Sunt o femeie matura care a hotarit ca poate sa inceapa un nou capitol in viata ei. Simpla, modesta, buna gospodina dar care nu-si mai ravneste sa se trezeasca singura dimineata . . Viata mea imi apartine . . . . . . . . . Sufletul meu imi apartine . . . . . . . . . . . .Corpul meu imi apartine. . . . . . . . . . . . . Le daruiesc cui vreau, cat vreau, cand vreau si cum vreau. . . . . . . . . Nu are nimeni dreptul sa imi ceara nimic, cu atat mai mult cand imi cere lucruri pe care el/ea insusi/insasi nu le poate darui. . . . . . . . . .Ceea ce gandesc imi apartine. . . . . . . . . Am dreptul sa gandesc cum vreau ceea ce vreau. . . . . . . . . . . Nu sunt obligata sa ma incadrez in normalitatea sociala sau in normalitatea vreunui om.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Actionez impulsiv, actionez asa cum simt, nu ma invatati si nu-mi dati sfaturi, chiar daca gresesc sunt greselile mele. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunt poate absurda, poate ilogica, poate impertinenta, poate mint, poate nu mint, poate ranesc, poate nu ranesc, sunt egoista sau extrem egoista, dar sunt EU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Raspund cand vreau, cui vreau, este alegerea mea, timpul este al meu si NU vreau sa-l pierd . . . . . . . . . . . . inutil . . . . . . . . . NU critic si nu invat pe nimeni ce sa faca, deci va roga€¦a€¦a€¦a€¦. NU ma invatati si NU-mi dati indicatii pretioase . . . . . . . NU deranjez pe nimeni, va rog NU ma deranjati. . . . . Ca aspect, posedati poze care va pot spune cate ceva despre mine. Usor tendinta de ingrasare, dar cum se spune, mare si eleganta Ce caut? un barbat adevarat, fara fite, care sa-si doreasca sa fie in compania unei femei, care sa incerce sa faca eleganta si insorita ziua alaturi de o prietena
Simple and out going makes friend easily , and social too . love mixing with people with the heart of gold . love meeting people that can change one in a particular way , what I mean by one that can change me in a exceptional way is when u have a rarisim way of outing me right when I know am wrong pt asta am poze nu?;) caut sa fiu gasita!
Sunt cartea mult visata de tine.........Acordat-ti momentul necesar ca sa ma deschizi, si-ti garantez ca nu o sa ma mai lasi din mana ......... O sa-ti trebuiasca toata viata alaturi de mine ca sa ma poti termina de citit ! .......... Revenind dupa ceva timp pe acest site, constat cu dezamagire ca 90% dintre noi, cei care-l frecventam, se dau ceea ce de fapt nu sunt! Oare de cine si de ce ne ascundem ???? Deci ca sa fiu bine inteleasa : Raspund doar la masculii intre 42-47 ani, mai inalti de 180 cm,cu fizic placut,cu suflet curat ,cu intentii bune si nu in ultimul rand ,la cei ce au completat bine profilul (inclusiv minim o poza) ,chiar si la sectiunea « ce caut » Nu ma intereseaza domnii frustrati, aventurierii,obsedatii sexual,lesbienele, cei care sunt pe acest site pentru sex ! Vreau o relatie gratioasa bazata pe : prietenie, incredere, respect, pasiune si comunicare. Sunt o persoana placuta ,serioasa (chiar daca cateodata rad cam mult), cu un instinc matern dezvoltat,iubesc familia si cred in ea, hotarata,imprevizibiba,deschisa,,modesta, emotiva,generoasa,dezinteresata, cu grozav mult bun simt, civilizata,pasionala, integra,vasela si cu simtul umorului foarte bine dezvoltat. Nu sunt sublima ....dar am draganele (am eu o formula proprie) Nu astept sa vina FAT FRUMOS calare pe cal sau cu un cayenne, ci vreau sa vina cineva si sa ma surprinda de la intaia abordare,sa fie ceva imprevizibil si cu mult haz, sa simt din nou acei fluturasi inexplicabili in stomac.Sa fie un mascul aproape care sa ma simt bine,in largul meu, fericita,iubita,protejata,cu care sa pot rade,sa pot plange,sa dansam ,sa facem nebunii fara sa ne intereseze ca se uita multimea la noi......vreau sa fim 2 in 1 Ce-mi place? muncesc ,si o fac cu mult drag, imi place distractia,sa dansez,sa rad ,sa glumesc,sa fiu autocritica,sa ma plimb prin padure, sa alerg, sa vad un film bun si sa mananc floricele, ador ciocolata cu alune si inghetata caramel, imi place sa gatesc si sa-mi surprind iubitul cu surprize placute, imi plac florile oferite fara un pretext anume si sa aud mereu cat de mult ma iubeste. Ma interesez despre lucrurile pe care nu le stiu, si imi place sa fiu intrebata cand nu am fost bine inteleasa. Urasc minciuna ,tradarea fiintele care nu vorbesc si cele schimbatoare! Daca ati avut rabdarea,interesul ,timpul sau curiozitatea sa cititi tot,si daca nu v-am speriat prea tare ,va astept la o discutie
