Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
sexy "Suntem cu totii putin ciudati. Și viata este putin ciudata. Iar cand intalnim pe cineva a carui ciudatenie este compatibila cu a noastra, creem cu el o conexiune si o ciudatenie mutual satisfacatoare pe care o numim dragoste. Dragoste adevarata". a Robert Fulghum agreabila un mascul sincer , tandru , cu simtul umorului dezvoltat
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
Este dificil sa ma descriu...iubesc viata si tot ce este frumos.Stiu ce vreau de la viata.Daca intr/adevar te interesez,incearca si cauta in profunzime,nu te oprii la APARENTA.Rog cei tineri sa se abtina,nu este genul meu,msc ptr intelegere.
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
I am very cheerful, reliable and decent person and I like an active style of life. My relatives and friends say that I cook deliciously. To be honest, itas not my hobby. Most of all I like to look after plants. I consider myself like a happy person. But itas not complete, as I have no my beloved second half. I dream to articole a strong high-grade family, to born and bring up children. I donat accept aggression, lie and egoism. On the weekends I prefer to go somewhere, on the nature or travel and see different new unknown places for me. Also I study English, as I hope it will be a strong bridge in the future relations.
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
Frumoasa sincera directa Imi plac barbatii isteti mai mult decat cei frumosi, ceva mai inalti decat mine si musai single. Nu cred in distanta, nu sunt interesata de prietenii "cu beneficii". Nu sunt contra sexului, dar nu fac troc :) . Fair-play ar fi sa ai mai mult de o poza actuala si macar una fara ochelari de soare, se spune ca ochii sunt oglinda sufletului. Gramatica este esentiala si varsta conteaza. (38 - 45) Mare sau munte? Munte. Genul caine sau pisica? Pisica (nu matã) ;) Club sau biserica? Acasa :) Cei cu profi anonim keep walking. Un corp elegant Un mascul care sa stie ce vrea
Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
Sunt o persoana forte deschisa in orice subiecte de comunicare,apreciez sinceritatea la o persoana,felu de a gandii si de a se exprima in cuvinte!!!Nu suport mitocanii si nesimtititi!!! Nu incerca sa intri cu forta in sufletul meu. Sunt cioburi ale viselor mele sfaramate peste tot. S-ar putea sa te ranesti. Nu te stradui sa-mi vinzi iluzii. Le-am cumparat pe toate. Nu mai am unde sa le pun, nu mai stiu ce sa fac cu ele. Nu te chinui sa ma faci sa plang. Lacrimile mele sunt putine si pretioase. Le daruiesc cu zgarcenie. Si am invatat de mult ca cea care ma va face sa plang nu merita lacrimile mele. Iar cea care le merita nu ma va face sa plang. Nu te osteni sa ma eliberezi. Doar eu am cheia de la colivia mea. Nu te cazni sa ma faci sa vorbesc. Cuvintele mele sunt inutile si nu au viata. Nu te trudi sa-mi alungi cosmarurile. Nu doar somnul ratiunii naste monstri ci si absenta iubirii. O stanca e deajuns sa sparga un geam. O propozitie e deajuns sa franga o inima. O secunda e deajuns sa te indragostesti. Si o neintelegere e suficienta sa strice o prietenie. D?-mi mana ?i las?-m? s? te port spre culmile inalte, printre norii str?vezii. Las?-m? s?-?i ar?t intaia raz? de soare prin ochii mei ?i s? sim?i adierea blanda a vantului pe pielea mea. D?-mi voie sa-?i ar?t cum s? ascul?i marea, cum s? ascul?i noaptea ?i lini?tea ce te-nconjoar?. Las?-m? s?-?i port pa?ii prin nisip, spre necunoscut, undeva departe in zare, acolo unde se imbina cerul cu p?mantul. Las?-m? s? mireasma florile in locul t?u ?i tu s? le sim?i parfumul, s? ascult melodia vie?ii ca tu s? o po?i trai. Las?-m? s?-?i spun seara bun? usor ?i duios. ?i-as ar?ta cum s? plangi cu ploaia, cum s? can?i cu vantul, cum s? dansezi cu soarele, cum s? tr?ie?ti cu via?a, cum s? sim?i cu sufletul. Te-a? face s? vezi minunile, s? crezi in ele ?i nu in ultimul rand te-a? inv??a s? speri. Sunt gata s?-?i ofer totul, fiecare b?taie a inimii mele, fiecare r?suflare, fiecare clipire. Las?-m? s?-?i fiu inceputul ?i sfar?itul, noapte ?i zi, via?? ?i speran??, las?-m? s?-?i pun iubirea in suflet ?i tu s? o tr?ie?ti. Las la aprecierea voastra,nu-mi place sa ma laud!!! Un barbat serios care stie sa vorbeasaca cu o femeie, sensibil,deschis la distracti!Genu de om care sa stie ca vrea de la viatza,intelegator si mai matur in gandire!
