tipa sexi din Iasi Sunt o persoana sociabila,loiala,cocheta ,bine intentionata,sensibila si corecta.Daca esti un om serios,cu un caracter puternic, un om care stie sa pretueasca si sa aprecieze femela de alaturi el,bine intentionat,loial,onest si fara numeroase vicii,cauta-ma! sexi, partener de joaca
Nu accept jigniri. Si imi vor sa discutam lucruri decente si sa petrecem timp impreuna constructiv. I am socialable and adorable character.I love life and have a huge variety of tastes,enjoy being casual and easy-going,I love the outdoors.i have a good sense of humor, which can often throw people off, but I'm always able to laugh things off, which I have found to be a necessity in today's world.I'm educated, but not a snob.I'm charming, smart, good family values, morals and family ties. honest, responsible and devoted as well.kind, giving, passionate and believe in treating others the way he want to be treated. have a good family life, friends and relatives, but am ready to share all of these with someone special.I am a woman who is caring honest and understnad.I need a man who is caring honest and intelligent also i need a man who will love me for who i am and not what i have. Placut si decent O persoana simpatica si sincera
Buna. Eu ma numesc..Valerica . Am 39 de ani sii locuesc in tulcea. Am un usor handicap la picioare...am o fata de 15 ani. Sunt o fire vesela sii deschisa pre tot ce inseamna frumosul sii placerea.vietii. Imi caut jumatatea, care sigur este undeva acolo!
Sunt o persoana sociabila... imi place sa ma distrez sa calatoresc ...sa citesc si sa imi gasesc pe cineva care isi ravneste o relatie de durata Cine sunt eu:Sunt o sotie cu lumina in ochi si cantec in suflet...Ma despart extraordinar de greu de ceea ce imi este drag, obiecte sau oameni... Se spune ca fiecare are un pret...exista cativa oameni in viata mea pentru care mi-as vinde si sufletul.Urasc sa fiu jignita. Rar sunt pesimista, dar si atunci gasesc solutii. Plang de fiecare data cand simt nevoia. Sunt confuza de fiecare data, pana analizez bine situatia..Produc uneori furtuni prin ideile mele, dar le duc la indeplinire cu stoicism.Vorba ceea, eu cant, eu joc!Sunt incomoda datorita sinceritatii mele, dar asta e... Am trebuinta de libertate, incredere, atentie si tandrete...Multi oameni cred ca ma cunosc, cand de fapt nici eu nu ma cunosc.Sunt naiva.. inca mai cred in povesti, in suflete pereche, in oameni buni....imi adun cu zambetul pe buze bucatile de inima si le asez la loc...Ma caut in fiecare zi, cred ca ma gasesc, ma pierd si iar ma caut... Cred ca nicicand nu stii ce iti aduce ziua de maine... :)Nici eu nu stiu! 90-60-90 O relatie serioasa
Vor numai contacte serioase. Masculii casatoriti sau cei care sunt deja intr-o relatie stabila precum si aceea care cauta numai o aventura, nu contine nici un interes pentru mine, de aceea ii rog sa nu ma contacteze.
Sunt sociabila,intelegatoare si am un suflet bun... Am principii de viata. Viata e scurta si eleganta de ce sa nu profitam. "Un partener este o Oglinda Sacra, mereu stralucind o lumina asupra celor mai bune calitati si celor mai grave caracteristici, aducand o viata umpluta de oportunitati pentru auto-reflectie si evolutie." Alex & Allyson Grey Sunt draguta...cred.
Nu-s o leguma.. nu-s sugar... ma descurc singura... fac de toate.... am chiar si medalii si diplome... am stat 3 ani singura in buc... la facultate... nu-s o povara! Sunt o pers cu handicap... in scaun rulant de 15 ani... ma descurc singura 90%... sunt vesela optimista... comunicativa.. imi plac animalele si copii... stiu sa fac prajituri bune! Caut un baiat de varsta cu mine.. care sa ma accepte asa cum sunt... P.S. nu-mi plac obsedatii sexual.. Atletica
if you have eyes........? ;-) Buna ma numesc Laura si din pricina pluctiseli m-am à nscris aici :)) ... Sunt nevita de puÈain timp à n Barcelona si vreau sa cunosc mai numeroase persoane să à mi fac prieteni,prietene urăsc singurătatea ask me
Cea mai prietenoasaaaa! Bonjour je viens de découvrir ce site, j'aimerais bien trouver un partenaire sérieux avec qui partager mes peines, mes joies et penser avenir dans une relation amoureuse solide...Je déteste le mensonge, les pervers passé votre chemin Bruneta, ochi caprui! Socializare!
