Complexa! As dori sa visez la iubirea adevarata,si acest vis sa devina realitate.As dori sa te iubesc pt ca....imi alungi singuratatea intr-o lume umpluta de aglomeratie.Te iubesc pt. ca fara tine e greu sa ma pot regasi.Te iubesc si sunt definitia fericirii eterne.Te iubesc pt. simplele banalitati pe care le faci,te iubesc pt. ca bei apa,pt. felul in care te incalti.Te iubesc pt. ca traiesc implinirea mea totala.Simt nevoia sa-mi fii sti ca te iubesc mai presus decat pe mine vreau sa te stiu mai intai pe tine fericit...mai putin contez eu...iar fericirea ta,imi da mie vigoare sa te iubesc mai mult....te iubesc esti TOTUL in viata mea.Asta as dori sa simt.Este greu?????? Nu imi vor singuratate in doi, visez la intelegerea tacita (din priviri), implinirea sufleteasca ( chiar daca, uneori, sunt schimburi de cuvinte). Imi doresc sa simpt, ca esti in viata mea! Nu am silicon pe nicaieri,insa sunt cu neuronii la purtator! Rugamintea mea este urmatoarea.. cei sub 45 de ani sa nu-mi scrieti! Acelasi mesaj pentru fete ori alte genuri la moda ,indiferent de varsta! Merci
Nu cred ca are rost sa ma descriu, pot fii subiectiva.
Daca poftesti sa ma cunosti doar ca prietena ar fi frumos, celor care le sta gandul numai la sex sau sunt casatoriti rog sa nu se mai deranjeze. Imi place sa iubesc si sa fiu iubita, sa fiu respectata!Imi plac mesajele scrise din suflet nu copiate de pe net.Imi plac cuvintele frumoase si sincere. Asta se reflecta mai mult asupra iubirii.Imi place sa visez, asta ma contribuie sa-mi formez o mica lume a mea unde sa-mi inchipui un viitor asa cum mi-l doresc, macar in vise totul este posibil! armonios prietenie fete sau baieti
Cu bun simt Cum sunt? usor de scos din sarite. Ce am in suflet: spatii nedefragmentate. Ce consider ca am nevoie: sa fiu luat intocmai asa cum sunt. Ce nu trebuie sa mi se faca: incercarea de a ma schimba. Ce nu trebuie sa imi ceri: TIMP si INCREDERE; Asa si asa Masculi
Proaspat divortata, doresc sa am un prieten vigilent , calm , respectuos , afectuos , darnic , familist , iubitor de copii .PS inca o rugaminte, nu doresc sa fiu amanta, eu caut ceva serios, in concluzie domnilor nu mai dati mesaje daca sunteti casatoriti, fiindca nu ma intereseaza. placut prieten
te las pe tine sa ma descrii :* I am hardworking woman and self dependent, I am loving,caring and have a great sense of humor.I love to make those around me happy all the time especially my loved ones. I look like a city girl but inside me is a woman who loves nature and the out doors. I don't mind getting my hands dirty by fetching firewood while you set the tent when we go camping or change the car oil with you. Mai eleganta decat fosta ta :* Distractie si de toate :*
ce sa zic...imi place distractia.hihihi I'm a very honest and sincere person. Kind of old-fashioned in ways. I enjoy cooking, baking, spending time with family. I love the mountains and the sea. Anything specific you'd like to know about me, please feel free to message and ask! las la aprecierea voastra. poate ...poate...ceva mai mult...
