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Masaj Bailesti

Cele mai frumoase femei din Bailesti care ofera masaj sunt aici pe Intra si tu!
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

Caut distractie si sex Sunt o persoana onesta, sociabila, loiala si cu un caracter sanatos. Sau altfel spus, doamna in lume, gospodina in bucatarie si ...TU ce doresti? Eu vor sa cunosc un mascul in care pot avea incredere, care sa ma respecte, care ma poate face sa ma simt apreciata si cu care eventual sa-mi petrec restul vietii in liniste si armonie. Nu imi plac minciuna si ipocrizia. Daca iti poftesti sa afli mai numeroase si sa ma cunosti...esti doar la o "tasta " distanta de mine!
Suna-ma sa ne vedem sa-mi descoperi cele mai ascunse si nebune inchipuiri
masaj bailesti
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

ai sa vezi cand ai sa ma cunosti Am o fire linistita, poate putin timida dar destul de hotarata in acelasi timp. Imi plac drumetiile montane si mirajul Deltei. Nu imi place agitatia Bucurestiului si de aceea stau cat de mult pot la Predeal unde am o casuta de vacanta.Imi doresc un partener cu care sa impart aceste mici placeri.
nu conteaza
masaj bailesti
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

Sunt o fata draguta dragalasa..... sorry nu pot sa raspund la mesaje online ,pt clipa intru doar sa-mi citesc vor la totii sa va indragostitii cat mai curand si sa fitii foarte fericititii!!!pupicii!!!
Sexy si rea
masaj bailesti
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

I am here for the right purpose; to meet a serious man; to have a relationship and to live happily. I am an open girl, very friendly and faithful! By the way I cook very well and I need somebody deosebit to test my dishes!
masaj bailesti
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

Cand ma gandesc la frigul de afara, La stelele cu chip de portelan, Nu inteleg de ce astept in gara Rapidul ce opreste intr-un an Doar intr-un loc neinsemnat pe harta, Cu felinare sparte si-un peron Pe care rataceai tu altadata Cu rochia turcoaz pe sub palton. Stau si ma mir cat e de scurta halta Pe care-o faci in zori la poarta mea... Cand sa mi-aleg penelul, s-ascut dalta Sa desenez pe tren adresa ta? - Tu vezi, iubire, se contracta momentul Dar am ramas acolo pe peron Imbratisati la fel ca-n anotimpul Primei iubiri. Al rochiei cordon Ma tine-n visu-acesta prizoniera La fel de gingas ca bratul tau, Acest spectacol e o premiera... Ai vreun regret? Imi spui ca-ti pare rau? Adu-mi un argument care ajuta Sincopa dintre straniu si firesc Si-atunci cand nu-ti mai amintesti de mine, Invata-ma sa supravietuiesc!
masaj bailesti
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

Mereu pusa pe distractie dar si serioasa atunci cand trebuie. I am here to find my soulmate.I always lock in life with the confidence.I am a romantic, full passion and love. I am great sense of humor. I love :-) enjoy your life. ia€™m looking for the man of my dreams with a kind heart.
Frumusica...asa zice lumea.
Un prieten.
masaj bailesti
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

Tanara cu simtul umorului foarte bine dezvoltat, astept cererile dvs de peietenie in lumea reala si virtuala . Am fost si voi persista o romantica incurabila,am gustat suferinta, am gustat si fericirea, am ras plangand, am plans razand...Am avut zile cand viata era o lupta , ma culcam noapte cu fata in lacrimi si dimineata ma trezeam crezand din nou in iubire...Nu stiu de ce am fost construita asa , sa ma simt fericita , eleganta , umpluta de viata , doar atunci cand iubesc...Sunt unul din acei oameni care nu se tem de dragoste , care nu se tem sa-si exprime sentimentele , le pun pe tava pentru cel care le vrea , pentru cel care are nevoie de ele , pentru cel care nu tremura de frica in fata iubirii..Lupt pentru sentimentele mele ca o leoaica , lupt pana raman fara unghii , pana cand sangele imi tasneste din degete ... plec epuizata fara sa ma simt infranta , am dat dragoste , am iubit.. si.. daca am luptat, a meritat.. a fost gura de aer din vartejul ametitor al vietii. Nu ma simt resemnata , iubesc sa iubesc , poate am vrut sa scot absolutul dintr-o iluzie si mi-am facut singura rau , poate m-am aflat unde nu trebuia si am cautat unde nu trebuia..Nu am cautat niciodata cu ochii , am cautat cu sufletul , el este cel care si-a ales insula pe care a naufragiat , el a ales malul de care s-a agatat.
roscata , ochii verzi , par lung , 1.65 inaltime , 50 kg .
un barbat cu gandire matura pentru sprijin moral in viata
masaj bailesti
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

