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Femei Iasi

Cele mai frumoase femei din Iasi care vor intalniri sunt aici pe Intra si tu!
Femeie, 21, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

Hey Am 22 de ani sunt o fata cu bun simt igienica sunt in Iasi pentru a cunoaste oameni noi I am sweet, thoughtful, kind, intelligent, and have a great sense of humor. I am very easy going and laid back. I am often told that I am very easy to talk with. I am not an angry person, and I am not interested in someone that is. Having past events shape your life is one thing, carrying the past as a burden that sits heavily upon your shoulders is not the way i view life. I am happy with myself, and my life, and I like to think it shows. I would do the best with someone that isn't extremely uptight, unless of course you are willing to learn to let things go!
Buna sunt Selenna nu ezitati sa ma contactati
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Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

bruneta cu ochi caprui ,inalta, fost fotomodel ,actualmente studenta stiinte juridice angajata a unei mari companii in departamentul secretariat-cont primara...nealcoolica nefumatoare ,spirituala, iubesc copii si arta( cu 6 ani de activitate in domeniul estetica vestimentar!)
frumusetea unei sotii nu e doar exteriorul!...ea provine din interior..completata cu un bob de inteligenta...trio-ul perfect.. o dama de fier cu manusi de catifea!
un om doar fizic cu simtul umorului ,dar bine educat, cu bunele maniere insusite nu doar pe raftul din biblioteca , sufletist si comunicativ!...OARE SE AFLA ?
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Femeie, 40, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

imi place tot ce e frumos si am puterea de a incepe o noua viata,alaturi de un partener de incredere. I'm single never been married with no kids, I don't smoke, I drink occasionally (wine). I'm just a natural lady a caring lovable lady that seeking for something simple and I am a lady that prefer giver than a taker. I'm seeking for someone caring, Lovable, honestly, trustworthy and a man that I can be trusted. I'm looking for a strong man with a gentle heart that I can stand by in Good time and bad.I seek a man who is willing to share, a man that is sweet, a man that would appreciate a nice kiss early in the morning, that would appreciate being dressed up for work in the morning and breakfast in the morning, a man that would respect me and understand me always be there for me.
un barbat serios ,din iasi ,aspect fizic placut.aventurierii sa se abtina!
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Femeie, 55, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

Nu mi-a usor nicicand sa adun cioburile sparte si sa le lipesc la loc, spunandu-mi ca vasul e nou. Ceea ce s-a spart, s-a spart! Am 1m 63cm, 63 kg. Sunt educatoare de profesie si locuiesc in Olanda de 10 ani.Deasemenea am o companie de import export cu sediul la Rotterdam.Imi place sa fiu vesela,binevoitoare,dar si serioasa cand e cazul.
Frumusetea inseamna mult mai mult si putini sunt oamenii capabili sa o sesizeze cu adevarat. Cred ca frumusetea uneori, se poate dezvolta dintr-un simplu, dar bogat compliment, adresat unei femei care in acel clipa se crede urata, chiar foarte urata...
Am nevoie de cineva puternic, suficient sa ma tina cu picioarele pe pamant. Am necesitate de cineva cu integritate, care accepta o relatie serioasa. Am trebuinta de cineva care sa isi doreasca o familie. Am nevoie de cineva pe care sa il pot respecta.
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

I am serious, balanced, open, romantic, caring and feminine, intelligent woman with good manners. I am cheerful and romantic as a child, typical family woman who likes making home coziness and heart-warmed atmosphere very much. I'm also a woman with great sense of humor and family-oriented. I can be very witty and humorous on occasions. would you want to get to know who am i?
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Daca ai interes in niste jucarii sexuale poti incerca acest Sex Shop Iasi.
Femeie, 39, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