pasionata de arta, frumos,romantica si serioasa I am an easy going professional, sincere and honest woman. I like quiet evenings at home with my dogs, watching television, listening to music, science fiction, reading a book or having lively conversation. I have a good sense of humor. Don't hesitate to ask me anything. placut caut un mascul bogat, serios, inteligent si frumusel
sunt o persoana umpluta de viata , vreau numai sa imi fac prieteni si sa ma distrez,imi place sa dansez in cluburi si numeroase altele. Sunt o fiinta normala, placuta cand e posibil, antipatica cand e necesar. Cred ca pacea in sufletul fiecaruia, ceea ce inseamna sa nu porti ranchiuna nimanui, sa ierti si sa accepti defectele ca de exemplu calitatile la o alta persoana, este cea mai importanta pentru viata de zi cu zi. Salutari la toata lumea slaba,fara silicoane, sunt naturala si nu vreau sa schimb nimik ma simt ok asa cum sunt. caut un baiat serios care sa ma pot intelege cu el
18 ani..satena..dragutza.. As always I want to thank you for your letter.You know though we stay in correspondence with you for a rather short time,but sometimes it seems to me,that I know you for ages. This is something I have in my mind for my future relationship. So, I hope you agree with me. You know, for me the most important thing in a good relationship must be RESPECT AND LOVE. I think respect is the BASE of all because if as partners we have respect every thing will be OK. For example, with respect, there is sincerity, honesty, care, trust, and love. With respect there is NO betray, not lies, mistrust, and etc. So, we need respect all the time, and everything will be the best,don't you think so? frumushika un baietel dragut si doolshe
sunt fierbinte I am joyful woman, like life and enjoy it every moment. I am sincere and friendly person. I speak openly about my feelings and if I can help the other person I always try to do it. I consider myself to be happy person.My dream is to find my soulmate who would understand and support me. I promise to do the same for him. I dream about children and happy family. las la alegerea dvs. un tip tandru,sincer,cu bun simt
Buna sunt o tipa ok vor sa cunosc un barbat serios I am a very affectionate person and I love to cuddle, I like to show somebody how I feel not just telling them. I love to be close to somebody whether it is in the bed on the couch or wherever.There are a lot of things I like doing as in boating, riding motorcycles, camping, etc. My ultimate goal and what I think would make me happy is to have a man by my side that I love and loves me, and children that I can raise and have fun with. I guess it is the typical individual dream.I am looking for something long term, but I do know that it takes time and effort to build a solid relationship. I have been single for about a year and few months I guess because I am scared of suffering another heartbreak and the games. just got out of a bad relationship.Ask more about me and i will tell you all that you need to know. Sunt o tipa ok Caut un barbat serios pt o relatie de intinsa perioada
no coment I am a very responsible, reliable and serious person, but at the same time charming and easy-going lady. I know and feel the right moment to be serious and responsible as well as when I can let myself go. I like to laugh and I adore people with a sense of humor. I am a progressive and communicative person. I like to communicate with people. I have no bad habits and I care about my health. I am a very faithful and caring woman. My future man will feel my devotion and affection as well as love and support in good and not very good times of our happy life. Oh, I have so many interests that I am sure we would find something in common with my future man. I am very active and I like hiking in the mountains, skiing, swimming, but at the same time as most of ladies I also like cooking. I enjoy reading, especially, I like psychology. I like to dance and to travel. Different kinds of music like blues, jazz, rock and roll, soul please my ears. I think it is very important to have at least one common interest and then everything will be much easier. nu stiu...:D
Simpatica, deschisa la discutii, destul de sociabila. Jag är ett öppet hjärta dam, dedikerad dam som behöver en själsfrände, som kan ersätta den glädje som jag har förlorat allt detta samtidigt. Jag är ärlig, pålitlig, trogen och allvarlig i vad jag gör i alla lägen finner jag mig själv. Jag är en dam som älskar vad du är och inte vad du har och jag känner mig avslappnad och gå vidare tillsammans så lätt med människor som jag möter jag har varit i ett förhållande innan som jag har learn't från .. För jag vet inte hur man lita på en människa längre .. Eftersom jag tror att män är alla likadana .. Mitt första förhållande som var min första kärlek någonsin .. . Vi båda fann varandra och även han lovar att gifta sig med mig och han lovar att inte bryta mitt hjärta .. Han berättade för mig så många söta lögner som jag dumt nog tro honom .. Jag litade på honom med mitt hjärta .. Jag visar honom kärlek och även jag begår mitt liv till honom ... Jag var trogen och ärlig mot honom tills en ödesdiger dag jag fångade honom med en annan kvinna på sängen .. Jag var i chock .. Jag kunde inte tro mina ögon .. Eftersom jag inte kunde tro att någon som jag verkligen älskar kommer att sluta bryta mitt hjärta och även förde mig besviken också .. Så från det jag lär mig aldrig att lita på en man .. Eftersom det var så smärtsamt för mitt hjärta att leka med och även för någon att ljugit och berätta att han älskar mig Dragutza, atletica. Persoane deschise,cu care pot comunica pe diferite teme, de distractie.
I am here looking to find someone for a mutually enriching relationship in which we can enjoy life together and bring more to each other than we have alone. I want to co-create a relationship in which we both feel inspired, supported and enriched. Creating an environment that allows us to share our passions, stimulate each others brains and allows us to be there to support each othera€™s growth. Ce parere ai?
