Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
O persoana normala, sociabila. Voi descrie in cateva cuvinte simple care imi sunt trasaturile de caracter si totodata ce apreciez la ceilalti oameni - onestitate, responsabilitate, recunostinta, perseverenta, generozitate, altruism, respect. Ahh...si sa nu uit sa mentionez despre inteligenta sociala- adica emotionala si interpersonala- sa poti fi constient de motivele si sentimentele celorlalti si ale tale insuti, sa te poti adapta in diferite situatii sociale si mai mult decat atat, sa stii ce e important nu doar pentru tine ci si pentru ceilalti. Acum sa vorbim si despre lucruri mai putin frumoase... Astfel, la polul opus, ca o trasatura negativa, sta lipsa rabdarii. Nu am extraordinar multa rabdare. Sigur ca acum nu ma refer la deciziile importante din viata mea, ci la lucrurile sau activitatile zilnice care necesita efecte rapide- deci la eficace in sine..Sunt numeroase de spus aici...voi descrie pe larg mai tarziu. Cred ca lipsa rabdarii nu este oricum un fapt bun. Mi-a venit acum in minte un lucru pe care l-a spus cineva referitor la confuzia dintre rabdare si pasivitate sau docilitate-cum nu echivaleaza cu niciuna dintre acestea doua. Rabdarea nu este pasiva si nici negativa, este o influenta constructiva, o forta activatoare pozitiva. Intrucat rabdarea nu este nici sinonimul tolerantei, putem spune ca ar trebui sa mai lucrez la acest capitol. )) Un alt lucru pe care multi il considera ca fiind negativ este gandirea critica-evaluarea atenta a lucrurilor si examinarea lor din toate punctele de vedere. Ahh...si putina incapatanare. Dupa examinarea critica, daca argumentele sunt corecte, trebuie sa ne sustinem si punctul de vedere, nu?! Cam astea ar fi demne de mentionat. Prin urmare o persoana normala, dar nu comuna. (haha) . Un om cu bune si cu mai putin bune. Cred insa ca in viata este destul de importanta intelegerea compensatiei. Fiecare om isi cunoaste principiile si valorile care sunt cele mai de pret in viata sa. In consecinta fiecare hotaraste ce este mai important in persoana care ii sta alaturi, ce poate fi tolerat si ce nu. Usor
Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
This is where I get to tell you all about myself and try not to tell too many lies, lol, only kidding. If I was to use just one word to describe me it would be ?Integrity?. Your word is your bond and without it you have nothing worthwhile. My friends would tell you that I am honest, sincere, loyal, up front and don?t play games. A new term called ?WYSIWYG? is the best all around way to describe who and what I am. It stands for What You See Is What You Get. te las pe tine sa decizi sa nu ma mai plictisesc
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
sunt o fire distractiva,zambareata si iubareata. I am an easy-going and communicative lady. I am also confident, artistic and not shy. I am always positive and surround myself with the same kind of people. I love to laugh and smile as much as possible. I am active, talkative and joyful. I have a lot of friends with whom I am in good relationships. I know how to listen, give advice and support. I am goal-oriented, confident and I know what I want from life! persista sa ne cunoastem ca sa vezi cum arat caut distractie si prietenie
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
Bonjour je viens de découvrir ce site, j'aimerais bien trouver un partenaire sérieux avec qui partager mes peines, mes joies et penser avenir dans une relation amoureuse solide...Je déteste le mensonge, les pervers passé votre chemin
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
Sunt o persoana naturala modesta, toleranta, emaptica, generoasa. Urasc minciuna, aroganta , ignoranta si prostia. Valorile adevarate sunt familia, inainte de toate , respectul fata de tine insuti si fata de cei din jurul tau , sa dai si sa primesti sentimente de dragoste, sa te valorezi si sa valorezi pe cei dragi si sa fii valorat. Nu are importanta partea materiala ci uniunea cu persoana de aproape tine. Sa iti fie (si sa fii alaturi)la bine si la greu .
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
timida si rasfatata Ich bin eine leidenschaftliche und sanfte Frau, die sich ohne einen besonderen Mann in der Nähe sehr allein fühlt. Ich werde immer ehrlich und treu sein, weil es meine Essenz ist. Meine Seele ist zart, aber mein Herz kann nicht lügen. Wenn ich meine Liebe treffe, werde ich darauf vorbereitet sein las la aprecierea voastra un tip destept, cu simtul umorului , manierat, respectos.
