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Sex Teleorman

Cele mai frumoase femei din Teleorman care vor sex sunt aici pe Intra si tu!
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

Ma plak mult*--Eu nu Fur inimi-le ,,,Le primesc Cadou ! I am sincere and honest caring,kind,friendly very easy to get along with am social romantic passionate smart intelligent cool headed adaptive have a big heart and i do believe in the truth and honesty..
asa cum vedetzi;)in poze
pentru Relaxare.....
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

sunt cum sunt si voi fi cum vei vrea... Sensibila,cu bun simt,devotata in dragoste.Principala mea misiune este de a face fericit pe cel de impreuna mine.Ma simt implinita doar intr-o relatie serioasa care sa-mi pune la dispozitie stabilitate.Nu cer masina,case mari sau bogatie.Vreau dragoste,una plina de lucruri frumoase ,care sa te faca sa zambesti la absolut orice pas.In viata fiecaruia dintre noi va fi un ''om''care te va invata cel mai dichisit lucru:sa uiti tot ce a fost pana la el.
va las pe voi sa decideti...
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Poze verificate
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

te las pe tine sa ma cunosti :P Doresc sa gasesc o prietena o sotie simpla modesta curata cu caracter aparte cu suflet mare si bun si cu care pot sa-mi impart viata mea intreaga toata cu ea ! O nevasta care isi ravneste decat o singura relatie de lunga perioada !
un om cu suflet mare :*
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

Sa nu cumva sa-mi confunzi personalitatea cu atitudinea.! ...Personalitatea e cine sunt ! Atitudinea mea depinde de cine esti tu ! a€œViata nu iarta slabiciuneaa€ a€“ cred ca am ajuns sa cred ca nu ma potrivesc in vremurile in care traim. Valori cum ar fi sinceritatea, respectul, adevarul a€“ sunt lasate la o parte ca sa facem loc pentru lacomie, abuz, putere. Sa fiu eu insumi sau sa fiu ceea ce omenirea vrea sa fiu? Om slab sau om puternic? Ce poate fi mai pl?cut ?i mai rudimentar decat s? fii sincer, totdeauna lini?tit, imp?cat cu tine insu?i, neavand nici de ce te teme, nici ce inventa?... Dragostea nu poate dura ?i nici tr?i, dac? nu se afl? intr-o inim? sincer? ?i deschis?...cand inimile sunt sincere, nu trebuie multe cuvinte...
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

I am a person who is very real when it comes to life and its' issues. Am honest,kind caring,affectionate,good sense of humor,easy going,free thinker,trustworthy and respect the lives of other people...
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

cand poti zambi dc nu`o faci?cand poti vb dc sa taci?dc in loc sa razi u plangi?cand e sa stai dc u fugi?dc disperi cand poti spera?dc sa pleci,cand mai poti sta?dc urasti cand poti iubi?cand esti chemat dc nu vii?dc sa cazi cand poti zbura?dc urasti cand poti ierta?
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

...dragutika,sociabila... Sunt o fire vesela, sunt sincera si prietenoasa,fara prea mari pretentii ,doresc loialitate si sinceritate.Am o stare materiala buna, nu am obligatii, doresc o persoana cu care sa mi petrec elegant viata
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

Sunt o iubita cred, normala, destul de ocupata cu munca Sunt jurist , lucrez in dom investitiilor, iubesc animalele, detest oamenii mincinosi si zgarciti, imi plac barbtii destepti si hainele elegante ,,,,Si , mai ales , regret momentul care trece si imi vor un barbat asiatic , sa ne bucuram laolalta de viata,asta, asa cum este ea....De ce asiatic? Pentru ca sunt barbati dintr-o lume pe care eu o consider fascinanta....
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