Te las sa ma descoperi I am a kind-hearted, sympathetic, tender, sociable, active, responsible, sincere, broad-minded, soft and sweet girl. I love getting new knowledge and impressions. I lead a healthy life style. I am easy to concentrate my attention. I am a good listener. I am very cheerful and extremely optimistic. I can say I am a lively personality who loves to give positive emotions, give presents, accept guests at home and help my friends. Hmmm....
Nu accept jigniri. Si imi vor sa discutam lucruri decente si sa petrecem timp laolalta constructiv. Im a Mexican girl living in Romania. Im an Spanish an English teacher and I love to meet new people. If you want to contact me, you have to do it in English or Spanish... (sorry)... Im not looking for someone by "money" interest, but with a medium-high cultural level ;) Thank you! Placut si decent O persoana placuta si sincera
tipa sexi din Iasi Pensionara (am lucrat in armata)serioasa, pedanta, sociabila, prezentabila, nu mi arat varsta, statornica intr o relatie si fara obligatii. Vor o relatie de calitate si perspectiva cu un domn, cu o viata bazata pe principii sanatoase. Masculii care sunt intr-o relatie/casatoriti, cei care nu si au completat profilul sau profilul lor este ireal, sa nu ma deranjeze. Nu ma aflu aici pentru a mi pierde timpul ci sunt interesata de un partener de viata! Rog seriozitate!! sexi, partener de joaca
Sincera I very emotional and kind during too time the person. I like to dream, as I the romantic person. I do not like to stop before the risen problem on a way because for me there is no nothing achievable. I simply purposeful person. I like to find sufficient time for sports because it to me allows to support the body in the good form. I love a life, as I very cheerful person. I the optimist also think that it speaks about much. To me to like to listen to music, to go to cinemas. I like to find out always something new and for this purpose I go to museums, I read interesting books. Still I like painting as by means of the image it is possible to tell very much much. I like to communicate with interesting people... In general I the versatile person and about myself can tell very much much... But I shall do it when I shall find on this site of the person with which to me it will be interesting. Parul inchis la culoare si lung...pielea alba si catifelata...curata cu miros gustos. Caut un om de incredere
va las pe voi sa decideti daca sunt interesanta sau nu.. My biggest passion in life is living it to the fullest, following your passions and working towards whatever it is you want out of life. For me this is to finish off my studies (only a year left), traveling to new places and trying new things, like a new restaurant or rock climbing. Even though I love running off to see new things, it is good to know that my family and friends will always be there if I need them. simpatic un suflet jucaush:)
Sunt o fata OK! Am inceput sa-i inteleg pe barbati, in sensul ca nu le cer ceea ce nu pot sa dea (..renuntare la prieteni, fotbal, masini, flirt in cluburi, etc.). Mai stiu ca nu esti ceea ce crezi tu ca esti, ci ceea ce cred altii despre tine. Cunostintele mele zic ca-s o fata eleganta si in regula din toate punctele de vedere.
Ma intereseaza si alte pareri! Pe scurt,... frumoasa, ingrijita, bronzata, frecventez sala de fitnes de 5 ori pe saptamana,...! Relatii de prietenie cu masculi care au si altceva decat instincte!
I am kind, honest, sincere, I do not like to be bored and always find any business for myself. I'm active, I don't like being sad, I'm always cheerful. I like to travel. I like going to the movies, I like going to the gym. I love theatre. my favorite music is pop, jazz, classical. I hope that there will be a man who will be interested in me. Imi caut jumatatea, care sigur este undeva acolo!
