las la aprecierea altora. I have an active social position. I am also charming, romantic, sensual and tender. Kind, soft and appeasing in a relationship. I always listen to and hear the wishes of my partner. I am real and honest in the relationship. As all the ladies I am emotional, but I quickly calm down and do not take offense for a long time. I do not like conflicts and often choose to avoid them. I am positive and cheerful. I like to live in harmony and peace and may be this is my inspiration. I stay calm in any situation and I think it helps me to understand better situation. I am real and show my real feelings. In general I can describe myself for hours. The most important is that I have kind heart and always good intentions. Lastly, I believe in real love. I prefer to stay active. I believe that no desavarsit person can exist because all of us have both positive and negative character features. In my opinion, I am closer to a ideal modern woman because I am independent, nice looking, physically, and intellectually developed. Moreover, I am an excellent cook, along with normal creativity and desire for perfection achievement. I am sure my man will be satisfied with my lifestyle, beliefs, and communication because I am thoughtful, able to think critically, support discussion, avoid conflicts. uitate la poza si vei afla ce imi rezerva viata
aproape perfecta Sunt o fire creativa, sociabila, imi place sa glumesc si sa rid (cand e nevoie). Imi place sa ascult lucruri interesante pe care cineva le povesteste, nu ma plictisesc asa usor si plus la asta, cind te afli intr-o companie cu mine, nicicand nu-ti va fi urit, pentru ca sunt extrem energica si mereu predispusa sa incing ambianta :))) . Imi place sa ascult muzica . Imi place sa vorbesc cu prietenii, sa-i fac sa zimbeasca! Sunt un suflet care stie sa iubeasca. Sunt iertatoare, pot sa trec cu vederea cateva lucruri, doar daca acea persoana merita cu adevarat. Imi place sa visez, asta ma faciliteaza sa-mi formez o mica lume a mea unde sa-mi inchipui un viitor asa cum mi-l doresc, macar in vise totul este posibil! = )) Imi place sa pozez , asta cred ca e specific noua, fetelor. Imi place sa primesc complimente, flori (trandafiri), dar nu de la oricine. Sunt o persoana mai mult romantica, ador plimbarile serale. Imi place sa iubesc si sa fiu iubita, sa fiu respectata! Imi plac mesajele scrise din suflet nu copiate de pe net. Imi plac cuvintele frumoase si sincere. Asta se reflecta mai mult asupra iubirii. o diva ceva cu ochi frumosi
I'm very loyal friend, down to earth person and grounded. I have great sense of humor, and very content with who I am and what I've become and established. I like to fix things "I got tools" lol. I speak Little English, I'm working on it anyway English.
o fata plina de pasiune si nesatisfacuta ...inca I'm not perfect, as any person, but as any person I want to be happy. I have many advantages which can be attractive to those men who are looking for their soul mates. I am a real woman and I like everything that is connected with it. I know that life is hard but I always try to stay optimistic. Family is what we should live for and I am ready to do everything to complete it. I feel that I was created to keep the family fire, I want to use a chance that I will be given. I feel myself 100% ready to marry , but only if I am sure that my marriage will last forever.I am a kind, easy-going, energetic and sociable woman. But at the same time I am calm and tolerant in relations with all people. And yes, I am also a loving, passionate, caring, positive minded and optimistic person. super ....zic astept sa va dati si voi cu parerea
sunt o fata eleganta i never stop being grateful to God for his mercies upon my life and all the experiences that i have been exposed to. I am a fun loving man, jovial, Kind, easy going, lovely and passionate man. I like to have fun, work, travel, Play, and smile. I think of myself as being clever but harmless inalta slaba frumoasa sexy etc eu caut un barbat care vrea ca si mine
Building a relationship based on love, trust, mutual shared values, mutual respect and perhaps appreciation is my priority. This is the type of connection which involves a blending of the energy fields of two people in a very harmonious way. I desire to feel that unique closeness with my future partner, when there will be no topics that we could not discuss, where understanding would reign and we would solve any difficulties easily, respecting each other as individuals and caring of each other's feelings. It will surely result in more fulfilling life.
va las pe voi sa decideti ce fel de persoana sunt Am a girl of 24yrs loving, caring obedient and humble still searching for the love of my life, no matter how rich, poor, color or religion all i need is a man of dignity that\\\'s all thanks and God bless am sa las pe altii sa ma descrie ....sunt o persoana simpla in cautare de distractie dragoste si placeri...daca esti acea persoana care sa imi ofere aceste lucruri atunci aici ma gasesti...
