Nu ma judeca dupa spusele oamenilor, sau dupa felul cum arat! Ca sunt grasa sau in alte feluri? Dar va intreb altceva? Noi fetele mai "grase"cum spuneti voi !Nu avem suflet? ?Nu putem iubi?Nu ma placi nu ma baga in seama! Este simplu!Aparentele inseala! Nu sunt aici pentru "sex" pentru ca as putea avea oricand sa am aceasta placere! FI om si voi fi o Doamna cu tine! Fi porc si voi fi o scorpie! Caut mascul divortat din constanta cu copii
sunt ice, deci spun totul prin asta, dar.... sunt si baby, deci alege ce vrei sa fiu si am sa fiu intocmai contrariul.. ..atunci cand vrei o relatie serioasa,nu-i cauta celuilalt defectele, ci calitatile care il pun in plus,a iubi un om inseamna inclusiv sa accepti sa imbatranesti impreuna de el... " Albert Camus numai buna de lins in talpa... ba nu, urma de la talpa... nimic special, doar o raza calduta, pentru a ma face sa ma topesc..
O prietena normala, interesata de un om normal, nu suport filfizonii, mincinosii si pe cei ce cred ca multimea se invirte in jurul buricului lor. Imi plac barbatii atenti, inteligenti, tandri si cu simtul umorului. In fotografia de profil sunt tatal si fiul meu. 10+ relatie, casatorie
Buna rau
Sexy I'm a girl which perfectly blends beauty, nature and the creative feminine coquetry. You can experience with me pleasant moments and joy of communicating and being. For my beloved will not be barriers in the knowledge of my essence. Par satean-negru ochi caprui sexy Sa vb cu cineva bun
vezi tu........... I have very strong family values. I believe that a woman is a keeper of a home fire and I believe I can do it well. I do all house chores gladly and easy. I am tender and attentive. I believe that love can overcome all obstacles and believe that when two people stay together, it should be for good and bad times. Family for me is something close to the soul. When you have close people, you have someone, with whom you can share all that is happening to you in life, and it is worth a lot for me. clasic pe cineva corespunzator mie
Sunt o persoana sociabila si vreau sa-mi fac noi prieteni. I am a simple girl on the first sight, but full of passion and love inside. I want to find someone who can enter my world and open my feelings. I want somebody to share everything that has been deep inside my soul for so longaa‚¬ ¦I need to find my soul-mate to understand me and to spend all my life withaa‚¬ ¦
O fata simpla To describe myself I can use thousand of definitions, as I can be bright and shy person at the same time. I have very good sense of humor and now I need someone to share my life with all its pleasant moments with. I believe in real feelings and sure that they can overcome even through big distance. Atletic Tot ce e bun
i can not complain about me I'm an unusual girl, I'll tell you right away. I'm not a calm harbor. With me you'll be like on a roller coaster, I'll keep you toned and you'll feel the taste of life, I'll fill your life with all sorts of colors. Believe I'm the girl with a surprise and I have something to surprise you. I'm a girl with a big heart, very passionate and emotional! I have a strong character, I'm courageous and determined. I have two higher educations and one more not finished, I like to study and I am very hardworking, I always rely only on my strength. I really want to tell you about myself but here my story will not fit. i think not bad man who invites me to travel abroad
va las pe voi sa ma descoperiti...:P Sunt o fire realist? ?i de aceea nu prea m? mai zguduie nimic... am tr?it multiple experien?e ?i am stiut toate fe?ele pe care le pot avea oamenii. Experien?ele de via?? m-au inv??at s? nu mai am a?tept?ri de la ceilal?i ?i s? nu mai depind de nimeni. Nu mai a?tept s? mi se recunoasc? meritele, nici s? fiu in?eleas? ?i nici s? mi se r?spund? in mod echitabil la sentimente ?i la felul in care rela?ionez. Atletica:) barbatul perfect care NU exista!!!!