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
sunt o tipa nebuantica si imi place distractia I am a lonely girl and would like to find on this site man for serious relationship, as well as in real life luck is not always smiled at me :-( I hope that through this site I can find my soul mate ... Write to me and you\'ll learn about about me :-). masculi mumosi:P si simtul umorului!
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
,,just me.. I am fundamentally a good-matured and honest girl who enjoys the simple things of life. I can get along well with most people, but I prefer the company of my closest friends or relatives. I am a very humble and giving person with a large heart. interesant si inexplicabil.........merita vazut:)) prieteni,nimic special....:)))
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
sunt intocmai asa cum iti dorestii...promit!!! Le admir fara retinere pe frantuzoaice au o mare grija de ele,si imbatranesc cu gratie..sunt tonice si imprastie o frumusete special !! Imi place gandirea si corectitudinea nemtoaicelor,respectul si cuvantul dat Cred in sufletul romancelor,cald si plin de iubire,glumet si plin de viata !! Aceasta sunt EU...trei in unul !!!!
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
Sociabilabuna la pat ,ambitioasa I am loyal, responsible, active, responsible, loving, caring, sharing, kindhearted,warm, accommodating,sexy,compassionate,tolerant,laid back type,outgoing,welcoming to people generally,I am also a one man lady,I like to sing,write poems,listening to music,swimming,playing Basketball,watching TV,Movies and comedies,I love public intimacy Nas mic ,bruneta Caut o relatie deschisa in care sa domin
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
Acea persoana care stie sa ofere:linistea, armonia, dragostea si intelegerea intr-o relatie, are un atuu.Plus,sa stie sa fie responsabil ,familist, calm,sa aibe simtul umorului ,sa fie tandru,sa existe chimie si ,comunicare intre noi,atunci,e sotul pe care-l caut sa mi fie alaturi. Sa fie acel mascul pe care abia astept sa -l vad cand vin acasa . nush deocamdata .... vedem pe parcurs...... poate pe tine....
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
Sotie care stie ce vrea in Cautare de barbati disponibili sa cheltuiasca bani pentru placeri genitale I have no desire to see or swap dirty pics - really not that kind of woman. also if you haven't got a face pic, haven't filled your details in and haven't said what you are looking for - then ask me if I want to connect - expect sarcasm as a reply! In a nutshell I'm a down to earth young woman with both old school and new school values. I still believe in courting, picnics in the park, long conversations and gentlemen opening doors. Atragatoare , fund bombat sani mici si apetisanti ... tot ce trebuie pentru a te simti bine.. Barbati dispusi financiar pentru distractie
Femeie, 40, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
s o fata sincera s sociabila urask minciuna Outgoing woman that likes to laugh a lot and have a good time. I like trying new restaurants, jazz bars, lounges around the city but I've also been known to hit a few dive bars just for fun. I love any chance to put on a sexy dress and go out to a fun place. At the same time, I like quiet time at home watching a good movie or enjoying a home cooked meal that I didn't make (smile). I'm very career focused, I have a great job and I believe in taking care of myself in all ways. arat bine parerea voastra cont pt mn prieteni s socializam s ne relaxam
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
I am outgoing, fun loving, with a laid back easy going personality. I am a loyal friend and good listener. I am a positive person and enjoy good quality conversation over coffee. Long walks, slow dances, boating and canoeing are favorite pastimes of mine. I love nature but also enjoy a nice evening out in the city as well. I am a reader of books especially the Bible. Don't always spend time in church but have my own relationship in my private time with God. What Iam doing with my life I work in healthcare and love what I do. I am focusing more and more on my artwork. I am making time for myself and the things and people I love. Just left a management position and no longer on call. Iam really good at My talents are cooking, creating, and hosting small dinner parties ( BBQ's). I also am good at being a great friend. I will listen and hold things in confidence. My close friends know and love this about me. They know I am trustworthy and a supportive friend. I am good at my artwork and find it therapeutic. I have been told I have a clever and witty sense of humor. I enjoy someone who can make me laugh. Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food My favorite foods are seafood, BBQ, fresh vegetables and fruit, and coffee. I enjoy a good wine in moderation once in awhile. I like all types of music: Classic rock, country, blues, easy listening, even some of the current top forty.