O FEMEIE NORMALA,PUTIN PRETENTIOASA,IMI PLAC FIINTELE CU CARE POT COMUNICA,SI IMI PLACE TOT CEEA CE INSPIRA FRUMUSETE,ATAT INTERIOARA CAT SI EXTERIOARA. Sunt eu , cu calitati si defecte, ca oricare dintre noi. Ce caut aici ? Hmmmm...greu de spus, mai ales in vremurile astea pe care le traim cu totii. O discutie , o prietenie virtuala ...cine stie in ce punct se poate ajunge? Nu exclud nimic...Ma gandesc ca deocamdata sa imi alung plictiseala , atunci cand am astfel de momente. Timpul si destinul le va rezolva pe toate apoi... Fiindca m-am inscris azi, 5.11.2020, va rog sa aveti putina rabdare cu mine... Inca nu stiu intocmai cum functioneaza acest site. Nu am sa imi fac abonament, deci cine este cu adevarat interesat de mine, ma poate contacta prin mesaje. Multumesc! Ah...o chestiune foarte importanta ! Nu sunt interesata de sex virtual! Daca nu raspund la mesaje , reprezinta ca nu le-am putut vedea. Imi pare rau! SIGUR PLACUT...FARA MODESTIE. FARA SUPARARE NU ACCEPT COMENTARII DE PROST AUGUR.
I am a simple, sociable girl, always with a smile on my face regardless of the situation. in dragoste nu credeam iar acum cand mam indragostit...mam indragostit de cine nu trebuia...trec prin ocazii grele din veata mea...caut pe cineva k sa ma ajute sa alung tristetia din imima mea...nu k sa-si mai bata iar joc de ia!!!! Placut I'm looking for someone open to have a long-term relationship, someone who has been through the hardships of life who knows exactly what he wants from a woman.
Sun glumetata, frumusoasa , I am a cheerful lady... with a good sense of humor. My smile Smile illuminates this world , my eyes glisten on seeing the stars in the sky , my soul sings hearing the noise of the waves . My heart starts to beat faster with anticipation of something new and unknown . I love photography. It's my hobby and a part of my life . Because you can see parts of your life which you will never forgeta love couples ... the beauty of our nature.. peoples smilesa Sexy..slabuta brunetica Caut un partener de viata sa ma intelega si sa ma sustina in toate modurile..sa ma iubesca si sa ma aprecieze.
O fire placuta I believes that weare not prefect and do have flaws during our life time; we have good and bad sides (hopefully more goods than bad) within us. But importantly to embraces the good, and accept the bad with willingness to improve it defects to better our life with ourselves/loves ones. Willing to learn from yesterday, living for today with allowing preparation of tomorrow improvement to fulfill our happiness with loves ones. Materialistic is not the most important factor in life, but the inner qualities and spiritual growth are essentials to every dayas happiness. Beauty is skin deep. A picture is worth a 1000 words, but a 1000 words isn't enough to describe the person behind it. Therefore, I am more interested in knowing a person inside out rather outside in. communication is a life learning tool to finds/collects common vigor foundation in any relationship. Ingrijit O persoana de incredere pentru relatii serioase..
Sunt o fata iubitoare, grijulie si amabila, care iubeste natura, ador sa ies cu prietenii si sa citesc, caut pe cineva care sa-mi forteze dragostea si gandul, cineva pe care sa am incredere si sa il iubesc din toata inima, pe cineva care este amabil si intelegator, te voi face sa te simti fericit
Sociabila, bun simt si bun gust, putin cam indrazneata... vrei mai multe detalli? Incearca sa ma cunosti ;)
Locuiesc in Judetul Iasi, Comuna Cucuteni. I am tender and gentle, sincere and honest, very feminine and sensuous, sexy and passionate... I am very romantic, open-minded and a one-man woman. I am family-oriented, loyal and trustworthy. Very giving, supportive and caring. I consider myself a sweet girl with a soft personality. I am confident, serious (but with a sense of humor) and I'm mature enough to have a family of my own. I love life, love children and I am looking for a serious, kind, honest man for marriage. I would like to meet my true love and best friend, someone who shares my temperament and interests. I want to give everything to my special man as a woman, wife, friend and lover. I am ready for a fundamental change in my life and I hope to create a strong, harmonious marriage based on love, spiritual closeness and mutual understanding. I believe I will make a very loving wife for you! Aspect fizic... Placut :) Caut o relatie de prietenie, imi place sa socializez... si de ce nu si un partener de viata :)
i am a funny person,very friendly,comunicative... with a nice character , honest. even sometime this can hurt ...and why not, i can call me a responsable woman! i am complex! about my phisic u can see in pictures:D slim, athletic body, long hair, brunet... 172 cm , green eyes.. :) u can see in photos more hmm but excelent person doesn t exist..i don t have a tipical man, but i can confirm i like inteligent mans, with i can also joke, but also talk serious..and to can understand one each other,..and not at least he show me respect!