Sunt o persoana sociabila... imi place sa ma distrez sa calatoresc citesc si sa imi gasesc pe cineva care isi doreste o relatie de perioada I am a kind of woman who is very honest,faithful,good looking.easy going,open minded,caring,loving and a very hard working woman...I love to laugh and and give a very nice smile on my face...any one after can catch me up and hook me well 90-60-90 O relatie serioasa
Sunt sociabila,intelegatoare si am un suflet bun... My name is Anna. I live in small city, which name Zvenigovo. I love walks at the moon. I very much like swimming. I well prepare for food and very much I like it to do. I very much love children. It is very interesting to observe as they grow also each day make new opening. I think, that my life is boring also I very much would want to find the man which would love me, respected, and with which I might test even a few adventures. In Russia I have not found such person. To me and life I flies by 29 years past, and I do not have neither the loved person, nor children. And I very much would want it. Therefore I ask. Respond my love!!!!!!! I wait foryou!!!!! Sunt draguta...cred.
I am a very ambitious person, easy going, disciplined and focused woman. I love listening to good music. I love to encourage people so they can reach their goals. I am a good listener. I like to meet people that are knowledgeable, intelligent and experienced. Someone that knows how to treat a woman right. Atletica
I think that the way people attract each other has nothing to do with their character or appearance. We can spend many years dreaming of some ideal but then out of a sudden fall in love with total antipode and realise that this is whom we waited for all our life. Love is a beautiful feeling and we should tresure it once we find it. By nature I am amiable and kind person. I try to see the good side of everything.
Respect and you will be respected I am a cool minded person , I love being straight forward in my activities with people,in fact the reason my folks like me is just cos of my policy of being simple as I believe Greatness Lies In Simplicity how about u don't u think so ?
descopera ma tu Nu sunt inabordabila sau mofturoasa! Doar ca vreau impreuna de mine un barbat matur si responsabil, mai ales cand vine vorba de iubire, un mascul care sa stie sa aprecieze sentimentele sincere, nu unul care sa aiba impresia ca iubirea ti-o poate darui oricine. Asa ca pentru restul voi spune ,,Nu, multumesc!a€ť si imi voi asuma faptul ca nu stiu sa accepte un refuz. atletic distracite,sex
Tanara,frumoasa si educata I am generally an optimistic person with a sense of humor, fairly easy-going,not easily tempered or upset, and I don't think that I'm too critical about things, but I also believe that it takes two people contributing to a relationship to make it work, it needs hardworking,understanding,Loving,caring,truthfulness,faithfulness,God fearing. Royalty,no cheating and most importantly being there to help each other in terms of need,help,etc... you have to be there for each other in every situation no matter what and you should help and if you even dont have you should do all you can to help even risk your life for the sake of Love that you have for each other in this way,there is going to be an endless LOVE Simpatic Doresc sa cunosc un barbat care sa imi prezinte tot ceea ce imi doresc .imi vor o relatie eleganta bazata in intaiul pe respect si tot ce este mai frumos
if you have eyes........? ;-) Despre mine?.. C as putea zice :-/... OoOo da ... sunt o fata:| ... Daca ai obs. ma bucur :) Sunt sincera , mai "nebuna" uneori :)) , diferita , CIUDATA [nu eu am zis`o , asa a spus'o careva:-j] .. Sunt sensibila :)) , recte ... nu in sensul rau :)) , nu ma apuc si plang .. nu ma dor vorbele celorlalti prea tare , depinde de cine sunt spuse ... si in ce mod .... Mi`e cam rusine ca sunt dar asta is eo :)) ... Nu iti convine?..Nici mie nu imi pasa ! .. Sunt realistica [uneori] .. ganditoare:)).. Multi spun ca banii sunt totul ... poi astia care vb asa , as dori sa vb pt pers. d-voastra:|.. Cel putin in cazul meu as renunta la perfect indiferent ce sa imi pastrez prietenii:| .. Totusi , chestia cu ciudata poate ii adev.:)).. Daca am o sa am nevoie de sfaturi vreodata [ceea ce am mereu:))] , le cer prietenilor.. Si aceia se cunosc , sunt cei pe care ii iubesc ... Ce sa mai zic?:-? ask me
