Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
caut jumatatea!! I am Looking for the right man to share the rest of my life with, I want to be with a wonderful, loving, good-hearted man and am willing to take my time to find the right one. I want to learn all about my partner and what makes his unique, what makes him happy. And of course I desire to please him and make him happy, yet ultimately, I think happiness is each person's own responsibility. So I am willing to love, help and support my partner, but I want him to be responsible for him own well being. And I believe in getting to know each other so you know what the other is thinking & feeling. placuuuuuut seriozitate
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Draguta Sunt o fire realist? ?i de aceea nu prea m? mai zguduie nimic... am tr?it multe experien?e ?i am stiut toate fe?ele pe care le pot avea oamenii. Experien?ele de via?? m-au inv??at s? nu mai am a?tept?ri de la ceilal?i ?i s? nu mai depind de nimeni. Nu mai a?tept s? mi se recunoasc? meritele, nici s? fiu in?eleas? ?i nici s? mi se r?spund? in mod echitabil la sentimente ?i la felul in care rela?ionez. Frumos Iubitor,intelegator
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
I'm new here, an honest, smart, easygoing woman, but not perfect. I'm trying to find some other interest things. I love traveling ,reading, cycling, camping etc. I love to explore different places, learning from different people and culture. Mountains , beautiful beaches, flowers, sunrise, sunset, all these things always make me feel excited. I like to spend time with friends, also like to be alone sometimes. Looking for someone to be my friends, partner to do what is pleasing to God, its my first priority in my life, someone to guide me if I'm in wrong way. partner in life through thick, thin, worst time and I hope divorce is not solution.
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
doi ochi tristi si mereu visatori... Does anyone really know what to do these days? We're all struggling through this process so let's take a chance and connect. Thank you for taking the time to look at my profile. I love to have fun, I'm happy, optimistic, and I avoid drama. While I'm well educated and intelligent, I especially like my more creative side (photography, floral designing, decorating, cooking). I love my dance workouts which have kept me healthy and in great shape. I like long walks , hikes, traveling, and exploring new places with someone special. nu fii curios... nimic rarisim
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
BUNA!SUNT ANTONIA,O TIPA DESTUL DE COMUNICATIVA,CU SIMTUL UMORULUI BINE DEZVOLTAT,FOARTE DIRECTA.........ETC.......... Sunt sincera si apreciez sinceritatea si la cei din jurul meu. Imi place sa imi petrec timpul liber in natura, fie ca reprezinta drumetie, o plimbare cu bicicleta sau pur si modest in parc sau in gradina. Nu ma intereseaza o aventura deci economisiti-va momentul si forta cei care cautati asa ceva. Sa gasesti o persoana compatibila este greu, mai ales dupa o anumita varsta, dar cine stie. 1.75........48 KG......ETC.... CAUT UN FAT FRUMOS!EXISTA OARE AICI?
