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Cele mai frumoase femei din Negresti Oas care vor intalniri sunt aici pe Intra si tu!
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

Pentru cei cu mintea mai inceata , care au sarit peste citirea profilului sau nu au inteles, mai repet inca o data ca sunt casatorita. Nu caut aventuri sau iubiti , caut doar sa imi fac amici , atat si nimic mai mult, nu va mai obositi cu fel de fel de propuneri, veti primii ignore fara discutii.
sunt frumoasa am ochii caprui sunt singura
Un mascul sa ma iubeasca
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

Sunt o fiinta normala, placuta cand e posibil, antipatica cand e necesar. Cred ca pacea in sufletul fiecaruia, ceea ce constituie sa nu porti ranchiuna nimanui, sa ierti si sa accepti defectele ca de pilda calitatile la o alta persoana, este cea mai importanta pentru viata de zi cu zi. Salutari la toata omenirea
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

sexy Am invatat, ca inima este purtatorul comorii mele! "Ha barát kell, a legjobb leszek. Ha magányra vágysz, én a csönd leszek. És ember leszek, mert emberre vágysz: ki szeret, ki elfogad, s kit igaznak látsz." (Charles Dickens)
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

pai sunt o fata ca ori care alta ami place viata distractiá imi plae sa imi traiesc fiecare moment la maxim .Ami place sa calatoresc sa ascult muica a dansez si numeroase altele....sunt dornica de noi aventurii si descoperiri viata e creata ca sa o traiesti si sa o disfruti ca trece repede si nu mai poti sa te intorci in tinp cam atat dspre mine stul va las sa descoperitii
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

What to tell if I am the best?! The best devil with pretty face :-) or maybe I am an angel? Who knows?!;-) I am an ordinary girl or a princess a€¦ I am a tender lady or a tomboya€¦I am or I am not ))) Well, somebody has a unique chance to learn who I am!!
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

buna I`m 5`7" 120 with a athletic build , mentally stable, physically fit, a bunch of laughs, warm,I am real easy person to talk to and a good listener,caring, honest, God Fearing, and a positive person. I love to play golf and I enjoy chillin` with my friend/family , I like going to the movies , or watching movies in my room , I like swiming , fishing, listening to music and dance to any kind of music, traveling , going bowling and also a good cook.I am a family oriented person and There is more, but it would be better for you to find some things out for yourself..
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Andreea Blonde
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

Sunt o persoana foarte sociabila, deschisa,prietenoasa Ce imi lipseste mai mult,. este un mascul de incredere alaturi de care sa ma bucur de o plimbare in parc de un film bun sau pur si ridem fim fericiti ca sintem laolalta sa ne facem planuri de viitor........alaturi de un barbat,serios cu simtul umorului....tandru ,placut cu bun mess. baciucornelia doresc sa fiu contactata doar din zona.....ciao..!!!
Sunt blonda, ochi albastri,simpatica, am 1,60 m inaltime
Caut sa socializez, sa ma distrez
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

Sint zodia Sagetator. O doamna obisnuita si eleganta , modesta, placuta,fara fite , societatea se simnte bine in prezenta mea si vor sa gasesc pe cineva care sa-mi aprecieze calitatile, sa putem avea puncte comune in existenta noastra .
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

Nu experimenta sa intri cu forta in sufletul meu. Sunt cioburi ale viselor mele sfaramate peste tot. S-ar putea sa te ranesti. Nu te stradui sa-mi vinzi iluzii. Le-am cumparat pe toate. Nu mai am unde sa le pun, nu mai stiu ce sa fac cu ele. Nu te chinui sa ma faci sa plang. Lacrimile mele sunt putine si pretioase. Le daruiesc cu zgarcenie. Si am invatat de mult ca cea care ma va face sa plang nu merita lacrimile mele. Iar cea care le merita nu ma va face sa plang. Nu te osteni sa ma eliberezi. Doar eu am cheia de la colivia mea. Nu te cazni sa ma faci sa vorbesc. Cuvintele mele sunt inutile si nu au viata. Nu te trudi sa-mi alungi cosmarurile. Nu doar somnul ratiunii naste monstri ci si absenta iubirii. O stanca e deajuns sa sparga un geam. O propozitie e deajuns sa franga o inima. O secunda e deajuns sa te indragostesti. Si o neintelegere e suficienta sa strice o prietenie. D?-mi mana ?i las?-m? s? te port spre culmile inalte, printre norii str?vezii. Las?-m? s?-?i ar?t intaia raz? de soare prin ochii mei ?i s? sim?i adierea blanda a vantului pe derma mea. D?-mi voie sa-?i ar?t cum s? ascul?i marea, cum s? ascul?i noaptea ?i lini?tea ce te-nconjoar?. Las?-m? s?-?i port pa?ii prin nisip, spre necunoscut, undeva departe in zare, acolo unde se imbina cerul cu p?mantul. Las?-m? s? mireasma florile in locul t?u ?i tu s? le sim?i parfumul, s? ascult melodia vie?ii ca tu s? o po?i trai. Las?-m? s?-?i spun noapte bun? usor ?i duios. ?i-as ar?ta cum s? plangi cu ploaia, cum s? can?i cu vantul, cum s? dansezi cu soarele, cum s? tr?ie?ti cu via?a, cum s? sim?i cu sufletul. Te-a? face s? vezi minunile, s? crezi in ele ?i nu in ultimul rand te-a? inv??a s? speri. Sunt gata s?-?i ofer totul, fiecare b?taie a inimii mele, fiecare r?suflare, fiecare clipire. Las?-m? s?-?i fiu inceputul ?i sfar?itul, seara ?i zi, via?? ?i speran??, las?-m? s?-?i pun iubirea in suflet ?i tu s? o tr?ie?ti.
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

