Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
eu Speranta si rabdarea sunt doua calitati grozav de importante in viata muritorilor. Cauta si vei gasi....speranta moare ultima... Iubirea nu are varsta.....mai bine mai tarziu decat niciodata. Sunt numai niscaiva citate foarte cunoscute, dar al caror continut persista actual. Daca ai citit pana aici poate ti-am atras atentia si vei fi interesat sa purtam un dialog placut in scopul descoperirii unei eventuale compatibilitati....never say never. eleganta barbat adevarat
Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
i like me Persoana serioasa de incredere .ce iubeste viata cu buneun sisa cu, rele Persoana linistita iubitoare afectuasa gospodina....femeia clasica DE CASA RestulMa cine estedi interesat va descoperibene si. Singur Acesta.i incantarea i love sex good
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Sa vedem ce iese! am Kelly by name ,new on this site i came here seeking for true love a man who will love me also take me as the only,i want you to know that am not here for game's, am here to make my own true man on here someone who i will trust also be honest with me forever and always have me as am going to be there with my own right person. have been cheat,hurt, also heart break and i don't want this to happen to me anymore doua maini, doua picioare, si restul stiti nu caut nimic
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Ciao. Sunt livia din baia mare singura As FI dorit un partener de viata...dar cum sunt PE cale de disparitie. Oameni seriosi ..cinstiti si de omenie .cu credinta in Dumnezeu ....totusi speranta moare ultima.. Am zis maI incerc. O data ca poate poate so gasi unul pt. Mine ..EU sunt credincioasa si nu mi plac mincinosi si ipocrizi..ii rog da sa abtina . asa ca cine vrea sa ma cunoasca mai bine..sa ma caute aici..va vor succes ! 85-60-90 deci;;) fara prea multe pretentzii;)
Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
sunt o pesoana sincera care asteapta sa fie iubita si respectata.Am simtul umorului foarte dezvoltat si sunt o buna bucatareasa Sunt o persoana singura am 50 de ani dar sunt umpluta de viata si vreau sa imi impart restul anilor cu cineva drag. Locuiesc in Olanda de 29 de ani si am o viata ingrijita si vreau sa imi caut perechea . placuta mascul fidel si intotdeauna indragostit de persoana aleasa
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Desteapta cuminte stiu sa gatesc . Caut om serios . "Omul sadeste in lume ceea ce poarta in inima sa! " Goethe/ Fericirea o face pe nevasta eleganta si dragostea o face fericita. Iubirea este adevaratul fard al femeii./ In cazul in care vreti sa comunicam, v-as ruga extrem mult sa scrieti corect romaneste si daca s-ar putea si inteligibil. Multumesc! Agreabil Mascul
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Pozitiva ,plina de speranta ,increzuta in sine si imi place tot ce este elegant in omenirea aceasta,in chiar ce persoana caut intelect ,energie si sinceritate ,daca nu persista sinceritatea ,atunci celelalte calitati nu mai are rost sa le caut.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
simpatica, increzatoare si f f dinamica si mai imi palce ca tot ce mi se confera sau ce imi propun sa reusesc cu brio Romantic, cute and friendly girl. A little sentimental. I do not like being lied to. I like to read books and fall asleep under the sound of rain. I want to meet a guy for whom the main value in life is the family. 86-67-82 ,caprui,170cm,49 kg,simpatica si o bruneta visatoare multa distractie
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Sunt o fire ambitioasa, putin orgolioasa, tenace, perseverenta. Ma caracterizeaza veselia si optimismul, dar sunt o persoana rationala. De asemenea, sunt destul de comunicativa, familista si am un stil de viata activ. n am timp liber detinand preocupari de afaceri /caut un gentleman serios sincer si sensibil caut liniste sufleteasca . crezi ca poti fi masculul destinat mie ?????.imi doresc un barbat de care sa mi fie dor tot momentul id meu jana_iv@yahoo.ca
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
sunt roscata inaltimea 1,72 ochii caprui spre verde Sunt din Brasov, locuiesc in Detroit Michigan, divortata, imi place sa gatesc mancaruri traditionale romanesti, imi place sa pescuiesc. Nu-mi plac masculii care pot sexul pe debutantul plan.... Inaintea sentimentelor.. am 90 60 87 un mascul sincer cu suflet mare
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Sunt o fire deschisa la discutii,sunt o fire fixista,imi place sa merg cu picioarele pe pamant si nu cu capul in nori Imi place s? cunosc oameni noi si sa ma distrez. Imi place sa merg la petreceri diferite, cu prietenii mei ?i cu so?ul meu. Imi place sa ma uit la TV (telenovele spaniole). Imi place sa-mi fac prieteni noi, dar prieteni care sunt cinsti?i, sinceri/sincere, ?i care pot fi de incredere. In ceea ce prive?te ?coala, eu nu incerc s?-mi fac griji prea mult. Oricr ar fi trebuie s? fie f?cut se va face, chiar cum. Satisfacator Vor sa cunosc o persoana cu sufletul bun , sincer care stie ce ravneste
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Sunt inalta,slaba,frumoasa.... I enjoy fine dining and am always looking for someone to share the appreciation of good food and fine wine. I am just as comfortable with my hair up in old jeans as with my hair down wearing my favorite little pink dress. Slaba frumoasa Sa fie inalt,energic,destept....
