Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
I am a simple girl on the first sight, but full of passion and love inside. I want to find someone who can enter my world and open my feelings. I want somebody to share everything that has been deep inside my soul for so longaa‚¬ ¦I need to find my soul-mate to understand me and to spend all my life withaa‚¬ ¦ sunt eleganta am ochii caprui sunt singura Un barbat sa ma iubeasca
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
You have to be prepared to meet the most passionate and adventurous girl. Why be prepared? Because not every man can handle this. I will not pretend to be as everybody, because I am not, and I want to show this at once. But you won't be bored.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
sexy Sunt optimista, umpluta de potenta pozitiva si incerc sa vad jumatatea plina a paharului, fapt care ma face sa mai cred in cinste si onoare , in demnitate si adevar ,in sinceritatea si bunatatea oamenilor .Sa nu uitam totusi ca ne -am nascut dintr-o moment de iubire.Iubesc tot ce-i elegant si curat sufleteste. Nu sunt aici pentru a cauta aventuri efemere, care oricum nu-ti aduc nimic bun; caut "jumatatea" cu care sa refac intregul , acel tot unitar plin de dragoste,lumina iubire bucurie,romantism frumusete sufleteasca,caut domnul, hotarat si pregatit pt un nou inceput,il caut pe EL,simplu spontan,serios si cu principii MASCULUL care sa reuseasca sa lase balastul trecutului in urma si sa incerce sa traiasca in PREZENT .. sa "construim" ceva durabil, frumos si plin de armonie IMPREUNA. slabuta
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
Salut! Sunt o persoana determinata, cu principii sanatoase, prezentabila. Nu suport minciuna. As vrea sa cunosc un mascul cu afinitati apropriate pt. o relatie serioasa. Nu pierde timpul!! N.B. - Va rog NU deranjati fara motiv, cu profilul incomplet sau in parte, persoane casatorite dar care cauta sex sau altceva,.. , persoane cu profilul ireal, etc., astfel incat ma obligati sa va blochez. Pe compact vor o persoana fara obligatii ca si mine, cu un grad de cultura superior mie, deci mai intelligent decat mine. Caut un barbat , nu o femeie! Nu sunt lesbica!! Multumesc! O zi buna tuturor!
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
I'm the one your mother warned you about! :) Sotul excelent pentru mine trebuie : S? fie b?rbat, nu c??elu? orfan; S? ?tie ce vrea, ce poate ?i ce-i place; S? m? fac? s? m? simt singura prietena din lume; S? ?tie r?spunsul la milionul de chestii care-mi sunt mie necunoscute; S? ?in? pasul cu planurile mele; S? nu se simt? in competi?ie cu mine, ci in echip?; S? nu considere c? treaba lui e s? se uite la meci ?i a mea s? m? oglindesc in smal?ul crati?elor.... the rest on private :)
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
buna Sunt o persoana supla, constitutie sportiva, cu mijloc si greutate constanta de la varsta de 30 de ani. Port ochelari de vedere. Am fost bruneta. Acum sunt blonda (vopsita ). N-am suferit nicicand de vreo boala grava. N-am fost operata si nici internata in vreun spital , in afara de maternitate. Am doi copii adulti. Sunt cultivata, comunicativa, deschisa, toleranta. Am mult simt al umorului.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
I am Looking for the right man to share the rest of my life with, I want to be with a wonderful, loving, good-hearted man and am willing to take my time to find the right one. I want to learn all about my partner and what makes his unique, what makes him happy. And of course I desire to please him and make him happy, yet ultimately, I think happiness is each person's own responsibility. So I am willing to love, help and support my partner, but I want him to be responsible for him own well being. And I believe in getting to know each other so you know what the other is thinking & feeling.