Te las sa ma descoperi I would describe me as easy-going, responsible, confident, family oriented, affectionate, and I have a positive outlook on life. I have a great job, but it doesna€™t define me. Ia€™m always up for anythinga€¦traveling, concerts, movies, relaxing at home, hanging out with friends. If it sounds like fun, leta€™s do it! Ia€™m patient and I dona€™t sweat the small stuff. Communication is a must. Love to laugh and enjoy what life has to offer. I have a daughter and she is my treassure, I believe you really get to know a person by spending time talking to if you think we have that mutual interest, I'd love to hear from you. Have a great day
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

Nu accept jigniri. Si imi doresc sa discutam lucruri decente si sa petrecem timp impreuna constructiv. Nimic din ceas spyne nu este asa de elegant ca descoperirea ta.....cucereste...descopera si vei trage solitar concluzia Vor sa intalnesc un om deosebit din toate punctele de vedere....intre 40-50 ani!Multumesc frumos
Satisfacator si decent
O persoana simpatica si sincera
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Femeie, 28, Casatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

tipa sexi din Iasi O femeie frumoasa si inteligenta, fara vicii. Fumatul este un Sida - Spiritual si nu doresc sa am in preajma mea un barbat care sa miroasa ca o scrumiera. Rog ca masculii insurati, fara poza care isi ascund identitatea de nevestele de acasa, nu detine interes si se vor afla pe lista ignorantilor ( este valabil si pentru pensionari ) !
partener de joaca
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

Serioasa Iubitoare Gingasha Sentimentala Vesela Punktuala Prietenoasa Komunikabila Deshteapta Sincera I am optimistic and active, kind and honest person with good sense of humor. I live with smile. Somebody told me that a smile cost nothing but gives a lot. I think that life is cool stuff and I prefer to enjoy each day of my life.
Parul negru si lung...pielea alba si catifelata...curata cu mireasma gustos.
Caut un om de incredere
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

va las pe voi sa decideti daca sunt interesanta sau nu.. Hi... I\'m very easy going, someone who like making new friends, I\'m jovial, hard working, I\'m looking for someone that can make me feel like a woman, someone I can trust, someone who don\'t care about who I am, I must have someone who is good at talking and listening. I must have a partner who is honest and strong enough to do the right thing.I must have a partner who is gentle and kind. I must have someone who isn\'t afraid to take a risk and who sees life as an adventure. I must have someone who can handle life\'s frustrations or momentary setbacks with a patient, steady, demeanor. I must have a partner who loves to socialize with lots of different people. I can\'t stand someone who takes advantage of people. I can\'t stand someone who can\'t manage their anger, who yells, or bottles it up inside. I can\'t stand someone who sees material items as a measure of success. I must end right here, I think you can ask me some more things also you want to know about me... Thanks for taking a stop in my profile..
un suflet jucaush:)
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

Sunt o fata OK! Am inceput sa-i inteleg pe barbati, in sensul ca nu le cer ceea ce nu pot sa dea (..renuntare la prieteni, fotbal, masini, flirt in cluburi, etc.). Mai stiu ca nu esti ceea ce crezi tu ca esti, ci ceea ce cred altii despre tine. Cunostintele mele zic ca-s o fata eleganta si in regula din toate punctele de vedere. Ma intereseaza si alte pareri!
Pe scurt,... frumoasa, ingrijita, bronzata, frecventez sala de fitnes de 5 ori pe saptamana,...!
Relatii de prietenie cu barbati care au si altceva decat instincte!
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

Sunt o persoana prezentabila din pdv fizic. Calma, vesela, cu simtul umorului, echilibrata, rezervata, serioasa ca si comportament. Àfectiunea, increderea, respectul si sinceritatea sunt cateva valori pe care le caut intr - o relatie.
Imi caut jumatatea, care sigur este undeva acolo!
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

Sunt o persoana sociabila... imi place sa ma distrez sa calatoresc citesc si sa imi gasesc pe cineva care isi doreste o relatie de perioada am Willams 46yrs old from Texas being married before but dicvored with one kid....i am here new to this dating Site and i am here Looking for someone that i can trust and Love for the rest of my heart and Life..i need a woman that will be honest and caring bcos i am here looking someone that will give me happy Family
O relatie serioasa
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Poze verificate
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

