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Femei Deva

Cele mai frumoase femei din Deva care vor intalniri sunt aici pe Intra si tu!
Femeie, 67, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

o sotii normala cu defecte si calitati sunt o persoana fireasca care invata din greselile proprii dar si din greselile altora , traiesc prezentul,trecutul este istorie iar viitorul mister,,,,, masculii casatoriti nu sunt bineveniti in viata mea
un barbat necasatorit sau care sa impart bune si ne sprijinim unu pe altul pe drumul batraneti..
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

Fata..sunt din deva am 18 sunt la liceu ....for more information call me;):)) I am a sincere and open person. I'm used to always talking about my feelings openly. I came to this site to create a relationship that can bring joy to me and my man. I want to be just a woman, gentle and weak in the hands of my man. I am a woman who wants love and happiness, harmony in a relationship and family. My heart is full of love and I want to give my tenderness and affection to my beloved. I believe in love! I believe in fate that brought us here. I'm ready to enjoy life, see new places and learn something new. I want to share all this with a decent man.
Sunt satena extindere medie,ochii albastri,170 cm 51 kg..:)
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

I am sweet, thoughtful, kind, intelligent woman, and have a great sense of humor. Text me on: eight five zero seven four five four one five five, I am very easy going and laid back. I am often told that I am very easy to talk with. I am not an angry person, I am happy with myself, and my life, and I like to think it shows. I have held on tightly to the hope that this blessing will be bestowed upon me to find that one unic man or i should say beloved partner in life with whom I can share everything unite my heart, body and soul
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

I like to think im a good listener, and I usually always have an opinion about something, even if I know nothing about it!! not sure that's such a good thing. I enjoy sports, I like swimming every now and then and golf is one of the things I enjoy playing most in my life, I like walks in the countryside beach. I go fishing once a year, and enjoy it.
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

sociabila intelegatoare Ridica ochii si ma vei vedea, Intinde mina Si o vei gasi pe-a mea, Vorbeste, vreau sa te aud, Spune-mi orice, si ultimul tau gind. Cere a€“mi absolut orice si vei avea, Fa doar un pas - te voi urma......Doresc un mascul vaduv sau divortat,placut fizic ,tandru ,afectuos,sentimental dar mai ales sincer....restul vom discuta
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Daca ai interes in niste jucarii sexuale poti incerca acest Sex Shop Deva.
Lavinia Depcea
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

Sunt o persoana vioaia si fosrte sociabila I am a very sincere and generous woman. I take family seriously and my study i am hard working working strong brave honest faithful caring loving trustworthy passionate romantic giver lover one woman man and God fearing...
Destul de bine confectionat
O relatie
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Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