Sunt o fata ce imi place sa ma distrez,imi place sa imi las un loc de buna ziua peste tot pe unde merg,imi place sa gatesc,sa merg la sala,imi place destul de mult sa cant si asta ar fi o bucatica din ce am avut de spus despre mine
Natural sunt o fata cu un fizic frumos,conteaza mult parerea celor din jurul meu...
Caut un baiat cuminte,sa nu bea sa aiba facultate sau cel putin sa fie la facultate,un baiat cu ochii albastri si in rest ma intereseaza sa fie cuminte.
masaj bailesti
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

a simple girl looking for meet new persons I love life and see the glass half full. I am always mesmerized by the ocean and want the person I am with to feel a connection also. I love to be fun and spontaneous and enjoy each day finding something joyful to smile about, i am seeking a long term relationship willing to relocate if things work.
nice girl
a serious man:)
masaj bailesti
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Ela Loredana
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

Fiecare om are calitati bune si rele;despre mine pot spune ca sunt:modesta,sensibila,foarte sufletista si urasc minciuna.... ****************************** ****************************** ****************************** Harnici si darnici, formam din cuvinte imbelsugate propozitii... incercam sa ne exprimam trairile, fanteziile, deziluziile, idealurile, sperantele. Oare cat de mult ii intereseaza pe cei din jurul nostru senzatiile noastre? Minciuni scrise frumos, dragoste perfecta, adevaruri goale, trairi imense, viata pierduta, sperante desarte, inimi dezgolite, iubire impartasita, zile fierbinti, ploi reci, pasiuni trecute, iubiri amagitoare, sentimente stinse, dorinte ascunse, vise minunate, iluzii frumoase, dragoste efemera, zile triste care nu se mai sfarsesc, delectari trecatoare... cuvinte fara ecou. Multumirea noastra ar fi sa primim raspuns de la cei care ne inteleg, de la cei carora le adevarat .
masaj bailesti
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

hmmmmsunt o fire salbatica ,imi place distractia din plin,sunt o persoana e gasca,doar ca uneori pot sa fiu sensibila,asa ca.... Rog insistent cei care sunteti aici pt pierdere de timp sau aventuri sa nu ma apelati. Nu scrieti ca nu vi se Raspunde celor fara fotografii si profil complet. Multumesc pentru intelegere ! Varsta gresita ( eroare de tastare) !
uuu,aici nu incap cuvinte. asa 1,70 46 kg ,corp sexy,atragatoare hmmm uitati-va la poze!!1
cine stie ce gasesc?????
masaj bailesti
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

simple girl looking for a serious man for a long term relation or marriage. I am a very responsible, reliable and serious person, but at the same time charming and easy-going lady. I know and feel the right clipa to be serious and responsible as well as when I can let myself go. I like to laugh and I adore people with a sense of humor. I am a progressive and communicative person. I like to communicate with people. I have no bad habits and I care about my health. I am a very faithful and caring woman. My future man will feel my devotion and affection as well as love and support in good and not very good times of our happy life. Oh, I have so many interests that I am sure we would find something in common with my future man. I am very active and I like hiking in the mountains, skiing, swimming, but at the same time as most of ladies I also like cooking. I enjoy reading, especially, I like psychology. I like to dance and to travel. Different kinds of music like blues, jazz, rock and roll, soul please my ears. I think it is very important to have at least one common interest and then everything will be much easier.
natural,honest,with sense of humour,lovely and sweet.
a seroius man who can love me,respect me and take care of me
masaj bailesti
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

