Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
eu sunt o doamna f serioasa si mi vor deasemeni sa fie la fel persoana respectivafara minciuni alcool si dezamagiri doresc ceva real si concret multumesc de antelegere as mai putea desavarsita sa stie limba engleza minim dc nu maxim sa poata lucra an uk,sa avem preocupare reciproca MULTAM ! frumoasa barbat adevarat
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
i like me I'm a very easy-going woman with an active lifestyle, positive, with a great sense of humor. I'm caring, sensitive, sometimes sentimental. I have lots of energy, my energy is enough for a lot of things: traveling, meeting friends, creating coziness in house, cooking delicious meals. I think that it is important: to listen to other person, to find compromises in relationship, to live life to the fullest, to support each other and enjoy wonderful moments together! i love sex good
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Sa vedem ce iese! Die Beschreibung selbst kann eine Herausforderung sein, aber hier ist ein wenig über mich. Ich bin ein sehr fürsorglich, rücksichtsvoll Person, die eine Menge Respekt für andere Gefühle hat. Ich genieße die Zeit mit meiner Familie, hänge mit meinen Freunden, möchte aber feststellen, dass eine spezielle Person, um mein Leben komplett. Ich glaube, dass die Chemie ist ein Muss in einer Beziehung und Sie haben ein Geben und Nehmen Verpflichtung, einander brauchen. Zu viele Male Beziehungen fallen in einen Trott und vieles ist für uns selbstverständlich! Ich gehe gern aus für ein schönes Abendessen und enden entweder auf einem Spaziergang, settlin sich mit einem guten Flasche Wein oder Champagner oder was auch immer! Ich bin ziemlich spontan und abholen können und werden für ein Wochenende weg zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt fertig! doua maini, doua picioare, si restul stiti nu caut nimic
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Desteapta cuminte stiu sa gatesc . Caut om serios . Here I have only serious intentions. I had a bad experience, but I did not lose hope in better. I am looking for a strong, responsible and reliable, kind and sincere man. I am looking for a one-woman man, who is ready to give all his love only to the one woman. I see a man next to me who does not betray and lie, who values feelings of other people. I want a man, who does not play dirty games with women and who really wants to love and be beloved. If you saw yourself in this description, you are welcome to write me. Satisfacator Barbat
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Este dificil sa ma descriu...iubesc viata si tot ce este frumos.Stiu ce vreau de la viata.Daca intr/adevar te interesez,incearca si cauta in profunzime,nu te oprii la APARENTA.Rog cei tineri sa se abtina,nu este genul meu,msc ptr intelegere. 85-60-90 deci;;) fara prea multe pretentzii;)
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
sunt o pesoana sincera care asteapta sa fie iubita si respectata.Am simtul umorului foarte dezvoltat si sunt o buna bucatareasa I'm down to earth, intelligent, loving, generous, supportive, playful and adventurous.I am honest, sincere and very loyal.I am looking for someone to start a new Chapter in my life. I am ready to set out on a new journey, and lucrate some awesome memories along the way. I am looking for a distinct one to spend the rest of my life with. simpatica mascul fidel si intotdeauna indragostit de persoana aleasa
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Se spune ca, de numeroase ori, iubirea nu vine atunci cand o astepti, ci atunci cand nu te mai gandesti la ea. Dar pana o intalnim, tanjim dupa ea, speram... Pana la urma am inteles de ce o cautam. Pentru ca nu frumusetea ne face sa iubim, ci iubirea ne participa sa vedem frumusetea din oameni si din tot ce ne inconjoara.
