Femeie, 23, Casatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
Extrem curioasa Lovely, energetic, kind-hearted lady, who loves to be happy and make others around happy too. I learned physiotherapy and osteopathy so you can be sure I help your bones feel better every day. Sound good? Atletic Distractie,fun.
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
Sociabila,carismatica,intelegatoare,prietenoasa I\'m a well rounded young lady that is looking for a fulfilling relationship. I\'m looking for a devoted friendship that can lead to something special. I\'m very family oriented, and love having fun with my love ones, and dear friends. I desire a mate who is willing to give of themselves, and knows how to communicate without having reservations. I\'m very in tune with myself, and know what I want out of life, and my mate. I communicate very effectively about matters that concern me. I do not participate in mind games, and I\'m looking for the same behaviour in return. I\'m only interested in mature seekers, whom will know how to step up when there time has come. I have the type of spirit that will work hard, commit myself, and endure the task, to ensure that my dreams are fulfilled, along with a partner who exemplify the same example. I believe that \"when two agree\" there is nothing that is impossible. You never know what will happen, God is in control Mascul cu bun simt potent financiar.
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
ok Soy morena, ojos verdess, remántica, respetuosa, risueña, culta,sociable, solidaria, alegre, me gusta viajar,caminar por el lcampo, el contacto con la naturaleza. No me gusta la soledad, por eso busco un compañero para compartir lo bueno y malo de la vida. extra ok sa fie la fel de ok
Femeie, 20, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
FOTOMODEL I believe in the truth and honest of love..i am really a very sincere person when it comes to sharing feelings and emotions with that distinct person and i really am down to heart honest about the things i say and do cause i don't like hurting peoples feelings,cause everyone has a chance to laugh,so why do i make them sad..i am really very easy to get along with,fun to be with and am very adaptive and communicative when it comes to conversant conversation.and my life is based on the truth and honest of self personality... SATISFACATOR MASCUL BINE
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
Sociabila, ambitioasa si dornica sa incerc orice .. I consider myself a cheerful, charismatic, patient, understanding, dreaming, attractive and easy-going Lady. I am a romantic Lady who always shows affection and love to the right Man. I always listen to others. I will enjoy sharing my life with a positive man and I am sure that we will get along well with each other since I am the kind of Lady who does appreciate life. I assure you that you will enjoy knowing more about me. I would like to find someone with whom I can share my life with, someone nice, kind, humble, loving, attentive, tender, romantic,serious, respectful and easy-going with Good and Passionate Heart ready to start a serious relationship based on Mutual Love and Trust. Placut Un barbat dotat .. si inteligent
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
Sunt putine de spus,mai numeroase de vazut!!! I am a woman in the full meaning of this word.....i can be gentle and eccentric, passionate and tender, loving and hating. a spontaneous person, like everything new, and creative. I can say i am a bit of experimentator :)))))) sunt ok!!! cit mai mult zimbet
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
imi plac distractiile,imi place muzica,dansul si imi plac mega mult hainele sunt f orgolioasa,corecta,sincera,loiala,f responsabila si extrem de ..pragmatica.Nu-mi place minciuna..si nu fac maine ce pot face azi.... nu mai este mult ,,timp,, si de aceea.doresc liniste si respect... pot sa spun ca arat bine...:d
Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
come and meet me!!! My name is Celia Boateng,i am 33 years Old,I am Single,White,dark brown hair,blue eyes,5'8",152 lbs.Long Hair and a healthy Lady.I am self-sufficient,Beautiful,happy,secure,self-confident,psychologically aware,emotionally and financially secure. sunt...normala.. ...caut barbat....frumos!:)
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
I am the ocean and it's turbulent flood. am Willams 46yrs old from Texas being married before but dicvored with one kid....i am here new to this dating Site and i am here Looking for someone that i can trust and Love for the rest of my heart and Life..i need a woman that will be honest and caring bcos i am here looking someone that will give me happy Family The Lady In Red Be with me, i will open the gate to your love. I wait with silent passion for one gesture one glance from you.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
I am a very sincere and generous woman. I take family seriously and my study i am hard working working strong brave honest faithful caring loving trustworthy passionate romantic giver lover one woman man and God fearing...