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
descoperiti voi :) I am honest and sincere, not only in what I say, but also in everything I do. You can say that I am old-fashioned, but family values are most important to me. I am hardworking and purposeful, responsible, reliable and do not like to be late. I love order in everything. I am also a real lady, gentle, caring, gentle and feminine. agreabil zic eu Recent intoarsa in tara, in cautare de prieteni noi:) mai numeroase vedem pe parcurs :)
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
am Kelly by name ,new on this site i came here seeking for true love a man who will love me also take me as the only,i want you to know that am not here for game's, am here to make my own true man on here someone who i will trust also be honest with me forever and always have me as am going to be there with my own right person. have been cheat,hurt, also heart break and i don't want this to happen to me anymore
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
sunt o nevasta normala cu calitati dar si defecte am cei 7 ani de acasa cu mine,.,, restul cauta si descopera solitar ? ?????????, ??????? ???????. ? ???? ??? ?????. ? ???????????, ????????. ??????? ? ????????. ?????????????? ? ??????? ? ???????. ????? ??????? ????????? ????? ??????. ???????? ??? ???????? ???. ? ???? ???????? ????? ?????. ?? ???? ? ?? ??? ????????. ??? ?? ? ????????? ???????. ? ???? ??? ?????, ? ??? ????????? ??????? ??? ???????. altletica sportiva ce sa zc buna.,.,., un barbat sincer cu caracter si care sa ma inteleaga
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
Sunt o fire foarte activa cu apetitul mai crescut. Doresc discretie si ofer discretie. Ofer toate fictiunile sexuale, detin jucarii sexuale. Nu ma intereseaza varsta stiu sa ma adaptez oricarei persoane. Va sarut pasional! las la aprecierea voastra Orice persoana disponibila si dornica de senzatii tari.
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
Tandra, sexuala . I am Open-minded person woman ,easygoing I love getting to know people, and having people get to know me. Itelling the Truth(Honesty) and Love is what i show.I hate somebody who is full of lies.I am the Shy type of person and this makes it am passionate, reasonably intelligent, a lover of all things creative,Obedient and Respectful type of person, hard for me to talk or Interact with friends.Friendship is what i need from you.I'd love to meet lovely and caring people who are honest in all their endeavors and are modest in every way and line of their life . I think i have said alot,I will be happy if you would'nt mind telling me who you are,the thing you like and dislike in this World ok.. sunt ok. detalii in privat
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
imi palce sa ma bucur puternic de viata nu imi place sa ma plictisesc. caut o relatie stabila cu un baiat atractiv cu o pozitie economica buna. vreau un baiat care sa ma faca fericita din toate punctele de vedere. un baiat solitar care este capabil sa faca absolut orice pentru mine
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
yo si doar yo!!!! mely sweet?? nu? I'm a woman who is gentle, sweet, gratios and devoted to my future life partner. Believe passion, sex, commitment, trust, mutual understanding, loyalty would be the cornerstone of a marriage. I am passionately looking to building a loving relationship with a aparte guy.