Sunt o femeie simpatica si umpluta de vaiata dornica sa descopar diamantele neslefuite ale lumii! Sunt o fire vesele si pusa pe glume cam tot timpul,dar am si ocazii cand trebuie sa fiu singura in natura sa ma relaxez si sa meditez! INALTA 1 73,creola ,draguta ,bruneta cu ochi caprui ! sunt slabuta,dar nu extrem exagerat! UN mascul placut care sa ma inteleaga sa avem aceliasi opinii de viata, care sa fie o fire vesela sI care stie sa se descurce in orice situatie!sa stie ce vrea de la viata!
just me! My name is Tracy 43 years, single with son. I'm someone who always try to live a simple life and enjoy life's simple pleasures. I like coming home from work to get myself refreshed and my sanity back after a long 10 hours at work. I like outdoors, walking in the park and along the beach barefooted in the wet sand to feel the sea breeze, traveling etc. and sometimes staying at home and cooking something new. I enjoy learning new things and meeting new people. I hate disrespect, unfaithfulness, dishonest, cheating, unfairness, injustice, selfishness etc. I had a wonderful life but I think there is somebody in the world to discover a new wonderful life with. People can say many good things about themselves so I think if you are real and serious then we should get in touch, talk and know each other, take it from there and see how it goes. I hope to have a serious relationship with a real man who is drama free, not into games and knows what he need. Not anyone with false pretense, games, lies ...... No SCAMMER please.
Vorbesc mult, rezolv putin, daca tu crezi ca o sa-mi inchizi gura in vreunul fel vreodata...nimic din mancat, spalat,curatat, nu-mi iese cum trebuie; ori e prea mult, ori nu-i suficient. ma fardez zilnic 2 ore, pana te saturi sa mai astept si pleci la o bere cu sfarsit!!:)) Nas mare si borcanat (vezi poza) si sanii mici (iar, vezi poza, dar aici aveam bustiera cu push up):))nu sunt echilibrata, nu gandesc detasat, intotdeauna sunt implicata pana peste cap in ceea ce fac:))devin impulsiva atunci cand imi spui ca ploua, desi eu simt ca m-ai scuipat in fata... Caut pe cineva care \"se prinde\" la o poanta buna, ma poate face sa rad \"cu gura pana la urechi\"...dezinvolt, face un sport si o ciorba buna de burta si o fasole cu carnati afumati!! :))Pfff...cand toata societatea mananca brocoli, piept de pui si cat mai multa salata!!!:))
I am very cheerful and open woman. I know that my close people appreciate me for my kindness and responsiveness. I believe only in the best, because life is one, and we need to live it happily! I am a loving and very caring woman. My dream is a happy family. I am a simple person and I dream of sincere feelings, wonderful walks, tender kisses, warm embraces and the happiest time together with my man
Sunt o femeie sclipitoare si tentanta !! sunt un rasarit de soare,o lacrima sau floare,sunt pasiune,uragan,mister,sunt dragostea veridica si intr o zi pot sa dispar.sunt totul sau nimic.tu alegi sau ...euM-ai intrebat ce imi doresc, ce caut? Caut caldura iubirii, a iubirii pure ce-ti da acea privire "tampa" cand il privesti pe celalalt ca si cum ar fi ultima ta legatura cu realitatea, cand il privesti divinizandu-l, adorandu-l, iubindu-l, acea iubire care-ti face inima sa bata in ritmuri nebune, doar cand te gandesti la glasul celuilalt acea iubire care te invaluie si te-nfioara, nu te lasa sa dormi, nici sa stai treaz, nu te lasa sa stai departe, care face aerul irespirabil fara prezenta celuilalt, acest lucru il caut. Trasa prin inel !! Barabati atletici si inteligenti !!
asa cum vrei...asa cum vrei TU! femeie normala in cautarea unui om natural intr-o lume sunt cea mai eleganta dar nici cea mai urata.atractia porneste de la prima vedere, rog cei fara poza la profil sa nu ma contacteze. timpul este pretios si nu detin suficient sa imi bat joc de el. va vor sa gasiti ceea ce cautati. Ana .... comunicare cu o persoana deosebita...
