Femeie, 21, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
sunt o fire foarte deschisa si imi place tot ce e elegant Singuratica,tacuta,rezervata,directa. Nu agreez excesele,ce-i "la moda", apucaturile si mentalitatile conationalilor. Chiar daca lucrez intr-o corporatie, nu ma imbrac distins si nici nu ma machiez, asa ca nu ne potrivim daca porti tinuta sau iti vrei o iubita fancy. In linii mari, caut rocker/ascultator de muzici rock,blues, oldies linistit si serios a mi s-a tot spus ca nu se afla aceasta combinatie, dar inca mai sper:), partener de petrecut seri tihnite acasa, dar si de o piesa de teatru, o plimbare intr-un parc sau o excursie la munte. PS - da, sunt ingamfata, nesuferita,inabordabila, ciudata, o sa raman singura etc. Stiu si imi asum! numai buna de toate
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
Pt a simplifica lucrurile 1,sunt casatorita 2 ,din motive mai greu sau mai usor de inteles ,deocamdata nu imi pot face ordine in viata ,3 ,am necesitate de afectiunea unui mascul , ;;stiu ca sunt multiicei care inteleg ,putini cei care aproba si extrem putinii care accepta asta ,Eu ma adresez celor putini 4,cei care vor sa ma certe ai rog sa ma ignore ,Inainte de a judeca viata mea sau caracterul meu pune-te in locul meu ,parcurge calea pe care am mers eu ,traieste durerea mea ,indoielile mele plinsul meu ,Parcurge anii pe care i-am parcurs eu si impedica-te unde m-am impiedicat eu ,apoi ridica-te cum am facuto eu ,Ma mai poti judeca?
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
eu sunt eu. I am very cheerful and open woman. I know that my close people appreciate me for my kindness and responsiveness. I believe only in the best, because life is one, and we need to live it happily! I am a loving and very caring woman. My dream is a happy family. I am a simple person and I dream of sincere feelings, wonderful walks, tender kisses, warm embraces and the happiest time together with my man descopera! de toate
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
Buna sunt alina,blonda cu ochi caprui inalta astept sa ne cunoastem youth abroad, have lived in the US for most of my life. mother of to two wonderful children - all independent and productive. Down to earth, optimistic, appreciative of my good fortune and the interesting opportunities life has presented... curious and inquisitive - smart enough to know what I know and what I don't. Kind, sensitive and considerate in my professional and personal life; comfortable being understated rather than a headline. A kind, happy, interesting, alluring, intelligent and confident man makes me smile. Sa fie inalt si sa arate bine Caut barbati care sa ma satisfaca cerintele
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
nu-mi place sa ma descriu Cauta in sufletul meu pacea, cauta iubirea, pasiunea, tandretea, cauta implinireaa Cauta si te vei regasi gasi acolo, foarte aproximativ de inima meaa a NU RASPUND LA PERSOANILE FARA FOTO< BUNA < CE FACI,E.T.
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
vedeti voi Hi I am anjolika,180 cm long, blond hair, blue eyes, slim; starting to experience my bi feelings; I live in Holland/Netherlands and want to know other girls, with the same feelings/interests Are you interested to speak and meet me? Answer me then in FRENCH,GERMAN,ENGLISCH or DUTCH . Kisses anjolika. Please if you want contact sent me a email and NOT only put me on your list,because I send you a message also, so sent also a message to me. And if we chat I show my self , please show yourself also with a pic. I come in the next summer to your country. NO MEN PLEASE; MAN GET NOOOOO ANSWER NOOOOO ANSWER... sport distracie prietenie inalt si simpatic
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
Ich bin 178cm für 60 kg. Und ich bin ein Einzelkind meiner Eltern Mein Vater ist Österreicher, meine Mutter ist Französin. Ich wurde in Österreich geboren Ich komme aus der österreichischen Gemeinde Sankt Johann im Pongau im Bundesland Salzburg. Aber ich habe meine ganze Kindheit in Paris / Frankreich verbracht ich bin ledig Ich habe keine Kinder Hier ist ein erster Blick auf mich
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
nice girl!! I am open minded,friendly,caring, lovely,honest, considerate,faithful and have real good sense of humor. My favorite hobbies would contine the outdoors,and all kinds of sporting activities,hiking,day trips,movies, cooking,and most anything that makes both partners happy agreabil :) un mascul dragut, care stie sa vb cu mine!
