Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
cred ca arat o.k. Pozele sunt recent facute. Sunt m-ai plinuta .Numele meu este AnyTase daca ravnesti sa fim prieteni poti sa ma cauti . Imi doresc o relatie serioasa ,nu o aventura, un mascul serios,romantic, cu varsta intre 50 anisi 60ani. Sunt o femeie cu suflet bun, simpla fara fite,nu ma incanta bogatia, doar ,intelegere, dragoste ,respect. se vede in poza ceva inedit
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
Buna domnilor barbatii,care visitati acest chat,SENTIMENTE ,nu ce elegant suna cuvantul SENTIMENTE ,dar ma intreb si va intreb oare mai exista asa ceva ???? Nuuuu ptr ca aici nu ne intalnim ptr a ne etala sentimentele ci ptr nevoile fiecaruia,adica v-au mancat creierii DOMNILOR cu sex in chat ,Azi nu mai cauta nimeni sentimente,ci aventura dar nu reala ci virtuala,eu una nu as putea intelege asta masturbare pe chat,Domnilor v-am etalat niscai poze sa zic ca sa va desfatati privirile si sa face-ti ce dorit voi ,dar nu ma mai priviti ca pe papusa Barby care este de privit si de neatins ,sunt o femeie ce doreste o relatie cu SENTIMENTE reciproce nu o aventuriera ,Va multumesc ca ati citit si poate asa va dati si voi seama ca mai se afla si oameni cu SENTIMENTE
Femeie, 20, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
nebunatica Sunt o fire vesela, sunt sincera si prietenoasa,fara prea mari pretentii ,doresc loialitate si sinceritate.Am o stare materiala buna, nu am obligatii, vor o persoana cu care sa mi petrec elegant viata asa si asa persoane cu care sa discut
despre sex
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
Nu te mai gandi la opinia iepurelui atat timp cat leii te admira ! O persoana optimista, educata careia ii plac lucrurile simple, plimbarile in natura, iarba florile, muntele. Imi place sa vizitez locuri din intreaga lume. Imi place muzica, dansul si emisiunile stiintifice. Ma fascineaza universul.
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
ar trebui sa ma cunosti...neaparat :) Ce imi lipseste mai mult,. este un barbat de incredere alaturi de care sa ma bucur de o plimbare in parc de un film bun sau pur si simplu.sa ridem ..sa fim fericiti ca sintem laolalta sa ne facem planuri de viitor........alaturi de un barbat,serios cu simtul umorului....tandru ,placut cu bun simt....id. mess. baciucornelia vor sa fiu contactata doar din zona.....ciao..!!! mmm...uita`te la poze :P cineva de viata, cineva cu care sa ma pot distra ...
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
Fiecare om are calitati bune si rele;despre mine pot spune ca sunt:modesta,sensibila,foarte sufletista si urasc minciuna.... ****************************** ****************************** ****************************** Harnici si darnici, formam din cuvinte imbelsugate propozitii... incercam sa ne exprimam trairile, fanteziile, deziluziile, idealurile, sperantele. Oare cat de mult ii intereseaza pe cei din jurul nostru trairile noastre? Minciuni scrise frumos, dragoste perfecta, adevaruri goale, senzatii imense, viata pierduta, sperante desarte, inimi dezgolite, iubire impartasita, zile fierbinti, ploi reci, pasiuni trecute, iubiri amagitoare, sentimente stinse, dorinte ascunse, vise minunate, iluzii frumoase, dragoste efemera, zile triste care nu se mai sfarsesc, placeri trecatoare... cuvinte fara ecou. Multumirea noastra ar fi sa primim raspuns de la cei care ne inteleg, de la cei carora le pasa.....cu adevarat .