Hmmm....niciodata nu mi-a simpatic sa ma autocaracterizez,insa..daca tot sunt aici :P Sunt o persoana spontana,imi place sa rad mult si sa fiu mereu in miscare...ador muzica si \"interactiunea interpersonala\" :D Ohh that hurts :P Aici prefer sa nu ma exprim, sa aprecieze altii..uite-asa!! Nu caut nimic,insa accept mai tot :) curiozitatea m-a impins aici...insa nu strica niciodata amici de peste tot, nu?Rock on :D
no coment I the nice girl with good sense of humour. I love pets. I like to prepare various dishes. I love children; I like to read romantic books. I like to look films, both detectives and insurgents, and romantic adventures. Concerning character, I the quiet and counterbalanced girl. I do not love a deceit and treachery... Is More about me, you can learn, if write me the letter! ;) simpatic just fun
Sunt o persoana placuta , sociabila si intelegatoare cand e cazul I don't need anyone to take advantage of my weaknesses or my strengths, I need someone who will appreciate me for everything that I am... My past relationship was bad ever since then I have been single and scared to fall in love but now I am willing and ready now for a relationship... I am easygoing,open mined and I know how to treat my man and make him feel good, I gives to him every love he wants and always there for him when he needs a shoulder to lean on placut Caut un mascul care sa ma respecte , sa ma iubeasca si sa imi ofere o siguranta din toate punctele de vedere
So often when we realize that all of our existence is longing to be in a couple, to meet the right person and just enjoy the happiness we all long for, i realize that we often think of what this relationship or this person will bring into our life- passion, tenderness, a reason to wake up, yet now i believe that first you have to feel the need not to take but to give, and only now i came to the stateb in my life when i know for sure what i have to offer, i am not searching anyone to complete me, to make my life fuller, I am not looking for my other half, as i believe we all separately already whole, already complete, and relationship is a solid U of two worlds that cherish the power of interaction un baiat ca-n vise..:P:P
Sunt o persoana sociabila mereu in cautare de noi prietenii,imi plac glumele de bun simt,am simtul umorului destul de dezvoltat Sunt o pensionara vesela cu still si umor, stabilita de cativa ani in Vancouver Canada. Imi plac plimbarile in are liber, imi place sa gatesc mancaruri deosebite, sa calatoresc si sa socializez. Sunt in cautarea unui domn de varsta apropiata de mea, cu acelesi intrese , in vedera prieteniei sau de ce nu a unei relatii serioase de durata. bruneta,ochii albastri,fizic placut socializare si de ce nu prietenii
a man that is hardworking. A man that has love in abundance and is Ready to give it out. A man that needs care and support in Life. A man that will be there for me In The Good and Bad time of my life. A man that we will live together and Bear children and a man that will Love our Kids and take Good care of them and a man that we will like happily, hope to read back from you telling me the kind of woman you seek for...
vei vedea . . Viata mea imi apartine . . . . . . . . . Sufletul meu imi apartine . . . . . . . . . . . .Corpul meu imi apartine. . . . . . . . . . . . . Le daruiesc cui vreau, cat vreau, cand vreau si cum vreau. . . . . . . . . Nu are nimeni dreptul sa imi ceara nimic, cu atat mai mult cand imi cere lucruri pe care el/ea insusi/insasi nu le poate darui. . . . . . . . . .Ceea ce gandesc imi apartine. . . . . . . . . Am dreptul sa gandesc cum vreau ceea ce vreau. . . . . . . . . . . Nu sunt obligata sa ma incadrez in normalitatea sociala sau in normalitatea vreunui om.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Actionez impulsiv, actionez asa cum simt, nu ma invatati si nu-mi dati sfaturi, chiar daca gresesc sunt greselile mele. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunt poate absurda, poate ilogica, poate impertinenta, poate mint, poate nu mint, poate ranesc, poate nu ranesc, sunt egoista sau destul de egoista, dar sunt EU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Raspund cand vreau, cui vreau, este alegerea mea, timpul este al meu si NU vreau sa-l pierd . . . . . . . . . . . . inutil . . . . . . . . . NU critic si nu invat pe nimeni ce sa faca, deci va roga€¦a€¦a€¦a€¦. NU ma invatati si NU-mi dati indicatii pretioase . . . . . . . NU deranjez pe nimeni, va rog NU ma deranjati. . . . . natural ceea ce imi trebue in functie de clipa
Plina de viata ! I am kind, honest, sincere, I do not like to be bored and always find any business for myself. I'm active, I don't like being sad, I'm always cheerful. I like to travel. I like going to the movies, I like going to the gym. I love theatre. my favorite music is pop, jazz, classical. I hope that there will be a man who will be interested in me. 55 kg , placut! Un barbat (bine)
....las` la aprecierea altora I'm searching for my match and I've decided that I have a lot of love to give and it's time to start enjoying life and knowing new people again. I enjoy dancing, going out with friends, concerts and traveling. Nu te astepta la minuni sunt o persoana normala!!!
