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Cele mai frumoase fete din Voluntari care vor intalniri sunt aici pe Intra si tu!
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

sexy I am a creative, active and funny girl. These words could describe me perfectly. I am open, sincere, and honest. I try to stay optimistic and to solve any problems with the smile on my face. I am not afraid of any difficulties and ready for any life adventures.
un mascul sincer , tandru , cu simtul umorului dezvoltat
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

SENZUALA,DORNICA DE DISTRACTII I'm sociable and kind by nature, it is very important for me to be surrounded by people who will support and develop my worldview. My profession helps me to make women beautiful, but I think that a woman becomes beautiful when she is loved. I hope that on this site I can find a man who will make me beautiful! I dream to fabricate strong relationship with deep family values.
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Femeie, 21, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

Sexy si rea numai a ta...:P (yea right!!) I am kind, honest, sincere, I do not like to be bored and always find any business for myself. I'm active, I don't like being sad, I'm always cheerful. I like to travel. I like going to the movies, I like going to the gym. I love theatre. my favorite music is pop, jazz, classical. I hope that there will be a man who will be interested in me.
Buna pai nu se vede in poze..;)
Tot ce aveti de oferit...
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

\"imi place sa fiu eu,sa fiu iubita,imi place ciocolata,soarele,prietenii,imi place sa rad,imi place sa traiesc,sa dansez,sa ma bucur de fiecare moment de fericire,imi place sa-l astept pe Mos Craciun,imi place sa admir cum doarme,imi place viata cu tot ce e in ea,,imi place sa ma trezesc cu razele soarelui pe gene,imi place sa am suflet de copil.8-asa sunt eu
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

I am Hawwa Originally from Ukraine Iaa‚¬a„¢ve been living in Ukraine all my life interested in for a long time relationship . I love to learn about new places, people and cultures. Iaa‚¬a„¢m single never been married . I like to be in harmony with the world around me. but Iaa‚¬a„¢m very down to earth I like to read a lot and keep up with many thingsaa‚¬a€œpolitics, social issues, culture, travels, people. I especially value humor, being able to laugh at yourself, being able to communicate, culture in general, social issues, staying healthy, and the freedom to think out of the box. I also like Woody Allen films, swimming, hearing peopleaa‚¬a„¢s stories, and simply talking with people. Iaa‚¬a„¢m looking for a companionaa‚¬a€œsomone with his own life, with a strong personality, yet also able to make the compromises that life sometimes requires. Someone who isnaa‚¬a„¢t too thick and who is able to laugh at himself. No smokers, please.
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

Frumoasa sincera directa The time passes, it flies and the years are running away. Unfortunately the youth cannot be returned. The appearance is changing, the interests and life views as well but soul is not changing at all! When I am awakening every morning I am happy for every day, for each sun ray that comes to me. But my happiness could be fuller if near me could be You. How long I am waiting for you! You are tired of loneness and I am tired as well. Would you like to know me better and closer? The most I value in a man is his ability to make an ordinary woman feel like a queen and I hope I will find such a man in my life. He should be considerate and he should desire to have a family life.
Un corp elegant
Un mascul care sa stie ce vrea
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Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

Sunt o persoana forte deschisa in orice subiecte de comunicare,apreciez sinceritatea la o persoana,felu de a gandii si de a se exprima in cuvinte!!!Nu suport mitocanii si nesimtititi!!! Je suis une femme sérieuse , sincère , honnête , gentille , fidèle , calme , douce , élégante , amoureuse , souriante , tendre , sympas , courageuse , très romantique , qui culture du bonheur , générosité , sensibilité et fidélité.
Las la aprecierea voastra,nu-mi place sa ma laud!!!
Un mascul serios care stie sa vorbeasaca cu o femeie, sensibil,deschis la distracti!Genu de om care sa stie ca vrea de la viatza,intelegator si mai matur in gandire!
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

descoperiti voi :) sincera e curiosa di provare qualcosa di particolare, non avendo esperienze speciali... Cerco una DONNA per amicizia o qualcosa di più... scrivimi un messaggio. Write me a message to know more about us. Grazie
placut zic eu
Recent intoarsa in tara, in cautare de prieteni noi:) mai multe vedem pe parcurs :)
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