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Soy una persona alegre, leal me gusta disfrutar de la naturaleza, ir de camping, pescar, hacer deporte, me gusta leer, la buena música, me gusta visitar los museos compartir con familiares y amistades me gusta cocinar
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
simpatica, increzatoare si f f dinamica si mai imi palce ca tot ce mi se acorda sau ce imi propun sa reusesc cu brio .....Indrazneste sa ma iubesti... Iubeste-ma daca indraznesti... Te provoc la duelul inimilor ! Nimic si nimeni nu ne poate opri, nimic si nimeni nu poate interveni... Te provoc cu cea mai fierbinte sarutare. Te provoc sa-mi raspunzi la fel, sa ma strangi in brate cu toata forta ta,sa ma sufoci cu iubirea ta si sa ma arzi cu buzele tale! Indrazneste sa ma iubesti ! Nu e un joc, e viata noastra care curge iremediabil, ca o lava incandescenta dintr-un vulcan care tocmai a erupt... Te provoc la IUBIRE, Dragostea mea ! Iubeste-ma sau arunca-ma in haul uitarii! Iubeste-ma daca poti! Indrazneste,numai, sa ma iubesti si vei vedea Tu!!..... 86-67-82 ,caprui,170cm,49 kg,simpatica si o bruneta visatoare multa distractie
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Hello beautiful people Realistica si bine ancorata in zilele noastre. Romantica, calda, inteligenta. Prea multiple povesti si timp de pierdut nu prea se afla la mine. Marirea se intampla la indiferent ce varsta. Nu ma intereseaza masculi casatoriti sau in absolut orice fel de relatie, mai tineri decat mine si cei cu minte nesanatoasa! La 53 de ani sunt inca studenta...2 a, 3 a..facultate deci...am o minte antrenata. Macar o facultate sa fie daca vrei sa vb cu mine... Only serios person Serios relation
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
sunt roscata inaltimea 1,72 ochii caprui spre verde Admir masculii inteligenti,culti, puternici, transanti, profunzi,cu spiritul tanar, dar in acelasi timp, romantici si sensibili...Rog barbatii casatoriti, sa se abtina in demersurile lor penibile de a ma contacta;nu am veleitati de amanta !!! sunt in zodia scorpion...mi se cam potriveste...si imi convine de minune.. am 90 60 87 un barbat sincer cu suflet mare
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Sunt o fire deschisa la discutii,sunt o fire fixista,imi place sa merg cu picioarele pe pamant si nu cu capul in nori I am a Honest person looking for a respectable, honest, open man who is seeking a serious relationship, respects family traditions and ready to be a loving and caring partner.I want to meet an easy-going man who values family and friends more than anything and enjoy spending time with both. The man who has a great sense of humor and who loves to make people laugh. I can make you laugh for sure. Your stomach will be aching because of laughing with me. He should enjoy going out and staying home sometimes and he is always up for trying new things, especially outdoors. Placut Doresc sa cunosc o persoana cu sufletul bun , sincer care stie ce ravneste
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Sunt inalta,slaba,frumoasa.... . incep cu precizarea ca nu raspund la mesaje celor sub 40 de ani .Cum sunt va necesita sa descoperi ..si eu inca mai descopar.Nu vei descoperi daca uitandu-te la ochi vei vedea doar nuanta lor,daca uitandu-te la sani vei vedea doar marimea lor.Adevaratele valori se afla pentru cei care stiu sa priveasca in profunzime.Am sa te ajut si iti voi spune cateva despre mine ..scutindu-ne reciproc de pierdere de vreme.Nu stiu sa iubesc doar cu trupul.Nu stiu sa doresc fara sa iubesc.Nu stiu si nici nu vreau sa stiu totul despre sex,mai ales atunci cand sexul se despoaie de dragoste si persista o moneda de schimb.Detest revistele care se grabesc sa de-a informatii despre fericirea dobandita in zece pasi ,referindu-se la climax ..dar as face o mie de pasi sa invat totul despre dragostea€¦pentru ca atunci cand vine sa fiu pregatita sa nu ratez acea poveste de iubire in care nu exista ascunzisuri ,ezitari ,retrageri si reveniri,suferinte nedrepte ,intarzieri sau tradari.Gandesc pozitiv ,dar uneori mi se mai strecoara in suflet indoiala ca poate moment intalnirii a trecut si eu nu am stiut sa o opresc . Cred ca fiecare din noi avem propria axa morala. Daca aceasta e verticala ori se mai indoaie, e o optiune personala. Exista motive pentru care mintim. Dupa cum exista motive pentru care alegem adevarul. Eu cred, cu tarie, in valoarea adevarului. Cred ca, desi e mai greu de indurat, durerea provocata de adevar e una care are vindecare. Pe cand indoielile lasate in urma de o minciuna surpa, distrug, otravesc vieti si iubiri. Dar ma intreb, grozav des, daca nu cumva, indarjindu-ma atat de mult in convingerea mea de la care nu ma abat niciodata, gresesc, fata de mine, si fata de cei pe ca re ii iubesc . cineva...spunea ca numeroase visuri nu se lasa convinse pentru ca nu stim sa le formulam clar, nu stim sa ne dorim ceva concret. Intr-adevar, nu stiu sa-mi vor ceva minunat, fiindca nu stiu ce-ar fi minunat pentru viata mea. Imi doresc sa nu ma astept la mare lucru, fiindca, de fapt, tanjesc sa fiu luata prin surprindere de intorsaturi de soarta superbe, spectaculoase. Slaba frumoasa Sa fie inalt,energic,destept....