Te las pe tine sa ma descoperi Salut! Sunt foarte bucuros ca gasit acest site. Imi place acest site si sper ca voi gasi o persoana cu care ar fi o grava corespondenta sau chiar o relatie serioasa. Numele meu este Anna. Sunt atractive si natura fata, imi place sa aiba prieteni noi. Sunt 24 de ani. Sper ca pot gasi aici nu numai un prieten, ci o persoana cu care am putea avea o relatie. Sunt foarte sociabil si receptiv femeie. Intotdeauna am fost capabili de a comunica bine cu oamenii si imi place de a comunica cu oameni interesanti. Imi place de animale. Eu nu am casa la casa. Pentru ca nu imi place sa eliminati de animale. Dar imi place sa te uiti la vaci, oi si cai. Este un extraordinar bun casa. Imi va face delectare sa vorbesc despre animale, de asemenea. Am multiple interese. Imi place a asculta muzica, ma uit la TV, plimbare in parc, se implice in sport. Sambata am fugit in parc. Acest lucru este de a ajuta sanatate. Eu nu am de obiceiurile rele si cred ca as fi destul de dificil, daca as fi fumat sau de baut alcool. N-am fumat si nu intrebuintati alcool si au folosit niciodata droguri. Cred ca aceasta este o dificultate foarte mare pentru oameni. Pentru ca oamenii care folosesc alcool si droguri, nu au o dispozitie buna de sanatate si de foarte multe ori au probleme in familie. Am multe rude si eu sunt foarte alipit de rudele lor. Nu rareori se vedea familiile lor. Cred ca voi fi foarte captivant daca spui despre tine. Cele mai aveti de gand sa scrie pentru a-mi mai multe As dori scrisoarea dumneavoastra. Spune-ne despre hobby-uri. Despre unde stai si ce faci. As fi fericit sa stiu despre obiceiurile si modul in ceea ce posedati relatii in viata dumneavoastra. As fi bucuros daca vom trimite-mi lor fotografii. Cred ca se uita nu sunt importante pentru om, dar atunci cand stii cum o persoana care arata ca un om cu o mult mai intrigant sa-i vorbeasca. Cred ca ar fi foarte bine daca trimiteti fotografii, nu doar in sine, ci si din orasul tau. De asemenea, voi trimite aceste fotografii. Cred ca o astfel de comunicare va fi foarte bine daca ai scrie-mi mai multe si trimiteti-mi lor fotografii. Am o multime de fotografii bune. Cred ca de profil de pe site-ul nu se poate spune despre o persoana mai mare decat o persoana se poate spune despre mine. Cred ca trebuie sa-i spuneti despre mine insumi. Eu lucrez ca manager la firma de la vanzarile de alcool. Imi place munca mea, pentru ca eu platesc bani buni si este interesant de lucru. ? As fi fericit daca as scrie, masculii care doresc relatii serioase, sau doresc sa aiba un prieten. Eu nu sunt cautati pentru sex. Sper ca nu voi primi scrisori de la oameni care sunt in cautarea de sex Cred ca voi fi foarte dificil de a comunica in vivastreet, astfel incat sa puteti scrie-mi la e-mail - cred ca ar fi mai bine daca nu voi scrie pe e-mail. I-mi doresc foarte mult pentru a scrie mai mult si de a scrie, de fapt, oamenii care doresc relatie serioasa si vrei sa prietenie. Scrie-mi! Voi raspunde la toate scrisorile de la persoanele care doresc sa aiba de prietenie cu mine, sau se cauta o relatie serioasa! E-mail-ma. Putem fi un foarte bun corespondenta! Anna.
Pozele spun totul
Barbat frumusel,inteligent,cu simtul umorului
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

Nu imi place sa ma descriu , imi place sa fiu neacoperita . Nu imi place nesimtirea , bunul simt ma stimuleaza :) . Nebunia , nonconformism-ul , spontaneitatea si loialitatea ma descriu in mare . Ahh si tine minte , gramatica e sexy ;) .
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Femeie, 51, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

romantica I can be a strong woman, but want to be weak and protected near my man. I can struggle, but I want better to smile. I can make my way through life, but I better want the life to be a clear way for me. I believe that I can do the best of my life, and I am trying to do this every moment of my existence!
sufletul pereche, daca mai se afla asa ceva in ziua de azi
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

sociabila...intelegatoare...sincera I'm a woman with beautiful brown eyes like lakes. if to speak about me, i am tender, kind, enthusiastic, creative, sincere young Lady, I am romantic soft soul who will be very passionate to my beloved. I also have a wonderful dauther, she is 1,5 years old, and as she doesn't have father I really would like to find a man who can be a real father for her)
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Stelu Ioana
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

Sunt o fata de gasca.. Nu sunt figurata.. daca nu vrei ceva serios nu intra sa ma deranjezi ok.. I am loyal, modest, cheerful and honest woman. I had enough sad moments in my life, including loss of my parents, divorce and others but there were also many happy days and the most happiest was when my son was born. I am a good mother and very caring person. I appreciate trust in relations and do not like lie and meanness. In childhood I dreamed about being a designer of fashion clothes. But I became a manager in the real estate agency. We never know where life will bring us to. As well as we do not know when and where we will meet our love.I dream about going to Paris, the city of love. I am easy-going and down-to-earth woman. I am hardworking and economic. I am always ready to help others because I know how important to have someone close when you are in a bad situation. I will give all my support and care to my future husband. If you look for loving and faithful wife, I wait for you. I miss tenderness, love, care and attention in my life. I look for the man who will want to give all that to me. He should be sincere and kind. I will never accept rudeness and cruelness in my family. I am very soft and look for the man who will appreciate and cherish me, who will make me feel a lady, who will treat me with love and be generous. My future husband should also love children and put our family first. I want us to share each other's interests and spend a lot of time together t
Ramane la alegerea voastra
Vreau un mascul serios.. Nu conteaza cum arata daca se afla intelegere doar atata am avut de spus
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

satena,fire credincioasa si vesela I prefer to smile rather than to be grumpy. And for me a glass is always half full and not half empty. I am thankful for every small nice moment in my everyday life. thankful to God for everything I have. Life is great, it's my motto. I am very active. Cooking is my best medicine from bad mood, so if you like to eat healthy delicious dishes, think about me
baiat credincios
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