caut ce.mi place... I consider myself a serious person, do not throw words to the wind.I'm quite an emotional person and I like to give people positive emotions.I am open and sociable person.I like men that know what they want from this life just me ce.mi face placere..
Pot spune atat de sincer ca sunt aici pentru ca vreau sa-mi cunosc propriul site de dating. Am auzit multiple povestiri cu finaluri fericite. Sunt aici cu intentii serioase si sper ca veti fi norocosi sa intalniti aici si un om serios. In acelasi timp, nu vreau sa am multe asteptari si nu voi obliga pe nimeni sa se casatoreasca cu mine. Mi-as dori sa ne intalnim intr-un loc romantic si sa vedem ce rezulta din asta dupa cateva zile impreuna. Nu sunt o calugarita si nu un snob, dar nici o fata pentru o noapte. Sunt o nevasta fireasca care vrea sa o gaseasca pe cea din viata ei. Ar fi special sa-mi gasesc un partener de-a lungul vietii, dar sa nu ne grabim, sa incepem sa vorbim unii cu altii. De acord? Ma pot bucura de lucruri mici. Prefer sa conduc un stil de viata sanatos, sper sa vedeti din ochii mei si sa cititi intre linii, ca sunt sanatos si bogat in interiorul partenerei cu sperante sincere de a gasi dragoste adevarata. Te rog sa-mi dai sansa de a gasi dragoste. Chiar vreau sa! ajunge fericit. Sper ca atunci cand imi vei citi profilul imi vei gasi o doamna interesanta pentru tine. Sunt aici pentru ca vreau sa gasesc un om care va fi cel mai bun prieten al meu, iubit, sot si suflet intr-o singura persoana.
sexy si focoasa.... Ce pot spune..... consider ca vrajeala si minciunile tineretii nu isi au rostul (aviz amatorilor), cei casatoriti sa ma ocoleasca.... desi singuratatea nu- I placuta! Distanta nu este o optiune viabila...doar daca ai avea dorinta sa te muti in acelasi oras cu mine...cei care nu prea stiu sa poarte o conversatie gingasa si respectoasa sau care se cred buricul universului mai bine sa ma ocoleasca! Pe simplu nu am nevoie de un sef aproximativ mine,nici sluga nu o sa fiua.Ce doresc...o persoana care sa nu creada ca i se cuvine totul, sa respecte,far mentalitati ciudate , onest si care nu crede in :munca de nevasta /barbat :)) bunaciune...vezi pozele mele si clateste-ti bine privirea partener pentru discutii diverse...mai departe vedem noi.
am o inima mare si pot fi prietena cea mai buna;) I'm very loyal friend, down to earth person and grounded. I have great sense of humor, and very content with who I am and what I've become and established. I like to fix things "I got tools" lol. I speak Little English, I'm working on it anyway English. inaltuta,dragutza...:Dsi de aici nu mai continui:D un prieten adevarat si de incredere
poi nu vreau sa ma descriu:D:D I am Ann ,single looking without children, 5-7 ft tall, 133 lbs., inchis la culoare hair....I am an honest and good christian who loves being surrounded by family, friends and holidays. I am ready for a serious relationship and I really look forward to starting that with the right person. I am an honest,loyal, passionate, generous, giving, affectionate, sexual, supportive, sensitive, and a good listener who is easy to get along with. I am not that too outgoing type but love to have fun with my love one. I am someone who is comfortable in a pair of jeans, sipping a glass of wine. I like the outdoors as I like to just stay at home. Hang around the house getting my hands dirty in the yard. Love to entertain.. I generally try to live a somewhere healthy lifestyle, exercising and some sort of joggings, 3-4 days a week and eating healthy, trust me, I love sweets and pastries but try not to over do it .... and i do not smoke or do any drugs of any sort.... I would also like to find an honest and good christian who we can participate in activities together and encourage each other to pursue our interests as well. I have several hobbies (and wish I could find more time to pursue those) such as cooking ,swimming,dancing, and reading, and more,and would like someone to share that with, as well as sharing his...alright i will stop here thats as much as i can say for now lol so free free to say hello asa si asa:D:D poi nimic..daca e sa gasesc cv bine daca nu nu:P
Mi-am deschis acest cont pentru a discuta cu cei care merita , nu vreau sa ma intalnesc sau sa ma marit , sunt deja . Asadar va rog frumos sa imi cititi aceasta descriere si sa tineti cont de ea .
