Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
I can say for sure that you will never be bored with me. I am a very sociable lady and all my friends say that I am funny to be with. I am very punctual and you can be sure that I will never be late for our dates. People say that I am very kind and I am always ready to help them. I adore romance and I am a very romantic person. Placut
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
sunt o fire distractiva,zambareata si iubareata. Imi place sa gandesc ca acolo, undeva exista si perechea potrivita pentru mine. Incerc sa gasesc un mascul cu care sa construiesc o relatie durabila, bazata pe afectiune/ dragoste, onestitate si prietenie. Poate ca atractia nu vine imediat, de aceea nu am un anumit set de trasaturi pentru "jumatatea mea". Eu sunt o persoana obtimista, prietenoasa, si activa. Afectuoasa si loiala, imi place sa fiu tratata ca o prietena si sa ma simt ca o femeie. Un pic conservatoare, poate, dar deschisa la idei noi. ramane sa ne cunoastem ca sa vezi cum arat caut distractie si prietenie
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
vesela comunicativa si restul persista de vazut Daca am fi pietre, nu am avea nevoie de sentimente. Daca am fi picaturi de ploaie, nu am avea nevoie de lacrimi....insa, suntem oameni si avem necesitate de dragoste."Poate itr-adevar cea mai mare dezamagire este in iubire . DE CE ???? In iubire daruiesti TOTUL , daruiesti sufletul, inima aceluia pe care il iubesti si uneori constati ca ti-a fost tavalita , improscata cu noroi simtind cum se rupe din ea bucatica cu bucatica.O inima o reconstruiesti greu , si din punct de vedere clinic vorbind, indiferet cat de priceput va fi ' medicul' care va experimenta sa o reconstruiasca
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
I am self-sufficient, Beautiful, happy, secure, self-confident, psychologically aware, emotionally and financially secure. and working as a Waiter In a Local Resturant,am Living with my Mom and Dad in a Logging house,i am a Ghanaian By Birth,my Father is a Ghanaian and my mother is From Australia..i have been In Ghana all My life i am a Hard working lady and very freindly.i have no Kids and Never Married... i Will Be Graduating Next Month and i am Studing Catering(Vocational Skills) .. i Cook Very Well Because that is My Proffession.....lol
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
timida si rasfatata That is hard to believe but I still have not had any relationships and never dated with a man in my life!Maybe that sounds too old fashioned but I want to belong only to one man, to have one love and one family and to be touched only with my man in my life! I got excellent education and have an intresting job, live in the lovely city Berdyansk, etc. Actually there is a video in my profile so you can watch, listen to it and know more of me! Real Video would help you to feel my energy better than many of words! las la aprecierea voastra un tip destept, cu simtul umorului , manierat, respectos.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
I'm a woman who is gentle, sweet, elegant and devoted to my future life partner. Believe passion, sex, commitment, trust, mutual understanding, loyalty would be the cornerstone of a marriage. I am passionately looking to building a loving relationship with a aparte guy. nush deocamdata .... vedem pe parcurs...... poate pe tine....
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
o sa va convingeti singuri daca imi scrieti!!! I dona€™t mind when people tell me that my relationship ideals are a fairytale. If it is a fairytale to be loved, to be respected, to have passion, a moving and active love a€” if that is fairytale, then yes. If mutual respect, love, lust and friendship is a fairytale, then of course! I want to be in love with you, in lust with you, in like with you... ita€™s a multidimensional world why would I want a one-dimensional relationship? I want love, passion, honesty and companionship... s e x that drives me crazy and conversation that drives me sane. Thata€™s the standard Ia€™m setting. What standard are you setting? veryyy sexy!! un mascul bunut,dragut si sa stie sa asculte!!!
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
nu va spun nimic.. Sunt o femeie naturala, ce imi vor Sa fiu iubita asa cum sunt eu, sunt o nevasta iubitoare, imi place Sa glumesc, si imi iubesc Familia.. Sunt inalta, dar Nu grasa, imi place SA fac sport, Sa gatesc. Traiesc singura, copii sunt casatoriti, servici am, Masina la fel.. Deci sunt bine. sunt destul de buna...la tot ce exista un mascul nici prost dar nici rau...daca se poate putin cu tupeu
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
Sunt o secunda pe care o pierzi fara sa sti,sunt persoana ce stie sa iubeasca,sa inteleaga,sa asculte,sa respecte,sa planga si sa zambeasca chiar daca sufletul ii plange...