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
Sunt o persoana extrem sociabila, deschisa,prietenoasa Persoana sensibila ,educata ,ador tot ce e frumos si cu bun simt imi cunosc valentele si drumul spre orizont ,,,sunt loiala iubirii facand diferenta intre trecut si prezent ,,,apreciez eleganta ,modul de a cuceri .nuanta de a duce inspre ,,,,a fi sau a nu fi ,,,,!!!! Mi-e dor de ,,,,,tot ce e firesc si omenesc,,,,,!!!,,,,,,,,DECAT O NEVASTA RANITA ,,,,,,MAI BINE ,,,,,,O FEMEIE INDRAGOSTITA ,,,,CU RESPECT ,,,,,, Sunt blonda, ochi albastri,simpatica, am 1,60 m inaltime Caut sa socializez, sa ma distrez
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
orice dragoste care nu are la bazĂ prietenia, este ca un castel construit pe nisip;stiind sĂ asculti vei profita si de pe urma celor care vorbesc rĂ u; argumentle nu conving pe nimeni;nici-un fapt mĂ ret din lume nu a fost realizat fĂ rĂ pasiune; cele mai frumoase lucruri nu pot fi vĂ zute sau atinse trebuie sĂ le simti cu inima... printre toate florile lumii sunt si eu o flore, culege-mĂ de poti..
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
vor prietenie de mesenger companie .s?nt casatorita,am 3 copii ,2fete ?i un baiat .s?nt plecata de pe meleagurile rom?ne?ti,?i simti nevoia de a conversa cu cineva dar sa fie ca ?i mine sincera .va pup ?i a?tept raspuns
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
Beautiful girl...i waiting for someone ho carring me :D:D I care both about my inner and exterior state, it is very important for me to find balance and to devote enough attention to my physical shape I like fitness, like going for jogging, swimming, camping, walking going to the beach and also to my mind development -traveling, sightseeing, reading, theatre, performances, exhibitions. As you can see, almost everything in this world is captivating for me and I know how to value simple pleasures of this life. Very Beautiful ;)) I looking a men ho take care of me ;))
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
sunt cam geloasa cand iubesc un barbat.am suferit .imi plac plimbarile si distractiile,Imi place sa fiu o autentica sotie I am a beautiful, smart, responsive woman who wants to build a serious relationship with a man who can win my heart and who is ready to prove to me that he is a real man. I am ready to give my man care and warmth and in return I want to receive the same. With my man, I am ready to go anywhere if my heart belongs to him. am 1 m 75
50 kg
suparacioasa si mega geloasa dar geloasa din iubire mascul care sa nu ma minta,,,si sa ma iub asa cum il iubesc eu
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
Imi place mult viata I am an outgoing, grounded, independent and active woman. I enjoy being with the people I love. My family and good friendships are important to me. I can be very serious and passionate about the things I care about but I also enjoy the lighter side of life, having fun and a good laugh. I enjoy the work I do and in my spare time I enjoy reading a good book, watching a good movie, swimming or walking. I\'d like to share my life with a man who is happy, mature, intelligent, has a sense of humor and is generous at heart. Am sani mari imi place viata ....am fund . Masculi bine
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
Casca ochii si ai sa vezi...! I have a great sense of humor, A warm personality and people say I am easy to talk to and comfortable to be around. I try to learn new things daily because it keeps me enlightened about life. I believe in the old fashioned manners, kindness does matter. I am funny, passionate about things I believe In. I do believe in the golden rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Love your neighbor as thyself. Trust, Honesty and Understanding is very Important to build a good relationship and friendship. If you like to hike, fish, garden and cook. Need someone to talk to and have a good conversation with.. Please drop me a line Mai bine nu se poate. Barbatul ideal
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
Sunt foarte sociabila I like to be happy and give everybody the chance to be happy , Ia€™m the shy type , I took a while to consider the fact to come online here now , because I have had a bad relationship before and dona€™t wish for it to happen again, if you text me because of some selfish reasons like just sex , I aina€™t gonna reply you , I need someone who will love me and be with me and make a family , thata€™s all I want You can message me , remember Ia€™m here for a long term relationship, I lost my boyfriend in a car accident about some years ago , now I live alone , no kids , just some friends who come over sometimes , I sell watches , bags , shoes , sometimes part time make over artist , thata€™s what I do , you can mail me if you think we gonna be good to each other , and as for the man I prefer , age is no barrier for me , age is just a number , I dona€™t know where my happiness lies , could be younger or older than me , all I want is a family and be happy, Ia€™m open to all Slabuta,1,60 m :)
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
sunt o fire simpatica.glumeata..jucausa..imi place sa dansez...sa navighez pe net sa merg la cumparaturi..si restu aflati mai tz... Ia€™m a girl from Ukraine. i\'m usual girl but I\'m sure that I have something special to make my man happy and i\'m sure that my beloved wil be the happiest man in the world. I think that life is too short to think about sad thing and I am sure that we have to wait for the miracle and have hope in our hearts! I\'m cheerful and loving and I hope that you\'ll notice it!! sa nu fumeze ,sa fie dragut si sa fie el insusi..!
