Femeie, 21, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
FOTOMODEL Sunt o persoana simpla si destul de prietenoasa . Iubesc sa depind de mine . Momentul meu liber il petrec in bucatarie si in munca . Ador distractiile insa toate cu limite. Caut un baiat care intr-adevar e demn de o relatie serioasa .. Nu am de necesitate de averile lui cum ar fi banii sau masina sunt doar obiecte. Insa averea sa o gasesc in el ca sa faca fericita o femeie !!! SATISFACATOR MASCUL BINE
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
Sociabila,carismatica,intelegatoare,prietenoasa Buna baieti ! Ma numesc Gabriela si am aproape 21 de ani. Eu in intaiul rand vad eventual intr-un baiat un bun amic pentru inceput. (Apropo sa ascultati pe youtube melodia de la "Marshmello- Friends", ca sa ma intelegeti mai bine) Hobiurile mele sunt de a canta si suna la orga componente de muzica fina actuale. In afara de asta, sa imi petrec timpul cu pisicutul meu Felix. La momentul actual sunt acasa si nu fac nimic decat sa ma distrez dar in martie o sa lucrez la un call center pentru inceput si voi fi o maseoza in devenire. Mi-a mers bine la profilul filologic deci imi place mult filozofia daca nu va deranjeaza (Zic asa caci anumiti romani sunt de parere ca vorba multa e saracia omului - fapt exhaustiv gresit. Comunicarea sta la baza). Am trecut peste dominante atacuri de panica trei luni la rand si am suferit de depresie severa. Acum stau mai bine. Anumite lucruri care le-ati putea sti despre mine sunt in initialul rand ca sunt sincera si sunt destul de constiincioasa de ce se intampla in jurul meu. Imi place si sunt creatoare de echilibru si armonie. Imi place sa fiu logica dar si ironica. Nu imi place sa ma cert. Respect pe oricine chiar de aspect dar cand cineva imi calca codita, atunci spun lucrurile verzi in fata. Va doresc fericire si sa fiti frumosi. Multumesc pentru atentie(: Mascul cu bun simt potent financiar.
Femeie, 24, Casatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
Foarte curioasa NU RASPUND CELOR FARA POZE sau care nu corespund criteriilor mele de eligibilitate!Sunt o prietena pragmatica, realista, interesata pt inceput de o prietenie win-win, dar nu exclud ulterior indragosteala/casatoria. Am alergie la burtosi (mai ales daca sunt si scunzi), dantura neingrijita, rasi pe cap, barbosi, agramati, inculti, prosti, badarani, mincinosi, zgarciti, afemeiati.Nu ma atrag barbatii sub 1.80 m, supraponderali, supermusculosi, cu tatuaje de prost gust si lanturi de 1 kg la gat. Exclus manelisti si cocalari!NU ma intereseaza relatii la distanta, nu ma pasioneaza taurasii dotati doar fizic dar cu lipsuri grave la mansarda. Prefer masculii mai in varsta decat mine sau de varsta apropiata, in niciun caz sub 40 ani. NU sunt posesiva si nu suport manifestarile de gelozie si control obsesiv. NU gazduiesc "turisti" care vin in Bucuresti sa-si cunoasca "dragostea vietii". Consider ca sexul nu este important intr-o relatie, deoarece, mai devreme sau mai tarziu, tot se ajunge la rutina, iar asta erodeaza relatia. Sunt o mare iubitoare de animale. Pt cei care imi dau diverse sfaturi "intelepte" am un proverb: cainele moare de drum lung si prostul de grija altuia. Pt frustratii care se baga singuri in seama cu comentarii inepte, am si pt ei un proverb: vulpea care n-ajunge la strugurii dulci zice ca sunt acri. Cui nu-i place ce am scris, sa caute bibilici, sunt destule pe aici! Atletic Distractie,fun.