Autodescrierile sunt intotdeauna subiective, asa ca ar fi mai bine sa dau sansa fiecaruia sa isi formeze singur o parere I consider myself a serious person, do not throw words to the wind.I'm quite an emotional person and I like to give people positive emotions.I am open and sociable person.I like men that know what they want from this life Arat ca dupa 9 ani de sport....:D Imi dau o noua sansa...
sunt o fata care iti poate aduce zambetul pe buze,nu ma deranjea sa fi direct. Hello, dear! I am glad to tell you a bit about myself. I am family-oriented, friendly and very communicative person by nature, warm-hearted, faithful, honest and trustworthy, intelligent, loving and caring by nature. I love children and appreciate a good sense of humor, genuine in my wish to meet a man for life with whom I feel easy and who will let me be myself when we are together. va las pe voi sa decideti sa imi fac prieteni
Doresc sa intalnesc un domn din Brasov, cu varsta cuprinsa intre 56-60 de ani. Sincer,familist ,ingrijit ,manierat cu un caracter frumos. Nu foculsat doar pe desfatari fizice.Cu rabdarea neaparata de a ma cunoaste ca suflet, om si caracter. Isi vrea sa construieasca pas cu pas o relatie frumoasa.Nu sunt perfecta nici eu, sa nu ma intelegeti gresit, dar sunt capabila sa ascult, inteleg sa iert lucruri normale. Gresesc dar am eficacitatea sa imi asum, sa cer iertare si a numai repeta greseala. Barbatii tineri, casatorit sunt exclusi, nu raspund Mesajelor! Rog seriozitate.
sunt o fata......nici nu stiu ce fata!te las pe tine sa ma descoperi!!!imi place romantismul!bye I am a lady that have seen enough of deceits and now wants something real with someone honest.I am not here for Jokes and Games on here.And plz don't contact me when you are not serious about a relationship. sunt just sexy!!! pai,oare?stati linistiti doar amici si distractie!!!
Distractiva Sunt o persoana sincera, sensibila, modesta, deschisa dialogului, punctuala, fidela, o fire vesela, plina de viata ... mai pe scurt "sunt prea de casa" - ceea ce in ziua de astazi nu prea se mai cauta. Normal Barbat
simpla si dulce Ich bin 178cm für 60 kg. Und ich bin ein Einzelkind meiner Eltern Mein Vater ist Österreicher, meine Mutter ist Französin. Ich wurde in Österreich geboren Ich komme aus der österreichischen Gemeinde Sankt Johann im Pongau im Bundesland Salzburg. Aber ich habe meine ganze Kindheit in Paris / Frankreich verbracht ich bin ledig Ich habe keine Kinder Hier ist ein erster Blick auf mich inalta bruneta placuta prietenie conversatie respect....
plin de viata si extrem realista Imi place dragostea, si vreau sa fiu iubita. Te caut si vreau sa te gasesc ... ;) Sa nu-ti para rau de ceea ce faci, ci de ceea ce nu faci. Invata sa iubesti adevarul si sa ierti greseala...DE DRAGOSTE AU PARTE CEI CARE NU STIU SA O PRETUIASCA....ROG AVENTURIERII SA SE ABTINA...NU CONVERSEZ CU CEI FARA POZA...SPER,DESI E GREU..SA MAI GASESC PE CINEVA SERIOS PE ACEST SEIT.... depinde de gusturile fiecaruia un mascul deosebit
Harnica What am I doing here? I often ask this question to myself. I never thought I would be looking for love on the Internet. Not that I don't believe in romance or don't believe in love, just somehow this thought never crossed my mind. But times change, and here I am looking for a man. Not just a man, though, but THE MAN. My man... I don't even know what he should be like, so many girls facute a precise image, and then try to judge every man by the similarity to that perfect image they've created. This is silly. I only know what qualities he should possess - he is strong (and here I don't mean heaps of muscles, but rather the internal strength), caring, affectionate, reasonable, supportive, intelligent and have that crazy side to himself because otherwise he will not understand me, because I'm not a typical girl. Do you think you match the description and want to know what makes me different from the rest? Just write me, I will gladly tell you ;-) Atletica Seriozitate
