dulcica foc Well, I hope that this lets you know a little about me, and I hope I don't come across as being too cynical, harsh, or meansounding. I will give you the benefit of the doubt (we're all human, we all make mistakes), but I also don't like being taken advantage of. voi ce spuneti un tip sufletist nimic mai mult
Ador plimbarile si distractia Hello ... and let me tell you what I am NOT looking for: \"given\" men, \"promised\", men involved (more or less) in all kind of relationships, liars, jealous people (oh, God!), men that would miss me only when ... it rains:) Dear, are you sure you want to know me better?? :) Sunt o fata sexi fund bombat si te las sa ma descoperi
placuta cu mare chef de distractie Hello!!! I the simple modest girl from Russia. I very much like to prepare I love cleanliness and the order in the house. Very strongly I wish to have family but as I have not found the worthy husband and the father of my children in Russia I I address to men abroad. I wish to become the true and favourite wife. On it I shall finish the description but if I have interested you that write to me. I shall tell to you more. inalta de suspensii,pusa bine pe roti si cu mare motor la spate
nu-mi ajung cuvintele Simpatica, vesela, curata, a-mi plac animalele, ordinea , dansul, plimbarile an aer liber, filme, excursii, etc. Sant vaduva si anca lucrez, stabilita an Israel cu locuinta si loc de munca si ash vrea sa cunosc un barbat cu varsta de peste 70 ani pentru relatie de prietenie de indelunga durata si vizite reciproce an cele doua tari. se vede nu..? daca fat-frumos se ascunde pe aici as vrea sa-l cunosc...
Sunt o persoana pozitiva si responsabila! Incerc in fiecare zi , sa devin ceea mai buna versiune a mea! Iubesc natura si oamenii! Il iubesc pe Dumnezeu si ma simt Binecuvantata!!! Ador mancarea de caliatate si calatoriile! Imi iubesc ,familia si prietenii!!
I am lonely single female, I am marriage minded, family orientate and i like to do care at al time as i don't have time for game and am not here for friendship or internet games. I am fun, honest, easy going, Romantic, Godly, light hearted, caring, loyal, obedient, and i love to be sincere and honest about my words as i am caring ,kind ,friendly very easy to get along with and social ,romantic, passionate ,smart ,intelligent, cool headed, adaptive with a big heart of caring and loving and i do believe in the truth and honesty because honesty is the only key to human success and with honesty, i believe in myself and my life is based on truth and its all about who i really am and am ready to have long term relationship and i don't really care to get relocate to any where.
o persona simpla I do not like to sit still; always moving forward. I love to try something new. Very afraid of heights and I want someone to help me overcome this fear.Am God fearing and down to earth lady who like to help others and make other happy placut nu va spun este secret
de vis :D I am single with no kid. i have negru hair and brown eyes, I am 5\'7\" and 139lbs I am someone who caterer and my dream and goal is to find and my soulmate and make him happy and also enjoy this amazing life together. I am romantic, warm, tender and sensual. I love long touching, kisses, heart-to-heart talks. People consider me kind, honest and reliable. I am not perfect, but I have a lot of good qualities such as sincerity, understanding and patience. I really love nature, long walks and just being in the forest or near the water. I enjoy going out and spending my spare time in a company of good friends. eu zic k arat ok ma uit
I'm an independent, well rounded, outspoken female that loves to laugh and engage in intelligent conversation. I'm pretty girly, but will try new things, even if they're outside of my comfort zone. I love my family more than just about anything, besides God, and one of my main ambitions in life is to one day have a family of my own! I know what I've had and know what I deserve and will not settle for less! I love to shop, go to the beach, club occasionally, travel, and sometimes just lay low and chill. Baggage free and drama free people feel free to hit me up!
