Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
Ca toata multimea cu defecte si calitati I am caring, loving sincere, honest and down to earth woman with good work ethics. I have a great sense of humor, intelligent, loyal, fun loving, love to make friends since am a very social person. I would also consider myself to be confident and passionate in what I believe in. I am emotionally available and have no games to play as am new to this internet dating and am sure to meet the man of my dreams since i have known a few people who met their love ones through this system. Other interests of mine include candle light dinners, stimulating conversation, laughter, movies, comedy, sightseeing, taking in events that are going from a street fair to an occasional show or concert, weekend getaways, picnics in a park, long walks by the ocean I am looking for a kind-hearted and cheerful man. I want him to be responsible and family-oriented. I want him to be romantic and tender, caring and attentive to everything..... Everyone is looking for King or prince , but I need that one who is meant to make my life complete. I am simple and need a simple man, whose heart is open for love, a man who will be the only one for me in this world, a man who will share this life and will be happy only because he sees me each day, waking up in the morning, a man who will be my support, my passion, my love. Be sure a€“ life will become better, if you share it with me.. Nici slaba nici grasa muultumita de mine M-am saturat de oameni falsi cu doua fete vreau om care sa stie ce vrea de la viata
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
Imi vor atat de mult Sa te ating, Incat uneori ... Palmele mele iau foc Cautandu-te, Incercand sa te gaseasca. Imi doresc atat de mult Sa te sarut,Incat adeseori... Simt sarutul tau nestiut Pe buzele mele Care te asteapta. Imi doresc atat de mult Sa te ascult, Incat uneori... Imi Inchipui Dragostea noastra... Neanceputa . Si-mi doresc atat de mult Toate acestea Incat te strig Si simt ca oriunde ai fi Tu ma cunosti, Tu ma auzi, Tu ma doresti, Tu ma iubesti.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
Sunt o femeie sincera,care ii place sa se distreze la maxim,imi place destul de mult amicitia,urasc masculii fitosi...... Se spune ca e trebuinta de un minut pentru a-ti da seama ca o persoana e speciala,de o ora pentru a o aprecia, de o zi pentru a te indragosti dar uneori...nu ajunge o viata pentru a o uita......Si dice che ci vuole un minuto per notare una persona speciale,un'ora per apprezzarla,un giorno per volerle bene....ma non basta una vita per cancellarla...... Bruneta,ochii schimbatori ziua verzi noaptea capriu...... Caut un b arbat sincer,simpatic,care sa stie sa se distreze la mare si sa stie sa faca sex bine
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
Romantic, cute and friendly girl. A little sentimental. I do not like being lied to. I like to read books and fall asleep under the sound of rain. I want to meet a guy for whom the main value in life is the family.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
Fosta gimnasta, nu beau si nu fumez. Caut un domn care sa locuiasca la mine( desi eu cred ca,caut acul intr un car cu fin) , sa nu fumeze si sa nu consume alcool decit ocazional sau mai bine de loc. Am trei copii stabiliti la casele lor,deci locuiesc singura. SUNT O PERSOANA DESCHISA,VESELA DAR GREU DE CONVINS!! ...SA FITI IUBITI.
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
Neinteresanta pentru drumetii fara tinta, aspiratii si pasiuni, pentru lenesi, fricosi relevanti, minti cu fracturi de logica si alte categorii asemanatoare. Ma amuza la superlativ oscilatiile oamenilor, frica lor de maine si barbatii...incitati pe mai multe...,,meridiane''. :) Tintesc un om cu un ambalaj pozitiv si suspensii cerebrale, care nu se regaseste in majoritar si care are ceva de zis. Care stie, vrea si POATE. Si, daca e, prin evidenta, pretentios...reverenta! Mostenesc increderea ca moneda de schimb si cuvantul - in loc de semnatura. Ador ciresele si scaldatul noaptea. Ah, port tocuri. Alteori ma plimb desculta...Sunt alandala cand vreau eu si pot fi cea mai eleganta pentru cine vreau eu. Nu caut nimic, nu dau haotic din coate pe nicaieri. Dar...voi pastra ceea ce voi gasi. Cred in iubire. In respect si in zambete nefortate. Si nu ma tratez..... :) PS: am 37 de ani, si nu 33....am facut o greseala la editarea profilului, pe care din pacate n-o mai pot corecta...