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
I am looking for a serious, intelligent and decent man for a serious relationship and marriage. My interests and hobbies - I like to read, I go to a fitness club, I love movies, I go to the pool, theaters, museums, cafes, I like various exhibitions and events, concerts, festivals, active summer activities, trips, cycling, snowboarding and skiing in the winter, chess. There are medals in chess, all for the first places in the competition, agreabila un tip sincer si nebunatic
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
fitoasa si nesuferita=))=)) Iubitoare de calatorii, mare, carti. Imi plac prieteniile de lunga durata, urasc omenirea falasa, minciunile.Amo la vita,i viaggi , e le vere amicizie.Odio le falsit e le bugie. I love a travel ,a see,,the good music,a cooking end a books.I like a have good friend end i hait lies. :D....valorezi atat cat te apreciezi, deci....daca as vb despre mine, mi-ar lipsi per complet modestia! doar ma uit asa din cand in cand......
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
sunt dragutza ,simpatika,sexy,intelegatoare si nu ma dau mare. Am a girl of 24yrs loving, caring obedient and humble still searching for the love of my life, no matter how rich, poor, color or religion all i need is a man of dignity that\\\'s all thanks and God bless as you mangaiere me with this email address sunt sexy si buna. caut masculi OK
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
ma poti gasi sa discutam "primei impresii nicicand nu-i acorzi a doua sansa"...o mica completare pt pers care nu au cei 7 ani de acasa...nu ma aflu in Spania la cules capsuni...asa k,putin bun simt nu ar strica,mai ales ca nu stiti cine e in spatele acestui nick. o fire simpatica zic eu , tu ce parere ai? caut un tip elegant, curat , cu simtul umorului dezvoltat, manierat , daca si tu iti doresti ceva frumos hai sa incercam, sunt destul de nimfomana sa ocolesc subiectul sexului nebun.
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
Sunt o persoana vesela...tot timpul pusa pe sotii..dar si serioasa cand e cazul..sunt o fire sociabila..deschisa..ambitioasa..si un pic orgolioasa:).. I like this life, I like this world, I like to take only positive things from this life! I am very responsible and active person, life is too short and empty without emotions! I enjoy discovering new things and I like to learn more about other people and places. So many things I would like to share with someone very special. I'm a person who leads an active way of life. Pai...nu prea stiu ce sa spun... sa fie hotarat..sa stie cum sa se comporte cu o fata..sa fie glumet..sa fie respectuos..etc..
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
O fiinta buna cu toate calitatile feminine, crestin ortodoxa, iubitoare de casa, familie, natura, animale, in special cainii, fidela, cu un caracter frumos, iubitoare de curatenie, ordine si liniste. Pentru a ma cunoaste mai bine este trebuinta de o realitate, prietenie, respect, sinceritate si timp.
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
I like listening to music and i like swimming,camping,shopping,reading,and even dance too, because music is really part of my life and i can't do without listening to music in a day. And my kind of music is Gospel R$B with Country and Opera. I love music a lot and i have well over 1,300 cds made of RnB. i like to go running 4 miles. i like to watch Tv....go to movies. i draw a cartoon strip i began when i was 10. i like to be outside. I like shopping.I like nature,camping in tent for vacation.
Femeie, 31, Casatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
las la aprecierea dvs Optimist ambi?ios nu-i place plictiseala;) ?i a?a a creste aceasta trebuie s? spun c? ader? la un principiu de baz? care corpul, mintea ?i sufletul activitatea in tandem, fie in "corp frumos, minte frumos". Prin urmare, cred, c? trebuie s? aib? grij? de fiecare dintre aceste lucruri;-) Nu-mi place s? stea in locul ?i intotdeauna am stabilit obiective pentru care o uluire, ?i ceea ce am pun inima noastr?. placut distarctie,prieteni
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
i wear my huge heart and soul on my sleeve, i am funny and love to laugh and make others laugh too. i am smart, faithful and honest.probably the most compassionate person you will ever meet. my music taste is wide.love classic, big bang jazz , i sing best in the shower or in my car with the volume set high, but i have also karaoke and had fun. i like watching sports hockey and football mostly Chicago inchis la culoare hawk, movies, cooking and trying seeing new things am impressed that you read profile not just base on picture thanks.
