantare,sunt pe obrajii tai intaia raza de soare.Sunt dragoste,ura,o floare,un pom.Nu sunt nimic,si sunt totul,sunt doar un OM... 86-67-82 ,caprui,170cm,49 kg,simpatica si o bruneta visatoare multa distractie
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
Pot spune atat de sincer ca sunt aici pentru ca vreau sa-mi cunosc propriul site de dating. Am auzit multiple povestiri cu finaluri fericite. Sunt aici cu intentii serioase si sper ca veti fi norocosi sa intalniti aici si un om serios. In acelasi timp, nu vreau sa am multe asteptari si nu voi obliga pe nimeni sa se casatoreasca cu mine. Mi-as dori sa ne intalnim intr-un loc romantic si sa vedem ce rezulta din asta dupa cateva zile impreuna. Nu sunt o calugarita si nu un snob, dar nici o fata pentru o noapte. Sunt o prietena naturala care vrea sa o gaseasca pe cea din viata ei. Ar fi minunat sa-mi gasesc un partener de-a lungul vietii, dar sa nu ne grabim, sa incepem sa vorbim unii cu altii. De acord? Ma pot bucura de lucruri mici. Prefer sa conduc un stil de viata sanatos, sper sa vedeti din ochii mei si sa cititi intre linii, ca sunt sanatos si bogat in interiorul prietenei cu sperante sincere de a gasi dragoste adevarata. Te rog sa-mi dai sansa de a gasi dragoste. Chiar vreau sa! ajunge fericit. Sper ca atunci cand imi vei citi profilul imi vei gasi o doamna interesanta pentru tine. Sunt aici pentru ca vreau sa gasesc un om care va fi cel mai bun prieten al meu, iubit, sot si suflet intr-o singura persoana.
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
sunt roscata inaltimea 1,72 ochii caprui spre verde I am looking for a responsible,Godfearing, honest, trustworthy man for long-term happy loving relationship someone who will be my best friend my equal partner in life the king of my heart and hopefully someday my handsome loving husband. I'm a woman to believe my husband should be my best friend am 90 60 87 un mascul sincer cu suflet mare
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
Sunt o fire deschisa la discutii,sunt o fire fixista,imi place sa merg cu picioarele pe pamant si nu cu capul in nori Serious type of woman, friendly, sweet, caring, and simple. On the other hand, I love adventures and traveling to places. Well, I just love to see new places and bring memories forever. I am seriously and patiently waiting for the man of my life who will make me feel like a princess. People like to communicate with me, ask me for a piece of advice. I am frank and sincere, romantic and sensitive. Actually, Placut Doresc sa cunosc o persoana cu sufletul bun , sincer care stie ce vrea
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
Sunt inalta,slaba,frumoasa.... I'm open and kind girl. I prefer to be sincere with all people and don't like when there are misunderstandings between people. I respect other people opinion and always try to find compromise. I work as a lawyer assistant. My job is my hobby and it takes all my free time. I like when everybody is happy and always try to help to everyone who needs it. In addition, I am interested in sport, because sport is my past. It is entertaining to remember things I have done in the past. I am fond of dancing, especially if the music is fast. I can even say that most of my life I spend with dances. I am looking for a man who will always put or love and our relationship on a first place. I am ready to give all my love to a reliable, kind, open, smart and faithful man. Slaba frumoasa Sa fie inalt,energic,destept....
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
Sunt o persoana normala, dornica sa umple golul din viata ei, vreau sa renunt la singuratate intr-un cuvant vreau sa traiesc cu adevarat! Nu stiu daca am sa gasesc aici jumatatea dar macar incerc.....! nimic superficial...un mascul special
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
Imi plac barbati blonzi sunt nici frumoasa,nici urita,nici bogata,nici saraca,imi plac oamenii si acord circumstante atenuante oricarei persoane,dar pastez distanta dintre mine si cei care vorbesc necuvincios..viata este atit de scurta incit este pacat sa ni-o scurtam si noi..sunt o femeie calma,am multa intelegere ptr fiintele suferinde de boala,imi place sa ascult muzica picaturilor de ploaie..si-mi place sa privesc orizontul cu toate transformarile lui.. Nu conteaza Nu conteaza
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
Sunt o doamna deosebit simpatica, fidela, de incredere, cinstita si comunicativa, sunt o persoana ambitioasa si minunata care poate fi descrisa ca perfectionista .. Sunt destul de optimista cu un simt al umorului.