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
- Nu sunt figuranta ... deci nu suport persoanele care sufera de figuri , o tipa ok compatibila cu care se poate discuta absolut orice ... nu sunt de conceptu k sunt perfecta ptr k nimeni nu e excelent :P:P in rest intreaba shi vei afla :P
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
I am a woman in the full meaning of this word.....i can be gentle and eccentric, passionate and tender, loving and hating. a spontaneous person, like everything new, and creative. I can say i am a bit of experimentator :))))))
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
Mi-a satisfacator intodeauna sa cred ca nu am pierdut nimic niciodata,iar daca am pierdut vreodata ceva reprezinta ca nu mi-a trebuit.........:-p I the cheerful romantic girl. I search for serious relations! I go in for sports. I go to fitness club. So I support myself in shape. I love children. I like to look as they grow. But unfortunately I still do not have children and I very much want it. acceptabil prietenii
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
zambitoare dragutza visatoare optimista my name is BIBIANA from West Africa,serrie-leone to be precise,but living in Accra. old,5ft9inc.tall,light in complexion.i m an easy going person.i m well behaved,from a good christian home.i m fun loving,love to laugh,and play jokes,cos i like to put a smile on faces.i hate Boring moment.i m not judge mental,i don't discriminate,and i m very slow to anger.i take each day as it comes,and pray to GOD,for better life in d near future.my hobbies are singing,dancing,reading and swimming.i would like to meet friends,from all around d world.guys who are very serious minded,and knows exactly why they want a Relationship.not just a player on d net,or internet flirt.cos i m new on dis site,trying to make new friends.i need a man who is loving,generous,caring,good looking,trust worthy,kindhearted,and above all must have d fear of GOD in him.if u care to chat,u can add me to your yahoo list of friends with this id,and we get to chat someday.my is is blessingmodel2007_2008@yahoo.co.ukand i will surely get back to u. or call me on my mobile.00233-249696538,thanks. hope to hear from u soon. bruneta,dragutza,inalta,53kg mascul dragutz ,de preferinta brunet cu ochii albastrii,cu simtul umorului,inalt,constituie atletica,non-vulgar,manierat,cu studii superioare
Femeie, 57, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
A nice person with a humore sens.I like to travell in a sonny placeses. Nu stiu asemenea ce caut sau pentru ce sunt aici...Caut o relatie,asa cum mi-o imaginez eu,cu cineva care probabil nici nu exista,sau sunt mici sanse sa se afle pe aici.Caut un mascul inteligent,matur si care sa-mi accepte egoismul ocazional,irascibilitatea trecatoare,,aptitudinile"de ,,copil rasfatat"si altele care nu-mi vin in minte acum.Cred ca am si parti bune si cred intr-o lege a compensatiei.Lasati sa fiu eu singura care nu se lauda pe aici........Nu am gasit ceea ce caut ,vreau sa vorbesc decat cu persoane responsabile si care considera ca imi pot face ziua mai buna decat o am fara compania lor....Sunt sociabila, nu prietenoasa. . .Si as mai vrea sa adaug ceva,in opinia mea cel mai mare atribut al unui barbat este ONOAREA!!!In alta ordine de idei as mai vrea sa spun ceva despre egalitate,ce tot ii dam in stanga si-n dreapta ca vrem sa fim egale cu barbatii?Eu nu vreau dom'le,nu vreau sa fiu egala lui!Nu ma deranjaza deloc daca el castiga mai mult decat mine si nu vreau sa-mi car singura sacosele......in cel mai rau caz un buchet imens de trandafiri,dar sa fie roz,neparat roz si ma mai incumet sa mai duc pana la masina un tort mare de ciocolata,atunci cand e ziua mea...astea sunt singurele lucruri grele pe care as putea sa le car....Nu vreau sa sofez,m-as simti mai bine atunci cand mi s-ar deschide usa taxi-ului sa pot cobori,nu vreau sa ma lupt cu decizii grele cu secrete arzatoare,vreau sa fiu femeie!Cred ca-mi sta mai bine asa cu unghiile mele rosii,cu sensibilitatea mea si cred ca e bine sa recunosc ca mai si plang cateodata........... I am looking good.I am not fat. A sinccerly relation.