I am sweet, thoughtful, kind, intelligent woman, and have a great sense of humor. Text me on: eight five zero seven four five four one five five, I am very easy going and laid back. I am often told that I am very easy to talk with. I am not an angry person, I am happy with myself, and my life, and I like to think it shows. I have held on tightly to the hope that this blessing will be bestowed upon me to find that one deosebit man or i should say beloved partner in life with whom I can share everything unite my heart, body and soul
nu prea imi place sa ma descriu asa ca las pe altii:P:P down to earth person, have sence of humor and caring. i love to cook and gardening. i hate lies and games. i live alone and tired living alone. im ready to settle down and willing to relocate. as im tired living alone as i lost my family in typhoon last 2013. destul de bine...zic eu...:):) sa ma placa asa cum sunt:):)
I am a young and optimistic person. What I like in this life? Just simple thingsaa‚¬ ¦I like good weather, I like when good people are close, I like when my family is healthy, I like when there is no war, I like when baby smilingaa‚¬ ¦There are so many things which can make us happy in this life!!! But the main for everybody is to have love in his heart! I would like to have a person who can show me these bright feelings, who can show me how wonderful this world is!
sunt nebunatik...:P My name is Celia Boateng,i am 33 years Old,I am Single,White,dark brown hair,blue eyes,5'8",152 lbs.Long Hair and a healthy Lady.I am self-sufficient,Beautiful,happy,secure,self-confident,psychologically aware,emotionally and financially secure. hmmm...zik io bun...:P mai multi prieteni....distractie;)
Sunt EU caut pe cineva sa fie capabil in a comaseaza placutul cu utilul...nu sunt adepta discutiilor seci si interminabile tip virtual...vreau obiectivitate! Despre partener: Prietenos,sociabil si de ce nu darnic ptr o iesire din cotidian in multimea reala...exclus povestitorii virtuali care nu se regasesc in expunerea mea!
just me..you will see:D I am joyful woman, like life and enjoy it every moment. I am sincere and friendly person. I speak openly about my feelings and if I can help the other person I always try to do it. I consider myself to be happy person.My dream is to find my soulmate who would understand and support me. I promise to do the same for him. I dream about children and happy family. usor sa cunosc diferite persoane si sa stabilesc relatii de amicitie
sociabila,cu simt al umorului etc sunt f orgolioasa,corecta,sincera,loiala,f responsabila si foarte de ..pragmatica.Nu-mi place minciuna..si nu fac maine ce pot face azi.... nu mai este mult ,,timp,, si de aceea.doresc liniste si respect... las pe ceilalti sa ma descopere etc prietenie.....
sunt sensibila, comunicativa... sa rad, sa glumesc, sa citesc, sa dansez, sa merg la film, imi place viata in aer liber, sa calatoresc, ...asta ar fii lista a ceeace imi place sa fac in viata. Ce caut: cineva sa ma pot intelege si sa am o relatie de prietenie si sa (re)intemeiez o relatie durabila, o familie.
Sunt o fata iubitoare intelegatoare.. daca ai gresit pentru mine esti uitat pentru totdeauna.. Am tina by name and am seeking for a serious committed relationship that can lead to marriage but friends first to see how it goes if you are interested in getting to know me let's see if this works it's like a puzzle left for you to figure it out ... hit me up via email Tynaspxatgmail Parul lung brunet.. ochii caprui si mari .. o fata zambitoare mai mereu .. Caut un baiat cu suflet care sa ma iubeasca ..sa fie intelegere intre noi .. :)
sunt o tipa foarte ambitioasa si incapatanata,si asta datorita zodiei mele adik,capricorn,distractiva,si o buna prietena sono una ragazza molto dolce anke se a volte stronza con ki se lo merita... ho una migliore amica fantastica e le voglio un bene dell'anime.. sono single e non so se è una fortuna per voi..^_^ un bacio contattatemi.. ochii caprui,1.60 inaltime bruneta,23 ani barbat distractiv