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
secret Sunt o persoana cu calitati si defecte, sincera care cauta in debutantul rand un prieten. Imi doresc un mascul inteligent, plin de umor si bun simt care vede viata cu optimism si care are respect pentru toti oamenii din jur. prietenii:)
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
am ochii verzi,par saten.inalta,dragutza,o foarte buna prietena..........restu'va las sa descoperiti Sunt o pers sensibila, si caut pe cineva serios, Sunt pers care zic lucrilor pe nume. Numi plac pers care zic una si fac cu totul alceva. Daca esti o persoana serioasa si gindesti la fel da scriemi. Uras minciuna si multiple alte chesti mai ales aroganta, si cei care se Fred mai destepti decit sunt.a️a️ va las pe voi sa spuneti.... imi place sa cunosc persoane noi
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
Draguta si nebuna Am o fire linistita, poate putin timida dar destul de hotarata in acelasi timp. Imi plac drumetiile montane si mirajul Deltei. Nu imi place agitatia Bucurestiului si de aceea stau cat de mult pot la Predeal unde am o casuta de vacanta.Imi doresc un partener cu care sa impart aceste mici placeri. Satisfacator Lets have funn
Femeie, 41, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
Romantica si sensibila incurabila,ador sa dansez, sa cant, sa calatoresc... Ies in oras de cate ori imi ingaduie timpul liber, de fiecare data cand ies,ma distrez si sunt sufletul petrecerii.... Cand vreau sa ma relaxez, ma uit la filme, citesc sau fac exercitii pylates... Restul, descoperiti voi... Nu-mi place sa comentez despre aspectul meu fizic... Mi se pare lipsa de modestie si sigur nu as fi obiectiva...;) Ce caut eu... Caut o minune, un prieten adevarat, un om sensibil si sincer... Daca are aceste 3 calitati, sunt sigura ca putem fi mai mult decat prieteni buni cu timpul... Nu-mi doresc sa ma casatoresc, cel putin nu in viitorul apropiat...vreau doar un suflet pereche....that's all...
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
ochi caprui 1.67 I like to Tease in a Respectful and Caring way, Playful, I am a Giver , I love surprises.Impulsive and Adventurous, willing to try different things, I love to laugh, I am Strong with a Caring Heart. Relaxed , and Humble. usor caut un baiat kre sa ma iubeasca cu adevarat si sa fie elegant pe placul meu.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
cam nebunatica Sunt de fel o realistica desi uneori visez cu ochii larg deschisi ( mi-e teama de ziua in care nu as mai visa ), sunt sociabila, empatica, directa, sensibila, ador natura( mai ales muntele). Caut linistea, armonia, caut zambetul primitor, caut vorba calda ce alunga tristeti.. caut omul cu care sa pot comunica, sa rad, sa ma bucur de fiecare fapt marunt. Imi doresc o relatie de lunga durata, pana la MARELE APUS (asta in cazul unei compatibilitati bune ) , doar intr-o relatie stabila gasim fericirea, implinirea. nush ce sa spun..... o persoana care sa ii placa exact ce-mi place mie :):-p
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
.... aici sunt numeroase d spus, mi-ar necesita o zi :P I do not smoke or drink, I am christian, Virgo. I like Dining, Outdoor Activities, Reading, Watching Sports. I want a man that is not too hurt and not too hard to trust again and can give himself to a woman like to be loved and taken care of in a way that will bring him joy of life and an appreciation he will look forward to every day, to spend the rest of my life with., I am looking for man that is tender hearted, kind, considerate of others needs, one that would appreciate having a woman that would love him in a way that heas not been loved before. placut... cel putin asa spun eu persista de vazut
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
Desteapta,frumoasa,iubitoare,intzelegatoare j una pic....mai mult zapacita...asta`s yoo!!!! Hi,am 29yrs,a final year sanitar student,5.8ft,honest,faithful,respectful,loyal,great sense of humor.Open minded,easy going.I am intelligent,smart.like reading,cooking,traveling,visit the gym 3days in a week.Thanks pozele spun totul despre aspectul meu fizic!!!! Un baiat intzelegator j q un suflet d aur!!!!