provocatoare, fara limite! NU minciunii, NU ipocriziei si mult simt al umorului! Pana la urma. ...Viata e mult prea scurta incat sa nu o traim cum se cuvine si mut prea eleganta incat sa nu.i acordam ,cel putin, un zambet zilnic! las la aprecierea ta! un barbat fara prejudecati!!!
Imi place de ocupare a fortei de munca de sport. Ele ajuta la sustinerea sanatatii si o cifra care nu este lipsit de importanta pentru orice femeie. Meu hobby este Aerobics. Am vizita ocupare a fortei de munca pe Aerobics de doua ori pe de o saptamana. In momentul liber eu de obicei, stau acasa si l-am citit cartile. Meu iubit de gen este Romane si aventuri. Uneori ma uit la televizor. Imi place sa ma uit si seriale diferite spectacole de divertisment. Imi place extrem mult pentru a arata \\\"Marele spalat\\\". In zile libere de obicei, vom merge cu prietenele la cinema sau pur si simplu la plimbare. Se afla astfel de zi cand am destul de mult obosesc la locul de munca si nu merg nicaieri. In afara de aceasta, atunci cand am liber minute am dori sa ?ese. Pentru aceasta am fost invatat de mama. Despre restul I se raspunde la corespondenta. Daca doriti sa aflati mai multiple despre mine scrie la mine, eu cu placere va raspunde la toate intrebarile pe care le interes.
O fire cu simtul umorului... I can be an angel, a witch, a lady, a crazy girl, a child, a lady, in one word a€“ a WOMAN, this all is me. I dona€™t have much to add to this. I am here not for friends, and not to write mails to a mysterious stranger on another side of the world. Leta€™s leave this romantics to teenagers. I want to get acquainted with a man, and meet with him in real life to continue. If you are not ready for this, or if you want only a pen-pal, leta€™s not waste time. Vei vedea.. Baietii cu care am ce vb vrei sa afli singur? Basically I love life and I love living life. I enjoy the outdoors, traveling, restaurants, laughing, goIng to events, and sociaLizing with quality peOple. I have travelled vastly. Its just better liVing and sharing lifE with someone else . Ia€™m originally from Malaysia and have lived in a few different couNtries. I enjoy being active, healthy and Staying fit. FaMily and quality friends Are importanT to me. If youa€™d like to know more Say a€śhia€ť tu ce ai zice ? persoane educate,interesante, stiu ce vor de la care poti sa ai o conversatie,fara fite si figuri...:)
Poi...nuj ce sa zic....sunt o fire mai zapacita...mi se zice ckocko....imi place volleyu....imi place sa am multi sa ma atat....:*:*:*:*:* My name is Emma Fallson am 24 years of age am from Philadelphia in the united state with a kind heart looking for a lovely person who is will to be in an unforgettable relationship till marriage someone with a castle heart who will treat me like a queen in it :-??....multzi zic ca arat bine....ramane de vazut fac multi prieteni:X
Sunt optimista, umpluta de potenta pozitiva si incerc sa vad jumatatea plina a paharului, fapt care ma face sa mai cred in cinste si onoare , in demnitate si adevar ,in sinceritatea si bunatatea oamenilor .Sa nu uitam totusi ca ne -am nascut dintr-o clipa de iubire.Iubesc tot ce-i frumos si curat sufleteste. Nu sunt aici pentru a cauta aventuri efemere, care oricum nu-ti aduc nimic bun; caut "jumatatea" cu care sa refac intregul , acel tot unitar plin de dragoste,lumina iubire bucurie,romantism frumusete sufleteasca,caut domnul, hotarat si pregatit pt un nou inceput,il caut pe EL,simplu spontan,serios si cu principii SOTUL care sa reuseasca sa lase balastul trecutului in urma si sa incerce sa traiasca in PREZENT .. sa "construim" ceva durabil, elegant si plin de armonie IMPREUNA. dupa cum se vede nu conteaza