sunt normala..... I do not smoke or drink, I am christian, Virgo. I like Dining, Outdoor Activities, Reading, Watching Sports. I want a man that is not too hurt and not too hard to trust again and can give himself to a woman like to be loved and taken care of in a way that will bring him joy of life and an appreciation he will look forward to every day, to spend the rest of my life with., I am looking for man that is tender hearted, kind, considerate of others needs, one that would appreciate having a woman that would love him in a way that hea€™s not been loved before.
pozele spun adevarul
caut o persoana deosebita cu care as putea trai cele ma frumoase ar putea sa ma iubeasca la fel de mult pe cat o sa il iubesc eu....
masaj bailesti
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

eu Sunt o persoana singura ( vaduva) linistita ,imi place sa ma ocup de gradina mea ,sa privesc la TV sa merg la cumparaturi .Imi ocup momentul cu confectionarea de obiecte din materiale reciclabile.
tot eu
va spun mai tarziu
masaj bailesti
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

I always thought that when I fall in love and start a family, that will be for life. Yes, now I know that things do not always happen as we desire, but the most important lesson I've learned is that we should never give up on our hopes, wishes and beliefs. I still believe in love, family and marriage and I am here with a hope to meet a wonderful man. When you get to know me, you'll see that I am a very devoted and trustworthy person. I have a very strong feminine side. I am caring, gentle, never raise my voice and do not like scandals. I believe in conversation and compromise. I am romantic and sensual - these are the two traits that I keep solely for my future partner. I will do everything in my power to see him smile to me every morning and every night as we fall asleep.
masaj bailesti
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

Joviala,simpatica,sociabila,cu simtul umorului dezvoltat,harnica,saritoare,educata,intelegatoare,pretentioasa,distractiva,imi place sa dansez,sa ma plimb,sa calatoresc,sa prepar dulciuri,sa fac surprize scurt,o persoana pe care,daca iti intra in viata,nu ai da-o afara.
Inalta,draguta(chiar frumusica),greu de trecut neobservata.
Un mascul dragut,inalt,comunicativ,educat,manierat,cu studii,adaptabil,distractiv,sarmant,fara vicii
masaj bailesti
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Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

Buna , daca vrei sa m-a Cunosti mai bine scrie-mi in priva si iti spun tot ce doresti sa stii despre mine light wind....sweet lips....purple sunset....warm body...passion and flame.....sounds like a dream....Yes, it is me....girl of your life...your hope.....your sweet is me whom you are dreaming about!
Sunt o pitica cu feluri frumoase
Doresc sa socializez sa descopar persoane noi
masaj bailesti
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Poze verificate
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

Nice to read from you again, Well am Rahma Am open minded, energetic and an enthusiastic participant in life. Others have described me as fun loving with a good sense of humor, romantic, adventurous, pragmatic and down to earth, optimistic, honest and sincere, loyal, intelligent and hard working. I'm a sports fan so it's a real treat to see professional teams play in person (Go Suns!, Go Cardinals!). I belong to a church chore. My convenient is to stay in touch with God. My room mate said my display picture i posted here is beautif more »ul is she right??? you can see for yourself. One of my life's goals is to see as many of the world's major cities as possible. I've been to quite a few already but there are many more still on the list! Other aspirations contine living a meaningful life with love and laughter; helping others in recognition of those who helped me; being an available and sympathetic friend; Am working hard so that life will be comfortably for me. maintaining a healthy lifestyle and having lots of fun along the way. I see life as an adventure, it could never be better if God and you are not part of it. That is why I'm here, looking for you ... a special man who is active, flexible, honest, expressive, thoughtful and kind, emotionally available and financially stable. A non smoker with clasic values, some of the same interests and some that are different. We can enjoy learning about each other, where our lives have taken us and where we want to go. Does that sound like you? If so I hope to hear from you!!!! Am looking for a man who i can put trust in him, who is honest and very caring, I am a very sexually adventurous person and it satisfies me to know my partner feels good. I want a relationship with someone who knows what he wants and who is ready to be serious. I want to be with someone I can be friends with and someone who likes to spend time around me and willing to spend the rest of his life with me,
pai ce sa zic despre mine sunt satena cu ochii caprui dar sunt vopsita verde am inaltimea 1,66 50 kg
un baiat finut
masaj bailesti
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