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
ok EXCLUS FUMATORII!!! Roscatica, vesela si cu mult bun simt al umorului, extrem deschisa la minte,iubitoare de natura, muzica clasica, opera si arta, caut un suflet frumos pentru o relatie de durata, acel zambet care sa ma astepte in prag... Nu ma intereseaza masculii casatoriti.. super ok sa fie la fel de ok
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
Sociabila, ambitioasa si dornica sa incerc orice .. Cautiously optimistic to find a man who is well grounded, kind, well structured mentally, intelligent, makes time for the relationship, remembers always to be a gentleman and has realistic expectations from his partner. Easy going, good sense of humour with a young heart and mindset would really match my personality. For those who dona€™t have a picture, are under 52 or over 62 there will be no reply. Thank you. Placut Un barbat dotat .. si inteligent
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
Sunt putine de spus,mai numeroase de vazut!!! Am a young African lady who has decided to try out find my other half from different places in this planet.Am a respectful,loving,fun and down to earth person who is easy to get along with.I love people respect their values and beliefs much more to it I love children and this makes me to be a kindergarten teacher as well.I think I have alot to say about myself both positive and my faults which we can get to know once we meet and chat more..Looking forward to hear from you. N/B am sorry all my pictures that I have been trying to upload are rejected incase you might be wondering why I don't have any but still trying to upload new ones. sunt ok!!! cit mai mult zimbet
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
imi plac distractiile,imi place muzica,dansul si imi plac super mult hainele As dori sa fiu contactata doar de persoane cu bun simt..INTERZIS persoanelor care vor emotii tari..pt asta sunt alte site-uri care sa va satisfaca poftele..in rest..va doresc ceea ce meritati.. Decenta este o haina prea eleganta pe care nu o poate purta oricine... Ramai calm in perfect indiferent ce situatie, fiindca linistea ta constituie putere....!! pot sa spun ca arat bine...:d
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
I am lovely,pleasant girl.I am very goal oriented, I know what I want in my life and I always try to fulfill all my goals and dreams.I am confident and cheerful. I am optimistic and I always try to overcome all the difficulties with a smile on my face.I am enthusiastic about taking up new challenges in life.Sincere and friendly is what my friends would describe me as.
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
nu va pot spune acum va las sa ma cunoasteti mai intai si apoi facem schimb de convingeri I am an from Belgium looking for man of my dreams. search for true love never ends forever. Look for a romantic, gentle, polite, honest man. . So I decided to her. I want to communicate with her. . I am good-hearten, honest, compassionate, loving, friendly, I hope to give all my heart, all my feelings, all my life, to some one frumusik foc:P un barbat frumos;)
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
come and meet me!!! Carpe Diem Daca esti casatorit iti doresc fericire dar nu imi scrie ca nu imi pierd timpul.Daca esti singur,stii sa spui bancuri ,stii sa dansezi,iti place muntele si nu ai ochi alunecosi atunci bine te-am gasit:). P.S.apreciez barbatii cu cei 7 ani de acasa. sunt...normala.. ...caut barbat....frumos!:)
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
Imi place, sa ma plimb ,imi place distractia,imi place ca partenerul meu sa ma asculte si sa fie grijuliu cu mine si mai ales sa nu ma insele cu nimeni O persoana normala, sociabila. Voi descrie in cateva cuvinte simple care imi sunt trasaturile de caracter si in acelasi timp ce apreciez la ceilalti oameni - onestitate, responsabilitate, recunostinta, perseverenta, generozitate, altruism, respect. Ahh...si sa nu uit sa mentionez despre inteligenta sociala- anume emotionala si interpersonala- sa poti fi constient de motivele si sentimentele celorlalti si ale tale insuti, sa te poti adapta in deosebite situatii sociale si mai mult decat atat, sa stii ce e important nu doar pentru tine ci si pentru ceilalti. Acum sa vorbim si despre lucruri mai putin frumoase... Astfel, la polul opus, ca o trasatura negativa, sta lipsa rabdarii. Nu am destul de multa rabdare. Sigur ca acum nu ma refer la deciziile importante din viata mea, ci la lucrurile sau activitatile zilnice care necesita efecte rapide- deci la eficace in sine..Sunt multiple de spus aici...voi descrie pe larg mai tarziu. Cred ca lipsa rabdarii nu este oricum un fapt bun. Mi-a venit acum in minte un lucru pe care l-a spus cineva referitor la confuzia dintre rabdare si pasivitate sau docilitate-cum nu echivaleaza cu niciuna dintre astea