Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
caut jumatatea!! I'm open and ready for something new, I can be intensely...silly, smart, serious, determined, loyal, compassionate, loving... I don't believe in wasting time. Still, don't misunderstand me...making the most of life does not always require endless motion, just constant participation. I want to laugh every day. I want to learn something new. I want to make someone feel valued. We are all a work in progress and I work hard. Once I walk out of the work, however, I want to make every minute count. It's not so much what I'm doing--I just like to be out and about. Still, I consider a night-at-home essential at times: not "doing nothing", but actively chilling-out. Hmmm, what else... I'm solar-powered. I think the beach is the best place for reflection and meditation. I am an excellent cook. If I offer to cook for you, that means I really like you. I think a great meal is one of the best ways to show affection. I watch what some may consider way too much TV. I'm a firm believer that it's always better to be a smart-ass than a dumb. If a man can make me laugh, I find it extremely sexy. I have two big dogs, Zander and Zara. They're awesome. I'm confident but appreciate a good compliment. Beyond that... I'm a good friend. I mean what I say, and people always know where they stand with me. I tell the truth, but try hard not to let honesty come across as insensitivity. My free-time is precious to me and I want to spend it smiling, laughing, and enjoying every moment! placuuuuuut seriozitate
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Draguta Sunt in cautarea unei relatii serioase, in vederea casatoriei, fara relatii superficiale, nefumatoare, necasatorita, singura. Ma caracterizeaza seriozitatea, sunt o persoana cu principii bine definite, deschisa, sociabila, romantica, empatica, intuitiva cu abilitati telepatice. Defecte: intampina dificultati la capitolul pragmatism Frumos Iubitor,intelegator
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Sunt o femeie deschisa la nou si provocarilor vietii in limita bunului simt. Sunt de intocmai o femeie ambitioasa, increzatoare in fortele proprii, capabila de sacrificiu si de daruire pentru cei apropiati. Sunt o fiinta comunicativa, de incredere care ascunde adevarul uneori dar o face spre folosul inlocuitorului sau.
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
doi ochi tristi si mereu visatori... Sunt o persoana simpla si foarte prietenoasa . Iubesc sa depind de mine . Timpul meu liber il petrec in bucatarie si in munca . Ador distractiile insa toate cu limite. Caut un baiat care intr-adevar e demn de o relatie serioasa .. Nu am de nevoie de averile lui cum ar fi banii sau masina sunt doar obiecte. Insa averea sa o gasesc in el ca sa faca fericita o nevasta !!! nu fii curios... nimic special
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
BUNA!SUNT ANTONIA,O TIPA FOARTE COMUNICATIVA,CU SIMTUL UMORULUI BINE DEZVOLTAT,FOARTE DIRECTA.........ETC.......... Soy una persona ,que me gusta ayudar al projimo , soy temerosa de Dios , me gustan los paseos ,me gusta caminar en la playa ir al campo , me gusta cocinar , me agradan los niños , los animalitos , las aves , me gusta ver tv , la musica , .... 1.75........48 KG......ETC.... CAUT UN FAT FRUMOS!EXISTA OARE AICI?