Sunt persoana careia ii place si se simte extrem atunci cand rade. Sunt persoana care e mereu acolo atunci cand cazi, ca sa te ridice. Sunt persoana care spune "Imi pare rau" chiar si atunci cand nu e vina ei. Sunt persoana care a pierdut numeroase pe drum, dar nu s-a dat niciodata batuta. Sunt omul care a inteles ca pentru a trece peste o iubire care a durut si s-a pierdut, trebuie sa inveti sa iubesti din nou. Doar asa te poti vindeca! Si am mai inteles un lucru... ca oricat de dezamagit ai fi la un moment dat, viata iti va scoate in cale si lucruri bune pentru a compensa! ~
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

Sunt o persoana sensibila , imi place sa calatoresc , imi plac masinile imi place sa conduc ... si totul vom afla pe chat ! NU RASPUND CELOR FARA POZE sau care nu corespund criteriilor mele de eligibilitate!Sunt o nevasta pragmatica, realista, interesata pt inceput de o prietenie win-win, dar nu exclud ulterior indragosteala/casatoria. Am alergie la burtosi (mai ales daca sunt si scunzi), dantura neingrijita, rasi pe cap, barbosi, agramati, inculti, prosti, badarani, mincinosi, zgarciti, afemeiati.Nu ma atrag masculii sub 1.80 m, supraponderali, supermusculosi, cu tatuaje de prost gust si lanturi de 1 kg la gat. Exclus manelisti si cocalari!NU ma intereseaza relatii la distanta, nu ma pasioneaza taurasii dotati doar fizic dar cu lipsuri grave la mansarda. Prefer barbatii mai in varsta decat mine sau de varsta apropiata, in niciun caz sub 40 ani. NU sunt posesiva si nu suport manifestarile de gelozie si control obsesiv. NU gazduiesc "turisti" care vin in Bucuresti sa-si cunoasca "dragostea vietii". Consider ca sexul nu este important intr-o relatie, deoarece, mai devreme sau mai tarziu, tot se ajunge la rutina, iar asta erodeaza relatia. Sunt o mare iubitoare de animale. Pt cei care imi dau diferite sfaturi "intelepte" am un proverb: cainele moare de drum lung si prostul de grija altuia. Pt frustratii care se baga singuri in seama cu comentarii inepte, am si pt ei un proverb: vulpea care n-ajunge la strugurii dulci zice ca sunt acri. Cui nu-i place ce am scris, sa caute bibilici, sunt destule pe aici!
Intocmai ca in poze
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

Sunt o fata simpla,educata,silitoare si dornica pentru a-mi cauta mare iubire. Sometimes you feel you're nothing at all,and that's all you'll ever be. You study all your defects. An empty life is all you see. Instead of looking at what you haven't got.Seeing only what you like. Focus on your blessings,and get right back on track.There are many good things about being you. Count them one by one. Your life has lots of comforts. While others, they have none. Many people have it much,much worse.Yet, they have happiness. They take joy in little things They're thankful, though they have less.Lift your spirits up right now.Get out of that depression.Find your thankful self,and give it full expression. Find the joy in little things. Focus on fun and laughter. See life's blessings all around,and live happily ever after!
Un mascul cu a buna educatie si cat se poate de serios.
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

Sunt o persoana caruia ii place sa asculte muzica sa se distreze sa faca tot ceea ce isi recomanda .. sunt scunda 1.58 sunt foarte sufletista si..sunt timida... Sa iubesti reprezinta sa-ti asumi cel mai mare risc, inseamna sa-ti pui viitorul si fericirea in bratele altuia. Iubirea este cea mai mare dintre tristetile umane, fiindca este efortul suprem pe care omul il incearca pentru a iesi din singuratatea fiintei sale launtrice. Sa-ti traiesti viata fara sa te astepti la ceva, fara nevoia de a avea efecte specifice - aceasta este libertatea.
Sunt mai rotunjoara la fata am niste ochisori mari si o gura zambitoare nu sunt slaba dar nici grasa sunt mai caramizie la par ..
Caut un baiat cu ochii albastri sa fie inalt
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lore lore
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

comunicativa deschisa neincrezatoare I am a very simple and easy going young lady ,I am honest, fun, affectionate, supportive. I like jogging at the park, reading, going to movies, museums, and festivals. I enjoy cooking with that special man in my life and spending quiet times together. I'm hoping to find a great guy who is looking for a real relationship that will turn into long-term.
o relatie
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