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
imi place f mult sa ma distrez...sa traies viata la maxim,...imi place sa fac societatea sa se simta bine...restu..aflati voi Le admir fara retinere pe frantuzoaice au o mare preocupare de ele,si imbatranesc cu gratie..sunt tonice si imprastie o frumusete special !! Imi place gandirea si corectitudinea nemtoaicelor,respectul si cuvantul dat Cred in sufletul romancelor,cald si plin de iubire,glumet si plin de viata !! Aceasta sunt EU...trei in unul !!!! eu zic ca sunt ok...acum depinde ce parere detineti si voi...imi place sa merg la sala
Femeie, 38, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
Baieti ma scuzati dar sunt interesata doar de fete... ............................???????????? e simplu sunt eu:)nu caut nimic numai interpretati gresit daca suntem aici nu neaparat cautam ceva macar de ar fi ceva pe aici serios:) Va multumesc pt vizite si voturii:)
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
pisiii labute moi Fire romantica, intuitiva, iubesc frumosul, armonia, sinceritatea, tenacitatea, simtul umorului, prietenoasa si increzatoare in oameni, dar apriga atunci cand sunt atacata, judecata, barfita, tradata.. Super extra mega ultra smekera de smekera motanei sexy si rai
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
sunt o fata intreaga la minte si caut ceva serios cine este curios descoperiti rece si dulce ca o inghetata...Poate ar necesita sa pun defectele, pt. ca atunci cand am atras atentia asupra calitatilor, a fost in zadar... Deci: orgolioasa, repezita, pretentioasa, inteligenta (da, da, e un defect in ziua de azi!!!)*********Stiu ce NU caut, recte sa NU fie: prost+ prost-crescut, scund, obez, INSURAT sau implicat intr-o relatie,...si lista ar putea continua... Aaa, inca ceva: cei care \"e\" analfabeti, va rog, abtineti-va! numa buna de ori ce un mascul matur intreg la minte
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
o fire f sociabila ma acomodez rapid in orice grup de prieteni de obicei vorbareatza cu simtzul umorului I am well-educated and intelligent woman. I am sincere, kind, open-minded with great sense of humor. In my free time I like to go in city park, resting. For me, my family is important. Happiness, health and welfare of my family. Find a simple woman's happiness - to love and be loved, to understand and respect each other. To me it is important that I can help people and that I like my job. I would like to meet a tender and kind-hearted man if you interested let me know so that i can add you to my list and we can know more about each Other. placut un mascul sincer respectos si sa fie el insusi
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
I'm a very respectful and humble person, very friendly,open minded and straight forward in life. Loving and caring person who knows how to take very good care of a man especially giving him sense of belonging in everything I do in life. I am very quiet at first but I warm up quickly, Communication is very important to me..I love Animals a lot especially dogs and cats. I like to try new things & meet new people, I don't Smoke and less alcohol. Having a wonderful candlelight dinner somewhere overlooking the ocean. Afterwards taking a blanket, a bottle of chilled Red wine, and take a stroll down that same beach to find the perfect spot to sit,look at the sunset, then the stars, and listen to the surf while getting to know one another.
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
Fire romantica, intuitiva, iubesc frumosul, armonia, sinceritatea, tenacitatea, simtul umorului, prietenoasa si increzatoare in oameni, dar apriga atunci cand sunt atacata, judecata, barfita, tradata..
