sexy sunt o entitate simpla, prezentabila, activa,optimista ,sociabila,amatoare de calatorii ,arta,cultura si sport.imi place sa ma inconjor doar de energie pozitiva,iubesc dreptatea, detest minciuna,sunt exigenta si punctuala. astept partener de convietuire pe viata cu aceleasi simple dotari, doar petru o relatie stabila. agreabila un mascul sincer , tandru , cu simtul umorului dezvoltat
SENZUALA,DORNICA DE DISTRACTII I am really wondering how you are doing! Hello, dear gentleman, who is reading my profile right now. I want to be direct from the very beginning. I do not want to lose time in writing millions of messages. My goal is very simple and clear. I want to find soulmate and husband as soon as possible. I am busty, sexy, passionate, serious and very honest woman. Do you see me as your possible future wife? I think I can be wonderful wife in future! SLIM,CREOLA,MISTO Cuplu,femeie
O femeie,cu capul pe umeri! Caut un domn serios ,de varsta apropiata mie,pentru o posibila casatorie sau o relatie stabila si demna,lipsita de vicii.Cei care nu posedati poza reala la profil, nu va incadrati in categoria cautarii mele, aventurierii ,va rog sa treceti mai departe peste profilul meu.Rog, multa seriozitate!
Sexy si rea numai a ta...:P (yea right!!) Hi Guys, I am Jaime. My family and friends think I am pretty, easy going, funny, and they all seem to like to spend time with me. But again they are my friends and family so of course they think that. LOL! Anyway, I enjoy reading, the beach, and many other things that you can find out when you message me. Buna pai nu se vede in poze..;) Tot ce detineti de oferit...
O iubita ca marea, are trebuinta de un mascul ca tarmul. Marea fara tarm, nu ar mai fi mare, iar tarmul fara mare, nu ar mai fi tarm. Nu se afla SFARSIT. Nici INCEPUT. Exista doar infinita PASIUNE de a trai.
Eleganta sincera directa Salut, dragii mei, Cum te sim?i azi, sper c? totul este bine cu tine. Ne pare r?u s? v? face?i griji cu propunerea mea pentru o rela?ie cu tine, dar eu ?tiu c? cererea mea va fi acordat intr-un mod bun ?i in?elegere, numele meu este Miss Rashida, eu sunt un destul de bun caut? fat? tan?r? care inc? mai decente unic, de asemenea, i se va dori s? ?tie mai numeroase despre tine. Sper s? aud de la tine in curand, astfel incat i se va trimite mai multe detalii despre sine meu Inclusiv fotografiile mele pentru tine. Cred c? ne putem muta de aici. ?ine?i cont de faptul c? Iubirea nu are nici o bariera de culori, nu educa?ional inapoi la sol barier?, nici o barier? socio-economice, religioase, limb?, na?ionalitate sau de bariera de la distan??, singurul lucru important este dragoste, adev?r, ingrijirea ?i understanding. Un corp elegant Un barbat care sa stie ce vrea
Sunt o persoana forte deschisa in orice subiecte de comunicare,apreciez sinceritatea la o persoana,felu de a gandii si de a se exprima in cuvinte!!!Nu suport mitocanii si nesimtititi!!! I the beautiful young girl who wishes to begin serious relations. About myself I can tell, that I very sociable and positive person. It seems to me that the nature generously has awarded me with such qualities as mind, beauty and good nature. I very kind person, at least so my friends respond about me. But I am very easy for offending. I was disappointed in men a little and I live with hope that I will sometime meet the love. I love cooking, to listen to music, very much I love children. In my opinion it is impossible to seize all merits, it seems to me that I own many of them. And in more details I will tell about myself in the letter. Las la aprecierea voastra,nu-mi place sa ma laud!!! Un mascul serios care stie sa vorbeasaca cu o femeie, sensibil,deschis la distracti!Genu de om care sa stie ca vrea de la viatza,intelegator si mai matur in gandire!
descoperiti voi :) I'm curious, cheerful, passionate, but most of the time thoughtful, honest, decent, active and warm-heart lady. Romance as well as a hope to find my true love always lives in my heart and soul. I possess a self-estimation placut zic eu Recent intoarsa in tara, in cautare de prieteni noi:) mai multe vedem pe parcurs :)
I am focused on a serious relationship and creating a family. I need love. I am sure that I will have the opportunity to meet a decent person and it is here. I have a light character and it's easy to find a common language with me. I am ready to compromise for the sake of peace in a relationships and family. I hope that my family will be happy and filled with happiness.