sunt o persoana..destul de draguta, deschisa, sociabila si umpluta de umor ! ....Viata asta e un lung sir de pasi,de treceri de la ceva spre mereu altceva,de undeva catre altundeva,de la ceva ce stii catre necunoscut!Și cu fiecare pas facut fiecare aeuaal tau se transforma si devine mai atent,mai curios,mai plin de intrebari,mai matur!Și il duci pe fiecare inspre necunoscut,catre maturitate,catre raspunsuri ce par pierdute in eternitate!Faci un pas mic si fiecare atua vine dupa tine cu increderea ca mergi pe drumul bun si ca viata nu te va pocni in fata sau din spate!Treci prin frig,prin indiferentele unora construindu-ti poduri,construindu-ti pasii catre propria si necunoscuta destinatie!Oare destinatia asta reprezinta o parte din infinit?! PLACUT vei afla daca esti interesat !
eu ma consider o tipa de gasca! I am a kind, tender, romantic lady, who desires to meet her singular someone and build a happy and strong family. My friends tell me that I can become a very good wife and mother, because I value family relations so much. I adore children! To me an active and eventful life means that I live! Also I enjoy meeting people and making friends. Communication with interesting people opens a lot of new and interesting in my life. I am a creative and intelligent person, which is very pleasant to talk to. I have a great sense of humor, but I know when to laugh and when to be serious. Iam willing to meet a man, who wants to build a serious relationship based on honesty and faithfulness. I would like my man to be strong and protective; I would like him to have a great sense of humor, so we can have fun together! I would like to live life to the fullest with my one and only! I am not interested in a manas appearance. For me, the most important thing is the soul of a person. Also, I believe in understanding between my man and me.i want to meet a man who is kind-hearted, broad-minded, serious, who is determined, knows what he wants to receive from life and succeeds in his life. I want my man to like animals and children.believe in love!! Do you feel the same? nu am infatisare de fotomodel dar nici urata nu sunt! amici
.....las la aprecierea altora un om obisnuit si cu bune si cu rele, dar cu suflet mare, pregatita sa intilneasca un om de la care sa primeasca atat cat ea poate sa daruiasca.Adevarul pentru mine reprezinta frumusete si frumusetea inseamna adevar. placut:P
Sunt o fata draguta,simpatica,:)..merita sa ma cunosti:)... I am romantic and life-loving person, I enjoy every second of life and I am looking for a man who would share with me happiness of living in this beautiful world. I am very faithful and reliable and I am dreaming to love and to be loved, to give all the passion and tenderness for my one and only person. Do you think it can be you? slabuta,inalta...arat superr bine..pupici
Sunt o fire mai vulcanica,ma supar,dar si iert repede,sunt o fire mai romantica,mai afectuoasa,sunt o buna ascultatoare,sfatuitoare,stiu ce imi vor de la viata! Sunny girl!!!!!:-))) Bright eyes and tender smile, sweet face and caring heart, always active and optimistic!!! Oh, it is really me!!!! I am romantic as well and i want to be loved!!! But i don't like when people play with me!!!! Sa arate dragut,sa nu fie destul de inalt,sa nu fie nici gras nici slab,sa nu aiba defecte Caut un baiat serios sa stie ce vrea de la veata,sa ma accepte asa cum sunt ,cu sau fara defecte,sa ma inteleaga,
Nimic de spus . Doar face tot face poti afla 5ft 10 height large build Big fem 26 plus size clothes Very attractive looking Very short dyed hair Glasses I am only big due to clinic conditions that put the weight on me under active thyroid and on steroids for my asthma Inflowmation I am physically disabled mobility and other I use a mobility Walker I was in a car accident when I was younger Sunt ok Casatorie s-au prietenie
Salutare! :D sunt o domnisoara care cauta distractie Prima data or pagina aceasta, eu sint asistenta medical?, iubesc sa c?l?toresc si sa vad lumea....imi vor o rela?ie frumoasa care sa devin? serioas?, am un b?ie?el de 7 ani care tat?l lui a murit cind a fost mai mic si il iubesc din toate inima....doresc respect, desfatare in via?a si stabilitate...VA ROG CERERI NUMAI DIN STATELE UNITE SI MESAJE. INTRE VIRSTA DE 29 si 43 NUMAI DIN STATELE UNITE Variante bine definite.