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
SUNT O FIRE VESELA, ROMANTICA, PRIETENOASA , GLUMEATA, ADOR DISTRACTIA, PLIMBARILE CU PRIETENI, ADOR MAREA, SI CAM ATAT........ VA LAS MAI DEPARTE SA DESCOPERITI VOI." I am a honest,respectful, loving, caring, romantic and responsible woman that treat people in the way I want to be treated. I don't lie nor cheat and therefore I don't believe in lies and don't want liars.I have been hurt in the past and its hard to trust in life again I am a warm, kindhearted,and a pleasant woman, very sensitive to the needs of others; with a very keen intellect and a good sense of humor, I love to make people laugh and to make them feel very comfortable and convenient when i am around. My interests are vast: enjoy reading, movies, music, interesting conversations, traveling,sport, dancing and visiting beautiful places. I live life with passion. SATENA, OCHII VERZI, 163, 55 KG, PAR LUNGIME MEDIE. PRIETENII/DISCUTII
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
sunt un om cu un suflet mare distrata si plina d umor un om normal cu bune si rele, vreau sa mentionez ca anul nasterii este gresit.el este 1958 si nu 1953. si rog utilizatorii fara foto. sa nu intre pe profil.multumesc. caut pe cineva cu care sa-mi petrec sarbatorile ,sa ne petrecem, zilele libere la o plimbare in natura ,teatru,film/ nu ma intereseaza, casatoria/ , 1,65 ochii ca[prui par satem lungimea medie imi caut perechia potrivita si multi amici noi
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
sunt o persoana dinamica I am a very cheerful person, I always believe in the best and that is why I am very happy about my life. I am very kind and reliable and Iaaam kind and responsible woman, seeking for good relationship, someone I can produse a strong family with. I am a calm, life-loving, never lose my temper and I was brought up to respect men in every alura I am looking for a solid mature man with whom to build a future. He will be a nice ordinary man who wants me and only me if that is not too much to ask. 1 70m roscata la varfuri si bretonul slabuta statura potrivita
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
cred k este mai bine sa-si spuna altii parerea despre mine I work with the red cross team ,i am a farmaceutic Doctor i specialize on traumatic injuries from bombs and missile am looking for a sincere man to spend the rest of my life with,,who can laugh one who ia motivated and ambitious ,and willing to learn new things... ok cv serios
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
las la aprecierea celor din jur... I am a woman who likes extreme, I like when my life sated by events and acquaintances. Most of all I like dialogue with people. I am a very vigorous and spontaneous woman... I must tell you that all my friends believe I bring luck and success. ..I guess Iall give you a kiss for luck if we meet one day. simpatic (zic eu) mmm,...ma mai gandesc
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
I am single lady with full of surprise to give. I want to reach the world to share ideas and views with other people with love and the future dreams . u are all welcome to my world..Am kinda God fearing,honest,open minded,gud sense of humor,down to earth...
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Popesti Leordeni, Ilfov Romania
I am here looking to find someone for a mutually enriching relationship in which we can enjoy life together and bring more to each other than we have alone. I want to co-create a relationship in which we both feel inspired, supported and enriched. Creating an environment that allows us to share our passions, stimulate each others brains and allows us to be there to support each otheras growth.