Sunt o fire foarte activa cu libidoul mai crescut. Vor discretie si ofer discretie. Ofer toate fanteziile sexuale, detin jucarii sexuale. Nu ma intereseaza varsta stiu sa ma adaptez oricarei persoane. Va sarut pasional! las la aprecierea voastra Absolut orice persoana disponibila si dornica de senzatii tari.
sunt o nevasta naturala cu calitati dar si defecte am cei 7 ani de acasa cu mine,.,, restul cauta si descopera singur Sunt bland, romantic, imi place sa calatoresc, sa vad si sa explorez noi tari si culturi, intalnind oameni noi. In timpul meu liber merg la clubul meu de sport, ma intalnesc cu prietenii si uneori merg la dansuri. Sunt comunicativ, activ, dar uneori vreau sa impartasesc momentele destul de deosebit din viata mea cu concubinul meu, pe care il caut :) Caut un adult care sa fie pregatit pentru relatii si sa creeze o familie, iubesc romantismul. Principalul fapt este dragostea dintre doua persoane. altletica sportiva ce sa zc buna.,.,., un barbat sincer cu caracter si care sa ma inteleaga
Tandra, senzuala . I'm an unusual girl, I'll tell you right away. I'm not a calm harbor. With me you'll be like on a roller coaster, I'll keep you toned and you'll feel the taste of life, I'll fill your life with all sorts of colors. Believe I'm the girl with a surprise and I have something to surprise you. I'm a girl with a big heart, very passionate and emotional! I have a strong character, I'm courageous and determined. I have two higher educations and one more not finished, I like to study and I am very hardworking, I always rely only on my strength. I really want to tell you about myself but here my story will not fit. sunt ok. detalii in privat
imi palce sa ma bucur puternic de viata nu imi place sa ma plictisesc. caut o relatie stabila cu un baiat atractiv cu o pozitie economica buna. vreau un baiat care sa ma faca fericita din toate punctele de vedere. un baiat singur care este capabil sa faca indiferent ce pentru mine
yo si doar yo!!!! mely sweet?? nu? propriul meu stapan sunt eu ,nu ma calka nimeni in picioare,viata e dura dar trebuie sa o traim la mare asa cum este si cat de scurta,gingasie,dragoste,sinceritate ce sa ceri de la un barbat..... neverrrrrrrrr.,toti sunt o apa si un pamant ,iubesc viata si vreau s o traiesc
fitoasa si nesuferita=))=)) I'm young, attractive, honest, kind, attentive and I am searching for a nice, simple man who can love and who knows what it is to be loved to faurite a family together and to build ourown life in our own place, to bring our children up with faith in God. :D....valorezi atat cat te apreciezi, deci....daca as vb despre mine, mi-ar lipsi per complet modestia! doar ma uit asa din cand in cand......
sunt dragutza ,simpatika,sexy,intelegatoare si nu ma dau mare. im sweet, caring , honest, loving and responsible.. im here to find someone who is right for the right time.... im not here for fun and games so by saying i dont want to waste your time nor mine.... i just want to chat with someone with respect and honesty and from there will see where it can lead us... sunt sexy si buna. caut barbati OK
ma poti gasi sa discutam Speranta si rabdarea sunt doua calitati extrem de importante in viata muritorilor. Cauta si vei gasi....speranta moare ultima... Iubirea nu are varsta.....mai bine mai tarziu decat niciodata. Sunt numai niscaiva citate foarte cunoscute, dar al caror continut persista actual. Daca ai citit pana aici poate ti-am atras atentia si vei fi interesat sa purtam un dialog placut in scopul descoperirii unei eventuale compatibilitati....never say never. o fire placuta zic eu , tu ce parere ai? caut un tip elegant, curat , cu simtul umorului dezvoltat, manierat , daca si tu iti ravnesti ceva frumos hai sa incercam, sunt destul de nimfomana sa ocolesc subiectul sexului nebun.