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
te las sa ma descoperi solitar Sint sincera de incredere nu fumez nu beu sint calma si f calculata si imi place sa respect persoana de linga mine in momentul liber ma uit la stiri la un film si imi place sa fac sport merg la cumparaturi si imi place sa gatesc zic eu destul de placut cineva care sa ma faca sa ies din monotonie
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
Sunt o fire linistita vesela si cu bunul simt Sunt o femeie serioasa,imi plac oamenii sinceri,nu minciuna,inselati,bautura,fumatul.Stiu ce vor de la viata. DORESC sa-mi gasesc sufletul pereche. Am trecut in viata prin numeroase greutati,dar sper ca de data aceasta voi trece peste ele daca voi gasi perechea care imi lipseste si ma sustine. Imi place sa ascult muzica, sa ma plimb,cumparaturi,la un gratar. Placut Vor o persoana cu bunul simt cu privire spre viitor de a construi o familie
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
Imi place s? cunosc oameni noi si sa ma distrez. Imi place sa merg la petreceri diferite, cu prietenii mei ?i cu so?ul meu. Imi place sa ma uit la TV (telenovele spaniole). Imi place sa-mi fac prieteni noi, dar prieteni care sunt cinsti?i, sinceri/sincere, ?i care pot fi de incredere. In ceea ce prive?te ?coala, eu nu incerc s?-mi fac griji prea mult. Oricr ar fi trebuie s? fie f?cut se va face, chiar cum.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
sunt o domnisoara seriosa,urasc minciuna intro relatie si apreciez persoanele care ma apreciaza I am hardworking woman and self dependent, I am loving,caring and have a great sense of humor.I love to make those around me happy all the time especially my loved ones. I look like a city girl but inside me is a woman who loves nature and the out doors. I don't mind getting my hands dirty by fetching firewood while you set the tent when we go camping or change the car oil with you. ma consider putin grasuta am 59 kg un baeat serios cu care pot construi o relatie de durata ,care sa ma iubesca si sa ma respecte
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
prietenoasa.ambitioasasi inrest va las pe voi:*:*:*:* I have a big heart and loving soul. I am a cheerful and love to laugh My friends say that it is very hard to be bored with me I am active and optimistic and I try to live every day of my life with a smile on my face I enjoy lots of different things. I like adventures and interesting trips. I value a feeling of being protected and secured and my man must be able to give me this feeling. I want not just to take, but to give in response. I know how to be loved and give love! Please before writing me also understand that I am enough mature woman and I know what I want. I am here to find that only one who wants to love and be loved, who wants go crazy with love together every day and get pleasure from every new day of life. I am ready for meeting! And you? va las pe voi si aici:P o persoana prietenoasa cu care pot sa port o discutie......nici mie nu-mi vine sa cred ce zic:)):)):)):)0
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
Sufleteasca innamorata capricioasa atenta I'm patient and persistent. I've a good sense of humor and I like to laugh when I can. I'm creative, fun-loving, energetic and active woman. My best friend would describe me as witty, warm, generous, thoughtful and caring. I have an adventurous side. I enjoy staying busy. I love to travel and see new things, visit new places, meet new people, try new recipes. I enjoy outdoor concerts, festivals and being on the water. I love fishing, dancing, cooking, camping, shopping, hiking, climbing, mountain climbing, canoeing, cycling, watching movies and enjoying life to the fullest. Buon Caut un barbat sincer amoros destept
Femeie, 51, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
sunt o persoana sensibila, dar in acelasi timp puternica, romantica, nu imi place minciuna, incerc sa imi recapat increderea in masculi crezand totusi ca mai exista si oameni sensibili Bruneta,ochi caprui,sunt o fata simpla,stimez oamenii simpli si intelegatori...Pe cine il intereseaza inchipuiri intime sau au necesitate de amanta- nu mai apelati-nu sunt birou de informatii. Mi-ar placea sa dau de persoane cu simtul umorului bine dezvoltat, cu care sa discut mii de teme...cu care am putea iesi cu bicicleta, la un volei, la un frigarui.Treziti-va!! In viata nu totul se rezuma la pat.De aici apare o alta intrebare:"Ce vei face cu o persoana peste 5-10 ani de zile, cind elasticitatea trupului isi pierde din fermitate daca la ea te-a atras doar profilul exterior? " statura medie, ochii caprui, parul brunet, lung un om sensibil, sincer langa care sa simt ce este fericirea