cred ca foto spune mai numeroase Sentimentala, sincera, corecta si cinstita .NU iubesc infidelitatea , violenta de absolut orice fel, nu iubesc alcoolismul. IUBESC respectul, increderea si intelegerea. Vorbele frumoase si mangaierile sunt bine venite. Sunt romantica si linistita sunt ok
sunt o fata simpla sincera intelegatoare cu simtul umorului restul te las pe tine sa descoperi Iaa‚¬a„˘m just looking for my second half, for the Man, who will bring happiness to me, who will show me the real love in the real life. Itaa‚¬a„˘s so exhausted to be alone. I donaa‚¬a„˘t mean that I have no friends or people to spend my time with, no, I am a very sociable girl, I even can be a heart and soul of the party when I am in a good mood, but today Iaa‚¬a„˘m looking not for new acquaintances, but for the Man who will be more than just a friend for me, who will be my support, my soul mate, my beloved man. nu sunt un fotomodel dar nici ultima urata din lume simpatica e tot ce pot spune un baiat care sa stie ce vrea de la viata cu simtul umorului sincer
sunt o fata obisnuita,imi plac plimbarile in aer liber,imi place muzica foarte mult si sa ma distrez de asemenea,sunt foarte linistita in general,imi place sa gasesc tot felul de subiecte despre care putem sa vb...daca vreti sa aflati mai numeroase contactati-ma si putem purta o conversatie prieteni si distractie
Cea mai prietenoasaaaa! Am principii de viata. Viata e scurta si eleganta de ce sa nu profitam. "Un partener este o Oglinda Sacra, mereu stralucind o lumina asupra celor mai bune calitati si celor mai grave caracteristici, aducand o viata umpluta de oportunitati pentru auto-reflectie si evolutie." Alex & Allyson Grey Bruneta, ochi caprui! Socializare!
O fire placuta Unusual, not like others, liked by others, yet, still unhappy in love, but not giving up anyway! Many people ask me how comes, you are so beautiful, yet you are still alone? Maybe you are picky? That makes outs a sad smile on my lipsa€¦for believe me, I am not picky! I simply can not be with just anyone in sake of being with somebody! I want to find my one and only one, and this is why I am searching for you here! Where are you, my Only one? Give me your hand! Ia€™ve been waiting for you for so long!!! Ingrijit O persoana de incredere pentru relatii serioase..
I am a simple, sociable girl, always with a smile on my face regardless of the situation. Cine sunt? Va pot spune doar atat: cred cu tarie ca nu exista ceva mai agreabil decat sa cunosti un om cu care sa stai de vorba ca si cum ai sta cu tine insuti..... Ce caut aici? Iubirea din nou....e ca o ploaie calda si gingasa de vara . Ea vine dupa o durata de seceta,dupa perioade in care ochii sunt reci,poate chiar atunci cand ai ajuns la concluzia ca iubirea vine o singura data. Iubirea din nou vine cand recunosti ca ai necesitate de iubire,cand ai inteles povestea despre cum ar trebui sa fie o iubire reala,pamanteana cand esti dispus sa o lasi sa vina,chiar daca vine altfel decat te-ai asteptat.... Iubirea vine cand esti dispus sa iesi din carapace cand esti dispus sa nu mai apelezi la amintiri si sa doresti sa creezi altele.Vicleana ,apare cand vezi din nou speranta in jurul tau si poti sa zambesti pentru nimicuri.De aceea unii o numesc si incredere,renastere,rasarit... Satisfacator I'm looking for someone open to have a long-term relationship, someone who has been through the hardships of life who knows exactly what he wants from a woman.