Sunt simpatica,intuitiva...cu toate ca nu am o varsta foarte mare fac fata cu succes obstacolelor ce imi ies in cale... "Viata nu inseamna sa supravietuiesti unei furtuni ci sa sti sa dansezi in ploaie" Noi prieteni!
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
... Am Eva with the age of 35yrs single with no kids,I\'m affectionate, love cuddling, kissing, holding hands. I\'m very romantic and love to be romanced, pampered and treated like a unic woman.I am just a honest person looking for the real meaning of love. I am sweet, caring, understanding, patient, humble, I love people who accept who i am, responsible, i am rich in good spirit and willing to share the real meaning of love to the right person.I love feeling secure and being sure that I can trust and be trusted. I love companionship that allows for having ones own space as well. I love being able to share interests but also have some of my own. I suppose I want the best of both worlds...... Bruneta ochii verzi inaltime 1:70 O persoana cu o inima buna si iubitoare
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
pai ...............cum pot sa ma descriu, eu as zice numai lucruri bune despre mine ...............sunt simpatica,glumeata....si vreu sa fiu alintata. daca persoana care e cu mine merita, sunt foarete romantica dar am si eu caracteru meu.......va astept pai........uitativa in poza.dar acum sunt blonda nu roscata. caut multi prieteni
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
hmm as putea sp ca sunt o fire cu bun simt imi place sa respect si sa fiu respectata,imi place sa dansez de fapt imi place exrem de mult:p:* I am lonely single female, I am marriage minded, family orientate and i like to do care at al time as i don't have time for game and am not here for friendship or internet games. I am fun, honest, easy going, Romantic, Godly, light hearted, caring, loyal, obedient, and i love to be sincere and honest about my words as i am caring ,kind ,friendly very easy to get along with and social ,romantic, passionate ,smart ,intelligent, cool headed, adaptive with a big heart of caring and loving and i do believe in the truth and honesty because honesty is the only key to human success and with honesty, i believe in myself and my life is based on truth and its all about who i really am and am ready to have long term relationship and i don't really care to get relocate to any where. un mascul cuminte:p
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
sunt simpatica foc si restu te las pe tine sa ma descoperi I love great conversation, walks on the beach, snorkeling, and a hot bath with a great book. I love to cook and experiment in the kitchen, as well as going out for a delicious meal. I like all kinds of music, movies, and art. I've been classically trained in piano, but am only playing the ukulele these days. I will go anywhere and do anything, including riding roller coasters or taking a last minute road trip. bomba un barbat sa stie sa iubeasca si sa stie sa aprecieze ce are impreuna
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
pot spune decat atat simpatica ...Cel mai mult in viata, iubesc linistea sufleteasca, tandretea, blandetea si adevarul. Detest minciuna, barfa, bautura in exces si oamenii care isi ascund originala personalitate. Ador oamenii cu bunul simt, oamenii adevarati, cei care stiu ce reprezinta a fi om... satisfacator prietenii
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
ce nu ma omoara ma face mai putermica Sunt o fire sociabila, deschisa experientelor noi, sunt genul de persoana impreuna care poti face tot ce iti doresti, fara a avea retineri. Astept oferte! Iti promit ca nu vei regreta ca m-ai cunoscut! usor barbatul ideal
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
Rock-erita cu chief de viata Sunt EU.=I am kind, calm, loving, positive affectionate.. I am intelligence and very feminine... I like the old-fashioned values - words like loyalty, reliability and respect.Ce caut aici?-Se spune ca la inceput de tot domnul si prietena au fost pasari de padure,care se uneau la primejdie,dar zbuau singure cand aceasta trecea..Noi oamenii de acum ne atingem prin ganduri prin emotii.trebuie sa stim sa ne miscam si chiar sa ne luam zborul ca pasarile, caci atunci reusim sa scapam nemaifiind la bunul plac al imprejurarilor.Pentru a ajunge capabili sa ne depasim greutatile si sa nu ne lasam daramati de nici un necaz de nici o tragedie.-trebuie sa plutim deasupra evenimentelor si pentru asta trebuie sa iubim., Sunt sentimentala si solemna, glumeata, agitata, misteriosa, linistita, expansiva Drepta si demna in mine in fata nedreptatilor ce ma lovesc. Uneori exuberanta si tulburatoare.I ts really nice way to meet people from all the world! make friends with me just like diamonds friends are forever feel free and talk to me let us get to know each other this world is a small place you just need to discover you are not alone m looking for a Trustworthy,Caring,H onest man that`ll Love,Respect and be Faithful to me and he must have a good sense of humour!! I WANNA GET MARRIED asa cum ma vezi rock-eri
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
I am what a good man deserve. I know we have lots of good men out there, but am looking for just one that would be mine and see himself as mine only. I am compassionate, loving, naughty, caring , affectionate and not scared to love again. The only unconditional love I had ever known was that of my parents. My father used to tell me that , theres a man for me out there. Honesty, trust , loyalty, faithfulness and commitment and healthy relationship is what I seek out there. I am now embarking on the journey of finding love and I have chosen to seek a partner online for the first time.
