Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
fff sexy nebunatica pritenoasa nu prea stiu ce sa spun despre mine decat ca ma consider perechea ideala ptr aproape orice mascul singur I am honest and sincere, not only in what I say, but also in everything I do. You can say that I am old-fashioned, but family values are most important to me. I am hardworking and purposeful, responsible, reliable and do not like to be late. I love order in everything. I am also a real lady, gentle, caring, gentle and feminine. fara celulita sani mari nici obeza nici slabanoaga sunt potrivita poate imi fac si un iubit
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
draguta.plina de viata si dornica I'm caring, understanding and down-to-earth person. I'm pretty with slim and slender body. I am a loving daughter and a reliable friend. I lead a healthy and athletic way of life. Like doing some swimming. I like to smile and I think that smile can tell a lot. I am not optimistic and reliable person for my family and my future man. I love life in all aspects. I'm also adventurous and love's trying new things out. In terms of relationship, I'm loyal and faithful to the man that I will truly with for the rest of my life. I like simple and peaceful life draguta foc (dupa cum vedeti):))
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Sunt o persoana serioasa, putin plictisitoare, egoista , interesanta Hello everyone here, my name is Elina, I am a from Serbia but live in the US, I am single and ready to mingle, I am a simple young lady looking for a simple and serious man that is ready for the future, I am not here for games or joke, I have come to realize that we are nothing without a partner. I mean someone who would stand by me no matter the situation. A man who I can say, he alone has the right to be manly irritating to me (lol). A wizard who would protect me like a lioness would do her cub (lol). And I can promise to protect him beyond all vices. A man who tells me, honey, you can do it, no matter what I want to do Simpatica Caut o persoana care are valori morale, principii si intelect, simtul umorului, capacitatea de a bine dispune, un suflet rational, si o persoana educata deasemenea.
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
I am woman of hope,independent and am not into head games or disappointment or trying to hurt some oneas life to make life easier to live for me.Never i am not here to hurt any living soul like me and i will never allow any man to hurt my life or play games with my heart, thatas why i have been living with honest and use honest and sincerity as my watchword. And am not going into divorce, never i will not do that because i donat have believe in such thing
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Pentru inceput nu e necesitate sa ma intalnesti, ma poti cunoaste din cuvinte... Imi vor un suflet care sa-mi alunge cu o clipire si o atingere perfect indiferent ce indoiala care mi-ar apasa gandul...care sa ma tina de mana pe parcursul vietii. Dragostea merge mana-n mana cu respectul si increderea in viata de cuplu si nu numai, in viata de zi cu zi in general. Sa iubesti din suflet constituie sa-ti gasesti casa in aceasta lume, sa-ti gasesti locul in aceasta viata...sa te simti la locul potrivit, sa fii acolo unde trebuie sa fii si sa nu mai cauti nimic. Nicicand nu este prea tarziu pentru un nou inceputaŠ.
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Cercetatorii au descoperit ca "sunt gata in cinci minute" al femei inseamna acelasi fapt cu "ajung acasa in cinci minute" al unui mascul . . . . . . . . Nu mai caut nimic, dar daca gasesc, s-ar putea sa ma razgandesc.
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
...eu... Sunt o doamna onesta si cu o inima de aur, dupa cum spun cei care ma cunosc. Iubesc binele din oameni, indragesc orice fiinta si urmaresc sa cultiv o atitudine pozitiva si optimista moment de clipa. Caut un partener loial, matur sufleteste si cu o gandire rafinata. Rog seriozitate. ...diferit... ...iubire...
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
pai sunt destul de admirata:)) Am a female nurse by profession with a good job and all that comes am independent, but in some ways am pretty traditional. I have one son who i look after, After the dead of my late sister . Am outgoing so i have many friends and like to get out on the weekends to enjoy music, dancing, karaoke, , comedy shows, movies, dinner, walks, drives, picnics, BBQs and sightseeing, etc. I would like to get back into hiking, camping, canoeing, and kayaking. I like to stay home, eat in , and watch a movie by the fire when it's cold though. sexy si placuta caut un barbat
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Iubesc pictura ma fascineaza masinile de teren I am a woman who loves to bring beauty to this world. I like to do cute things for my loved ones and realizate coziness and keep the family hearth. I keep a healthy lifestyle, don't have bad habits. I think It is impossible to be completely happy if there is no man with whom you can share your secrets. I am looking for an educated, intelligent man who can take care of his family. He should make right and wise decisions, organize family life and be an example to follow for children. Un forma fizic agreabil Un barbat simplu plin de viata
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
HAIOASA My name is Elena I am 27 years old. I can describe myself as a kind, trustful and sensitive woman, I am very romantic, sociable, positive. I never give up and always try to find the pluses even in the sad events in my life. VEZI POZE.......DA-TI CU PAREREA!