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
Sunt o fata tinara I NEVER get bored!!! I adore working out and doing fitness! I go to the gym regularly! I spend a lot of time outdoors and in the nature. The best way for me to have rest is to go for a walk in the forest.... listen to the birds singing and the trees whispering... When is rains I love to wrap my body with a blanket, make a cup of raspberry tea and read a good book! Sunt eleganta Mascul bogati
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
i never stop being grateful to God for his mercies upon my life and all the experiences that i have been exposed to. I am a fun loving man, jovial, Kind, easy going, lovely and passionate man. I like to have fun, work, travel, Play, and smile. I think of myself as being clever but harmless
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
Sunt o persoana prietenoasa,glumeatza, si de incredere... Well, I'm laid back and just a pretty cool person. I'm up for almost anything, and I love being spontaneous. I've been through things in my life the past few years that really make me appreciate every day, and I am thankful to have my family and caring friends around. I live for the day, and make sure tomorrow there will be no regret.I'm really caring, and some people say I'm too caring because it gets me hurt sometimes. I'm outgoing and honest. Communication is very important forma to me..I want a strong person who knows what they want and goes out of his way to achieve it. I want breakfast in bed, tons of kisses and great conversation.. It's not just about what they can do for me. I know that when I find that special person it will make me just as happy to do the little things for them. I want to be someones everything and I want that someone to be mine.I just want to meet someone, not that I can live with, but someone I can't live without te las pe tine !!! Un prieten de incredere , frumos si sa stie ce vrea de la viatza!!
Femeie, 39, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
placuta sincera, urasc minciuna, imi place sa gatesc sa ma plimb sa dansez sa ascult muzica sa cant,iubesc copii,animalele NU RASPUND CELOR FARA POZE sau care nu corespund criteriilor mele de eligibilitate!Sunt o sotie pragmatica, realista, interesata pt inceput de o prietenie win-win, dar nu exclud ulterior indragosteala/casatoria. Am alergie la burtosi (mai ales daca sunt si scunzi), dantura neingrijita, rasi pe cap, barbosi, agramati, inculti, prosti, badarani, mincinosi, zgarciti, afemeiati.Nu ma atrag masculii sub 1.80 m, supraponderali, supermusculosi, cu tatuaje de prost gust si lanturi de 1 kg la gat. Exclus manelisti si cocalari!NU ma intereseaza relatii la distanta, nu ma pasioneaza taurasii dotati doar fizic dar cu lipsuri grave la mansarda. Prefer barbatii mai in varsta decat mine sau de varsta apropiata, in niciun caz sub 40 ani. NU sunt posesiva si nu suport manifestarile de gelozie si control obsesiv. NU gazduiesc "turisti" care vin in Bucuresti sa-si cunoasca "dragostea vietii". Consider ca sexul nu este important intr-o relatie, deoarece, mai devreme sau mai tarziu, tot se ajunge la rutina, iar asta erodeaza relatia. Sunt o mare iubitoare de animale. Pt cei care imi dau diferite sfaturi "intelepte" am un proverb: cainele moare de drum lung si prostul de grija altuia. Pt frustratii care se baga singuri in seama cu comentarii inepte, am si pt ei un proverb: vulpea care n-ajunge la strugurii dulci zice ca sunt acri. Cui nu-i place ce am scris, sa caute bibilici, sunt destule pe aici! silueta,atletica caut un domn sincer care stie ce vrea de la viata sa fie glumet, calm,simpatic intelegator
Femeie, 38, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