Beautiful girl...i waiting for someone ho carring me :D:D Sint sincera de incredere nu fumez nu beu sint calma si f calculata si imi place sa respect persoana de linga mine in timpul liber ma uit la stiri la un film si imi place sa fac sport merg la cumparaturi si imi place sa gatesc
Very Beautiful ;))
I looking a men ho take care of me ;))
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

buna rau Hei! Odata ce am intrat pe acest site incerc sa descopar oameni si sa incerc sa cunosc diverse personalitati. S unt o fire uneori alteori pesimista da in general sper in ceea ce e mai bine, imi place adevarul, naturaletea si arta.Cel mai mult ma atrag apusurile de soare la mare. Despre mine ce pot sa zic imi plac limbile straine, literatura, comediile si filmele de actiune imi place sa descopar locuri noi, sa cutreier ..........Imi place tenisul de camp, ping pong si sah..incerc sa iau lucurile atat in modul bun cat si in modul mai putin bun.
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

Simpatica, comunicativa,sincera.Imi place sa fac sport si sa imi petrec timpul liber in natura. Iubesc marea si tot ce este frumos. Nu sunt o fire complicata si nu cer mai mult decat pot sa ofer! Imi vor un partener cu calitati aproximativ similare ptr o viata implinita si placuta! Cauta-ma!
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Denisa Tirla
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

Imi place mult viata I'm young, attractive, honest, kind, attentive and I am searching for a nice, simple man who can love and who knows what it is to be loved to facute a family together and to build ourown life in our own place, to bring our children up with faith in God.
Am sani mari imi place viata fund .
Masculi bine
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

sunt cam geloasa cand iubesc un suferit .imi plac plimbarile si distractiile,Imi place sa fiu o autentica sotie vesela comunicativa si restul persista de vazut Daca am fi pietre, nu am avea nevoie de sentimente. Daca am fi picaturi de ploaie, nu am avea trebuinta de lacrimi....insa, suntem oameni si avem necesitate de dragoste."Poate itr-adevar cea mai mare dezamagire este in iubire . DE CE ???? In iubire daruiesti TOTUL , daruiesti sufletul, inima aceluia pe care il iubesti si uneori constati ca ti-a fost tavalita , improscata cu noroi simtind cum se rupe din ea bucatica cu bucatica.O inima o reconstruiesti greu , si din punct de vedere farmaceutic vorbind, indiferet cat de priceput va fi ' medicul' care va experimenta sa o reconstruiasca
am 1 m 75 50 kg draguta suparacioasa si extra geloasa dar geloasa din iubire
mascul care sa nu ma minta,,,si sa ma iub asa cum il iubesc eu
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

Casca ochii si ai sa vezi...! I dona€™t mind when people tell me that my relationship ideals are a fairytale. If it is a fairytale to be loved, to be respected, to have passion, a moving and active love a€” if that is fairytale, then yes. If mutual respect, love, lust and friendship is a fairytale, then of course! I want to be in love with you, in lust with you, in like with you... ita€™s a multidimensional world why would I want a one-dimensional relationship? I want love, passion, honesty and companionship... s e x that drives me crazy and conversation that drives me sane. Thata€™s the standard Ia€™m setting. What standard are you setting?
Mai bine nu se poate.
Barbatul ideal
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