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
draguta Astazi am inceput ziua cu un zambet ...zambet pe care ti-l dariesc tie....pe care vreau sa-l daruiesti tipilor din jurul tau ... ...iti va fi mult mai usor sa daruiesti ceva ce deja ai..!!!! DECI ZAMBESTE si totul ti se va parea mai frumos, nu se stie nicicand cine tanjeste dupa zambetul tau !!! placut....
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
I am divorced ,i know what i want and know when i meet the right person for me. do not like game players ,man that cheat,lie,and put a women down ,,Not interested in married man or separated ,,,,,i am clean ,caring,loyal,and looking for a man that is ready to settle down ,IF YOU ARE WIDOWER ,SINGLE DAD,ONLY ONE PICTURE ON YOUR PROFILE ,,,,,KEEP LOOKING DO NOT BOTHER TO MESSAGE ME ,YOU ARE WAISTING YOUR TIME AND MINE .
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Va voi spune pe scurt cam ce`mi place la mine si ce nu!
[Ce Imi Place la mine] : Ca sunt unica, originala (in felul meu), cuceritoare, ambitioasa, romantica, creeativa, spontana, sociabila, onesta, sincera, confidenta, prietenoasa, dau sfaturi bune (asa zic prietenii mei). Pai...eu din punctul meu de vedere sunt BUNA :D acuma depinde si de gusturi nu? oricum aspectul fizic nu conteaza...in totalitate...! byeee! Momentan nu caut nimic stau aici doar asa din obisnuinta...si oricum veridica iubire n`o poti gasi pe un site...cel putin asta e parerea mea...! aaa si app cu mesajele alea anonime... :) lasati`va de meserie fratilor...ca nu ma intimidati cu mesajele alea de inculti sincer :)
Femeie, 39, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
I am open minded,friendly,caring, lovely,honest, considerate,faithful and have real good sense of humor. My favorite hobbies would include the outdoors,and all kinds of sporting activities,hiking,day trips,movies, cooking,and most anything that makes both partners happy
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Draguta si sincera...simple&sweet!:) I am here for the right purpose; to meet a serious man; to have a relationship and to live happily. I am an open girl, very friendly and faithful! By the way I cook very well and I need somebody special to test my dishes! Las la aprecierea altora... sincer si "cu capul pe umeri"....un adevarat gentleman!
O relatie serioasa sau just friends.
Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Building a relationship based on love, trust, mutual shared values, mutual respect and perhaps appreciation is my priority. This is the type of connection which involves a blending of the energy fields of two people in a very harmonious way. I desire to feel that unique closeness with my future partner, when there will be no topics that we could not discuss, where understanding would reign and we would solve any difficulties easily, respecting each other as individuals and caring of each other's feelings. It will surely result in more fulfilling life.
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
buna si nebuna chiar ce dragoste care nu are la bazĂ prietenia, este ca un castel produs pe nisip;stiind sĂ asculti vei profita si de pe urma celor care vorbesc rĂ u; argumentle nu conving pe nimeni;nici-un fapt mĂ ret din lume nu a fost concretizat fĂ rĂ pasiune; cele mai frumoase lucruri nu pot fi vĂ zute sau atinse trebuie sĂ le simti cu inima... printre toate florile lumii sunt si eu o flore, culege-mĂ de poti.. buna!!!
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Sunt o persoana linistita,sensibila,sincera. I love to laugh and have fun but am responsible and level-headed with good common sense. I can lead or follow depending on the situation, and am not afraid to speak up or share my opinions. I like to travel, shop, eat out, but also enjoy dinner at home, a good book, or a movie at home, especially snuggled up with someone unic Sunt o sotie normala Vreau sa-mi fac prieteni
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
o fire optimista,intotdeauna cu zambetul pe buze.Imi plac oamenii sinceri! ....Viata asta e un lung sir de pasi,de treceri de la ceva spre mereu altceva,de undeva catre altundeva,de la ceva ce stii inspre necunoscut!Èi cu fiecare pas fabricat fiecare aeuaal tau se schimba si devine mai atent,mai curios,mai plin de intrebari,mai matur!Èi il duci pe fiecare catre necunoscut,catre maturitate,catre raspunsuri ce par pierdute in eternitate!Faci un pas mic si fiecare atua vine dupa tine cu increderea ca mergi pe drumul bun si ca viata nu te va pocni in fata sau din spate!Treci prin frig,prin indiferentele unora construindu-ti poduri,construindu-ti pasii catre propria si necunoscuta destinatie!Oare destinatia asta inseamna o parte din infinit?! 1,71...bolnda,ochii verzi...
