Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
sunt ice, deci spun totul prin asta, dar.... sunt si baby, deci alege ce vrei sa fiu si am sa fiu exact contrariul.. "primei impresii nicicand nu-i acorzi a doua sansa"...o mica completare pt pers care nu au cei 7 ani de acasa...nu ma aflu in Spania la cules capsuni...asa k,putin bun simt nu ar strica,mai ales ca nu stiti cine e in spatele acestui nick. numai buna de lins in talpa... ba nu, urma de la talpa... nimic special, doar o raza calduta, pentru a ma face sa ma topesc..
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
Nu ........... mai deranjati inutil,nu sant interesata de nimeni....................Sunt ce vreau eu sa fiu,si asta doar cand vreau,,,bagatorii in seama care nu au bani in buzunare nici macar de o pizza,rog nu mai insistati degeaba......sunt satula de laudarosi.! 10+ relatie, casatorie
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
Buna rau
Sexy Iaa‚¬a„˘m just looking for my second half, for the Man, who will bring happiness to me, who will show me the real love in the real life. Itaa‚¬a„˘s so exhausted to be alone. I donaa‚¬a„˘t mean that I have no friends or people to spend my time with, no, I am a very sociable girl, I even can be a heart and soul of the party when I am in a good mood, but today Iaa‚¬a„˘m looking not for new acquaintances, but for the Man who will be more than just a friend for me, who will be my support, my soul mate, my beloved man. Par satean-negru ochi caprui sexy Sa vb cu cineva bun
Femeie, 21, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
vezi tu........... I am very lovely and active. I love my life and enjoy every clipa of it. I am who I am, I belive that there are no grozav people, we should take everyone for who they are. everyone deserves his piece of happiness and I am not at exception. I hope to meet my second half here and finally be bale to say that wonderful words: I love you. traditional pe cineva potrivit mie
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
Sunt o persoana sociabila si vreau sa-mi fac noi prieteni. I am theodora by name i am 31 female with no kids ...never been married...5'7 feet tall and athletic and I was born in colorado and raised in Ghana and my race is colorado My heritage is English,may be u may ask what i mean by my heritage is English is all cuss our Colonial masters was the British and my dad is a British man, my religion is a Christian,never mind about me been a Christian so let us see what the future would hold for me and u. Am student i study accounting and i just completed my education and had master degree in accounting. Talking about who i am;am that easy going type, adventurous, romantic, ambitious and have a very good sense of humor.. My hobbies are too many but to mentioned a few; sports,watching movies, going for walks, listening to music (almost all types of music), love on the beach, dancing in the dark
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
sociabila,simtul umorului...........restul descoperiti!!! I have a great sense of humor, A warm personality and people say I am easy to talk to and comfortable to be around. I try to learn new things daily because it keeps me enlightened about life. I believe in the old fashioned manners, kindness does matter. I am funny, passionate about things I believe In. I do believe in the golden rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Love your neighbor as thyself. Trust, Honesty and Understanding is very Important to build a good relationship and friendship. If you like to hike, fish, garden and cook. Need someone to talk to and have a good conversation with.. Please drop me a line usor
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
O fata simpla Sunt o nevasta puternica ,curajoasa ,increzatoare ,entuziasta ,cu sperante mari si mai am de conceput numeroase obiective .Sunt inteligenta ,competenta ,perseverenta si creatoare .Stiu sa daruiesc ,sa iert ,sa fiu apropiata de ceilalti si vreau aproape mine o persoana cu aceleasi caractere ca mine .Pot sa daruiesc multa iubire ,pretuire si respect si vreau sa primesc la fel . Atletic Tot ce e bun
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
i can not complain about me Ma plimb pe aici in speranta sa gasesc un barbat destept si cu bun simt si care sa vrea o singura relatie - stabila. ...................................................... "Daca zambesc constituie ca ma bucur; Daca te caut inseamna ca mi-e dor; Daca te ajut inseamna ca imi pasa; Daca intreb inseamna ca ma intereseaza; Daca ofer inseamna ca meriti; Daca cer inseamna ca am nevoie; Daca spun inseamna ca vreau sa stii." i think not bad man who invites me to travel abroad
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