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
Sint sincera de incredere nu fumez nu beu sint calma si f calculata si imi place sa respect persoana de linga mine in momentul liber ma uit la stiri la un film si imi place sa fac sport merg la cumparaturi si imi place sa gatesc
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
o sa va convingeti singuri daca imi scrieti!!! If you need someone, with whom you can discus any topics, who will be with you in happiness and in ailment, who won't tell a lie to you and will be honest with you, who will support you in any difficult situation, who won't leave you whatever will happened with you...... so, I can be this someone for you. veryyy sexy!! un mascul bunut,dragut si sa stie sa asculte!!!
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
sunt o fire putin rebela da foarte prietenoasa I'm loving, caring and an understanding person. Most of all, I'm honest and loyal as well. I'm a hardworking and responsible woman. I'm true and simple by nature. I'm loyal, romantic, faithful, idealistic and trustworthy person. I love being myself always who loves traveling, outdoors and adventures. I'm not a perfect lady, but I'll be a good wife and a good mother to my future children. nu.mi plac minciosii nu.mi place sa fiu mintita
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
hmm as putea sp ca sunt o fire cu bun simt imi place sa respect si sa fiu respectata,imi place sa dansez de fapt imi place exrem de mult:p:* I the young, vigorous, gentle girl searching, and at the same time waiting, the good, kind and sympathetic guy, am possible the man with which at us would be much in common. I love romanticism, I take a great interest in sports. I adore children, I dream to realizate the big, amicable, loving family. un barbat cuminte:p
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
nu va spun nimic.. Ciao!sunt o persoana sensibila,educata,afectoasa,dar foarte singura,nu caut aventuri si nici distractie,caut un suflet blind si sensibil asa ca mine care poate sa-mi pune la dispozitie toata dragostea si increderea de care am trebuinta pentru totdeauna.Daca cineva se conformeaza poftei mele sa ma contacteze.Va multumesc celor care ma viziteaza si le doresc toata dragostea din lume si multa multa fericirede care toti avem nevoie!!! sunt extrem buna...la tot ce se afla un mascul nici prost dar nici rau...daca se poate putin cu tupeu
Femeie, 41, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
simpaticuta si cu simtul umorului Persoana spirituala, sociabila, dar si f directa. Sunt pe site pentru socializare, vor conversatii de calitate, nu vreau sa ma intalnesc cu nimeni, sau sa sch numere de telefon, id-uri de mes, vreau pur si simplu sa mai stau de vb cu cineva din cand in cand. Pentru ocazie muncesc in Arabia Saudita. ochi caprui, par castaniu, 162 cm, slabuta mascul intre 22-30 ani simpaticut si cu simtul umorului
Femeie, 54, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
Am 39 de ani, 1,65 inaltime, 95 de kilograme Sunt curcubeu poarta spre stele,Sunt val inspumat plin de mistere,Sunt focul ce mistuie,apa ce stinge,sunt lacrima ce din ochiul tau se prelinge...Sunt soare,lumina,dans,incantare,sunt pe obrajii tai intaia raza de soare.Sunt dragoste,ura,o floare,un pom.Nu sunt nimic,si sunt totul,sunt doar un OM... 118*110*130 Barbat pentru casatorie cu stabilire in Romania.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
... Inca mai cred in Mos Craciun :)) Ce este dragostea? Atunci cand il privesti pe celalalt si se raceste mancarea in farfurie :)) Pentru ca sunt o rara avis ,de fauna si flora majoritara nu sunt interesata. Bruneta ochii verzi inaltime 1:70 O persoana cu o inima buna si iubitoare
o sa va las pe voi.....care vreti? Nu sint aici pentru a cauta sex sau aventuri. Sa se abtina masculii ocupati... as dori sa cunosc o persoana cu capul pe umeri, care cauta o relatie serioasa, si care sta in italia si vrea un viitor in italia.. bafta la toti eu cred ca placut......voi ce parere aveti? caut baieti/fete pentru discutii/prietenii.
Femeie, 58, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
sunt o fire comunicativa, sociabila imi place sa glumesc si sa rad :) (atunci cand este nevoie) . Imi place sa ascult lucruri interesante pe care cineva le povesteste . Radiez de fericire absolut mereu o parte importanta ar avea.o pentru mine o persoana cu care sa fim pe aceasi dimensiune de unda ,dar cum nu am intalnit aceasta persoana mi.as dorii tare mult sa intre in viata mea!