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Imi plac masculi blonzi Este dificil sa ma descriu...iubesc viata si tot ce este frumos.Stiu ce vreau de la viata.Daca intr/adevar te interesez,incearca si cauta in profunzime,nu te oprii la APARENTA.Rog cei tineri sa se abtina,nu este genul meu,msc ptr intelegere. Nu conteaza Nu conteaza
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
.Welcome to my home, pull up a chair, have a cup of tea, lets chat and maybe become friends. Interior decorating is one of my hobbies. A good cook, I enjoy entertaining friends & family. A bit of a daydreamer, I can travel to beautiful beaches & far away places without ever leaving my home. I love to gaze at the moon,the stars, all the beauty nature offers us. Holding hands, long walks, soft mood music, a little dancing, candlelit dinners, all special things to me. I enjoy watching Football,& I like to fish. My theory is, if people had the same love & devotion to each other, as a pet to its owner, what a wonderful world it would be. Thanks for stopping by, enjoyed our chat nimic superficial...un barbat special
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Sunt o fire linistita vesela si cu bunul simt Well a little about my self,i always feel happy,you know why?,Because i don't expect anything from anyone. Expectations always hurt. life is short .so love your life. be happy. AND KEEP SMILING .just live for yourself and before you speak,LISTEN .Before you write,THINK. Before you spend,EARN. Before you pray,FORGIVE,Before you hurt,FEEL. Before you have,GIVE. before you quit,TRY. Before you die,LIVE .that's the little you need to know about me Satisfacator Doresc o persoana cu bunul simt cu privire spre viitor de a construi o familie
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
I have a good complexion though with this age. Anyways, talking about my attributes being a person, I do love challenges, friendly, and adventurous type of woman. What I am hoping is that I could have a happy and wonderful life with a loving man and our future children. I want to get married and to start a complete family. I want to have a companion in my remaining years in this lifetime of mine, and I want to feel the countless happiness brought by pure and everlasting love
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
prietenoasa.ambitioasasi inrest va las pe voi:*:*:*:* I am a cheerful, life-loving and purposeful young woman, open-minded and loyal, reliable and honest. I am here not for fleeting or temporary relations, but i am looking for a man to give my love to. I am a very sensual and tender woman and my dream is to spend all my spare time with a loving husband, caring about him, just kissing and cuddling, doing something together. So, i need only a tender man who loves to be pampered sensually and give the same to his woman, who needs a lot of attention from beloved woman and has a lot of love to give. va las pe voi si aici:P o persoana prietenoasa cu care pot sa port o discutie......nici mie nu-mi vine sa cred ce zic:)):)):)):)0
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
sunt o domnisoara seriosa,urasc minciuna intro relatie si apreciez fiintele care ma apreciaza Sunt valul si stanca, sunt zborul si caderea, sunt totul sau nimic?!...imi place sa provoc destinul...?!...atunci asa sa fie, nu voi refuza nimic, voi culege cu amandoua membrele din amarul si bucuria de a fi eu?! ma consider putin grasuta am 59 kg un baeat serios cu care pot construi o relatie de perioada ,care sa ma iubesca si sa ma respecte
Femeie, 51, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
sunt o persoana sensibila, dar in acelasi timp puternica, romantica, nu imi place minciuna, incerc sa imi recapat increderea in masculi crezand totusi ca mai exista si oameni sensibili Does anyone really know what to do these days? We're all struggling through this process so let's take a chance and connect. Thank you for taking the time to look at my profile. I love to have fun, I'm happy, optimistic, and I avoid drama. While I'm well educated and intelligent, I especially like my more creative side (photography, floral designing, decorating, cooking). I love my dance workouts which have kept me healthy and in great shape. I like long walks , hikes, traveling, and exploring new places with someone special. statura medie, ochii caprui, parul brunet, lung un om sensibil, sincer langa care sa simt ce este fericirea
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Sufleteasca innamorata capricioasa atenta I am self-sufficient, Beautiful, happy, secure, self-confident, psychologically aware, emotionally and financially secure. and working as a Waiter In a Local Resturant,am Living with my Mom and Dad in a Logging house,i am a Ghanaian By Birth,my Father is a Ghanaian and my mother is From Australia..i have been In Ghana all My life i am a Hard working lady and very freindly.i have no Kids and Never Married... i Will Be Graduating Next Month and i am Studing Catering(Vocational Skills) .. i Cook Very Well Because that is My Proffession.....lol Buon Caut un mascul sincer amoros destept