Destul de bine.
O prietenie
masaj bailesti
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

Despre mine?.. C as putea zice :-/... OoOo da ... sunt o fata:| ... Daca ai obs. ma bucur :) Sunt sincera , mai "nebuna" uneori :)) , diferita , CIUDATA [nu eu am zis`o , asa a spus'o careva:-j] .. Sunt sensibila :)) , adica ... nu in sensul rau :)) , nu ma apuc si plang .. nu ma dor vorbele celorlalti prea tare , depinde de cine sunt spuse ... si in ce mod .... Mi`e cam rusine ca sunt dar asta is eo :)) ... Nu iti convine?..Nici mie nu imi pasa ! .. Sunt realistica [uneori] .. ganditoare:)).. Multi spun ca banii sunt totul ... poi astia care vb asa , as dori sa vb pt pers. d-voastra:|.. Cel putin in cazul meu as renunta la indiferent ce sa imi pastrez prietenii:| .. Totusi , chestia cu ciudata poate ii adev.:)).. Daca am o sa am nevoie de sfaturi vreodata [ceea ce am mereu:))] , le cer prietenilor.. Si aceia se cunosc , sunt cei pe care ii iubesc ... Ce sa mai zic?:-?
masaj bailesti
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

sunt o persoana plina de viatza:D I the cheerful romantic girl. I search for serious relations! I go in for sports. I go to fitness club. So I support myself in shape. I love children. I like to look as they grow. But unfortunately I still do not have children and I very much want it.
caut o persoana care se poate spune in adevaratul sens al cuvantului BARBAT.daca se poate sa arate cat de cat bine, sa aiba bani, sa fie cat mai placut si sa stie sa glumeasca.
masaj bailesti
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

2 miine,2 picioare, un pic de cap. Posed si 2 ochi cu ochelari. Nu imi plac deprimatii si obsedatii de ei insisi. Sa partajam ce e elegant ce e bun ce e util si ce e moral. Imi place natura si detest aglomeratia, si ar mai fii de spus mai am 1154 de caractere...1134
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Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

sunt o persoana normala care am necesitate de multa iubire I am a very optimistic person. I like to smile and to laugh, and make others happy. I always hope for better. I think life is beautiful as long as you think so. I am positive that everything is possible in life.I am very friendly and adore kind, balance and intelligent. I am communicative and genuine person by nature. I appreciate home coziness and I am interested in social life. I have many friends and good family, but I feel lack of a particular person by my side who I can give all my care, warmth, love and tenderness. I want
un mascul sincer,nu vreau aventuri
masaj bailesti
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Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

sunt cea mai frumoasa, cea mai sexi, cea mai..... glumeam!las la aprecierea altora! I am Susana, I am living in Philadelphia, USA, I love running, painting, cooking healthy, watching independent movies, etc. I would like to meet someone from Romania, I am planning to visit Romania by November, it would be nice to have some friends there as well. So please send me a message if you like my profile...
am doua membre ,doua picioare k orice om ;)!!
ce anume caut? nu stiu poate-mi spuneti voi!!!
masaj bailesti
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Femeie, 38, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

In sublet bun caress ma iubeasca as a cum sunt
masaj bailesti
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Femeie, 46, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

I'm a cheerful and friendly girl. I always have a good mood and try to be optimist in every situation of life. I like nature and everything that surrounds me. I like smart and interesting people, who have the purpose and can reach it. I like reading, art, I write verses, painting and have a sport. I am fond of psychology and learn foreign languages. Here I am to meet someone who will make my life complete - the man with whom my life will turn upside down :
masaj bailesti
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