Nu experimenta sa intri cu forta in sufletul meu. Sunt cioburi ale viselor mele sfaramate peste tot. S-ar putea sa te ranesti. Nu te stradui sa-mi vinzi iluzii. Le-am cumparat pe toate. Nu mai am unde sa le pun, nu mai stiu ce sa fac cu ele. Nu te chinui sa ma faci sa plang. Lacrimile mele sunt putine si pretioase. Le daruiesc cu zgarcenie. Si am invatat de mult ca cea care ma va face sa plang nu merita lacrimile mele. Iar cea care le merita nu ma va face sa plang. Nu te osteni sa ma eliberezi. Doar eu am cheia de la colivia mea. Nu te cazni sa ma faci sa vorbesc. Cuvintele mele sunt inutile si nu au viata. Nu te trudi sa-mi alungi cosmarurile. Nu doar somnul ratiunii naste monstri ci si absenta iubirii. O stanca e deajuns sa sparga un geam. O propozitie e deajuns sa franga o inima. O secunda e deajuns sa te indragostesti. Si o neintelegere e suficienta sa strice o prietenie. D?-mi mana ?i las?-m? s? te port spre culmile inalte, printre norii str?vezii. Las?-m? s?-?i ar?t intaia raz? de soare prin ochii mei ?i s? sim?i adierea blanda a vantului pe pielea mea. D?-mi voie sa-?i ar?t cum s? ascul?i marea, cum s? ascul?i noaptea ?i lini?tea ce te-nconjoar?. Las?-m? s?-?i port pa?ii prin nisip, spre necunoscut, undeva departe in zare, acolo unde se imbina cerul cu p?mantul. Las?-m? s? mireasma florile in locul t?u ?i tu s? le sim?i parfumul, s? ascult melodia vie?ii ca tu s? o po?i trai. Las?-m? s?-?i spun noapte bun? incet ?i duios. ?i-as ar?ta cum s? plangi cu ploaia, cum s? can?i cu vantul, cum s? dansezi cu soarele, cum s? tr?ie?ti cu via?a, cum s? sim?i cu sufletul. Te-a? face s? vezi minunile, s? crezi in ele ?i nu in ultimul rand te-a? inv??a s? speri. Sunt gata s?-?i ofer totul, fiecare b?taie a inimii mele, fiecare r?suflare, fiecare clipire. Las?-m? s?-?i fiu inceputul ?i sfar?itul, noapte ?i zi, via?? ?i speran??, las?-m? s?-?i pun iubirea in suflet ?i tu s? o tr?ie?ti.
O SOTIE NORMALA,PUTIN PRETENTIOASA,IMI PLAC PERSOANELE CU CARE POT COMUNICA,SI IMI PLACE TOT CEEA CE INSPIRA FRUMUSETE,ATAT INTERIOARA CAT SI EXTERIOARA. Sunt din Brasov, locuiesc in Detroit Michigan, divortata, imi place sa gatesc mancaruri traditionale romanesti, imi place sa pescuiesc. Nu-mi plac barbatii care pot sexul pe debutantul plan.... Inaintea sentimentelor.. SIGUR PLACUT...FARA MODESTIE. FARA SUPARARE NU ACCEPT COMENTARII DE PROST AUGUR.
Sun glumetata, frumusoasa , Cum sunt? usor de scos din sarite. Ce am in suflet: spatii nedefragmentate. Ce consider ca am nevoie: sa fiu luat intocmai asa cum sunt. Ce nu trebuie sa mi se faca: incercarea de a ma schimba. Ce nu trebuie sa imi ceri: TIMP si INCREDERE; Sexy..slabuta brunetica Caut un partener de viata sa ma intelega si sa ma sustina in toate ma iubesca si sa ma aprecieze.
cum ma vedeti , restul vorbim Am Rose,communicative, active, soft, cheerful, and honest in the relationship. I have a good sense of humor. I have a kind, lovely and encourage heart. My friends say I am very sociable and love to be with people, I am sweet, feminine and attractive lady who is sensual and lovely,I love children and animals. I want to create a strong happy family where everybody can feel comfortable and safe. I want to share all my love, tenderness and my life with a true man. I am just a woman who wants to be happy, to love deeply and to be loved by a reliable man. draguta un mascul de exceptie
imi place distractia sunt libertina, sunt genul de persoana care se implica in relatii de intinsa durata... Ia€™m quiet, happy, tender and affectionate. Ia€™m easy-going and I always try to be in a good mood. Ia€™m persistent and purposeful. Ia€™m quite compassionate and I enjoy helping people when I have an opportunity. I like talking on different subjects and having only positive emotions. I'm simple easy going, one man woman, honest, genuine, trustworthy, reliable. I am very understanding and have much respect for other people. caut mascul care stie sa se distreze si sa fie deschis spre nou;dpdv fizic sa fie atletic si cu o inaltime cuprinsa intre 175cm si 187cm
Sunt o persoana singura am 50 de ani dar sunt umpluta de viata si vreau sa imi impart restul anilor cu cineva drag. Locuiesc in Olanda de 29 de ani si am o viata eleganta si vreau sa imi caut perechea .