Femeie, 45, Casatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
am 33 de ani sunt casatorita imi iubesc familia am 2 baieti Candva ca altii sa-mi fie vinovati, sunt vinovata eu, fata de mine. Noi, cei care vrem altceva de la viata, suntem obligati de toate legile sperantei sa marturisim propriile noastre adevaruri.Altfel, tribunalele dragostei ne vor declara complici la inalta tradare de sine. Vom fi condamnati pe vecie la irevocabile tristeti, la insingurari fara drept de apel.DRAGOSTEA e o mare nebunie si trebuie luata in serios. Iar romanele indragostitilor si cantecele de amor arata ca iubirea e un fapt rar, extraordinar, nu-i pe toate drumurile! Dar noi, nu stiu de ce, suntem educati sa credem ca e la-ndemana oricui... Cine sunt eu? Vibrez la frumusete, caut perfectiunea in tot ceea ce fac si sunt, poate, cam prea sensibila pentru vremurile acestea. Si aleg sa ma bucur de tot ce-mi ofera viata, in fiecare zi. Pentru ca frumusetea e peste tot. Ma simt eleganta cand ma simt impacata cu mine. Mi se pare obositor si plictisitor sa tii cont mereu de regulile unui cod social. E important sa poti sa provoci socialul cu imaginea individualitatii tale asumate, relaxate. E ca un joc. " Eu ma accept.Voi?" eu zic ca placut prieteni imi place sa comunic si sa am cat mai multi prieteni
Femeie, 45, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
Sunt eu Sint o iubita fireasca si duc o viata la fel de normala. Dupa patru ani de la divort cred totusi ca merita sa mai incerc inca o data. Aventurile de o noapte nu sint ceea ce caut asa ca nu-mi solicitati ID ul de la Yahoo sau telefonul daca asta cautati. Ce fara imagine sa nu-mi scrie caci nu vor primi raspuns. Ingrijita Prietini
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
Sunt o fire iubitoare
Am doi copii si mias mai dorii un copil mare doi Am invatat ca nu poti face pe cineva sa te iubeasca ceea ce poti face insa este sa te faci iubit,placut apreciat de cei din jur,pentru ceea ce esti.Am invatat ca oricit mi-ar pasa mie,altora s-ar putea sa nu le pese,ramanand indiferenti.Am invatat ca tine timp sa cistigi incredere si ca doar in citeva secunde o poti pierde.Am observat ca nu conteaza CE ai in viata si pe CINE ai.Am invatat atunci cind sunt suparat,am dreptul sa fiu suparat dar nu am dreptul sa fiu rau.Am invatat ca daca cineva nu te iubeste cum ai vrea tu nu reprezinta ca nu te iubeste din tot sufletul.Te iubeste asa cum stie el.Am invatat ca oricit de mult suferi,lumea nu se va opri in loc pentru durerea ta asa ca nu-ti ramine altceva decit sa ridici fruntea si sa privesti inainte,sa fii puternic sa poti sa mergi mai departe....{despre mine...iubesc calatoriile} Am 1" 55,inaltime,am parul brunet,53de kg O relatie eventual casatorie.
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
O fata simpla I am a good and cool lady who is friendly and like hanging out with family and friends. I like communication and likes to joke. I am new to this internet thing, i am on a try for a luck. I am only 5'6 tall, average and sportive. I like to meet someone who would like me as i am . Nu conteaza aspectu conteaza inima intelegerea si iubire Om serios cum am acris si mai sus nu distractii si povesti
Femeie, 66, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
sunt o persoaana inteligenta . i am looking for a real perason who is interested in going out and love to have some who know how love and to treat a man i wish i wish you all the best and ..... to you all ... ask me what everthing you want to know and dont contact me if you know you are not serious byeee simpla un mascul calm.
Femeie, 61, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
destul de placuta, intelegatoare, simpatica, cu mult simt al umorului.............. ... INCA "vie si desteapta",divortata, activa, educata, malitioasa, rubennsiana, imi doresc impreuna un partener STABIL, NEfumator, LIBER CIVIL, glumet, iubaret !! posta electronica: gina_felix_52 arond...etc. Pe curand !! G. atragator dar cu 5 kg in plus.......care nu sunt chiar o problema....... cauta jumatatea mea, daca cumva este, simpaic, educat si posibil cu barba, daca cumva este......daca nu vom astepta........chiar daca timpul nu prea permite mult......
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
Nu imi place sa ma descriu singura daca vrei vino sa aflii singur :-* I'm a woman with beautiful brown eyes like lakes. if to speak about me, i am tender, kind, enthusiastic, creative, sincere young Lady, I am romantic soft soul who will be very passionate to my beloved. I also have a wonderful dauther, she is 3 years old, and as she doesn't have father I really would like to find a man who can be a real father for her) Destul de bun !!!! Un baiat care stie sa se distreze !!!!