Buna. Sunt o fire foarte intelegatoare foarte lipicioasa si iubitoare.. I am self-sufficient, Beautiful, happy, secure, self-confident, psychologically aware, emotionally and financially secure. and working as a Waiter In a Local Resturant,am Living with my Mom and Dad in a Logging house,i am a Ghanaian By Birth,my Father is a Ghanaian and my mother is From Australia..i have been In Ghana all My life i am a Hard working lady and very freindly.i have no Kids and Never Married... i Will Be Graduating Next Month and i am Studing Catering(Vocational Skills) .. i Cook Very Well Because that is My Sunt inalta 1.67 si am 55 kg
Bruneta cu ochii caprui O relatie de lunga durata bazata pe incredere respect si iubire
sunt prea complexa incat sa ma descriu in cateva randuri... O romantica incurabila,sincera,curajoasa,in tot ce fac imi place sa fie cat mai perfect si complet.Iubesc natura,flori,animale si binenteles admir barbatul inteligent ,sincer,generos si harnic !Traiesc in Milano cand o sa ma reintorc acasa definitiv o sa va anunt ! placut nu vad in debutantul rand despre ce este vorba, in general oamnei seriosi cu care pot lega o conversatie naturala
la aprecierea voastra EXCLUS FUMATORII!!! Roscatica, vesela si cu mult bun simt al umorului, destul de deschisa la minte,iubitoare de natura, muzica clasica, opera si arta, caut un suflet cu bun gust pentru o relatie de durata, acel zambet care sa ma astepte in prag... Nu ma intereseaza masculii casatoriti.. atletic nimik
sunt o femeie naturala Sunt o femeie serioasa,imi plac oamenii sinceri,nu minciuna,inselati,bautura,fumatul.Stiu ce vor de la viata. DORESC sa-mi gasesc sufletul pereche. Am trecut in viata prin multiple greutati,dar sper ca de data aceasta voi trece peste ele daca voi gasi perechea care imi lipseste si ma sustine. Imi place sa ascult muzica, sa ma plimb,cumparaturi,la un gratar.
Sunt o persoana placuta , cu un spirit tanar de viata , calda , deschisa spre noi oportunitati de a cunoaste si a descoperi placerile vietii ! I have a very aimed personality. I have achieved many things in my life, but I realized that I missed one important thing - family. I understand clearly that the most important thing for me is to meet the right man now. I am a caring and lovely lady and I know how to make my man happy. I want to facute a strong family, where there is not going to be me and you, there will be only we. We are the best base for strong family in harmony. I am ready to relocate to you. I am here only with serious intentions. I want a real meeting and not a virtual relationship. I am active, optimistic, sexy, seductive, attractive, sociable and interesting lady who is always smiling and who is always ready to discover the world. I can be spontaneous, adventurous and risky but all the time I remain honest, reliable and trustful. I am definitely a one-man-woman and I am looking for sincerity in a relationship. Cheating is taboo for me. I am not a teenager and I am looking for serious attitude and not for flirting. If I see and feel that you really love me, I will show you heaven number nine and make you stay there forever! I like laughing and having fun with my friends. I like creating something new and enjoying life. I am a goal-oriented woman knowing what she wants so I also like reaching new levels and developing my abilities! Even if you are not interested in me I hope you will find your real love here. I wish everyone here to find big and mutual love. LOVE will save world. Profilul se poate deduce din fotografii ! Caut sa ma redefinesc , sa descopar lucruri si persoane cu care as putea fi compatibila pentru a imparti laolalta experientele vietii .
Buna , sunt Mihaela ... I am good looking young girl, full of romantic dreams and thoughts, passion and ready for everlasting love. I believe in god and in good people. I am quite optimistic and enjoy good people around me and merry companies. I donaa‚¬a„¢t like noisy parties and prefer to stay with my friends at home and to cook something special and tasty for them. Yes, I like cooking very much especially for the people I care. I work as a teacher of dances, but I donaa‚¬a„¢t dream about career, but for the happy friendly family and cosy house. Am 1.71 m . Sunt slabuta , cu parul saten . de treaba , amuzant care as stie de simtul umorului sa stie de gluma etc ..
Accept realitatea si astfel ideile despre care vorbesc curajoasa atunci cand ele se nasc , ,alimenteaz? comunicarea si creaz?. armonii cand si ceilal?i pot face asta. Imi e clar? diferen?a intre complicat si complex. superficialitatatea asumat? , pe aceea, care poate da savoare suflet.ului ,pe aceea care rezoneaz? simultan intre oamenii care de?i ,poate nu seam?n? unii cu ceilal?i i i?i pot g?si asem?n?ri si profunde si genuine. Cu drag celor care simt liberi( nu libertin)si se si pot face in?ele?i .
