Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
sunt o fire calma si intelegatoare In aceasta viata am pus accent pe corectitudine sinceritate loialitate....considerand ca sunt la temelia unei comunicari adevarate. in aceasta jungla care a devenit viata noastraSemenii si/au pierdut receptivitatea . Si totusi pot spune ca nu am uitat ca OAMENII MERITA IUBITI SI RESPECTATI si cu sufletul si cu inima. Am tinut sa tin la oameni cu sinceritate si cu atat mai mult la cei deosebiti. INTOTDEAUNA am cautat sa creez un cadru de manifestare al sensibilitatii si disponibilitatii SUFLETULUI!. sa ma accepte asa cum sunt vreau un baiat de casa intelegator iubitor sa fie din arges si sa vrea o relatie serioasa nu aventura si partanerul sa fie intre 19-30 de ani
Femeie, 59, Casatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
Nu s interesata de niciun fel de interactiune cu masculi insurati. Nu va mai obositi sa mi
explicati ce stramba sunt eu, care singura fiind, am cont pe un site de matrimoniale si ce
drepti, sinceri si corecti sunteti voi, care insurati fiind, ma judecati pe mine. Stiu cum arat, pot sa pozez la anii mei in Playboy, asta dupa 4 nasteri. Un mascul care safie barbat, fara fitze.
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
La urma urmei...."Today is tomorrow you didn't prepare for yesterday" Ce am ales EU acu' la 54 de primaveri: "vivre à fond", fiecare reintalnire cu cei dragi, desfatare la maxim - hedonic, fara bariere si limite "Carpe Diem"! dulce...
Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
Sunt o persoana sincera, matura, iubitoare si conceputa profesional, independenta financiar. Caut partener onest, inteligent, corespunzator si autonom pe toate planurile, pentru socializare si poate mai mult. Magistral ! Un mascul , respectos intelegator iubitor si sa stie vorbi cu o prietena sa o respecte si sa o protejeze. Te astept
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
youth abroad, have lived in the US for most of my life. mother of to two wonderful children - all independent and productive. Down to earth, optimistic, appreciative of my good fortune and the interesting opportunities life has presented... curious and inquisitive - smart enough to know what I know and what I don't. Kind, sensitive and considerate in my professional and personal life; comfortable being understated rather than a headline. A kind, happy, interesting, alluring, intelligent and confident man makes me smile. binisor:) ceva
Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
o fiinta plina de viata , un pik cam salbatica, dornica de orice senzatii noi, in cautare de iesiri in aer liber departe de orice prejudecati I the beautiful young girl who wishes to begin serious relations. About myself I can tell, that I very sociable and positive person. It seems to me that the nature generously has awarded me with such qualities as mind, beauty and good nature. I very kind person, at least so my friends respond about me. But I am very easy for offending. I was disappointed in men a little and I live with hope that I will sometime meet the love. I love cooking, to listen to music, very much I love children. In my opinion it is impossible to seize all merits, it seems to me that I own many of them. And in more details I will tell about myself in the letter. cauta-ma sa ma descoperi toata fantezii salbatice
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
Vesela, comunicativa iar daca vrei sa sti mai mult ma poti intreba. Se spune ca e necesitate de un minut pentru a-ti da seama ca o persoana e speciala,de o ora pentru a o aprecia, de o zi pentru a te indragosti dar uneori...nu ajunge o viata pentru a o uita......Si dice che ci vuole un minuto per notare una persona speciale,un'ora per apprezzarla,un giorno per volerle bene....ma non basta una vita per cancellarla...... Lucrul acesta se poate vedea din poze. Prietenie,distractie si eventual o relatie.
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
sunt o persoana careia ii place sa se distreze si nu ma opreste nimic sa fac lucrul acesta! sunt nici frumoasa,nici urita,nici bogata,nici saraca,imi plac oamenii si acord circumstante atenuante oricarei persoane,dar pastez distanta dintre mine si cei care vorbesc necuvincios..viata este atit de scurta incit este pacat sa ni-o scurtam si noi..sunt o nevasta calma,am multa intelegere ptr fiintele suferinde de boala,imi place sa ascult muzica picaturilor de ploaie..si-mi place sa privesc orizontul cu toate transformarile lui.. caut masculi cu care sa pot vorbi,intalni si de ce nu si distra!!!