Sunt o persoana sufletista,sincera,putin romantica si extrem directa,urasc oamenii prefacuti si mincinosi sunt nici frumoasa,nici urita,nici bogata,nici saraca,imi plac oamenii si acord circumstante atenuante oricarei persoane,dar pastez distanta dintre mine si cei care vorbesc necuvincios..viata este atit de scurta incit este pacat sa ni-o scurtam si noi..sunt o sotie calma,am multa intelegere ptr persoanele suferinde de boala,imi place sa ascult muzica picaturilor de ploaie..si-mi place sa privesc orizontul cu toate transformarile lui.. Las la aprecierea voastra Ceea ce caut eu nu cred caci voi gasii vreodata dar...sa vedem
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
cautati-ma si va voi spune Sunt o doamna cu interese diverse si o viata umpluta de viata. Dar stau intotdeauna pozitiv si incerc sa trec toate problemele de viata cu zambetul pe fata Sunt destul de activ si prefer modul activ de viata si de agrement. Imi place sa merg la munte si sa ma odihnesc acolo, sa stau cateva zile. Particip la cursuri de sala de gimnastica si de fitness. Dar, de asemenea, imi place sa ma hranesc si cu mintea (zambet). Am citit carti, atat literatura profesionala, cat si romane de aventura sau dragoste. Imi plac animalele, mama si cu mine avem doi caini (zambet) conteaza sa fie de treaba un baiat serios sincer sa ma iubeasca sa nu minta k nu suport minciuna sa fie de treaba si sa ma pot intelege cu el
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
foarte fireasca si alegra The most charming and nice creation of the world that is searching for love and tenderness. maybe it is hard to believe but I am lonely but like noone else I miss your warm touches and hot kisses. Please, do not make me wait for my happiness for too long, I want to be with you and only you!!!!! placuta doar un barbat care stie ce ravneste de la viata...cei cu prostii in cap sa se abtina...senza aventura.
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
ceea ce se vede I'm caring, faithful, Loyal, truthful, loving, generous, goals achiever, honest, Spiritual oriented, future driven, Confidential, Understands the ups and downs of life, Committed to relationship, reader, visionary, Conservative, Passionate, romantic, sexy and loving.I love to be fun and spontaneous and enjoy each day finding something joyful to smile about? placut...imi zic unii caut.....e treaba mea ce!!!:))
Femeie, 20, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
Eleganta ''Complimentele tale nu ma ridica! criticile nu ma coboara!sunt ceea ce sunt nu ceea ce vor altzii sa fiu!nu sunt sublima nici nu vreau nici nu pot!sunt ceea ce sunt!iar daca nu`ti convine nu ma plang ..;) Superba
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
sunt simpatica I am a creative person, I love everything new and interesting. In life, I look for stability in relationships. I think that I can find a person with whom we will have a lot in common and we will be happy together,I am sincere, cheerful, attentive, kind, sexy, elegant, energetic, hardworking, optimistic, intelligent, sociable, reliable, creative, active, emotional, and purposeful. draguta baieti simpatici :))
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
Sunt o fata cuminte, sincera, serioasa. As putea scrie indiferent ce aici , insa este o mare diferenta intre realitate si ceea ce se scrie aici,..asa ca este mai bine sa nu scriu nimic ,cine cunoaste isi v-a da seama numai uitandu-se atent la mine ,..va multumesc pentru intelegere! Numai bine Prietenie, relatie serioasa
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
poate cu prea numeroase asteptari I am a cool minded person , I love being straight forward in my activities with people,infact the reason my folks like me is just cos of my policy of being simple as I believe Greatness Lies In Simplicity how about u dont u think so ? parerea ta conteaza pe cineva care sa se ridice la nivelul asteptarilor.......