doua. Rabdarea nu este pasiva si nici negativa, este o influenta constructiva, o forta activatoare pozitiva. Intrucat rabdarea nu este nici sinonimul tolerantei, putem spune ca ar trebui sa mai lucrez la acest capitol. )) Un alt lucru pe care multi il considera ca fiind negativ este gandirea critica-evaluarea atenta a lucrurilor si examinarea lor din toate punctele de vedere. Ahh...si putina incapatanare. Dupa examinarea critica, daca argumentele sunt corecte, trebuie sa ne sustinem si punctul de vedere, nu?! Cam acestea ar fi demne de mentionat. Asa ca o persoana normala, dar nu comuna. (haha) . Un om cu bune si cu mai putin bune. Cred insa ca in viata este extrem importanta intelegerea compensatiei. Fiecare om isi cunoaste principiile si valorile care sunt cele mai de pret in viata sa. In concluzie fiecare hotaraste ce este mai important in persoana care ii sta alaturi, ce poate fi tolerat si ce nu. Am un aspect extrem elegant eu asa cred dar ori cum las masculi sa vad ce spun daca am un aspect bun sa nu Caut mai numeroase cum, ar fi iubire dragoste blandete
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
I am the ocean and it's turbulent flood. Soy una persona alegre, leal me gusta disfrutar de la naturaleza, ir de camping, pescar, hacer deporte, me gusta leer, la buena música, me gusta visitar los museos compartir con familiares y amistades me gusta cocinar The Lady In Red Be with me, i will open the gate to your love. I wait with silent passion for one gesture one glance from you.
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
Romantica, plina de viata, sincera si de incredere. I like to be happy and give everybody the chance to be happy , Ia€™m the shy type , I took a while to consider the fact to come online here now , because I have had a bad relationship before and dona€™t wish for it to happen again, if you text me because of some selfish reasons like just sex , I aina€™t gonna reply you , I need someone who will love me and be with me and make a family , thata€™s all I want You can message me , remember Ia€™m here for a long term relationship, I lost my boyfriend in a car accident about some years ago , now I live alone , no kids , just some friends who come over sometimes , I sell watches , bags , shoes , sometimes part time make over artist , thata€™s what I do , you can mail me if you think we gonna be good to each other , and as for the man I prefer , age is no barrier for me , age is just a number , I dona€™t know where my happiness lies , could be younger or older than me , all I want is a family and be happy, Ia€™m open to all Placut Nimic.
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
Nu sunt eu in masura sa ma descriu Caut un barbat analt, dragut,bun la suflet cu un simt al umorului destul de dezvoltat, si o situatie financiara extrem buna, care a-si ravneste sa se insoare, Daca nu va ancadrati, va rog sa nu ma deranjati. Nu voi raspunde. Aspect fizic ok Caut pe cineva sa ne completam unul pe celalalt
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
ehh uita-te si vezi Sunt o persoana cu bune si cu rele .Sunt loiala unei relatii adevarata.Nu am copii imi plac extrem mult calatoriile cer seriozitate si sinceritate intr-o relatie .Sunt destul de sensibila,romantica,ofer clipe frumoase partenerului. mai ma gandesc
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
O nevasta draguta My principles of life is a family, home comfort and the attention of my loved ones. I like taking care of my loved ones and give them warmth. I love children and when I am surrounded by childrena€™s laughter. I like to work a lot then it seems the most enjoyable vacation. I am cheerful, kind and sympathetic. I love to communicate with people a lot. I really like my job! I have been working for many years in the restaurant business. Las la aprecierea ta un barbat dragut
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
Buna sunt o fata draguta,de gasca,cu simtul umorului.Daca vrei sa afli mai multe despre mine contacteaza-ma.Pupici I consider myself a very easy going person, even tempered. I love to go for long walks during a beautiful summer sunset with my dog Max along the wonderful walking trails by my home, going for walks during a gentle snowfall in the winter and walks during a crisp and sunny autumn day. I love to cook and a perfect evening would be to decide on a wonderful menu and cook together while enjoying a fine glass of red wine and great music. I enjoy many type of music from easy listening jazz to classical to country western especially Ian Tyson. One of my hobbies is landscape painting and have become quite good, enough so that I can give them away as gifts to my family. My life long passion is genealogy and have been discovering my family roots for the past years. Love old movies, scrabble and nature. Caut sinceritate, prietenie adevarata... cam atat.
