O fata deosebita cu simtzul umorului dezvoltat peste masurile asteptarilor tale... sensibile.romantica,vedova,il cancro e il mio segno -la famiglia e la casa sono il mio regno-,altre informazioni vi dico in privato,,vorrei incontrare un gentil uomo libero,affidabbile,onesto, sincero ,che vuole veramente amare e di essere amato ,per continuare insieme il cammino nella vita ,,, Simpatic din spusele multor persoane Ceva la care visez de mult timp
imi dati popppp.... sau morrrr!!!! o fata simpla , draguta , urasc minciuna.Iubesc tot ce este rudimentar si elegant , Iubesc linistea .Respect si sustin persoana de aproape mine ...dar si eu astept acelasi respect . Daca un barbat calca , se lauda si nu protejeaza intimtatea femeii acela nu este mascul chiar daca se crede.... decideti voi o prietenie sincera si cine stie....
pur si rudimentar eu..andreea As dori sa cunosc un domn nefumator Si dusman al paharului. Nu vor sa am contact cu semibarbatii cu semislujbe sau mini-slujbe, "printi" care cauta sa fie intretinuti Si care isi cauta la 50 de ani o pelerina de vreme rea. Va dati seama ca am scris aceste randuri in urma contactelor avute cu dvs. Dlor Barbati. destul de atragatoare orice..
Nu din prima Cine sunt eu:Sunt o sotie cu lumina in ochi si cantec in suflet...Ma despart teribil de greu de ceea ce imi este drag, obiecte sau oameni... Se spune ca fiecare are un pret...exista cativa oameni in viata mea pentru care mi-as vinde si sufletul.Urasc sa fiu jignita. Rar sunt pesimista, dar si atunci gasesc solutii. Plang de fiecare data cand simt nevoia. Sunt confuza de fiecare data, pana analizez bine situatia..Produc uneori furtuni prin ideile mele, dar le duc la indeplinire cu stoicism.Vorba ceea, eu cant, eu joc!Sunt incomoda din cauza sinceritatii mele, dar asta e... Am trebuinta de libertate, incredere, atentie si tandrete...Multi oameni cred ca ma cunosc, cand de fapt nici eu nu ma cunosc.Sunt naiva.. inca mai cred in povesti, in suflete pereche, in oameni buni....imi adun cu zambetul pe buze bucatile de inima si le asez la loc...Ma caut in fiecare zi, cred ca ma gasesc, ma pierd si iar ma caut... Cred ca niciodata nu stii ce iti aduce ziua de maine... :)Nici eu nu stiu! MMM
...My personality type tends toward being I'm outgoing people would most often describe me energetic, loving,caring, extremely emotional, bubbly, understanding, very supportive, very caring and warm, very passionate and loving, easy going and down to earth. nu incerc sa gasesc iubirea absoluta,p-u ca nu exista. Totul este relativ pe societatea asta,pana si iubirea!!
sunt o fata sociabila,,,,comunicativa,, Easy going down to earth fun loving and understanding woman, loving and caring woman, loyal and honest! And spiritual woman! Love to laugh and make people around me laugh too! Passionate and affectionate woman. 1,60 inaltime, 50 kg, ochii verzi,,satena sunt in cautare de un barbat care sa stie sa iubeasca,, sa nu ma minta,,sa fie direct,, sa fie brunet cu ochii caprui.....