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
Sunt o persoana sincera si sufletista dar urasc naivii Sunt o fire deschisa, romantica, intelegatoare, destul de sociabila, vesela, o romantica incurabila,sincera, serioasa, dasunt in cautarea acelei iubiri miraculoase, divine, ce iti da aripi ..alaturi de sufletul-pereche..ca mai apoi cu parul arjintiu fiind,sa avem refujiu intro casuta mica umpluta cu miriasma de flori si pomi curgind de roada...sa ne ducem traiul tihnit si plin de viata...,amintiri...,calatoriii... Las la aprecierea ta O persoana sincera si iubitoare care sa stie ce sa vrea de la viata
Femeie, 23, Casatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
Carpe Diem Daca esti casatorit iti vor fericire dar nu imi scrie ca nu imi pierd timpul.Daca esti singur,stii sa spui bancuri ,stii sa dansezi,iti place muntele si nu ai ochi alunecosi atunci bine te-am gasit:). P.S.apreciez masculii cu cei 7 ani de acasa. inalta. simtul umorului.......se gaseste?
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
Frumoasa, desteapta si iubareata foc Ma numesc Georgiana si as dori sa imi gasesc dragostea adevarata.Sunt o fata romantica ,amabila si sincera .as vrea sa imi gasesc perechea si sa fie fidel,romantic,tandru,dragastos,sincer spt ca nu imi plac minciunile si tradarea agreabil
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
I believe that only with love in your heart you can be really happy. Love for me is a feeling, which contains passion, friendship, trust, and understanding. On the other hand, I'm a very positive and optimistic person and you will never get bored with me. I'm a serious woman you can rely on. I know what are my goals and I always try to achieve them! I do not concentrate on problems, but concentrate on creating happiness and pleasure around me. I love having fun and feeling happiness and harmony in myself. I also like to smile my smile is very sincere and real and I would like you to see my smile every morning!
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
sunt o persoana energica, vesela, dornica de distractie.. I'm a mature woman, it is very important for me that a new heat center appears in my life - a beloved man. It is for this purpose that I came to this site. I am open to new feelings and emotions, I want to discover the world of love and hope, tenderness and frankness. I have a very economic nature. I love to lead an active life, but it is empty without love. inalta, blonda, draguta caut persoane cu care sa pot discuta si cu care sa ma pot simti bine....cam atat momentan
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
buna tuturor.... Nu ........... mai deranjati inutil,nu sant interesata de nimeni....................Sunt ce vreau eu sa fiu,si asta doar cand vreau,,,bagatorii in seama care nu au bani in buzunare nici macar de o pizza,rog nu mai insistati degeaba......sunt satula de laudarosi.! frumoasa:d
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
As a very open and sincere person I cannot lie. I value honesty and humanity. I am trying to stay optimistic in any situation. I like to learn something new all the time. I love life and I would love to share my optimism with the decent man. I am kind-hearted person, because I believe life is made of moments that should be appreciated. I hope that soon I will find my soulmate here!
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
Sunt o persoana draguta,miloasa,iubesc animalele,sunt geloasa in dragoste,dar si destul de romantica.Imi plac sportul,arta si oamenii speciali,deschisi,care care stiu sa se bucure de viata si care nu au prejudecati. am 1,83 m inaltime,slabuta,blonda....restul las aprecierea voastra Caut prieteni noi,oameni deschisi,cu chef de vorba si cu idei interesante.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
O fire sociabila si serioasa Nu suport tigarile si alcoolul asa ca daca le consumi te rog nu ma contacta Ador sportul si imi doresc un partener sportiv sau macar sa i placa(dar si sa practice cand are timp macar ) Nu mi doresc copii caci am unul deja Vreau un partener (singur sau divortat )pe care sa ma pot baza oricand si cu care sa impartim o relatie de dragoste si pasiune in intaiul rand Simpatic Un barbat care sa mi ofere echilibru
Femeie, 46, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
Sunt o fire vesela si comunicativa.. Apreciez sinceritatea, modestia, respectul de sine si fata de ceilalti, precum si flexibilitatea si dorinta de a evolua.... Poate impreuna. Sunt onesta, deschisa, vesela, extrem activa, iubesc tot ce este elegant si delicat. Acasa poate fi si in natura, la mare, la munte, inclusiv cu sporturile aferente. Este bine sa stii ca daca nu te identifici cu ale mele cerinte si cu ale mele preocupari, pe alocuri, macar, din pacate, nu cred ca ne vom scrie. Multumesc pentru intelegere :) Intrucat contul a fost fabricat mai demult si inchis si apoi redeschis, si nu pot modifica varsta, fac mentiunea ca am 38,6 ani. Rog curiosii si neseriosii (necunoscatori de limba materna) si doritorii de flirt ... sa se abtina. asa si asa prieteni, persoane cu care sa vorbesc..