mam nascut pentru a cuceri,,, Salut! O imagine(...)pauza de efect- face cat o mie de cuvinte! Uneori, cateva sute de litere... fac imaginea mai clara.Un amic mi-a spus sa imi fac un cont serios- pandemi face,on line cam singura modalitate de a gasi ce cauti. In general, nu doar laptopuri sau pantofi ci si prieteni, parteneri sau soti. Asadar: asta's eu. Si caut un prieten sau partener. Am 45 de ani asa mai am rabdare cu debusolati, saraci, idioti ori badarani. Cand/daca vreti sa stiti mai numeroase despre mine, va rog intai sa cititi descrierea si apoi sa va declarati intentiile. Nu mai am rabdare nici sa intru pe profilul fiecaruia. Dat fiind ca m-am afisat in 'toata splendoarea" mea, voi trata lucrurile destul de serios aici. Nu ma intereseaza fiintele sub 40 de ani si nici barbatii saraci, pentru ca nu sunt ipocrita: n-am nici o intentie sa convietuiesc cu cineva intr-un apartament amarat, eventual cu rate la masina... :) Ce ofer?! Ce oglindesti: camaraderie, sinceritate,senzualitate, a doua/treia sansa - depinde doar de tine, nu sunt "strong independent woman". Sunt o femeie normala. Good luck!- si voua si mie.PS: daca te "mananca" si ma iei la misto sau ma "certi", macar asteapta replica, nu ma dau inapoi de la o ironie buna si nici nu ma duc sa plang ca m-ai confectionat proasta, aroganta sau curva... Cine zice, ala e!- oglindire ;) persoana pe care doresc sa o am alaturi la bine si la rau,sa fie distractiv,si aventurier.
cat se poate de simpla...happy all the time si restu` va las pe voi sa descperiti :) Sunt o fire impulsiva si rar zik nu distractiei, imi place viata si vreau sa o traisc la maxim, ador oameni simpatici care stiu sa faca o zi ploasa sa devina umpluta de soare doar din zambete, urasc snobismul,fitzele,vulgaritatea si mai ales minciuna. placut...( zic eu )
ma numesc viorela si sunt o tipa simpatik,glumeata,plina d viata � Once, somewhere, life will surprise you so beautiful that you will forget how much it hurt you ... It will send you next to a man who will know how to heal everything that ever made you suffer, a man who, at those moments in which you would like to give up everything, will be able to help you find in your soul the power to move on � bruneta,ochi caprui,par lung,inalta,1.75,55 kg,90-60-90 caut un tip sexy
sunt o fire naturala nu sunt fitoasa imi place sa ma distrez sa ma simt bine I love to laugh until my belly aches. I'm appropiate almost all of the time, but once in a while the silly rebellious side can sneak out and do the unexpected. So, don't be surprised, just go with it and it'll be a lot of fun. I'm a mix between the East and the West, motion and rest, impulsive and reflective. I'm sincere and true to myself and try to do the right thing and be a good person. So, if you like the versatility and the range and not afraid to be a bit outside of the box, we should talk.I know that my soulmate and Prince Charming is out there, he's just a little "directionally challenged" and hasn't found me yet. He is in touch with his feelings and not afraid to communicate them. He welcomes changes but his integrity does not falter. He communicates with an intent to understand rather than dissect and analyze. Etc.. cred ca arat bine sa pierd tinpul pe chat si prietenii
Sunt o fata normala,foarte rar am dorinte extravagante,
fac tot ce imi place!Detest minciuna.. You have to be prepared to meet the most passionate and adventurous girl. Why be prepared? Because not every man can handle this. I will not pretend to be as everybody, because I am not, and I want to show this at once. But you won't be bored. La prima vedere sunt o piatra puternica,rezistenta,dar daca cineva, cine imi e simpatic ma topesc ca si gheata cand rasare soarele...... Un mascul care la intaia vedere e de ne atins,dar dupa prima atigere e un dulce mare....sentimental si care stie sa si arate sentimentele.
Frumoasa rebela cu bun simt Il caut pe EL: -cel care nu se teme sa iubeasca - cel care vrea sa se implice,sa investeasca emotional,sa planuiasca, sa construiasca o relatie viguroasa si frumoasa. - cel care vrea sa-mi fie impreuna cind gresesc,cind ratacesc drumul , care ma invata, ma sfatuieste si intreaba pentru ca tine cont de parerea mea. Cel care viata nu l- a plictisit care mai gaseste placere in lucrurile fara valoare care nu se pot cumpara cu bani: iubire,tandrete,sinceritate,respect. Sunt interesata de masculi care au un profil perfect inclusiv o foto recenta. Fotografia mea este recenta, luna Mai 2018 Looking for Romanians only!! Aspect fizic placut Relatie pt o casatorie
Linistita, grijulie, incapatanata, vesela, restu va las sa aflati singuri:) I am a simple woman who has a good sense of humor and I am serious, respectful, generous, ambitious, affectionate, tender, sincere, frank, understanding, sentimental, caring and sensitive and I like to give affection to the one who will love me. Nu imi place sa vorbesc desprea asta...