Cateva cuvinte...e mult mai bine sa fi descoperita decat sa stie toti totul despre tine:). Sunt o fire cu o personalitate puternica asta insemnand incapanare,impunere de opinie si ambitioasa Iubesc viata iubesc natura iubesc barbati iubesc batranii iubesc cultura
E nevoie sa fiu eu multumita de propria mea persoana frumusetea va veni mereu din interior:) No problem...
Am fost mereu inconjurata de o gramada de oameni,pana mi-am dat seama ca majoritatea sunt prefacuti si au interese ascunse.Nu imi plac deloc fiintele ce se ocupa cu viata altora:) Asadar....exista omul care poate fi prieten iubit si sprijin total?
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

I'm the one your mother warned you about! :) Barbatul ideal pentru mine trebuie : S? fie b?rbat, nu c??elu? orfan; S? ?tie ce vrea, ce poate ?i ce-i place; S? m? fac? s? m? simt singura femeie din lume; S? ?tie r?spunsul la milionul de chestii care-mi sunt mie necunoscute; S? ?in? pasul cu planurile mele; S? nu se simt? in competi?ie cu mine, ci in echip?; S? nu considere c? treaba lui e s? se uite la meci ?i a mea s? m? oglindesc in smal?ul crati?elor.... the rest on private :)
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

sunt o fata serioasa caut jumatatea I am a matured, caring, motivated, family-oriented and hardworking woman. I like meeting new friends. I enjoy hanging out with friends sometimes. I am willing to learn more. I love to cook. I am happy together with my family. I believe in love. I am very willing to relocate someday.
un barbat cu care sa traiesc vreau sa fiu fericita
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Nebuna Tha
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

Destinsa Apreciez sinceritatea, modestia, respectul de sine si fata de ceilalti, precum si flexibilitatea si dorinta de a evolua.... Poate impreuna. Sunt onesta, deschisa, vesela, destul de activa, iubesc tot ce este gratios si delicat. Acasa poate fi si in natura, la mare, la munte, inclusiv cu sporturile aferente. Este bine sa stii ca daca nu te identifici cu ale mele cerinte si cu ale mele preocupari, pe alocuri, macar, din pacate, nu cred ca ne vom scrie. Multumesc pentru intelegere :) Intrucat contul a fost confectionat mai demult si inchis si apoi redeschis, si nu pot modifica varsta, fac mentiunea ca am 38,6 ani. Rog curiosii si neseriosii (necunoscatori de limba materna) si doritorii de flirt ... sa se abtina.
Mai vedem :-*
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Ragazza Bella
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

`` Glumeata,sincera, ... " If I will describe myself like a perfect woman it won't be right! But I can say, that I am optimistic person and I am realist of course. If I have a dream I always do steps to achieve this dream. I am merry and cheerful person. I like to keep everything in order and I am a bit like a perfectionist. But the wish of my MAN is the most important for me. I am full of warmth to share. Just take it!
Uitate la poze ... ;-)
Nimic in mod,,Special " ;-) ... Socializare ... Pierdere de timp ... Etc ;-)
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Andre Dya
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

Sunt destul de sociabila Sunt o persoana educata,chiar daca nu am o facultate.Am facut cursuri de design bucata interioara si am confectionat in ultimii 8 ani intr-un birou de arhitectura . Am lucrat in proiectare ca tehnician proiectant (proiectare constructii-civile )) Imi plac florile, natura, excursiile.Sunt o gospodina buna. Imi place sa gatesc . Imi place viata de familie.Partenerul pe care il vor aproximativ mine as prefera sa fie vaduv, cu ganduri serioase si sa ne ajutam reciproc. Am permis de conducere auto de 34 de ani, schimbat recent.
Slabuta,1,60 m
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

Buna:) cunoaste-ma si nu vei regreta:) : I am a very romantic lady. Not only do I look like a princess; I am the same inside and out tender, vulnerable and kind. But I will not give offense and simply delete from life of people who are capable of betrayal and cruelty. I want to find our true love, so that we both live in our own perfect world, where there is only space for care and tenderness, frankness and honesty. While modern women are struggling every day, I just dream of becoming a wife and hiding behind my special man from all the hardships!
Caut un mascul cu care se poate comunica normal,un barbar serios...sexomanii sa se abtina
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Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