Femeie, 46, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
Trebuie sa cautam dragostea acolo unde suntem, chiar daca asta ne-ar costa ceasuri, zile,saptamani de deceptii si tristeti.Viata e plina de fumusete. Observ-o. Observa albinele, copiii, fetele zambitoare. Miroase ploaia si simte vantul. Traieste-ti viata la intregul ei potential, si lupta pentru ea! Persista de vazut. Intelegatoare, iubitoare, "cu capul pe umeri", vesela.
Mai vorbim.
o sa vedeti voi nu ma descriu cine vrea sa ma cunoasca ma va descrie , eu nu pot sa ma laud, cu calitatile mele. dar sunt o fire vesela, sociabila , sincera, singura ,gospodina imi place mult sa gatesc , sa calatoresc, sa vizitez, tot ce este interesant micuta , haioasa , distractiva si cu suflet bun la fe ca mine
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
Sunt o secunda pe care o pierzi fara sa sti,sunt persoana ce stie sa iubeasca,sa inteleaga,sa asculte,sa respecte,sa planga si sa zambeasca chiar daca sufletul ii plange...
Sunt simpatica,intuitiva...cu toate ca nu am o varsta destul de mare fac fata cu succes obstacolelor ce imi ies in cale... "Viata nu inseamna sa supravietuiesti unei furtuni ci sa sti sa dansezi in ploaie" Noi prieteni!
Femeie, 61, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
sunt o persoana distractiva, cu bun simt ,serioasa, si cu mult simt al umorului. I am loyal, responsible, active, responsible, loving, caring, sharing, kindhearted,warm, accommodating,compassionate,tolerant,laid back type,outgoing,welcoming to people generally,I like to sing,write poems,listening to music,swimming,playing Basketball,watching TV simpatic in cautarea fericiri .....jumatatea mea
Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
About me .... mda, se poate spune ca e un subiect delicat. Sunt haioasa, comunicativa ... dar daca sunteti curiosi, intrebati-ma. (^_^) I am clever and serious girl with the broad audience of interests and hobbies, I have good sense of humour. The main features of the character I think independence and ambition. Adequately I treat criticism of other people. try to be the good professional of the trade. I very much love children and to me would like to have the child from the beloved person. Am 170, satena cu ochi caprui si cu siguranta nu am fizic de fotomodel(as vrea eu), dar zic ca e ok, cat de cat. Prieteni noi cu care sper sa pastrez legatura.
Femeie, 73, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
Sant o femeie draguta ,simpatica ,cu simtul umorului.distractiva,sincera O viata in care nu ai sarit in sus de bucurie, o viata in care nu te-ai poticnit in lacrimi de durere ca apoi sa plangi de fericire, e doar un drum intre nastere si moarte. Dar o viata in care ai spus cel putin o data "voiam sa inteleg omenirea cu inima meaa , in care ai simtit emotia de a castiga si dezamagirea de a pierde, e mai mult decat un simplu drum, e o aventura, e o cale presarata cu zambete si lacrimi, e emotie, iubire si pasiune ae viata. placuta barbat de varsta apropiata vaduv sau singur si cu aceleasi calitati
Femeie, 53, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
sunt o persoana vesela , imi doresc sa ma bucur de viata alaturi de partener si baietelul meu , intr-o familie . I love life and everyone in it.I like nature very much, it inspires me. I like to grow flowers, they create beauty and coziness, I like to cook and I often experiment. I am ready to learn, I lead a healthy lifestyle.Attentive reliable man who is purposeful, who leads an active lifestyle, who loves animals and nature. am vigilenta de mine concubinul trebuie sa fie genul activ , vesel optimist , stabil social , material , profesional sa inteleaga si sa vb catusi de putin romaneste ,care sa se bucure de viata si de o familie .