Sunt sociabila,intelegatoare si am un suflet bun... Sunt o sotie in continua dezvoltare. Ma straduiesc sa invat din absolut orice conflict,esec,experienta...viata nu este plictisitoare. Sunt puternica,sunt ambitioasa si stiu intocmai ce imi doresc: imi place sa ma indragostesc, prietena indragostita este cea mai frumoasa nevasta iar, iubirea este adevaratul fard al femeii. Imi place sa aleg nu, sa fiu aleasa! Imi plac lucruri de calitate pe care nu le poti cumpara cu doar cu bunele maniere,integritate,respect,rabdare,eleganta,incredere,iubire si nu in ultimul rand,bunul simt. " Iubirea ne tine tineri si frumosi " A iubi inseamna viata...restul nu constituie nimic si nu vreau nimicuri in viata mea! Un mascul se indragosteste de ce vede,o femeie se indragosteste de ce aude!! ... "Domnii "fara poze la profil si fara bunul simt,rog a-mi ocoli profilul!!....Am o intrebare pt.voi distinsi domni ce va cautati sufletul pereche, sau jumatatea pe acest site...ce va determina sa atasati poze la profilul vostru de cand ati fost generica, soldat,sau chiar poza de la initialul este jena de voi ,de cum aratati in prezent?!!! Acest site stiu ca este realizat pentru a-ti gasi persoana , pe care ti-o doresti sa-ti fie laolalta si nu pentru aventurieri. Aventuri de-o seara,gasiti pe centura . Aventurieri,conturi false si alte specimene ,sa nu ma contactati.
Sunt draguta...cred.
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

Feminina,sensibila,pasionala,cu simtul umorului , caut un mascul ,dragut,inalt,cu bun simt si care sa stie sa respecte o femeie,adica,un adevarat "gentleman",daca se afla asa ceva ,si crezi ca tu esti acela,contacteaza-ma!
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

\"imi place sa fiu eu,sa fiu iubita,imi place ciocolata,soarele,prietenii,imi place sa rad,imi place sa traiesc,sa dansez,sa ma bucur de fiecare ocazie de fericire,imi place sa-l astept pe Mos Craciun,imi place sa admir cum doarme,imi place viata cu tot ce e in ea,,imi place sa ma trezesc cu razele soarelui pe gene,imi place sa am suflet de copil.8-asa sunt eu
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Femeie, 33, Casatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

Respect and you will be respected Sunt o persoana normala,romantica si corecta;imi place arta, natura, muzica, dansul, calatoriile si citesc foarte mult (acum ca sunt pensionara) simtul umorului si imi place sa rad . Hello ,welcome all subscribers to the site !
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

descopera ma tu Nice to read from you again, Well am Rahma Am open minded, energetic and an enthusiastic participant in life. Others have described me as fun loving with a good sense of humor, romantic, adventurous, pragmatic and down to earth, optimistic, honest and sincere, loyal, intelligent and hard working. I'm a sports fan so it's a real treat to see professional teams play in person (Go Suns!, Go Cardinals!). I belong to a church chore. My convenient is to stay in touch with God. My room mate said my display picture i posted here is beautif more »ul is she right??? you can see for yourself. One of my life's goals is to see as many of the world's major cities as possible. I've been to quite a few already but there are many more still on the list! Other aspirations include living a meaningful life with love and laughter; helping others in recognition of those who helped me; being an available and sympathetic friend; Am working hard so that life will be comfortably for me. maintaining a healthy lifestyle and having lots of fun along the way. I see life as an adventure, it could never be better if God and you are not part of it. That is why I'm here, looking for you ... a exceptional man who is active, flexible, honest, expressive, thoughtful and kind, emotionally available and financially stable. A non smoker with clasic values, some of the same interests and some that are different. We can enjoy learning about each other, where our lives have taken us and where we want to go. Does that sound like you? If so I hope to hear from you!!!! Am looking for a man who i can put trust in him, who is honest and very caring, I am a very sexually adventurous person and it satisfies me to know my partner feels good. I want a relationship with someone who knows what he wants and who is ready to be serious. I want to be with someone I can be friends with and someone who likes to spend time around me and willing to spend the rest of his life with me,
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Natasha alena1
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