Ma simt la jumatatea drumului si incep sa dau o alta valoare timpului. Momentul meu, timp pretios. Vreau sa treaca aproximativ de persoanele care ma fac sa ma simt bine. Vreau sa traiesc impreuna persoane pozitive, umane, generoase, gentile. Vreau sa daruiesc si sa primesc dragoste... Sunt o persoana flexibila, deschisa,devotata familiei si prietenilor, o fire analitica, rabdatoare...daca e cazul desigur. In valoare: inteligenta, finetea, rafinament, da si neaparat calitatea!!! FOTO !!! Pentru ca o conversatie (relatie , daca vrei) sa ia contur, trebuie sa existe o conexiune spirituala, care se creaza, se simte, chiar si la intaia vedere, printr-o fotografie...
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

Draguta,sensibila,naturala,plina de viata dar in acelasi timp libertina I am a real and mature lady. I am kind, caring and I know how to treat a man. I can make our atmosphere comfortable and I can be adventurous and extraordinary. I am an extremely cheerful lady. I am a unique combination of contradictory traits that realizate a harmony of my soul: I am sensitive and passionate, friendly and calm, generous in my feelings but possessive towards my love. I am caring and loving, a reliable support for my close people. I know how to make my future man happy!
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

I'm looking for a serious guy, not skams. I'm enough smart to find out that and to make the difference. About me: I have an academic background( a master degree), romanian origin, live in Sweden since 2001 and know perfectly how the life works. I'm a serious woman who wants to find a relation or maybe more.. Who knows.. Greetings to you!
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Femeie, 68, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

iubesc animalele si natura ,am o frumusete interioara care se gaseste greu ,nu stiu daca eu voi gasi frumusete interioara ca si a mea Dragostea este doar un cuvant pana cand apare cineva si ii da un sens. Cred cu tarie ca dragostea poate vindeca orice boala a sufletului, chiar ce handicap al fiintei, orice frangere de aripi. Orice. Dincolo de cele opt litere si un spatiu se afla magia pe care o citeam in povesti, atunci cand eram mici. Nu suntem Fat Elegant si Ileana Cosanzeana, ci oameni simpli care iubesc alti oameni simpli. Și cea mai eleganta iubire este cea simpla, cea in care lucrurile se intampla de la sine....Mai am,rabdare,credinta,speranta si vise astfel incat sa stiu ca viata e minunata,adevarata minune!!!Mai bine ceva PARTICULAR pentru cineva special, decat absolut orice pentru oricine...!!!!!!
placut chiar si asa grasuta
caut un barbat cu o frumusete interioara ca si a mea,la aceasta virsta cred ca este primordial sufletul frumusetea sa cam dus,incepem sa schiopatam ,sa ne strimbam chiar daca ne este greu sa recunoastem dar acesta este adevarul ,sper sa inteleaga si acele persoane care se cred la virsta tinara
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Femeie, 55, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

Sunt o fire romantica,visatoare dar ambitioasa, careia nu-i plac jumatatile de masura.Sunt sentimentala si in acelasi timp rationala.Imi place sa respect promomisiunile,si sa-mi respect prietenii adevarati.Cu toate ca viata mi-a daruit numeroase necazuri, am reusit sa trec peste ele , si sa nu-mi pierd caracterul meu vesel si altruist.
Sunt roscata cu ochii verzi, fata ovala gura mica, ten descis la coloratie , am 1.62 m inaltime .Imi place miscarea , mersul pe jos ,natura ,plimbarile, imi plac in mod deosebit.
Vor sa cunosc un barbat care sa-mi readuca zambetul adolescentei, romantismul si visarea varstei de 20 ani, pe care sa-l fac sa vibreze in orice moment, caci ,acolo, printre trandafiri si multe flori il va astepta acea raza, mult cautata, a fericirii.
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