Sunt o femeie plina de viata. Astept o provocare!! capricioasa, simpatica, echilibrata, iubesc distractiile, dansul, apreciez loialitatea ca o inalta trasatura de caracter(accept o conversatie numai cu cei care au curajul sa-si afiseze chipul-poza pe site)
Sunt bruneta, am parul lung, un zambet de milioane. Pot spune ca sanii mei sunt aproximativ perfecti.
masaj bailesti
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

Carpe Diem Daca esti casatorit iti vor fericire dar nu imi scrie ca nu imi pierd timpul.Daca esti singur,stii sa spui bancuri ,stii sa dansezi,iti place muntele si nu ai ochi alunecosi atunci bine te-am gasit:). P.S.apreciez masculii cu cei 7 ani de acasa.
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Iully PwP
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

Sunt nevasta implinita, realizata,sanatoasa si fericita, iubesc,calatorii, sa ma dezvolt, sa traiesc in armonie cu mine.Nu am nevoie de banii nimanui, nu visez sa traiesc peste hotare cu chiar ce pret, doresc,sper ca undeva pe pamint este barbatul cu viziune asemanatoare la viata, si desicur sa apara sentinemnul de dragoste, bazat pe respect, o persoana implinita si realizata, care stie ce vrea de la viata, care traieste in prezent nu in trecut.Nu ma intereseaza masculii casatoriti. Omul ale carui membre iti pot sterge lacrimile si iti pot mangaia zambetele...Omul care are timp sa te iubeasca sa iti vorbeasca si sa te imbratiseze...Omul cu care sa razi,sa plangi si sa taci,Omul care sa te priveasca in ochii si sa iti asculte sufletul.Omul care te invata sa evoluiezi si care are incredere in tine...Omul in ochii caruia sa iti vezi viitorul si linistea,...Omul care sa iti fie prezent si viitor,
Sunt putin plinutza, dar pot sa slabesc daca vreau.
masaj bailesti
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Femeie, 42, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

Ciao, Sono Roberta Antoanela, mi piace cucinare, mi rilaxa, le persone inteligente, senza vici. Amo i bambini, la natura e non mangio carne. Sono vegetariana, verso vegano. Its me wynes,am 31years old,from knowle in bristol uk,I want u to know tht it will be ma greatest delectare to meet you and know you better,because i know that..\"The purity and trueness of love through an Internet relationship far passes that of one based on physical contact,and I am glad that i have come across u ..but I have always wanted the love of my life to be understanding, loving, caring, faithful and most of all someone who would accept me for who I am..I\'m a touchy-feely type of woman...I like to kiss and hug, and cuddle, but I won\'t smother you. I\'m an honest, thoughtful, caring, clean, independant, fun, one man woman. Full of energy I like dancing to the oldies or country music, walking on the beach & boardwalk, going to the theatre, traveling, roller coasters, horseback riding, dining in or out, or just working around the house. I enjoy spending time with the man in my life but also allow him free time for himself. I\'m in a position to go anywhere, so distance is no problem. soreel me in so I don\'t get away. You\'ll have a good catch if you do.The key to my heart will be the man who wants to be close to me, holding hands, hugging, spending OUR time together doing the things we both like to do, like seeing a good movie, working out, or just sitting at home nestled in front of a tv on a cold winter nite..A man with some energy, not a couch potato. He needs to be a well groomed, thoughtful, caring, a happy with himself man, that likes to talk as well as listen, who wants a friend that leads to love, that accepts as well as gives. One who wants only one woman in his arms. I\'ll be faithfull to you, and will be there when you need an ear that listens. Kissing you when you least expect it, that kiss goodnite and another when you wake, and the big hug when needed most.
Naturale senza tatuagi....
Un uomo senza vici e ca Sia rispetoso
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