sunt o fire simpatica.glumeata..jucausa..imi place sa navighez pe net sa merg la restu aflati mai tz... I'm patient and persistent. I've a good sense of humor and I like to laugh when I can. I'm creative, fun-loving, energetic and active woman. My best friend would describe me as witty, warm, generous, thoughtful and caring. I have an adventurous side. I enjoy staying busy. I love to travel and see new things, visit new places, meet new people, try new recipes. I enjoy outdoor concerts, festivals and being on the water. I love fishing, dancing, cooking, camping, shopping, hiking, climbing, mountain climbing, canoeing, cycling, watching movies and enjoying life to the fullest.
sa nu fumeze ,sa fie dragut si sa fie el insusi..!
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Femeie, 48, Casatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

sunt optimista si prietenoasa. Temperamentvolle, gerne lachende und manchmal etwas freche Neu- Insulanerin. Bin gern am Meer, wenn ich Zeit habe malen , Musik hören oder Gartenarbeiten. Ihr Maenner wollt Frauen, die authentisch sind. Dann bitte auch von euch aktuelle und keine Jugendfotos.
destul de aceptabil
simpla prietenie
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Femeie, 55, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

nu scriu nimic....................... I consider myself to be a very balanced person, very purposeful, responsible and reliable. I am loyal and kind-hearted. My friends think that I am communicative and easy-going lady with a good sense of humor. My goal is to build my own family and give all my love to my beloved man.
sant o persoana obisnuita
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Femeie, 46, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

Sunt o dragastoasa,frumoasa,mereu optimista,adepta a momentelor vesele,iubitoare, dornica de tot ce este frumos,placut,romantic. I am a lighthearted woman with a strong sense of humor who is looking for someone who is attracted to wit, intelligence and faith. I am small but sincere. :) I want someone who can see the humor in just about anything, who has a strong faith in God and yet is not judgmental or too political. I enjoy life and want to meet someone who is happy to be alive.
Sunt atletica si foarte naturala.
Sunt in cautarea unei relatii serioase,cu persoane destul de sincere, rabdatoare, iubitoare, nonviolente, calme, si extrem dragute.
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Femeie, 40, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

why so serious ...but lets try it It's my first time here, I will define my personality as conscientiousness, humble and agreeableness. I'm new to this whole experience. I'm a very young looking, attractive and young-in-spirit woman. However, I'm also very intelligent, intuitive, discerning, articulate and successful. I enjoy the finer things in life and enjoy the fruits of my labor, but I'm also very down-to-earth and grounded. I enjoy a variety of activities ranging from trips to anywhere, dining out, movies, long drives, going to the pool, taking walks and just hanging out. I'm romantic and have a desire to be with a man who is both down to earth but has an edge of excitement. I like to try new things, I enjoy spending quality time, I love a growth mindset and working out. I would like to meet someone who is kind, humble, funny, honest, and most of all a man that knows what he wants. I'm a great cook and love to share the kitchen with my partner. It's possible if you had a long day, I will ask you to take a long bath and relax while I fix dinner and it's possible I prepare a bubble bath with a chilled glass of champagne or wine for you. I love being out in nature. I love to dance , travel and working out I want a man that likes to kiss and cuddle. I'm looking for someone that is a healer and into holistic lifestyle to retire with.
ok! depinde pt cine....
seriozitate, sinceritate si tot ce eu nu am...:)))
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Femeie, 49, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

calma,sufletista,prietenoasa, .I am a sunshine, intelligent, patient, confident lady. I love sports, especially yoga, Taichi, jogging, climbing mountain, bowling and swimming. I also love traveling, reading, cooking, watching movies. I am hard working woman..I am a woman with a big heart. I am very caring, loving, respect. I like hugs and kisses very romantic. Like to walk and holding hands. I also like gardening, planting flowers, watching movies, I love also cooking and listening to music. I am open to new ideas as well
ochii albastri,par saten
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Femeie, 43, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

Snsibila si orgolioasa My life is like a merry-go-round: lots of people and events happening around me, I can say that I never feel dull, there are lots of interesting things for me, I have wide range of hobbies, but a€¦. but I need to find the centre for my lifea€¦.. and I want this centre to be my love, my relationship with beloved man!!
Caut un barbat serios pentru o intinsa relatie chiar casatorie !
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Femeie, 52, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

sincera Realistica si bine ancorata in zilele noastre. Romantica, calda, inteligenta. Prea multe povesti si timp de pierdut nu prea se afla la mine. Cresterea se intampla la absolut orice varsta. Nu ma intereseaza barbati casatoriti sau in indiferent ce fel de relatie, mai tineri decat mine si cei cu minte nesanatoasa! La 53 de ani sunt inca studenta...2 a, 3 a..facultate o minte antrenata. Macar o facultate sa fie daca vrei sa vb cu mine...
un barbat tandru si iubitor
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Femeie, 46, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

