Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
sunt placuta si prietenoasa as vrea sa imi fac prieteni aproape din toata tara a Ce tip de mascul caut? a Vrei sa stii intr-adevar? a Fiind prietena sunt in pozitia de a-i cere partenerului ceea ce eu nu pot face pentru mine.Platesc facturile, ma ocup de casa, merg la supermarket, fac cumparaturi si totul fara ajutorul unui barbata¦ Imi pun intrebarea: Ce poti tu sa aduci in viata mea? a Nu ma refer la bani.Am trebuinta de mai mult.Am necesitate de un om care sa lupte pentru perfectiune in toate aspectele vietii.a Caut pe cineva care sa lupte pentru perfectiune mentala, pentru ca am nevoie de cineva cu care sa conversez si care sa ma stimuleze din punct de vedere intelectual.Eu nu am nevoie de cineva necomplicat din punct de vedere mental. Am nevoie de cineva suficient de sensibil ca sa inteleaga prin ce trec eu ca femeie, dar suficient de viguros ca sa ma incurajeze si sa nu ma lase sa cad. Caut pe cineva pe care sa il respect ca sa pot sa fiu aascultatoarea.Nu pot sa fiu asa cu cineva care nu poate sa isi rezolve solitar problemele.Eu caut un barbat care se poate ajuta pe sine insusi pentru a ne faciliteaza reciproc. Caut un barbat care sa inteleaga ca sexul are importanta lui intr-un cuplu dar ca nu determina existenta cuplului care se vrea cu adevarat fericit. Si o femeie reala nu va accepta nicicand langa ea un barbat care este extrem a¦ doar numai o ora!Pentru simplul pretext ca ziua are 24 de ore ! a Cer mult? a Valorez mult! sunt asa si asa
parul castaniu
ochii caprui... sa imi fac prieteni noi pe simpatie...
in cautare de baieti si fete in exceptie de prieteni...
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
va la pe voi sa ma descoperiti I consider myself to be a very balanced person, very purposeful, responsible and reliable. I am loyal and kind-hearted. My friends think that I am communicative and easy-going lady with a good sense of humor. My goal is to build my own family and give all my love to my beloved man. placut cred
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
Sunt o femeie simpla sunt divortata recent am 2 baietei frumosi!!! nu doresc aventuri,eu sunt o fire vesela ,optimista,si putin rebela,.eu caut un mascul adevarat pt mine,si un tata bun pt copii mei!!!!
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
sunt un rasarit de soare,o lacrima sau floare,sunt pasiune,uragan,mister,sunt dragostea adevarata si intr o zi pot sa dispar.sunt totul sau nimic.tu alegi sau ...euM-ai intrebat ce imi doresc, ce caut? Caut caldura iubirii, a iubirii pure ce-ti da acea privire "tampa" cand il privesti pe celalalt ca si cum ar fi ultima ta legatura cu realitatea, cand il privesti divinizandu-l, adorandu-l, iubindu-l, acea iubire care-ti face inima sa bata in ritmuri nebune, doar cand te gandesti la glasul celuilalt acea iubire care te invaluie si te-nfioara, nu te lasa sa dormi, nici sa stai treaz, nu te lasa sa stai departe, care face aerul irespirabil fara prezenta celuilalt, acest fapt il caut.
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
sunt nebunatica si atragatoare,simpla si cu bun simt si vreau sa-mi traiesc viata la maxim...merg dupa un singur principiu...O VIATA AM SI O GAURA IN FUND.... My name is Helene French of origin, living in France, I would like to meet a person of any kind, provided that this person is attentive, loving life and want to invest in a serious relationship. I am a smiling, simple woman who has a lot of love to give to a man who deserves it. I would like to chat with real man, who will not say "" you are too far away "", love has no border is not it? ! cat de poate de okay...fund,sani,picioare,draguta...ce sa-ti poftesti mai mult? caut sa imi fac prieteni si sa ofer ce isi doreste fiecare...desigur daca se incadreaza criteriilor mele
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
In 2 cuvinte...sunt placuta!!:) As always I want to thank you for your letter.You know though we stay in correspondence with you for a rather short time,but sometimes it seems to me,that I know you for ages. This is something I have in my mind for my future relationship. So, I hope you agree with me. You know, for me the most important thing in a good relationship must be RESPECT AND LOVE. I think respect is the BASE of all because if as partners we have respect every thing will be OK. For example, with respect, there is sincerity, honesty, care, trust, and love. With respect there is NO betray, not lies, mistrust, and etc. So, we need respect all the time, and everything will be the best,don't you think so? Uita-te la poze!!!