Femeie, 45, Casatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
am 33 de ani sunt casatorita imi iubesc familia am 2 baieti I am kind and gentle person. I like to help others, but I don`t forget about myself. I am honest and I don`t like when other people lie to me. I am sociable and funny; I like to spend my time with my friends or meeting new people. But I am not all about fun. I enjoy simple things in my life, like watching good movie, reading a book, spending time with my friends. I like nature, animals, hiking and all kinds of sport. When I was young I played volleyball for sometime, right now I mostly do some cardio and running.... eu zic ca placut prieteni imi place sa comunic si sa am cat mai multi prieteni
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Hi,am 29yrs,a final year clinic student,5.8ft,honest,faithful,respectful,loyal,great sense of humor.Open minded,easy going.I am intelligent,smart.like reading,cooking,traveling,visit the gym 3days in a week.Thanks
Femeie, 45, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Sunt o fire iubitoare
Am doi copii si mias mai dorii un copil maxim doi Am new here and i wish to know you more so we can be together. Am ready to let you know me more so we can be together if you are interested. Am a free, fair and simple lady and dont get angry easily. I dont know your purpose here too but i wish to know so i can share with you together. beautiful as i am my hobbies are swimming, listening to music and watching movies of my choice. I will like to know what you like best in life so i can give you much attention just like a man deserve. I repeat this again that am very interested in a man who will be very serious about a true relationship and if possible life partner in future if our love grows. I know much about love and i can show you dear love, love that i call forever, perpetual, and eternal love. i will be glad to here from you out there and come and experience true long term relationship leading to life partner. loneliness is not suppose to be mankind\'s friend, it hurt alot and must be avoided as long as love and life is concern. Am 1" 55,inaltime,am parul brunet,53de kg O relatie eventual casatorie.
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
O fata simpla I'm wise and understanding. I love and value close people, I try to look at any conflict situation from all sides, to understand and to accept somebody else's point of view. I know that people who match us perfectly don't exist, but those with who it's good even simply to keep silence exist. I respect men. For my beloved man I'll become an interesting interlocutor, a reliable partner and a loving caring wife. I'll share my zest for live with him, an interest to new things, I'll fabricate the warmth and a coziness in our house, I'll be a source of the strength and inspiration, of passion and tenderness. Nu conteaza aspectu conteaza inima intelegerea si iubire Om serios cum am acris si mai sus nu distractii si povesti
Femeie, 66, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
sunt o persoaana inteligenta . The most charming and nice creation of the world that is searching for love and tenderness. maybe it is hard to believe but I am lonely but like noone else I miss your warm touches and hot kisses. Please, do not make me wait for my happiness for too long, I want to be with you and only you!!!!! simpla un mascul calm.
Femeie, 61, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
destul de placuta, intelegatoare, simpatica, cu mult simt al umorului.............. Sint in virta de 57 de ani ,sint o prietena activa cu un servici care ma implica extrem mult dar cu posibilitetea de ami vedea de viata personala destul de bine.Sint singura ,nu sint implicata in nici o relatie si de accea vor sa cunosc o persoana potrivita pentru o relatie decenta . Nu sint nici gratioasa nici urita sint o nevasta normala. atragator dar cu 5 kg in plus.......care nu sunt chiar o problema....... cauta jumatatea mea, daca cumva este, simpaic, educat si posibil cu barba, daca cumva este......daca nu vom astepta........chiar daca momentul nu prea permite mult......
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
las la aprecierea ta... I am a creative, active and funny girl. These words could describe me perfectly. I am open, sincere, and honest. I try to stay optimistic and to solve any problems with the smile on my face. I am not afraid of any difficulties and ready for any life adventures. o persoana draguta...si care adora distractiile!