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Imi plac barbati blonzi I'm a very honest and sincere person. Kind of old-fashioned in ways. I enjoy cooking, baking, spending time with family. I love the mountains and the sea. Anything specific you'd like to know about me, please feel free to message and ask! Nu conteaza Nu conteaza
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
About me: I guess I am best described as contradictory and diverse. Adventurous yet stable. Fun yet reliable. Hard worker yet not a workaholic. Funny with a serious side. Active yet relaxed. In shape, but up for staying in. Communicative yet thoughtful. And chivalry is not dead.And of course romantic! I am comfortable with who I am and am established in a good career.I like to stay reasonably active by going to the gym, swimming, tennis, basketball, hiking, walking, or bicycling.
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
te las sa ma descoperi solitar Ingridients of life long relationshiop - love, care and trust, ability to compromise and desire to work together! I am ready for lifelong ride. I am friendly, simple, family, hardworking lady, love life and want to spend it with right person. Love to make surprise and cook something tasty for a beloved person, love to kiss and cuddle and walk hand in hand. Where are you, my partner in crime?;))) zic eu destul de agreabil cineva care sa ma faca sa ies din monotonie
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Sunt o fire linistita vesela si cu bunul simt Hello my name is Maria I'm Brazilian (Brazil) I am 26 years old I'm single Without children (I currently live in Brazil, in the state of São Paulo). I am looking for a serious relationship to get married. I am prepared to form a family and together with a unic man to be happy. I am affectionate, honest and true, I am very dedicated to the family, I value a lot for the U , peace and family harmony. I like to travel, to go to the cinema, to read a good book and also to stay at home, to have happy moments for two. Placut Vor o persoana cu bunul simt cu privire spre viitor de a construi o familie
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
I am 34 years old, live and work in a small town, and I very rarely get out enough to meet anyone. I have been told that I am very unique, unlike anyone you\'ll ever meet. I have never had a drink and don\'t intend to, never had a smoke and don\'t intend to...I believe in doing things God\'s way. I\'m not perfect by any means, but I try to do my best. I am looking for a real man who desires to do the same in his life. For anyone who is reading this, I must tell you...having not ever had a drink in my life, I tend to be a little uncomfortable with those who do at first, but please don\'t hold that against me. I just want that to be known up front. I\'m also looking for someone who values family and wouldn\'t mind me taking care of my mother...because that\'s what I do for the most part. She has Alzheimer\'s and pretty much depends on me for...a whole lot. I am looking for someone who will understand that, respect that...and like me anyway. Bottom line is this...I\'m truly looking for God\'s best in my life. I\'ve been yanked around by losers for far too long. I\'m tired of playing games. I want someone who is honest, dependable, trustworthy, loyal, ...a man dedicated to doing it God\'s way. That would be wonderful! Not limited or rationed based on rules, conditions, requirements or criteria. Those things hinder our ability to Love beyond short comings, having vision to see beyond where a person is but where they\'re going; not what they are today; but what they will become tomorrow. Before our conception, Jesus already knew we were going to break His heart yet He still Loved Us, Unconditionally! His Love allowed Him to bear our afflictions, the weight of the cross He would be nailed to & left hanging then Giving His Life that we may Have Life, that\'s real Love.(You feel me)I\'m looking for a God fearing Christian man that lives to worship his Father in heaven... If you can relate and have a true relationship with God please feel free to contact me. Have a Blessed day.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