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
pai ...............cum pot sa ma descriu, eu as zice numai lucruri bune despre mine ...............sunt simpatica,glumeata....si vreu sa fiu alintata. daca persoana care e cu mine merita, sunt foarete romantica dar am si eu caracteru meu.......va astept pai........uitativa in poza.dar acum sunt blonda nu roscata. caut multi prieteni
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
ce nu ma omoara ma face mai putermica Nu am nimic de pierdut, as fi scris odata...Acum stiu ca am ceva de pierdut.Timpul.Intr-o dispozitie de libertate si speranta,m-am gandit ca se afla ceva,pe multimea asta ,care sa ma ajute sa-mi raspund la intrebarea,, ce-mi place?,, . . . Imi doresc sa vorbesc cu cineva care are extrem putin timp liber placut masculul excelent
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
sunt placuta foc si restu te las pe tine sa ma descoperi Am 25 de ani, sunt o iubita sensibila si pasionala, sexi si deschisa la orice! Apropo este gresita data nasteri la profil 04.04.1995 este data Reala, sunt discreta si atenta la tot Ce misca! Cauta ma si descopera.... bomba un barbat sa stie sa iubeasca si sa stie sa aprecieze ce are alaturi
Femeie, 66, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
Iubesc natura, animalele si copiii! Let me start by saying I have a great life and Iaaam just a nice normal lady looking for another nice natural man, Connect with me via rosetrott12 at ya hoo i cant read msg on here cause i am not a s'bscriber I'm single lady I'm new at this online dating stuff, i will need someone that is patient to get along with. I am a person who looks beyond what may be the obvious. Character is worth more than flashiness. I am a person who appreciates honesty and a great sense of humor. I love to laugh and to enjoy the simple things in life....I am a genuine person who tries to see life and people through honest eyes.second one ..I am intelligent, inquisitive and passionate. Atletic O persoana serioasa!!!!
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
pot spune decat atat simpatica Sunt o persoana tonica, dinamica, cu simtul umorului , optimista, draguta si inteligenta (deloc modesta) . Caut un mascul normal, sa ne plimbam in parc , sa mergem la munte, sa comentam un film bun, o carte, sa bem o cana de ceai sau vin....., depinde de situatie usor prietenii
Femeie, 52, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
un picut cam zapacita pentru anii mei dar prietenii spun ca sunt placuta I am easy-to-deal with. I am sociable and I can find the common language with almost everybody. I am fond of meeting new people and I am faithful to my friends and close people. I would like to meet a kind, caring, loving man to share my life with. I hope we will have some interests and views to life in common. nimic rarisim doar prieteni
ma intreb daca trebuie sa regret ce nu am facut;viata se traieste daca sti cum, din pacate asta inveti in timp si apoi iti spui nu este prea tirziu pentru..? Sunt o persoana sociabila,loiala,cocheta ,bine intentionata,sensibila si corecta.Daca esti un om serios,cu un caracter puternic, un om care stie sa pretueasca si sa aprecieze sotia de langa el,bine intentionat,loial,onest si fara multe vicii,cauta-ma! nu-s o printesa, dar sunt sociabila, placuta, nici urita dar atregatoare....sunt Eu. schimb de pareri despre viata, cu persoane prietene si masculi apropriati de virsta mea
Las pe alti. Am a female nurse by profession with a good job and all that comes am independent, but in some ways am pretty traditional. I have one son who i look after, After the dead of my late sister . Am outgoing so i have many friends and like to get out on the weekends to enjoy music, dancing, karaoke, , comedy shows, movies, dinner, walks, drives, picnics, BBQs and sightseeing, etc. I would like to get back into hiking, camping, canoeing, and kayaking. I like to stay home, eat in , and watch a movie by the fire when it's cold though. Agreabil Socializare.
Femeie, 50, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
Vesela, carismatica, sociabila, activa, voluntariat, imi place natura, marea, muntele, imi place vitalitatea oamenilor naturali, deschisi, imi plac copiii, animalutele si sa ma bucur de tot ce i lasat firesc de la Dumnezeu.
Nu raspund dc nu stapaniti foto la profil Natural spre slab, usor atletica
Nu va raspund dc nu stapaniti fotografie la profil. Un mascul cu care sa ma simt "acasa". O relatie armonioasa, placutea, nu stresanta, nu toxica, cu hobby uri comune,cu dialoguri interesante. Sa invatam sa zambim impreuna, sa facem din fiecare zi una insorita.
Nu raspund dc nu aveti foto la profil.
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
veti vedea...:P I am very intelligent, energetic, loyal, respectful, positive, optimistic, romantic, caring, sensitive, compassionate, easy going, appreciative, monogamous, wit y, friendly, sincere, articulate, understanding, straightforward, flexible, adaptable, hardworking and easy to please. Importantly, I have a good sense of humor and like to laugh. I am a one man woman . I do not do drugs, do not abuse alcohol and do not play head games , i'm looking for a man that will love me,take good care of me,someone i can grow old with,someone with a good sense of humor and more.I dont intend to spend more than a day or 2 on this dating web to get connected to whosoever i want to connect with so if you seem the person i'm looking for,feel free to send me a message. placut..zic eu prietenii..
