Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
Ma plak mult*--Eu nu Fur inimi-le ,,,Le primesc Cadou ! iam sincere and honest lady.iam easy going person and very passionate person.single and have never marry before and i now search for an honest man for a relationship that will lead to a marriage.love music and reading a lots. asa cum vedetzi;)in poze pentru Relaxare.....
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
sunt cum sunt si voi fi cum vei vrea... youth abroad, have lived in the US for most of my life. mother of to two wonderful children - all independent and productive. Down to earth, optimistic, appreciative of my good fortune and the interesting opportunities life has presented... curious and inquisitive - smart enough to know what I know and what I don't. Kind, sensitive and considerate in my professional and personal life; comfortable being understated rather than a headline. A kind, happy, interesting, alluring, intelligent and confident man makes me smile. va las pe voi sa decideti...
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
te las pe tine sa ma cunosti :P Positive, fun, spiritual, kind, caring, tender, artistic - it's what my friend wrote about me. I live in Moscow now and going to visit my friend, she live in Brasov for new year. She is Russian too, few month ago she met her husband on this web cite and she is happier than ever. So I decided to try too. Who knows what can happend. I'm looking for kind man with sence of humor, preferable healthy life style, willing to have family in nearest future. I believe in destiny, law of attraction and true love which I ready to share with my future husband. un om cu suflet mare :*
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
I am also a sensitive and caring person who loves being cared for too in return and right now all i need is someone to call mine.someone that listens to me and respects me and maybe we can build something strong together.
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
...dragutika,sociabila... I am a kind-hearted, sympathetic, tender, sociable, active, responsible, sincere, broad-minded, soft and sweet girl. I love getting new knowledge and impressions. I lead a healthy life style. I am easy to concentrate my attention. I am a good listener. I am very cheerful and extremely optimistic. I can say I am a lively personality who loves to give positive emotions, give presents, accept guests at home and help my friends.
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
cand poti zambi dc nu`o faci?cand poti vb dc sa taci?dc in loc sa razi u plangi?cand e sa stai dc u fugi?dc disperi cand poti spera?dc sa pleci,cand mai poti sta?dc urasti cand poti iubi?cand esti chemat dc nu vii?dc sa cazi cand poti zbura?dc urasti cand poti ierta?
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
I am an easy going person, like communication, new people and travelling. I like to develop myself and very curious about something new. I am very funny and optimistic. I can tell that i am reliable person and my dear and close people can always ask me for help and I will always support them.
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
I love to lucrate beauty around me and as you can see by my profession I love it. I never quarrel with people, I have such soft, kind and tender temper. I'm also talkative, it's not a problem to find topics for discussion for me. I need one thing in my life, I want to fall in love truthfully and give all my tenderness to a deserving man. I'm no exception, I also want to meet a beloved man and live with him all my life. Ah, it's so romantic!
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
Draguta,sensibila,naturala,plina de viata dar concomitent libertina Sunt o persoana destul de atipica (nerdy), sunt medic de familie, prefer youtube comparativ cu televiziunea, imi place sa invat lucruri noi. Admir Nerdfighteria. Pasionata de filme bune, de la Deadpool si Suicide Squad pana la The shawshank redemption, Winter's tale si Bad Moms. Pasionata de carti bune, de la medicina si farmacologie la new adult, young adult si romance. Bautura mea preferata e ceaiul cald ;-) draguta
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
Sunt simpla. .urasc minciuna, si respectul e mai sus decit orice...iubesc natura....ador sa ascult muzica anilor 70,80,90...Și alte intrebari astept sa imi trimiteti voi cei care vor cu adevarat sa ma cunoasca
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
sunt o fire extrem energica...si iubitoaree I think that I am very reliable and serious woman, but I am also very feminine and very sensitive. I think that women in my age already know what they want from this life and they have certain experience and goals which they want to reach. Of course, I am not the person who gives up easily. placut:)) un barbat puternic care sa fie langa mine si la
bine si la rau si eu la fel la randu meu
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
Sincera,desteapta,de treaba Sunt o persoana onesta, sensibila, cu bun simt, care apreciaza sinceritatea. Iubesc muzica, ador natura, imi place sa calatoresc. Imi plac florile si tot ceea ce este frumos... Sunt o scorpioana romantica, in cautarea sufletului pereche... slaba,ochii caprui , par saten, zambareata Un mascul sincer
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
ambitioasa si extrem prietenoasa imi place sa fiu respectat ca sa pot sa respect,si sunt o fire realista...imi place sa am discutii cu orcine stiiesa aibe o discutie ...cam atat I want to feel a special care and love from a man who is very dear for me. I am feminine, gentle and charming, sensual and passionate. I set goals and achieve them. Today my goal is to find a person who will overcome all hardships with me and live happy days. I am ready to try all new beginnings. I am very family-oriented and I can bring love into the air because of my deep inner world and my attitude to this life! I am very educated and its interesting to be with me because I can express my thoughts and opinions and I would always respect the thoughts of other people and don't humiliate them, because I stay a human inside and try to be very tolerant and patient and I promise that for my man I would stay very caring and very patient and I would always! bruneta,inaltime 1.75 ,57 d kg,par lung,ochi caprui,... cu simtul umorului bineinteles placut si brunet
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
Dragutza, nu?? ;) Eu lucrez in Spania -Valencia de 14 ani. Vin in RomanÃa numai in vacanta. .Sant o nevasta libera si independenta .Caut un mascul asemanator. situtiei mele .Nu vreau relatii la distanta nici aventuri de-o vara ..