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Sunt o fata....cuminte intelegatoare sincera. I am a woman who enjoys the simple things of life and does not like to show off no matter how much success I make. If I have to show off, then it would be showing off with my man. I take my time to get involved in a relationship and when I finally do, I love with my all never to say goodbye. I am healthy, caring, honest, loyal, energetic and most of all trustworthy and I seek a man who would love me for who I am and not what I am. A man that put the lord first , who would correct me when I go wrong. Someone to be my equal in all things. Someone I can easily communicate with .. Sunt bruneta,ochii caprui,restul las la aprecierea voastra Un baiat/Barbat,intelegator sa ma respecte si ascultator si sincer.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Simpatica,comunicativa,cu simtul umorului iubitoare de calatorii si tot ce este frumos. Persoana spirituala, sociabila, dar si f directa. Sunt pe site pentru socializare, doresc conversatii de calitate, nu vreau sa ma intalnesc cu nimeni, sau sa sch numere de telefon, id-uri de mes, vreau pur si modest sa mai stau de vb cu cineva din cand in cand. Pentru moment muncesc in Arabia Saudita. Simpatic Mascul simpatic,hotarat,aspect fizic placut,stare finaciara buna,cu simtul umorului dornic sa iubeasca si sa se lase iubit.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sunt o fata serioasa dar stiu sa ma distrez cu prietenii cand e cazul Hi... I\'m very easy going, someone who like making new friends, I\'m jovial, hard working, I\'m looking for someone that can make me feel like a woman, someone I can trust, someone who don\'t care about who I am, I must have someone who is good at talking and listening. I must have a partner who is honest and strong enough to do the right thing.I must have a partner who is gentle and kind. I must have someone who isn\'t afraid to take a risk and who sees life as an adventure. I must have someone who can handle life\'s frustrations or momentary setbacks with a patient, steady, demeanor. I must have a partner who loves to socialize with lots of different people. I can\'t stand someone who takes advantage of people. I can\'t stand someone who can\'t manage their anger, who yells, or bottles it up inside. I can\'t stand someone who sees material items as a measure of success. I must end right here, I think you can ask me some more things also you want to know about me... Thanks for taking a stop in my profile.. cred ca arat bine si ma simt bine in derma mea caut un mascul dragut, cu simtul umorului, fidel, pentru o relatie serioasa, stabila
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
numi place sa ma descriu Vor sa cunosc un mascul inteligent , bun, dornic sa calatoreaaca; sa se bucure si de timpul petrecut in bucatarie , in sala de spectacol, sau impreuna se prieteni;sa iubeasca viata si Sa fie altruist.Eu sunt o provocare ,dar pot si sa ma acomodez fantastic cand am intalnit barbatul potrivit! o relatie serioasa
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
ce pot spune despre mine , nimic intrigant sunt o fiere vesela , deschisa provocarilor, sociabila , umpluta de umor, detest minciuna si perversitatea Toti scriem,toti citim,toti ne vedem perfecti (sau cel putin pe aproape)insa nu stiu cum facem ca la capitolul situatie civila ,cred ca circa 90% suntem neimplicati in vreo relatie si cand sa vezi......mai toti "singuri in 2"....vai,vai,vai........oare sa-i felicit ca sunt capabili sa traiasca intr-un asemenea infern sau sa ii las sa imi faca capul patrat desi mama a avut grija la nasterea mea sa mi-l rotunjeasca?.....inca nu m-am hotarat,dar am tot momentul din lume......:) hm.... asta nu il pot defini eu , las la aprecierea altora pe cineva cu care sa ma pot distra , simnti bine , relaxa
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sunt o fata pregatita d (aproape) orice, vesela, optimista, si.......dk vrei mai mult..incearca sa ma cunosti :D Sunt o fire romantica, sincera, tandra, sensibila, timida dar si hotarata cand este cazul si am simtul umorului. Imi plac plimbarile, dansul si calatoriile. Doresc o relatie serioasa, bazata pe sentimente, respect reciproc, sinceritate si comunicare. Sunt convinsa ca o relatie nu poate rezista in timp fara o "chimie" intre cei doi parteneri. inalta, satena, ochii verzi, zambet irezistibil , 81-55-87..... un prieten adevarat, sincer, dar totul trebuie sa fie o distractie fara obligatie....deci..cn incearka??