sunt o tipa sociabila...indrasneata, imi place sa fiu tratata ca o printesa...ador sa dansez (in liceu am fost majoreta)! imi pare putin rau ca am terminat... I would describe myself as a€śreala€ť, friendly and kind..My personality traits are: Kind, loyal, romantic, good sense of humor, good listener,caretaker, compassionate, gentle, feeling, and sensitive honest, wise, playful, very tender hearted and am a dreamer. I like to go out to/and: fine dining, theater, ballet, opera, movies, drive, photography, museums, art galleries, like these physical activities: Swimming!!!, walking, jogging,American Football,Baseball fishing, . I hate to argue. I am a lover not a fighter 167cm, sunt slabuta si obisnuiesc sa ma imbrac in fuste...ador fustele ff scurte...:) caut prieteni...:)
Ingridients of life long relationshiop - love, care and trust, ability to compromise and desire to work together! I am ready for lifelong ride. I am friendly, simple, family, hardworking lady, love life and want to spend it with right person. Love to make surprise and cook something tasty for a beloved person, love to kiss and cuddle and walk hand in hand. Where are you, my partner in crime?;)))
sunt buna rau.... I love to laugh until my belly aches. I'm appropiate almost all of the time, but once in a while the silly rebellious side can sneak out and do the unexpected. So, don't be surprised, just go with it and it'll be a lot of fun. I'm a mix between the East and the West, motion and rest, impulsive and reflective. I'm sincere and true to myself and try to do the right thing and be a good person. So, if you like the versatility and the range and not afraid to be a bit outside of the box, we should talk.I know that my soulmate and Prince Charming is out there, he's just a little "directionally challenged" and hasn't found me yet. He is in touch with his feelings and not afraid to communicate them. He welcomes changes but his integrity does not falter. He communicates with an intent to understand rather than dissect and analyze. Etc..
I am a tender and romantic woman. I wish to admit that I am a woman who knows exactly what she needs in her life and doesn't want to loose time in vain. I like to care about people who are close to me! I have a lot of love in my heart and I want to give it to someone.
I dream to meet a man, who is looking for a mutual love and respect. I just want to full our hearts of happiness and romantic atmosphere! I dream to faurite relationships, where we can be honest with each other and should be able to rely on each other when it is needed.
SIMPLA Sunt o BALANTA veritabila, sociabila, sentimentala, optimista si sensibila. Imi organizez viata punand accent pe tot ce e frumos, elegant, ordonat si imi plac extremele dar prefer sa urmez o linie de mijloc. Sunt cat pot de diplomata, idealista si impaciuitoare. Imi place luxul si frumosul. Sunt destul de schimbatoare si tolerez greu rutina. Viata este umpluta de neprevazuta€¦nu-i asa? Sunt o sotie care stie sa faca afaceri si isi face loc a€śpe tocuria€ť cu mult tact in lumea barbatilor de afaceri. :) Caut un partener ... asemanator. :) Nota: Rog ca masculii casatoriti sau cei aflati intr-o relatie sa NU ma contacteze! Ar fi pierdere de timp. Multumesc. va las pe voi sa decideti relaxare,
astept sa ma descrieti voi un om obisnuit si cu bune si cu rele, dar cu suflet mare, pregatita sa intilneasca un om de la care sa primeasca atat cat ea poate sa daruiasca.Adevarul pentru mine inseamna frumusete si frumusetea constituie adevar. inalta si eleganta cred caut
Romantica, sensibil? cu simtul umorului,Iubesc copii,animalele si viata la tara . In rest sunt cu bune cu rele , o femeie fireasca , Vor sa intalnesc un suflet bun ,cald cu bun simt pe um?rul c?ruia sa ma odihnesc cind sunt obosita,sa plang cand sunt trista ,sa ma bucur cand sunt fericita ,sa ne bucur?m impreuna si sa Imb?tranim elegant . Sa iubeasca viata la tara si gradinaritul .