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
blonda sexi pai despre mn ce pot sa zic,in 2 cuvinte nu reusesc sa ma descriu....in fraza e prea mult....scurt si la obiect poate reusesc:vorbareata,vesela , optimista;cuvinte cheie care deschid o parere. asa sunt eu!nu ma pot schimba....si nici nu as face-o! vrei sa te respect?respecta-ma pt ceea ce sunt nu pt ceea ce ai vrea sa fiu... placut un mascul simpatic, nu forte inalt si sincer...
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
bruneta,ochi caprui Locuiesc in sudul Londrei de 5 ani; calatoresc cat pot de mult. Fac tracking cat pot de des. Imi place sa gatesc si sa experimentez in domeniul gastronomic. Sunt fotograf amator. Citesc, scriu poezii si jurnal de calatorie, joc sah la nivel mediu. Sunt o fire joviala si sociabila. Urasc minciuna si situatiile penibile. placut depinde ce mi se transmite
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Inca mai cred in Mos Craciun :)) Ce este dragostea? Atunci cand il privesti pe celalalt si se raceste mancarea in farfurie :)) Pentru ca sunt o rara avis ,de fauna si flora majoritara nu sunt interesata.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
i have been waiting all my Life for the man who will admire my god given Beauty instead of hurting my Feelings , who will console me when nature treat me bad , who will stay awake just to watch me sleep, who will show me off to all his friends because he doesn't care, who will hold my hands in front of his friends, who is constantly reminding me how much he cares for me if you are that you Special one please inbox me here Thanks
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
sunt o fire sociabila s imi place sa am multi prieteni~~ :-* In cateva cuvinte nu se pot spune numeroase lucruri.Imi place sa iubesc dar si sa fiu iubita si respectata in acelasi timp.Daca aceste conditii nu sunt indeplinite o relatie nu poate sa dureze.Stam de vorba numai daca crezi ca-mi poti indeplini cerintele...Sunt cam dura...dar asta sunt eu!... Perche sono anche i uominii italiani chi se trova qui possiamo dire poche parole.Sono una donna seria e voglio una relatione seria e vivere la vita tranquila,mi piace amare e voglio esere amata e rispetata.Non voglio aventure....Questa sono io...Se ti piace bene se no....Voglio molta seriosita! sunt bruneta am ochii verzi , am 1.60 si 43 kg ! prieteni !!
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
sunt o fire sensibila stiu sa iubesc si nu in ultimu rand stiu sa respect persoana de langa mine I like hiking, biking, golfing and traveling. I like spontaneous trips to share and learn. I hope to find an intelligent, interesting and attractive man for a relationship that is beneficial to both of us. inalta slabutza ...par saten ochii verzi... un barbat sa ma iubeasca sa ma respecte si sa fie educat
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
O pers sociabila..in cautare de cat mai multi prieteni "Cine sunt!?... o nevasta impresionata de descoperirile sufletului, o sotie care se mira cu sinceritate de pulsatiile unei inimi, o prietena care crede ca primeste daruri pretioase, ascunse intr-o privire sau intr-un zambet, o iubita "agresiv de sincera si cu simtul umorului restul se intreaba, cine vrea.... despre mine... o femeie...simpla si complicata in acelasi timp...ma regasesc in multe lucruri pe care le vad...ma regasesc in cerul senin al primaverii, in soarele arzator al verii, pentru ca imi place vara si deseori asa sunt si eu... lumnioasa ca o zi de vara, ma regasesc in toamna melancolica, in frunzele ce cad triste pe alei pentru ca de destul de multe ori melancolica sunt si eu...iar cateodata ma regasesc in neaua alba a iernii, in cristalele mici de gheata...cateodata mi-e frig...si deseori sunt trista...momente in care singuratatea si linistea sunt lucrurile de care am nevoie...iubesc probabil asa cum face indiferent ce femeie...sunt un amestec de sentimente, de senzatii care de care mai contrarii...iubesc, urasc, plang, rad, sufar, cad si ma ridic de fiecare data! eu...sunt un melanj de sentimente, un amestec de coloratii calde si reci, sunt ploia ce cade din cer, sunt in picaturile care se prabusesc de asfaltul negru, cenusiu, sunt zambetul sunt adierea de vant , sunt apa .. Nu caut imposibilul, dar accept doar persoane serioase, decente , cu bun simt care pot aprecia valorile umane si tot ce fiecare clipa ne confera in mersul nostru cotidian. Multumesc.. celor care inteleg..!!! Cat se poate d simpatik Nimic deosebit
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
hmmm...detest sa ma descriu ... I am a positive and active woman who takes all the best from life. I love children and I am a caring woman and always worry about my closest people. I like to give people a smile. It all begins with a smile. I want to give you my first smile, which will be remembered to you as one of the most pleasant moments hmmm... 58 kg :D caut sa socialiezez...sau sa leg prietenii
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Sunt o fire destul de vesela, sincera si directa. Ma deranjeaza cumplit minciuna si tradarea. I'm searching for my match and I've decided that I have a lot of love to give and it's time to start enjoying life and knowing new people again. I enjoy dancing, going out with friends, concerts and traveling. Sunt relativ inalta,satena, am parul ondulat, dar mi-l si indrept, ochi caprui, arat destul de bn, dar poate ar mai necesita sa slabesc putin... Caut un baiat sincer, discret, cu simtul umorului si dragut...