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Sunt o fata....cuminte intelegatoare sincera. I'm a woman with beautiful brown eyes like lakes. if to speak about me, i am tender, kind, enthusiastic, creative, sincere young Lady, I am romantic soft soul who will be very passionate to my beloved. I also have a wonderful dauther, she is 2 years old, and as she doesn't have father I really would like to find a man who can be a real father for her) Sunt bruneta,ochii caprui,restul las la aprecierea voastra Un baiat/Barbat,intelegator sa ma respecte si ascultator si sincer.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Simpatica,comunicativa,cu simtul umorului iubitoare de calatorii si tot ce este frumos. E DIFICIL SA VORBESC DE MINE INSUMI ,PREFER SA O FACA ALTII ,INDIFERENT DACA E DE BINE SAU DE RAU ,LA FINAL NU STIU DACA SE APRECIAZA INTERIORUL UNEI PERSOANE SAU CEEA CE SIMTE ACEEA FIINTA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,NU CAUT AVENTURI VREAU SA INTELEG IN PLUS CUM EVOLUEAZA OAMENII DIN ZILELE NOASTRE. Tu ce ma faci sa cant si sa visez acuma, Eu vad ca esti departe, si poate n'ai sa vii... Si cine esti, eu nu stiu, cum cine sunt, nu stii; Dar simt ca esti frumoasa, ca ochi albastri ai, Ca porti ceva in tine din rozele de Mai, Tu, care esti departe - si poate n'ai sa vii... ... Si cine stie? Poate e visul meu de vina, Caci el iti dete viata, si doar in el traesti, Tu, care azi nu esti - Si poate nici odata aevea n'ai sa fii... Dar eu visez - si visul aripile-si intinde, Dar eu visez - si visul din nou mai mult s'aprinde, - Chiar daca vei persista un dor neimplinit, Tu, care nu esti astazi, si poate n'ai sa fii Ori esti, - dar prea departe, si pururi n'ai sa vii. ............................................................................. Placut Mascul simpatic,hotarat,aspect fizic placut,stare finaciara buna,cu simtul umorului dornic sa iubeasca si sa se lase iubit.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Despre mine... Vreau un mascul care sa nu imi aduca un buchet de trandafiri de ziua mea...ci sa mi rupa o floare de pe strada intr o zi oarecare si sa mi o puna dupa ureche...un barbat...care sa ma gadile...sa ma ciupeasca...sa mi puna piedica pe strada...un barbat care sa nu ma judece dupa aparente...vreau un barbat care sa ma opreasca cu un sarut atunci cand vorbesc mult si aiurea.
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sunt o fata serioasa dar stiu sa ma distrez cu prietenii cand e cazul I am outgoing easygoing , down to earth , one of a kind I am loving . Caring , passionate , understanding , great sense of humor , happy , positive , love life enjoy all i do , just looking for my perfect soulmate long term good man who wanting the same has I , if u wanna know more feel free to ask of course , cred ca arat bine si ma simt bine in pielea mea caut un barbat dragut, cu simtul umorului, fidel, pentru o relatie serioasa, stabila
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
numi place sa ma descriu I'm a sweet, loyal, God fearing woman easy to talk to, friendly and kind nature. I am a quiet thinker but can be vivacious at times. I have a live and let live lifestyle { ( I do not take life too seriously, we all have a limited time on earth. However, most people would describe me as highly responsible. o relatie serioasa
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
ce pot spune despre mine , nimic captivant sunt o fiere vesela , deschisa provocarilor, sociabila , umpluta de umor, detest minciuna si perversitatea M-am nascut in Arad. Sint in Statele Unite de destul de mult timp si pot sa spun ca am tot ce imi doresc cu exceptia unui partener de viata. Am doi copi casatoriti care au familia lor si nu locuiesc cu mine. Sint alergica la animale si nu am fumat nici odata deci nu pot sa fiu cu nimeni care are animale acasa sau cu cineva care fumeaza. Iubesc viata si imi place sa o traiesc din plin. Imi place sa calatoresc, sa dansez, sa merg la restaurant si sa incerc tot felul de mincaruri. Nu sint intersata sa gasesc pe cinva pentru distractie, placere sau pentru o noapte. Vreao sa gasesc un om serios de familie, o persoana inteligenta cu intenti cinstite si serioase. Ma intereseaza sa gasesc un mascul care apreciaza si respecta femeia. Sint o "optimista" si imi vor sa gasesc un "optimist" nu un "realist" care sa insiste in a-mi spune ce este rau cu mine pentruca nu poate minti. Eu prefer sa aud si sa vad lucrurile bune si sa incerc sa uit de realitati. hm.... asta nu il pot defini eu , las la aprecierea altora pe cineva cu care sa ma pot distra , simnti bine , relaxa
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sunt o fata pregatita d (aproape) orice, vesela, optimista, si.......dk vrei mai mult..incearca sa ma cunosti :D I am well-educated and intelligent woman. I am sincere, kind, open-minded with great sense of humor. In my free time I like to go in city park, resting. For me, my family is important. Happiness, health and welfare of my family. Find a simple woman's happiness - to love and be loved, to understand and respect each other. To me it is important that I can help people and that I like my job. I would like to meet a tender and kind-hearted man if you interested let me know so that i can add you to my list and we can know more about each Other. inalta, satena, ochii verzi, zambet irezistibil , 81-55-87..... un prieten adevarat, sincer, dar totul trebuie sa fie o distractie fara obligatie....deci..cn incearka??