sunt o domnisoara seriosa,urasc minciuna intro relatie si apreciez fiintele care ma apreciaza Sint o prietena normala,unii spun chiar frumoasa, daca mai e timp,doresc ca...timpul sa o confirme din nou. Am mult entuziasm si placere de viata, am numeroase interese si imi vor un partener sa impartasim impresii si sa ne bucuram de viata impreuna.Sa fim laolalta mai puternici, mai stabili, mai fericiti. ma consider putin grasuta am 59 kg un baeat serios cu care pot construi o relatie de durata ,care sa ma iubesca si sa ma respecte
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
prietenoasa.ambitioasasi inrest va las pe voi:*:*:*:* nu vor decat sa cunosc un barbat sincer care sa stie sa iubeasca. celor care nu stiu ce-i dragostea si cauta doar sex sa sune la 089.... In cazul in care au disparut barbatii seriosi cred ca voi recurge la relatii cu o iubita va las pe voi si aici:P o persoana prietenoasa cu care pot sa port o discutie......nici mie nu-mi vine sa cred ce zic:)):)):)):)0
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Sufleteasca innamorata capricioasa atenta s they say, everything should be beautiful in a beautiful lady. It seems to me, the real beauty consists of harmonic connection of soul richness, moral clearance and only after these ones of the physical appealing to the partner. In other words, appearance is only our outside dress. The real and normal beauty is inside of our soul - somewhere deep in the soul and it reflects in the eyes. I will not describe myself cause it seems to me that the really interesting lady will be noticed by the deeds and modesty and slight enigma, wonaa��a��t she? But in a few words I can tell you that I am a person with a strong will, serious, reasonable, and reliable but at the same time I am kind-hearted, attentive and friendly. Buon Caut un mascul sincer amoros destept
Femeie, 51, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
sunt o persoana sensibila, dar in acelasi timp puternica, romantica, nu imi place minciuna, incerc sa imi recapat increderea in masculi crezand totusi ca mai exista si oameni sensibili Ia��m looking for a partner. Distance doesna��t really matter . I am romantic, loyal, sincere woman. I need to belong to one man in the deep blue see of love. I am loving and caring person. I am charming, have a good sense humor, I am really energetic and enthusiastic. But of course I am not perfect, but I can admit my mistakes and work to make myself better. less Fake profiles should please stay off!!! statura medie, ochii caprui, parul brunet, lung un om sensibil, sincer alaturi care sa simt ce este fericirea
Femeie, 45, Casatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
am 33 de ani sunt casatorita imi iubesc familia am 2 baieti Am new here and i wish to know you more so we can be together. Am ready to let you know me more so we can be together if you are interested. Am a free, fair and simple lady and dont get angry easily. I dont know your purpose here too but i wish to know so i can share with you together. beautiful as i am my hobbies are swimming, listening to music and watching movies of my choice. I will like to know what you like best in life so i can give you much attention just like a man deserve. I repeat this again that am very interested in a man who will be very serious about a true relationship and if possible life partner in future if our love grows. I know much about love and i can show you dear love, love that i call forever, perpetual, and eternal love. i will be glad to here from you out there and come and experience true long term relationship leading to life partner. loneliness is not suppose to be mankind\'s friend, it hurt alot and must be avoided as long as love and life is concern. eu zic ca satisfacator prieteni imi place sa comunic si sa am cat mai multi prieteni
Femeie, 45, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Sunt eu i am a good and a nice person who always believe in love .money or no money love is the answer. i lost my parents a long time ago. since then i have been alone trying to put things in other to live a perfect live. since everything is now well placed. i need a good and honest man to love and cherish me. Eleganta Prietini
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Sunt o fire iubitoare
Am doi copii si mias mai dorii un copil maxim doi am a nice girl that is looking for a nice man if you want to know more just ask me i will tell youi will tell youi will tell youi will tell youi will tell youi will tell youi will tell youi will tell youi will tell youi will tell youi will tell youi will tell youi will tell you Am 1" 55,inaltime,am parul brunet,53de kg O relatie eventual casatorie.