Ask me I'm patient and persistent. I've a good sense of humor and I like to laugh when I can. I'm creative, fun-loving, energetic and active woman. My best friend would describe me as witty, warm, generous, thoughtful and caring. I have an adventurous side. I enjoy staying busy. I love to travel and see new things, visit new places, meet new people, try new recipes. I enjoy outdoor concerts, festivals and being on the water. I love fishing, dancing, cooking, camping, shopping, hiking, climbing, mountain climbing, canoeing, cycling, watching movies and enjoying life to the fullest. ... Nice man good heart who can make me happy
imi place foarte mult sa-mi petrec timpul liber alaturi de persoana iubita Persoana foarte sociabila. Sunt aici pentru cunostinte placute si interesante. Sunt maritata si nu vreau sa mi se reproseze (cum se intampla uneori), pagina aceasta trebuie sa fie pentru toata lumea, fara discriminare. dragutza un barbat care sa gandeasca matur si sa stie sa aprecieze o sotie
o tanara foarte sexy dupa parerea mea si desi blonda...destul de inteligenta I'm an independent woman and can stand on my own two feet,am single and caring,kind,friendly very easy to get along with am social,romantic,passionate,intelligent,cool headed,adaptive,I'm a gentle lady an easy going girl,I am a very intelligent,caring, giving, open minded,understanding,romantic, loving, sensitive, good listener,have a big heart and i do believe in the truth and honesty just sexy & hot
realista ,sociabila ... Sinceritate,corectitudine ,loialitate ! .....si prea multa modestie ...voi spera ca viata are ceva bun pentru mine! "O carte deschisa dar nicicand citita,o mana alunecand pe un pian,intr-o sinfonie a cuvintelor nerostite".... ceva placut :D
Sunt destul de zapacita si cu o inima male male de tot:x Sunt ceea ce sunt,iar ceea ce sunt e ceea ce sunt.Vreau sa fiu ceea ce sunt si ceea ce voi fi e doar ceea ce sunt.Si daca am pofta de a fi, nu voi mai fi mai mult decat am fost. Chiar daca am fost ceea ce s-a dorit sa fiu, vor continua mereu sa se intrebe ce anume sunt sau ce am fost vreodata. Sunt ceea ce sunt si ceea ce sunt e ceea ce vei vedea. Destul de placuta Ma relaxez
sunt o persoana sensibila,sociabila si las la apreciera altora celelalte calitatii ale mele! I'm loving, caring and an understanding person. Most of all, I'm honest and loyal as well. I'm a hardworking and responsible woman. I'm true and simple by nature. I'm loyal, romantic, faithful, idealistic and trustworthy person. I love being myself always who loves traveling, outdoors and adventures. I'm not a perfect lady, but I'll be a good wife and a good mother to my future children. placut un barbat intelegator ,dragut si sincer
Sunt cea mai dulce fata. 5ft 10 height large build Big fem 26 plus size clothes Very attractive looking Very short dyed hair Glasses I am only big due to medical conditions that put the weight on me under active thyroid and on steroids for my asthma Inflowmation I am physically disabled mobility and other I use a mobility Walker I was in a car accident when I was younger Cred ca arat destul de bine nu sunt nici grasa dar nici slaba
. Caut un mascul fidel in intaiul rand si sa fie amuzant.
poi . . . eu zic ca`s de treaba & destul de intelegatoare . . . imi plac fluturasii, pisicile & florile albe(in special trandafirii albi) . . . mi-e frica de paianjeni & nu suport c-urvele sau sa tipe cineva la mine . . . poi . . . eu nu am o parere buna despre fizicul meu . . .unii zic ca as fi destul de dragutza, dar cam scunduta . . . prieteni buni care sa ma inteleaga & care sa ma faca sa zambesc at cand am nevoie, indiferent de locatie, varsta sau lb pe care o vb . . . bn acum nici sa vb chineza ca nu intel nimic,dar eng si chiar italiana se accepta . . . pt ca prietenii buni raman prieteni buni indiferent de aceste detalii . . . kiss everybody :*
...vrei sa afli mai multe....contacteaza-ma :P I am a simple and romantic girl. I believe in miracles. I am interesting in serious relationship with kind and honest man. I do not want to be alone. If you are interesting in the same, I will be glad to communicate with you. sunt slabutza....mai numeroase pe parcurs... as vrea sa discut cu cine vrea...asa despre viata in general....simpt nevoia uneori sa stau de vorba cu cineva....
I can be a strong woman, but want to be weak and protected near my man. I can struggle, but I want better to smile. I can make my way through life, but I better want the life to be a clear way for me. I believe that I can do the best of my life, and I am trying to do this every ocazie of my existence!
FORZZA CRAKANIEI!!! vor prietenie de mesenger companie .s?nt casatorita,am 3 copii ,2fete ?i un baiat .s?nt plecata de pe meleagurile rom?ne?ti,?i simti nevoia de a conversa cu cineva dar sa fie ca ?i mine sincera .va pup ?i a?tept raspuns Crak de sus pana jos...
Dragostea este o fiinta salbatica. Cand incercam sa o tinem in frau, ne distruge. Cand incercam sa o inchidem, ne inrobeste. Cand incercam sa o intelegem, ne tulbura.EU SUNT DRAGOSTEA Well, I hope that this lets you know a little about me, and I hope I don't come across as being too cynical, harsh, or meansounding. I will give you the benefit of the doubt (we're all human, we all make mistakes), but I also don't like being taken advantage of. sunt exact cum ma vezi .....o fata de treaba ce anume caut ......vreau sa-mi fac noi prieteni
vesela,spontana,comunicativa,open mind sunt o doamna f serioasa si mi vor deasemeni sa fie la fel persoana respectivafara minciuni alcool si dezamagiri doresc ceva real si concret multumesc de antelegere as mai putea completa sa stie limba engleza minim dc nu maxim sa poata lucra an uk,sa avem vigilenta reciproca MULTAM ! agreabil
arat bine si ma port frumos... I\'m a very sincere and passionate person, who is just tired of being alone especially in my spare time which I don\'t have very often. I\'m a hard working person who has short and long term goals for myself. I enjoy playing sports and working out when I get the chance. I also like just staying home and watching movies on the couch, but it feels much better when you are watching with someone special. If you turn out to be the one for me. I assure you there will be nothing I won\'t do for the love of my life!! las pe alti sa comenteze! seriozitate....