Femeie, 69, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
Buna sunt o prietena singura in cautarea partenerului mult asteptat,vreau o relatie serioasa cu un barbat amabil cu simtul umorului, cu capul pe umeri nu in norii I am a very kind and intelligent lady. I can say that I am talented and a lady who is self-confident and knows what she wants in her life! I am loving and caring. My heart is open for serious relationships filled with big and sincere love! My dreams are all about being happy and making happy my only one man! inalt 75-90kg ochii negri sau caprui brunet-grionat atletic barbat
Femeie, 55, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
sunt ok I am a very simple and honest lady.My nature is very peaceful been romantic at heart l wanna share it with a very simple and honest man.I careless about distance and want a man who has a very good sense of humor towards a long term relationship leading to marriage. placut mascul respectabil si cu simtul umorului
Femeie, 51, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
sunt o persoana ambitoasa si restul las sa ma descopere cei interesatii ? My self-summary i'm hijabi girl (because i always wearing hijab all day, except when i'm in the house) . I like to cook western food, chinese food, and indonesian food. I like taekwondo,painting and doing some fashion sketch. i'm a businesswoman that have small business. I'm not scammer. I'm classy, elegant,and modest woman. I always wear my design, so my look is my personality.I want to meet good guy no bad guy. If you want to meet me in my country i always with my bodyguard that are policeman (because i want to protect myself from wrong guy and bad guy who are terrorist,drug users, drug traffickers and drug dealers( because in indonesia it has death penalty for drug dealers and terrorist )). Good guy don't be afraid with me . What Ia€™m doing with my life achive my goal !!! to be successful entrepreneur!!! and activate my aseets: 1. i like to cook indonesian food, chinese food, and western food maybe i can build restaurant or food truck ( and also serving my dishes from monday-friday to my future husband) 2. i like to make abstract painting maybe i can build art gallery and sell my artworks with higher price. 3. i like doing fashion sketch and making dress, maybe i can build fashion house bigger. Ia€™m really good at art,making fashion skecthes, painting, taekwondo, and cooking Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food favourite books : rich dad poor dad by robert t kiyosaki favourite television : glee, oprah winfrey show, how i met your mother favourite music: clean bandit, jess glynne, sharna bass, the corrs favourite food : indonesian food, chinese food, sea food, italian food, french food, middle eastern food. The six things I could never do without my hijab my art stuffs my pencil my fashion skecth book my laptop my friends and my family I spend a lot of time thinking about -vacation ........, because i like vacation -making new recipes (because i'm adventurous cook) -my achievement -making peoples happy ( because i like joking with my friends ) On a typical Friday night I am hang out with my friends, making artworks or cooking dinner for my family You should message me if You are caucasian or middle eastern race. (i like american,european, australian and middle eastern guys ( because i have male friend and he is american and he's such a fun guy)), indonesian guys are not special for me because maybe i just talk to him with indonesian language so i can't improve my english skill but also same culture with me, and i can't have international networking . I'm looking for middle esatern guy or caucasian guy because we can talk about different culture, i also can speak english with him, i can improve my english skill, and having international networking. Having business degree or economic degree.Having halal business not haram business ( haram business like drugs and alcohol) ( maybe i can be your business partner too ).Want to chat with me and friend with me, good guy no bad guy. I don't want to meet peoples who are drug users, drug dealers, gay, terrorist, drunk people, smoke person....:P please go away drug users, drug dealers, gay, terrorist, drunk people, smoke person :P. (but ocasionally drink it's OK for me) about smoke person.... i have asthma by the way so... i don't like smoke person. because the smoke can make my asthma relapse, sorry.... :(. You can talk with me about anything, discussing with me about anything, because i'm very open minded person :) . I'm looking a guy that wants to support me (i will support you too) , share some experience with me, making future plan together, joking with me. cred ca placut? prieteni
Femeie, 38, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
vei afla dac esti interesat I am a lonely girl and would like to find on this site man for serious relationship, as well as in real life luck is not always smiled at me :-( I hope that through this site I can find my soul mate ... Write to me and you\'ll learn about about me :-). simpatic frumosul din poveste recte pe fat frumos pe un cal alb
Femeie, 63, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
Sunt o persoana serioasa, inzestrata cu simtul umorului, cu spirit tanar. Independenta. Nu-mi place cearta, nu caut conflicte si incerc nici sa nu generez. Cu ochii in lacrimi caut sper Cer, si implor alinarea Divina, e ziua in care altarele cad, si nu mai se afla lumina.Prin labirintul noptii merg, dar nu exista scapare, spre lumina firava alerg si totul in calea mea moare.... Pozele sunt de data recenta. Un barbat normal, fara consum exagerat de alcool, cu cine se poate discuta deschis despre multe lucruri ce le avem in comun si nu numai.
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
Sunt deschisa la indiferent ce i am janet by name live in usa single honest and straight forward person working and happy with my life living here and right here on this site looking for honest man ready to marry to contract me here to chat more to know more about him and to meet him up right in person to know him more and more should chat with me here ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Simpatic Diverse
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
I'm young, attractive, honest, kind, attentive and I am searching for a nice, simple man who can love and who knows what it is to be loved to create a family together and to build ourown life in our own place, to bring our children up with faith in God.