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
o persoana Unica!! I have great sense of humor and laugh at myself all the time. i would like to meet someone who is caring, sweet and loving.... I am a very caring, friendly person open for love and serious relationship. I am also an intelligent lady with a good sense of humor. I am a joyful and have pretty emotional personality along with feelings of compassion and empathy. un fizic f frumos .. dar depinde de ce gusturi stapaniti ;) pe mine .. la masculin !
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
Lauda de sine nu miroase a bine :P I am 34 years old, live and work in a small town, and I very rarely get out enough to meet anyone. I have been told that I am very unique, unlike anyone you\'ll ever meet. I have never had a drink and don\'t intend to, never had a smoke and don\'t intend to...I believe in doing things God\'s way. I\'m not perfect by any means, but I try to do my best. I am looking for a real man who desires to do the same in his life. For anyone who is reading this, I must tell you...having not ever had a drink in my life, I tend to be a little uncomfortable with those who do at first, but please don\'t hold that against me. I just want that to be known up front. I\'m also looking for someone who values family and wouldn\'t mind me taking care of my mother...because that\'s what I do for the most part. She has Alzheimer\'s and pretty much depends on me for...a whole lot. I am looking for someone who will understand that, respect that...and like me anyway. Bottom line is this...I\'m truly looking for God\'s best in my life. I\'ve been yanked around by losers for far too long. I\'m tired of playing games. I want someone who is honest, dependable, trustworthy, loyal, ...a man dedicated to doing it God\'s way. That would be wonderful! Not limited or rationed based on rules, conditions, requirements or criteria. Those things hinder our ability to Love beyond short comings, having vision to see beyond where a person is but where they\'re going; not what they are today; but what they will become tomorrow. Before our conception, Jesus already knew we were going to break His heart yet He still Loved Us, Unconditionally! His Love allowed Him to bear our afflictions, the weight of the cross He would be nailed to & left hanging then Giving His Life that we may Have Life, that\'s real Love.(You feel me)I\'m looking for a God fearing Christian man that lives to worship his Father in heaven... If you can relate and have a true relationship with God please feel free to contact me. Have a Blessed day.
Femeie, 49, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
pasionata de calatorii.... sunt o sotie linistita,calma,singura si sincera.....imi caut in societatea asta mare un om pe care sa il accept cu defectele si calitatile lui si care sa ma accepte asa cum sunt ...sper ca il voi gasi..... placut..... ceva deosebit...nu stiu...
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
ce sa va spun eu meey?va las pe voi sa dezcoperizi!!poopl voy!! imprevizibila!!!!!! chiar credeti ca descrierea sablon m-a confectionat sa-mi pierd originalitatea sau sa-mi etalez sinceritatea? nici pe departe! asa ca nu va mai obositi citind ca oricum nu-mi plac manelele :-)))) blonda,1,70cmh, ochii verzi. in cautare de prietni !!!
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
hmmm.... I am honest, Loving, caring, Romantic, Decent, loyal,kind, respectful and friendly, and out going personality I am thoughtful and generous with everyone i meet,,....I am a self-confident individual who enjoys talking with and helping others tot aia... da....