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
nu va pot spune acum va las sa ma cunoasteti mai intai si apoi facem schimb de pareri I believes that wea��re not prefect and do have flaws during our life time; we have good and bad sides (hopefully more goods than bad) within us. But importantly to embraces the good, and accept the bad with willingness to improve it defects to better our life with ourselves/loves ones. Willing to learn from yesterday, living for today with allowing preparation of tomorrow improvement to fulfill our happiness with loves ones. Materialistic is not the most important factor in life, but the inner qualities and spiritual growth are essentials to every daya��s happiness. Beauty is skin deep. A picture is worth a 1000 words, but a 1000 words isn't enough to describe the person behind it. Therefore, I am more interested in knowing a person inside out rather outside in. communication is a life learning tool to finds/collects common vigor foundation in any relationship. frumusik foc:P un mascul frumos;)
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
Imi place, sa ma plimb ,imi place distractia,imi place ca partenerul meu sa ma asculte si sa fie grijuliu cu mine si mai ales sa nu ma insele cu nimeni Imi plac masculii isteti mai mult decat cei frumosi, ceva mai inalti decat mine si musai single. Nu cred in distanta, nu sunt interesata de prietenii "cu beneficii". Nu sunt impotriva sexului, dar nu fac troc :) . Fair-play ar fi sa ai mai mult de o poza actuala si macar una fara ochelari de soare, se spune ca ochii sunt oglinda sufletului. Gramatica este esentiala si varsta conteaza. (38 - 45) Mare sau munte? Munte. Genul caine sau pisica? Pisica (nu matã) ;) Club sau biserica? Acasa :) Cei cu profi anonim keep walking. Am un aspect foarte frumos eu asa cred dar ori cum las barbati sa vad ce spun daca am un alura bun sa nu Caut mai multe cum, ar fi iubire dragoste blandete
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
Romantica, plina de viata, sincera si de incredere. Inalta, umpluta cu configuratii frumoase,par castaniu si ochii verzi stralucitori,cu o mare bucurie de viata si voie buna.Iubitoare de animale,oameni,arte,muzica buna si natura.I-mi plac oamenii cu bun simt si umor. Placut Nimic.
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
Nu sunt eu in marime sa ma descriu If it is possible to combine passion and tenderness in one person, it is about me! At this moment of my life I feel like a tender and refined flower in a large field. I feel lonely and unprotected, but I believe there is someone who can find me in this large field, between the same beautiful flowers around. I am a very serious and responsible lady who values family values. I like active rest and keeping fit. People say that I am punctual and reliable. I like to take care of my appearance. I am a strong woman with a sensitive soul. Alura fizic ok Caut pe cineva sa ne completam unul pe celalalt
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
ehh uita-te si vezi Tender, caring...hm...difficult to tell something...i feel shy and i don't want to be a boaster, but i am really a very romanic woman, maybe a little bit naiive...modest and honest... not a little girl, but a mature woman, who wants to be happy. mai ma gandesc
Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
Buna sunt o fata draguta,de gasca,cu simtul umorului.Daca vrei sa afli mai multe despre mine contacteaza-ma.Pupici Le admir fara retinere pe frantuzoaice au o mare preocupare de ele,si imbatranesc cu gratie..sunt tonice si degaja o frumusete deosebit !! Imi place gandirea si corectitudinea nemtoaicelor,respectul si cuvantul dat Cred in sufletul romancelor,cald si plin de iubire,glumet si plin de viata !! Aceasta sunt EU...trei in unul !!!! Caut sinceritate, prietenie adevarata... cam atat.