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
de gashca Sunt o fire sincera,gospodina,iubitoare,loiala,imi plac plimbarile in aer liber,o cina romantica,muzica lenta,imi place sa sofez mult,imi place sa fiu iubIta, stimata si apreciata pt ceea ce sunt.As dori sa cunosc un mascul care sa stie ce vrea de la viata, matur, sincer, sa ne oferim unul altuia o dragoste si o iubire pura si adevarata. Nu am interese materiale sau financiare,atat doresc sa ma simt iubita si ocrotita de acel barbat, sa ma faca fericita sj atunci voi darui si voi da si eu tot ce am mai bun din mine, pentru ca eu nu am avut parte de asa ceva. dragutza multsi prieteni noi
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
o persoana sociablia plina d viata destul de rebela I am sincere and honest person.am caring,kind,friendly very easy to get along with am social romantic passionate smart intelligent cool headed adaptive have a big heart and i do believe in the truth and honesty.. va las pe voi sa va dati cu parerea
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
de treaba... I am a tender woman, who likes to smile. I always act as a real woman and will never make you blush, because of my behavior! I think, that family should be put first and it will always be so for me. I am a woman whom you can trust! If I am with a man, I will not betray him! This is my rule! I have many principles that influence my life and will influence our relationship too! If you want to know, write me and I will share it with you with pleasure. dragutza...
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
hmmm:)) Am looking forward to meeting my deosebit man. I would like him to be kind, attentive, caring, reliable, well-mannered man with a good sense of humor. He should serious in his intentions to find a right lady and create a happy family. I would like him to appreciate not only my appearance but my inside world as well. He should also be goal-oriented, self-established,not greedy and narrow-minded. He should know how to treat a lady. He should love children bine pe el:x
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
daca dragoste nu e ,nimic nu e Pensionara (am confectionat in armata)serioasa, pedanta, sociabila, prezentabila, nu mi arat varsta, statornica intr o relatie si fara obligatii. Doresc o relatie de calitate si perspectiva cu un domn, cu o viata bazata pe principii sanatoase. Barbatii care sunt intr-o relatie/casatoriti, cei care nu si au completat profilul sau profilul lor este ireal, sa nu ma deranjeze. Nu ma aflu aici pentru a mi pierde timpul ci sunt interesata de un partener de viata! Rog seriozitate!! un suflet cald impreuna de care sa cunosc fericirea
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
PAI CE SA ZIC ....MIE IMI PLACE CUM ARAT ...NU SUNT NARCISISTA DAR SE POATE SPUNE SI ASA I am an honest and good christian who loves being surrounded by family, friends and holidays. I am ready for a serious relationship and I really look forward to starting that with the right person. I am an honest,loyal, passionate, generous, giving, affectionate, genital MAI MICUTA,DAR MISTO DISTRACTIE
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
Pai...simpatica , draguta , sociabila.. restu descoperi singur daca te intereseaza :* Sunt o persoana sensibila,serioasa ,vesela .Urasc oamenii infideli ,falsi si mincinosi . Calitatile pe care le consider pietrele de temelie ale unei relatii serioase,de indelunga perioada sunt..afectiunea ,,respectul comunicarea si increderea. las la apreciera ta... ...
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
simpatik,isteata,cu simtul umorului,ft sensibila,restul va las pe voi :D sunt o fata diferita de celelalte...fiecare are cate un defect...nimeni nu e angelic iar cel care se crede perfect...nu e in toate mintile...nu sunt ca celelalte..nu umblu dupa bani..lux..etc...frumoasa nu ma consider dar fiecare e elegant in felul lui sh cn te place te place asa cum esti...:X placut prieteni noi cunostinte
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
sex mult sex M-am nascut in Arad. Sint in Statele Unite de destul de mult timp si pot sa spun ca am tot ce imi vor cu exceptia unui partener de viata. Am doi copi casatoriti care au familia lor si nu locuiesc cu mine. Sint alergica la animale si nu am fumat nici odata deci nu pot sa fiu cu nimeni care are animale acasa sau cu cineva care fumeaza. Iubesc viata si imi place sa o traiesc din plin. Imi place sa calatoresc, sa dansez, sa merg la restaurant si sa incerc tot felul de mincaruri. Nu sint intersata sa gasesc pe cinva pentru distractie, delectare sau pentru o noapte. Vreao sa gasesc un om serios de familie, o persoana inteligenta cu intenti cinstite si serioase. Ma intereseaza sa gasesc un barbat care apreciaza si respecta femeia. Sint o "optimista" si imi doresc sa gasesc un "optimist" nu un "realist" care sa insiste in a-mi spune ce este rau cu mine pentruca nu poate minti. Eu prefer sa aud si sa vad lucrurile bune si sa incerc sa uit de realitati. arat extra va astept sex masculi pentru sex
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
nu mi-e frica de BAU BAU :)) Visele de astazi sa devina reealitate,sperantele de maine impliniri,orice cadere un pas candva gandul bun si fericirea sa ma insoteasca mereu.Fiecare rasarit de soare sa imi aduca o dorinta ,iar fiecare apus de soare sa o implineasca; lasa ca vedeti voi :P caut !!!