Tanara,frumoasa si educata I am a fun outgoing a bit much fly by the seat of my pants type of gal... I find my self to be verrry funny and I don't have a filter most of the time. I have a very BIG heart which tends to get me introuble at times. I'm a full blown Leo so I guess that makes me king of the jungle but if u are nice I might let u wear my crown!!
Doresc sa cunosc un mascul care sa imi prezinte tot ceea ce imi vor .imi doresc o relatie eleganta bazata in primul pe respect si tot ce este mai frumos
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

if you have eyes........? ;-) Nu raspund celor fara foto la profil!!! Ce caut aici? Partener pentru sex? Nu, nu am nevoie. Parteneri de dialog? Nu, pt asta se afla forumuri pe net, am prietenii. Sa pierd vremea? Nu, am alte lucruri mai simpatice de facut, decit sa bantui pe aici. Partener de calatorii ? Nu, am prietenii, am cu cine merge sau pot merge si singura. Atunci? Caut pe cineva cu care sa pot face toate lucrurile de mai sus si inca numeroase altele, iar lucrul asta sa imi faca placere, sa ma simt implinita. Perfect ar fi pentru mai mult timpa€¦.. Si pentru ca asta sa se intample, bine ar fi sa fie calm, optimist, echilibrat, deschis, comunicativ, cald, blind, delicat, vesela€¦si lista mai poate continua. Despre mine? Sunt comunicativa, romantica, sincera, si stiu foarte bine ce-mi doresc! Faptul ca ma aflu aici e o modalitate pt a face noi cunostinte, fiindca ma invirt intr-un cerc relativ restrans de oameni...continuarea evident o doresc in viata reala ! Nu-s interesata de relatii pur virtuale, e prea eleganta realitatea ! Cei care vor corespondenta, flirt, aventuri,.. rog sa ma ocoleasca!!
ask me
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Femeie, 38, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

cred ca foto spune mai numeroase Hi, I am Veda, living in New Delhi, India. I am a straightforward and honest person. I love travelling, trekking, reading, listening to music and photography. I love nature and history, and also, I'm somewhat spiritually inclined.
sunt ok
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

sunt o fata simpla sincera intelegatoare cu simtul umorului restul te las pe tine sa descoperi I am tender and gentle, sincere and honest, very feminine and sensuous, sexy and passionate... I am very romantic, open-minded and a one-man woman. I am family-oriented, loyal and trustworthy. Very giving, supportive and caring. I consider myself a sweet girl with a soft personality. I am confident, serious (but with a sense of humor) and I'm mature enough to have a family of my own. I love life, love children and I am looking for a serious, kind, honest man for marriage. I would like to meet my true love and best friend, someone who shares my temperament and interests. I want to give everything to my special man as a woman, wife, friend and lover. I am ready for a fundamental change in my life and I hope to realizate a strong, harmonious marriage based on love, spiritual closeness and mutual understanding. I believe I will make a very loving wife for you!
nu sunt un fotomodel dar nici ultima urata din lume placuta e tot ce pot spune
un baiat care sa stie ce vrea de la viata cu simtul umorului sincer
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

Bruneta, ochi caprui!
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

sunt o fata obisnuita,imi plac plimbarile in aer liber,imi place muzica foarte mult si sa ma distrez de asemenea,sunt foarte linistita in general,imi place sa gasesc tot felul de subiecte despre care putem sa vb...daca vreti sa aflati mai multe contactati-ma si putem purta o conversatie
prieteni si distractie
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Alina nastas
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

O fire simpatica Le admir fara retinere pe frantuzoaice au o mare preocupare de ele,si imbatranesc cu gratie..sunt tonice si degaja o frumusete deosebit !! Imi place gandirea si corectitudinea nemtoaicelor,respectul si cuvantul dat Cred in sufletul romancelor,cald si plin de iubire,glumet si plin de viata !! Aceasta sunt EU...trei in unul !!!!
O persoana de incredere pentru relatii serioase..
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