sunt frumoasa Well I can write to you about me? The blonde. With fine sense of humour, that is the cheerful girl. I love dialogue with interesting people. Like to look films. I love a good wine. To me of 24 years. I can inform that the true girl and I shall be true only to mine to the man. I do not respect change! Want to start serious relations with the man. With the man to which I also am necessary... And still I shall be very glad if you really will become interested in me, shall be glad to see you in my country... I with pleasure shall write the rest to you in the letter... I search for the man which could take care of me and about which has taken care I. I want, that my close person perceived me such what I am and did not try me to change. I want, that my person was the person understanding to respect opinion of other person. I search for persons with sense of humour. Appearance and physical the men given mine do not play for me the big role, the main thing that he was beautiful soul, It is interesting, having the big and kind heart. And still which could arrive whom to me and take away me to itself!!!
un baiat ca sa ma iubeasca
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

pai...desteapta, frumoasa:D:D....mai nebuna un picut....imi place la nebunie sa ma distrez...unde e lume multa si muzica...e omenirea mea:D:D:D Cum sunt? usor de scos din sarite. Ce am in suflet: spatii nedefragmentate. Ce consider ca am nevoie: sa fiu luat exact asa cum sunt. Ce nu trebuie sa mi se faca: incercarea de a ma schimba. Ce nu trebuie sa imi ceri: TIMP si INCREDERE;
numa BUN
ce sa caut.....caut ceea ce nu ofera cineva sa ma ajute?
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

cea mai tare!!!!!!!! Congratulations. I search for serious attitudes to me 28, I very urgently wish to have family, but in me problems to find to me directly the young man here I have addressed in the Internet of cafe, and to me have told, that it is possible to find the person of dream here... I hope, that you will answer me.... ???????? ?? ??????? Concerning age differences, if I have written you that it already means that I am not afraid of your age, it means that I look least at age. I consider that the the man is more senior, the more it can give to the girl of life experience, will be wise in councils and will not allow to make an error.
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

zambet,rosu, galben, nabokov,simpatie, van gogh, apa, tz.todorov, heidegger, dimineata, nisip... Nu sint aici pentru a cauta sex sau aventuri. Sa se abtina barbatii ocupati... as dori sa cunosc o persoana cu capul pe umeri, care cauta o relatie serioasa, si care sta in italia si vrea un viitor in italia.. bafta la toti
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

sunt o fire sociabila si placuta. Sunt o nevasta normala trecuta prin numeroase in viata , cu speranta in mai bine si umpluta de umor .Imi caut jumatatea pe care am pierduto . Caut seriozitate .Cine vrea ma poate gasi pe mes . Am idiul aurica.ifrim si vor bun simpt si seriozitate . Multumesc .Doresc un mascul serios , de ani apropiati si o inaltime peste 180 . Va astept ...Doresc o persoana draguta si cu suflet mare asa cum sunt si eu . Sa ne intelegem sa ne respectam si sa ne iubim pina la adincii batrinete !!! .
caut barbat bine
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

I am also a sensitive and caring person who loves being cared for too in return and right now all i need is someone to call mine.someone that listens to me and respects me and maybe we can build something strong together.
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

I am very cheerful and open woman. I know that my close people appreciate me for my kindness and responsiveness. I believe only in the best, because life is one, and we need to live it happily! I am a loving and very caring woman. My dream is a happy family. I am a simple person and I dream of sincere feelings, wonderful walks, tender kisses, warm embraces and the happiest time together with my man
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

Simpatica, dolce, sensibile... testarda I am a beautiful, smart, responsive woman who wants to build a serious relationship with a man who can win my heart and who is ready to prove to me that he is a real man. I am ready to give my man care and warmth and in return I want to receive the same. With my man, I am ready to go anywhere if my heart belongs to him.
... sono fatta per bene.. non ci vuole niente in piu
un uomo maturo, serio, bello e alto...
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