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
hmmmmm sunt o nebuna si jumatateeeeeeeee ;p I am a funny young girl from the western part of Ukraine. I like active style of life very much. I like sports and animals. One day I want to have family, where there are love, trust, support and happiness! I like to spend my free time outdoor and I dream to travel in another country to see new people and may be find something interesting and useful for me?. I am always in good mood and my friends say that I like a sun in the sky? placut :D e nah..
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
sunt o fata sincera cu simtul umorului bine profilat I am kind, honest, sincere, I do not like to be bored and always find any business for myself. I'm active, I don't like being sad, I'm always cheerful. I like to travel. I like going to the movies, I like going to the gym. I love theatre. my favorite music is pop, jazz, classical. I hope that there will be a man who will be interested in me. mi-e f bine asa...conteaza ce am in cap... nu cum arat :P tipi sinceri... cu simtul umorului... bla,bla,bla...:P
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
sunt copilaroasa,sensibila,iubitoare,rasfatata Sunt un om de calitate ,sincera ,familist convins ,detest minciuna.Mi-asi dori sa intilnesc un mascul , cu aceleasi calitati si sa ne petrecem restul vieti inpreuna ,atit cit a mai ramas din ea si sa inbatrinim FRUMOS !!! Nu le vom sti nicicand pe toate ,inportant e sa invatam ceva din viata asta !!! S blondina,ochii mari caprui... prietenie,comunicare...
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
Sufletista si destul de iubitoare :x Hello!!! I am very glad that have found your profile, you have seemed to me Very interesting also has decided to write to you. Probably we shall find much in common Also we become good friends. My name is Olga and me of 29 years. If you will write to me that You can learn about me much more. Therefore I wait from you the letter in mine mailbox. Write to me, I think we shall make friends. .... ...
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
bruneta buna.. Urata, proasta, cu fata slinoasa de purcea, adesea isterica, somera cu cinci copii (varste intre zero-sase ani)si posesoare de trabant. Ptr ca da bine clona mea in pozele alea toti vor sa mi-o ***** fara sa-mi stie numele sau sa-i intereseze daca a doua zi ma calca tramvaiul. Dar eu il caut pe Fat-Frumos cu creierul gros, cu umorul haios, posesor de Q sapte, cu vila, piscina si contul mare(doar are cinci copii de crescut si casa de intretinut). Daca iti place concediul la mare trandavind la soare, sau toate serile la "o bere cu baietii" sau weekend-ul acasa in varful patului la televizor, atunci...RUN ! FRUMOSULE mai sunt multe profiluri de vizitat. Nu iti place natura si urci muntele de la volanul masinii, nici plimbarile in parc?...RUN Iarna tragi cate o dusca la fiecare sfert de ora de frica gerului ? RUN...Te deranjeaza ca nu am nouazeci-saizeci-nouazeci? GO GO GO I am not looking for a S_x budy. Am la mine in cartierul rau famat de unde alege destui boschetari neinsurati (carora le plac manelele)cu lanturi de aur groase la gat si limuzine, asa ca nu ma mai numiti c....a de ciuda ca nu fac web s_ apropo ..sunt prea saraca sa-mi cumpar unul..) La initialul mesaj in care nu ma intrebi de ce sunt vaduva si singura cu asa ochi frumosi,te pot premia cu id-ul meu. Mai faceti un review la descrierea cu ceea ce caut + ce mai intelegi din descrierea mea. Daca este greu de inteles ptr unii, fac mai jos un rezumat. Cine ar necesita sa NU ma contacteze? * Aia de vor sa-mi comunice ca am ochi frumosi si sunt mega draguta ,dar pacat ca sunt grasa,proasta ,etc. STIU DEJA... *Fanii de aventuri cu femei mai mature (adica cei pana in treizeci de ani) *Inaltimea...port tocuri si trec de un m si saptezeci cm n-as vrea sa-ti scuip seminte in cap...iar daca mai ai si sub saptezeci si cinci kg ...chiar imi ajung cei cinci copii...nu mai am nevoie de altii...Si inca ceva...cei care au trebuinta de cafenea, ceainerie,restaurant, etc in toiul noptii...abtineti-va...inca nu mi-am deschis acasa asa ceva... Deci...TARZAN, ai la dispozitie doar un mesaj care sa imi capteze atentia Gandeste-te de doua ori pana il scrii, fie el si pe chat.Daca nu imi place, te blochez fara intarziere si forever !