When I fall in love It will be forever Or I'll never fall in love In a restless world Like this is Love is ended before it's begun And too many Moonlight kisses Seem to cool in the warmth of the sun When I give my heart I give it completely Or I'll never give my heart And the moment I can feel that you feel that way too Is when I fall in love with you !
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Femeie, 26, Casatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

un simplu OM Hi!I'm a very sensitive,soft & tender girl who needs to love & to be loved!!!!!I'm looking for my second half & I'm sure that I'll find the one man for's you,,,dear man?????!!!!!!!!!!!!
placut,cred eu!
un OM simplu
masaj bailesti
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Femeie, 53, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

O fire calma , Mi-am deschis acest cont pentru a discuta cu cei care merita , nu vreau sa ma intalnesc sau sa ma marit , sunt deja . Prin efect va rog elegant sa imi cititi aceasta descriere si sa tineti cont de ea .
Nimic iesit din comun
O persoana care sa nu ofere o colivie
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Elena andreea
Femeie, 42, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

Sa nu cumva sa-mi confunzi personalitatea cu atitudinea.! ...Personalitatea e cine sunt ! Atitudinea mea depinde de cine esti tu ! a€śViata nu iarta slabiciuneaa€ť a€“ cred ca am ajuns sa cred ca nu ma potrivesc in vremurile in care traim. Valori cum ar fi sinceritatea, respectul, adevarul a€“ sunt lasate la o parte ca sa facem loc pentru lacomie, abuz, putere. Sa fiu eu insumi sau sa fiu ceea ce omenirea vrea sa fiu? Om slab sau om puternic? Ce poate fi mai pl?cut ?i mai necomplicat decat s? fii sincer, totdeauna lini?tit, imp?cat cu tine insu?i, neavand nici de ce te teme, nici ce inventa?... Dragostea nu poate dura ?i nici tr?i, dac? nu se afl? intr-o inim? sincer? ?i deschis?...cand inimile sunt sincere, nu trebuie multiple cuvinte...
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

Sunt de treaba , imi place distractia , mai numeroase detalii cand vorbim . I am a happy person, i love to smile laugh,i think am a very down to earth and easy going, i love cooking, listening to music,spending time with family.. i am a person of confidence optimistic, lovely and a simple girl..
Merg des la sala.
O relatie.
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

sant o persoana simpla si sincera I am an easy going person, like communication, new people and travelling. I like to develop myself and very curious about something new. I am very funny and optimistic. I can tell that i am reliable person and my dear and close people can always ask me for help and I will always support them.
sufletu pereche
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

I consider myself a person quite tactile and diplomatic, respectful and loyal to others and opinions of others. With good manners, educated and open for new knowledge and new learning. My personality is even-tempered, without any hysteria, believe in compromise and dialogue, in conversation and reasonableness. My heart is kind and caring, I value the same in others. I know how it is important to enjoy life even if days are not so easy and there are difficulties, I am a cheerful person, don't like sitting without any actions, I am purposeful and I want some changes, I make steps towards this.
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

I am Godly lady who is sometimes fun, sometimes serious, but always real. I feel laughter is the key to good health and life! I love people, enjoy mingling and having some good clean fun. I am a very loyal and no nonsense woman. My relationship with my Savior and family are very dear and important to me. I love to have fun with my family and friends.
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

Sunt deschisa, ambitioasa,puternica, inteligenta,prietenoasa etc I can say in one word about me a€“ I am a joyful person! I believe that all people are created for happiness, and me and you of course , too! I cant understand why we should be sad, while we can be happy instead and enjoy life!!!! As for me, I try to make the best of any situation, and even if I have something sad, it soon passes, and I have good mood again! And I want to meet someone who, like me, treats tis life as a holiday!
caut pe cineva cu care sa am o relatie de intinsa durata.
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Femeie, 38, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

Buna de tot I am just a simple girl and have an extremely good sense of humor. I like living life on the edge. I find that this makes life more exciting. This is why I always go for the things I want! I am not very picky, when I feel right about the person I open myself to
'Buna rau'
Unu cu bmw
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