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
O fata simpla I am single with no kid. i have negru hair and brown eyes, I am 5\'7\" and 139lbs I am someone who caterer and my dream and goal is to find and my soulmate and make him happy and also enjoy this amazing life together. I am romantic, warm, tender and sensual. I love long touching, kisses, heart-to-heart talks. People consider me kind, honest and reliable. I am not perfect, but I have a lot of good qualities such as sincerity, understanding and patience. I really love nature, long walks and just being in the forest or near the water. I enjoy going out and spending my spare time in a company of good friends. Nu conteaza aspectu conteaza inima intelegerea si iubire Om serios cum am acris si mai sus nu distractii si povesti
Femeie, 66, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
sunt o persoaana inteligenta . Sunt o iubita la locul ei, imi place mult sa gatesc, sa merg la pescuit, sa joc remi, sa ma uit la tv, sa ma plimb in aer liber,sunt glumeata,sunt asociabila, imi place sa descopar noutati. simpla un barbat calm.
Femeie, 61, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
destul de placuta, intelegatoare, simpatica, cu mult simt al umorului.............. I love to laugh and have fun but am responsible and level-headed with good common sense. I can lead or follow depending on the situation, and am not afraid to speak up or share my opinions. I like to travel, shop, eat out, but also enjoy dinner at home, a good book, or a movie at home, especially snuggled up with someone particular atragator dar cu 5 kg in plus.......care nu sunt chiar o problema....... cauta jumatatea mea, daca cumva este, simpaic, educat si posibil cu barba, daca cumva este......daca nu vom astepta........chiar daca timpul nu prea permite mult......
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Nu imi place sa ma descriu singura daca vrei vino sa aflii singur :-* In my thirties, I am rather sympathetic, calm, sensitive and hard-working. I like to jump into the freshness of the morning, to feel that I exist. I like to take care of my loved ones and share my joy with them. What I am proud of is the education I received from my parents and the fighting Woman character they gave me. I am not looking for the "perfect" man, but I hope to meet this man with 85% sincerity, 90% respect and 95% true love. For the rest come and discover me. Destul de bun !!!! Un baiat care stie sa se distreze !!!!
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
las la aprecierea ta... I am a kind-hearted, sympathetic, tender, sociable, active, responsible, sincere, broad-minded, soft and sweet girl. I love getting new knowledge and impressions. I lead a healthy life style. I am easy to concentrate my attention. I am a good listener. I am very cheerful and extremely optimistic. I can say I am a lively personality who loves to give positive emotions, give presents, accept guests at home and help my friends. o persoana draguta...si care adora distractiile!
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Sunt o fata tinara am o fetita de 1an jumate.sunt o fire linistita harnika de familie I am looking for a man without bad habits, who goes in for sports, who is attentive, caring, who knows how to value and be himself, a wise, responsible person, a man of his own word and deed. Knowing what he needs in life and striving to achieve this. Respecting the freedom of choice, both your own and those close to you. Polite. Punctual. Loving nature, travel, spontaneous trips, movies, music, theater, and books. Ready for a complete family. A man who is ready to take responsibility for himself and his family. you can leave me a message, your Number and also email to add you privately for us to chat and also know more about each other. Spun mai tirziu Caut mascul serios de familie si sami iubeascca fata si le mine persoane care doresc sa discute sau relatii pe telefon sa nu ma deranjeze
Femeie, 47, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
umpluta de viata,restul afla tu daca esti interesat I'm a woman with beautiful brown eyes like lakes. if to speak about me, i am tender, kind, enthusiastic, creative, sincere young Lady, I am romantic soft soul who will be very passionate to my beloved. I also have a wonderful dauther, she is 1,5 years old, and as she doesn't have father I really would like to find a man who can be a real father for her) sunt eu, asa cum nimeni nu ma mai poate schimba un om sincer, tandru care sa isi doreasca o familie bazata pe intelegere si iubire
Femeie, 38, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
I traveled so much, it's time to sit and contemplate ... now looking for a soul mate to share my joy for life and discover the world together.