sunt o fata extraordinar de sexy Imi place sa iubesc si sa fiu iubita, sa fiu respectata!Imi plac mesajele scrise din suflet nu copiate de pe net.Imi plac cuvintele frumoase si sincere. Asta se reflecta mai mult asupra iubirii.Imi place sa visez, asta ma ajuta sa-mi formez o mica lume a mea unde sa-mi inchipui un viitor asa cum mi-l doresc, macar in vise totul este posibil! ochii caprui nu consum alcool fumez
sunt ceea ce nu pot altzi sa fie....poate ca ammulte calitatzi dar si defecte pe care uneori nu le pot ascunde I am cheerful, talented girl, I like to travel and get acquainted with new interesting people, sociable, I like to learn new things and discover new boundaries of myself. I'm young, very intelligent, I like to take care of myself. fac soprt de izbanda de 5 ani ceva extrem si special:X
misterioasa si simpatica,rea dar tandra...ce ar fi sa descoperi singur cum sunt!! I guide myself by honesty, reliability and kindness.Would like to see/find someone to start a friendship with at first. What I'm looking for is someone who is honest, loyal, a great communicator, who trusts me and vice versa, I can trust him. I would like to meet someone who is down to earth, understanding, easy going, loves animals and has a good sense of humor. placut nu caut perfectiunea intruchipata pt ca nu exista...dar te caut pe tine.....
o fata open mind am Willams 46yrs old from Texas being married before but dicvored with one kid....i am here new to this dating Site and i am here Looking for someone that i can trust and Love for the rest of my heart and Life..i need a woman that will be honest and caring bcos i am here looking someone that will give me happy Family placut o relatie de prietenie
sunt visul de ieri,umbra de maine si uneori ceata din amintirea anilor pierduti... I have a nice figure, kind eyes and cheerful smile. I have a good heart and serious intentions about marriage. I am very mature, goal-oriented, tender and understanding. I believe that in relationships we should have some own space, but be faithful, loyal, caring. I love children so much and they love me. I want to have very strong and loving family in nearest future. So I hope I will have it with man on this site!! 1,70...48 kg...arat bine pentru cine stie sa ma priveasca din doua unghiuri diferite...unul fizic si altul spiritual... caut mancare=)))))) am glumit :D:D:D vreau sa intalnesc lume noua cu care sa pot sa rad si sa ma inteleg bine fara prea multe obligatii...
va las pe voi sa comentati:P I live and enjoy m life, I believe we need to appreciate even the small pleasant things that we have in our life a€“ our friendsa€™ smiles, family evenings, the flowers, the spring rain a€¦ I like nature, I like my friends, I like to travel, but still I have something missing in my life a€“ and I think it is my perfect halfa€¦ I still havena€™t met my ideal man, but I believe that ne day we will meet and be together! So now I am trying to make a step towards him!! Totusi,nu este de ajuns sa fim imbracate cu haine elegante sau sa fim frumose.Aceste aspecte conteaza pana ne deschidem gura,si incepem sa vorbim.Dupa aceea,intervin lucrurile cu adevarat importante:cum gandim?cum simtim?ce stim de fapt?
nebunica..:) Sunt o doamna cu interese diferite si o viata umpluta de viata. Dar stau intotdeauna pozitiv si incerc sa trec toate problemele de viata cu zambetul pe fata Sunt destul de activ si prefer modul activ de viata si de agrement. Imi place sa merg la munte si sa ma odihnesc acolo, sa stau cateva zile. Particip la cursuri de sala de gimnastica si de fitness. Dar, de asemenea, imi place sa ma hranesc si cu mintea (zambet). Am citit carti, atat literatura profesionala, cat si romane de aventura sau dragoste. Imi plac animalele, mama si cu mine avem doi caini (zambet) buna..:P distractie...
rea I'm a very honest and sincere person. Kind of old-fashioned in ways. I enjoy cooking, baking, spending time with family. I love the mountains and the sea. Anything specific you'd like to know about me, please feel free to message and ask! extra agreabil lascivitate
Draguta,inteligenta,dificila,haioasa,tandra,posesiva,geloasa,sentimentala,sufletista...mai bine spus defecte si calitati in egala masura,insa toate dulci in felul lor A one-woman man who wants to be friends with the possibility of a long-term, monogamous relationship. Must like animals and be someone who doesnt confuse responsibility with baggage. Must be family oriented. I can tell a scammer from a mile away so sincere only need apply. I love a man with a sense of humor who's matches mine. I am a sucker for tall men with beards but a good personality and soul make up for a lot
un pic cam nebuna.......pot enerva foarte usor pe oricine si ador sa vad cum isi ies din minti........imi place sa ma joc cu mintea oamenilor, sa ii provoc continuu.De ce ? asa imi demonstrez ca ies din categoria oamenilor obisnuiti.........AM GLUMIT!!! aiurea rau de tot dar trebuie sa se uite si la mine cineva , nu? sincer...............un " urat" ca si mine ........