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Nu imi place sa ma descriu singura daca vrei vino sa aflii singur :-* It is not a lot of about itself: my name Olga, I live to Russia, my city Kirov, it not big, but very beautiful, At me light hair which you can see in a photo, I have not big growth, I have finished University, and work now in library, I love books, and very strongly I like to read, I could not find the love, here, in the homeland, to the poet I have decided to visit this site of acquaintances, To try to find love, about a bark I so a long time dream, I am very strong the lonely girl, I have not enough friends, I live with my parents, I work much to help them. I love reading books, novels, a fantezie detectives, still I love navigation, but on it at me not so It is a lot of time, still I like to walk in the street, easier to sit in park, and to read books, I have got used To loneliness, and now I want that my life has changed, I have no children, but I very strongly love them, and very strongly I wish to have the children. I search for the kind, fair person, only not mere words, Which is capable for me of the big step in the life which can understand me, and can can grow fond, for me the age does not matter, we in Russia have a saying that I love all age are obedient. Therefore I search for love, I do not smoke and I do not drink, I have no bad habits, and consequently At me good health. It is not a lot of walks along the street, and you the happiest)) if I are interesting to you, That I shall be happy to read your message. Only any games and to not offer sex. I not the girl Easy character, that dont sent to you sexual photos. At me they are not present, can not ask at all. I think that it is only small part about me if you wish to know about me more write to me. Destul de bun !!!! Un baiat care stie sa se distreze !!!!
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Sunt o fata tinara am o fetita de 1an jumate.sunt o fire linistita harnika de familie Sunt un om de calitate ,sincera ,familist convins ,detest minciuna.Mi-asi dori sa intilnesc un barbat , cu aceleasi calitati si sa ne petrecem restul vieti inpreuna ,atit cit a mai ramas din ea si sa inbatrinim FRUMOS !!! Nu le vom sti nicicand pe toate ,inportant e sa invatam ceva din viata asta !!! S Spun mai tirziu Caut barbat serios de familie si sami iubeascca fata si le mine persoane care doresc sa discute sau relatii pe telefon sa nu ma deranjeze
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Sunt o persoana naturala modesta, toleranta, emaptica, generoasa. Urasc minciuna, aroganta , ignoranta si prostia. Valorile adevarate sunt familia, candva de toate , respectul fata de tine insuti si fata de cei din jurul tau , sa dai si sa primesti sentimente de dragoste, sa te valorezi si sa valorezi pe cei dragi si sa fii valorat. Nu are importanta partea materiala ci uniunea cu persoana de aproape tine. Sa iti fie (si sa fii alaturi)la bine si la greu .
Femeie, 47, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
plina de viata,restul afla tu daca esti interesat im ok looking and i am on here looking for my dream partner who will care for me and treat me like a woman who won't cause me shit in our relationship and won't cheat on me because i have been cheated on lots of time sunt eu, asa cum nimeni nu ma mai poate schimba un om sincer, tandru care sa isi doreasca o familie bazata pe intelegere si iubire
Femeie, 38, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
I traveled so much, it's time to sit and contemplate ... now looking for a soul mate to share my joy for life and discover the world together.
Help me to find that, and I'll be there forever I want to find the one who will not have secrets from me and will be a cheerful and loving person. He should be soft and kind, friendly, reliable, firm, responsible, though extremely tender and sweet to me. I want to find a nice and interesting man who believes in trusting and respectful relations between people. I wish him to have good manners and be a real gentleman. I would not mind if he is a bit stubborn, but definitely loyal, trust worthy, and with honorable intentions. fizic...i'm sure that matter, but not to me. I'm not so sexy(l was) not so good, not so bad...but l love to laugh, and see people laughing
Respecting me for who I am... I hope to be found, and together to descover the rest, let you to find the treasure hidden in my soul, the values of respect and love..