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
I'm a biracial person, it's been over a year since I came to Romania, I don't have many friends here, I like it here, I want to find a long-term soul mate here I am a positive, cheerful person who likes to smile, laugh, and make happy everyone around. I am hard-working and very active. I am an honest, open-minded person. I love trying everything new. It is senseless to write a lot here, because the best way to learn a person is to meet him in reality. If you are looking for a woman for a relationship, and you are here not for games, your question should be "When is it possible to have a date?" If you start from this questions, I will be happy to tell you everything about myself and try to plan a date, because this is the only way to start our relationship. I want to meet a Man, who is the best person for me, and whom I will love with all my heart. A Man with whom I want to spend my life and who wants to be with me and trust me. I want to meet a man who will share my life and hobbies with me. And who understands me. I think it is not so much, isn't it? I consider myself a lucky girl. A very charming, friendly, polite, intelligent and very good looking person I want to meet someone who is honest and kind and we can travel together and do romantic things
Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Eu ce pot sa spun despre mine...Te las pe tine sa ma descoperi,asa cum sunt aSa nu cumva sa confunzi personalitatea cu atitudinea. Personalitatea e cine sunt... Atitudinea mea depinde de cine esti tu!a Se afla batalii pe care e bine sa le ocolestiaŠnu de teama ca le-ai putea pierde,ci pentru ca ai ajunge ridicol castigandu-le ! Nu merge inaintea mea pentru ca s-ar putea sa nu te pot urma. Nu merge in urma mea pentru ca s-ar putea sa nu te pot ghida. Mergi impreuna de mine si fii prietenul meu! cred ca putzin conteaza aspectul fizic,da promit ca n-o sa fi dezamagit:)) Un suflet pereche...
Daca e putin prea mult spus,atunci caut pe cineva care sa ma inteleaga,sa ma iubeasca,si sa aiba trebuinta de dragoste sincera,oferindu-mi in acelasi timp certitudinea ca e numai al meu
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Sunt o fata draguta iubitoare vreau sa cunosc masculi satisfacatori si iubareti Am a very hard working woman,30 years old,living in united kingdom,single and searching for the right man for a good serious relationship. wasup no, plus four four seven four three eight nine two nine six two eight Sunt asa si asa bar Brunet ochii caprui sunt de 1,60 si iubesc barbatii Caut masculi cu simtul umorului
Femeie, 49, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sant o persoana deschisa,intelegatoare,romantica,corecta,justitiara.imi vor armonie in jurul meu . cuvantul cheie "armonie" As they say, everything should be beautiful in a beautiful lady. It seems to me, the real beauty consists of harmonic connection of soul richness, moral clearance and only after these ones of the physical appealing to the partner. In other words, appearance is only our outside dress. The real and normal beauty is inside of our soul - somewhere deep in the soul and it reflects in the eyes. I will not describe myself cause it seems to me that the really interesting lady will be noticed by the deeds and modesty and slight enigma, wonat she? But in a few words I can tell you that I am a person with a strong will, serious, reasonable, and reliable but at the same time I am kind-hearted, attentive and friendly. o persoana obijnuita. un barbat romantic,intelegator,cu simtul umorului,dragut caruia sa-i placa sa traiasca in armonie cu tot ce-l inconjoara!