I am a simple, sociable girl, always with a smile on my face regardless of the situation. the one with huge heart, mammothlike plans for the future, great hopes that everything will be ok and and exceeding desire to be happy. if you will be able to find the key to my heart I promise you won't regret, I am told to be very kind, reliable, honest and responsible, you see the real angel:)) but very lonely one, please join me and let's fly through the clouds together!!:))
I'm looking for someone open to have a long-term relationship, someone who has been through the hardships of life who knows exactly what he wants from a woman.
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

O IUBITA NORMALA,PUTIN PRETENTIOASA,IMI PLAC PERSOANELE CU CARE POT COMUNICA,SI IMI PLACE TOT CEEA CE INSPIRA FRUMUSETE,ATAT INTERIOARA CAT SI EXTERIOARA. I like to be happy and give everybody the chance to be happy , Ia€™m the shy type , I took a while to consider the fact to come online here now , because I have had a bad relationship before and dona€™t wish for it to happen again, if you text me because of some selfish reasons like just sex , I aina€™t gonna reply you , I need someone who will love me and be with me and make a family , thata€™s all I want You can message me , remember Ia€™m here for a long term relationship, I lost my boyfriend in a car accident about some years ago , now I live alone , no kids , just some friends who come over sometimes , I sell watches , bags , shoes , sometimes part time make over artist , thata€™s what I do , you can mail me if you think we gonna be good to each other , and as for the man I prefer , age is no barrier for me , age is just a number , I dona€™t know where my happiness lies , could be younger or older than me , all I want is a family and be happy, Ia€™m open to all
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

Pentru inceput nu e nevoie sa ma intalnesti, ma poti cunoaste din cuvinte... Imi vor un suflet care sa-mi alunge cu o clipire si o mangaiere chiar ce indoiala care mi-ar apasa sa ma tina de mana pe parcursul vietii. Dragostea merge mana-n mana cu respectul si increderea in viata de cuplu si nu numai, in viata de zi cu zi in general. Sa iubesti din suflet inseamna sa-ti gasesti casa in aceasta lume, sa-ti gasesti locul in aceasta te simti la locul potrivit, sa fii acolo unde trebuie sa fii si sa nu mai cauti nimic. Nicicand nu este prea tarziu pentru un nou inceputa€¦.
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

Sun glumetata, frumusoasa , I am a very simple and easy going young lady ,I am honest, fun, affectionate, supportive. I like jogging at the park, reading, going to movies, museums, and festivals. I enjoy cooking with that special man in my life and spending quiet times together. I'm hoping to find a great guy who is looking for a real relationship that will turn into long-term.
Sexy..slabuta brunetica
Caut un partener de viata sa ma intelega si sa ma sustina in toate ma iubesca si sa ma aprecieze.
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

cum ma vedeti , restul vorbim I am someone who really enjoys a laugh and doesn't take things too seriously. I love checking out new restaurants, watching a good movie or addictive tv series, catching up with friends and holidaying to different places. I'm a pretty easy going person, my best memories are enjoying time with friends and family.
un barbat de exceptie
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

imi place distractia sunt libertina, sunt genul de persoana care se implica in relatii de indelunga durata... Single, busty and curvy looking to meet and play.. can travel possibly host .. Love playing dirty,. I am a very attractive, beautiful, romantic, loving, and charming. Looking for dark and handsome guy for casual encounter
caut barbat care stie sa se distreze si sa fie deschis spre nou;dpdv fizic sa fie atletic si cu o inaltime cuprinsa intre 175cm si 187cm
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