ce tie nu-ti place! altuia nui face..... I\'m very Cheerful girl with open heart. I prefer active lyfestyle. I am family-oriented girl, who wants to love and to be loved! I hope, that this my little but very sweet dream will come true one day!
dati sing cu parerea....
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Femeie, 61, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

sunt o femeie singura de multi ani doresc o relatie sincera The most charming and nice creation of the world that is searching for love and tenderness. maybe it is hard to believe but I am lonely but like noone else I miss your warm touches and hot kisses. Please, do not make me wait for my happiness for too long, I want to be with you and only you!!!!!
ma consider o femeie normala nici frumoasa nici urata
caut perechea sper ca aici o sa gasesc
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Femeie, 55, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

sincera, sensibila dar cu un carcter puternic, urasc minciuna si ipocrizia I was born and has grown in Russia. My girlfriends speak, that I very cheerful and interesting and that with me am very interesting to spend time. I the very sociable and simple girl. I like a nature and very much I like to be found with children. To me to like to spend time with the friends. And I very much want to find my love. I do not know why I have decided to search for my love in the Internet, it is simple at me as that could not be found my love at itself and the girlfriends have advised me to try to find her in the Internet and I has decided. Who knows as all to develop and that from this will leave, but I hope only for best. And I search only for serious relations.
atletic , natural
un barbat care stie sa aprecieze respectul si dragostea
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

Sunt o fata tinara Ia€™m looking for serious relationship here, as I am choosing the mate of my life! I hope to meet sweet, reliable, caring man and wonderful person in general. Knowing myself I can say that I often pay attention at a mana€™s eyes. I hope you have kind eyes and will show me your wide smile when we meet.
Sunt frumoasa
Mascul bogati
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Femeie, 69, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

sunt sociabila simpatica cunosc simtul umorului I'm very loyal friend, down to earth person and grounded. I have great sense of humor, and very content with who I am and what I've become and established. I like to fix things "I got tools" lol. I speak Little English, I'm working on it anyway English.
placuta si draguta
prietenie de intinsa durata
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

Sunt o persoana prietenoasa,glumeatza, si de incredere... Sunt o iubita intensa ,curajoasa ,increzatoare ,entuziasta ,cu sperante mari si mai am de concretizat multe obiective .Sunt inteligenta ,competenta ,perseverenta si creatoare .Stiu sa daruiesc ,sa iert ,sa fiu apropiata de ceilalti si vreau langa mine o persoana cu aceleasi caractere ca mine .Pot sa daruiesc multa iubire ,pretuire si respect si vreau sa primesc la fel .
te las pe tine !!!
Un prieten de incredere , elegant si sa stie ce vrea de la viatza!!
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Femeie, 43, Casatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

ok I'm an Italian country girl looking for a long term relationship I'm loving caring passionate honest.i live in West Virginia I love the outdoors and camping boating fourwheeling cookouts with my family and friends I love horseback riding going for drives in the country I like classic rock oldies country music bluegrass looking for my soulmate someone who likes and wants the same
absolut orice
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Femeie, 39, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

Sunt o Mami ca singura cu 2 copii ,care sunt totul pt mine,si caut un barbat responsabil,muncitor,implicat in relatiile de familie Astazi am inceput ziua cu un zambet ...zambet pe care ti-l dariesc care vreau sa-l daruiesti persoanelor din jurul tau ... ...iti va fi mult mai usor sa daruiesti ceva ce deja ai..!!!! DECI ZAMBESTE si totul ti se va parea mai frumos, nu se stie nicicand cine tanjeste dupa zambetul tau !!!
Sunt miniona,am ochii caprui,parul roscat si ador sa fiu rasfatata si respectata
Caut un barbat respinsabil,respectuos,cu bun simt ,educat si care isi doreste o relatie bazata pe respect incredere si implicare!
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Femeie, 50, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania

Placuta, sincera, emotiva, I am a single lady with a good sense of humor, loving, honest and very down to earth, i am easygoing who enjoys all the simple things in life cause i really love to live a simple lifestyle. I am outdoor person and i enjoy all the things outside, talk about, beaching, gardening, shopping,camping,fishing,jogging and biking. I am honest and sincere and i always have a smile on my face which keeps me going and really helps me meet nice and lovely people daily. Cooking,house work,reading and laundry are my hobbies and i really enjoy doing my hobbies anytime.I am Deborah and i look forward to meeting that special man for an everlasting commitment.
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