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
buna ma numesc ioana am 25 de ani sunt studenta anu 2 la facultatea de finante din valcea la spiru haret....sunt roscata am ochii verzi...am 1.65m....am 50 kg nu sunt nici grasa nici slaba imiplace sa arat bine din toate punctele de vedere mai ales cand sunt in prezenta iubitului deci?cine ma vrea? sunt o fata simpla....cu bun simt....imi place sa ascult la partenerul meu perfect indiferent ce arepe suflet....sunt intelegatoare,comunicativa,respectoasa,fidela,urascminciuna si infidelitatea....imi place sa spun lucrurile pe fata indiferent de situatie sunt directa si la subiect numi place sa ma ascund. mias dori un iubit...sa fie iubitor,grijuliu atent sa ma inteleaga sa fie alaturi mine meereu cand am anevoie mare sa fia aklo cand simt nevoia indiferent ca cu vb sau k un sfat dar conteaza ....orice gest al lui....sa ma alinte si sa ma resfetela fel va fi si elkum va fi el cu mine asa voi fi si eu
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
sunt o pers de gasca si comunicativa! vor prietenie de mesenger companie .s?nt casatorita,am 3 copii ,2fete ?i un baiat .s?nt plecata de pe meleagurile rom?ne?ti,?i simti nevoia de a conversa cu cineva dar sa fie ca ?i mine sincera .va pup ?i a?tept raspuns simpatika
Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
Single dutch american lady looking for a serious relationship , I am an partea interioara decorator , never been married no kids , I am honest loyal , I am open and if you would like to know more about me you can just write me up , and note usor un barbat......care sa nu mearga pe jos,sa nu stea prea mult
in aer liber,sa fie destept si capabil sa tina o familie...
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
Well, Im a very nice, honest, loving and down to earth person who loves to hangout with friends and especially with Loved ones. Im looking for someone i can trust,some to be there for me at this point in time, to fulfil my heart desire. I'm attractive, i have forms and none of my body parts are
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
My name is Helene French of origin, living in France, I would like to meet a person of any kind, provided that this person is attentive, loving life and want to invest in a serious relationship. I am a smiling, simple woman who has a lot of love to give to a man who deserves it. I would like to chat with real man, who will not say "" you are too far away "", love has no border is not it? ! misto
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
sunt o fenmeie ffffff de treaba, simpatica, draguta, de gasca, imi place sa ma distrez... I am a cheerful, life-loving and purposeful young woman, open-minded and loyal, reliable and honest. I am here not for fleeting or temporary relations, but i am looking for a man to give my love to. I am a very sensual and tender woman and my dream is to spend all my spare time with a loving husband, caring about him, just kissing and cuddling, doing something together. So, i need only a tender man who loves to be pampered sensually and give the same to his woman, who needs a lot of attention from beloved woman and has a lot of love to give. sunt ...buna... barbati care stiu cum sa vb, sa se distreze sa vb si sa fie dragut si de gasca... cam atat
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
sunt ok i am Mavis age of 32 very sex,romantic and always smile on my face , study vocational skills in a collage i am the only daughter in my family and i am staying with my mother in a family house now ,i am very honest ,faithful and God fearing .i like reading,playing with kids ,pets,watching movies,listing to music, watching American football,soccer and i like going out with friend . simpatic
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
Buna am intrat de curiozitate I am honest and sincere woman who dreams to realizate strong family relationship based on love,understanding,respect and honesty! I am kind and tender lady who wants to love and to be loved! I appreciate honesty and sincerity very much.I want you to be the only man in my life.I want to give you all my tenderness and care.I will love you until the end of time! Just be yourself and never tell lies to me! Be sure,I will do the same for you! I want you to be active and positive.May God Bless you. Placut;) Un mascul intelegator si ambitios