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
Iubitoare sunt o persoana care apreciaza, bunul simt.cu un simt al umorului bine dezvoltat,sincera.deschisa in indiferent ce provocare..Caut un baiat.dragut,serios,simplu,care isi doreste cu adevarat o relatie serioasa..apreciat,iubit....sau gresesc? Caut un mascul adevarat
Femeie, 38, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
Urasc prostia si minciuna... Vad ca ai obosit ,dar eu nu pot sa merg in locul tau .....pot doar sa merg impreuna cu tine .....Vad ca suferi ,dar eu nu pot sa-ti plang lacrimile ,pot doar sa plang laolalta cu tine ,Vad ca vrei sa renunti ,dar eu nu pot sa-ti traiesc viata ,pot doar sa traiesc alaturi de tine ,Vad ca ti-e frica ,dar eu nu pot sa mor pentru tine ,pot doar sa.-ti daruiesc o viata fara de moarte ....! e ok....
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
bunaaaaa I'm caring, understanding and down-to-earth person. I'm pretty with slim and slender body. I am a loving daughter and a reliable friend. I lead a healthy and athletic way of life. Like doing some swimming. I like to smile and I think that smile can tell a lot. I am not optimistic and reliable person for my family and my future man. I love life in all aspects. I'm also adventurous and love's trying new things out. In terms of relationship, I'm loyal and faithful to the man that I will truly with for the rest of my life. I like simple and peaceful life
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
cuminte si devreme acasa!!!!:) I am Susana, I am living in Philadelphia, USA, I love running, painting, cooking healthy, watching independent movies, etc. I would like to meet someone from Romania, I am planning to visit Romania by November, it would be nice to have some friends there as well. So please send me a message if you like my profile... am trei picioare....si trei urechi!!!:)))glumesc sa spun ce spune toata societatea ,, ce nu am gasit pana acum " as fi penibila:))).....never say never!
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
nonconformista,atipica Voglio continuare la mia amicizia o di più in compagnia di una "bella persona" e costruire con le sue nuove relazioni basate sulla tenerezza, il rispetto, la realizzazione e la fiducia in tutti gli aspetti, una persona corretta !! brigittevasque71 AT gml com Non sono qui per divertirmi, ma sono aperto a qualsiasi bellissimo incontro gratificante che mi verrà offerto ... Sono una persona realistica e ottimista, soddisfatta, curiosa, mi piacciono le persone vere, coltivate, raffinate e calde . Ho un figlio single e amo mio figlio, ridere, cantare, ballare, gite culturali, concerti, musei, mostre ecc ... la foresta, la natura, scoprire il patrimonio culturale e la storia senza dimenticare la gastronomia ... La mia ricerca: una persona che ha un innegabile desiderio di investire in una relazione stabile e rispettosa, che sa che amare non è possedere l'altro, o vuole modellarlo al suo ideale, ma può rilevare il suo aspettative da riempire, tutto questo a vicenda. Se sa come trovare le chiavi, riaprirà le porte dei miei tesori nascosti ... Lancio questa bottiglia nel mare, inoltre, la mia bottiglia non è vetro, ma cuore. agreabil nu-mi plac stereotipurile....deci ce ramane!
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
Caut o relatie serioasa! I\'m very Cheerful girl with open heart. I prefer active lyfestyle. I am family-oriented girl, who wants to love and to be loved! I hope, that this my little but very sweet dream will come true one day! Un mascul adevarat si serios!
Femeie, 47, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
Sociabila I enjoy fine dining and am always looking for someone to share the appreciation of good food and fine wine. I am just as comfortable with my hair up in old jeans as with my hair down wearing my favorite little negru dress. Elegant Prietenie
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
Sunt o iubita de viata ,glumeata,si imi place sa ma distrez I am a calm and balanced person, I try to avoid conflicting situations and do not enter into disputes. I like to spend time with children.I want to be honest with you am serious in looking for a good and honest man to share my life with, i hope you have same intention. I am ready to start a relationship that will last for a lifetime.I believe that thing will workout fine between us with time as we get to know each other, am a good listener. Placut Un mascul sa stie cum sa se poarte cu o sotie !!!