sunt o fire sensibila optimista curajoasa glumeata Apreciez sinceritatea, modestia, respectul de sine si fata de ceilalti, precum si flexibilitatea si pofta de a evolua.... Poate impreuna. Sunt onesta, deschisa, vesela, foarte activa, iubesc tot ce este elegant si delicat. Acasa poate fi si in natura, la mare, la munte, inclusiv cu sporturile aferente. Este bine sa stii ca daca nu te identifici cu ale mele cerinte si cu ale mele preocupari, pe alocuri, macar, din pacate, nu cred ca ne vom scrie. Multumesc pentru intelegere :) Intrucat contul a fost creat mai demult si inchis si apoi redeschis, si nu pot modifica varsta, fac mentiunea ca am 38,6 ani. Rog curiosii si neseriosii (necunoscatori de limba materna) si doritorii de flirt ... sa se abtina.
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

sincera si iubitoare I am a cheerful woman with an active lifestyle. I love myself that's why I'm always trying to look beautiful and to take care of myself. The most important thing in life for me is a family and a loving man next to me. I will never betray my loved one and I want to start my life from scratch. By nature, I am very patient, but I'm not going to tolerate if I get offended often. I am looking for my like-minded friend and lover all in one person.
destul de sexi
caut ce nu am gasit
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

Surprindema Pozele sunt recent facute. Sunt m-ai plinuta .Numele meu este AnyTase daca ravnesti sa fim prieteni poti sa ma cauti . Imi doresc o relatie serioasa ,nu o aventura, un barbat serios,romantic, cu varsta intre 50 anisi 60ani. Sunt o prietena cu suflet bun, simpla fara fite,nu ma incanta bogatia, doar ,intelegere, dragoste ,respect.
Destul de misto
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Femeie, 53, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

Despre mine pot sa spun doar cateva cuvinte,sunt o persoana serioasa, extrem calma si cu bun simt intr-un cuvant cine vrea sa afle mai numeroase despre mine sa ma descopere Ia€™m looking for serious relationship here, as I am choosing the mate of my life! I hope to meet sweet, reliable, caring man and wonderful person in general. Knowing myself I can say that I often pay attention at a mana€™s eyes. I hope you have kind eyes and will show me your wide smile when we meet.
Nu pot sa spun ce caut doar ce ma intereseaza,un om cu capul pe umeri sa stie ce vrea de la viata
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

micutza,dragutza si rea s they say, everything should be beautiful in a beautiful lady. It seems to me, the real beauty consists of harmonic connection of soul richness, moral clearance and only after these ones of the physical appealing to the partner. In other words, appearance is only our outside dress. The real and normal beauty is inside of our soul - somewhere deep in the soul and it reflects in the eyes. I will not describe myself cause it seems to me that the really interesting lady will be noticed by the deeds and modesty and slight enigma, wonaa‚¬a„˘t she? But in a few words I can tell you that I am a person with a strong will, serious, reasonable, and reliable but at the same time I am kind-hearted, attentive and friendly.
usor ...parerea mea:P
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Paula Ada
Femeie, 39, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

Sunt un om simplu Past relationships have made me realize how important sincerity, loyalty, honesty, adoration, and respect are. The most important thing is to let your faith lead the relationship - I believe Ia€™m ready for equally yoked relationship for the long haul. I am fully prepared and ready to enter into a serious relationship. I want to share everything I have and enjoy each day to its fullest in the quest we choose to embark together. So sent be shy dear one.
Nu caut pe Fat - Frumos
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

faina Sint o iubita normala,unii spun chiar frumoasa, daca mai e timp,doresc ca...timpul sa o confirme din nou. Am mult entuziasm si placere de viata, am multiple interese si imi vor un partener sa impartasim impresii si sa ne bucuram de viata impreuna.Sa fim laolalta mai puternici, mai stabili, mai fericiti.
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

daca doriti sa ma cunoasteti,nu ezitati sa vorbiti cu mine:) Sono fatta di cicatrici a aspect di mondo di pensieri di troppo di colpi di fulmini cuori non capiti e fiducie andate a fuoco sono fatta di scelte improvvisate di amori cadenti e stelle fisse, di fiati trattenuti sogni mancati per un pelo e musica malinconica spinta fino all'alba ho nostalgie immotivate sbalzi di umore ho lacrime dedicate a chi non ha ssputo leggere i miei occhi ho un cuore formidabile testa forte, e non smetterò mai di credere che questa è una vita meravigliosa.
va convingeti singuri :p
Ce se presupune ca toata lumea vrea : sufletul pereche,corect?:)
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