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
las la aprecierea ta... Eu...caut,dar sunt sigura ca nu mai exista.Dupa ce am impartit 12 ani bune si rele,am devenit "Babaciune zbarcita"si "Pensionara".Cred ca toti masculii ,dupa ce se folosesc maxim de femei,le arunca intr-o debara,le tin ascunse,iar viata lor continua cu o relatie paralela,cu vreo Bunaciune in loc de Babaciune.Niciodata nu am visat la vreun print superb si bogat,dat fiind faptul ca nici eu nu sunt vreo Madona.Imi vor un om cu bun simt,care sa stie ce este acela RESPECT,si care intr-adevar sa isi doreasca o relatie cuminte,bazata macar pe respect reciproc,daca A IUBI oricum nu mai reprezinta nimic in zilele noastre.Eu sunt o sotie normala,spun eu...,vesela ,glumeata,inca dornica de o expresie sau alta de distractie.Sunt si nenorocita daca este cazul,imi scot si eu ghearele ,daca este nevoie.Dar deja sunt scarbita de gheare,colti si pumni,rautati si jigniri.DOAR daca te regasesti in caracteristicile pe care le caut,cauta-ma.Daca esti obsedat sexual,cumpara in alta regiune.Aici e inchis. o persoana draguta...si care adora distractiile!
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
Sunt o fata tinara am o fetita de 1an jumate.sunt o fire linistita harnika de familie I am a big believer in physical attraction/chemistry as the starting point of a potential relationship. Without chemistry, there is no point in going any further. I believe there has to be a balance of give and take in a relationship. Spun mai tirziu Caut barbat serios de familie si sami iubeascca fata si le mine persoane care vor sa discute sau relatii pe telefon sa nu ma deranjeze
Femeie, 47, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
plina de viata,restul afla tu daca esti interesat I have great sense of humor and laugh at myself all the time. i would like to meet someone who is caring, sweet and loving.... I am a very caring, friendly person open for love and serious relationship. I am also an intelligent lady with a good sense of humor. I am a joyful and have pretty emotional personality along with feelings of compassion and empathy. sunt eu, asa cum nimeni nu ma mai poate schimba un om sincer, tandru care sa isi doreasca o familie bazata pe intelegere si iubire
Femeie, 38, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
I traveled so much, it's time to sit and contemplate ... now looking for a soul mate to share my joy for life and discover the world together.
Help me to find that, and I'll be there forever Serious type of woman, friendly, sweet, caring, and simple. On the other hand, I love adventures and traveling to places. Well, I just love to see new places and bring memories forever. I am seriously and patiently waiting for the man of my life who will make me feel like a princess. People like to communicate with me, ask me for a piece of advice. I am frank and sincere, romantic and sensitive. Actually, fizic...i'm sure that matter, but not to me. I'm not so sexy(l was) not so good, not so bad...but l love to laugh, and see people laughing
Respecting me for who I am... I hope to be found, and together to descover the rest, let you to find the treasure hidden in my soul, the values of respect and love..
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
Love is a nutrient that can never be lost in life. Life is because of love, it becomes colorful; in the family, it is because of love, it becomes happy; in school, because of love, it becomes full of laughter and laughter of children; my life, it will become more exciting because of you. I look for a good man who loves children and wants a family.
Femeie, 43, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
O fire linistita care imi doresc sa cunosc pe cineva de incredere si cu bunul simt I'm serious girl who wishes to find the love which achieves purpose. I sensual, I like to read many books, I love is tasty to prepare, and also to eat =) but don't think that I eat much, I only try that I'm have made. Believe, it is very tasty! I'm engaged in cookery since the childhood. Rest learn at the further correspondence, certainly if want. Simpatic Vor sa cunosc pe cineva care stie ce vrea de la veata
Femeie, 43, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
sunt o fata simpla To love me is to accept me as I am.. I do not want to be judged for the things I do. I want you to trust me and let me do what I feel is right. We women are always "right" a�� it is a matter of love. When I feel alone, empty, a stranger, I want your eyes to tell me I am the person you love and you want me for what I am. Do not do or say things because you think you are "honest", do them because of your love for me, and trust me even though you think I am wrong. Just as we do not judge our children because they are our children and we love them. placut zic uni pe cineva sa ma iubeasca asa cum sunt
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
Fata simpla de la tara cu un copil de 8 ani I am hardworking woman and self dependent, I am loving,caring and have a great sense of humor.I love to make those around me happy all the time especially my loved ones. I look like a city girl but inside me is a woman who loves nature and the out doors. I don't mind getting my hands dirty by fetching firewood while you set the tent when we go camping or change the car oil with you. Naturala Un om bun cu suflet si iubitor
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
Sunt o persoana,cu bunele maniere,zimbitoare ,glumeata..cu un haracter bine hotarit,,,stiu intotdeauna ce imi doresc,si aea obtin!intelegatoare,iubitoare de fiintele dragi,prietenoasa..etc..Daca ma indragostesc sunt un pic geloasa,ce este al meu,al meu da fie Sunt inalra,am parul lung blond..am ochii verzii,nu sunt slaba..nici grasa,am un fizic frumos,am cincizeci si sase kg.. Vreau sa fac cunostinta cu un barbat serios,si care ar vrea sasi intemeieze o famili,sa fie sincer si iubitor,am o fetita draguta,si as vrea sa o iubeasca si pe ea ca sipe mine..imi place sa fim stimati si sa nu spunem minciuni unuia altuia..orelatie frumoasa si iubitoare..