simt multe...poate ma dor,poate q nu...doar eu asa va persista mereu...gandurile nu mi le poate lua nimeni. sunt o blonda frumuasa care cauta o prietenie sincera,curata si bazata pe mult respect. slaba
Sunt o persoana sociabila cu mult umor Sunt o fire calda si iubitoare,sensibila, tandra si romantica, gospodina imi plac florile si animalele de companie....imi doresc un suflet asemanator mie ma iubeasca si sa ma respecte ca partenera sa-mi fie aproximativ la bine si la greu sa impartim viata la doi....urasc violenta atit verbala cit si fizica...daca iti doresti o viata armonioasa bazata pe iubire respect intelegere si loialitate. ..abia astept sa te cunosc. Bruneta focoasa 1,65inaltime 60kg ochii verzi Caut partener
I think I need to recruit one of my friends to write this. I am down to earth, open-minded, creative and fun. I care very much about the people in my life and try to make sure that they know that. I like entertaining, and spending time with good friends. I also love to get dressed up and go to the theater, or just sit at home and snuggle in front of a good movie. I am looking for someone who is willing to be my partner and best friend. Honest communication is really important. I feel it is what binds two people as one.
a 8-a minune a limii... I am active, cheerful and quite intelligent. I am always kind and well-wishing, I like to help people even with small things. I can say I am rather sociable and curious for new activities; discovering new cities and making new friends is always a huge pleasure. I dona��t forget about self-development; hope my future partner is not a couch potato. For me it is important to grow together, become a better man or better woman for each other, work on our relationship, help and support each other! Also I do not like fights; I am for compromising, as there is nothing we couldna��t talk over. Well, thank you for paying attention to my words and hope we can meet soon! Intelligent, kind-hearted, reliable man. Age and appearance are not as important as a kind heart. Fortune is also not important, Ia��d even prefer to spend my life with regular man but who would be generous to me in all aspects a�� attention is the rarest form of generosity nowadays. cat se poate de normala...asta dak cineva mai crede in normalitate un mascul adevarat
....draguta, sociabila si umpluta de viata Shea��s honest, and never apologizes for it. We live in a world that doesna��t like truth. Wea��re not used to hearing it, so when we do it can often be a little shocking. A good woman will never lie to you or others, and will call things the way she sees them. That doesna��t mean shea��s ignorant to peoplea��s feelings thougha��she will always speak the truth in a loving way. agreabil partener de conversatie inteligent, dragut si serios.
sunt fatala I am cheerful, talented girl, I like to travel and get acquainted with new interesting people, sociable, I like to learn new things and discover new boundaries of myself. I'm young, very intelligent, I like to take care of myself. sunt bunaciune distractivi
CAT MAI NATURALA CU CINE MERITA!:) Sensibila,cu bun simt,devotata in dragoste.Principala mea misiune este de a face fericit pe cel de alaturi mine.Ma simt implinita doar intr-o relatie serioasa care sa-mi pune la dispozitie stabilitate.Nu cer masina,case mari sau bogatie.Vreau dragoste,una umpluta de lucruri frumoase ,care sa te faca sa zambesti la orice pas.In viata fiecaruia dintre noi va fi un ''om''care te va invata cel mai elegant lucru:sa uiti tot ce a fost pana la el. BINE PROPORTIONATA! UN MASCUL DE CARE POT SA MA INDRAGOSTESC!
-sunt o persoana idealista,cu o sensibilitate exagerata, romantik, visatoare,mereu in cautarea unui sfat de la cineva, temperamentul meu variaza intre pesimism si optimism, am o mandrie interioara ascunsa bine, timida si rezervata, nu imi place sa atrag atentia asupra mea, imi place sa fiu mai mult singura,retrasa.