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
About my hobbies. I like to sing, write poems, listening to music and dancing to the beat, swimming, playing Basketball, watching TV, Movies going to GYM and comedies. I love friends and family, I am a fun person and make friends easily. I am a person who is very real when it comes to life and it's issues. Am honest, kind caring, affectionate, good sense of humor, easy going, free thinker, trustworthy and respect the lives of other people. Nimic in mod special.Just looking
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
I am a creative person, I love everything new and interesting. In life, I look for stability in relationships. I think that I can find a person with whom we will have a lot in common and we will be happy together,I am sincere, cheerful, attentive, kind, sexy, elegant, energetic, hardworking, optimistic, intelligent, sociable, reliable, creative, active, emotional, and purposeful.
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
veti vedea...:P RISTI?a€¦ Razand, Risti sa pari nebun. Plangand, Risti sa pari sentimental. Intinzand o mana cuiva, Risti sa te implici. Aratandu-ti sentimentele, Risti sa te arati pe tine insuti. Vorbind in fata multimii despre ideile si visurile tale, Risti sa pierzia€¦ Iubind, Risti sa nu fii iubit la randul tau. Traind, Risti sa moria€¦ Sperand, Risti sa disperi, Incercand macar, Risti sa dai gresa€¦ Dar daca nu risti nimic, Nu faci nimic, Nu ai nimic, Nu esti nimica€¦ placut..zic eu prietenii..
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
nu-mi place sa vb despre mine... ..atunci cand vrei o relatie serioasa,nu-i cauta celuilalt defectele, ci calitatile care il pun in evidenta...in plus,a iubi un om reprezinta inclusiv sa accepti sa imbatranesti impreuna de el... " Albert Camus prefer sa raman modesta... nu sunt in cautarea lui fat-frumos...
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
fire energica Sunt o fire creativa, sociabila, imi place sa glumesc si sa rid (cand e nevoie). Imi place sa ascult lucruri interesante pe care cineva le povesteste, nu ma plictisesc asa usor si plus la asta, cind te afli intr-o companie cu mine, nicicand nu-ti va fi urit, pentru ca sunt destul de energica si mereu predispusa sa incing ambianta :))) . Imi place sa ascult muzica . Imi place sa vorbesc cu prietenii, sa-i fac sa zimbeasca! Sunt un suflet care stie sa iubeasca. Sunt iertatoare, pot sa trec cu vederea unele lucruri, doar daca acea persoana merita cu adevarat. Imi place sa visez, asta ma ajuta sa-mi formez o mica lume a mea unde sa-mi inchipui un viitor asa cum mi-l doresc, macar in vise totul este posibil! = )) Imi place sa pozez , asta cred ca e specific noua, fetelor. Imi place sa primesc complimente, flori (trandafiri), dar nu de la oricine. Sunt o persoana mai mult romantica, ador plimbarile serale. Imi place sa iubesc si sa fiu iubita, sa fiu respectata! Imi plac mesajele scrise din suflet nu copiate de pe net. Imi plac cuvintele frumoase si sincere. Asta se reflecta mai mult asupra iubirii. placut o prsoana sincera cu care sa pot discuta orice.
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
va las pe voi sa ma cunoasteti:-* I consider myself to be a very balanced person, very purposeful, responsible and reliable. I am loyal and kind-hearted. My friends think that I am communicative and easy-going lady with a good sense of humor. My goal is to build my own family and give all my love to my beloved man. poi am ochii verzi sunt roscat 1,73 inaltimea 63 kg etc
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
sunt o tipa ok Nu-mi plac barbati falsi.. minciunile, tatuajele, tigarile, alcoolul. Imi place sinceritatea. Oare mai sunt, acesti barbati, din tot ce doresc eu, de la eii(el) !!! Hmmm. Aici ce vad.. Ff rar ii vezi ca scriu pe profilul lor.. Casatorie sau prietenie. Majoritatea.. Mai multi spun in profilul lor.. Flirt. Este ff elegant sa ai o relatie de prietenie. Dar sa fie ff seriosi. Sa stie, ce vor din tot restul vieti, lor. Doamne ajuta! Multumesc pentru intelegere! ok un baiat sincer,cuminte frumos si sa nu fie plictisitor:D
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
Sunt o fata simpatica,placuta,comunicativa,isteata... I am kind, honest, sincere, I do not like to be bored and always find any business for myself. I'm active, I don't like being sad, I'm always cheerful. I like to travel. I like going to the movies, I like going to the gym. I love theatre. my favorite music is pop, jazz, classical. I hope that there will be a man who will be interested in me. Miniona Un barbat care sa aibe facultate terminata,serviciu,sa fie serios,care sa ma faca sa rad,grijuliu,responsabil...