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
las la aprecierea altora :P I am intelligent pretty girl with good sense humor. I love a life in all its displays. I appreciate each moment, and I admire in each afternoon. Very much I like to travel . To me to be pleasant to communicate with interesting people, in general I very positive and romantic person, therefore in people appreciate an openness and sincerity. I romantic and gentle in relations, I know as it is necessary to love how to give happiness, warmth and care to the beloved. Also I produse in the house a harmony. va las p voi sa va spuneti parerea :) distractie
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
Asta veti vedea voi....:) I smile and laugh, it's just what I do, I have lived on my own for those 9 years so I am quite independent. I like to go on adventures and have fun, and would love to enjoy making memories with someone. I have never been in a relationship. I would like to change that for the right person. Drinking is almost non existent in my world...I don't take myself serious at all, I live to enjoy life and I would like to enjoy life with...
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
destul de cuminte ;) O persoana miniona, insa cu simtul umorului extrem dezvoltat. Imi plac glumele inteligente, nu glumele nesarate( ca sa ma exprim cu bun gust ). Nu suport fiintele infatuate si agramate. Respect si ma port civilizat, pretind aceleasi lucruri. Nu suport minciuna, iar adevarul trebuie spus chiar de consecinte. Cred ca pentru inceput este suficient. bun (cred) o relatie
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
...i'm cool person..i like to make friends..and spend time with them ;)) Sunt o persoana onesta, sensibila, cu bun simt, care apreciaza sinceritatea. Iubesc muzica, ador natura, imi place sa calatoresc. Imi plac florile si tot ceea ce este frumos... Sunt o scorpioana romantica, in cautarea sufletului pereche... Fa ceea ce vrei, ce iti poftesti chiar de varsta... do what you want to do..no matter your age.. i like to make friends..and spend time with them ;))
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
no coment I'm very open minded,understanding,passionate,God fearing,religious,responsible,caring,honest,loving and friendly,i like to put smile on other peoples face.I don't imitate,underrate,impersonate and disrespect.I believe God created us all equal. niceee mans
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
Sunt o persoana calma si pot fi o prietena pentru tine am Willams 46yrs old from Texas being married before but dicvored with one kid....i am here new to this dating Site and i am here Looking for someone that i can trust and Love for the rest of my heart and Life..i need a woman that will be honest and caring bcos i am here looking someone that will give me happy Family Sunt bruneta am parul lung am 90 kg 1,68inaltime ochii caprui Socializare si prietenie
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
Desteapta,intelegatoare,iubitoare,sociabila,de gasca Imi plac oamenii sinceri, hotarati,inteligenti,independenti si care-si respecta semenii.Daca ai aceste calitati contacteaza-ma.Daca esti in cautare de scurte aventuri nu ai ce cauta langa mine.Či nu experimenta sa minti ca imi dau seama si-ti pierzi timpul si al tau si al meu. Inalta , par saten, ochii caprui, slaba Un mascul iubitor cu suflet bun si intelept
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
Sunt o fata ok din punctu meu de vedere sunt aici.pentru o relatie serioasa nu vreau adventuri etc.eu zic ca sunt ok dar asta persista la aprecierea voastra Fara Separate nu ma intereseaza relatile pasajere caut Un Barbat Cu Capul pe Umeri care stie ce frea de la Viata Preferabil de Varsta Mea sau 6 ani maxim mai mare fara Supararare Domnilor de pe Acest Saite. Sunt destul de bine am 170cm.50kg sunt ok din punctul meu de vedere Caut un mascul serios care asi doreste o relatie serioasa bazata pe.incredere,dragoste iubire si care sa stie sa respecte femeia ni sunt prietentioasa la aspect etc pentru mine inima omului conteaza inima si sufletul