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
I am a single, decent and down to earth professional looking to meet an attractive and a classy man for a potential long term relationship. I am liberal, tolerant, open minded and ready for a long term friendship and love with a special, kind, understanding and smart man. I do not like arrogant and mean people, as well as stupidity accompanied by an over-inflated ego. I believe in character, principles and moral values in life and I still trust people. My desired match would be an educated man with a good sense of humor and, probably, some European sophistication, who takes care of himself in spirit, body and mind. Ideally, we should communicate very well, share our feelings and emotions, make sure we understand each other, be respectful and honest, as well as smart and creative in developing special connections and bonds...leading to love. I understand that love is not only chemistry, click or sex-appeal. It requires hard work, patience, passion and openness, and time to develop and nurture. dulce si suava ca un fulgusor. azi ma ai maine nu!
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
I\'m full of life and passion. I\'m down to earth, respectful , confident and very positive. I\'m very passionate in giving and receiving back as well. I live life with a lot of joy. I appreciate the simple things in life, I believe that the little things in life are worth more then anything. I keep away from drama as much as possible. I\'m a person who doesn\'t like to plays games, so, therefore I don\'t like people who play games. I\'m very affectionate, loving, playful but very sharp. I\'m open to trying new things at anytime. I would like someone with their on interests and beliefs and that will pull me into their world and teach me what they are all about. I\'m known to be a sweet person but I do have a temper when I need to stand my ground. I believe strongly in communication so, therefore, I\'m not afraid to speak my mind but always with the respect that the person deserves. I\'m serious here I\'m looking for my best friend and my mate, please don\'t get any ideas that I\'m looking for a sugar daddy. I enjoy Psychology, dancing and photography. I\'m not religious but i do consider myself spiritual.I enjoy Foreign movies too. I\'m also into learning new languages and learning other type of cultures. There is so much i can say about myself about I\'m pretty much an open book and have no secrets.
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
Sunt o persoana vesela,plina de viata,cominicativa,sincera,sportiva...nu mai am ideei Admir barbatii inteligenti,culti, puternici, transanti, profunzi,cu spiritul tanar, dar in acelasi timp, romantici si sensibili...Rog masculii casatoriti, sa se abtina in demersurile lor penibile de a ma contacta;nu am veleitati de amanta !!! sunt in zodia scorpion...mi se cam potriveste...si imi convine de minune.. Sincer nu ma plang dar nici nu ma laud...arat binisor... O persoana inalta,vesela,sincera,careia nu ii place minciuna si sa fie cat de cat dragutza..
Femeie, 41, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
I am a woman with a tender heart. I don't smoke nor drink too; I drink occasionally when it is necessary; maybe meetings or parties. A glass of an excellent red or white wine in a meal is fine, romantic and tender dinners, breakfasts and lunches, listen to a good music, walking at the beach hand by hand, travelling together, going to out to live concert and sightseeing. My interests are mainly family orientated. I very much like the nature and pets. nimic special,caut sa pierd timpu ,excludem barbati obsedati si dornici de delectari , ca si cei vulgari
Femeie, 41, Casatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
sincera directa sociabila i`m romantic woman caring, loving lady looking for true love happens and joy, i like to go for walks in the parks and in the malls go to good movie play pool drive to the country side with my friends, go fishing,swimming, cooking, yoga, play with the computer, above going to the beach with my Lovely son. simpatic oameni interesanti, prietenii
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
To describe myself I can use thousand of definitions, as I can be bright and shy person at the same time. I have very good sense of humor and now I need someone to share my life with all its pleasant moments with. I believe in real feelings and sure that they can overcome even through big distance.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
I am simple girl who is looking just for simple girlaa‚¬a„˘s happiness: to have caring and loving husband, own cozy home and pretty kidsaa‚¬ ¦I like traveling a lot and new meetings and sensationsaa‚¬ ¦I am easy-going and sociable person. I like reading and listen to good musicaa‚¬ ¦What else? Write me!
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
I am honest and sincere woman who dreams to faurite strong family relationship based on love,understanding,respect and honesty! I am kind and tender lady who wants to love and to be loved! I appreciate honesty and sincerity very much.I want you to be the only man in my life.I want to give you all my tenderness and care.I will love you until the end of time! Just be yourself and never tell lies to me! Be sure,I will do the same for you! I want you to be active and positive.May God Bless you.