Simpatica intelegatoare buna gospodina rabdatoare optimista iubitoare comunicativa amuzanta As putea sa spun numeroase despre mine , in debutantul rand sunt o persoana sensibila cu un suflet extrem mare dar este mai usor sa ma intrebe cine vrea sa afle .... O poza spune mai mult decat o scurta descriere fizica , iar restul calitatilor (fie ele bune sau rele )te las pe tine sa le descoperi , fiindca eu sigur le vad doar pe cele bune . ...
blonda cu ochii caprui constitutie atletica
Un mascul serios ne fumator un bun familist
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Femeie, 57, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

urata si frumoasa.........senzuala si incremenita in nepasare fizica.......o imagine contradictorie in care fiecare-si poate gasi echilibrul dupa care tanjeste , depinde pentru cata vreme Am a down to earth single and Looking Lady..Who loves to cook,dance,listen to music and also the most of all to cuddle..Am Looking to meet that caring and Loyal Man.someone who is going to love me forever and ever.I dont care about age nor distance.I have alot to share with you about me.cause am a great and Romantic lady
frumusetea interioara,profunda,....dragoste si tandrete....sinceritate si iubire
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Eva i
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

Astept sa ma descoperiti voi!! Hello! My name is Irina. It is not easy for me to write about my personality. I suppose myself as a common person with clasic values. My friends say I am a great optimist with a sense of humor. I think ita€™s true. I love life as it is. And always hope for the better! I try to enjoy every clipa I live. And humor helps a lot in different situations. There are so many things Ia€™ve never tried before! Ia€™d like to learn photography, horse riding, biking and ball dancinga€¦and may be something more. I love reading. Sometimes it even doesna€™t matter what to read. I cana€™t fotografie my life without music as well. My preferences depend on my mood. It can be pop, old disco songs, swing, blues or Tchaickovskya€¦ I adore flowers, too.
Caut un barbat iubitor, respectuos cu care sa ma inteleg.
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Ica armeanu
Femeie, 57, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

Un pic plinuta..
Un mascul chipes.
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Femeie, 52, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

Admira frumusetea fizica umana,dar nu o idolatriza,pretul pe care il vei plati este si asa mare,si sa fii fericit daca vei persista doar...singur.Extremele aduc placeri limitate,echilibrul bucurii nemarginite...
mascul sentimental
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

sunt o fire foarte iubitoaree I love to laugh until my belly aches. I'm appropiate almost all of the time, but once in a while the silly rebellious side can sneak out and do the unexpected. So, don't be surprised, just go with it and it'll be a lot of fun. I'm a mix between the East and the West, motion and rest, impulsive and reflective. I'm sincere and true to myself and try to do the right thing and be a good person. So, if you like the versatility and the range and not afraid to be a bit outside of the box, we should talk.I know that my soulmate and Prince Charming is out there, he's just a little "directionally challenged" and hasn't found me yet. He is in touch with his feelings and not afraid to communicate them. He welcomes changes but his integrity does not falter. He communicates with an intent to understand rather than dissect and analyze. Etc..
un mascul zdravan care sa fie langa mine si la bine si la rau si eu la fel la randu meu
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

Sincera,desteapta,de treaba I enjoy fine dining and am always looking for someone to share the appreciation of good food and fine wine. I am just as comfortable with my hair up in old jeans as with my hair down wearing my favorite little pink dress.
slaba,ochii caprui , par saten, zambareata
Un mascul sincer
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Femeie, 43, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

Am a girl of 24yrs loving, caring obedient and humble still searching for the love of my life, no matter how rich, poor, color or religion all i need is a man of dignity that\\\'s all thanks and God bless
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

Dragutza, nu?? ;) I'm the one your mother warned you about! :) Omul excelent pentru mine trebuie : S? fie b?rbat, nu c??elu? orfan; S? ?tie ce vrea, ce poate ?i ce-i place; S? m? fac? s? m? simt singura iubita din lume; S? ?tie r?spunsul la milionul de chestii care-mi sunt mie necunoscute; S? ?in? pasul cu planurile mele; S? nu se simt? in competi?ie cu mine, ci in echip?; S? nu considere c? treaba lui e s? se uite la meci ?i a mea s? m? oglindesc in smal?ul crati?elor.... the rest on private :)
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