mica, sexi si rea i am looking for a real perason who is interested in going out and love to have some who know how love and to treat a man i wish i wish you all the best and ..... to you all ... ask me what everthing you want to know and dont contact me if you know you are not serious byeee eleganta barbati sociabli, sexi si rai!
sunt o tanara buna fetita care este inca singura si sunt aici sa ma intalnesc si sa-mi fac prieteni noi si daca Dumnezeu, poate o sa aiba, imi place sa-mi intalnesc sufletul aici, multumesc I am self-sufficient, Beautiful, happy, secure, self-confident, psychologically aware, emotionally and financially secure. and working as a Waiter In a Local Resturant,am Living with my Mom and Dad in a Logging house,i am a Ghanaian By Birth,my Father is a Ghanaian and my mother is From Australia..i have been In Ghana all My life i am a Hard working lady and very freindly.i have no Kids and Never Married... i Will Be Graduating Next Month and i am Studing Catering(Vocational Skills) .. i Cook Very Well Because that is My
Ask me if you want to know more about me I am optimistic and active, kind and honest person with good sense of humor. I live with smile. Somebody told me that a smile cost nothing but gives a lot. I think that life is cool stuff and I prefer to enjoy each day of my life. A good men, sweet and he love me Much things
Ma numesc Gina My name is vanessa evan i am a sensitive, caring, God fearing woman I am a faithful and committed person, who is very considerate of other people's feelings am retiring soon and really cannot spend the rest of my life alone because time wait for no one and we have a little time in this world for us not to enjoy and live......I will be glad if u can kindly tell me more about you as I would love to know you more..In Addition Distance doesn't matters,cos i believe people meet by a reason and not by Chance..LOVE,TRUST AND HONESTY MATTERS,as long as this exist everything will work out for good,and with LOVE anything can happen.Feel free to write me and lets get to know each other and see where it will end Port marimea B la sutien. Caut un mascul serios si totusi nebunatic, si sa aiba varsta cuprinsa intre 25-30 ani.
Sunt o persoana vesela...tot momentul pusa pe sotii..dar si serioasa cand e cazul..sunt o fire un pic orgolioasa:).. Simpatica, comunicativa,sincera.Imi place sa fac sport si sa imi petrec timpul liber in natura. Iubesc marea si tot ce este frumos. Nu sunt o fire complicata si nu cer mai mult decat pot sa ofer! Imi vor un partener cu calitati aproximativ similare ptr o viata implinita si placuta! Cauta-ma! prea stiu ce sa spun... sa fie stie cum sa se comporte cu o fie fie respectuos..etc..
de viata I hope you're here to find your one and only. Your kind, intelligent, gentle, romantic, tender, sexy, well-balanced and, to be frank, very hardworking and creative woman is here. Well, I really love my job, candle lit dinners, sandy beaches and with all my heart I dream of romantic nights in front of a fireplace with extrem someone! simpatic nimic in mod aparte
Temperamentvolle, gerne lachende und manchmal etwas freche Neu- Insulanerin. Bin gern am Meer, wenn ich Zeit habe malen , Musik hören oder Gartenarbeiten. Ihr Maenner wollt Frauen, die authentisch sind. Dann bitte auch von euch aktuelle und keine Jugendfotos.