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
simpatica,glumeata,care stie ce vrea de la viata,distractiva, I am a shining, smiling and always positively thinking lady. I think that life is given to live it to the fullest and bring as much happiness as possible into this world. I am serious about my search and I am sure that mutual strong feelings, interests and values will lead us to a big success in a relationship inalta,greutatea exacta pt ani care-i am,aspect fizic placut,cine vrea sa ma cunoasca, nu are decat sa ma contacteze. sa fie cam la fel ca mine,nu opusul meu,care sa stie cum trebuie tratata o femeie ,romantic si pasional,glumet si hazliu cand trebuie si cam atata.de restul ne ocupam impreuna daca iese ceva...:P
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
Nimic My self-summary i'm hijabi girl (because i always wearing hijab all day, except when i'm in the house) . I like to cook western food, chinese food, and indonesian food. I like taekwondo,painting and doing some fashion sketch. i'm a businesswoman that have small business. I'm not scammer. I'm classy, elegant,and modest woman. I always wear my design, so my look is my personality.I want to meet good guy no bad guy. If you want to meet me in my country i always with my bodyguard that are policeman (because i want to protect myself from wrong guy and bad guy who are terrorist,drug users, drug traffickers and drug dealers( because in indonesia it has death penalty for drug dealers and terrorist )). Good guy don't be afraid with me . What Ia€™m doing with my life achive my goal !!! to be successful entrepreneur!!! and activate my aseets: 1. i like to cook indonesian food, chinese food, and western food maybe i can build restaurant or food truck ( and also serving my dishes from monday-friday to my future husband) 2. i like to make abstract painting maybe i can build art gallery and sell my artworks with higher price. 3. i like doing fashion sketch and making dress, maybe i can build fashion house bigger. Ia€™m really good at art,making fashion skecthes, painting, taekwondo, and cooking Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food favourite books : rich dad poor dad by robert t kiyosaki favourite television : glee, oprah winfrey show, how i met your mother favourite music: clean bandit, jess glynne, sharna bass, the corrs favourite food : indonesian food, chinese food, sea food, italian food, french food, middle eastern food. The six things I could never do without my hijab my art stuffs my pencil my fashion skecth book my laptop my friends and my family I spend a lot of time thinking about -vacation ........, because i like vacation -making new recipes (because i'm adventurous cook) -my achievement -making peoples happy ( because i like joking with my friends ) On a typical Friday night I am hang out with my friends, making artworks or cooking dinner for my family You should message me if You are caucasian or middle eastern race. (i like american,european, australian and middle eastern guys ( because i have male friend and he is american and he's such a fun guy)), indonesian guys are not special for me because maybe i just talk to him with indonesian language so i can't improve my english skill but also same culture with me, and i can't have international networking . I'm looking for middle esatern guy or caucasian guy because we can talk about different culture, i also can speak english with him, i can improve my english skill, and having international networking. Having business degree or economic degree.Having halal business not haram business ( haram business like drugs and alcohol) ( maybe i can be your business partner too ).Want to chat with me and friend with me, good guy no bad guy. I don't want to meet peoples who are drug users, drug dealers, gay, terrorist, drunk people, smoke person....:P please go away drug users, drug dealers, gay, terrorist, drunk people, smoke person :P. (but ocasionally drink it's OK for me) about smoke person.... i have asthma by the way so... i don't like smoke person. because the smoke can make my asthma relapse, sorry.... :(. You can talk with me about anything, discussing with me about anything, because i'm very open minded person :) . I'm looking a guy that wants to support me (i will support you too) , share some experience with me, making future plan together, joking with me. Natural
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
Sunt o fire sociabila si cu multa pofta de viata sincera e curiosa di provare qualcosa di particolare, non avendo esperienze speciali... Cerco una DONNA per amicizia o qualcosa di più... scrivimi un messaggio. Write me a message to know more about us. Grazie Atletica Caut domni manierati pentru o aventura de neuitat
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
Sunt o fire sociabila,sensibila,sufletista,romantica.Cu sigurantza vei descoperi mai multe,daca te interesez... Cand vine vorba de mine..sunt destul de putine aspecte pe care nu le pot controla dar sunt extrem numeroase lucruri care-mi cad mie in grija. Eu decid cum imi petrec timpul, cu cine intreactionez si, cel mai important, eu imi aleg ce gandesc.. Prefer intotdeauna adevarul, cu riscul de a rani pe cineva. Sunt adepta sigurantei, iubesc ordinea si nu imi place sa ma complic mintind. Daca sunt provocata, pot deveni incapatanata si inflexibila imi sustin cu tarie convingerile fara sa-mi fie teama de reactii. Bruneta,ochi albastrii,1.70m,56 kg par lung,corp atletic Nu pun accent destul de mult pe fizic,important e sa aibe un suflet asemanator cu al meu si sa existe compatibilitate.De restul ne ocupam impreuna.