o tipa vesela , optimista , plina de viata I am a very calm woman, but in me, there is a passionate fire! But I try to not show it. I save it for a singular person. I know how to please my man and how to treat him, how to see him smile wide and happy. If you are for a healthy lifestyle, and you dream about a personal trainer, you chose the right woman. Yes, it's me that I can become your personal trainer, and also a loving wife. So, I am here to find a man who will be glad to get pleasure with me and also give it to me.A nice person who always looks at the bright side. I'm an interesting, kind, communicative, cheerful and active person. I believe that sincerity is the most confident and attractive quality that someone can have.I want to be with an open and sincere man who will be honest with me. I want to find a man with whom I will feel safe. He should be a responsible and strong man. I am seeking a lifetime partner. Someone who is ready for marriage life. He must be a family-oriented, romantic and loving person. I believe that age does not matter. A nice person who always looks at the bright side. I'm an interesting, kind, communicative, cheerful and active person. I believe that sincerity is the most confident and attractive quality that someone can have. I am a kind and responsible woman who is looking for a good relationship. I want a real man who will give me happiness. I am a gentle and kind lady with good heart priveste-ma spune-mi TU asa cum sunt ! tot ce e frumos si agreabil in viata
caut ce.mi place... I am an outgoing, cheerful, friendly, confident, positive. I love watching the sunrise and sunset on the beach. I enjoy the beautiful things that God gives us (the sun, air, rain, rainbow ...). I hope to share with someone who is caring, kind, gentlemanly, thoughtful, and above all, honest. Who loves God and does not have a religion but a genuine relationship with God. Only if you are serious and real ,ready to love and beloved just me ce.mi face placere..
sotie cu simtul umorului,linistita ca persoana ,gospodina ,educata de gasca Sunt o fire realist? ?i de aceea nu prea m? mai zguduie nimic... am tr?it numeroase experien?e ?i am recunoscut toate fe?ele pe care le pot avea oamenii. Experien?ele de via?? m-au inv??at s? nu mai am a?tept?ri de la ceilal?i ?i s? nu mai depind de nimeni. Nu mai a?tept s? mi se recunoasc? meritele, nici s? fiu in?eleas? ?i nici s? mi se r?spund? in mod echitabil la sentimente ?i la felul in care rela?ionez. aspect placut , caut sa socializez cu oamenii ,prietenii.sinceritate
Am a young African lady who has decided to try out find my other half from different places in this planet.Am a respectful,loving,fun and down to earth person who is easy to get along with.I love people respect their values and beliefs much more to it I love children and this makes me to be a kindergarten teacher as well.I think I have alot to say about myself both positive and my faults which we can get to know once we meet and chat more..Looking forward to hear from you. N/B am sorry all my pictures that I have been trying to upload are rejected incase you might be wondering why I don't have any but still trying to upload new ones.
Kaola Oty Sunt o persoana originala.Greu de cunoscut... De ce ??? Te rog privesti in adancul sufletului, nu a decolteului meu , si sunt sigura ca nu vei mai pune atatea intrebari! Sensibila... dar categoric declaratiile tale de dragoste facute la 99% din fetele din lista ta nu ma vor impresiona si pe mine!!! Sfat: Incearca sa cunosti omul dincolo de ceea ce pare !!! BINE AI VENIT SAU RAMAS BUN! normal Interesting , charming , careful , faithful man to spend the rest of our life together
I am a very kind and intelligent lady. I can say that I am talented and a lady who is self-confident and knows what she wants in her life! I am loving and caring. My heart is open for serious relationships filled with big and sincere love! My dreams are all about being happy and making happy my only one man!