I like hiking, biking, golfing and traveling. I like spontaneous trips to share and learn. I hope to find an intelligent, interesting and attractive man for a relationship that is beneficial to both of us.
las la aprecierea dvs I am the real woman and I have all palette of different emotions inside - beginning with tenderness and kindness and ending with wild passion! I am a woman with a good heart,I am sincere, cheerful ,with me is never boring! Where I am there is always joy, warmth and comfort! I always bring bucurie in life the people love! I dream about the same sincere man! I don't have enough care, tenderness! I want to always be near my beloved man, to give him a smile on his face. I am always careful to the emotions and needs of other people, so I am looking for the man who will respect my feelings and emotions too and will not try to break my character to make me act like he wants all the time. I would hope to find someone who loves to be romanced with many hugs and kisses. Believe I know how to wake you up every morning! And remember that most important to me is sincere ness, honesty, and mutual respect agreabil distarctie,prieteni
I am down to earth and easy going. I know and believe that a relationship is a work in progress with constant feeding of love and care to keep it alive. I am good looking passionate lady exciting bubbly energetic playful and very youthful. Love to cuddle and watch a movie watching sunsets. I love music from classical instrumental classic rock I like reading playing gospel and fishing. I love to bike work out at the gym not a fitness buff but I make an effort to keep fit on line dating has brought forth all kinds of people for different reasons and mine is solely to find a partner in life. I don't look at past mistakes as failures they are experiences in life that made me the woman I am today. Strong and confident. Laughter and smiles are a great remedy in life. Great outlook on life positive attitude and a great sense of humor goes far. I'm looking for... Someone special who will make my heart pity patter to build something beautiful and everlasting. Someone to share interests and that is pleasing to talk to either deep or casual. Someone who has a great sense of humor playful can let their hair down once in a while and productive in life. All in all someone who has his head on straight and knows how to treat a lady like a lady.
Fire pozitiva Cu simtul umorului extraordinar dezvoltat, mereu vesela si pusa pe sotii.. Iubesc sinceritatea si punctualitatea , in concluzie urasc cu toata fiinta mea, minciuna si mincinosii in acelasi timp Natural Relatie serioasa
secret Uneori privim prea mult inspre trecut si poate inca ne mai doare...Alteori,ne este teama sa privim spre viitor de frica ca ranile sa nu se redeschida...Dar daca nu vei stii niciodata ce ai fi putut castiga...daca totusi ai fi incercat..............................oare asa sa fie??? IUBIREA E TOT CE DORIM , IAR IN FINAL E TOT CE AM AVUT . DACA EXISTA UN SENS AL VIETII ... ATUNCI EA ESTE SENSUL , DACA NU ... EA AR TREBUI SA FIE . SA IUBESTI NU E NIMIC , SA FII IUBIT E CEVA , SA IUBESTI SI SA FII IUBIT E "TOTUL" . "A IUBI NU CONSTITUIE A NE PRIVI UNUL PE CELALALT , CI A PRIVI AMANDOI IN ACEEASI DIRECTIE viata trebuie sa inveti sa citesti printre randuri si oameni . Sa citesti printre vorbele lor si chiar dincolo de ele . Uneori un oftat povesteste mai mult decat un roman-fluviu , o privire - mai mult decat o biblioteca !!! prietenii:)
optimista, cu simtul umorului, flexibila, merg pe principiul bate si ti se v-a deschide, cauta si vei gasii, daca nu incerci nu ai de unde sa stii ce ai fii putut gasii,asa ca viata e un risc cine risca poate castiga si chiar dac pierde tot e in castig, castiga practica si data viitoare v-a stii mai bine ce sa faca. Sunt o iubita cu un aspect fizic placut. Caut un om care sa stie ce vrea de la el, de la viata asta si de la persoana pe care si-o doreste langa el.Sa fie intelegator, tandru, sa ii placa copii si animalele, sa nu fumeze si sa nu consume alcool.