Femeie, 47, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
Uneori amuzanta, alteori nu I am a giver. I am loyal, faithful, affectionate, passionate, honest, respectful, tolerant, forgiving, thoughtful, and optimistic with a great sense of humor. I like to learn something new every day and improve myself. I am ready to start a new chapter in my life full of love, happiness and laughter. I want to get married and have a happy family. My interests include exercise, art, reading, travel, nature, gardening, music and movies. Placut Pe cineva ca mine
Femeie, 48, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
sociabila, comunicativa,deschisa,dar nu cu toata lumea... I don't need anyone to take advantage of my weaknesses or my strengths, I need someone who will appreciate me for everything that I am... My past relationship was bad ever since then I have been single and scared to fall in love but now I am willing and ready now for a relationship... I am easygoing,open mined and I know how to treat my man and make him feel good, I gives to him every love he wants and always there for him when he needs a shoulder to lean on la varsta mea,ok pe cineva care sa-mi placa si sa ma placa...
Femeie, 59, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
buna dar rea I'm a sweet, loyal, God fearing woman easy to talk to, friendly and kind nature. I am a quiet thinker but can be vivacious at times. I have a live and let live lifestyle { ( I do not take life too seriously, we all have a limited time on earth. However, most people would describe me as highly responsible. neinteresant
Femeie, 65, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
Gratioasa in gindire si comportament,cu simtul umorului I am a very cheerful person, I always believe in the best and that is why I am very happy about my life. I am very kind and reliable and Iaa‚¬a„¢m kind and responsible woman, seeking for good relationship, someone I can facute a strong family with. I am a calm, life-loving, never lose my temper and I was brought up to respect men in every alura I am looking for a solid mature man with whom to build a future. He will be a nice ordinary man who wants me and only me if that is not too much to ask. placut 1,70, 85. Partenerul corespunzator
Femeie, 56, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
o femeie naturala I\'m a caring, fun loving young woman who is looking for a diplomatic, handsome and loving man. I have a lot to offer in a relationship. I am very laid back, down to earth and easy going person, understanding, loving, caring , honest and kind.I am simple and I don\'t mind if my match is perfect or not. i like nature, swimming and also listen to music., I like traveling. satisfacator un barbat care sa ma respecte si sa ma acepte asa cum sunt sa nu incerce sa ma schimbe
Femeie, 56, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
nice person Someone unique, someone complex, someone accomplished. I've taken risks, worked hard and grown and prospered accordingly. I am an attractive woman who is both physical and spiritual. I have the means and ability to enjoy what I`ve accomplished and the life I desire. good...... looking for someone special.....
Femeie, 45, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
I'm single never been married with no kids, I don't smoke, I drink occasionally (wine). I'm just a natural lady a caring lovable lady that seeking for something simple and I am a lady that prefer giver than a taker. I'm seeking for someone caring, Lovable, honestly, trustworthy and a man that I can be trusted. I'm looking for a strong man with a gentle heart that I can stand by in Good time and bad.I seek a man who is willing to share, a man that is sweet, a man that would appreciate a nice kiss early in the morning, that would appreciate being dressed up for work in the morning and breakfast in the morning, a man that would respect me and understand me always be there for me.