Sunt o BALANTA veritabila, sociabila, sentimentala, optimista si sensibila. Imi organizez viata punand accent pe tot ce e frumos, elegant, ordonat si imi plac extremele dar prefer sa urmez o linie de mijloc. Sunt cat pot de diplomata, idealista si impaciuitoare. Imi place luxul si frumosul. Sunt destul de schimbatoare si tolerez greu rutina. Viata este plina de neprevazuta€¦nu-i asa? Sunt o femeie care stie sa faca afaceri si isi face loc a€œpe tocuria€ cu mult tact in lumea barbatilor de afaceri. :) Caut un partener ... asemanator. :) Nota: Rog ca masculii casatoriti sau cei aflati intr-o relatie sa NU ma contacteze! Ar fi pierdere de timp. Multumesc.
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

sunt o sotie naturala cu calitati dar si defecte am cei 7 ani de acasa cu mine,.,, restul cauta si descopera solitar Cine sunt eu:Sunt o nevasta cu lumina in ochi si cantec in suflet...Ma despart extrem de greu de ceea ce imi este drag, obiecte sau oameni... Se spune ca fiecare are un pret...exista cativa oameni in viata mea pentru care mi-as vinde si sufletul.Urasc sa fiu jignita. Rar sunt pesimista, dar si atunci gasesc solutii. Plang de fiecare data cand simt nevoia. Sunt confuza de fiecare data, pana analizez bine situatia..Produc uneori furtuni prin ideile mele, dar le duc la indeplinire cu stoicism.Vorba ceea, eu cant, eu joc!Sunt incomoda in raport cu sinceritatii mele, dar asta e... Am nevoie de libertate, incredere, atentie si tandrete...Multi oameni cred ca ma cunosc, cand de fapt nici eu nu ma cunosc.Sunt naiva.. inca mai cred in povesti, in suflete pereche, in oameni buni....imi adun cu zambetul pe buze bucatile de inima si le asez la loc...Ma caut in fiecare zi, cred ca ma gasesc, ma pierd si iar ma caut... Cred ca niciodata nu stii ce iti aduce ziua de maine... :)Nici eu nu stiu!
altletica sportiva ce sa zc buna.,.,.,
un barbat sincer cu caracter si care sa ma inteleaga
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

Sunt o fire foarte activa cu apetitul mai crescut. Vor discretie si ofer discretie. Ofer toate fanteziile sexuale, detin jucarii sexuale. Nu ma intereseaza varsta stiu sa ma adaptez oricarei persoane. Va sarut pasional!
las la aprecierea voastra
Indiferent ce persoana disponibila si dornica de senzatii tari.
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

Tandra, sexuala . I am a very open minded person, someone who accepts people as they are, I am a fair individual who adapts to changes in life and enjoys life to the fullest,and looking to meet a man that i can spend the rest of my life with in goodtimes and in badtimes as well, A man that I can love and cherished with all my whole being and heart and I pray to God almighty that he will provide me with that kind of a woman someday in my life. I'm pride of myself in being honest and most trustworthy, I seek that in a mate, someone who is compassionate yet understanding who has a calm behaviour and a great personality.
sunt ok.
detalii in privat
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

imi palce sa ma bucur intens de viata nu imi place sa ma plictisesc. caut o relatie stabila cu un baiat atractiv cu o pozitie economica buna. vreau un baiat care sa ma faca fericita din toate punctele de vedere.
un baiat singur care este capabil sa faca orice pentru mine
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

yo si doar yo!!!! mely sweet?? nu? Sunt o persoana decenta ,civilizata si nu vor relatii de compromis! La drum... Azi i-am spus tristetii: nu te mai intoarce! Am inchis fereastra, nu poate intra, Am stins si lumina, nu ma vede-n noapte, Usa-i ferecata, lacat e pe ea! Mi-am fabricat bagajul, plin e cu de toate, Pun intai iubirea, e pe primul loc, Mai asez speranta, dorul, bunatatea, Gingasia, visul, pacea, dragostea. Pun si frumusetea...dar, Am luat si mandria, De a nu permite, Un alt ieri
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