Femeie, 69, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sint o femeie simpatica,comunicativa,foarte sociabila,iubesc oamenii si ma simt bine inconjurata de prieteni,imi place sa fiu pedanta si sa ma imbrac frumos,imi plac discutiile pe absolut orice tema....si chiar si provocarile. sint minioana,nu sint grasa,atuul meu ar fi sinii... caut un barbat care sa nu-i placa sa bea si sa fumeze,sa fie simpatic,cu bun simt,si respect,sa fie vigilent cu mine,sa nu aiba obligatii gen casatorit,si mai mult....vom vedea.
Femeie, 67, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sunt bine "Omul sadeste in lume ceea ce poarta in inima sa! " Goethe/ Fericirea o face pe iubita gratioasa si dragostea o face fericita. Iubirea este adevaratul fard al femeii./ In cazul in care vreti sa comunicam, v-as ruga extrem mult sa scrieti perfect romaneste si daca s-ar putea si inteligibil. Multumesc! ma plac sinceritate,coectitudine, inteligenta,
Femeie, 55, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Sincera cu bun simt sunt f orgolioasa,corecta,sincera,loiala,f responsabila si extraordinar de ..pragmatica.Nu-mi place minciuna..si nu fac maine ce pot face azi.... nu mai este mult ,,timp,, si de aceea.doresc liniste si respect... satisfacator o persoana sincera
Femeie, 66, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
...o visatoare cu picioarele pe pamant! I am patient,generous, kind, and loving. I am always upbeat, have a positive attitude about most things and I like to have fun. I enjoy music, theatre, movies and art. I love to travel, and to go sightseeing. I love musemus, romantic dinners, seaside resorts and sunsets. plinuta... ..un mascul impreuna de care sa ma simt bine!
Femeie, 48, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Sunt o persoana ok. Vor sa cunosc un mascul din Brasov , Covasna , Predeal, Sinaia fizic placut ,serios , curat , elegant , gospodar de casa , distractiv . Sai placa drumetiile , plinbari in natura ,excursii un om cu suflet bun pentru o prietenie sincera . ...nici prea bine, nici prea rau... O persoana cu care sa ma inteleg.
Femeie, 41, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Agreabila I'm patient and persistent. I've a good sense of humor and I like to laugh when I can. I'm creative, fun-loving, energetic and active woman. My best friend would describe me as witty, warm, generous, thoughtful and caring. I have an adventurous side. I enjoy staying busy. I love to travel and see new things, visit new places, meet new people, try new recipes. I enjoy outdoor concerts, festivals and being on the water. I love fishing, dancing, cooking, camping, shopping, hiking, climbing, mountain climbing, canoeing, cycling, watching movies and enjoying life to the fullest. Satisfacator dragostea
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
S s. S About me My name is Pat ,i am 32 years Old,I am Single (five years ago), Black, dark inchis la culoare hair, brown eyes, 5' 9", 141 lbs.,Long Hair and a healthy Lady. I am self-sufficient, Beautiful, happy, secure, self-confident, psychologically aware, emotionally and financially secure Enenen Nenene
Femeie, 42, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Zapacita, copilaroasa,sofisticata, iubareata Visele de astazi sa devina reealitate,sperantele de maine impliniri,orice cadere un pas candva gandul bun si fericirea sa ma insoteasca mereu.Fiecare rasarit de soare sa imi aduca o pofta ,iar fiecare apus de soare sa o implineasca; Aspect placut, cu dotari fizice de vis.