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
I am a person who is very positive with a lot of infectious energy and who is always naturally happy with life. I strongly believe that life is too short to waste time on games and making people unhappy. I try to find enjoyment and humor in most things I do! I treat all people with respect and the dignity that they deserve and cherish my friends and family. I am very loyal and faithful as a partner. I am happy with my life, but I miss my only one. Someone who is sincere, honest and loving. I am sure that I can give to my beloved all my love, tender, care and passion, and at the same time, I want him to give all this back to me. I am more than ready to support him in all his beginnings, to become his friend, his partner, and his wife.
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
dulce;)/sweet;) I am a fun-loving Woman with a good sense of humor, I am caring, thoughtful, hardworking and very loyal to the ones I love. I will go out of my way to help anyone if I could possibly do so. I believe in Romance ,Love and Living Life to the fullest. I want to find someone who wants to be in a positive, long-lasting relationship based on trust, love and faith-fullness. I enjoy learning new things, having fun and sharing in a good conversation. I want a woman that remembers to be romantic, thoughtful, considerate, respectful and compassionate. I don't believe this is too much to ask for in mutual relationship. I love giving and receiving kisses, hugs, and caresses. I am good at giving a good massage, but expect to get one as well. I believe in sharing what I have with the people I love, .I believe family is very important on both sides of a relationship and will go out of my way to keep the peaceful atmosphere of a happy home life, I do not like liars. I am a woman, and I want to find that special man to make me happy and I will also do my best to make him happy too as well.. creola/dark-skinned un tip cu suflet.../a guy with a soul
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
Eu, cu bune si rele, ca orice tanara de varsta mea ... pai despre mn ce pot sa zic,in 2 cuvinte nu reusesc sa ma descriu....in fraza e prea mult....scurt si la obiect poate reusesc:vorbareata,vesela , optimista;cuvinte cheie care deschid o parere. asa sunt eu!nu ma pot schimba....si nici nu as face-o! vrei sa te respect?respecta-ma pt ceea ce sunt nu pt ceea ce ai vrea sa fiu... Nimic extrem
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
sensibila Barbatul ideal...femeia ideala...Idealul, in sensul strict al cuvantului, este imposibil de atins, sau, daca nu imposibil, destul de rar. Poate individul ideal, barbat/femeie, se afla doar in povesti si in cer. A fi mereu nemultumit(a) de cel de alaturi tine doar pentru ca nu intruneste condtile idealului, reprezinta sa fii mereu trist(a), "ceva" va lipsi mereu. Eu nu sunt ideala, sunt mai pamanteana, cu bune si mai putin bune, dar nu-mi este rusine sa privesc in oglinda sufletului meu. Asa fiind, nu caut un mascul ideala, ci unul pe marime felului meu de a fi, cu speranta ca unul il poate completa pe celalalt. Imi cer scuze, varsta mea reala este, este mult mai mica. Dintr-o eroare a aparut asa. Ceea ce spun, este adevarat ! cine ma place ma place asa amicitie
Femeie, 49, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
las pe altii sa aprecieze I'm down to earth, open minded loving and caring with a good sense of humor, I'm also honest and sincere hard working down to earth and God-fearing decent faithful simple and very positive and passionate BETON... Iti inchipui sotia din zodia Fecioarei ca pe o creatura pura ca zapada? Iluziile tale sunt pe cale de a fi spulberate.In intaiul rand coloana ei vertebrala e facuta din otel inoxidabil.Are toate vicleniile si armele necesare, inclusiv hotararea de a-si cauta fericirea, peste tot s-ar afla aceasta. Daca pe acest drum se intampla sa dea peste ceva spini, nu va lesina si nici nu va striga dupa ajutor.Este singura femeie din zodiac care poate fi mortal de practica si divin de romantica in acelasi timp.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
am Kelly by name ,new on this site i came here seeking for true love a man who will love me also take me as the only,i want you to know that am not here for game's, am here to make my own true man on here someone who i will trust also be honest with me forever and always have me as am going to be there with my own right person. have been cheat,hurt, also heart break and i don't want this to happen to me anymore momentul pierdut..