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
nu shtiu ce as putea scrie despre mn... Sant o persoana cinstita,onesta, o buna gospodina ,tind mai spre idilic desii nu sunt perfecta,sunt o luptatoare a vietii nu ma las batuta de problemele vietii,pana la urma totul are o rezolvare(optimista). Urasc minciuna din tot sufletul meu. Mi as dori un partener responsabil, calm , un om bun sa fie si tata pt baietelul meu de 11 ani. placut... mascul sincer..cu sintul umorului..respectuos cu bunul simt..
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
sunt o fire nebunatika si sincera..CATEODATA EXAGERAT DE SINCERA... I will be glad if we get to know each other and become friends.You never know we could become the next success story on here as good couples.I want to find someone to be in Good Relationship with that right person. Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end. A relationship is a two way street. It's never all your fault or the other persons SATENA,OKII CAPRUI...SPRE NEGRU.....1.74...59KG....
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
Sunt o persoana linistita Am tina by name and am seeking for a serious committed relationship that can lead to marriage but friends first to see how it goes if you are interested in getting to know me let's see if this works it's like a puzzle left for you to figure it out ... hit me up via email Tynaspxatgmail sunt sexy:D Sunt in cautare de prieteni :D
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
draguta,simpatica I am well-educated and intelligent woman. I am sincere, kind, open-minded with great sense of humor. In my free time I like to go in city park, resting. For me, my family is important. Happiness, health and welfare of my family. Find a simple woman's happiness - to love and be loved, to understand and respect each other. To me it is important that I can help people and that I like my job. I would like to meet a tender and kind-hearted man if you interested let me know so that i can add you to my list and we can know more about each Other. arat f bine o relatie serioasa
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
I'm a very easy-going woman with an active lifestyle, positive, with a great sense of humor. I'm caring, sensitive, sometimes sentimental. I have lots of energy, my energy is enough for a lot of things: traveling, meeting friends, creating coziness in house, cooking delicious meals. I think that it is important: to listen to other person, to find compromises in relationship, to live life to the fullest, to support each other and enjoy wonderful moments together! super sexi ..... un barbat
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
simpatica I am a calm person, I am kind, understanding and honest. I think I am a good friend and a good listener. I'm proud of my family because it's so strong and peaceful, but now I want to produse my own family and to have a woman's happiness. I am a woman who likes to look good, I wear high heels and I have style. I think that a woman should be feminine and sexy to her man always. I want to feel real and hot love once and for all. I try to be positive, honest and look at life with a smile. My goal here is to find a man who will accept and love me for who I am. I am an independent, hardworking, caring, smart, honest, sincere, and intelligent lady. With me it is never boring, because I am a woman of mystery and I always have something to surprise you with. distractie
Femeie, 33, Casatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
sunt o fire tandra;ar trebui sa ma cunosti ,,Caut pe cineva pe care sa il respect ca sa pot sa fiu a€śascultatoarea€ť. Nu pot sa fiu asa cu cineva care nu poate sa isi rezolve solitar problemele. Eu caut un mascul care se poate ajuta pe sine insusi pentru a ne sprijina reciproc. Caut un barbat care sa inteleaga ca s*xul are importanta lui intr-un cuplu dar ca nu determina existenta cuplului care se vrea cu adevarat fericit. Si o femeie autentica nu va accepta nicicand langa ea un barbat care este extraordinara€¦dar numai o ora! Pentru simplul motiv ca ziua are 24 de ore !" eu cred ca sunt ok nici eu nu stiu
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
fara falsa modestie consider ca sunt destul de draguta,sunt sigura ca pot sa atrag absolut orice mascul si stiu ce vreau de la viata. Ich bin eine leidenschaftliche und sanfte Frau, die sich ohne einen besonderen Mann in der Nähe sehr allein fühlt. Ich werde immer ehrlich und treu sein, weil es meine Essenz ist. Meine Seele ist zart, aber mein Herz kann nicht lügen. Wenn ich meine Liebe treffe, werde ich darauf vorbereitet sein sunt bruneta am ochii verzi,destul da inalta si cred eu suficient de atragatoare pt partea masculina. sincer nici eu nu stiu....nu as zice ca orice dar detinand in vedere vremurile in care traim un mascul frumos,destept si cu bani..:)).glumesc...o persoana draguta...