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
f sociabila,deschisa spre nou,distractiva,vorbareata,vesela...:) Sunt o persoana curata,cu mult bun simt nu ,suport mitocanii care considera prietena un obiect,vrei respect acorda acelasi, lucru,.Nu caut. Femei,nu a aratat decat asta si ceva mai nasol.Nu imi plac fiintele feminine deloc.Si nu sunt din bucuresti.Daca ai bun simt iti raspund,daca nu cauta in alta parte.Si nu ma intereseaza barbatii insurati.Deloc. nu imi place sa-mi spun parerea despre aspectul fizic,pt k nu asta conteaza,dar nici nu cred k arat chiar asa rau:)
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
Greu de vorbit cand e vorba de mine... Sunt optimista pana in ultima instanta sociala mai tot timpul. Nu-mi place niciodata rezolvarea de mijloc,tind mereu spre o extrema sau alta.M-a ghidez mereu dupa motto-ul"Totul sau nimic". Ar mai fi atatea de spus...dar ca sa inchei intr-un mod dragut, zic asa in mare parte ,i-mi place asa cum sunt , nu sunt frustrata , am incredere in mine . Desi am fost dezamagita de numeroase ori in viata , inca mai am resurse . Acum sa vad optiunea ta ,tu cel care citesti descrierea .
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
sunt o fire vesela,comunicativa si foarte sociabila.imi place sa ma distrez dar cu limite.nu imi place minciuna! Disabled with one traffic accident when 16 years old. Cane in my hand has been along with me from Winter to Summer; from Autumn to Spring, for studying in the university; for working in the indifferent society. When you are not sure for relationship, don't atingere me. And don't exagurate your desire with so called priority, don't indulge yourself too much with others caring. Be responsible, be warm-hearted, be smart, then be cherished, be thankful, please! contacteaza-ma si poate vei afla:) un mascul sincer care sa ma accepte si cu defecte si cu calitati. nu imi plac aventurierii!!!!
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
Tanara frumoasa . caut pe cineva sa imi inteleaga problemele si sa ma ajute sa trec peste ele Drumurile noastre poate se vor intalnii vreodata ???? N am sa ti cer , ce nu mi poti da vreodata . O IUBITOARE de calatorii , de natura in singular imi plac florile sa le ingrijesc si sa le primesc , nu caut perfectiunea.... imi doresc un ARDELEAN Destul de usor Barbat
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
I love life, and I love every clipa of my existence! There are lots of wonderful things to enjoy, but the main of them is of course love! I adore sports, dancing, music, I am creative and active in everything I do, and I want everything or nothing! I am also an incurable optimist. ;-))))))))))))))))))))) I like to look attractive, and appreciate this in other people, it has nothing to do with dressing fashionably a€“ sensual and attractive looks comes from inside. It is sparkle in the eyes, smile on lips, and many other thingsa€¦.
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
Inteligenta, descurcareata, ascultatoare, mereu zambitoare! good looking matured lady.i love to go out at my free time to the beach and cinema with friends and loved ones...at the same time i love travelling from one continent to another..due to the nature of my work.i will love to date a very understand man with a real sense of humor...that has the mind to give. Te las pe tine sa decizi! Un mascul stabil atat sentimental cat si profesional, destept si sa fie el insusi.
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
Sunt o persoana corecta, sincera si cu mult bun simt. Nu suport prostia, minciuna, grosolania. Imi plac oamenii care au caracter, oameni in preajma carora sa pot evolua. Daca te regasesti in descrierea mea, nu ezita sa ma contactezi!
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
prietenii zic despre mine ca sunt o fira draguta,prietenoasa,
fata de gasca,........nu stiu ce sa mai zic haideti sa ma cunoasteti, si veti spune pararile .........v-am pupat My name is Helene French of origin, living in France, I would like to meet a person of any kind, provided that this person is attentive, loving life and want to invest in a serious relationship. I am a smiling, simple woman who has a lot of love to give to a man who deserves it. I would like to chat with real man, who will not say "" you are too far away "", love has no border is not it? ! paiiiiiiiiii.............. un baiat dragut,si ce sa zic sa ne intelegem bine,restul mai vb noi...