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
o persoana Unica!! Caut si imi vor o relatie stabila. Sunt o iubita fina, simpatica si sensibila. Imi doresc pasiune, dragoste, intelegere si bunatate. Ador calatoriile. Caut prietenie, intelegere, comunicare, respect si pasiune. Nu sunt interesata de o relatie de consumatie. un fizic f elegant .. dar depinde de ce gusturi aveti ;) pe mine .. la masculin !
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
Am looking forward to meeting my special man. I would like him to be kind, attentive, caring, reliable, well-mannered man with a good sense of humor. He should serious in his intentions to find a right lady and create a happy family. I would like him to appreciate not only my appearance but my inside world as well. He should also be goal-oriented, self-established,not greedy and narrow-minded. He should know how to treat a lady. He should love children
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
O sotie draguta I'm just a simple woman who likes to try out new things, keeps going till she gets what she wants, I'm open minded and very easy to get along with, loving, caring, sensitive and very romantic. I like living every day with a lot of optimism and hope for a better tomorrow. Las la aprecierea ta un mascul dragut
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
hmmm.... Nu am nimic de pierdut, as fi scris odata...Acum stiu ca am ceva de pierdut.Timpul.Intr-o situatie de libertate si speranta,m-am gandit ca se afla ceva,pe omenirea asta ,care sa ma ajute sa-mi raspund la intrebarea,, ce-mi place?,, . . . Imi doresc sa vorbesc cu cineva care are extrem putin timp liber tot aia... da....
Femeie, 50, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
pasionata de calatorii.... Mama mea spune ca sunt cea mai frumoasa, mai desteapta si mai cuminte! Dar stiti..."orice cioara isi lauda puii". Nu credeti pana nu verificati!! Cuvinte cheie care ma definesc: bucurie, optimism, loialitate, devotament, empatie, curiozitate, feminitate, sensibilitate, curaj. Cunosc latura intunecata a oamenilor dar aleg sa cred totusi in ei. Le inteleg slabiciunile si imi place sa ii sustin cand isi doresc sa evolueze. Ma bucur cu adevarat de lucrurile simple si zambesc zilnic chiar daca am facut riduri de la ranjet. Am avut parte de numeroase senzatii dificile , dar aleg sa vorbesc despre ceea ce am invatat din ele si nu despre cat de grea e viata . Apreciez viata de familie, nu ma atrage flirtul care nu duce la ceva durabil. Dupa doua nasteri si un divort, am luat proportii, sunt intr-o mare forma! Un xxL... Yeeeey!! :) Nu ma aflu aici pentru a impresiona pe nimeni, imi cunosc calitatile, defectele, potentialul. Gene false, decolteu fortat, buze tuguiate, toate astea mi le consimt financiar, dar nu corespund cu valorile mele. Desavarsit ar fi sa intalnesc jupanul pentru care sunt potrivita ca piesa puzzle ce lipseste din tabloul lui. Lucrurile pe care le apreciez sunt umorul, inteligenta, bunul simt si loialitatea. Iubesc si respect timpul. Sa fim practici zic! placut..... ceva deosebit...nu stiu...
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
ce sa va spun eu meey?va las pe voi sa dezcoperizi!!poopl voy!! NU minciunii, NU ipocriziei si mult simt al umorului! Pana la urma. ...Viata e mult prea scurta incat sa nu o traim cum se cuvine si mut prea eleganta incat sa nu.i acordam ,cel putin, un zambet zilnic! blonda,1,70cmh, ochii verzi. in cautare de prietni !!!