Sociabila, bun simt si bun gust, putin cam indrazneata... vrei mai numeroase detalli? Incearca sa ma cunosti ;)
Locuiesc in Judetul Iasi, Comuna Cucuteni. Simpatica, vesela, curata, a-mi plac animalele, ordinea , dansul, plimbarile an aer liber, filme, excursii, etc. Sant vaduva si anca lucrez, stabilita an Israel cu locuinta si loc de munca si ash vrea sa cunosc un mascul cu varsta de peste 70 ani pentru relatie de prietenie de intinsa durata si vizite reciproce an cele doua tari. Alura fizic... Simpatic :) Caut o relatie de prietenie, imi place sa socializez... si de ce nu si un partener de viata :)
Sunt o fata naturala cu calitati si defecte:) a te indragostii e cand ea adoarme in bratele tale si se trezeste in visele tale!! Cand vezi c-apare luna si stelele lucesc... sa stii ca-ntotdeauna eu am sa te iubesc... iar daca noaptea-i aspra si nu e nici o stea... n-ai sa stii nicicand ca esti dragostea mea... tu pt mine esti viata, chiar de suntem departe.. As frange timpul, spatiul si tot ce ne desparte.. Dar asteptand lumina in noapte ma scufund.. si ma ridic iar ziua doar cu tine-n gand!!! Life is greater than death.. but love is bigger than both!!!! vedem ce este pe aici :))
i am a funny person,very friendly,comunicative... with a nice character , honest. even sometime this can hurt ...and why not, i can call me a responsable woman! i am complex! about my phisic u can see in pictures:D slim, athletic body, long hair, brunet... 172 cm , green eyes.. :) u can see in photos more hmm but perfect person doesn t exist..i don t have a tipical man, but i can confirm i like inteligent mans, with i can also joke, but also talk serious..and to can understand one each other,..and not at least he show me respect!
sunt o fata nocturna imi place viata si vreau sa ma disrez si sa cunosc cat mai numeroase fete......... A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl.. inalta,par lung vopsita blonda,pielea creola,55kg,167m,26 ani corpolenta,sportiva,iubareatza sanii mari,,,, imi doresc sa imi gasesc o prietena iubita cu care sa pot face orice,sa ne iubim,sa facem cumparaturi,s-ai fac cadouri sa fim mereu impreuna indiferent ce facem si sa fie serioasa adica sincera ca in rest ne distram la maxim..........
draguta..senzuala..:D I will rather describe my self as a straight and humble human and also in God fearing,I like honesty, trust, love, caring,truth,& respect, I have all this qualities in me, i love meeting people that i haven't seen before,Am also single looking the lovely and luckiest pretty women to share my world with,Am not here to hurt someone that i love or someone i love to hurt me and my feelings for you Placut un barbat
cu simtul umorului...(nu al omorului)...asta ca sa se inteleaga bine...:) I am a sweet and tender flower searching for the one who will make me blossom and making the surrounding world more brighter. I am so much tired of loneliness and all those cold evenings that sometimes I even think that there is no reason in my life but I hope that you will change my mind and will show me that life is really worth to live!! I truly hope that I will find that special one to show me how to live and to receive real placere of life!!! daca ai putina imaginatie...atletica! nici macar nu stiu..dar poate aflu!
I can be an angel, a witch, a lady, a crazy girl, a child, a lady, in one word a€“ a WOMAN, this all is me. I dona€™t have much to add to this. I am here not for friends, and not to write mails to a mysterious stranger on another side of the world. Leta€™s leave this romantics to teenagers. I want to get acquainted with a man, and meet with him in real life to continue. If you are not ready for this, or if you want only a pen-pal, leta€™s not waste time.
mega de traba "In ochii-mi ce nu mint, zac doua lacrimi incrustate...... Ca doua pietre nestemate si doi cercei de-argint........." D-na f. draguta, sincera si romantica, bine educata, iubitoare de muzica si de tot ce e frumos..... Apreciez fiecare cuvint si fiecare gest ,ce vine din suflet.... Nu cred in perfectiune,doar in oameni care se intregeste reciproc si care au incredere unul in altul... Va doresc la toti, FERICIREA !!! frumoasa serios
daca ma placi nu ezita sa-mi lasi un mesaj. te pup Basically I love life and I love living life. I enjoy the outdoors, traveling, restaurants, laughing, goIng to events, and sociaLizing with quality peOple. I have travelled vastly. Its just better liVing and sharing lifE with someone else . Ia€™m originally from Malaysia and have lived in a few different couNtries. I enjoy being active, healthy and Staying fit. FaMily and quality friends Are importanT to me. If youa€™d like to know more Say a€śhia€ť