Hmmm....niciodata nu mi-a placut sa ma autocaracterizez,insa..daca tot sunt aici :P Sunt o persoana spontana,imi place sa rad mult si sa fiu mereu in miscare...ador muzica si \"interactiunea interpersonala\" :D Ohh that hurts :P Aici prefer sa nu ma exprim, sa aprecieze altii..uite-asa!! Nu caut nimic,insa accept mai tot :) curiozitatea m-a impins aici...insa nu strica nicicand amici de peste tot, nu?Rock on :D
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
no coment lady with great hopes to find a person who wants to live by my side, who also hopes to find in me a friend for life, in all his worries and in all sincerity. I like to live carefully, happily and comfortably, friendship should be the ground for a common life, without limiting the other, without hindering anything, but so that everyone can be encouraged and strengthened. I would be very happy to receive your reply. Sincerely placut just fun
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
Sunt o persoana agreabila , sociabila si intelegatoare cand e cazul I enjoy fine dining and am always looking for someone to share the appreciation of good food and fine wine. I am just as comfortable with my hair up in old jeans as with my hair down wearing my favorite little pink dress. satisfacator Caut un mascul care sa ma respecte , sa ma iubeasca si sa imi prezinte o siguranta din toate punctele de vedere
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
iam sincere and honest lady.iam easy going person and very passionate person.single and have never marry before and i now search for an honest man for a relationship that will lead to a marriage.love music and reading a lots. un baiat ca-n vise..:P:P
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
Sunt o persoana sociabila mereu in cautare de noi prietenii,imi plac glumele de bun simt,am simtul umorului foarte dezvoltat Sociabila si prietenoasa. Sunt multumita cand intalnesc persoane noi, dar nu leg prietenii cu toata lumea. Am abilitatea de a vedea dincolo de masti cu foarte mare usurinta. Ma pun usor in pielea celuilalt, chiar daca nu am trecut prin aceeasi situatie.Sunt o persoana care detesta atitudinile rigide. De aceea respect gandurile si comportamentele diferite de ale mele. Nu imi place sa actionez dupa prejudecati si ii accept pe ceilalti asa cum sunt ei. Nu critic actiunile celorlalti si dau dovada de multa ingaduinta.Ma adaptez mai greu schimbarilor din jur, fie in gandire, conduita sau temperament. Constinciozitatea si responsabilitatea sunt 2 dintre atributele care ma caracterizeaza in marea parte a actiunilor pe care le intreprind. bruneta,ochii albastri,fizic simpatic socializare si de ce nu prietenii
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
vei vedea I am honest and sincere, not only in what I say, but also in everything I do. You can say that I am old-fashioned, but family values are most important to me. I am hardworking and purposeful, responsible, reliable and do not like to be late. I love order in everything. I am also a real lady, gentle, caring, gentle and feminine. natural ceea ce imi trebue in functie de moment
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
Sunt eu , cu calitati si defecte, ca oricare dintre noi. Ce caut aici ? Hmmmm...greu de spus, mai ales in vremurile astea pe care le traim cu totii. O discutie , o prietenie virtuala ...cine stie in ce punct se poate ajunge? Nu exclud nimic...Ma gandesc ca deocamdata sa imi alung plictiseala , atunci cand am astfel de momente. Momentul si destinul le va rezolva pe toate apoi... Pentru ca m-am inscris azi, 5.11.2020, va rog sa stapaniti putina rabdare cu mine... Inca nu stiu intocmai cum functioneaza acest site. Nu am sa imi fac abonament, deci cine este cu adevarat interesat de mine, ma poate contacta prin mesaje. Multumesc! Ah...o chestiune foarte importanta ! Nu sunt interesata de sex virtual! Daca nu raspund la mesaje , reprezinta ca nu le-am putut vedea. Imi pare rau!
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
Umpluta de viata ! I can say that I have a very versatile personality. One part of me is an independent, persistent, neat person, and the other is a very loving, caring, sweet and feminine lady. I try to maintain balance in my personality, my life, my work... 55 kg , placut! Un barbat (bine)
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
....las` la aprecierea altora 2 miine,2 picioare, un pic de cap. Posed si 2 ochi cu ochelari. Nu imi plac deprimatii si obsedatii de ei insisi. Sa partajam ce e dichisit ce e bun ce e util si ce e moral. Imi place natura si detest aglomeratia, si ar mai fii de spus mai am 1154 de caractere...1134 Nu te astepta la minuni sunt o persoana normala!!!