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
Lauda de sine nu miroase a bine :P I'm curious, cheerful, passionate, but most of the time thoughtful, honest, decent, active and warm-heart lady. Romance as well as a hope to find my true love always lives in my heart and soul. I possess a self-estimation
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
O iubita care isi doreste sa fie cu cineva din suflet!Nu din obligatie,nu din plictiseala sau din disperarea de a nu fii singura! I'm I very loving person looking for someone who can bring joy in my life hope to meet that one. I love God and the outdoors. I am a very happy women with a lot of love to share.I like to swim ,fishing .cuddling and a lot more. I'm kind and reliable sometimes stubborn. I like walking and reading. I enjoy cooking and gardening also. I love music, enjoy the theater and eating out. Placut.Tu ce zici? Un barbat dragut,placut ochiului,un mascul bland satisfacator inimii.Prima cerinta este o bijuterie,dar cea de-a doua este o originala comoara.
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
dulce;)/sweet;) I am a fun-loving Woman with a good sense of humor, I am caring, thoughtful, hardworking and very loyal to the ones I love. I will go out of my way to help anyone if I could possibly do so. I believe in Romance ,Love and Living Life to the fullest. I want to find someone who wants to be in a positive, long-lasting relationship based on trust, love and faith-fullness. I enjoy learning new things, having fun and sharing in a good conversation. I want a woman that remembers to be romantic, thoughtful, considerate, respectful and compassionate. I don't believe this is too much to ask for in mutual relationship. I love giving and receiving kisses, hugs, and caresses. I am good at giving a good massage, but expect to get one as well. I believe in sharing what I have with the people I love, .I believe family is very important on both sides of a relationship and will go out of my way to keep the peaceful atmosphere of a happy home life, I do not like liars. I am a woman, and I want to find that distinct man to make me happy and I will also do my best to make him happy too as well.. creola/dark-skinned un tip cu suflet.../a guy with a soul
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
Eu, cu bune si rele, ca orice tanara de varsta mea ... the ideal woman does not exist, but I try to get closer to it !!!!!!!!!! as all women will say. It is said of me that I am a "beautiful person". Of course I have defects but I try to assume them. I am neither lying nor wrong. I like sincerity and I am looking for a beautiful and true story. I like to laugh, sociable, classy and sporty as grueling but not resentful. However, I have personality, character. In short, I am sincere and myself ..... and I wish to meet someone who will accept me as I am. Nimic deosebit
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
sensibila Selectiva, pragmatica, empatica. Apreciez sinceritatea, bunul simt si oamenii de calitate. Imi dispac intreg fiintele superficiale si cele neserioase. Nu sunt interesata de barbati mai tineri decat mine si de cei cu numeroase kg in plus. P. S. Nu raspund mesajelor primite de la masculi care habar n-au sa scrie corect... nu cred ca e o pretentie exagerata si nici celor care au peste 58 ani ! Multumesc! cine ma place ma place asa amicitie
Femeie, 49, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
las pe altii sa aprecieze Stiu si-mi place sa ofer. Nu vreau si nu-mi place sa cer. Ofer inzecit pentru ce mi se ofera. Ce astept ? Mizez intotdeauna pe empatia celui de alaturi mine. Imi doresc acea chimiea�� Nu voi accepta nicicand o relatie de compromis. Sunt de acord ca este teribil important luxul financiar,dar asta nu ma va determina niciodata sa pasesc intr-o relatie. Apoi, cel care ma va contacta sper sa aiba simtul proportiilor; nu port tocuri prea des,dar atunci cand voi purta, nu mi-ar placea sa am senzatia ca trebuie sa-l protejez pe cel de aproape mine. Pe "melomanii" de manele ii rog sa caute pe altcineva cu care sa impartaseasca aceasta pasiune. Consider ca e destul de important sa ai aceleasi afinitati cu persoana de langa tine.SA NU MA ABORDEZE fiintele care nu au foto la profil si nici cele care nu se incadreaza in conditiile sectiunii "Ce caut". Acestora nu le voi raspunde. BETON... Iti inchipui femela din zodia Fecioarei ca pe o creatura pura ca zapada? Iluziile tale sunt pe cale de a fi spulberate.In primul rand coloana ei vertebrala e creata din otel inoxidabil.Are toate vicleniile si armele necesare, inclusiv hotararea de a-si cauta fericirea, peste tot s-ar afla aceasta. Daca pe acest drum se intampla sa dea peste ceva spini, nu va lesina si nici nu va striga dupa ajutor.Este singura femeie din zodiac care poate fi mortal de practica si perfect de romantica in acelasi timp.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
My principles of life is a family, home comfort and the attention of my loved ones. I like taking care of my loved ones and give them warmth. I love children and when I am surrounded by childrena��s laughter. I like to work a lot then it seems the most enjoyable vacation. I am cheerful, kind and sympathetic. I love to communicate with people a lot. I really like my job! I have been working for many years in the restaurant business. timpul pierdut..