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
I am a kind, sentimental, tender, romantic, intelligent, faithful, humorous person and I love life. I like listening to good music, being in nature, reading literature, spending time with friends and interesting people. I love the nature, animals, the sea, a beach and the sun. I am engaged in aerobics and belly dance. At present I am absolutely ready for making a strong family with my loving man and charming children. I want to meet my real other half who I\'ve been lost without. I want to have a strong, loving, friendly marriage and to love and be loved. White man without children or with children. he is a kind, sensitive, fair, devoted, intellectual, romantic person. he is responsible and reliable. he wants to have a strong, friendly, happy, loving family as much as I do.he has a great sense of humor and is a fun loving person.he has not got bad habits. he likes this life in all of its manifestations. he likes listening to music, reading, walking, traveling, enjoying spending time with his family just doing different things together.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
poate descoperi singur:)) un om traditional si cu bune si cu rele, dar cu suflet mare, pregatita sa intilneasca un om de la care sa primeasca atat cat ea poate sa daruiasca.Adevarul pentru mine reprezinta frumusete si frumusetea inseamna adevar. elegant cred eu
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
I'm looking for a gentleman, because I am a polite woman. We learn to know each other slowly, not in a hurry because I want guy who are together for the rest of my life, not just for fun. I am interested in people aged 35-48 years. I'm in a good mood, kind and confident in myself. I am from Thailand. If you insult Asian people, no need to write to me, because I am proud of the Asian culture. You can talk to me if you are looking for a good relationship, want to take a good care each other. My quote: "Behind every successful man, there is a great woman" "Behind every successful woman, there is a great strong man" elegant si cu bani restul...neinteresant
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
Fara descriere ...Cel mai mult in viata, iubesc linistea sufleteasca, tandretea, blandetea si adevarul. Detest minciuna, barfa, bautura in exces si oamenii care isi ascund reala personalitate. Ador oamenii cu bunul simt, oamenii adevarati, cei care stiu ce reprezinta a fi om... Bruneta Socializare
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
nu cred ca mai e nimic de spus Nimic mai elegant decit o asteptare,care stii ca se va implini.O sa te astept!Si tu vei veni.Pe carari imbalsamate cu flori.Si florile nu vor simti pasii tai usori ca o fulguire din basmele bunicii.O sa te astept.Ieri.Azi.Miine.Intotdeauna! raman la identica parere uita-te mai sus
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
accept noi provorcari ;) "Life is too short to drink a bad wine!" ...so..it's the same with men and women...life is too short to spend it with the wrong person. I am here only for the special one...if there is any men like this on this site...About me...someone said this better in a famous movie : "I have a head for business and a body for pleasure" :))...I hate stupid people and lazy men. Be smart if you want to impress me!!! nu caut nimic in mod special, o conversatie placuta, poate si o intalnire la o cafea :)
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
.crek' as putea spune despre mine orice..absolut indiferent ce as vrea eu..tu n-ai de unde stii
daca mint sau nu...pot sa pretind ca sunt perfecta..dar nu sunt..pt ca nimeni nu
este...ideea e ca mai bine e sa ma cunosti...:-J.. persoane...fiintze..asta suntem toti..nu caut in mod special..dar as vrea ca cei de care
dau sa fie "oameni"..nu sa para "oameni"...