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
I can`t say a word aboutz me...but u can find it by your own way.... Single dutch american lady looking for a serious relationship , I am an partea interioara decorator , never been married no kids , I am honest loyal , I am open and if you would like to know more about me you can just write me up , and note Hm mici surplusuri :(if u like me...u will like if i am fat or i am anorexic I really don`t know....when i will find out i will say to you
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
motto:rasar, ma-nalt , cobor, apoi dispar si-apusul meu e totusi rasarit !...asta cred ca spune multe despre mine... Let me start by saying I have a great life and Iaa��a��m just a nice natural lady looking for another nice normal man, Connect with me via rosetrott12 at ya hoo i cant read msg on here cause i am not a s'bscriber I'm single lady I'm new at this online dating stuff, i will need someone that is patient to get along with. I am a person who looks beyond what may be the obvious. Character is worth more than flashiness. I am a person who appreciates honesty and a great sense of humor. I love to laugh and to enjoy the simple things in life....I am a genuine person who tries to see life and people through honest eyes.second one ..I am intelligent, inquisitive and passionate.
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
eu si numai eu Hi, I am Veda, living in New Delhi, India. I am a straightforward and honest person. I love travelling, trekking, reading, listening to music and photography. I love nature and history, and also, I'm somewhat spiritually inclined. caut tot ce-mi poate darui un barbat (totul)
Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
sunt cristina si vreau sa vorbim Sunt o femeie la locul ei, imi place mult sa gatesc, sa merg la pescuit, sa joc remi, sa ma uit la tv, sa ma plimb in aer liber,sunt glumeata,sunt asociabila, imi place sa descopar noutati.
Femeie, 48, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
sunt o fire timida dar si vesela "Nu ma iubi de nu-ti sunt draga nu ti-am lasat iubirea amanet, nu ti-am vandut-o la un colt de strada pe-un zambet ieftin, desuet. Nu amagi, doar cu un colt de paine un suflet palid ce il vezi flamand, de nu stii de-l hranesti si maine; Nu ma iubi de nu stii pana cand!" nu stiu pt casatorie ,prietenie
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
sunt o fata simpatica, isteata, desteapta si glumeata imi place adevaru.... imi place sa fiu stimata... si mai multe. I am a mature, confident, positive, fun-loving, independent, young at heart, lovely, caring, woman.I Love the outdoors, life, laughing, travelling, fine dining, beach, movies, going out. I'm supportive, spontaneous ,sexy and sincere. sunt asa cum sunt... poate jumatatea....
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
Despre mine.....km greu sa vrb despre mine dar pot face o exceprie, sunt o fire deschisa la orice, imi place extrem mult sa rad dar sa si fac sa rad. Sunt pusa mereu pe glume si desi nu mereu e roz incerc sa supravietuiesc ........si reusesc Sunt tocmai buna ;;), nici prea slaba nici prea grasa. O blondutza creatza cu zambetul mereu pe niste buze senzulae ;) Vreau sa cunosc altzi oameni chiar dak e doar virtual dar park , knd nu te cunosti personal itzi este mai usor sa vrb despre tn sau despre senrimentele tale
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Lehliu Gara, Calarasi Romania
descopera singur!;) I'm an Italian country girl looking for a long term relationship I'm loving caring passionate honest.i live in West Virginia I love the outdoors and camping boating fourwheeling cookouts with my family and friends I love horseback riding going for drives in the country I like classic rock oldies country music bluegrass looking for my soulmate someone who likes and wants the same poate ar fi mai bine sa vezi tu...ce zici? ingerasul pazitor al sufletului meu