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
I am kind and gentle person. I like to help others, but I don`t forget about myself. I am honest and I don`t like when other people lie to me. I am sociable and funny; I like to spend my time with my friends or meeting new people. But I am not all about fun. I enjoy simple things in my life, like watching good movie, reading a book, spending time with my friends. I like nature, animals, hiking and all kinds of sport. When I was young I played volleyball for sometime, right now I mostly do some cardio and running....
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
Sincera, glumeata, de viata, restul e ...cancan Nu ........... mai deranjati inutil,nu sant interesata de nimeni....................Sunt ce vreau eu sa fiu,si asta doar cand vreau,,,bagatorii in seama care nu au bani in buzunare nici macar de o pizza,rog nu mai insistati degeaba......sunt satula de laudarosi.! Simpatic Voi descoperi singura
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
umpluta de initiativa, dornica de aventura si fe evadare din cotidianul anost Sunt o fire calda si iubitoare,sensibila, tandra si romantica, gospodina imi plac florile si animalele de companie....imi vor un suflet asemanator mie ...sa ma iubeasca si sa ma respecte ca sotia sa-mi fie aproape la bine si la greu sa impartim viata la doi....urasc violenta atit verbala cit si fizica...daca iti ravnesti o viata armonioasa bazata pe iubire respect intelegere si loialitate. ..abia astept sa te cunosc. ;))) poti vedea solitar din poze un barbat adevarat, punct.
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
sant o persoana simpla I the beautiful young girl who wishes to begin serious relations. About myself I can tell, that I very sociable and positive person. It seems to me that the nature generously has awarded me with such qualities as mind, beauty and good nature. I very kind person, at least so my friends respond about me. But I am very easy for offending. I was disappointed in men a little and I live with hope that I will sometime meet the love. I love cooking, to listen to music, very much I love children. In my opinion it is impossible to seize all merits, it seems to me that I own many of them. And in more details I will tell about myself in the letter. slabutza un mascul sincer care sa isi doreasca acelashii fapt ca si mne,o familie.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
sunt o persoana dragutza...........companie placuta.........careia ii plac calatoriile..............imi place destul de mult sa am prieteni sinceri care sa ma ajute cand am nevoie.............si la randul meu ofer ajutorul tuturor celor care il cer sinceritate...........simpatie.......aspect fizic placut..........
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
Hello!!! I am very glad that have found your profile, you have seemed to me Very interesting also has decided to write to you. Probably we shall find much in common Also we become good friends. My name is Olga and me of 29 years. If you will write to me that You can learn about me much more. Therefore I wait from you the letter in mine mailbox. Write to me, I think we shall make friends.
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
o fata natural cu multe curiozitati Sunt o femeie la locul ei, imi place mult sa gatesc, sa merg la pescuit, sa joc remi, sa ma uit la tv, sa ma plimb in aer liber,sunt glumeata,sunt asociabila, imi place sa descopar noutati. placuta spun eu oameni draguti cu care pot purta un dialog
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
I am a big believer in physical attraction/chemistry as the starting point of a potential relationship. Without chemistry, there is no point in going any further. I believe there has to be a balance of give and take in a relationship. fericire