ambitioasa si foarte prietenoasa imi place sa fiu respectat ca sa pot sa respect,si sunt o fire realista...imi place sa am discutii cu fiecare stiiesa aibe o discutie atat I am outgoing, fun loving, with a laid back easy going personality. I am a loyal friend and good listener. I am a positive person and enjoy good quality conversation over coffee. Long walks, slow dances, boating and canoeing are favorite pastimes of mine. I love nature but also enjoy a nice evening out in the city as well. I am a reader of books especially the Bible. Don't always spend time in church but have my own relationship in my private time with God. What Ia€™m doing with my life I work in healthcare and love what I do. I am focusing more and more on my artwork. I am making time for myself and the things and people I love. Just left a management position and no longer on call. Ia€™m really good at My talents are cooking, creating, and hosting small dinner parties ( BBQ's). I also am good at being a great friend. I will listen and hold things in confidence. My close friends know and love this about me. They know I am trustworthy and a supportive friend. I am good at my artwork and find it therapeutic. I have been told I have a clever and witty sense of humor. I enjoy someone who can make me laugh. Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food My favorite foods are seafood, BBQ, fresh vegetables and fruit, and coffee. I enjoy a good wine in moderation once in awhile. I like all types of music: Classic rock, country, blues, easy listening, even some of the current top forty.
bruneta,inaltime 1.75 ,57 d kg,par lung,ochi caprui,...
cu simtul umorului bineinteles placut si brunet
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Femeie, 40, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

analta bruneta 170 inltime 56 kl Are you the aparte one : Curious rather than extremely intelligent Sensual rather than sexy Caring rather than beautiful or handsome A little mysterious rather than glamorous Humorous rather than wealthy From a family with similar values like me. I was born in Bucharest
o persoana sincera si cu suflet cald .ne alcolic . scop prietenie eventual casatorie
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Femeie, 44, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

Fire vesela,optimista,familia...dar si sensibila,romantica,jucau sa.. .merita sa ma cunosti! Ce transmite dragostea? Furnizeaza batai de inima si dureri de cap!!! Important este sa stii sa te ridici dupe ce viata te-a doborat.Dar viata uneori nu lupta perfect si te loveste cu ce are mai puternic,atunci revenirea este tare grea,dar nu imposibila.Trebuie sa ai un aliat puternic.."SPERANTA"
1.65,57 kg,saten,caprui
Mascul calm,intelegator,fara vicii,peste 1.75 inaltime
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

de gashca Sunt o persoana tonica, dinamica, cu simtul umorului , optimista, draguta si inteligenta (deloc modesta) . Caut un mascul normal, sa ne plimbam in parc , sa mergem la munte, sa comentam un film bun, o carte, sa bem o cana de ceai sau vin....., depinde de situatie
multsi prieteni noi
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

o persoana sociablia umpluta d viata destul de rebela Nimeni nu poate accepta o realitate . Traim intr-o bula imaginara si personalizata, in functie de visurile pe care nu ni le-am implinit. Fiti realisti in alegerile pe care faceti. Daca iti ravnesti o fata de papusa, un temperament docil, masuri 90/60/90, atunci clar nu te afli pe pagina care trebuie. Continua sa cauti.
va las pe voi sa va dati cu parerea
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Femeie, 40, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

I'm an interesting person to communicate with. I'm an understanding woman. fire vesela,zambitoare,nu fumez,sincera ,onestaiubesc adevarul urasc minciuna,romantica iubesc calatoriile,nu sunt bogat a in banii ci doar in un suflet bun si curat sa stiti ca nu am abonament,deci nu pot conversa cu toti favoriti multumesc pt.intelegere fire vesela zambitoare, un baiat de 32ani iubesc frumosul si calatoriile urasc minciuna respect si vreau respect,nu fumez,romantica,bogata in un suflet bun nu in banii restul mai vedem....... sa stiti ca nu am abonament deci nu pot conversa cu toti favoriti,multumesc pt.intelegere. t,
Everything depends on my mood
I would be glad to meet an intelligent man, who knows how to think originally and independently.
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