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
Sunt o persoana decenta ,civilizata si nu vor relatii de compromis! La drum... Azi i-am spus tristetii: nu te mai intoarce! Am inchis fereastra, nu poate intra, Am stins si lumina, nu ma vede-n noapte, Usa-i ferecata, lacat e pe ea! Mi-am facut bagajul, plin e cu de toate, Pun intai iubirea, e pe debutantul loc, Mai asez speranta, dorul, bunatatea, Gingasia, visul, pacea, dragostea. Pun si frumusetea...dar, Am luat si mandria, De a nu permite, Un alt ieri
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
provocatoare, fara limite! Nu raspund celor fara foto la profil!!! Ce caut aici? Partener pentru sex? Nu, nu am nevoie. Parteneri de dialog? Nu, pt asta se afla forumuri pe net, am prietenii. Sa pierd vremea? Nu, am alte lucruri mai agreabile de facut, decit sa bantui pe aici. Partener de calatorii ? Nu, am prietenii, am cu cine merge sau pot merge si singura. Atunci? Caut pe cineva cu care sa pot face toate lucrurile de mai sus si inca numeroase altele, iar lucrul asta sa imi faca placere, sa ma simt implinita. Ideal ar fi pentru mai mult timpa€¦.. Si pentru ca asta sa se intample, bine ar fi sa fie calm, optimist, echilibrat, deschis, comunicativ, cald, blind, delicat, vesela€¦si lista mai poate continua. Despre mine? Sunt comunicativa, romantica, sincera, si stiu foarte bine ce-mi doresc! Faptul ca ma aflu aici e o modalitate pt a face noi cunostinte, deoarece ma invirt intr-un cerc relativ restrans de oameni...continuarea evident o vor in viata reala ! Nu-s interesata de relatii pur virtuale, e prea eleganta realitatea ! Cei care doresc corespondenta, flirt, aventuri,.. rog sa ma ocoleasca!! las la aprecierea ta! un mascul fara prejudecati!!!
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
O fire cu simtul umorului... sunt o doamna f serioasa si mi vor deasemeni sa fie la fel persoana respectivafara minciuni alcool si dezamagiri doresc ceva real si concret multumesc de antelegere as mai putea integrala sa stie limba engleza minim dc nu mare sa poata lucra an uk,sa avem vigilenta reciproca MULTAM ! Vei vedea.. Baietii cu care am ce vb
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
Poi...nuj ce sa zic....sunt o fire mai zapacita...mi se zice ckocko....imi place volleyu....imi place sa am multi prieteni..si sa ma distrez...cam atat....:*:*:*:*:* Cercetatorii au descoperit ca "sunt gata in cinci minute" al femei reprezinta acelasi fapt cu "ajung acasa in cinci minute" al unui mascul . . . . . . . . Nu mai caut nimic, dar daca gasesc, s-ar putea sa ma razgandesc. :-??....multzi zic ca arat bine....ramane de vazut poi....sa-mi fac multi prieteni:X
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
hmm...nu vrei sa afli singur? Mi-as dori sa-mi gasesc sufletul pereche.Sa ma accepte asa cum sunt si cu calitati si cu defecte.Sa-mi dovedeasca ca ma iubeste cu adevarat si sa-mi fie laolalta si la bine si la greu.Barbatul pe care mi-l vor as vrea sa fie galant,serios ,cu bun simt si prezentabil. tu ce ai zice ? persoane educate,interesante,responsabile...care stiu ce vor de la viata..cu care poti sa ai o conversatie,fara fite si figuri...:)
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
sunt o tipa sociabila...indrasneata, imi place sa fiu tratata ca o printesa...ador sa dansez (in liceu am fost majoreta)! imi pare putin rau ca am terminat... Cand vine vorba de mine..sunt extrem putine aspecte pe care nu le pot controla dar sunt foarte multiple lucruri care-mi cad mie in grija. Eu decid cum imi petrec timpul, cu cine intreactionez si, cel mai important, eu imi aleg ce gandesc.. Prefer intotdeauna adevarul, cu riscul de a rani pe cineva. Sunt adepta sigurantei, iubesc ordinea si nu imi place sa ma complic mintind. Daca sunt provocata, pot ajunge incapatanata si inflexibila imi sustin cu tarie convingerile fara sa-mi fie teama de reactii. 167cm, sunt slabuta si obisnuiesc sa ma imbrac in fuste...ador fustele ff scurte...:) caut prieteni...:)
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
So often when we realize that all of our existence is longing to be in a couple, to meet the right person and just enjoy the happiness we all long for, i realize that we often think of what this relationship or this person will bring into our life- passion, tenderness, a reason to wake up, yet now i believe that first you have to feel the need not to take but to give, and only now i came to the stateb in my life when i know for sure what i have to offer, i am not searching anyone to complete me, to make my life fuller, I am not looking for my other half, as i believe we all separately already whole, already complete, and relationship is a solid U of two worlds that cherish the power of interaction dupa cum se vede nu conteaza
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
I am clever, kind, educated, tender, tactful, well-mannered lady. I want to love and to be loved. I would like to have a happy family. I like to travel, I like music, opera theatre, history books, animals, nature. I adore picnics and chilling out on the beach. I am intelligent and pretty, and can be the great wife and the best friend for you. MARRIAGE ONLY!