I'm a very easy-going woman with an active lifestyle, positive, with a great sense of humor. I'm caring, sensitive, sometimes sentimental. I have lots of energy, my energy is enough for a lot of things: traveling, meeting friends, creating coziness in house, cooking delicious meals. I think that it is important: to listen to other person, to find compromises in relationship, to live life to the fullest, to support each other and enjoy wonderful moments together!
hmm....sincera,dragutza..lalalala:D..... Normala spre superba (vorbesc despre caracter) si modesta :)) El trebuie sa fie placut, inteligent, sincer, serios dar nu foarte, sa ii placa sa isi rasfete prietena de aproape el... Oricat am scrie noi aici, totul este dat peste cap cand intervine chimia. Chimia intervine cand lasam on-line-ul deoparte si iesim sa dam piept cu viata reala... no coment:D...
Sunt lesby convinsa si caut o relatie serioasa. Pe cineva care sa ma poata cuprinde cu totul asa cum sunt eu cu adevarat. Cu bune si cu rele cu defecte si calitati si cu care sa pot impartasi absolut orice gand si indiferent ce sentiment... Un barbat care sa ma iubeasca :*
SUNT O FIRE MAI SENSIBILA TRAIESC SINGURA FARA PARINTI SI FARA PRIETEN,IUBIT. What should be added to unwritten beauty else. Unless monstrous modesty! It is easy for me to be patient, light, transparent, invisible and not to rush things, which have to be seen for yourself. I am a kind girl, shy at first, but eager to flourish. Everything else waits ahead! Of course, sometimes there are bad days in my life, but then I reminisce what a sweet sun! Sunshine must be dealt between two... that is why I am here PLACUT CAUT O RELATIE FRUMOASA SI SERIOASA CHIAR DE VARSTA
sunt super de gasca....imi place la nebunie sa ma distrez ....sunt foarte sper sa va placa de mine asa cum sunt...apropo... Sunt vaduva, nu am vicii,sunt o persoana cu moralitate integra,si in curs de evolutie spirituala .A se retine: aventurierii nu au nici o sansa ! Sunt interesata de un partener fara vicii si sa locuiasca Rm. Valcea .Cea mai recenta poza este poza de profil facuta pe 8 martie 2018 , celelalte sunt facute in mai 2017. CE SA zic,,,,MORTAL!!!!! un tip mega din toate punctele de vedere...:>:>:> incerc sa fiu obiectiva...cei apropiati mie ar spune cam asa: sociabila, vesela, inteligenta, spontana, mult prea sincera. eu as sporeste cam tot atatea defecte, dar n-o sa-mi fac acum antireclama, nu?
simpatica, desteapta si foarte interesanta my name is BIBIANA from West Africa,serrie-leone to be precise,but living in Accra. old,5ft9inc.tall,light in complexion.i m an easy going person.i m well behaved,from a good christian home.i m fun loving,love to laugh,and play jokes,cos i like to put a smile on faces.i hate Boring moment.i m not judge mental,i don't discriminate,and i m very slow to anger.i take each day as it comes,and pray to GOD,for better life in d near hobbies are singing,dancing,reading and swimming.i would like to meet friends,from all around d world.guys who are very serious minded,and knows exactly why they want a Relationship.not just a player on d net,or internet flirt.cos i m new on dis site,trying to make new friends.i need a man who is loving,generous,caring,good looking,trust worthy,kindhearted,and above all must have d fear of GOD in him.if u care to chat,u can add me to your yahoo list of friends with this id,and we get to chat is is i will surely get back to u. or call me on my mobile.00233-249696538,thanks. hope to hear from u soon. mai mult decat placut un tip la fel de interesant ca si mine
despere mine? habar nu am, cred ca am toate defectele din lume... si cum defectele pot fi calitati.... I am clever and serious girl with the broad audience of interests and hobbies, I have good sense of humour. The main features of the character I think independence and ambition. Adequately I treat criticism of other people. try to be the good professional of the trade. I very much love children and to me would like to have the child from the beloved person. normala, 2 maini, 2 picioare, cap pe umeri si cred ca si ceva prin el :)) caut multe si de fapt nu caut nimic