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
va las pe voi sa descoperiti What to tell if I am the best?! The best devil with pretty face :-) or maybe I am an angel? Who knows?!;-) I am an ordinary girl or a princess a€¦ I am a tender lady or a tomboya€¦I am or I am not ))) Well, somebody has a unique chance to learn who I am!! usor un barbat serios
Femeie, 28, Casatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
buna.numele meu este mihaela I am looking for a man who is mature enough. I am not young anymore. I wish I can look for a man who is eager to establish a family with me. What are you looking for? Are you looking for a long term relationship like me. asa si asa relaxare,chat si poate o relatie de lunga durata.
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
nu stiu ce sa va zic despre mine...aaaaaaa....cautati-ma :)))) Temperamentvolle, gerne lachende und manchmal etwas freche Neu- Insulanerin. Bin gern am Meer, wenn ich Zeit habe malen , Musik hören oder Gartenarbeiten. Ihr Maenner wollt Frauen, die authentisch sind. Dann bitte auch von euch aktuelle und keine Jugendfotos.
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
fata fizte...le urask Building a relationship based on love, trust, mutual shared values, mutual respect and perhaps appreciation is my priority. This is the type of connection which involves a blending of the energy fields of two people in a very harmonious way. I desire to feel that unique closeness with my future partner, when there will be no topics that we could not discuss, where understanding would reign and we would solve any difficulties easily, respecting each other as individuals and caring of each other's feelings. It will surely result in more fulfilling life. nu prea fain........... unu simplu k si me...cu simtul umorului
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
I am a very simple and easy going young lady ,I am honest, fun, affectionate, supportive. I like jogging at the park, reading, going to movies, museums, and festivals. I enjoy cooking with that unic man in my life and spending quiet times together. I'm hoping to find a great guy who is looking for a real relationship that will turn into long-term.
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
.....sunt de gasca si caut distractie...... I am a very soft and warm-hearted woman. In any hard situation, I try to see positive sides. I like enjoying the sun and long walks along the beach. Also I am an avid reader and I am open to new people and communications. I like letting my hair down in the wind and feeling water around me when I am swimming. I am a very loyal and honest woman, who will never be able to hurt your heart or betray you. ..........orice........ .........distractie....
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
sincera si foarte de gasca I am a full time college student, going on my fifth year. When i'm not keeping busy in the college i have fun with my friends, and keeping active. I enjoy the fitness a lot and try my best to stay in shape.I like reading,listening to music,like action comedy movies,love meeting people far or near, i like to spend my free time with my friends persista la alegerea voastra conversatii
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
i am Faustina but you can call me mina to by name 33 single not married before and a simple lady am a am kind lovely honest and hates lies and dissapoitments i love being with truth always because am God fearing lady my aim is to love once and beloved forever am with good senses of humour and here to meet goodfriend of mine and see how the future can lead me too ? What about you my dear friend tell me more about yourself and what you really search for on here thank s and welcome ?i know u as me why not married because yes because i need not just to rush in for what me heart desire is not meant for sorry to say no all me are the same and respect the present of relantionship? i need Mr.Right not just for chat but to meet also not on here for jokes nor playing fun and showin of nude sexy video sorry am not that type??tell me what u hate about me her.
Femeie, 20, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
EU? Sunt o persoana obisnuita, cu defecte si calitati, cu dorinte si vise, cu idealuri marete, cu speranta ca mai se afla masculi care sa apecieze "Femeia" de aproximativ ei, dar si dezamagirea mare ca nu mai exista barbati care sa-ti prezinte o floare. Ar mai fi numeroase de spus.....am o viata la dispozitie sa impartasesc cuiva toate ....Ah, uitam: momentan ma aflu pe acest site cu un scop precis...caut o persoana speciala sa ma insoteasca la un eveniment deosebit in data de 15 septembrie. Ar mai fi de specificat ca nu va pot raspunde la mesajele instant. Intrebuintati mesageria clasica. Multumesc. caut un sot grijuliu, iubitor care sa ma accepte
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Publi24 Alexandria, Teleorman Romania
I consider myself a person quite tactile and diplomatic, respectful and loyal to others and opinions of others. With good manners, educated and open for new knowledge and new learning. My personality is even-tempered, without any hysteria, believe in compromise and dialogue, in conversation and reasonableness. My heart is kind and caring, I value the same in others. I know how it is important to enjoy life even if days are not so easy and there are difficulties, I am a cheerful person, don't like sitting without any actions, I am purposeful and I want some changes, I make steps towards this.