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Sunt o fata simpla, frumoasa,destepta si iubitoare . I\'m full of life and passion. I\'m down to earth, respectful , confident and very positive. I\'m very passionate in giving and receiving back as well. I live life with a lot of joy. I appreciate the simple things in life, I believe that the little things in life are worth more then anything. I keep away from drama as much as possible. I\'m a person who doesn\'t like to plays games, so, therefore I don\'t like people who play games. I\'m very affectionate, loving, playful but very sharp. I\'m open to trying new things at anytime. I would like someone with their on interests and beliefs and that will pull me into their world and teach me what they are all about. I\'m known to be a sweet person but I do have a temper when I need to stand my ground. I believe strongly in communication so, therefore, I\'m not afraid to speak my mind but always with the respect that the person deserves. I\'m serious here I\'m looking for my best friend and my mate, please don\'t get any ideas that I\'m looking for a sugar daddy. I enjoy Psychology, dancing and photography. I\'m not religious but i do consider myself spiritual.I enjoy Foreign movies too. I\'m also into learning new languages and learning other type of cultures. There is so much i can say about myself about I\'m pretty much an open book and have no secrets. Draguta si respectoasa si cuminte. caut un baiat / mascul prudent ,respectos. Sa ne putem intelege reciproc si sa ne sprijinim.....
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Dulce..copilaroasa....si devreme acasa..a...si fff pupacioasa..hihihi:*:*:* Am a female nurse by profession with a good job and all that comes am independent, but in some ways am pretty traditional. I have one son who i look after, After the dead of my late sister . Am outgoing so i have many friends and like to get out on the weekends to enjoy music, dancing, karaoke, , comedy shows, movies, dinner, walks, drives, picnics, BBQs and sightseeing, etc. I would like to get back into hiking, camping, canoeing, and kayaking. I like to stay home, eat in , and watch a movie by the fire when it's cold though.
Femeie, 38, Casatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
optimista si ambitioasa! I do not smoke or drink, I am christian, Virgo. I like Dining, Outdoor Activities, Reading, Watching Sports. I want a man that is not too hurt and not too hard to trust again and can give himself to a woman like to be loved and taken care of in a way that will bring him joy of life and an appreciation he will look forward to every day, to spend the rest of my life with., I am looking for man that is tender hearted, kind, considerate of others needs, one that would appreciate having a woman that would love him in a way that heas not been loved before. placuta prietenii
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
Iubesc armonia,comunicarea,logica,frumosul,muzica,dansul natura in general,soarele si marea in special,copiii,animalele,oamenii de bine,pacea.Albumul foto ma (re)prezinta! IT:Amo la comucazione,la logica,la bellezza,la musica,la danza,la natura in generale,sole e mare, in particolare,i bambini,gli animali,brava gente,la pace.Il album foto mi (ri)presenta!FR:J aime la communication,la logique,la beaute,la musique,la nature en general,le soleil et mer,en particuler,les enfants,les animaux,bonne gents,la paix.Mon album photo,me (re)presente!
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Marasesti, Vrancea Romania
cine vrea sa afle sa descopere solitar I`m 5`7" 120 with a athletic build , mentally stable, physically fit, a bunch of laughs, warm,I am real easy person to talk to and a good listener,caring, honest, God Fearing, and a positive person. I love to play golf and I enjoy chillin` with my friend/family , I like going to the movies , or watching movies in my room , I like swiming , fishing, listening to music and dance to any kind of music, traveling , going bowling and also a good cook.I am a family oriented person and There is more, but it would be better for you to find some things out for yourself.. las la aprecierea celorlalti prieteni pt k intodeauna e bine sa faci noi cunostine