"traieste-ti viata mai presus de toate!"de aici se intelege... Sunt o sotie naturala, ce imi vor Sa fiu iubita asa cum sunt eu, sunt o nevasta iubitoare, imi place Sa glumesc, si imi iubesc Familia.. Sunt inalta, dar Nu grasa, imi place SA fac sport, Sa gatesc. Traiesc singura, copii sunt casatoriti, servici am, Masina la fel.. Deci sunt bine.
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

inteligenta,cu simtul umorului,amatoare de calatorii,sporturi extreme,arta si tot ce poate oferii o viata de om. I am Hawwa Originally from Ukraine Iaa‚¬a„˘ve been living in Ukraine all my life interested in for a long time relationship . I love to learn about new places, people and cultures. Iaa‚¬a„˘m single never been married . I like to be in harmony with the world around me. but Iaa‚¬a„˘m very down to earth I like to read a lot and keep up with many thingsaa‚¬a€śpolitics, social issues, culture, travels, people. I especially value humor, being able to laugh at yourself, being able to communicate, culture in general, social issues, staying healthy, and the freedom to think out of the box. I also like Woody Allen films, swimming, hearing peopleaa‚¬a„˘s stories, and simply talking with people. Iaa‚¬a„˘m looking for a companionaa‚¬a€śsomone with his own life, with a strong personality, yet also able to make the compromises that life sometimes requires. Someone who isnaa‚¬a„˘t too thick and who is able to laugh at himself. No smokers, please.
frumusetea fizica este doar ceva trecator,daca vrei sa ma vezi da-mi o adresa de mail pozele o sa le ai acolo.
un suflet sensibil pt un om sensibil
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Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

frumusik! As putea sa spun multiple despre mine , in intaiul rand sunt o persoana sensibila cu un suflet destul de mare dar este mai usor sa ma intrebe cine vrea sa afle .... O poza spune mai mult decat o scurta descriere fizica , iar restul calitatilor (fie ele bune sau rele )te las pe tine sa le descoperi , fiindca eu sigur le vad doar pe cele bune . ...
preqm o papusik
un mascul kre sa aiba kpul p umeri
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Femeie, 49, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

Ma numesc Daniela,am 43 de ani,nu am copii,nu am obligatii.In rest ma poti cunoaste mai bine pe parcurs. Caut si imi vor o relatie stabila. Sunt o nevasta fina, placuta si sensibila. Imi doresc pasiune, dragoste, intelegere si bunatate. Ador calatoriile. Caut prietenie, intelegere, comunicare, respect si pasiune. Nu sunt interesata de o relatie de consumatie.
Sunt o femeie potrivita pentru virsta mea.
Caut un barbat serios in regiunea Mainz-Bingen pentru o relatie de durata care se bazeaza pe incredere.
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Femeie, 59, Necasatorit(a)
Bailesti, Dolj Romania

Sunt o persoana sufletista, iubitoare ,blanda ,prietenoasa si destul de sociabila. Hello U..............??? Un scurt resume`:Sunt nĂĄscut in BUK/RO iar de 23 ani locuiesc in Stock/SWE.De prof pilot-capitan SAS civ.air trafik.Div de cca 5 ani,serios,cultivat,civili- zat,modern,f.pedant,rafinat, costiincios,bun la suflet,de incredere si cu frica lui D-zeu si f.f.singur,caut fata viselor mele care sĂĄ indepline ascĂĄ calitĂĄtiile de mai sus si care,cu abs 100% sigurantĂĄ sĂĄ creadĂĄ in expresia``what goes around ALLWAY`S come`s around` o rog din tot sufletul sĂĄ mĂĄ kontakteze PĂĄnĂĄ atunci tie,fata viselor ĂĄti urez din tot sufletul... O zi bunĂĄ ! ciao
Nu sunt prea inalta am o silute atletica ochii caprui parul lung brunet
Caut pe cineva cu simtul umorului,iubitor prietenos sociabil,o persoana matura si cu forma placut
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Masaj Bailesti

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