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
o persoana simpla Sunt valul si stanca, sunt zborul si caderea, sunt totul sau nimic?!...imi place sa provoc destinul...?!...atunci asa sa fie, nu voi refuza nimic, voi culege cu amandoua palmele din amarul si bucuria de a fi eu?! cred k destul de ok nu stiu ce caut,dar sunt curioasa ce anume am sa gasesc
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
De fapt, eu nu cred in internet dating ... Dar nu stii niciodata! Vreau doar sa spun ca doar in cautarea pentru o relatie serioasa. Pentru ca ei nu vor sa suparat, dezamagit si peste si peste din nou. Nu prin cateva cuvinte prea succinte sau generale poate fi caracterizata o persoana, ci prin amprenta pe care o lasa in trecerea ei prin lume. NB: semn zodiacal - fecioara. Modest si clar, asand metaforele si subantelesurile lor la o parte, ceea ce caut la partenerul meu este sa fie: mai inalt de 1,75, cu studii superioare, activ, manierat, pozitiv si cu initiativa. Daca nu va potriviti acestei descrieri, nu are rost sa ne pierdem momentul reciproc. ;) Imi place sa ma uit la aspectul ei, astfel incat accesul la clubul de fitness, care ar pastra profilul lor! Prefer o bland de incredere, grijuliu,, Autoritate omul intelegere gata sa ajute in vremuri grele!
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
Buna sunt o fata destul de draguta My principles of life is a family, home comfort and the attention of my loved ones. I like taking care of my loved ones and give them warmth. I love children and when I am surrounded by childrenas laughter. I like to work a lot then it seems the most enjoyable vacation. I am cheerful, kind and sympathetic. I love to communicate with people a lot. I really like my job! I have been working for many years in the restaurant business. caut o relatie de indelunga perioada sincer direct
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
De mic copil am à ntà mpinat greutăÈai mau urmărit toÈai aceÈati ani . Dar nu mau doborà t. Am avut forta sa à naintez à n viata. Și cu toate aceste greutăÈai à ncă mai am curajul să o iau de la capăt. Optimismul à nvinge. Cu toÈa
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
sunt doar eu...."...." I like honest, sincere relationship. With me is interesting to communicate, I have broad knowledge. I graduated from the Pedagogical Institute of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. I speak English, French and Russian languages. I love children and animals. I live an active, engaged in physical activities, like tourism and recreation in nature, reading books, listening to classical music, I love great movies, I have a hobby. atletic relatii de prietenie sau chiar relatii de lunga durata
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
dragutza.. Incerc sa ma recompun sufleteste,pentru a merge mai departe,pretuind cu toata fiinta mea tot ceea ce am primit si primesc de la viata! Rog insistent aventurierii sa se abtina,multumindu-le respectuos!!! cum ma vedeti in poze..... nimic...ma uit si eu pe aici...
Sunt o femeie intensa , vreau o relaxare , distractie , va astept cu drag. I am really interested in wanting to know about what makes you the unic person you are today, I want to know more about your family, your background, your life experiences, past relationships, your goals and dreams, your interests, and anything else you want to tell me. I even want to learn about the secrets you very rarely share with someone!. So come on and share it all with me, as I am not here to talk to you about general things such as partying, the weather, sports, e.c.t. I want to learn about you and what makes up your heart and soul, as the friendship I want to build with you I want it to be like no other you have ever shared in or experienced. This friendship I want to build with you will be filled with substance, quality, spirituality and potential. sunt simpatica ,iubareata, daca am cu cine. Destindere , fericire mare .
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
Sunt o persoana intelegatoare,iubitoare,respectabila Discreta, modesta, cu bun gust si simt, stiu ce vreau si ce nu vreau. Totusi, am un caracter puternic, sunt independenta, si nu uit incontro am pornit. Iubitul meu nu are cum sa duca lipsa de respect, fidelitate si tandrete. Nu caut aici barbati, caut viitorul meu partener de viata care stie sa iubeasca profund o femeie, sa-i fie sprijin uneori, si cunoaste rolul femeiei pe pamint. In plus este dinamic, ambitios, si cu picioarele pe pamint. P.S. Cu multa insistenta rog sa cititi profilul meu candva de a ma contacta. Sunt simpatica Caut o persoana respectabila si intelegatoare
Femeie, 40, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
Numele meu este Natalia! Am 26 de ani!