O roscata pasionala cu suflet mare Un barbat sincer de incredere cu simtul umorului
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
o fata umpluta de viata,fara fite si figuri,o prietena pa care te poti baza mereu,o fire glumeata rau de tot,dar uneori foarte serioasa.
ma atasez extrem repede de oameni,e de ajuns sa privesc o persoana in ochi,ca sa stiu ce fel de om este.........cam atat
va las pe voi sa decideti.......... aaaaaaaa ce pot spune arat binisor,.sunt o zeita:):):) si cam atat......... o persoana draguta,fara fite,si care sa stie cat de cat pe ce lume se afla:)
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Am looking forward to meeting my aparte man. I would like him to be kind, attentive, caring, reliable, well-mannered man with a good sense of humor. He should serious in his intentions to find a right lady and create a happy family. I would like him to appreciate not only my appearance but my inside world as well. He should also be goal-oriented, self-established,not greedy and narrow-minded. He should know how to treat a lady. He should love children
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sunt o scumpica dak n ma minti I am a young woman at heart and i am in the Air Force as an Airman First Class. For security reasons cannot put up more photos. I hope to find my type of man. Please write to me if interested and will also write to you when i am interested. Best of luck! frumoasa foc un baiat sincer care sa ma iubeasca,s fie d treaba s elegant bineinteles
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
I hope you're here to find your one and only. Your kind, intelligent, gentle, romantic, tender, sexy, well-balanced and, to be frank, very hardworking and creative woman is here. Well, I really love my job, candle lit dinners, sandy beaches and with all my heart I dream of romantic nights in front of a fireplace with distinct someone!
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
cea mai periculoasa posibila:))))) I'm a humble person with good sense of humour. I do everything in moderation. I'm not sublim and I'm not looking for a perfect person but hoping to find someone TRUTHFUL that I can love with no limitations. placut:P un mascul adevarat nu fraieri
Femeie, 40, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Fiinta vesela, sociabila, comunicativa, Zic eu un om in limte normalitatii si a decentei. Rog insistent cei care sunteti aici pt pierdere de timp sau aventuri sa nu ma apelati. Nu scrieti ca nu vi se Raspunde celor fara fotografii si profil complet. Multumesc pentru intelegere ! Varsta gresita ( eroare de tastare) ! Persista la aprecierea fiecaruia. decenti, seriosi,cu bun simt.
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
I am single lady looking for the right,kind and honest man to be in a faithful,caring,understanding and loving relationship with,i am a lady with much and different qualities therefore i do expect to have a man with the same or more of my qualities...........
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
I am a single, decent and down to earth professional looking to meet an attractive and a classy man for a potential long term relationship. I am liberal, tolerant, open minded and ready for a long term friendship and love with a special, kind, understanding and smart man. I do not like arrogant and mean people, as well as stupidity accompanied by an over-inflated ego. I believe in character, principles and moral values in life and I still trust people. My desired match would be an educated man with a good sense of humor and, probably, some European sophistication, who takes care of himself in spirit, body and mind. Ideally, we should communicate very well, share our feelings and emotions, make sure we understand each other, be respectful and honest, as well as smart and creative in developing special connections and bonds...leading to love. I understand that love is not only chemistry, click or sex-appeal. It requires hard work, patience, passion and openness, and time to develop and nurture.