de treaba... Realistica si bine ancorata in zilele noastre. Romantica, calda, inteligenta. Prea multe povesti si timp de pierdut nu prea se afla la mine. Marirea se intampla la chiar ce varsta. Nu ma intereseaza masculi casatoriti sau in perfect orice fel de relatie, mai tineri decat mine si cei cu minte nesanatoasa! La 53 de ani sunt inca studenta...2 a, 3 a..facultate o minte antrenata. Macar o facultate sa fie daca vrei sa vb cu mine...
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

hmmm:)) Does anyone really know what to do these days? We're all struggling through this process so let's take a chance and connect. Thank you for taking the time to look at my profile. I love to have fun, I'm happy, optimistic, and I avoid drama. While I'm well educated and intelligent, I especially like my more creative side (photography, floral designing, decorating, cooking). I love my dance workouts which have kept me healthy and in great shape. I like long walks , hikes, traveling, and exploring new places with someone special.
pe el:x
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

PAI CE SA ZIC ....MIE IMI PLACE CUM ARAT ...NU SUNT NARCISISTA DAR SE POATE SPUNE SI ASA "Omul sadeste in lume ceea ce poarta in inima sa! " Goethe/ Fericirea o face pe femeie eleganta si dragostea o face fericita. Iubirea este adevaratul fard al femeii./ In cazul in care vreti sa comunicam, v-as ruga destul de mult sa scrieti desavarsit romaneste si daca s-ar putea si inteligibil. Multumesc!
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

daca dragoste nu e ,nimic nu e i never stop being grateful to God for his mercies upon my life and all the experiences that i have been exposed to. I am a fun loving man, jovial, Kind, easy going, lovely and passionate man. I like to have fun, work, travel, Play, and smile. I think of myself as being clever but harmless
un suflet cald alaturi de care sa cunosc fericirea
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

simpatica cu simtul umorului dar dak vrei iti pot fi si cea mai buna prietena I am intelligent pretty girl with good sense humor. I love a life in all its displays. I appreciate each moment, and I admire in each afternoon. Very much I like to travel . To me to be pleasant to communicate with interesting people, in general I very positive and romantic person, therefore in people appreciate an openness and sincerity. I romantic and gentle in relations, I know as it is necessary to love how to give happiness, warmth and care to the beloved. Also I confectionate in the house a harmony.
potrivita zic eu putin mai marunta pt varsta mea
caut prieteni pt distractie si amuzament
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

Pai...simpatica , draguta , sociabila.. restu descoperi singur daca te intereseaza :* eu imi vor o relatie care sa inceapa prin comunicare si daca e posibil asfel sa se ajunga la un angajament sincer, profund, de dragoste, pas cu pas.... Comunicarea verbala si fizica sa fie fundatia unei relatii cat mai solide..Asadar daca sinceritatea, comunicarea deplina, intelegerea, atentia, afectiunea, tandreta, pasiunea sunt si punctele tale forte, eu zic ar fi pacat sa nu incercam sa ne cunoastem.Te reprezint si pe tine?Let,s play the game!
las la apreciera ta...
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

prietenoasa,cu simtul umorului,de viatza....etc I am sweet, thoughtful, kind, and have a great sense of humor. I am very easy going and laid back. I am often told that I am very easy to talk with. I am not an angry person, and I am not interested in someone that is. Having past events shape your life is one thing, carrying the past as a burden that sits heavily upon your shoulders is not the way I view life. I am happy with myself, and my life, and I like to think it shows
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