e aiurea sa completezi acest camp... perfect nepotrivit... si nu stiu cine reuseste sa ramana obiectiv vis-a-vis de el/ea insusi/ insasi... fanteziile au fost pana azi. Acum imi vor realitate.. Caut o fata pentru sex..numai noi doua die Germania sau Elvetia pentru sex in trei cu prietenul meu! Cautam deasemena un cuplu atractiv care locuieste in apropiere sau care se poate depalasa la noi! NO SINGLE MAN! Guys, if you send us a message, we will delete it immediatelly! Baieti, daca nu sunteti un cuplu si ne trimiteti un email il vom sterge imediat! Atat si nimic mai mult! normala ceva nemaigasit
inimaginabil, singular ... :)
in any other world u could tell the difference. but human as i am, i smiled and tried to mean it. and my face is not sad because i never forget my story. it's as if i'm playing with fire. do i like what u like?
Buna sunt emy si caut persoana potrivita imimii mele va pup !! Ia€™m Morgan by name from Canada but am presently in Philadelphia now am single never married before am looking for serious relationship with honest man and caring man who I can spend the rest of my life with am 29 year old Pozele spun tot O persoana care sa ma respect la fel de mult ca eu pe el !
cine vrea sa ma cunoasca stie ce are de facut... Ia€™m a simple,easy going girl. i love the outdoor activities,i love walks by the beach. i hate lies,i workout and i believe in God. ia€™m looking for a soulmate. someone who is real and have a good heart. 1.65,48 kg,o bruneta draguta cu ochii cautare de noi prieteni caut noi prieteni...doar atat....
hotarata Let me start by saying I have a great life and Iaa‚¬a„¢m just a nice natural lady looking for another nice normal man, Connect with me via rosetrott12 at ya hoo i cant read msg on here cause i am not a s'bscriber I'm single lady I'm new at this online dating stuff, i will need someone that is patient to get along with. I am a person who looks beyond what may be the obvious. Character is worth more than flashiness. I am a person who appreciates honesty and a great sense of humor. I love to laugh and to enjoy the simple things in life....I am a genuine person who tries to see life and people through honest eyes.second one ..I am intelligent, inquisitive and passionate. simpatic un tip care stie ce vrea
Am invatat sa apreciez tot ceea ce primesc. Insa de multiple ori privesc in spatele a ceea ce se vede, la pretul ascuns ochilor si inimilor grabite, sa vad cat a costat cu adevarat. Fiindca tindem sa trecem de multe ori cu vederea pretul adevarat, fara sa pretuim la justa valoare ceea ce primim. Si sa nu ne dam seama ca intr-o simpla imbratisare putem primi uneori, nevazuta, chiar inima unui om.Am invatat ca, candva sa judec, sa privesc dincolo de ce se vede. La pretul perfect al gestului care-mi sta in fata, ispitindu-ma sa il judec, fara sa stiu cat a costat, de fapt, cu adevarat. Cine stie cate imbratisari simple aruncam dispretuitori la gunoi, fara sa stim ca in vreuna dintre ele statea poate asezata, cu multe jertfe, dupa multe chinuri, lacrimi si dureri, inima unui om. Si inima unui om nu are pret... placut
Sunt bland, romantic, imi place sa calatoresc, sa vad si sa explorez noi tari si culturi, intalnind oameni noi. In timpul meu liber merg la clubul meu de sport, ma intalnesc cu prietenii si uneori merg la dansuri. Sunt comunicativ, activ, dar uneori vreau sa impartasesc momentele foarte speciale din viata mea cu partenerul meu, pe care il caut :) Caut un adult care sa fie pregatit pentru relatii si sa creeze o familie, iubesc romantismul. Principalul fapt este dragostea dintre doua persoane. 90-60-90
I am a very woman and I am single and looking.I am kind, but strict, beautiful, but faithful, tender and caring. I believe that life is a gift and we should appreciate every moment. I have strong values in life and want to lucrate a strong family. I easily make friends and trust people. I am a devoted friend, always ready to help.
sunt o fire ff serioasa si de incredere My life is like a merry-go-round: lots of people and events happening around me, I can say that I never feel dull, there are lots of interesting things for me, I have wide range of hobbies, but a€¦. but I need to find the centre for my lifea€¦.. and I want this centre to be my love, my relationship with beloved man!! ochi caprui,1.68m.58 de kg,paru lung ,bruneta va las sa ma descoperiti voi
sexy I\'m a very sincere and passionate person, who is just tired of being alone especially in my spare time which I don\'t have very often. I\'m a hard working person who has short and long term goals for myself. I enjoy playing sports and working out when I get the chance. I also like just staying home and watching movies on the couch, but it feels much better when you are watching with someone special. If you turn out to be the one for me. I assure you there will be nothing I won\'t do for the love of my life!!