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
I'm a biracial person, it's been over a year since I came to Romania, I don't have many friends here, I like it here, I want to find a long-term soul mate here Nu ma judeca dupa spusele oamenilor, sau dupa felul cum arat! Ca sunt grasa sau in alte feluri? Dar va intreb altceva? Noi fetele mai "grase"cum spuneti voi !Nu avem suflet? ?Nu putem iubi?Nu ma placi nu ma baga in seama! Este simplu!Aparentele inseala! Nu sunt aici pentru "sex" pentru ca as putea avea in orice moment sa am aceasta placere! FI om si voi fi o Doamna cu tine! Fi porc si voi fi o scorpie! I consider myself a lucky girl. A very charming, friendly, polite, intelligent and very good looking person I want to meet someone who is honest and kind and we can travel together and do romantic things
Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Eu ce pot sa spun despre mine...Te las pe tine sa ma descoperi,asa cum sunt Inainte ca altii sa-mi fie vinovati, sunt vinovata eu, fata de mine. Noi, cei care vrem altceva de la viata, suntem obligati de toate legile sperantei sa marturisim propriile noastre adevaruri.Altfel, tribunalele dragostei ne vor declara complici la inalta tradare de sine. Vom fi condamnati pe vecie la irevocabile tristeti, la insingurari fara drept de apel.DRAGOSTEA e o mare nebunie si trebuie luata in serios. Iar romanele indragostitilor si cantecele de amor arata ca iubirea e un fapt rar, extraordinar, nu-i pe toate drumurile! Dar noi, nu stiu de ce, suntem educati sa credem ca e la-ndemana oricui... Cine sunt eu? Vibrez la frumusete, caut perfectiunea in tot ceea ce fac si sunt, poate, cam prea sensibila pentru vremurile acestea. Si aleg sa ma bucur de tot ce-mi ofera viata, in fiecare zi. Pentru ca frumusetea e peste tot. Ma simt gratioasa cand ma simt impacata cu mine. Mi se pare obositor si plictisitor sa tii cont mereu de regulile unui cod social. E important sa poti sa provoci socialul cu imaginea individualitatii tale asumate, relaxate. E ca un joc. " Eu ma accept.Voi?" cred ca putzin conteaza aspectul fizic,da promit ca n-o sa fi dezamagit:)) Un suflet pereche...
Daca e putin prea mult spus,atunci caut pe cineva care sa ma inteleaga,sa ma iubeasca,si sa aiba nevoie de dragoste sincera,oferindu-mi in acelasi timp certitudinea ca e numai al meu
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Sunt o fata draguta iubitoare vreau sa cunosc barbati satisfacatori si iubareti I am Tabitha by name,a native of Sudan reside over here in Benin Republic,i am very friendly kind and easy going,am undergraduate due to some things fall out my way unexpectedly,i am here just to know life could be meaningful again,i wish i could be someone best friend here Sunt asa si asa bar Brunet ochii caprui sunt de 1,60 si iubesc masculii Caut masculi cu simtul umorului
Femeie, 49, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sant o persoana deschisa,intelegatoare,romantica,corecta,justitiara.imi vor armonie in jurul meu . cuvantul cheie "armonie" I'm someone who has and appreciates a good sense of humor coupled with a healthy dose of positivity. Not that I go through life with rose colored glasses, but dwelling on the negative is not my cup of tea. I love nothing better than a glass of wine, nice scenery and a jolly good laugh with someone I can be myself with. I'm just as happy indoors as out, depending on my mood and the season. I believe it's not so much what you do as who you do it with/for/to. I have a soft spot for a good heart and a sweet smile. o persoana obijnuita. un barbat romantic,intelegator,cu simtul umorului,dragut caruia sa-i placa sa traiasca in armonie cu tot ce-l inconjoara!
Femeie, 48, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Sunt o persoana ok. I am from California and only speak English. Living and working here till june 2019. Looking for a fun partner to date And travel. I love live music & concerts & dancing. No smoking preferred, healthy, clean, educated. Interested in traveling with me. I'm young, active, healthy and fun. ...nici prea bine, nici prea rau... O persoana cu care sa ma inteleg.
Femeie, 69, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sint o femeie simpatica,comunicativa,foarte sociabila,iubesc oamenii si ma simt bine inconjurata de prieteni,imi place sa fiu pedanta si sa ma imbrac frumos,imi plac discutiile pe indiferent ce tema....si chiar si provocarile. sint minioana,nu sint grasa,atuul meu ar fi sinii... caut un mascul care sa nu-i placa sa bea si sa fumeze,sa fie simpatic,cu bun simt,si respect,sa fie atent cu mine,sa nu aiba obligatii gen casatorit,si mai mult....vom vedea.