Femeie, 71, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
sunt o persoana energica, pasianata de aminale si flori, imi place sa crosetez. Romantica, sensibil? cu simtul umorului,Iubesc copii,animalele si viata la tara . In rest sunt cu bune cu rele , o nevasta naturala , Vor sa intalnesc un suflet bun ,cald cu bun simt pe um?rul c?ruia sa ma odihnesc cind sunt obosita,sa plang cand sunt trista ,sa ma bucur cand sunt fericita ,sa ne bucur?m impreuna si sa Imb?tranim elegant . Sa iubeasca viata la tara si gradinaritul . aspect fizic placut. caut un prieten serios, pentru conversatii.
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
SOY UNA PERS ABIERTA AL DIALOGO,ME GUSTAN LAS PERSONAS CON IQ ALTO Y...CREO Q NO ES NECESARIO TENER ESTUDIOS SUP. PARA SER LISTO. ODIO LA MENTIRA,LA PERVERSIDAD,LA INFATUACION AMO CON SINCERIDAD LA PERS. Q ME OFREZCA RESPETO Y...AMOR SINCERO. ME GUSTAN LOS ANIMALES,(LOS PERROS ME GUSTAN MAS Q OFRECEN MUCHO CARIÑO Y NO TRAICIONAN)LA MUZICA,EL BAILE,SOY AGRADABLE Y CARIÑOSA PERO ODIO LOS BORACHOS Y LOS MENTIROSOS.SI MI MEDIA NARANJA EXISTE, SOLO AQUI ME PUEDE ENCONTRAR.TE ESPERO.DA IGUAL EN Q PARTE DEL MUNDO TE ENCUENTRES..CON MUCHO RESPETO.....INA. Sunt o persoana deschisa la dialog cu persoane de bun simt.Imi plac fiintele cu IQ. inalt si consider ca nu e trebuinta sa ai studii superioare ca sa fii destept. Urasc minciuna, perversitatea si infatuarea Iubesc cu sinceritate pers. ce-mi ofera respect si dragoste sincera. iubesc animalele, (in unic cainii pt ca sunt afectuosi si nu tradeaza), muzica si dansul florile si parfumurile fine.. fara sa fiu o femeie complexa.-agreabila ,distractiva si serioasa cand e cazul. Urasc betivii si mincinosii.. Sufletul meu pereche, daca exista, aici ma poate gasi! il astept, chiar in ce parte a lumii se afla!...Cu mult respect un pupik pt toti vizitatorii profilului meu!...INA. INTERESANT
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
me hello love ones, am Stephani from republic of south Africa,a place called cape town province,am from mixed family back ground in south Africa seeking good lover who will care for me and love me for real till eternal,am caring, honest,loving,hard worker,trust worthy,humble down to earth girl who is willing to relocate for real,am single never married,no kids,am here to seek the best man in my life for real,and to eve a family with whom who will love me till eternal no matter what the SITUATION,a work as a nutritionist in one of the non governmental organization called thembalethu home base care as their professional nutritionist,please if you are interested in me mail me as soon as possible for real. love Stephani. ok interesting people
Femeie, 68, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
sint o femeie micuta cu simtul umorului dezvoltat cine vrea sa ma cunoasca ma cauta si descopera ce calitati am ce spun eu este inutil. Sunt femeie implinita, realizata,sanatoasa si fericita, iubesc,calatorii, sa ma dezvolt, sa traiesc in armonie cu mine.Nu am necesitate de banii nimanui, nu visez sa traiesc peste hotare cu orice pret, doresc,sper ca undeva pe pamint este barbatul cu viziune asemanatoare la viata, si desicur sa apara sentinemnul de dragoste, bazat pe respect, o persoana implinita si realizata, care stie ce vrea de la viata, care traieste in prezent nu in trecut.Nu ma intereseaza masculii casatoriti. Omul ale carui maini iti pot sterge lacrimile si iti pot mangaia zambetele...Omul care are timp sa te iubeasca sa iti vorbeasca si sa te imbratiseze...Omul cu care sa razi,sa plangi si sa taci,Omul care sa te priveasca in ochii si sa iti asculte sufletul.Omul care te invata sa evoluiezi si care are incredere in tine...Omul in ochii caruia sa iti vezi viitorul si linistea,...Omul care sa iti fie prezent si viitor, pentru virsta mea arat destul de bine un om la fel ca mine pina nu-l vad degeaba spun , inutil
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