I'm a very respectful woman and believe every man is best to make a woman complete, so respect is important. I need someone who will always make me laugh and put the smiles on my face most of the time.
Sunt o doamna matura si serioasa pentru varsta mea tanara. Dar am trebuinta de barbat mai in varsta pentru a crea casnicie fericita. Cultura si traditiile mele m-au invatat sa ma ingrijesc de om! Pentru mine, omul este scopul meu in viata. Vreau sa creez o relatie iubitoare. Tu si cu mine ne vom ingriji si ne vom iubi unii pe altii. Sunt femeie veridica si de incredere si voi fi un sprijin pentru viitorul meu om in viata pana la sfarsit. Ii voi agata mereu pe viitorul meu sot si il voi participa in nevoile lui. Sunt o femeie nemaivazuta si am nevoie de un astfel de barbat. Vreau sa fiu o echipa cu sotul meu si sa castig laolalta in toate situatiile de viata. Echipa iubitoare, parteneriatul si intelegerea reciproca este scopul meu in casatorie...
NU am FB, te rog citeste tot profilul candva de a trimite mesaje, merci mult. Daca al tau e completat si ai poza, sunt si sanse sa raspund. Esti un om normal, flexibil, glumet, disponibil, de varsta apropiata, curios, sportiv, intelegator, cu mintea la cap, vrei o relatie de intinsa durata, dar nu plictisitoare si accepti o iubita activa, independenta care stie ce vrea si care ia decizii ? Da, sunt exigenta .... in ziua de azi, stiu, dar traiesc cu speranta ca voi gasi :) Prefer raportul cu cei care sunt in Europa, chiar Asia si USA, care au un job flexibil si calatoresc destul de des. Vin in Romania pe perioada sarbatorilor de iarna in general. Stii sa dansezi populara ? Asta e pentru urmatorul Revelion :) sau pentru vreo nunta, a noastra eventual :) "Inima mea e la Bucovina". Imi plac multiple lucruri : sportul, marea, ciocolata, filmele, aventurile, cartile, comunicarea ... dar nu-mi place sa pierd timpul. Don't just dream, DO !!! Planuri de viitor: sa ne stabilim undeva aproximativ de mare, copii... poate..., si alte idei ? ... si la pensie inapoi in Romania :) ???
Imi place sa las pe altii sa isi dea cu presupusu I would say I am passionate, caring easy to get along with (at least most of the time), optimist, and a goal setter. I am not perfect but Iaa‚¬a„¢m always looking to improve my self. The glass is always half full with me, if I get lemons I will turn them into lemonade. I wear my personality; I have nothing to hide so what you see is who I am. I consider my self to be a well balance and spiritual person that knows what I want. I'm honest, trust worthy, responsible, dependable, intelligent, intellectual, friendly, family oriented, romantic, fun loving person. I would best describe my lifestyle as conservative, very involved in my church and with a stable job. I travel a lot and enjoy doing community voluntary service. Family are a very important part of my life; I look forward to build a happy family with a man of my dream and enjoy spending time together for eternity. My friends describe me as an honest, responsible and sincere person who they can rely on. I am very open, hard working person and very sensitive to other peopleaa‚¬a„¢s needs. I enjoy life's simple pleasures as well as a little excitement. foarte,foarte o prietenie p;e termen lung
cine e interesat ....o sa ma descopere Sunt o persoana prezentabila din pdv fizic. Calma, vesela, cu simtul umorului, echilibrata, rezervata, serioasa ca si comportament. Àfectiunea, increderea, respectul si sinceritatea sunt cateva valori pe care le caut intr - o relatie. frumos modest si cu care sa se poata duce o conversatzie :) ;)
HI , MY NAME IN LAURY AND I M OPEN TO MEET YOU Ich bin eine echte Frau, die einen echten Mann sucht. Ich liebe es, mit meinen Lieben ganz allein zu sein und für den Rest meines Lebens mit ihm zusammen zu sein. Ich liebe es, mit Freunden unterwegs zu sein und manchmal ganz allein zu sein, und ich werde dazu bereit sein Sicheres Fundament und liebender Mann für den Rest meines Lebens, Alter ist nichts für mich, ich möchte einen Mann, der liebevoll, fürsorglich und aufgeschlossen ist I FELL ME STILL YOUNG AND BEAUTIFUL I M LOOKING FOR NICE MAN