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
sunt o fire rebela dar cu capul pe umeri Am a young African lady who has decided to try out find my other half from different places in this planet.Am a respectful,loving,fun and down to earth person who is easy to get along with.I love people respect their values and beliefs much more to it I love children and this makes me to be a kindergarten teacher as well.I think I have alot to say about myself both positive and my faults which we can get to know once we meet and chat more..Looking forward to hear from you. N/B am sorry all my pictures that I have been trying to upload are rejected incase you might be wondering why I don't have any but still trying to upload new ones. asta persista la aprecierea voastra caut un barbat care sa ma inteleaga asa cum sunt
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
Ok I am Single , a Canadian citizen; I have a nice family, I am calm, joyful, sociable, intelligent, romantic, kind and tender. I enjoy travel ling, having rest on nature, meeting with friends, swimming,lawn tennis game, poem, driving, going to the beach above all travel ling. I am a simple and understanding lady who cherish honesty , tolerance , love , care and friendship.I am looking to meet a man who will first of all be my friend and may be more than friends later Bine Baiat sincer si dragutz
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
Am simtul umorului. Imi place sa colaborez cu oameni sinceri si deschisi . Sa imi fac prieteni si prietene sa putem iesi la distractie. Sint o persoana optimista imi place sa lupt si sa obtin ceia ce vreau respecto si vreau sa fiu respectata imi plac calatorile si cercu de prieteni nu suport fiintele bolnave de gelozie toate au o limita. Stiu sa ma fac usoara in prezenta partenerului. iar despre frumusete va las pe voi sa decideti... iesiri in cluburi prin parcuri etc.
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
sexi Ciao!sunt o persoana sensibila,educata,afectoasa,dar extrem singura,nu caut aventuri si nici distractie,caut un suflet blind si sensibil asa ca mine care poate sa-mi pune la dispozitie toata dragostea si increderea de care am necesitate pentru totdeauna.Daca cineva se conformeaza poftei mele sa ma contacteze.Va multumesc celor care ma viziteaza si le vor toata dragostea din lume si multa multa fericirede care toti avem nevoie!!! bun
Femeie, 90, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
"Pentru lumea intreaga poti fi o singura persoana; dar pentru o anume persoana poti reprezenta intreaga lume!" I am here only with serious intentions. I want a real meeting and not a virtual relationship. I am active, optimistic, sexy, seductive, attractive, sociable and interesting lady who is always smiling and who is always ready to discover the world. I can be spontaneous, adventurous and risky but all the time I remain honest, reliable and trustful. I am definitely a one-man-woman and I am looking for sincerity in a relationship. Persista sa ma descoperi....
Femeie, 57, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
Loialitate, tenacitate, stabilitate si rabdare, fara fite. Chiar daca as sti ca maine societatea ar pieri, marul eu tot mi l-as sadi... OPTIMISM. I am a young and optimistic person. What I like in this life? Just simple thingsaa¬ ¦I like good weather, I like when good people are close, I like when my family is healthy, I like when there is no war, I like when baby smilingaa¬ ¦There are so many things which can make us happy in this life!!! But the main for everybody is to have love in his heart! I would like to have a person who can show me these bright feelings, who can show me how wonderful this world is! Placut. Nu caut barbatul perfect ci pe acela care poate fi pe aceleasi coordonate cu mine. Un prieten credincios, care sa fie zilnic in primul si ultimul meu gand...