Sunt o persoana frumoasa cel putin asa ma considera cei din jur imi plac cumparaturile si sunt modesta! First,I do not smoke,nor drink,never taken drugs in my life.I am very easy going.I have no kids.I like to do just about any thing that makes me happy.I am the kind of girl that is 100% real on all levels.I do not have time for games in the honor of love,feeling good and being happy.I have a college Degree,I do not stress nor argue with a man.I have very strong passion for a man and a lover to the bone of my soul.I believe in our GOD.I do not pass judgement on any body nor do i live in the pass that is not good in a relationship.I keep a clean house,I cook,hunt,fish,dance and enjoy happiness.I am seeking a man that is 100% honest,don't lie,.I do not cheat I am a one woman man to the end. Sunt o fata putin mai inalta am ochi albastri sunt blonda si nu sunt nici grasa nici slaba Caut un iubit pentru ca sunt singura
Femeie, 44, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
eu sunt o fire mai dulce ........ ashsa sunt eu dulce frumoasa I'm a very respectful woman and believe every man is best to make a woman complete, so respect is important. I need someone who will always make me laugh and put the smiles on my face most of the time. asha shi asha masculi shi distractie
Femeie, 44, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
sunt ok I am a kind, open-hearted, communicative, humorous, loyal, reliable and responsible woman who is ready for love. I want my family to have a warm, cozy and joyful atmosphere. I want to inspire my man and warm him with tenderness and love. I appreciate respecting, sincerity and understanding. prietenie
Femeie, 41, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
BUNA TUTUROR SUNT ELLA SI SUNT NUMAI PT VOI.VA PUPICI Ne proiectam idealurile iubirii dupa modelul cel mai simplu, cel mai aproape de inaltul cerului, de piscul fericirii. Visam, cu suflet fraged, la povesti de dragoste in care ne daruim sufletul si ni se raspunde cu marime inmiita. Citind cartile cele mai frumoase ale lumii, crestem cu speranta ca destinele inimii ne vor fi simple. Ca vom intalni din prima iubirea care sa ne tina o viata si o eternitate. Dar, uneori, ne pomenim ca ne traim vietile mai mult in visCe e iluzie si ce e realitate intr-o poveste de dragoste? CAUT BARBAT PT RELATII DELUNGA PERIOADA
Femeie, 54, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
unica.........sau......EU My name is Celia Boateng,i am 33 years Old,I am Single,White,dark brown hair,blue eyes,5'8",152 lbs.Long Hair and a healthy Lady.I am self-sufficient,Beautiful,happy,secure,self-confident,psychologically aware,emotionally and financially secure. exist ce caut?sincer .nimic,imi mai pierd si eu timpul pe aici.NU cred in iubire pe net si nu ma intilnesc cu cei de aici.asa ca nu va obositi sa ma contactati
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
buna sunt o fata nebuna si dornica de distractii ,doresc sa imi fac multi prieteni I dream to meet a man, who is looking for a mutual love and respect. I just want to full our hearts of happiness and romantic atmosphere! I dream to realizate relationships, where we can be honest with each other and should be able to rely on each other when it is needed. vreau sa cunosc pe cineva pe care sa ma pot baza atat sentimental cat si financiar
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
o persoana sociabila sensibila, Ia€™m quiet, happy, tender and affectionate. Ia€™m easy-going and I always try to be in a good mood. Ia€™m persistent and purposeful. Ia€™m quite compassionate and I enjoy helping people when I have an opportunity. I like talking on different subjects and having only positive emotions. I'm simple easy going, one man woman, honest, genuine, trustworthy, reliable. I am very understanding and have much respect for other people. las la aprecierea voastra un mascul sincer care stie sa iubeasca
Femeie, 50, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania
sunt ok Felul meu de a fi nu il au multi sunt o persoana sincera carismatica cu cei 7 ani de acasa ! Imi place sa imi petrec momentul liber cu cei dragi mie si imi place sa aduc zambetul pe buze oamenilor care nu il au !asta este Cosmina ! te las pe tine sa ma descoperi... caut un mascul serios care sa stie ce vrea de la viata...
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Rovvinari, Gorj Romania