singura deocamdata.... I am a woman who enjoys the simple things of life and does not like to show off no matter how much success I make. If I have to show off, then it would be showing off with my man. I take my time to get involved in a relationship and when I finally do, I love with my all never to say goodbye. I am healthy, caring, honest, loyal, energetic and most of all trustworthy and I seek a man who would love me for who I am and not what I am. A man that put the lord first , who would correct me when I go wrong. Someone to be my equal in all things. Someone I can easily communicate with .. persista de vazut nimic se afla
Mai taziu stilul clasic, elegant, imi place corectitudinea , seriozitatea si adevarul in tot ceea ce fac...doresc o relatie stabila, de durata, serioasa ,un barbat " de cursa intinsa " , iar in acest sens exclud aventurierii, parteneriatele de absolut orice natura , masculii casatoriti sau cei care vor rog mult de tot sa-mi respectati aceasta cerinta..multumesc..................caut un mascul care sa-mi semene , si la caracter, si la interese, si la studii... cine se aseamana, se aduna, este un proverb romanesc.... sper sa se indeplineasca , si in cazul meu... pentru o relatie sincera, frumoasa, de incredere, de viitor Cam nasol Ceva serios
Just me CeI cAre mA cRiTica si Ma inVidiAza ~[:P]~___Vor dOAr sa mA scHimBe___PenTru cA vAD in miNe cEEa cE Ei nU vOr Fii niCioData [!!!!!]~[:*]~[]___ asta pentru ca is nemaiintalnita in felul meu de a fi chiar de cine si ce zice Ok Un barbat
O persoana cu virtuti si defecte ca orice om. chiar ce dragoste care nu are la bazĂ prietenia, este ca un castel produs pe nisip;stiind sĂ asculti vei profita si de pe urma celor care vorbesc rĂ u; argumentle nu conving pe nimeni;nici-un fapt mĂ ret din lume nu a fost concretizat fĂ rĂ pasiune; cele mai frumoase lucruri nu pot fi vĂ zute sau atinse trebuie sĂ le simti cu inima... printre toate florile lumii sunt si eu o flore, culege-mĂ de poti.. Agreabil Caut o relatie de lunga durata,eventual pentru tot restul vietii, relatie in care potentialul partener sa se poata implica si emotional, nu numai fizic. Pentru ca nu-mi plac triangulatiile, rog pe domnii ce se afla intr-o relatie de orice fel sa nu ma inoportuneze.
Greetings from me. I am Juvita by name, and I'm here to look for friends with the aim of finding a good man.I hope you are nice and potential ... well If you are interested , we can keep in touch and get to know each other better .
am ochii verzi,par saten.inalta,dragutza,o destul de buna prietena..........restu'va las sa descoperiti Onesta,loiala,sufletista.dinamica,echilibrata, vor sa gasesc o persoana compatibila.Doresc "peticul"Sa imi corespunda fizic,intelectual, materialNumai cu calitatile prezentate mai sus..Un om pe care sa ma pot baza O persoana cu lumina mintii si a sufletului.O persoana respectoasa,manierata,sufletista,implicata a.i. sa existe emisie-receptie.Sa impletim utilul cu placutul pana la sfarsitul vietii. Sa fie numai armonie.Iubesc natura,florile,linistea.pacea. va las pe voi sa spuneti.... imi place sa cunosc persoane noi
Draguta si nebuna FLIRTUL este ceea ce il lasi tu sa fie. Asa se explica faptul ca flirtul reprezinta lucruri deosebite pentru oameni diferiti. In timp ce pentru unii flirtul e un lucru extraordinar sexual si pretios, fiind rezervat doar pentru ochii unora si in niciun caz ceva acceptabil in public, pentru altii e de a dreptul vulgar si rusinos, iar altii il considera un JOCULET CU TOTUL INOFENSIV, care poate fi ''jucat'' circa in orice context. Astfel, daca e sa observi zece oameni diferiti flirtand, vei descoperi nu numai chipuri diverse de a o face, ci si contexte si abordari diferite.Ca indiferent ce JOCULET, si FLIRTUL are niscaiva reguli pe care e bine sa le stii dinainte. Cateva dintre ele sunt stiute, altele mai putin.Flirtul nu este un scop in sine. Daca