Superba Ich möchte, dass Sie wissen, dass ich mich auf dieser Seite getroffen habe, um meinen Seelenverwandten zu finden, und ich möchte einen Mann, der bereit für eine ernsthafte Beziehung ist, einen Mann, der bereit ist, einen Mann niederzulassen, der sich um seine Frau kümmern und gut aufpassen kann von ist Frau, ich möchte, dass Sie auch wissen, dass ich nicht online bin, um schmutzig zu reden oder Spiele zu spielen. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie Ihre Kontaktadresse hinterlassen Placut Prietenie
Sunt o fata sincera si simpla Well, I hope that this lets you know a little about me, and I hope I don't come across as being too cynical, harsh, or mean sounding.. I will give anybody the benefit of the doubt (we're all human, we all make mistakes), but I also don't like being taken advantage of. Sunt sexy Caut barbat pentru prietenie
sunt o fire destul de pasionala, sociabila, ambitioasa si cel care e v-a intalni cu mine nu va regreta. I am a very sensitive woman but strong in mind and independent.I love and respect family background and its values.I love nature with beautiful small villages.I enjoy reading,cooking,going fishing and gardening in my free time.And traveling is one of my big dreams in my life ! bruneta, ochii caprui, 1.70,sanii potriviti, 87-60-90, 53 kg,23 ani doresc sa gasesc pe cineva care sa stie sa imi satisfaca toate poftele mele pe plan sentimental.
o persoana deschisa la orice! I am a single hard working and responsible woman. I am a good listener, kind, loving and humorous. I like to cook, watch good educative programs, gardening,reading and listening to music. I believe in love but i believe more in unconditional and honest love. I am looking forward to a solid relationship with a responsible man who is serious, God fearing and knows exactly what he want and is not confused about it. Secsssii:)) distractie!
Sunt o persoana pozitiva si responsabila! Incerc in fiecare zi , sa devin ceea mai buna versiune a mea! Iubesc natura si oamenii! Il iubesc pe Dumnezeu si ma simt Binecuvantata!!! Ador mancarea de caliatate si calatoriile! Imi iubesc ,familia si prietenii!!
cu momentul inveti ce trebuie sa apreciezi CeI cAre mA cRiTica si Ma inVidiAza ~[:P]~___Vor dOAr sa mA scHimBe___PenTru cA vAD in miNe cEEa cE Ei nU vOr Fii niCioData [!!!!!]~[:*]~[]___ asta pentru ca is unica in felul meu de a fi chiar de cine si ce zice Uita-te la poze relatii
Frumusik:P:P In the first I very ambitious and clever enough girl. Also I am independent and always I try to achieve the purposes in a life. My passion this relation to a fashion and to all displays in it. I like to put on on a fashion and to carry beautiful clothes. Also I very cheerful and vigorous girl, can cheer up, even if it seems impossible. In general I loving and careful also concern to all with understanding. ....simplu un baiat frumos..:P
Nu sunt escorta I am optimistic and active, kind and honest person with good sense of humor. I live with smile. Somebody told me that a smile cost nothing but gives a lot. I think that life is cool stuff and I prefer to enjoy each day of my life. Destul de atragatoare Oameni generosi care stiu sa deschida discutii interesante si constructive care stiu sa se comporte in compania.unei domnisoare si nu in ultimul rand sa stie sa o respecte si sa k rasfete.caut relatie cu beneficii ..raspund doar la propuneri
o persoana normala...cu defecte si calitati :) I am kind, caring, loving. I am in school for my Bachelors Degree for Organizational Management. I have no children and never married. I am a huge Dallas Cowboys fan and New York Yankees fan. Also, I do use a walker and wheelchair for mobility.