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
Building a relationship based on love, trust, mutual shared values, mutual respect and perhaps appreciation is my priority. This is the type of connection which involves a blending of the energy fields of two people in a very harmonious way. I desire to feel that unique closeness with my future partner, when there will be no topics that we could not discuss, where understanding would reign and we would solve any difficulties easily, respecting each other as individuals and caring of each other's feelings. It will surely result in more fulfilling life.
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
nice & sweet Chiar de descrierea pe care as putea s o fac eu, ceea ce cred ca va conta extrem mult, este acea potrivire pe care o cautam toti, completarea reciproca. P.S. Nu voi accepta sa conversez decat cu fiintele destul de serioase si interesate de o relatie serioasa . Multumesc! pt cine este asa important fizicul sa se uite la poze :P YOU ;)
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
buna! sunt elena,sunt gata sa cunosc oameni noi! I the beautiful young girl who wishes to begin serious relations. About myself I can tell, that I very sociable and positive person. It seems to me that the nature generously has awarded me with such qualities as mind, beauty and good nature. I very kind person, at least so my friends respond about me. But I am very easy for offending. I was disappointed in men a little and I live with hope that I will sometime meet the love. I love cooking, to listen to music, very much I love children. In my opinion it is impossible to seize all merits, it seems to me that I own many of them. And in more details I will tell about myself in the letter. nu vreau sa par increzuta :P las pe altii sa decida... un baiat brunet, atletic..cu simtzul umorului si gata oricand sa se distreze:D
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
I am very kind and honest girl. I have a great sense of humor. I am very purposeful and always going to the end. I love the spring and summer. I love to relax in nature and swim in the river or in the sea.
Femeie, 41, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
Sunt aici pentru a gasi o relatie serioasa pe care mi-o doresc. Sunt o persoana onesta si directa si caut un mascul serios asemeni mie care sa isi doreasca o relatie bazata pe respect, dragoste si onoare.
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
I am a loyal hard working person who is looking for someone I can trust, laugh and have fun with. Someone who wants to go for a big adventure or the local flea market. Kindly get back to me on shellymckannas at Gm. I love the beach and my dog. I would love to meet someone who enjoys the little things like id & knows those are the big things. If you like what you get to read In my profile Kindly get back to me on shellymckannas at Gm figure out that. Looking for someone respectful, stable, sincere and consistent in thinking and behavior. Someone who shows humor and integrity and is fun to be around.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
Fara Separate nu ma intereseaza relatile pasajere caut Un Mascul Cu Capul pe Umeri care stie ce frea de la Viata Preferabil de Varsta Mea sau 6 ani maxim mai mare fara Supararare Domnilor de pe Acest Saite.
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Negresti Oas, Satu Mare Romania
am 20 d3 ani,imi place sa am o partenera eleganta cu corp f.f.f.f.excitant si sexy,imi place f.f.f.f.sex cu femele care stiu ce seamna sex intre ele nu conteaza varasta dar prefer care au intre 15 si 22,si sa practic sexul tot timpul mie imi spune sint vulcan de sex,mai mie imi place sex in grup si care mai de care linga una pe alta ,nu imi place barbati mie sile de ei asa vreau sa am cel mai mult relatii cu ce imi place sex cu prietene formidabile la corp si la sex.