Nu fumez, nu fac droguri, imi permit sa bea un pic de alcool pe zi speciala. Sunt singur si nu am copii. As dori, sa gaseasca o pereche suflet de pe acest site si sper ca pot sa-l fac! Stiu cum sa gateasca si eu sunt extrem economic! Farmec, frumos si sociabil! Caut un om care vrea sa inceapa o relatie serioasa. Ceea ce este important pentru viitorul sau. Aceasta persoana trebuie sa fie un sport, aceasta nu ar necesita sa aiba obiceiuri proaste.
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
sincera,optimista,sociabila,detesc minciuna si mincinosii.,a-m suferit o interventie chirurgicala in noiembrie anul trecut dar sunt bine dar am ramas cu un Geo handicap pe care in societate nu este vizibil.,daca ne vom intalni sau vei vrea sa ne cunoastem te vei convinge.
Femeie, 50, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
sunt draguta,comunicativa,imi plac calatoriile si etc. I can be an angel, a witch, a lady, a crazy girl, a child, a lady, in one word a a WOMAN, this all is me. I donat have much to add to this. I am here not for friends, and not to write mails to a mysterious stranger on another side of the world. Letas leave this romantics to teenagers. I want to get acquainted with a man, and meet with him in real life to continue. If you are not ready for this, or if you want only a pen-pal, letas not waste time. sunt asa si asa noi prieteni
Femeie, 56, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
o persoana cat se poate de normala Am fost si voi persista o romantica incurabila,am gustat suferinta, am gustat si fericirea, am ras plangand, am plans razand...Am avut zile cand viata era o lupta , ma culcam noapte cu fata in lacrimi si dimineata ma trezeam crezand din nou in iubire...Nu stiu de ce am fost construita asa , sa ma simt fericita , frumoasa , umpluta de viata , doar atunci cand iubesc...Sunt unul din acei oameni care nu se tem de dragoste , care nu se tem sa-si exprime sentimentele , le pun pe tava pentru cel care le vrea , pentru cel care are nevoie de ele , pentru cel care nu tremura de frica in fata iubirii..Lupt pentru sentimentele mele ca o leoaica , lupt pana raman fara unghii , pana cand sangele imi tasneste din degete ... plec epuizata fara sa ma simt infranta , am dat dragoste , am iubit.. si.. daca am luptat, a meritat.. a fost gura de aer din vartejul ametitor al vietii. Nu ma simt resemnata , iubesc sa iubesc , poate am vrut sa scot absolutul dintr-o iluzie si mi-am produs singura rau , poate m-am aflat unde nu trebuia si am cautat unde nu trebuia..Nu am cautat nicicand cu ochii , am cautat cu sufletul , el este cel care si-a ales insula pe care a naufragiat , el a ales malul de care s-a agatat. miniona o persoana la fel
Femeie, 64, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
cu bune si rele in limitele legii... I am extremely romantic, loving and passionate woman. I am hard working and stubborn when I want to achieve my goals and dreams. I am family-oriented.. Seeking a serious true heart who is trustworthy and understanding, who is ready to have his own family. That one man i can share my thoughts and explore the world of love with.. 1,72cm ,67 kg...par blond....o sa-ti plac !!!! stima valoreaza mai mult decit celebritatea ; demnitatea mai mult decit renumele ; cinstea mai mult decit gloria !!!......stiu ca nu exista perfectiune, dar frumusetea izvoraste din simplitate, din bunatate...din maretia sufletului...din demnitate...cred ca am spus multe, cu aceste rinduri...
Femeie, 52, Necasatorit(a)
Ocna Mures, Alba Romania
atragatoare I'm a cheerful and friendly girl. I always have a good mood and try to be optimist in every situation of life. I like nature and everything that surrounds me. I like smart and interesting people, who have the purpose and can reach it. I like reading, art, I write verses, painting and have a sport. I am fond of psychology and learn foreign languages. Here I am to meet someone who will make my life complete - the man with whom my life will turn upside down : asa si asa relatie de intinsa perioada