I love music! I sing in the shower, and dance to anything, Relief me more from stress. Music touches the soul, energizes the mind and spirit, and transports to such wonderful memories. I'm looking for someone to help make more memories together with.. I would like to meet someone nice, intelligent, and who has a great sense of humor. Someone who will make me smile, challenge me, grow with me, and ignite my passion. A partner who is interested in all of me.
un tip sincer si nebunatic
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

fitoasa si nesuferita=))=)) nevasta normala in cautarea unui om natural intr-o lume sunt cea mai eleganta dar nici cea mai urata.atractia porneste de la intaia vedere, rog cei fara poza la profil sa nu ma contacteze. timpul este pretios si nu detin suficient sa imi bat joc de el. va vor sa gasiti ceea ce cautati. Ana
:D....valorezi atat cat te apreciezi, deci....daca as vb despre mine, mi-ar lipsi per global modestia!
doar ma uit asa din cand in cand......
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RoXaNa ReY
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

sunt dragutza ,simpatika,sexy,intelegatoare si nu ma dau mare. I am well-educated and intelligent woman. I am sincere, kind, open-minded with great sense of humor. In my free time I like to go in city park, resting. For me, my family is important. Happiness, health and welfare of my family. Find a simple woman's happiness - to love and be loved, to understand and respect each other. To me it is important that I can help people and that I like my job. I would like to meet a tender and kind-hearted man if you interested let me know so that i can add you to my list and we can know more about each Other.
sunt sexy si buna.
caut masculi OK
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Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

ma poti gasi sa discutam I am a very open minded person, someone who accepts people as they are, I am a fair individual who adapts to changes in life and enjoys life to the fullest,and looking to meet a man that i can spend the rest of my life with in goodtimes and in badtimes as well, A man that I can love and cherished with all my whole being and heart and I pray to God almighty that he will provide me with that kind of a woman someday in my life. I'm pride of myself in being honest and most trustworthy, I seek that in a mate, someone who is compassionate yet understanding who has a calm behaviour and a great personality.
o fire placuta zic eu , tu ce parere ai?
caut un tip elegant, curat , cu simtul umorului dezvoltat, manierat , daca si tu iti vrei ceva frumos hai sa incercam, sunt destul de nimfomana sa ocolesc subiectul sexului nebun.
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Femeie, 41, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

sunt o tanara buna fetita care este inca singura si sunt aici sa ma intalnesc si sa-mi fac prieteni noi si daca Dumnezeu, poate o sa aiba, imi place sa-mi intalnesc sufletul aici, multumesc That is hard to believe but I still have not had any relationships and never dated with a man in my life!Maybe that sounds too old fashioned but I want to belong only to one man, to have one love and one family and to be touched only with my man in my life! I got excellent education and have an intresting job, live in the lovely city Berdyansk, etc. Actually there is a video in my profile so you can watch, listen to it and know more of me! Real Video would help you to feel my energy better than many of words!
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

Ask me if you want to know more about me Buna ma numesc Laura si din pricina pluctiseli m-am à ®nscris aici :)) ... Sunt nevita de puÈa€ºin timp à ®n Barcelona si vreau sa cunosc mai numeroase persoane să à ®mi fac prieteni,prietene urăsc singurătatea
A good men, sweet and he love me
Much things
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

mica, sexi si rea Sunt o persoana sensibila,serioasa ,vesela .Urasc oamenii infideli ,falsi si mincinosi . Calitatile pe care le consider pietrele de temelie ale unei relatii serioase,de intinsa durata sunt..afectiunea ,,respectul comunicarea si increderea.
masculi sociabli, sexi si rai!
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Gina Love
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