-sunt in zodia pesti
-calitati:sinceritatea(la maxim)
-culori preferate:albastru, verde , combinatiile de rosu cu negru
-cam atat ..lasa k ajunge...ce e prea mult strik:)) spune-ti voi .....:)) nu caut nik...astept sa ma caute EL pe mine:))
Fire deschisa, fericita si plina de viata... I value honesty & loyalty in all my relationships, always have. It's not an effort, just who I am. I have difficulty dealing with dishonesty, whether it be a boyfriend, friend, any person in my life. I can definitely laugh at myself; a sense of humor is so important. Having fun isn't overrated! Love to travel. Weekend getaways are great too, big cities or just a quaint B&B. Also love down time - weekends at home w movies. I'm independent, secure with myself & self-aware; I value healthy relationships. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that if both people aren't relatively secure & don't have similar views of what a healthy relationship is, it doesn't work. We all have issues & insecurities, that is normal, but anything to the extreme is damaging, at least in my experiences. Depinde de ce ochii ma privesc... Prieteni noi, socializare...
I'm a woman with beautiful brown eyes like lakes. if to speak about me, i am tender, kind, enthusiastic, creative, sincere young Lady, I am romantic soft soul who will be very passionate to my beloved. I also have a wonderful dauther, she is 3 years old, and as she doesn't have father I really would like to find a man who can be a real father for her)
Modesta , Frumusica , Sincera , Directa, Simpatica si deschisa pentru absolut orice ! Femeia Rac este cea mai buna dintre toate nativele. E tot ceea ce ti-ai putea dori vreodata de la o femeie: e o sotie iubitoare, o gospodina perfecta,si o mama grijulie. Stie cum sa imbine cu succes toate aceste calitati si pune intotdeauna familia pe debutantul plan. E docila, intelegatoare si vesela. Are o mare capacitate de a iubi si cauta la randul ei certitudine si fidelitate. Cum trebuie sa arate o iubita ! Depinde de persoanele care am sa le cunosc !
nu sunt femela ideala.visez mult,vorbesc la fel de indragostesc rar iar atunci cand o fac e intens.atat de intens, incat cateodata ma doare propria-mi unele ocazii sunt femeie,in altele ma transform intr-un copil credibil si naiv
Sunt altruista,uneori naiva,romantica,sufletista, destul de comunicativa si sociabila.
Prietenii imi spun ca sunt prea buna pentru societatea in care traim.
Urasc minciuna si ipocrizia. I am cheerful, talented girl, I like to travel and get acquainted with new interesting people, sociable, I like to learn new things and discover new boundaries of myself. I'm young, very intelligent, I like to take care of myself. Cred ca destul de simpatic Caut o persoana care sa fie sincera,romantica,fidela,in care sa pot avea incredere in orice situatie,care sa ma respecte si sa ma accepte asa cum sunt si daca se poate...inteligenta
simpatica... resul sa spuna ceilalti. Eventual as mai adauga... haioasa si mereu vesela:D Sunt din Brasov, locuiesc in Detroit Michigan, divortata, imi place sa gatesc mancaruri traditionale romanesti, imi place sa pescuiesc. Nu-mi plac barbatii care pot sexul pe initialul plan.... Inaintea sentimentelor.. nu vreau sa ma laud sa ma distrez si sa-ma fac prieteni
Naturala, restu va las pe voi sa aflati... Sunt o persoana vesela, plina de viata, imi place sa fac glume si sa rad la glumele bune. Consider ca viata este eleganta si trebuie traita cu bucurie, armonie si echilibru. Pentru toate acestea este necesitate de doi oameni si desigur, iubire. Simpatica :)! Nice people!