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
sociabila I am a romantic and tender lady, but it never bothers me from having fun with friends and living very active life! I am loving and caring, I am always an honest and devoted person and I feel so lonely without somebody very distinct to care about. You will never see me arguing or crying at anybody. I must tell you that all my friends believe I bring luck and success. I am fond of pets as these creatures are very loyal and also need our love and warmtm...... Speaking about the best features of my character I want to say I am very optimistic person. I think if we believe in the best we will be happy and achieve everything we want. But when we have bad thoughts it influences our mood and our future plans. Also I can admit kindness and frankness in my temper. To my mind it is very important to be sincere and to open our heart in communication if we really want to have a friend. Friends say I am very active person and it is always interesting to spend time with me as I have a sense of humor.........I am looking for an kind, ordinary, faithful man who knows how to treat the woman and appreciates family values, who would like to have a happy family, home cosiness and a beautiful wife........ dragutza......restul il vei afla cand ma vei cunoaste dragutz,cu simtul umorului,vorbaret brunet cu ochii verzi,1,70
Femeie, 49, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
Sint o persoana draguta sincera prietenoasa care isi cauta inca jumatatea Sunt inteligenta,independenta,puternica si sensibila in acelasi timp.Daca esti in cautare de aventuri de o noapte sau relatii pasagere ,nu te mai obosi sa ma contactezi ,imi dau seama fara intarziere si-ti pierzi momentul .Daca esti cu ceva mai dominant ,mai inteligent si vrei sa ma cunosti,am sa dau o sansa unei prietenii. Vor si poze de profil.Nu caut un fat-frumos,dar as vrea sa ai o infatisare agreabila. Și nu fi arogant ca nu-mi plac oamenii de genul. Mi-as dori sa fi din zona jud.Alba sau Cluj...Și inca ceva:daca esti casatorit ,te rog ,dar TE ROG,nu ma cauta... Nu ofer intelegere si "relaxare" pentru oameni casatoriti si cu copii. Bruneta,ochi verzi,slabuta. Caut mascul de virsta apropiata dragut care sa isi doreasca o relatie serioasa
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
Sunt o fata umpluta de viata,cu o potenta inepuizabila. Imi place aventura si nebunia vieii,dar totusi sunt si o fire romantica, ce stie sa gateasca...pot fi si o gospodina. Daca esti un barbat ce vrea sa isi traiasca viata,iti plac plimbarile si noptile pierdute in doi, cauta-ma! Sunt slabuta. Nu extrem inalta....Sunt tot ce trebuie. Aventura,discutii deschise despre absolut orice subiect,plimbarii,noptii pierdute in doi...si daca devine serioasa treaba ,cu atat mai bn. Imi caut jumatatea ce ma completeaza.
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
sociabila I have no desire to see or swap dirty pics - really not that kind of woman. also if you haven't got a face pic, haven't filled your details in and haven't said what you are looking for - then ask me if I want to connect - expect sarcasm as a reply! In a nutshell I'm a down to earth young woman with both old school and new school values. I still believe in courting, picnics in the park, long conversations and gentlemen opening doors. o fata normala o retie serioasa
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
I love singing and I am intense. I am not saint, I am not rebel. I am ordinary girl from Ukraine. But I have a very big heart. And with a help of this site I am going to full my heart with love. I havena€™t got any bad habits; I am very kind and tender lady. I am not stupid, but I am not too smart?. I have a lot of friends and very good family, but without love my life is not so bright. I want to find my soul-mate and to make him the happiest man in this world! I have so much warmth and tenderness for him! I do not need something very special, I just want to love and to be loved, and I think that it is great. Cause it is impossible to live without love. So I will patiently search for my half and hope I will have luck in this? I am beautiful and sexi. I want the right person.
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
de treaba si o sa vedeti mai multe dupa ce vb cu mine k sa ma cunoasteti Uneori privim prea mult inspre trecut si poate inca ne mai doare...Alteori,ne este teama sa privim spre viitor de frica ca ranile sa nu se redeschida...Dar daca nu risti...nu vei stii nicicand ce ai fi putut castiga...daca totusi ai fi incercat..............................oare asa sa fie??? IUBIREA E TOT CE DORIM , IAR IN FINAL E TOT CE AM AVUT . DACA SE AFLA UN SENS AL VIETII ... ATUNCI EA ESTE SENSUL , DACA NU ... EA AR NECESITA SA FIE . SA IUBESTI NU E NIMIC , SA FII IUBIT E CEVA , SA IUBESTI SI SA FII IUBIT E "TOTUL" . "A IUBI NU INSEAMNA A NE PRIVI UNUL PE CELALALT , CI A PRIVI AMANDOI IN SINONIMA DIRECTIE ...in viata trebuie sa inveti sa citesti printre randuri si oameni . Sa citesti printre vorbele lor si chiar dincolo de ele . Uneori un oftat povesteste mai mult decat un roman-fluviu , o privire - mai mult decat o biblioteca !!! barbati
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