sunt o persoana sincera si directa care uraste minciuna,imi plac lucrurile trasnite si iesite din tipar,dar pot fi si destul de timida. De retinut!!! Inocenta, dar nu si usor de pacalit. Sunt o nevasta puternica Èa„¢i am trei copii care este totul pt mine ei à ®mi sunt bogăÈa€ºia pe aceasta lume . Eu sunt o femeie familista Èa„¢i iubitoare sunt alături de pers pe care o iubesc la bine Èa„¢i rău indiferent de circumstanÈa€ºe nu renunÈa€º cind aproapele meu este intro situaÈa€ºie grea sunt o luptătoare Èa„¢i à ®i sunt alături chiar de cauza. Și aÈa„¢a à ®mi vor un barbat voinic nu neapărat fizic ci moral sa à ®mi fie aproximativ indiferent de problemele care near à ®nconjura Èa„¢i la bn Èa„¢i la greu atunci eÈa„¢ti o fam à ®ngheaÈa€ºÃ„Æ’ la bine Èa„¢i rău Èa„¢i sa mă protejeze sa mă iubească Èa„¢i pe mine Èa„¢i copii mei sa ne fie alături . nici prea,dar nici foarte,foarte friends & fun
distractiva Fara vici,calma,corecta,familista,ma feresc de fiintele care insala,gospodina,casnica( pensionara),imi iubesc familia,iubesc florile si in genere gradina(din pacate nu am gradina,dar imi place). De profesie contabil bugetar(30 ani),acum crosetez si tricotez deosebite obiecte nu-mi dau cu parerea baieti frumosi
Mereu alerg dupa ceva.......e un drum lung si plin de suferinta asa ca ...incerc sa zambesc mereu sa fiu unicata si sa descopar ce altii nu au reusit pana acum; FERICIREA un om clasic si cu bune si cu rele, dar cu suflet mare, pregatita sa intilneasca un om de la care sa primeasca atat cat ea poate sa daruiasca.Adevarul pentru mine reprezinta frumusete si frumusetea inseamna adevar. Astept comentariile :)! Sa imi fac prieten
persoana sociabila ..simpatica si mereu sincera...fara vrajeala I belive , the biggest quality of a man its the honour and the decency, its a must.. pls dont waste my time in nonsense discusions...im not depressed unhappy or dispereated..just try to find a natural person with the same moral values i think i have.by the way ,im romanian native living abroad so i have not any problem to relocate..insuratii ,disperatii,dezbracatii,ramaneti in multimea voastra ..a mea e clara!! alura cool:P...o tipa cu de toate!! caut prietenie si distractie...:)
Iata cateva lucruri despre mine,poate mai numeroase decat ati vrea sa stiti!Ma numesc Marina,prietenii ma mai striga si Alina.Sunt o fire visatoare,dar si extrem ambitioasa.Cand vreau sa fac ceva de cele mai multe ori reusesc.Imi place sa-mi fac cat mai multi prieteni...acum va pup dulce.Ciao!
imprevizibila.... caci d-zeu mi-a dat sa scriu\"aceste \" rinduri.Credeam.Numai sa privesc la public,Si poate,Din umbra unei terase, intr-o dupa amiaza Tacuta,cu soare,va trece o pasare,departe... Ca printr-un parc.. Gindeste-te atunci La fastuosul basm. las la aprecierea ta greu de spus...ceva nou...care sa ma surprinda...
sunt eu, asa cum imi plce sa fiu, asa cum voi persista Femeie tanara, de origine din Brasov,am imigrat in Canada acum 7 ani. Sunt serioasa, sincera, directa si practica. Am insa o latura artistica si poetica, iubesc muzica,animalele,cartile, limbile straine si natura. Cred in a-ti trai viata aproape de Dumnezeu. Caut un om ortodox, care sa fie sincer, responsabil, poate si cu simtul umorului. Trebuie sa ii placa copiii si sa fie rabdator cu ei. Am o fetita de 10 luni, careia vreau sa-I ofer o viata crestina , intr-o reala familie. Nu sunt casatorita, am realizat si alegeri gresite in viata, de aceea vreau ca acum alegera sa fie cea buna.
I am very simple, work hard, and love to laugh. I am looking for serious relationship. Haven't been in a relationship for almost 10 month . And I'm here 504 .If you want to talk to me, I'd love to hear from you. rushasbrownatyahuudotcome is for me 475 read between the lines to find me to chat.I am looking for someone who wants to be 89 loved and married for the rest of their life and has a great family as well 22 If you are smart enough you will know how to atingere me via the contents in my profile message.Family and friends will always come first for me
am si poze..... down to earth person, have sence of humor and caring. i love to cook and gardening. i hate lies and games. i live alone and tired living alone. im ready to settle down and willing to relocate. as im tired living alone as i lost my family in typhoon last 2013.