Ma numesc Gina Sunt o persoana simpla si credinciosa LUI DUMNEZEU , Crestina Penticostala ,la profil .. am cu 4 ani mai mult.... iubitoare de viata,romantica, Iubesc natura , muntii, lacuri , pescuit...calatoriile ..sunt foarte flexibila, intelegatoare, comica, i-mi place sa rid, sa glumesc... sa ma rog, , sa postim impreuna, sa merg la Biserica de 1-2 ori pe saptamina, ..doresc o persoana cu aceleasi calitati si hobby .@ 48 ani, peste 175 cm . Va extrem multumesc !! ** Daca esti betiv, , fumezi , curvesti sau i-ti place sa minti nu-ti pierde vremea si treci TE ROG mai departe.Nu-mi irosesc viata ..este PREA SCURTA vreau sa iubesc cu adevarat pe CINE merita . nu-s in Ro ci in States
Port marimea B la sutien.
Caut un barbat serios si totusi nebunatic, si sa aiba varsta cuprinsa intre 25-30 ani.
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Femeie, 21, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

I think of myself as a hard-working person but at the same time I like to enjoy the life for example going to the cinema, walking around with friends, doing sportsa€¦ Therefore, I think that I am also active and sociable. I consider myself ambitious with the work; I always have a new goal to achieve. To some ...
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Femeie, 41, Casatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

de viata Sunt aici pentru a gasi o relatie serioasa pe care mi-o doresc. Sunt o persoana onesta si directa si caut un mascul serios asemeni mie care sa isi doreasca o relatie bazata pe respect, dragoste si onoare.
nimic in mod special
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

Sunt o persoana vesela...tot timpul pusa pe sotii..dar si serioasa cand e cazul..sunt o fire un pic orgolioasa:).. I'm outgoing and love to spend time with friends and family. I am very easy going, I tend to love every little things of life! Well here I am to my surprise looking for someone to spend the rest of my life with and share all the great things in life. prea stiu ce sa spun...
sa fie stie cum sa se comporte cu o fie fie respectuos..etc..
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

this is the best way i can describe myself I am grown up girl who wants to confectionate right life with right man.I already understand this despite my age. Time of thoughtless actions has passed, and that is time to make serious step in this life. That is why I am here
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

Hi, I hope you have some time for me, even if you don't have much of it. I am here because I really believe that I will find my love here. I had a very hard history in the past and I will never be the same. I want to start my happy life with someone who can help me be happy with him and who is willing to take care of me. You should know that I am good at cooking doing sports and working Let me know if I am good for you.
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Femeie, 31, Casatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

las la aprecierea dvs I am a very optimistic person. I like to smile and to laugh, and make others happy. I always hope for better. I think life is beautiful as long as you think so. I am positive that everything is possible in life.I am very friendly and adore kind, balance and intelligent. I am communicative and genuine person by nature. I appreciate home coziness and I am interested in social life. I have many friends and good family, but I feel lack of a rarisim person by my side who I can give all my care, warmth, love and tenderness. I want
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Femeie, 44, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

Fire pozitiva I am real and very serious and also sincere about my search. I am a very energetic and purposeful lady. I have a great sense of humor and I am fun-loving. But at the same time, I am well-educated, intelligent, well-mannered, reliable and serious about important things. I am a one man woman. In relationships I cherish mutual understanding and shearing.
Relatie serioasa
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Femeie, 55, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

optimista, cu simtul umorului, flexibila, merg pe principiul bate si ti se v-a deschide, cauta si vei gasii, daca nu incerci nu ai de unde sa stii ce ai fii putut gasii,asa ca viata e un risc cine risca poate castiga si chiar dac pierde tot e in castig, castiga experienta si data viitoare v-a stii mai bine ce sa faca.
Sunt o sotie cu un infatisare fizic placut.
Caut un om care sa stie ce vrea de la el, de la viata asta si de la persoana pe care si-o ravneste langa el.Sa fie intelegator, tandru, sa ii placa copii si animalele, sa nu fumeze si sa nu consume alcool.
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Femeie, 54, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

singura deocamdata.... Here I have only serious intentions. I had a bad experience, but I did not lose hope in better. I am looking for a strong, responsible and reliable, kind and sincere man. I am looking for a one-woman man, who is ready to give all his love only to the one woman. I see a man next to me who does not betray and lie, who values feelings of other people. I want a man, who does not play dirty games with women and who really wants to love and be beloved. If you saw yourself in this description, you are welcome to write me.
ramane de vazut
nimic exista
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

secret Cea mai buna razbunare este sa depasesti momentul cu zambetul pe buze si sa lasi karma sa faca restul! Sunt mereu sincera si spun ce gandesc si asta mi se pare minunat! Nu imi plac fiintele mincinoase, sunt o persoana ambitioasa!
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Femeie, 43, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