Femeie, 67, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
Glumeatza...comunicativa.. I am sweet woman with big heart.I don't believe in miracle or fairy tales, but I belive in love.I am very romantic lady,but with a strong character. I have little daughter.I dream to met a man, who can be my husband and father for my baby) eee...descoperii u:P un mascul de treaba ,glumetz cu simtul umorului ..:*
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
va las p voi I have a very creative personality. I am a big dreamer but I also do a lot of things to make my dreams come true. I am very communicative, I have changed a few countries already where I have lived for a while and I think I can adapt to a new place easily. I am an active, cheerful, purposeful,responsive woman. I love life and a very positive person. I have a good sense of humor. I am a joyful person and love to bring joy into lives of people who surround me. I appreciate friendship and respect their wishes and opinions. nu stiu c sa zic mie imi place!!! nimic special,doar prieteni.
Femeie, 38, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
o fire distractiva Imi vor exersarea normalului si firescului, in doi, si sper ca voi intalni , pe cineva corespunzator pentru mine la un moment dat, aici, pentru ca: a Ne am nascut ca sa traim, traim ca sa iubim, iubim ca sa nu murima binisor:))) DISTRACTIE
Femeie, 59, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
intreaba si vei afla.. Cu ceva timp in urma(si eu noua pe aici odata, sau dupa o luuuunga absenta), am realizat o descriere mai ametaforica si sensibilaa care a fost interpretata si analizata in toate felurile de vizitatori.Irelevant acum. Repet deci ca descrierea din profilul meu, cat si "preferintele" pt un potential partener de viata si batranete sunt fix cele mentionate in chestionarul completat. Pt "vulpi" , rautaciosi sau curiosi spun doar ca pozele mele din profil sunt cat se poate de recente si neprelucrate.(iar albumele au data).Sunt mandra de varsta mea!Stiu ca aici e multa lume, "oameni" putini, dar 1%din ei chiar sunt aparte si de exceptie. Daca esti unul dintre ei esti bine venit in viata mea virtuala de aici, din alte "locuri"(gasindu-ma cu acelasi nume, daca esti inteligent) si mai ales in cea reala.Iar daca ai avut curiozitatea si ai citit pana la sfarsit sper sa fii suficient de istet sa gasesti un mod de-a ma "gasi".P.S. pasiunile mele: muntele , dansul si imbratisarile. P.S la P.S: nu raspund celor fara poze, mesajelor care cuprind doar emoticoane, agramatilor sau celor care nu stiu sa lege mai mult de 3 cuvinte intr-o fraza. Chiar daca poate supar pe 99% dintre "vizitatori", subliniez ca sunt un om politicos, imi pretuiesc momentul si viata reala si voi raspunde doar mesajelor cu "continut" . placut un om bun
Femeie, 53, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
Eu cred ca OK Sociabila,optimista, iubesc natura , imi place sa calatoresc desi nu am numeroase ocazii. Sunt sigura aici si acasa, de acea imi vor un partener cu care sa impartasesc momentele bune si mai putin bune ale vietii, sa putem avea vacante, si un timp de buna calitatate petrecut impreuna. aproape normal Un om adevarat
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
Caut iubire,si numai iubire!Sunt pe punctul de a ma intoarce in Romania.Caut un mascul distins,elegant,manierat cu care sa pornesc o relatzie serioasa,chiar si casatorie!Amatorii sunt rugatzi sa lase un mesaj dulce!
Femeie, 42, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
un fel de cameleon Nimic din ceas spyne nu este asa de dichisit ca descoperirea ta.....cucereste...descopera si vei trage singur concluzia Doresc sa intalnesc un om extrem din toate punctele de vedere....intre 40-50 ani!Multumesc frumos placut nimic deosebit,fun
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Dragasani, Valcea Romania
doolce I'm single never been married with no kids, I don't smoke, I drink occasionally (wine). I'm just a normal lady a caring lovable lady that seeking for something simple and I am a lady that prefer giver than a taker. I'm seeking for someone caring, Lovable, honestly, trustworthy and a man that I can be trusted. I'm looking for a strong man with a gentle heart that I can stand by in Good time and bad.I seek a man who is willing to share, a man that is sweet, a man that would appreciate a nice kiss early in the morning, that would appreciate being dressed up for work in the morning and breakfast in the morning, a man that would respect me and understand me always be there for me. cool ceva!?