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
O sotie care isi ravneste sa fie cu cineva din suflet!Nu din obligatie,nu din plictiseala sau din disperarea de a nu fii singura! I am a very laid back person with a good attitude and my own style. I'm very fond of the Golden Rule treat others the way you want to be treated, but at the same time deep and complicated with my thoughts, easy going with people that are not picky, open mind, very honest . sometimes more than it should be . I'm passionate about almost any kind of music, for me it's like a kind of expression.it just release your soul. Open to changes, you never know what life has for you, and what new lessons are you going to learn, what kind of people are you going to meet and in which way are they going to touch your heart.I am looking for a partner in life. Placut.Tu ce zici? Un barbat dragut,placut ochiului,un mascul bland agreabil inimii.Prima cerinta este o bijuterie,dar cea de-a doua este o autentica comoara.
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
sant o persoana simpla Tender, caring...hm...difficult to tell something...i feel shy and i don't want to be a boaster, but i am really a very romanic woman, maybe a little bit naiive...modest and honest... not a little girl, but a mature woman, who wants to be happy. slabutza un barbat sincer care sa isi doreasca acelashii fapt ca si mne,o familie.
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
plina de initiativa, dornica de aventura si fe evadare din cotidianul anost I am socialable and adorable character.I love life and have a huge variety of tastes,enjoy being casual and easy-going,I love the outdoors.i have a good sense of humor, which can often throw people off, but I'm always able to laugh things off, which I have found to be a necessity in today's world.I'm educated, but not a snob.I'm charming, smart, good family values, morals and family ties. honest, responsible and devoted as well.kind, giving, passionate and believe in treating others the way he want to be treated. have a good family life, friends and relatives, but am ready to share all of these with someone special.I am a woman who is caring honest and understnad.I need a man who is caring honest and intelligent also i need a man who will love me for who i am and not what i have. ;))) poti vedea solitar din poze un barbat adevarat, punct.
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
Sincera, glumeata, de viata, restul e ...cancan I believe that only with love in your heart you can be really happy. Love for me is a feeling, which contains passion, friendship, trust, and understanding. On the other hand, I'm a very positive and optimistic person and you will never get bored with me. I'm a serious woman you can rely on. I know what are my goals and I always try to achieve them! I do not concentrate on problems, but concentrate on creating happiness and pleasure around me. I love having fun and feeling happiness and harmony in myself. I also like to smile my smile is very sincere and real and I would like you to see my smile every morning! Satisfacator Voi descoperi singura
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
I'm someone who has and appreciates a good sense of humor coupled with a healthy dose of positivity. Not that I go through life with rose colored glasses, but dwelling on the negative is not my cup of tea. I love nothing better than a glass of wine, nice scenery and a jolly good laugh with someone I can be myself with. I'm just as happy indoors as out, depending on my mood and the season. I believe it's not so much what you do as who you do it with/for/to. I have a soft spot for a good heart and a sweet smile.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
sunt o fire prietenoasa ,sociabila,comunicativa Caut si imi vor o relatie stabila. Sunt o nevasta fina, placuta si sensibila. Imi doresc pasiune, dragoste, intelegere si bunatate. Ador calatoriile. Caut prietenie, intelegere, comunicare, respect si pasiune. Nu sunt interesata de o relatie de consumatie. bruneta, ochi caprui,bine creata masculi sexi
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
iubita 58ani,cu cetatenie si domiciliu in Suedia,educata,cu mult bun simt,urasc minciuna, aventura,hotia,prostia,infidelitatile chiar de felul lor,materiale,sexuale,sufletesti,etc.daca ma contactezi cu asa ginduri,renunta!de joaca nu-mi arde fericire
Femeie, 54, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