Mai taziu Prietenia si respectul stau la baza unei relatii durabile si trainice. Esti tu schimbarea pe care vrei sa o vezi in jurul tau sau o astepti doar de la ceilalti? Teme de interes-implicare: educatia, justitia sociala, antreprenoriatul social, participarea civica, mediul si dezvoltarea durabila, frumosul din natura si cel din creatia omului..Imi place lemnul, nu plasticul. Imi plac copacii vii, cele mai minunate si valoroase creaturi vegetale. Si Diana Krall..
Cam nasol
Ceva serios
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Femeie, 41, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

Just me ....Viata asta e un lung sir de pasi,de treceri de la ceva catre mereu altceva,de undeva inspre altundeva,de la ceva ce stii catre necunoscut!Și cu fiecare pas fabricat fiecare a€eua€al tau se modifica si devine mai atent,mai curios,mai plin de intrebari,mai matur!Și il duci pe fiecare catre necunoscut,catre maturitate,catre raspunsuri ce par pierdute in eternitate!Faci un pas mic si fiecare a€tua€ vine dupa tine cu increderea ca mergi pe drumul bun si ca viata nu te va pocni in fata sau din spate!Treci prin frig,prin indiferentele unora construindu-ti poduri,construindu-ti pasii catre propria si necunoscuta destinatie!Oare destinatia asta inseamna o parte din infinit?!
Un barbat
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Femeie, 55, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

O persoana cu virtuti si defecte ca orice om. Cautiously optimistic to find a man who is well grounded, kind, well structured mentally, intelligent, makes time for the relationship, remembers always to be a gentleman and has realistic expectations from his partner. Easy going, good sense of humour with a young heart and mindset would really match my personality. For those who dona€™t have a picture, are under 52 or over 62 there will be no reply. Thank you.
Caut o relatie de intinsa durata,eventual pentru tot restul vietii, relatie in care potentialul partener sa se poata implica si emotional, nu numai fizic. Pentru ca nu-mi plac triangulatiile, rog pe domnii ce se afla intr-o relatie de orice fel sa nu ma inoportuneze.
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Femeie, 49, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

i do not like to talk about my self a lot but i can say i love the way God made me in it very proud and confident woman, love life and working hard for my future i love discovering new people with mixed and totally open to different religious beliefs and i think that the reason for our exist
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Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

am ochii verzi,par saten.inalta,dragutza,o extrem buna prietena..........restu'va las sa descoperiti I am a cheerful woman with an active lifestyle. I love myself that's why I'm always trying to look beautiful and to take care of myself. The most important thing in life for me is a family and a loving man next to me. I will never betray my loved one and I want to start my life from scratch. By nature, I am very patient, but I'm not going to tolerate if I get offended often. I am looking for my like-minded friend and lover all in one person.
va las pe voi sa spuneti....
imi place sa cunosc persoane noi
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

Draguta si nebuna I'm young, attractive, honest, kind, attentive and I am searching for a nice, simple man who can love and who knows what it is to be loved to lucrate a family together and to build ourown life in our own place, to bring our children up with faith in God.
Lets have funn
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Femeie, 41, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

Romantica si sensibila incurabila,ador sa dansez, sa cant, sa calatoresc... Ies in oras de cate ori imi permite momentul liber, de fiecare data cand ies,ma distrez si sunt sufletul petrecerii.... Cand vreau sa ma relaxez, ma uit la filme, citesc sau fac exercitii pylates... Restul, descoperiti voi...
Nu-mi place sa comentez despre aspectul meu fizic... Mi se pare lipsa de modestie si sigur nu as fi obiectiva...;)
Ce caut eu... Caut o minune, un prieten adevarat, un om sensibil si sincer... Daca are aceste 3 calitati, sunt sigura ca putem fi mai mult decat prieteni buni cu timpul... Nu-mi doresc sa ma casatoresc, cel putin nu in viitorul apropiat...vreau doar un suflet pereche....that's all...
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arat bine
Poze verificate
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