iti propui doar sa ai o conversatie, nu mai e atat de mare presiunea, si lucrurile vor curge mai natural.Flirtul NU este o piesa cu un singur personaj. e un JOC DE DOI si reciprocitatea este esentiala. Asa ca nu uita sa il lasi si pe el sa raspunda si sa initieze subiecte, in sinonima masura in care faci si tu asta. Pentru femei, aceasta INFIDELITATE EMOTIONALA este mult mai dureroasa, la fel cum pentru masculi este mult mai putin semnificativa decat e inselatul la un nivel fizic. Pana la urma, este greu de crezut ca se afla o singura persoana care sa ne indeplineasca toate NEVOILE EMOTIONALE ; faptul ca avem trebuinta sa flirtam cu altii e cat se poate de omenesc. Fireste, depinde de fiecare cuplu in parte sa stabileasca granitele comportamentului de flirt pe care le tolereaza. Dupa o astfel de negociere, cele doua parti trebuie sa fie multumite si sa nu existe, pe cat se poate, senzatia de compromis!:) Satisfacator Lets have funn
Romantica si sensibila incurabila,ador sa dansez, sa cant, sa calatoresc... Ies in oras de cate ori imi ingaduie momentul liber, de fiecare data cand ies,ma distrez si sunt sufletul petrecerii.... Cand vreau sa ma relaxez, ma uit la filme, citesc sau fac exercitii pylates... Restul, descoperiti voi... Nu-mi place sa comentez despre aspectul meu fizic... Mi se pare lipsa de modestie si sigur nu as fi obiectiva...;) Ce caut eu... Caut o minune, un prieten adevarat, un om sensibil si sincer... Daca are aceste 3 calitati, sunt sigura ca putem fi mai mult decat prieteni buni cu timpul... Nu-mi vor sa ma casatoresc, cel putin nu in viitorul apropiat...vreau doar un suflet pereche....that's all...
SUNT O FIRE VESELA, ROMANTICA, PRIETENOASA , GLUMEATA, ADOR DISTRACTIA, PLIMBARILE CU PRIETENI, ADOR MAREA, SI CAM ATAT........ VA LAS MAI DEPARTE SA DESCOPERITI VOI." I am ready to relocate to you. I am here only with serious intentions. I want a real meeting and not a virtual relationship. I am active, optimistic, sexy, seductive, attractive, sociable and interesting lady who is always smiling and who is always ready to discover the world. I can be spontaneous, adventurous and risky but all the time I remain honest, reliable and trustful. I am definitely a one-man-woman and I am looking for sincerity in a relationship. Cheating is taboo for me. I am not a teenager and I am looking for serious attitude and not for flirting. If I see and feel that you really love me, I will show you heaven number nine and make you stay there forever! I like laughing and having fun with my friends. I like creating something new and enjoying life. I am a goal-oriented woman knowing what she wants so I also like reaching new levels and developing my abilities! Even if you are not interested in me I hope you will find your real love here. I wish everyone here to find big and mutual love. LOVE will save world. He is ready for a real meeting. Seriously looking for a relationship. He is faithful and reliable, mature, loving and caring. All the other things including age, height, weight and so on does not matter for me. Am I asking too much? I do not search for an ideal man, we are not angels and we all have our merits and demerits. It is important to be able to understand and have patience, to appreciate close people. Do you agree? My man wishes to have family relations, with whom I will feel safe, serious and knows what is necessary for it. I know how make you happy and I am ready to present to you keys from my heart! I want to find the man who will be with me for the rest of our lives. If you are really to start a new period in your life, if you also want to confectionate a family, if you want to spend the rest of your life with a lady who will be only yours and who will make every your day bright and unforgettable - why haven't you sent me a letter yet? SATENA, OCHII VERZI, 163, 55 KG, PAR LUNGIME MEDIE. PRIETENII/DISCUTII