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
Rock-erita cu chief de viata Fara Separate nu ma intereseaza relatile pasajere caut Un Mascul Cu Capul pe Umeri care stie ce frea de la Viata Preferabil de Varsta Mea sau 6 ani maxim mai mare fara Supararare Domnilor de pe Acest Saite. asa cum ma vezi rock-eri
Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
SUNT O PERSOANA ROMANTICA SI DORNICA SA OFER SI SA PRIMESC AFECTIUNE. PENTRU MINE ESTE IMPORTANTA COMPATIBILITATEA EMOTIONALA SI SPIRITUALA I am an honest,loyal, passionate, generous, giving, affectionate, sexual, supportive, sensitive, and a good listener who is easy to get along with. I am ready for a serious relationship and I really look forward to starting that with the right person...I am a simple girl who is probably not mature enough to dream of creating a strong and long-lasting relationship, but I do and that is why I am here. My friends say that I am a shy kind, maybe this is why it is harder for me to find a second half. But I am ready to fight). Humour and Laughter are a must in life.I posses a strong sense of Fairness, Work Ethics and Morale values. Always striving to put others first.Sharing my Thoughts, Feelings, Dreams and Desires. Hopeless romantic, Sensitive, Emotional, not afraid to cry. Remember if you are not the serious one, donat message me. Am o constitutie normala, aproape 170 m inaltime si 62 de kg Caut un mascul mai in varsta,educat, care sa ma accepte asa cum sunt, o nevasta matura, la "a doua tinerete", pentru ajutor reciproc, petrecerea timpului liber,calatorii, schimb de idei, o cina romantica.
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
if you say gullible REEAAALLLYYYY slow, it sounds like O R A N G E S .. Ok, ok thats probably not true ;) but thats pretty much my sense of humor. I'm an open book and I am still trying to finish my own story but i'm missing a few pieces & well that's why i'm here. I'm a fun loving gal who loves having a good time, and truly believes laughter is the best medicine. Maybe sometimes I laugh too much, I'm a absolut goofball, very random & sometimes I even shock myself by what comes out of my mouth but with that being said I know when to be serious and respect those traits in others as well. I'm very independent but far from being feminist. I'm not offended by a dirty joke and can dish one out of my own. I'm very sarcastic and believe sarcasm is my second language so bring it on boys I'm very eager to learn not only in my career but about life in general. I keep striving to push myself to be a better person & I want someone who will challenge me that way we can be eachothers partner in crime and bring out the best in one another. aHeas not perfect. You aren't either, and the two of you will never be perfect. But if he can make you laugh at least once, causes you to think twice, and if he admits to being human and making mistakes, hold onto him and give him the most you can. He isnat going to quote poetry, heas not thinking about you every moment, but he will give you a part of him that he knows you could break. Donat hurt him, donat change him, and donat expect for more than he can give. Donat analyze. Smile when he makes you happy, yell when he makes you mad, and miss him when heas not there. Love hard when there is love to be had. Because corect guys donat exist, but thereas always one guy that is ireprosabil for you.a a Bob Marley da-ma naibii de placuta pe fat elegant calare pe un cal alb
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
Hi... I'm very easy going, someone who like making new friends, I'm jovial, hard working, I'm looking for someone that can make me feel like a woman, someone I can trust, someone who don't care about who I am, I must have someone who is good at talking and listening. I must have a partner who is honest and strong enough to do the right thing.I must have a partner who is gentle and kind. I must have someone who isn't afraid to take a risk and who sees life as an adventure. Nimic in mod special.Just looking
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Titu, Dambovita Romania
Imi place dragostea, si vreau sa fiu iubita. Te caut si vreau sa te gasesc ... ;) Sa nu-ti para rau de ceea ce faci, ci de ceea ce nu faci. Invata sa iubesti adevarul si sa ierti greseala...DE DRAGOSTE AU PARTE CEI CARE NU STIU SA O PRETUIASCA....ROG AVENTURIERII SA SE ABTINA...NU CONVERSEZ CU CEI FARA POZA...SPER,DESI E GREU..SA MAI GASESC PE CINEVA SERIOS PE ACEST SEIT....