finutza, umpluta de viata, iubesc calatoriile si animalele! I NEVER get bored!!! I adore working out and doing fitness! I go to the gym regularly! I spend a lot of time outdoors and in the nature. The best way for me to have rest is to go for a walk in the forest.... listen to the birds singing and the trees whispering... When is rains I love to wrap my body with a blanket, make a cup of raspberry tea and read a good book! cunostinte noi...poate printre ele se ascunde printzul din poveste...:)
JUST ME....POZELE SPUN JUMATE DIN DESCRIERE....restul in vei afla mai tarziu...:P Sunt o fire vesela, sunt sincera si prietenoasa,fara prea mari pretentii ,doresc loialitate si sinceritate.Am o situatie materiala buna, nu am obligatii, vor o persoana cu care sa mi petrec elegant viata placut:D distractie.....etc
sunt o fire vesela,plina de viata si umor.restul descoperiti voi I am Open-minded person woman ,easygoing I love getting to know people, and having people get to know me. Itelling the Truth(Honesty) and Love is what i show.I hate somebody who is full of lies.I am the Shy type of person and this makes it am passionate, reasonably intelligent, a lover of all things creative,Obedient and Respectful type of person, hard for me to talk or Interact with friends.Friendship is what i need from you.I'd love to meet lovely and caring people who are honest in all their endeavors and are modest in every way and line of their life . I think i have said alot,I will be happy if you would'nt mind telling me who you are,the thing you like and dislike in this World ok.. va las pe voi sa va dati cu parerea persoane cu care sa ma potrivesc
despre mine pot sa zic ca sunt o tipa inalta cu ochi caprui ,o persoana distractiva imi plac calatorile si f mult conversatiile Fara Separate nu ma intereseaza relatile pasajere caut Un Barbat Cu Capul pe Umeri care stie ce frea de la Viata Preferabil de Varsta Mea sau 6 ani maxim mai mare fara Supararare Domnilor de pe Acest Saite. dragutz un baiat pt o prietenie as preferea sa aiba inaltimea min 1,70
Ich bin eine Frau Nett, ehrlich, aufrichtig, aufmerksam, treu, ich möchte echte Gefühle teilen, wendet sich an die positive, die gute Laune und die Empathie. Mit Werten des Respekts, gerechten Teilens und menschlicher Wärme. Ich möchte Menschen mit den gleichen Qualitäten kennenlernen, nicht egoistisch oder skurril, die ihre Vergangenheit gegraben haben und bereit für die Adventszeit sind Gibt es die große Liebe noch? Ich suche immer noch nach der Antwort auf diese Frage, die jeder fragt, aber ich fange an, es leider zu bezweifeln. Wie du wahrscheinlich schon verstanden hast, suche ich nach einer ernsthaften Beziehung und vor allem stabilen ... Wenn für dich Frauen Sammlerstücke sind, danke für das Unterlassen, wie jeder
:) Modul perfect in care ar trebuie sa incepem fiecare zi este prin multumire si recunostinta fata de toate darurile primite. Trebuie sa cauti in sufletul tau acele momente, lucruri, persoane, visuri cu care Dumnezeu te-a binecuvantat din plin si sa le lasi sa iasa la suprafata. Un suflet plin de recunostinta este un suflet peste care nu se poate depune colbul regretelor, al suferintei, al tristetii si negativismului. Un suflet care abunda in dragoste, speranta si credinta este un suflet care se poate inalta in fiecare zi deasupra tuturor obstacolelor vietii. Aminteste-ti acest fapt in fiecare dimineata si pune-l in practica. Nu permite lucrurilor pe care nu le poti controla sa-ti dicteze pasii inspre fericire! Fa-ti o rutina din a intampina fiecare zi cu incantare, cu zambete si bucurie interioara, cu pozitivism si incredere, cu determinare si curaj! Priveste in sufletul tau si scoate la lumina tot ce este mai frumos si mai plin de speranta si agata-te de ele pana trece vijelia din viata ta! Poate pare imposibil la intaia vedere, dar numeroase dintre lucrurile pe care le realizam par la fel la inceput. :)"O RAZA DE SOARE":)
sincera si astept sa te cunosc nu vreau aventuri Carpe Diem Daca esti casatorit iti doresc fericire dar nu imi scrie ca nu imi pierd timpul.Daca esti singur,stii sa spui bancuri ,stii sa dansezi,iti place muntele si nu ai ochi alunecosi atunci bine te-am gasit:). P.S.apreciez masculii cu cei 7 ani de acasa. placut un barbat adevarat si sincer