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
Calatoare prin viata, intr-o lume nebuna... p.s.: daca nu te incadrezi in descrierea lasata pe profil, daca nu ai poza de profil, daca esti insurat, daca ai trecut de limita de varsta(42), nu imi scrie...nu raspund
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
nebunatica I can say for sure that you will never be bored with me. I am a very sociable lady and all my friends say that I am funny to be with. I am very punctual and you can be sure that I will never be late for our dates. People say that I am very kind and I am always ready to help them. I adore romance and I am a very romantic person. frumos prieteni
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
I am sweet, thoughtful, kind, intelligent, and have a great sense of humor. I am very easy going and laid back. I am often told that I am very easy to talk with. I am not an angry person, and I am not interested in someone that is. Having past events shape your life is one thing, carrying the past as a burden that sits heavily upon your shoulders is not the way i view life. I am happy with myself, and my life, and I like to think it shows. I would do the best with someone that isn't extremely uptight, unless of course you are willing to learn to let things go!
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
Sunt o persoana vesela si plina de viata .O fire misterioasa. Nu sint aici pentru a cauta sex sau aventuri. Sa se abtina masculii ocupati... as dori sa cunosc o persoana cu capul pe umeri, care cauta o relatie serioasa, si care sta in italia si vrea un viitor in italia.. bafta la toti placut, fire simpatica si sociabila discutii interesante despre viata,prietenie.
Femeie, 26, Casatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
sunt o fata vesela,deschisa in cautare d distractie si cat mai multi prieteni I am loyal, responsible, active, responsible, loving, caring, sharing, kindhearted,warm, accommodating,compassionate,tolerant,laid back type,outgoing,welcoming to people generally,I like to sing,write poems,listening to music,swimming,playing Basketball,watching TV inalta,,bine proportionata si...cam atat inalt,brunet-saten,prezentabil,jovial,ku kre s nu ma plictisesc
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
iubitoare,intelegatoare,sufletista,fara prea mari pretentii,tandra,pupacioasa, I'm a very respectful woman and believe every man is best to make a woman complete, so respect is important. I need someone who will always make me laugh and put the smiles on my face most of the time. ochi verzii,roscata,1.69,66 kg, un mascul de treaba,intelegator,sufletist,iubitor,tandru
Femeie, 38, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
Sunt EU caut pe cineva sa fie capabil in a impreuneaza placutul cu utilul...imi vor o intalnire in multimea reala,nu sunt adepta discutiilor seci si interminabile tip virtual.. I am kind, smart, attractive and love romance. I want to find here my future husband. Who will love me, understand, share my interests and dreams, who will never betray me, and will support me in any situation. I know that I want to have a happy family. If you isna€™t this man, please dona€™t waste my time. Placut,spun eu! Nu deranjati cu povesti interminabile din plictiseala,virtuale!Imi vor pe cineva spontan si hotarat,pentru o intalnire discreta,in multimea reala!
Femeie, 39, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
I don't believe in ireprosabil people, but if I believe in people who can change the senses of love and tenderness, I think it comes at a time when age is not important for love and much less intim preferences and that's what I'm looking for a person who despite age doesn't care, because love has no limited age or defined.
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
My name is Tracy 43 years, single with son. I'm someone who always try to live a simple life and enjoy life's simple pleasures. I like coming home from work to get myself refreshed and my sanity back after a long 10 hours at work. I like outdoors, walking in the park and along the beach barefooted in the wet sand to feel the sea breeze, traveling etc. and sometimes staying at home and cooking something new. I enjoy learning new things and meeting new people. I hate disrespect, unfaithfulness, dishonest, cheating, unfairness, injustice, selfishness etc. I had a wonderful life but I think there is somebody in the world to discover a new wonderful life with. People can say many good things about themselves so I think if you are real and serious then we should get in touch, talk and know each other, take it from there and see how it goes. I hope to have a serious relationship with a real man who is drama free, not into games and knows what he need. Not anyone with false pretense, games, lies ...... No SCAMMER please.
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
Nu am c sa zic eu ...mai bn va las p voi... I am a woman in the full meaning of this word.....i can be gentle and eccentric, passionate and tender, loving and hating. a spontaneous person, like everything new, and creative. I can say i am a bit of experimentator :)))))) asa si asa
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
o persoana sincera,sociabila, caruia ii place sa cunoasca oameni adevarati. I am family-oriented, friendly and very communicative person by nature, warm-hearted, faithful, honest and trustworthy, intelligent, loving and caring by nature. I love children and appreciate a good sense of humor, genuine in my wish to meet a man for life with whom I feel easy and who will let me be myself when we are together. inalta,par lung,natural,corp atletic un barbat care sa stie sa aprecieze o femeie,sa o inteleaga si sa o respecte.