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
numeroase nu sunt de spus..as prefera ca altii sa ma aprecieze...sau nu :P Am a female nurse by profession with a good job and all that comes am independent, but in some ways am pretty traditional. I have one son who i look after, After the dead of my late sister . Am outgoing so i have many friends and like to get out on the weekends to enjoy music, dancing, karaoke, , comedy shows, movies, dinner, walks, drives, picnics, BBQs and sightseeing, etc. I would like to get back into hiking, camping, canoeing, and kayaking. I like to stay home, eat in , and watch a movie by the fire when it's cold though.
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
hmmmmmmmm...sunt o fata umpluta de viata,sociabila,imi place sa ma distrez.un singur fapt urasc cel mai mult:minciuna!!! Ia€™m Morgan by name from Canada but am presently in Philadelphia now am single never married before am looking for serious relationship with honest man and caring man who I can spend the rest of my life with am 29 year old las la aprecierea ta:P nici nu stiu:)
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
nu prea imi place sa vorbesc de mine Someone unique, someone complex, someone accomplished. I've taken risks, worked hard and grown and prospered accordingly. I am an attractive woman who is both physical and spiritual. I have the means and ability to enjoy what I`ve accomplished and the life I desire. cred ca satisfacator socializare, prietenie
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
sunt o fire sociabila careia ii place sa aiba multi prieteni sau macar amici. I am a very sincere, patient and tactful woman. At the same time I have a wonderful sense of humor. I am positive and cheerful in the company of my friends. I do have a positive outlook on life and love. I appreciate kindness and respect. I dream to visit with my beloved man some beautiful and unbelievable places, which will bring us unforgettable emotions and memories. I believe laughter and happiness are good medicine to change any mood.
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
Increzatoare in fortele proprii,ambitioasa,o prietena de nadejde,tenace,sensibila,inteligenta,amuzanta ,serioasa responsabila,o fire justitiara ,nu-mi plac nedreptatile, urasc minciuna si implicit mincinosii si oamenii falsi. Forma placut,inalta,bruneta,ochi caprui,corp bine proportionat. Comunicare,sensibilitate,rabdare ,provocare,devotament.Tot ce este firesc si normal,fara orgolii inutile.Imi plac discutiile aprinse si in contadictoriu,imi place sa am un partener pe masura mea,chiar sa ma depaseasca cu istetimea lui,daca o poate face ma cucereste definitiv
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
Blonda cu ochi caprui, putin cam melancolici dar care pot fi si veseli sau sagalnici,romantica dar si practica,iubitoare de muzica si nu de zgomot, eleganta dar si uneori sportiva,nascuta in Romania dar acum locuiesc in Olanda,vorbitoare de limbi straine, cu alte cuvinte \"een wereldvrouw=eine Weltfrau=o sotie internationala\" (Ik ben blond met reebruineogen-zeggen de mensen rond mijn omgeving-maar deze ogen kunnen ook vrolijk of grappig zijn,ik ben romantisch maar ook praktisch, ik hou van de muziek en niet van het geluid,ik spreek 3 int. talen,ik ben Roemeense van afkomst en ik woon nu in Nederland )
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Targoviste, Dambovita Romania
simpla...si, de ce nu, draguta Cine sunt eu:Sunt o prietena cu lumina in ochi si cantec in suflet...Ma despart teribil de greu de ceea ce imi este drag, obiecte sau oameni... Se spune ca fiecare are un pret...exista cativa oameni in viata mea pentru care mi-as vinde si sufletul.Urasc sa fiu jignita. Rar sunt pesimista, dar si atunci gasesc solutii. Plang de fiecare data cand simt nevoia. Sunt confuza de fiecare data, pana analizez bine situatia..Produc uneori furtuni prin ideile mele, dar le duc la indeplinire cu stoicism.Vorba ceea, eu cant, eu joc!Sunt incomoda din pricina sinceritatii mele, dar asta e... Am trebuinta de libertate, incredere, atentie si tandrete...Multi oameni cred ca ma cunosc, cand de fapt nici eu nu ma cunosc.Sunt naiva.. inca mai cred in povesti, in suflete pereche, in oameni buni....imi adun cu zambetul pe buze bucatile de inima si le asez la loc...Ma caut in fiecare zi, cred ca ma gasesc, ma pierd si iar ma caut... Cred ca nicicand nu stii ce iti asigura ziua de maine... :)Nici eu nu stiu!