I myself is a fun loving lady,sweet and romantic, easy to get along with,am fairly smart and witty and i want a man that will share with me the good life and made me a woman and at night time express the most wonderful feelings that every one needs and be expressive about many things
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Femeie, 42, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

o tipa vesela , optimista , plina de viata EU....CINE SUNT EU??Un punct minuscul in aceasta lume, o fiinta cu sentimente,un om care incearca sa-i dea vietii un rost,un suflet printre milioane de alte suflete.Imi place sinceritatea,romantismul,tot ce e distins si pur in lumea asta!Cred ca viata reprezinta sa privesti si sa culegi florile prieteniei,atunci cand ele iti apar in cale.ALEGE SA IUBESTI SI NU SA URASTI,sa zidesti si nu sa darami,sa perseverezi si nu sa renunti,sa lauzi si sa nu barfesti,sa vindeci si nu sa ranesti,sa darui si nu sa iei,sa actionezi si nu sa amani,SA IERTI SI NU SA TE RAZBUNI!sa te rogi si nu sa disperi,ALEGE SA-TI FOLOSESTI EFICACITATEA DE A ALEGE!ADEVARATA BOGATIE A UNUI OM ESTE SUFLETUL SAU!!SA nu legi nicicand prietenie cu omul pe care nu-l poti respecta!Esenta prieteniei este INTEGRITATEA,GENEROZITATEA SI INCREDERA DEPLINA.FERICIREA ESTE o DISPOZITIE DE SPIRIT AUTOCASTIGATA DE ALEGEREA FACUTA!LA VISUL CARE IL DORESTI,E O CALE ATAT DE LUNGA,CACI VIATA TOATA DE-O TRAIESTI,TE-NTREBI DE-O SA-TI AJUNGA!!!!!!!!!!!!
priveste-ma spune-mi TU asa cum sunt !
tot ce e frumos si simpatic in viata
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Femeie, 27, Casatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

caut ce.mi place... 3 sfaturi pt masculii care intra pe profilul meu: 1) Barbatii care sint cu 8-10-15-20 ani mai mici si cei cu 8-10-15-20 ani mai mari decat mine,faceti bine si nu ma mai deranjati aiurea,pt ca nu sint interesata de categoriile astea de varsta (m-am saturat sa va tot blochez,ca sa nu ma mai deranjati mereu). 2) Barbatii insurati sau care au deja o relatie,la fel o sa va blochez, pt ca nu sint interesata sa fiu amanta nimanui,sau sa fiu "salteaua" vreunuia cu intocmai statut. 3) Cand intrati pe profilul unei femei,faceti bine si uitati-va si la ce scrie ea in profil ca isi vrea sau cauta,nu doar la pozele ei,nu toate cautam doar sex,ihhh. Sper ca v-am lamurit pe toti,si nu o sa ma mai deranjati inutil,pt ca oricum va blochez din start,nici nu ma deranjez sa va raspund!
just me
ce.mi face placere..
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stefania maya
Femeie, 43, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

femeie cu simtul umorului,linistita ca persoana ,gospodina ,educata de gasca vesela comunicativa si restul ramane de vazut Daca am fi pietre, nu am avea necesitate de sentimente. Daca am fi picaturi de ploaie, nu am avea trebuinta de lacrimi....insa, suntem oameni si avem nevoie de dragoste."Poate itr-adevar cea mai mare dezamagire este in iubire . DE CE ???? In iubire daruiesti TOTUL , daruiesti sufletul, inima aceluia pe care il iubesti si uneori constati ca ti-a fost tavalita , improscata cu noroi simtind cum se rupe din ea bucatica cu bucatica.O inima o reconstruiesti greu , si din punct de vedere medical vorbind, indiferet cat de priceput va fi ' medicul' care va experimenta sa o reconstruiasca
aspect satisfacator ,
caut sa socializez cu oamenii ,prietenii.sinceritate
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Iasi Romania

Well a little about my self,i always feel happy,you know why?,Because i don't expect anything from anyone. Expectations always hurt. life is short .so love your life. be happy. AND KEEP SMILING .just live for yourself and before you speak,LISTEN .Before you write,THINK. Before you spend,EARN. Before you pray,FORGIVE,Before you hurt,FEEL. Before you have,GIVE. before you quit,TRY. Before you die,LIVE .that's the little you need to know about me
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