Help me to find that, and I'll be there forever I am a single wonderful soon to be mother looking to get to know some great gentlemen and kinda see where things go from there! I know Ia��m pregnant but Ia��m looking to someone who doesna��t just measure on that Ia��m pregnant but will take the time to get to know me and see where things go. fizic...i'm sure that matter, but not to me. I'm not so sexy(l was) not so good, not so bad...but l love to laugh, and see people laughing
Respecting me for who I am... I hope to be found, and together to descover the rest, let you to find the treasure hidden in my soul, the values of respect and love..
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Sunt o fire impulsiva si rar zik nu distractiei, imi place viata si vreau sa o traisc la maxim, ador oameni simpatici care stiu sa faca o zi ploasa sa devina plina de soare doar din zambete, urasc snobismul,fitzele,vulgaritatea si mai ales minciuna.
Femeie, 43, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
sunt o fata simpla Sunt o persoana sincera si directa, nu cred in himere, avand in vedere varsta, nu vreau avere, vreau un suflet pentru suflet, care sa ma intelega si mai ales sa incerce sa ma cunoasca. Doresc o persoana dornica de companie pentru a imparti singuratatea. agreabil zic uni pe cineva sa ma iubeasca asa cum sunt
Femeie, 43, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
O fire linistita care imi doresc sa cunosc pe cineva de incredere si cu bunul simt Eu cred c? vor intalni o persoan? cu bun simt al umorului, care ii place s? petreac? timpul activ, de c?l?torie ?i totul interesant. De?i, aceast? persoan? ar necesita s? fie de incredere, sociabil, optimist ?i ñheerful. Placut Vor sa cunosc pe cineva care stie ce vrea de la veata
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Fata simpla de la tara cu un copil de 8 ani I'm open and ready for something new, I can be intensely...silly, smart, serious, determined, loyal, compassionate, loving... I don't believe in wasting time. Still, don't misunderstand me...making the most of life does not always require endless motion, just constant participation. I want to laugh every day. I want to learn something new. I want to make someone feel valued. We are all a work in progress and I work hard. Once I walk out of the work, however, I want to make every minute count. It's not so much what I'm doing--I just like to be out and about. Still, I consider a night-at-home essential at times: not "doing nothing", but actively chilling-out. Hmmm, what else... I'm solar-powered. I think the beach is the best place for reflection and meditation. I am an excellent cook. If I offer to cook for you, that means I really like you. I think a great meal is one of the best ways to show affection. I watch what some may consider way too much TV. I'm a firm believer that it's always better to be a smart-ass than a dumb. If a man can make me laugh, I find it extremely sexy. I have two big dogs, Zander and Zara. They're awesome. I'm confident but appreciate a good compliment. Beyond that... I'm a good friend. I mean what I say, and people always know where they stand with me. I tell the truth, but try hard not to let honesty come across as insensitivity. My free-time is precious to me and I want to spend it smiling, laughing, and enjoying every moment! Naturala Un om bun cu suflet si iubitor
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Sunt o persoana,cu bunele maniere,zimbitoare ,glumeata..cu un haracter bine hotarit,,,stiu intotdeauna ce imi doresc,si aea obtin!intelegatoare,iubitoare de fiintele dragi,prietenoasa..etc..Daca ma indragostesc sunt un pic geloasa,ce este al meu,al meu da fie Sunt inalra,am parul lung blond..am ochii verzii,nu sunt slaba..nici grasa,am un fizic frumos,am cincizeci si sase kg.. Vreau sa fac cunostinta cu un mascul serios,si care ar vrea sasi intemeieze o famili,sa fie sincer si iubitor,am o fetita draguta,si as vrea sa o iubeasca si pe ea ca sipe mine..imi place sa fim stimati si sa nu spunem minciuni unuia altuia..orelatie eleganta si iubitoare..
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
I can`t say a word aboutz me...but u can find it by your own way.... Ich bin Single und suche nach meinem Seelenverwandten, der es wert ist, geliebt zu werden. Ich brauche einen Mann, der mich glücklich machen kann und wir können immer mehr voneinander lernen. Jemand, den wir beide zusammen alt werden können. Warum warten? Erzählen Sie mir mehr über sich selbst. Denken Sie daran, dass ich neu in diesem Bereich bin und hier kein bezahltes Mitglied bin. Hm mici surplusuri :(if u like me...u will like if i am fat or i am anorexic I really don`t know....when i will find out i will say to you