Nu supert minciuna,,ofer respect,si cer aceelasi lucru, iam sincere and honest lady.iam easy going person and very passionate person.single and have never marry before and i now search for an honest man for a relationship that will lead to a marriage.love music and reading a lots. Nu sunt eleganta ,dar cred ca mai mult conteaza frumusetea sufletului, Relatie de lunga durata
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
o fata natural cu multe curiozitati Mama mea spune ca sunt cea mai frumoasa, mai desteapta si mai cuminte! Dar stiti..."orice cioara isi lauda puii". Nu credeti pana nu verificati!! Cuvinte cheie care ma definesc: bucurie, optimism, loialitate, devotament, empatie, curiozitate, feminitate, sensibilitate, curaj. Cunosc latura intunecata a oamenilor dar aleg sa cred totusi in ei. Le inteleg slabiciunile si imi place sa ii sustin cand isi doresc sa evolueze. Ma bucur cu adevarat de lucrurile simple si zambesc zilnic chiar daca am lucrat riduri de la ranjet. Am avut parte de numeroase experiente dificile , dar aleg sa vorbesc despre ceea ce am invatat din ele si nu despre cat de grea e viata . Apreciez viata de familie, nu ma atrage flirtul care nu duce la ceva durabil. Dupa doua nasteri si un divort, am luat proportii, sunt intr-o mare forma! Un xxL... Yeeeey!! :) Nu ma aflu aici pentru a impresiona pe nimeni, imi cunosc calitatile, defectele, potentialul. Gene false, decolteu fortat, buze tuguiate, toate astea mi le consimt financiar, dar nu corespund cu valorile mele. Grozav ar fi sa intalnesc masculul pentru care sunt potrivita ca piesa puzzle ce lipseste din tabloul lui. Lucrurile pe care le apreciez sunt umorul, inteligenta, bunul simt si loialitatea. Iubesc si respect timpul. Sa fim practici zic! atragatoare spun eu oameni draguti cu care pot purta un dialog
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
sunt o persoana dragutza...........companie placuta.........careia ii plac calatoriile..............imi place destul de mult sa am prieteni sinceri care sa ma ajute cand am nevoie.............si la randul meu ofer ajutorul tuturor celor care il cer sunt micutza de statura.....am practicat gimnastica cativa anisori....sunt bruneta cu ochii caprui.. sinceritate...........simpatie.......aspect fizic placut..........
Femeie, 66, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
sunt o persoana sociabila,imi place sa comunic. I am self-sufficient, Beautiful, happy, secure, self-confident, psychologically aware, emotionally and financially secure. and working as a Waiter In a Local Resturant,am Living with my Mom and Dad in a Logging house,i am a Ghanaian By Birth,my Father is a Ghanaian and my mother is From Australia..i have been In Ghana all My life i am a Hard working lady and very freindly.i have no Kids and Never Married... i Will Be Graduating Next Month and i am Studing Catering(Vocational Skills) .. i Cook Very Well Because that is My Proffession.....lol nu f inalta,cu parul castaniu inchis,ochii caprui spre negrii......... in cautare de prietenii
Femeie, 39, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
I am focused on a serious relationship and creating a family. I need love. I am sure that I will have the opportunity to meet a decent person and it is here. I have a light character and it's easy to find a common language with me. I am ready to compromise for the sake of peace in a relationships and family. I hope that my family will be happy and filled with happiness.
Femeie, 45, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
Sunt o persoana destul de sensibila, educata, serioasa, capabila sa aprecieze adevaratele valori, mai ales valorile umane. Iubesc literatura, calatoriile, plimbarile, dansul, muzica rock,teatrul, sofatul si oamenii cu suflet frumos. Sunt bruneta, parul lung, ochi albastri, 1,65 cm, 54 kg, atletica. Imi vor sa intalnesc pe cineva matur, inteligent,educat, onesc, capabil de a lua decizii, dornic de a evolua si interesat de a cladi ceva in doi.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Valenii De Munte, Prahova Romania
I will rather describe my self as a straight and humble human and also in God fearing,I like honesty, trust, love, caring,truth,& respect, I have all this qualities in me, i love meeting people that i haven't seen before,Am also single looking the lovely and luckiest pretty women to share my world with,Am not here to hurt someone that i love or someone i love to hurt me and my feelings for you