Femeie, 67, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sunt bine I am kind and gentle person. I like to help others, but I don`t forget about myself. I am honest and I don`t like when other people lie to me. I am sociable and funny; I like to spend my time with my friends or meeting new people. But I am not all about fun. I enjoy simple things in my life, like watching good movie, reading a book, spending time with my friends. I like nature, animals, hiking and all kinds of sport. When I was young I played volleyball for sometime, right now I mostly do some cardio and running.... ma plac sinceritate,coectitudine, inteligenta,
Femeie, 66, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
...o visatoare cu picioarele pe pamant! Sorry guys, this is me now, and I only respond if you are familiar with the German or English language!!! I have been testing someone and now I guess it's not worth the GAME anymore!! However, if you have a PIC' and you do not look like a PIG, then I might respond to you... Sure, it's the INSIDE of you which counts, but my eyes love beauty, so please respect that and don't waste my time! I know what I want, and it is "ALL or NOTHING!" I do not walk this Earth for the first time neither am I unconscious of the infinite Universe... LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT...You are about to meet a true HUMAN BEING and I came with the OLD CODE!!! Life is not a coincidence, it has a PAST and a FUTURE, and you are the WRITER of your own SCRIPT! Walk in PEACE and embrace the LIGHT!!! NAMASTE plinuta... ..un barbat impreuna de care sa ma simt bine!
Femeie, 41, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Agreabila Oamenii simpli insa educati , ma atrag; viata simpla si cit mai circa de natura are importanta pentru mine; sint vegetariana (pentru ca suferinta animalelor ma intristeaza insa respect alegerile celorlalti oameni. Religia nu ma intereseaza pentru ca separa oamenii. Celor interesati doar de succese financiare sau materiale , le recomand sa nu ma contacteze. Traiesc modest si sint multumita. Nu ma intereseaza acumularea materiala decit in limita celor necesare in mod decent. Placut dragostea
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
S s. S Nu o sa uit ceea ce sunt.../O sa ajung ceea ce visez.../O sa iubesc ce-mi place.../O sa uit ceea ce ma doare.../Nu o sa iert ceea ce mi se greseste.../O sa fiu buna cu cine merita...si rea cu cine trebuie Enenen Nenene
Femeie, 42, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Zapacita, copilaroasa,sofisticata, iubareata Sunt o persoana singura a-mi caut jumatatea. As dori o persoana di Ardeal sincer atent curat sai placa plimbarile excursiile. Sa de tina auto sa nu consume alcool de cat ocazional.Eu a-mi vor ca el sa poata sa a-mi ofereatentia necesara sa nu-mi lipseasca nimic daca crezi ca poti sa-mi oferi atunci cauta-ma. Alura placut, cu dotari fizice de vis.
O roscata pasionala cu suflet mare Un mascul sincer de incredere cu simtul umorului
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
o fata plina de viata,fara fite si figuri,o prietena pa care te poti baza mereu,o fire glumeata rau de tot,dar uneori foarte serioasa.
ma atasez foarte rapid de oameni,e de ajuns sa privesc o persoana in ochi,ca sa stiu ce fel de om este.........cam atat
va las pe voi sa decideti.......... aaaaaaaa ce pot spune arat binisor,.sunt o zeita:):):) si cam atat......... o persoana draguta,fara fite,si care sa stie cat de cat pe ce lume se afla:)
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Am Eva with the age of 35yrs single with no kids,I\'m affectionate, love cuddling, kissing, holding hands. I\'m very romantic and love to be romanced, pampered and treated like a extrem woman.I am just a honest person looking for the real meaning of love. I am sweet, caring, understanding, patient, humble, I love people who accept who i am, responsible, i am rich in good spirit and willing to share the real meaning of love to the right person.I love feeling secure and being sure that I can trust and be trusted. I love companionship that allows for having ones own space as well. I love being able to share interests but also have some of my own. I suppose I want the best of both worlds......
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sunt o scumpica dak n ma minti Hi,am 29yrs,a final year sanitar student,5.8ft,honest,faithful,respectful,loyal,great sense of humor.Open minded,easy going.I am intelligent,smart.like reading,cooking,traveling,visit the gym 3days in a week.Thanks eleganta foc un baiat sincer care sa ma iubeasca,s fie d treaba s frumos bineinteles
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Adevar, bucurie, curaj, dragoste, dans, Dumnezeu, fericire, grija, iubire, loialitate, maturitate emotionala, prietenie, pasiune, romantism, respect, tandrete, zambet... Barbatii casatoriti, cei implicati in alte relatii i rog sa ma ignore!!!! Nu vor aventuri!!!!!Multumesc pentru intelegere. Sa fiti iubiti.