Girl-next-door type, loyal, kind, funny, dislikes drama, well educated, born and raised in Bucharest, now doctor in NY, loves outdoors and animals, dancing, hiking, traveling, reading, looking for a partner with similar qualities. Cannot see who added me to "favorites" or "voted". Thanks and good luck to everybody.
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Femeie, 43, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

Dragostea este un ocean.Daca nu stii sa inoti in el, te poti ineca. Fire romantica, pasionala,aventuroasa,generoasa. I always thought that when I fall in love and start a family, that will be for life. Yes, now I know that things do not always happen as we desire, but the most important lesson I've learned is that we should never give up on our hopes, wishes and beliefs. I still believe in love, family and marriage and I am here with a hope to meet a wonderful man. When you get to know me, you'll see that I am a very devoted and trustworthy person. I have a very strong feminine side. I am caring, gentle, never raise my voice and do not like scandals. I believe in conversation and compromise. I am romantic and sensual - these are the two traits that I keep solely for my future partner. I will do everything in my power to see him smile to me every morning and every night as we fall asleep.
Trasaturi de felina
Caut un barbat cu suflet nobil, cu atitudine masculina, sarmant, vesel, practic, diplomat, flexibil in gandire, entuziast, expansiv.
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

ochi caprui 1.67 I am very honest and faithful. It is important for me to remain truthful always and I greatly appreciate this quality if to speak about other people. I am extremely optimistic person and I try to be never upset. Sometimes I like to behave like a child because I am sure that it is very important if you can release all your feelings. But it doesn't mean I am not a lady. I am a real lady because of my upbringing and I do like cooking romantic dinners at home and wearing classic dress. I don't have a man in my life now and that is why I don't have a person who to cook for and who to make surprises but I am here to change this situation! First of all, I dream about finding honest, faithful and reliable man. I think that cheating us taboo and I must be sure in my partner. I want to be the one for him and I want him to be the one for me. I would like my partner to be kind and attentive because I am a very attentive person myself. I don't care age difference because I know a lot of examples of happy marriages when a husband was much older than his wife. Age doesn't influence intelligence level, character, moral values and so on. That is why age limitations which I stated in my profile are very obscure. So please, don't think they are "must" for me. No matter if you are younger or older than I stated - if you feel connection reading my profile right now, please, right me, because only your soul and heart are important for me!
caut un baiat kre sa ma iubeasca cu adevarat si sa fie elegant pe placul meu.
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

cam nebunatica Nu o sa ma descriu pe mine...o sa spun ce imi doresc... Un om deosebit, simplu. Nu modestia il aseamana mereu, ci simplitatea de a fi diferit: de a sari mereu in ajutorul altora mai nefericiti decat el, de a avea o educatie aleasa si a respecta pe ceilalti in orisice conditii, de a straluci intelectual, de a dovedi caracter si, nu in ultimul rand, de a fi om. Cam la asta se rezuma simplitatea astazi: omenie. Si, pentru ca este din ce in ce mai rara, a ajuns deosebita. Numeroase fiinte, putini oameni..
nush ce sa spun.....
o persoana care sa ii placa intocmai ce-mi place mie :):-p
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

nebuna si cu suflet mare \"imi place sa fiu eu,sa fiu iubita,imi place ciocolata,soarele,prietenii,imi place sa rad,imi place sa traiesc,sa dansez,sa ma bucur de fiecare clipa de fericire,imi place sa-l astept pe Mos Craciun,imi place sa admir cum doarme,imi place viata cu tot ce e in ea,,imi place sa ma trezesc cu razele soarelui pe gene,imi place sa am suflet de copil.8-asa sunt eu
un mascul simpatic,,,si devreme acasa:))
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Voluntari, Ilfov Romania

O fata simpla ..dar acum depinde ce cred ceilalti ...:) I 'm Athletic, health Conscious,educated,fun to be with and adventurous...I'm also Easy Going,down to Earth,and have an understanding tolerant pleasant nature(It generally takes a great deal to upset me).Life is far too short to get upset with little things.Time and experience would tell you I'm a genuine,passionate, romantic, loyal,honest,seeking mutual respect hardworking and honest
Caut sa imi fac prieteni ...:)
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