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
I am what a good man deserve. I know we have lots of good men out there, but am looking for just one that would be mine and see himself as mine only. I am compassionate, loving, naughty, caring , affectionate and not scared to love again. The only unconditional love I had ever known was that of my parents. My father used to tell me that , theres a man for me out there. Honesty, trust , loyalty, faithfulness and commitment and healthy relationship is what I seek out there. I am now embarking on the journey of finding love and I have chosen to seek a partner online for the first time.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
sunt buna rau.... I'm a very easy-going woman with an active lifestyle, positive, with a great sense of humor. I'm caring, sensitive, sometimes sentimental. I have lots of energy, my energy is enough for a lot of things: traveling, meeting friends, creating coziness in house, cooking delicious meals. I think that it is important: to listen to other person, to find compromises in relationship, to live life to the fullest, to support each other and enjoy wonderful moments together!
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
I am a funny young girl from the western part of Ukraine. I like active style of life very much. I like sports and animals. One day I want to have family, where there are love, trust, support and happiness! I like to spend my free time outdoor and I dream to travel in another country to see new people and may be find something interesting and useful for me?. I am always in good mood and my friends say that I like a sun in the sky?
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
astept sa ma descrieti voi Sunt o persoana sensibila, sufletista, f. sincera si deschisa. Detest minciuna si falsitatea. Ma aflu aici in intaiul rand ptr prietenie si socializare. Daca sunteti aici ptr aventuri va rog sa nu ma bagati in seama. inalta si frumoasa cred caut
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
SIMPLA imi vor o relatie de intinsa perioada bazata pe intelegere , armonie , echilibru si iubire.. Exclus masculii necasatoriti nicicand , casatoriti sau in relatii complicate si sub 49 ani . Pentru flirt nu ma deranja . va las pe voi sa decideti relaxare,
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
Sunt o nevasta puternica ,curajoasa ,increzatoare ,entuziasta ,cu sperante mari si mai am de realizat multiple obiective .Sunt inteligenta ,competenta ,perseverenta si creatoare .Stiu sa daruiesc ,sa iert ,sa fiu apropiata de ceilalti si vreau langa mine o persoana cu aceleasi caractere ca mine .Pot sa daruiesc multa iubire ,pretuire si respect si vreau sa primesc la fel .
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
hmm....sincera,dragutza..lalalala:D..... Mi-as dori sa-l gasesc pe acel care vrea sa se uite in ochii mei cu dragoste , zilnic, sa vorbim, sa ridem sa fim sinceri unul fata de celalat ,iar atunci cind nu suntem laolalta sa sintim ca ne lipseste ...aerul pe care il respiram.. Sa ne bucuram de natura,de liniste ,de serile petrecute in familie. Micile gesturi pentru mine constituie mult. Un zambet, o imbratisare, o amintire de care sa ma bucur mereu. Nu vreau sa spun ca e prea tarziu. no coment:D...
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
I am a muse and inspiration for my beloved man. I am a real lady with soft and tender voice, but much passion inside. A diligent and skillful teacher during the day time, but a hot cat at night. When in a relationship, I am absolutely supportive and dedicated, you can rely on me, I will not betray or put a knife in your back. Sometimes I am too open-minded, and usually people are not happy to hear what I really think of them. Well, I have to fight this trait. Flexible and optimistic in life. Like to see good sides in any situations, and stay positive. Will inspire my man for reaching his goals in life. And will stay side by side both in good and bad times.
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
If you are looking for something really singular here, you have finally found the right profile! Nice to meet you! And it would be even better to meet you in reality! I think I should let you know that I am a simple woman in the real sense of it and would stand by my man no matter what. I believe in the principle of love, once you are in it then you have to make it work as the younger generation these days do not seem to know what that is about. I can say that I'm elegant, sweet, very communicative, and naturally young lady! I know exactly what I want from life and one of my greatest desires is to meet my partner and make him the happiest in the universe! I'm ready for a serious relationship. Live happy every day! That's my motto, it helps to find something that I can be thankful for every day! Because we only live once, we should appreciate small and simple things that happen to us every day. I enjoy good food, wine and an interesting conversation. Un barbat care sa ma iubeasca :*
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
SUNT O FIRE MAI SENSIBILA TRAIESC SINGURA FARA PARINTI SI FARA PRIETEN,IUBIT. Sociabila,vesela si onesta.Ce as dorii de la viata ?......o calatorie in jurul lumii de exemplu! Sau..........o viata la tara cu o gospodarie plina de animalute..........:) Fidelitatea este importanta pentru mine.Am un miros fin la minciuna :)si daca nu ma accepti asa cum sint nu incerca sa ma schimbi ca te vei lovi de un zid....sfatul meu este sa treci mai departe :) USOR CAUT O RELATIE FRUMOASA SI SERIOASA INDIFERENT DE VARSTA
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Murfatlar, Constanta Romania
mda...sa incerc sa fiu obiectiva...cei apropiati mie ar spune cam asa: sociabila, vesela, inteligenta, spontana, mult prea sincera. eu as sporeste cam tot atatea defecte, dar n-o sa-mi fac acum antireclama, nu?