Femeie, 42, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
sunt o persoana plina de viata si cu destul de bun simt. Well, I hope that this lets you know a little about me, and I hope I don't come across as being too cynical, harsh, or meansounding. I will give you the benefit of the doubt (we're all human, we all make mistakes), but I also don't like being taken advantage of. nu e frumos ce e frumos e frumos ce iti place. caut un mascul manierat gata sa porneasca cu mine in calatoria vietii noastre.
Femeie, 43, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
FINUTA DELICATA COMUNICATIVA NUMI PLAC MINCIUNILE SERIOASA DISTRATIVA I am a professional Christian singer and songwriter/religious leader that travels internationally spreading love through song and speaking. I enjoy surrounding myself with positive energy. I am a unique man that sees the world in a unique way. MICA LA INALTIME DAR ARAT DESTULDE BINE UN BARBAT IUBITOR DRAGUT ROMANTICC
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
draguta..intelegatoare..mereu happy About me: I guess I am best described as contradictory and diverse. Adventurous yet stable. Fun yet reliable. Hard worker yet not a workaholic. Funny with a serious side. Active yet relaxed. In shape, but up for staying in. Communicative yet thoughtful. And chivalry is not dead.And of course romantic! I am comfortable with who I am and am established in a good career.I like to stay reasonably active by going to the gym, swimming, tennis, basketball, hiking, walking, or bicycling. slaba.. prietenie...
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
sunt o persoana glumeata,dornica de aventura,dornica sa incerce ceva nou,sunt o fire mai nebunatica care nu prea are stare!imi place sa merg in excursii si sa fac shoping, cheltui bani pe haine. Sunt o persoana sincera, sensibila, modesta, deschisa dialogului, punctuala, fidela, o fire vesela, plina de viata ... mai pe compact "sunt prea de casa" - ceea ce in ziua de astazi nu prea se mai cauta. sincer mie cam lene sa ma descriu la fizic dar multe persoane mi-au zis ca arat f bine...si le cred,ca asta este si parerea mea ..nu conteaza de unde!poate o sa ne cunostem mai bine
Femeie, 51, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
nu-mi place sa vorbesc despre mine.Ar trebui sa ma descrie cei care ma cunosc.Eu imi stiu numai negativele. ... I am a woman who enjoys the simple things of life and does not like to show off no matter how much success I make. If I have to show off, then it would be showing off with my man. I take my time to get involved in a relationship and when I finally do, I love with my all never to say goodbye. I am healthy, caring, honest, loyal, energetic and most of all trustworthy and I seek a man who would love me for who I am and not what I am. A man that put the lord first , who would correct me when I go wrong. Someone to be my equal in all things. Someone I can easily communicate with .. imi caut jumatatea cealalta
Femeie, 45, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
foarte ok sunt simpla Calm, kind, honest, faithful. I am very homely. I like cooking, baking. I like to sunbathe, swim, travel, shopping, visiting furniture exhibitions at work. I am engaged in textile portiunea interioara stil and a complete set of objects in the repair of designer finishing materials. sportiv domni respectosi,sinceri
Femeie, 65, Necasatorit(a)
Toplita, Harghita Romania
o doamna bine I'm single and have been divorced for the past 3 years now, not been easy living without a soulmate . I'm a very generous person , sincere calm , hard-working , lovable , Intelligent , kind and caring . I enjoy traveling with family mostly on vacation or go to a near by beach where we could have time to hangout and express what love is .I like to swim ,cooking ,reading , watch movies eg romantic , comedy , adventure , actions . i like drawing , panting , landscape photography .I am very simple that i don't mind dating a woman who is either below or above my level. I'm 31 yrs old, born in Bejing, China. Moved to the United state 16 years ago. I am a citizen. I work as an event planner. I am willing to relocate to get the right person, who is worth owning me as his full time and long term life partner. I don't like liars, deceiver or men looking for a one night stand. I am way over that. Here for a serious business and if you know you're that special man kindly write. usor o relatie bazata pe incredere,sinceritate