I am an honest heart that\'s looking for a stable relationship,I understand it is important to lay down lasting foundations for a lasting relationship,I am an active person who enjoys cycling and running best. I believe keeping fit is important. I am not interested in games or drama,I enjoy fine dining and am always looking for someone to share the appreciation of good food and fine wine,I amjust as comfortable with my hair up in old jeans as with my hair down wearing my favorite little black dress,I love to dance:All styles, disco,house or swing
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
Femeie, 57, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
sincera,cu bunul simt,timida, I am a fun outgoing a bit much fly by the seat of my pants type of gal... I find my self to be verrry funny and I don't have a filter most of the time. I have a very BIG heart which tends to get me introuble at times. I'm a full blown Leo so I guess that makes me king of the jungle but if u are nice I might let u wear my crown!! placut dragut cu simtul umorului,necasatorit
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
nu ma pot descrie singura Sunt o fata simpla si sincera si imi plac lucrurile mai simple mai modeste. Sunt serioasa si de casa rar cand mai caut si eu o escapada ca sa uit de nereguli de munca si sa ma relaxez fiind ca fac si studii in acelasi timp. De fumat fumez zilnic dar de baut pot sa zic ca beau doar ocazional asta nu insemna ca sunt bautoare inraita. Caut pe cineva serios de casa si sa fie in Franta. Rog persoanele care cauta aventuri sa se abtina. sunt micuta dar draguta pe cineva cu care sa pot vb
Femeie, 56, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
Libera in cautare de partener serios....in Franta. ...coasta de azur. Do you know that girl who's beautiful, intelligent, rich, the girl that can carry a conversation for more than 30 seconds, is confident, witty, and will bring you breakfast in bed? .. Well, I just backed over her this morning leaving for work.. Sorry guys!!! :) (a few of my pics are as recent as December / January 2010, taken in Romania) Placut..... Partener de suflet....si de viata...in Franta ....coasta de azur...nice
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
ma numesc karina si abia astept sa vad ce putem face impreuna I am the real woman and I have all palette of different emotions inside - beginning with tenderness and kindness and ending with wild passion! I am a woman with a good heart,I am sincere, cheerful ,with me is never boring! Where I am there is always joy, warmth and comfort! I always bring delectare in life the people love! I dream about the same sincere man! I don't have enough care, tenderness! I want to always be near my beloved man, to give him a smile on his face. I am always careful to the emotions and needs of other people, so I am looking for the man who will respect my feelings and emotions too and will not try to break my character to make me act like he wants all the time. I would hope to find someone who loves to be romanced with many hugs and kisses. Believe I know how to wake you up every morning! And remember that most important to me is sincere ness, honesty, and mutual respect blonda slaba cu ochi caprui un domn generos
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
sunt o fire foarte vesela Past relationships have made me realize how important sincerity, loyalty, honesty, adoration, and respect are. The most important thing is to let your faith lead the relationship - I believe Ia€™m ready for equally yoked relationship for the long haul. I am fully prepared and ready to enter into a serious relationship. I want to share everything I have and enjoy each day to its fullest in the quest we choose to embark together. So sent be shy dear one. 90-60-90 prieni:P:P
Femeie, 42, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
Im Mary Spencer,29 years old,also I live in North Carolina,I being an adventure person, I figured I would write you and see what happens. I believe that fate deals us the cards and it is up to us to play it by our hands, I'm a very creative, caring,loyal,honest,generous and cool headed person. Mariage and long term relationship I need someone caring,generous,romantics,loyal,humble and honest man whom knows how to take care of women.
Femeie, 38, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
va las pe voi sa ma descrieti e mai asa Daca iti place sa citesti, daca ai simtul umorului , daca iti plac seriale gen MASH sau Friends si le ai vazut de atatea ori incat stii replicile , daca ai imaginatie, ei bine ... pornim de aici. ca orice om natural un baiat sincer si care sa fie intelegator restul vine de la sine
Femeie, 55, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
Femeie, 70, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
160 m,67 kg,mignona,simpatica pai despre mn ce pot sa zic,in 2 cuvinte nu reusesc sa ma descriu....in fraza e prea mult....scurt si la obiect poate reusesc:vorbareata,vesela , optimista;cuvinte cheie care deschid o parere. asa sunt eu!nu ma pot schimba....si nici nu as face-o! vrei sa te respect?respecta-ma pt ceea ce sunt nu pt ceea ce ai vrea sa fiu... usor un mascul divortat sau vaduv care sa ma respecte si care sa aiba grija de mine
Femeie, 71, Necasatorit(a)
Curtea De Arges, Arges Romania
consider ca sunt o persoana agreabila I am an honest and good christian who loves being surrounded by family, friends and holidays. I am ready for a serious relationship and I really look forward to starting that with the right person. I am an honest,loyal, passionate, generous, giving, affectionate, sexual placut un partener de viata serios pentru mai departe