"tiganca cu ochi negri",inalta,desteapta,frumoasa si devreme acasa si mai ales modesta:p I am a very sociable and sincere girl who is easy-going and always positive. I like good sense of humor, nature and I adore sweet things! My favorite flowers are pink roses. My favorite season is spring. I believe in luck and believe that the one who moves will reach his goal. I am cheerful, kind, sincere, very active, trustworthy and open-hearted. I value peoples honesty and being sincere.And I'm like a flower, who needs love and care to bloom and make everyone around smiling and happy. vizionati pozele:p sotul ideal:25ani,fidel,frumos,destept,cu bani...aaa am uitat sa precizez in descrierea proprie k sunt glumeata:D
Este important sa alegi cu cine sa vorbesti, dar si mai important este sa intelegi cu cine trebuie sa taci.Timpul linisteste si lamureste. Nici o stare sufleteasca nu poate persista neschimbata de-a lungul timpului. (T. Mann) Nu umpleti niciodata goluri din suflet cu oricine!
Draguta,cu simtul umorului si iubesc mult animalele I am a single-minded girl. I love to achieve my goals. Friends consider me kind and cosmic since I look at life not like everyone else. I am feminine and so I like domestic chores like cooking delicious food, decorating the house. I fotografie my partner as a charismatic, making decisions person, smart, strong, caring. The main thing for me is support and trust. I want to meet a man ready to love and be loved. Prietenii imi spun mereu ca arat bine,dar eu sunt de parere k ar necesita sa mai dau putin jos din burtik :) Prieteni adevarati
Sunt o persoana modesta si prietenoasa. A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl..A nice girl.. Un ultimele doua luni am luat 2 Kg in plus . Caut o relatie de lunga perioada
sunt o fata simpla deca vrei sa ma descoperi mai mult ast sa ma contactezi Tonica,cu bun simt,gandire pozitiva,apreciez consecventa in vorbe si fapte...restul in privat.(PS...NU,pici atomici,diverse "ELE",barbati inrolati in distincte relatii....si mai nou...cei care si-au restrictionat aria sau intervalul de varsta in care nu ma incadrez si totusi imi trimiteti mesaje si asteptati raspuns). sunt micuta dar draguta
sunt plinuta dar buna
deci mai mult de atata te las e tine sa decizi un mascul cu care sa imi fac viata
bruneta ochii caprui parul lung 1.65cm distractiva iubitoare Imi place viata traita decent, imi plac animalele, imi place natura, imi plac calatoriile, imi place sportul sa-l practic chiar si acum: inot, ski, patinaj, ciclism, tenis de camp si imi plac oamenii sinceri si deschisi. glumeata un barbat cu care sa imi impart viata
Sunt optimista, umpluta de potenta pozitiva si incerc sa vad jumatatea plina a paharului, fapt care ma face sa mai cred in cinste si onoare , in demnitate si adevar ,in sinceritatea si bunatatea oamenilor .Sa nu uitam totusi ca ne -am nascut dintr-o ocazie de iubire.Iubesc tot ce-i elegant si curat sufleteste. Nu sunt aici pentru a cauta aventuri efemere, care oricum nu-ti aduc nimic bun; caut "jumatatea" cu care sa refac intregul , acel tot unitar plin de dragoste,lumina iubire bucurie,romantism frumusete sufleteasca,caut domnul, hotarat si pregatit pt un nou inceput,il caut pe EL,simplu spontan,serios si cu principii PARTENERUL care sa reuseasca sa lase balastul trecutului in urma si sa incerce sa traiasca in PREZENT .. sa "construim" ceva durabil, frumos si plin de armonie IMPREUNA.
I am a very shy and gentle woman, but as regards feelings and love, I am very open and always ready to take steps towards my destiny. Therefore, I am here. I'm very self-sufficient and I'm not used to depending on anyone, but still I want to be near a strong man whom I could lean on.
I hope you're here to find your one and only. Your kind, intelligent, gentle, romantic, tender, sexy, well-balanced and, to be frank, very hardworking and creative woman is here. Well, I really love my job, candle lit dinners, sandy beaches and with all my heart I dream of romantic nights in front of a fireplace with aparte someone!