o fata fara fitze.....sunt o fata simpla k calitatzi si defecte k absolut orice om...dar incerk p kat posibil s imi maskez defectele....... if you say gullible REEAAALLLYYYY slow, it sounds like O R A N G E S .. Ok, ok thats probably not true ;) but thats pretty much my sense of humor. I'm an open book and I am still trying to finish my own story but i'm missing a few pieces & well that's why i'm here. I'm a fun loving gal who loves having a good time, and truly believes laughter is the best medicine. Maybe sometimes I laugh too much, I'm a complet goofball, very random & sometimes I even shock myself by what comes out of my mouth but with that being said I know when to be serious and respect those traits in others as well. I'm very independent but far from being feminist. I'm not offended by a dirty joke and can dish one out of my own. I'm very sarcastic and believe sarcasm is my second language so bring it on boys I'm very eager to learn not only in my career but about life in general. I keep striving to push myself to be a better person & I want someone who will challenge me that way we can be eachothers partner in crime and bring out the best in one another. a��Hea��s not perfect. You aren't either, and the two of you will never be perfect. But if he can make you laugh at least once, causes you to think twice, and if he admits to being human and making mistakes, hold onto him and give him the most you can. He isna��t going to quote poetry, hea��s not thinking about you every moment, but he will give you a part of him that he knows you could break. Dona��t hurt him, dona��t change him, and dona��t expect for more than he can give. Dona��t analyze. Smile when he makes you happy, yell when he makes you mad, and miss him when hea��s not there. Love hard when there is love to be had. Because angelic guys dona��t exist, but therea��s always one guy that is idilic for you.a�� a�� Bob Marley binishor spun las p voi s va datzi parerea un baiat corespunzator mie:):P
pai sunt cam...tupeista,dar totodata rusinoasa:P.imi place mult sa calatorsc si sa imi fac,contactati-ma!!! Fara Separate nu ma intereseaza relatile pasajere caut Un Mascul Cu Capul pe Umeri care stie ce frea de la Viata Preferabil de Varsta Mea sau 6 ani maxim mai mare fara Supararare Domnilor de pe Acest Saite. nu sunt nici grasa,dar nici slaba.pot spune ca sunt chiar buna:)) multa distractie
Prea modesta ca sa ma descriu. I am very intelligent, energetic, loyal, respectful, positive, optimistic, romantic, caring, sensitive, compassionate, easy going, appreciative, monogamous, wit y, friendly, sincere, articulate, understanding, straightforward, flexible, adaptable, hardworking and easy to please. Importantly, I have a good sense of humor and like to laugh. I am a one man woman . I do not do drugs, do not abuse alcohol and do not play head games , i'm looking for a man that will love me,take good care of me,someone i can grow old with,someone with a good sense of humor and more.I dont intend to spend more than a day or 2 on this dating web to get connected to whosoever i want to connect with so if you seem the person i'm looking for,feel free to send me a message. Eu las pe alti sa observe. cred ca viata merita traita la maxim si indiferent ce prietenie sau experienta noua, pote sa o faca mai frumoasa. sperante...
sociabila glumeata distractiva comunicativa si curioasa Hi I am anjolika,180 cm long, blond hair, blue eyes, slim; starting to experience my bi feelings; I live in Holland/Netherlands and want to know other girls, with the same feelings/interests Are you interested to speak and meet me? Answer me then in FRENCH,GERMAN,ENGLISCH or DUTCH . Kisses anjolika. Please if you want contact sent me a email and NOT only put me on your list,because I send you a message also, so sent also a message to me. And if we chat I show my self , please show yourself also with a pic. I come in the next summer to your country. NO MEN PLEASE; MAN GET NOOOOO ANSWER NOOOOO ANSWER... atletica placut distractie prietenii comunicare probabil de ce nu o relatie stabila
buna la toata lumea SUnt O FaTa .... CreD Eu Ok .. imi PLashE sa ma DIsTrez AlaTUri De priEteni Mei ...
ResPeCTa'Ma si TE reSpeCt.... VIaTA MErGE asa ...
... Imi PLashE sa MA tot AraNjeZ dupa CUm VEZi .. Mereu un look Nou .. ....
Gandire pozitiva, optimista, rafinata, cu bun simt, sportiva, sensibila...etc. Pe scurt: sunt multumita asa cum sunt...dar las si pe cei din jur sa-si spuna ca ar conta prea mult... МР�Ð �Ñ � Ð �Ð �Ð �уÑa�� Ekaterina. Ð � Ña��Ð �Ña��у Ð �Ð grade Ð �Ña��Ð � Ð �уР�Ña��Ð �Ð �у Ð �Ð �Ñ � Ñ �Ð �Ña��ÑŒÑa��Ð �Ð �Ña��Ña�� Ð �Ña��Ð �Ð �шР�Ð �Ð �Ð �. va las pe voi sa apreciati acest lucru...Mi se spune de obicei ca sunt superok! barbat necasatorit, tandru, cu bun simt, sincer, corect, cu simtul umorului,sportiv, dispozitie materiala buna, care sa ma bine-dispuna si daca e capabil., sa-mi aduca si un strop de iubire
nu imi place sa fiu mintita....imi place sa fiu iubita!!!! Prima data or pagina aceasta, eu sint asistenta medical?, iubesc sa c?l?toresc si sa vad lumea....imi vor o rela?ie gratioasa care sa devin? serioas?, am un b?ie?el de 7 ani care tat?l lui a murit cind a fost mai mic si il iubesc din toate inima....doresc respect, placere in via?a si stabilitate...VA ROG CERERI NUMAI DIN STATELE UNITE SI MESAJE. INTRE VIRSTA DE 29 si 43 NUMAI DIN STATELE UNITE buna ......buna pe tine!