Femeie, 43, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
sunt o fata simpla Prietenia si respectul stau la baza unei relatii durabile si trainice. Esti tu schimbarea pe care vrei sa o vezi in jurul tau sau o astepti doar de la ceilalti? Teme de interes-implicare: educatia, justitia sociala, antreprenoriatul social, participarea civica, mediul si dezvoltarea durabila, frumosul din natura si cel din creatia omului..Imi place lemnul, nu plasticul. Imi plac copacii vii, cele mai minunate si valoroase creaturi vegetale. Si Diana Krall.. agreabil zic uni pe cineva sa ma iubeasca asa cum sunt
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
sunt o persoana calma,cu responsabilitati.iubesc si sunt iubita si asta ma bucura cel mai mult. Sunt Lucy 58 ani, vaduva, miniona, copii casatoriti. Am un suflet mare, asistenta medicala-pensionata, Doresc sa cunosc un barbat pentru prietenie/casatorie cu suflet nobil de o maxima seriozitate, de preferinta din Israel sa vorbeasca limba romana. Vorbesc putin ebraica si iubesc Israelul. Astept cu nerabdare ca din departare sa rasara o stea mare, Steaua de la Jerusalim pe care toti o iubim...!! 90-60-90,dar din pakte km in ultima vreme am km slabit
dragostea asta ce face din om... multi prieteni
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Fata simpla de la tara cu un copil de 8 ani Sunt o persoana tonica, dinamica, cu simtul umorului , optimista, draguta si inteligenta (deloc modesta) . Caut un mascul normal, sa ne plimbam in parc , sa mergem la munte, sa comentam un film bun, o carte, sa bem o cana de ceai sau vin....., depinde de situatie Naturala Un om bun cu suflet si iubitor
Femeie, 42, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
O fire linistita care imi doresc sa cunosc pe cineva de incredere si cu bunul simt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Placut Vor sa cunosc pe cineva care stie ce vrea de la veata
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
I can`t say a word aboutz me...but u can find it by your own way.... Vad ca ai obosit ,dar eu nu pot sa merg in locul tau .....pot doar sa merg laolalta cu tine .....Vad ca suferi ,dar eu nu pot sa-ti plang lacrimile ,pot doar sa plang impreuna cu tine ,Vad ca vrei sa renunti ,dar eu nu pot sa-ti traiesc viata ,pot doar sa traiesc alaturi de tine ,Vad ca ti-e frica ,dar eu nu pot sa mor pentru tine ,pot doar sa.-ti daruiesc o viata fara de moarte ....! Hm mici surplusuri :(if u like me...u will like if i am fat or i am anorexic I really don`t know....when i will find out i will say to you
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Sunt o persoana,cu bunele maniere,zimbitoare ,glumeata..cu un haracter bine hotarit,,,stiu intotdeauna ce imi doresc,si aea obtin!intelegatoare,iubitoare de fiintele dragi,prietenoasa..etc..Daca ma indragostesc sunt un pic geloasa,ce este al meu,al meu da fie Sunt inalra,am parul lung blond..am ochii verzii,nu sunt slaba..nici grasa,am un fizic frumos,am cincizeci si sase kg.. Vreau sa fac cunostinta cu un barbat serios,si care ar vrea sasi intemeieze o famili,sa fie sincer si iubitor,am o fetita draguta,si as vrea sa o iubeasca si pe ea ca sipe mine..imi place sa fim stimati si sa nu spunem minciuni unuia altuia..orelatie frumoasa si iubitoare..
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
Nush c sa zic despre mn....va las sa ma descoperitzi...:) My character and soul are close to the ocean: wide and deep, quite and warm, sometimes is very active. I am charming lady with good sense of humor and active life style. I am very sociable and friendly that is why I have a lot of friends. My attitude to the life is philosophical and if something has happened it should be so. If we have done something we should accept it as our life experience and continue to live. The main characteristic of me is compromise. I want people know that I am a very active person. 90-60-90..:D:D:P:P
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
motto:rasar, ma-nalt , cobor, apoi dispar si-apusul meu e totusi rasarit !...asta cred ca spune multe despre mine... Am a female nurse by profession with a good job and all that comes am independent, but in some ways am pretty traditional. I have one son who i look after, After the dead of my late sister . Am outgoing so i have many friends and like to get out on the weekends to enjoy music, dancing, karaoke, , comedy shows, movies, dinner, walks, drives, picnics, BBQs and sightseeing, etc. I would like to get back into hiking, camping, canoeing, and kayaking. I like to stay home, eat in , and watch a movie by the fire when it's cold though.
Femeie, 42, Necasatorit(a)
Fundulea, Calarasi Romania
pai vretzi sa ma descriu eu.... mai bine vedetzi shi voi... sa nu zicetzi ca sunt prea modesta Zimbitoare, comunicativa, placuta, serioasa, cu simtul umorului . Caut un OM adevarat , alaturi de care sa pot trai momente minunate , sa construim laolalta ceva frumos ... sa ne iubim si sa ne dorim sa fim impreuna zi de zi clipa de clipa , pe tot parcursul vietii sunt buna....in functzie de gusturi.... potentzial....