Femeie, 40, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Fiinta vesela, sociabila, comunicativa, Zic eu un om in limte normalitatii si a decentei. vesela si optimista,loiala si sincera,caracter zdravan dar familista convinsa.sincera si iubitoare.cred in oameni si in eficacitatea dragostei dar sunt foarte realista.nu mint ,nu insel,nu accept minciuna si tradare in viata mea.foarte alergica la ipocrizie si prostie omeneasca. Ramane la aprecierea fiecaruia. decenti, seriosi,cu bun simt.
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
in any other world u could tell the difference. but human as i am, i smiled and tried to mean it. and my face is not sad because i never forget my story. it's as if i'm playing with fire. do i like what u like?
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
I enjoy going places, but it doesn't have to be expensive. Some of the best dates I have had has been casual and inexpensive. I do enjoy formal affairs as well, but not necessary. I am open to most places to meet as long as it is some place we could talk without screaming and where we both feel comfortable.
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
de ce sa ma descriu cand ai putea sa ma cunosti chiar tu I am self-sufficient, Beautiful, happy, secure, self-confident, psychologically aware, emotionally and financially secure. and working as a Waiter In a Local Resturant,am Living with my Mom and Dad in a Logging house,i am a Ghanaian By Birth,my Father is a Ghanaian and my mother is From Australia..i have been In Ghana all My life i am a Hard working lady and very freindly.i have no Kids and Never Married... i Will Be Graduating Next Month and i am Studing Catering(Vocational Skills) .. i Cook Very Well Because that is My Proffession.....lol doresc sa imi fac noi prieteni, pote chiar o relatie serioasa
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Vreau sa cunosc..un mascul slabut ..sincer cu simtul umorului doar pentru petrecerea timpului liber..fara obligatii si complicatii..numai din buzau....dragilor daca nu va raspund.. inseamna..ca nu corespundeti...cererii mele...(scuze)
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
I am a single wonderful soon to be mother looking to get to know some great gentlemen and kinda see where things go from there! I know Ia€™m pregnant but Ia€™m looking to someone who doesna€™t just measure on that Ia€™m pregnant but will take the time to get to know me and see where things go.
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
cea mai periculoasa posibila:))))) 5ft 10 height large build Big fem 26 plus size clothes Very attractive looking Very short dyed hair Glasses I am only big due to sanitar conditions that put the weight on me under active thyroid and on steroids for my asthma Inflowmation I am physically disabled mobility and other I use a mobility Walker I was in a car accident when I was younger placut:P un barbat adevarat nu fraieri
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
descopera-ma Cea mai buna razbunare este sa depasesti momentul cu zambetul pe buze si sa lasi karma sa faca restul! Sunt mereu sincera si spun ce gandesc si asta mi se pare minunat! Nu imi plac persoanele mincinoase, sunt o persoana ambitioasa! placut prietenie
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
I am passionate about a wide variety of things: hiking, bush walking, photographing, beach, swimming, travel, music, cooking, reading, kayaking, fishing, food, table tennis, bad-minton, etc. I like to be out and about to enjoy the normal sceneries (but sometimes staying in),keep fit and always keen to try something new to do.
Femeie, 30, Casatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
buna I'm searching for my match and I've decided that I have a lot of love to give and it's time to start enjoying life and knowing new people again. I enjoy dancing, going out with friends, concerts and traveling. placut prieten
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sunt o tipa de distractie si prietenoasa in rest va las pe voi sa ma cunoasteti........... I am well-educated and intelligent woman. I am sincere, kind, open-minded with great sense of humor. In my free time I like to go in city park, resting. For me, my family is important. Happiness, health and welfare of my family. Find a simple woman's happiness - to love and be loved, to understand and respect each other. To me it is important that I can help people and that I like my job. I would like to meet a tender and kind-hearted man if you interested let me know so that i can add you to my list and we can know more about each Other. sexyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy un barbat cooooollllllllll
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Beclean, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
prietenii imi spun vrajitoaredar in sensul bun deoarece zic ca simpatia mea se lipeste de oricine ·adevarul ca sunt placuta si nu ma uit la persoane pentru interes sau alte porcarii ci ma uita dupa felul de a fi dupa bunatate sinceritate ce poate avea o persoana nu sunt nici slaba nici garasa sunt cum zic eu bine creata ( ha ha)din cate stiu eu nu imi lipseste nimic caut persoane care stie ce inseamna prieteni si ce valoare are ea ;sa stie sa se distreze deoarece viata e scura si cel mai important sa fie persoane sincere