Sint zodia Sagetator. O doamna obisnuita si distinsa , modesta, placuta,fara fite , multimea se simnte bine in prezenta mea si vor sa gasesc pe cineva care sa-mi aprecieze calitatile, sa putem avea puncte comune in existenta noastra .
Bruneta dragutza costitutie atletica
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

simpatik,isteata,cu simtul umorului,ft sensibila,restul va las pe voi :D Here I am among women seeking men. I joined the dating site to find my other half. I am a quite serious and confident person, but I can relax and have fun as well. I can be a little bit sentimental. When someone of my mates or friends is sad, I try to boost their mood and help them to get rid of these negative emotions. I like traveling, meeting new people and making friends
prieteni noi cunostinte
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

sex mult sex Vor sa gasesc o prietena o femeie simpla modesta curata cu caracter deosebit cu suflet mare si bun si cu care pot sa-mi impart viata mea intreaga toata cu ea ! O iubita care isi doreste decat o singura relatie de indelunga perioada !
arat super va astept
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

nu mi-e frica de BAU BAU :)) I am generally an optimistic person with a sense of humor, fairly easy-going,not easily tempered or upset, and I don't think that I'm too critical about things, but I also believe that it takes two people contributing to a relationship to make it work, it needs hardworking,understanding,Loving,caring,truthfulness,faithfulness,God fearing. Royalty,no cheating and most importantly being there to help each other in terms of need,help,etc... you have to be there for each other in every situation no matter what and you should help and if you even dont have you should do all you can to help even risk your life for the sake of Love that you have for each other in this way,there is going to be an endless LOVE
lasa ca vedeti voi :P
caut !!!
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

te las pe tine........... My name is Anna. I live in small city, which name Zvenigovo. I love walks at the moon. I very much like swimming. I well prepare for food and very much I like it to do. I very much love children. It is very interesting to observe as they grow also each day make new opening. I think, that my life is boring also I very much would want to find the man which would love me, respected, and with which I might test even a few adventures. In Russia I have not found such person. To me and life I flies by 29 years past, and I do not have neither the loved person, nor children. And I very much would want it. Therefore I ask. Respond my love!!!!!!! I wait foryou!!!!!
un om cu suflet bun
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

va las pe voi sa descoperiti In cateva cuvinte nu se pot spune numeroase lucruri.Imi place sa iubesc dar si sa fiu iubita si respectata in acelasi timp.Daca aceste conditii nu sunt indeplinite o relatie nu poate sa dureze.Stam de vorba numai daca crezi ca-mi poti indeplini cerintele...Sunt cam dura...dar asta sunt eu!... Perche sono anche i uominii italiani chi se trova qui possiamo dire poche parole.Sono una donna seria e voglio una relatione seria e vivere la vita tranquila,mi piace amare e voglio esere amata e rispetata.Non voglio aventure....Questa sono io...Se ti piace bene se no....Voglio molta seriosita!
un barbat serios
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

nu stiu ce sa va zic despre mine...aaaaaaa....cautati-ma :)))) Daca iubesti frumosul,nu ma iubi,ptr ca sunt altele mult mai frumoase decat mine......daca iubesti bogatia ,nu ma iubi ,ptr ca sunt altele mult mai bogate decat mine,....daca iubesti IUBIREA, IUBESTE-MA ,ptr ca-ti voi darui toata dragostea pe care nu ai avut-o nicicand si de care ai atata nevoie rest ..vesela,optimista...te las sa ma cunosti ...
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Femeie, 28, Casatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

buna.numele meu este mihaela I am a young woman at heart and i am in the Air Force as an Airman First Class. For security reasons cannot put up more photos. I hope to find my type of man. Please write to me if interested and will also write to you when i am interested. Best of luck!
asa si asa
relaxare,chat si poate o relatie de indelunga durata.
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Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Teleorman Romania

fata fizte...le urask I dona€™t mind when people tell me that my relationship ideals are a fairytale. If it is a fairytale to be loved, to be respected, to have passion, a moving and active love a€” if that is fairytale, then yes. If mutual respect, love, lust and friendship is a fairytale, then of course! I want to be in love with you, in lust with you, in like with you... ita€™s a multidimensional world why would I want a one-dimensional relationship? I want love, passion, honesty and companionship... s e x that drives me crazy and conversation that drives me sane. Thata€™s the standard Ia€™m setting. What standard are you setting?
nu prea fain...........
unu rudimentar k si simtul umorului
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