Hello everyone here, my name is Elina, I am a from Serbia but live in the US, I am single and ready to mingle, I am a simple young lady looking for a simple and serious man that is ready for the future, I am not here for games or joke, I have come to realize that we are nothing without a partner. I mean someone who would stand by me no matter the situation. A man who I can say, he alone has the right to be manly irritating to me (lol). A wizard who would protect me like a lioness would do her cub (lol). And I can promise to protect him beyond all vices. A man who tells me, honey, you can do it, no matter what I want to do un mascul sincer ..sa ma iubeasca si sa stie ce vrea de la viata sa nu se gandeasca doar la sex!!!!!!!!
o nevasta normala I am pretty simple, nice, respectful ... Always treat others the way I wish to be treated. I love feeling healthy and balance, so I do my best to keep it up through a good lifestyle. I love anything that makes me happy: watching movies, laughing, dancing, shopping, fixing problems, traveling, reading, exercises, learning new things or anything that can bring us an excitement and enjoyable time in two. Thank you for stopping by. placut un mascul sincer,onest,capabil sa isi respecte promisiunile,si daca nu cre prea mult sa vorbeasca si sa scrie perfect romaneste
tare scumpik I am loyal, responsible, active, responsible, loving, caring, sharing, kindhearted,warm, accommodating,sexy,compassionate,tolerant,laid back type,outgoing,welcoming to people generally,I am also a one man lady,I like to sing,write poems,listening to music,swimming,playing Basketball,watching TV,Movies and comedies,I love public intimacy placut prieteni
sunt o fata de gasca;)) sunt o doamna f serioasa si mi doresc deasemeni sa fie la fel persoana respectivafara minciuni alcool si dezamagiri vor ceva real si concret multumesc de antelegere as mai putea integrala sa stie limba engleza minim dc nu mare sa poata lucra an uk,sa avem preocupare reciproca MULTAM ! 1 67, satena, creata, ochi caprui.... prieteni(amici)doar atat!care sa fie plini de viata si de gasaca!!!:))
Va las pe voi sa ma cunoaste-ti Single dutch american lady looking for a serious relationship , I am an interior decorator , never been married no kids , I am honest loyal , I am open and if you would like to know more about me you can just write me up , and note doar miniona :))) socializare si de ce nu o relatie serioasa
imi place sa ma distrez cu prietenii si urasc prefecutii I think I\'m active and enthusiastic. Besides I like to mix with people and make new friends. My colleagues say I\'m responsible and reasonable. My friends say they can rely upon me. I can\'t say I\'m a too talkative person but from time to time I like to chat with my dearest and nearest. I love life and everything it can offer. I try to enjoy every minute of it. In my free time I like mixing with my friends or just staying at home , I\'m sure that we should enjoy everything that we meet in our life. In fact all depends on our attitude to it. That\'s why I always try to be optimistic.I would like to meet an honest and decent man, who has his own interests in life, determined and can reach his goals. I\'m looking for a person who is interesting to mix with. inalta arat bine ochi schimbatoti un mascul care stie sa se distreze sa arate bine si sa stie sa ma aprecieze
Felul meu de a fi nu il au multi sunt o persoana sincera carismatica cu cei 7 ani de acasa ! Imi place sa imi petrec momentul liber cu cei dragi mie si imi place sa aduc zambetul pe buze oamenilor care nu il au !asta este Cosmina ! prietenie
Dragutza I consider myself to be a very balanced person, very purposeful, responsible and reliable. I am loyal and kind-hearted. My friends think that I am communicative and easy-going lady with a good sense of humor. My goal is to build my own family and give all my love to my beloved man. sportiv barbat dragut de preferinta
sunt o persoana umpluta de viata...indrazneata...mereu in cautare de lucruri noi...mai bine va las pe voi sa ma descoperiti Positive, funny, passionate, loving, affectionate, honest, love children and helping others. Love to conversate, cook, clean, travel and live life to the fullest. Independant, reliable, honest, sensitve, hard worker, energetic, enthusiastic poza spune tot caut baiat brunet cu ochii verzi,atletic,simpatik,istet.....sa stie sa pretuiasca persoana de alaturi el