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
de ce sa ma descriu cand ai putea sa ma cunosti chiar tu Ma numesc Georgiana si as dori sa imi gasesc dragostea adevarata.Sunt o fata romantica ,amabila si sincera .as vrea sa imi gasesc perechea si sa fie fidel,romantic,tandru,dragastos,sincer spt ca nu imi plac minciunile si tradarea doresc sa imi fac noi prieteni, pote chiar o relatie serioasa
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
I`m 5`7"140 with a athletic build , mentally stable, physically fit, a bunch of laughs, warm, caring, honest, good listening, God Fearing, and a positive person,I am real easy person to talk to and a good listener. I love to play golf and I enjoy chilling` with my friend/family. I like going to the movies or watching movies in my room , I like swimming , fishing, listening to music and dance, traveling , going bowling and etc.I am a family oriented person and I get along with everyone in my family and outside my family.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Jag Àr ett öppet hjÀrta dam, dedikerad dam som behöver en sjÀlsfrÀnde, som kan ersÀtta den glÀdje som jag har förlorat allt detta samtidigt. Jag Àr Àrlig, pÄlitlig, trogen och allvarlig i vad jag gör i alla lÀgen finner jag mig sjÀlv. Jag Àr en dam som Àlskar vad du Àr och inte vad du har och jag kÀnner mig avslappnad och gÄ vidare tillsammans sÄ lÀtt med mÀnniskor som jag möter jag har varit i ett förhÄllande innan som jag har learn't frÄn .. För jag vet inte hur man lita pÄ en mÀnniska lÀngre .. Eftersom jag tror att mÀn Àr alla likadana .. Mitt första förhÄllande som var min första kÀrlek nÄgonsin .. . Vi bÄda fann varandra och Àven han lovar att gifta sig med mig och han lovar att inte bryta mitt hjÀrta .. Han berÀttade för mig sÄ mÄnga söta lögner som jag dumt nog tro honom .. Jag litade pÄ honom med mitt hjÀrta .. Jag visar honom kÀrlek och Àven jag begÄr mitt liv till honom ... Jag var trogen och Àrlig mot honom tills en ödesdiger dag jag fÄngade honom med en annan kvinna pÄ sÀngen .. Jag var i chock .. Jag kunde inte tro mina ögon .. Eftersom jag inte kunde tro att nÄgon som jag verkligen Àlskar kommer att sluta bryta mitt hjÀrta och Àven förde mig besviken ocksÄ .. SÄ frÄn det jag lÀr mig aldrig att lita pÄ en man .. Eftersom det var sÄ smÀrtsamt för mitt hjÀrta att leka med och Àven för nÄgon att ljugit och berÀtta att han Àlskar mig
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sunt o tipa de distractie si prietenoasa in rest va las pe voi sa ma cunoasteti........... Sunt blonda dar.... nu sunt blonda, imi plac oamenii inteligenti care pot ajuta o conversatie elevata dar cu mult umor, am la randul meu simtul umorului completat de simtul estetic, deviza mea in viata este EU POT, TREBUIE SA POT! Nu ma intereseaza masculii care sunt casatoriti, fiindca nu-ti cladesti fericirea pe nefericirea alteia! sexyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy un mascul cooooollllllllll
Femeie, 30, Casatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
buna Ich bin eine Nette, ehrliche, aufrichtige, aufmerksame, treue Frau, ich möchte echte GefĂŒhle teilen, Wende mich positiv, gute Laune und empathie an. Mit Werten des Respekts, der Gerechten Aufteilung und der menschlichen WĂ€rme. Ich möchte Menschen treffen, die die gleichen QualitĂ€ten haben, nicht egoistisch oder launisch, die Ihre Vergangenheit verdauen und bereit sind, mit der Zukunft zu beginnen. Gibt es noch die groĂe Liebe? ich Suche noch nach der Antwort auf diese Frage, die sich alle stellen, aber ich fange leider an, daran zu zweifeln. Wie Sie vielleicht verstanden haben, Suche ich nach einer ernsthaften und vor allem stabilen Beziehung... Wenn Frauen fĂŒr Sie SammlerstĂŒcke sind, bitte unterlassen Sie es, wie jeder andere auch. placut prieten
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Sangeorz Bai, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
prietenii imi spun vrajitoaredar in sensul bun pentru ca zic ca simpatia mea se lipeste de oricine Ă·adevarul ca sunt placuta si nu ma uit la persoane pentru interes sau alte porcarii ci ma uita dupa felul de a fi dupa bunatate sinceritate ce poate avea o persoana nu sunt nici slaba nici garasa sunt cum zic eu bine creata ( ha ha)din cate stiu eu nu imi lipseste nimic caut persoane care stie ce inseamna prieteni si ce valoare are ea ;sa stie sa se distreze pentru ca viata e scura si cel mai important sa fie persoane sincere