Sa incep q inceputul...sunt o fire vesela,ce iubeste distractzia...sunt un capricorn fff gelos... Imi place sa traiesc viata la maxim, sunt destul de impulsiva, exigenta si perfectionista, imi plac lucrurile clare, locurile diferite si fiintele inteligente si educate. Respectul si sinceritatea sunt necesare pentru a pastra orice tip de relatie. Iubesc animalele si natura, constanta si lupta sunt necesare pentru a creste personal. Viitoare politista nationala, Spania.
caut distractzie, caut ceva serios
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Femeie, 49, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

Dulce simpla romantica I'm a light hearted fun loving lady. I love family cooking and Good times. I enjoy working with wood, hunting and fishing and the great outdoors. Love to dance, sing And i enjoy all type of music.if you are interested in getting to know me, you can leave me your details, thanks for reading
Un partener care sa aibe respect caracter si sa ma iubeasca ptr cum sant si ptr cea ce caut bogatie vreau doar iubire si respect armonie
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

Drumurile noastre poate se vor intalnii vreodata ???? N am sa ti cer , ce nu mi poti da vreodata . O IUBITOARE de calatorii , de natura in unic imi plac florile sa le ingrijesc si sa le primesc , nu caut perfectiunea.... imi doresc un ARDELEAN
ceva ce nu intalnesc zi de zi:))
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

Hello,Im Jenilyn.Im single mother for 8yrs.I never been married.I want to find a serious relationship that can lead into marriage..To Love my daugther as his own.Im Loving,caring,trustworthy and GOD Fearing.
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

Intelegatoare,implicata 100 % imi plac prostioarele I love life and looking for partner to share my life with. Looking for serious relationship and marriage. I'm positive, active, with sence of humor. I love to cook, travel, stay active, accept guests. I'm on this website because my good friend found her husband here and they really really happy together. I'm visiting her from 15 of November and I thought why not to try too :-). So if you believe in luck, active and positive and willing to have a family we might try. Who knows:-) Thank you for visiting my profile and good luck with your research. Best regards, Tatiana
arat bine,sanii frumosi
caut sa marit, sau sa gasesc domni generosi
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Femeie, 39, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

draguta Femeie. Mama. Visatoare. Fac minuni si vrajesc inimi :) Imi cresc singura baietelul de 9 ani si fiecare zi e o aventura pentru noi, cu picioarele bine infipte in pamant dar cu aripile intinse ... Daca esti SOLITAR si tanjesti dupa viata de FAMILIE, esti descurcaret, un pic visator dar suficient de pragmatic si pasional cat trebuie ... atunci hai sa ne cunoastem! O inima suficient de incapatoare pentru doi ar fi o conditie esentiala, la fel ca si o educatie solida si o situatie sociala si materiala stabila, ca sa fim siguri ca ne potrivim la start! Si rog sa nu pierdem timpul daca nu ne dorim aceleasi lucruri, iar anonimii (fara poze) sa se abtina din a ma deranja! Multumesc ... Woman. Mom. Dreamer. Magic maker and soul shaker :) Ia€™m raising alone my 9 year old wonderful little boy and every given day is a new adventure for us, with feet on the ground but wide open wings ... Looking for my partner, friend and lover to share my life with. I am not here for cheap games, so please move on if thata€™s what youa€™re looking for! Also, if youa€™re undercover (no profile photo) please dona€™t bother! Thanks!
multi prieteni,mai departe nu se stie
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Femeie, 49, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

SUNT UN OM COMUN, DESTUL DE SOCIABILA,CU POFTA DE VIATA SI O MARE IUBITOARE DE ANIMALE Hi! i'm Kelly and i'm looking for a good and simple man to spend my life with,to love and respect him as my man and you could just be the one to be the love of my life.I'm a fun-loving girl who's new here and looking to meet a nice and good husband. If you want to know more about me you can reply me at my address below.
nu stiu
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Femeie, 73, Necasatorit(a)
Deva, Hunedoara Romania

Sunt o doamna in cautarea linistii sufletesti alaturi de o persoana sincera si devotata. Rog si ofer seriozitate. Cei vulgari si lipsiti de bun simt sa se abtina, va rog. i would describe myself as a sweet,loving down to earth woman with a good character,,it takes a lot to make me angry,i love swimming and fishing,,i also do love to travel since its part of my job,am a sweet,sensitive,,adventurous woman
Sunt o bunica miniona, poate un pic extra pe aici , pe colo, dar asta doar datorita mancarurile si prajiturilor delicioase pe care le gatesc!
Un domn serios, sincer, devotat, vigilent si manierat, pentru o relatie de intinsa durata, sa ne alungam singuratatea.
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